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CHAPTER Di FITTINGS AND CONNECTIONS. BOLTED AND RIVETED. Di.1 Introduction, ‘The ideal flight vohtcle structure would de the single complete unit of the sane material| involving one manufacturing operation. Un- fortunately the present day types of materials and their method of working dictates a composite] structure. Furthermore general requirenents of repair, maintenance and stonage dictate a structure of several main units held to other units by main or primary fittings or con- nections, with each untt incorporating many primary and secondary connections involving fittings, bolts, rivets, welding, etc. No doubt main or primary fittings involve more weight and cost per unlt volume than any other Part of the aerospace structure, and therefore fitting and Joint design plays an important part in aerospace structural desten. 1.2. Economy in Fitting Design. For structural economy the structural designer in the inttial layout of the flight vehicle should strive to use a minimm number of fittings particularly those fittings con necting units which carry large loads. Thus in a wing structure splicing the main beam flanges or introducing fittings near the centerline of the airplane are far more costly than splices or fittings placed farther out- board where member sizes and loads are con- siderably smaller. Avoid changes in direction of heavy members Such as wing beans and fuso~ lage longerons as these involve heavy fittings. If Joints are necessary in continuous beams place then near points of inflection in order that the bending moments to be transferred through the Joint be kept of small magnitude. In column design with end fittings avold intro~ @uctng eccentricities on the bean and on the other hand make use of the fitting to increase column end fixity thus compensating sone of the weight increase due to ritting weight by saving in the weight of the beam. For economy of fabrication, the structural designer should have a good knowledge of shop processes and operations. The cost of fitting fabricetion and assembly varies greatly with the| type of fitting, shape and the required toler- ances. Poor layout of major fitting arrangement| may require very expensive tools and jigs for shop fabrication and assembly. Fittings 11kewise.add considerably to the cost of inspection and rejections of costly fittings because of faulty workmanship or materials are quite frequent, thus adding greatly to the untt cost. D1LS Fitting Design Loads. Minimum Margins of Safety. As discussed tn other chapters, Limit loads are the maxtmun loads, which & Tight vehicle may be subjected to during its 1ite- ‘timo, when carrying out the required ground and flight operations. The limit loads mst be carried by the structure without exceeding the yield stress of tho material used in the structure. The ultimate or design loads are the Limit loads multiplied by a factor of safety, usually 1.5 for aircraft and less for missiles. The structure must have suffictent strength to carry the ultimate or design loads without fallure. ‘The normal flight vehtele structure in volves many parts which are Joined together by various types of connections, In general, an additional blanket factor of safety is required for design of these connections. This blanket factor of safety is nommally 1.15 to 1.20. The stress analysis of most connections or fittings is more complicated than for the primary structural menbers due to such factors as com- dined stresses, stress concentration, bolt-hole tightness, ete., thus an additional factor of safety is necessary to give a similar degree of strength reliability for connections as provided in the strength design of the members being connacted. DL.4 Special or Higher Factors of Safety. A dlanket factor of safety for all types of fittings or load conditions 1s not logical. The manner {n which a load 1s applied to a Joint often involves a dynamic or shock load, as for example Joints or fittings in landing gear. Single pin connections often undergo rotation or movement between adjacent parts, thus pro- ducing faster wearing anay of matertal in oper~ ation. Repeated loads often present a fatigue problem. In an airplane or missile there are certain main fittings which, if they failed, would definitely cause the loss of the vehicle. Thus the design fitting requirements of the nilitary and civil aviation agencies involve many special or higher factors of safety. This, is so particularly in design involving castings. Ditpie FITTINGS AND CONNECTIONS. D1.5 Alreraft Bolts. ‘The alreraft bolt 1s used primarily to transfer relatively large shear or tenston loads trom one structural menber to another. Fig. Di1 shows threo standard atreratt bolts in common use. There are other types but they will not be presented in this Limited chapter on connections. Hexagon Head clevis Interne) wrenching, ‘The hexagon head bolt is an Arny-Navy standard bolt made from SAR 2330-3.5 percent nickel steel, heat treated to an ultimate tonsile strength of 125,000 psi. The bolt head 4s of sufficient size as to develop the full tensile strength of the bolt. ‘The internal-wrenching bolt 1s a high strength steel bolt usually heat treated fron 160,000 to 180,000 pst. It is especially suitable for min splice fittings because of its high strength and the relatively small space roquired for tho belt head. ‘The clevis bolt 1s referred to as a stear dolt decause its head 1s not designed to dovelop the full tenstle strength of the bolt. ‘The clevis bolt 1s usually used when a group or cluster of bolts 1s required to transfer a load by shear loads on the bolte. ‘The smaller bolt heads thus save weight and also provice groator bolt head clearances. The clevis bolt Will develop about one half the tensfle streng: of the standard AN nexagen nead bolt. ‘The three bolts are also maie trom aluminun| alloy for diamters over 1/4 inch. In many fitting designs weight can be saved by using aluminim alloy bolts. Gengral Rules in Using Bolts Bolt threads should not be placed in Dearing or shear. The length of the bolt shank should be such that not ore than one thread extends below fitting surface, which can be done by the use of washers. Bolts less than 5/8 dianeter should not be used in major fittings. For steol volts, ¢/16 BOLTED AND RIVETED. Imeh diameter should be the smallest size to be used in any fitting. Bolts comecting parts having relative motion or stress reversal should have close ‘tolerances to decrease shock loads. For bolts conecting meabers having rela~ ‘tive motion a lubricator should be incorporated in the surrounding parts of the fitting; the fitting should not be drilled to provide lusri- cation. Bolte should be used in double or aultiple sheer if possible in order to Increase strength effictency in bolt shear and to decrease bending ‘tendency on dolt. 1.6 Alreraft Nuts. Fig. 01.2 1llustrates four standard stool, aircraft mite, Nut mtorial te nore ductile ‘than bolt material, thus when the nut 1s Uigntensa the threads will derlect to seat on the bolt threads. ‘The Castle nut 1s probably the most common atreraft nut. It develops the full rated strength of the bolts, Tae nut has slots mitied in it so that nuts can be prevented fron turning. ‘The Shear nut is only one half as thick as the Castle nut, and thus has only threads enough to develop one half of bolt tensile strength. It is used with a clevis bolt which has a srrew ariver slot to limit the torsion in tightening the nut. The nut 19 also castellated for cotter pin lock. ia: - 4 i CASTLE NUT SHEARNUT PLAIN NUT SELF LOCKING AN@ 310 AN=320) 0 AN-SIB— AC 365 Fig. DLL? ‘The Plain nut which 1s very seldom used in present design ts used for permanent locations and 1s locked by "peering" or riveting the end of the bolt over tne nut, an operation which destroys the bolt protective coating or finish. Aluninun Alloy Nuts. Alumimm alloy nuts are riot us jolts designed for tension. Sometimes aluminum alloy nuts are usad on steel bolts on land planes to save weight provided the bolts are cadmium plated. If the bolt ts used in places where th nut is repeatedly removed, neither bolt or nut should be aluminam alloy Decause of the danger of injuring the relatively sort threads. éSelf Locking Nuts, Self locking mits are wigelpasee Tr STTOTER Andustry and there are @ number of types on the market. Fig. D1.2 chows one type of self locking mut involving a fiber insert. When the bolt reaches the fiber collar it tends to push the fiber up because the hole in the collar 1s smaller than the dolt, and 1a not thresded. The fiber ring thus sets up a heavy dowmverd pressure on the bolt automatically throwing tho load carrying sito of the nut and bolt threads into positive contact. Thus all play 1n the threads is ellainated and a friction 1s set up between every bolt and nut thread in constant. This constant pressure which 1s maintained on threads, provides the friction which prevents nut fron moving under vibration. ‘The use of the self locking mit redures the assembly costs as it eliminates the botherscne cotter pin which takes extra operations of the mechanic and 19 very difficult to install on the mut in the many Joints and corners of an airplane. In anotuer type of self locking mut, the Locking} force 13 provided by the spring action of the upper part of a specially designed mut. 1.7 Bolt Shear, Tension & Bending Strengths. Tedle D1.1 gives the section properties and the ultimato shear, tonsion and bending strengths for AN Standard Steol bolts at room teuporature. Fig. DL.8 shone the correction to be applied to the strength values in Table D1.1 when volts aze subjected to elevated tomperatures. Table D1.2 gives the tensile and dowle shear strengths of Steel Internal Wrenching tolts. Table Dl.2a gives ultimate sheer, tension and bending strengths for alininus alloy bolts. Tha value of Fp, the modulus of rupture, wes determined by the mothod given in Chapter C3. ‘wupate sat, Tenge @ beng ‘Rrenphe ot AN See Bet (8p = 18,008 Foye 15,0, My = 28000) feoer | Se on ‘oer at | a tat ‘irene =o oul ig | is “e007 5 380 a se | G8 | is oe | ke | 8 a) Be | 8 Be | 28 #2 | 38 0 “100290 300 400° 500 600 Table D1.2 Ultimate Shear and Tensile Srengthe of Steel Internal Wrenching Bolts (Fty = 160,000) ult. | Double unt. | Double size | rensite | Shear | size | Tensile | Shear Dia. | strength | strengin | Dia. | strength | strengtn Tbe, The. Tbs, | Ibe. va | 6,190 | 9,300 | s/a | 43,600 | 58,200 o/ie | s,a20 | 14,600 | 37a | ¢3,200 | 83, 00 3/8 | 15,200 | 21,000 | 7/8 | 66,100 | 114, 200 ‘w/e | 20,000 | 26,000 | 1.0 | 114,000 | 140, 200 yz | 27,400 | 37,300 | 1-1/8 | 144, 000 | 188, 300, ofre | 34,000 | 47,200 | 1-1/4 | 160, 000 | 233, 200 Table D1.2a Ultimate Shear, Tensile and Bending Strengths of 2024 Aluminum Alloy Bolts bi. SHEAR TENSION Fyy-38,000 | Fiy-62,000 si6 1, 058 ve 1,995 s16 3) 108 3/8 4,937 16 6603 yr 9108 ove 11, 563 5/8 178 vt 21, 873 v8 29, 520 1.0 9,759, 1.8 Bolts in Combineé Shear ard Tenston. Wnen bolts are subjected to both shear and tension loads, the resulting strength 1s given by the following interaction equetion:~ (Ref. 1 2) tir Sse eee (D261) wnere, x = shsar load y = teaston load ; a = shear allowable load from Table D1.1 = tension allowable load from Table 01.1 Figs. Dl. and D1.5 1s a plot of equation for the vartous AN steel bolt sizes. The curves are not applicable where shear nuts are used. ‘The curves are based on the results of combined load tests with nuts fingertight, D1. 81 Bushings, It 1s customary to provide bushings in the lugs of single bolt or pin fittings subjected to reversal of stress or to slight rotation. ‘Thus 1f wear and tear takes place a new bushing can bo inserted in the lug fitting. Steel dushings are commonly used in aluminum alloypit FITTINGS AND CONNECTIONS. Pinos Fy interaction Forma asf Gaede! Woere: = Shear Load 432 ANG-S Shear Allowable 20 Hi 2 ANG-$ Pension Allowable ‘TENSION LOAD 1% THOUSANDS OF PoENDS z a e = 0 18-720 Fesnoe 25 SHEAR LOAD IX THOUSANDS OF POUNDS Fig. D1.4 Combined shear and Tension on AN Stee! ‘Botte (Pty = 125, 000, Fy ~ 75, 090) Where: yTeneton Load {TLANG-8 Shoat Allowsbioe DBEANC-8 Tension Allow: alee Interaction Formula Av) io 2030 SHEAR LOAD IN THOUSANDS OF POUNDS a0 8 6 1 a0 90 100 Fig. DI.5 Combined Shear and Tension on AN Steel Bolte BOLTED AND RIVETED. single bolt fitting lugs to increase the allor- able bearing stress on the lug since the bushing increases the bearing diameter 1/6 inch since bushings are usually 1/16 inch in wall thickness. If bushings are not used on single dolt connections sufficient edge distance should be provided to ream hole for next size dolt in case of excessive wear of the unbushed hole. If considerable rotation occurs a lubricator should be provided for a plein bushing or an o11-impregnated pusning snowla be used. DLO Single Bolt Fitting. Possibly the simplest method of Joining ‘two menbers together 1s the use of a single bolt or pin connocticn. Suche Joint can trano- mit relatively large loads and yet the Joint is easily and quickly disconnected. Fig. 01-6 Lllustrates the four general methods of comecting to menbers by a single bolt. First the connection 1s nade symmetrical about the centerline of the load on the joint. ‘Thus 1s Fig. D1.6a the load P on the male part of the fitting divides equally snd symmetrically to the two female plates or units witch make up part of the fitting unit. If tho mle and female parts of the connection are to be tied together by a single bolt it 18 evident that the connecting plates will be weakened due to the bolt hole unless extra material 1s added at the bolt hole section. Pig. Dl.6a stows a fitting consisting of three rectangular plates of uniform section throughout fastened together by a single bolt. Obviously the weak section for the plates in tension would bee section through the center Line of the hole, If this section ts strong enough to carry the given losds, then tne re- maining part of the fitting members are considerably over strengtn. To avoid this over-strength which moans extra netent of fitting units, a single bolt fitting unit 1s often made 11ke ong of the examples indicated in Fig: b, ¢ and d of Fig. 01.6. In Fig. b, the plates are mide constant thickness but Increased in width in the vicinity of the hols section. In fig. c, the wiath of the plates 18 kept constant tut the thickness of the plates ere increased in the vicinity of the hole section, and in Fig. d, both width and thickness of plates are changed: D110 Mothodo of Failure of Single Bolt Fitting and the Allowable Failing Louds. AS the losd on a fitting 1s transferred from one side of the fitting to the other, in ternal stresses are produced which tend to cause the Titting to fail in several different ways.Dus Pig. DIE Fatlure by Bolt shear, In Fig. D1.7 the bushing is not continuous between the plates, but eaca of the three plates have separate bushings. As the pull P is placed on the fitting 1t tonds to choar tho Delt et sections (1-1) end (2-2), (Fig. D1.7a). Fig. D1-7 11lustrates the forces or pressures on the bolt and the failure which can take place if the stresses are sufficient. Lot Py represent the maximum or ultinate lead on the fitting. This force Py must be resisted by the shear strength of the bolt at the two sections (1-1) and (2-2). Hence a Fu(oit shear) * where Fgy = ultinate shearing stress for bolt natorial. A= cross-sectional area of bolt. ‘The nain concern regarding bolt bending is thet under the limtt loads any bending deflection of the bolt be not permanent as such deformation would make removal of the bolt aitficult. ‘Tho subjoct of bolt bending stresses 1s discussed ina later article. Fatlure of Lug Portion of Fitting. ‘The lug portion of the fitting refers to ‘tit portion of the fitting that involves the hole for the single bolt that connects the male and female parts of the fitting unit. The simplified ascumstions regarding failing action and the resulting equations which follow have eon widely used for quick approxinate check of the lug strength. The procedure whitch follows will be referred to as Method 1. 6) ie oi Fig, DL.9 ye «{ 0){ Coen ws @ sesh © Fig. D110 me Tet MSTHOD 1 OF BOLT & WG STRENGTH ANALYSIS Fallure in Tension. Fig. D1.8 indicates how a fitting plate can pull apart dio te tonoicn stresses on a section ‘through the centerline of the bolt hols. Both the male and female parts of the fitting must transfer the load past the centerline of the hole, thus both yarts must be considerad in the design of a fitting. Equating the allowable load Fy to the ultimate resisting tensile stresses at points (a) and (b) Fig. D1.8, ne obtain, = Fey (2R=D)t (2) Purtension) whore Pyy = ultimate tensile strength of plate material. Equation (2) assumes that the tensile stress on the cross-section 1s uniforn. This 1s not true as the flow of stress around the hole causes @ stress concentration. To take care of this stress concentration requires a margin of safety of 26 percent. Fatlure by Shear Tear Out Fig. Dl. tllustrates the manner in which failure can occur by the shearing tear out of @ plate sector in front of the bolt. In Fig. a,DLs FITTINGS AND CONNECTIO} tthe load P causes the bolt (not shonn) to press on the plate around tho bolt holo odgo. Stresses are produced which tend to cause the portion (a) in Fig, (>) to tear out as show. Equating the load Py to tho ultinete shear resistance of the material tines the area of ‘the two shear out areas, wo can write, * Fay Ay Pu(shoar out) where Fey = ultimate shearing strength of the plate material. Ag = shear out area, It 18 very comon practice to take the shear out area Ag equal to the edge distance at the centerline of the hole times the thickness t of the plate times tno since there are two shear areas. This ts slightly con- servative because the actual shear area ts larger. Ref. 1 permits one to uso the area along line 1-1 which 1s limited by the 40 degree line as show in Fig. D1.8c. Failure by Bearing of Bushing on Plate. In Fig. Dl.10a, the pull P causes the bolt (not shown} to pres® against bushing wall which in turn presses against the plate wall. If the prosoure is high enough the plate matertal ad- Jacent to the hole will start to crush and flow ‘thus allowing the bolt and bushing to move whieh results In the elongated hole as illustrated in Fig. b. Equating the load Ry to ‘the ultimate bearing strength on the bearing surtaces we can write, Pus Po Dt where For D lowable bearing stress diameter of bushing t = plate thickness It 1s good practice to require a mrgin of safety of 50 percent. Fallure by Bearing of Bolt Bushing A bushing 1s pressed into the plate hole and thus it 1s considered as a tight fit. A fitting bolt 1s usually considered as removable ‘therefore « certain tolerance between the tolt and bushing inside diameters te necessary tn order to insert and remove bolt. If fitting 1s Subjected to reversipie loads the small slop in the fitting tends to cause shock on the fitting. Also the fitting may be such that slight rotation takes place on the bolt, which tends to cause wear between bolt and bushing. It 1s thorefore customary to check the bearing pressure between the dolt and the bushing since fallure of the bushing could take place ina manner explained in the previous article deal ing with bearing of Dusning on plate. Then BOLTED AND RIVETED as before, Pye Ppp Dt --- Where D = bolt diameter A nargin of safety of 50 percent should be maintained. If the fitting 1s subjected to infrequent rotation under Toad but with load Invelving no shock or vibration, require a margin of eafoty of 100 percent. If shock or vibration with infrequent rotation 1s present, require a margin of safety of 150 percent. Shock 1s considered to occur in such structures as landing gears, gun mounts, hoisting, mooring and towing comections. Gonorai Comment on Margins of Safety for Lugs In general 1t is good design practice to design luge conservativoly as the weight of lugs 1s small relative to thetr importance in insuring the safety of the flight vehicle. In- accuracies in manufacture are difficult to control. It 18 good design practice to provide suffictent material to permit drilling for a bushing If bushing te not used in original design. If castings ere used as fittings, much higher factors of safety on the limit loads are specified because of the low ductibility of the material in castings. D1. 11 Method 2. Lug Strength Analysis Under Axial Leading. Dus to 4 comprehensive study and test program by Cozzone, Melcon and Hobbit (Refs. 3 and 4), the procedure as given in Method 1 is Somewhat modified. The imortant difference 1s that curves defived from test results give the stress concentration factor to use for tension on the net section and the shear out failure as assumed In Method 1 has been re~ placed by a combined shear-out bearing faflure. Fig, Dl.11 shows tne lug-pin combinations ana types of failure as taken fron Ref. 3. Bushing Tr / w |p dp i a b.‘Tho methods of fatlure and the methods of lug strength analysis are as follows: Tension Across the Net Section Because of stress concentration, the stress on the net cross-section cannot be taken as unifora. Tho ultimate allowable tension load Py for lug equals, Ke Fru Ayo 2-2-0 r eee where Kt 1s the stress concentration factor as found from Fig. Dl.12 and Table D1.3. Fyy = ultimate tensile strength of the material and At = net tension area. Pu an Shear Out-Bearing Strengt! Fatlure due to shear out and bearing aro closely related and are covered by a single calculation based on empirical curves. The ultinate or failing load in this shear-bearing type of fatlure 1s:~ ween e em Poru = Kbru Feu Apr > ~ ~~ The values of Kpryy the shear-bearing efficiency factor, 18 given by curves in Fig. DL. For shear-bearing yield strength the equation 1s, -- (8) Pory * Kory Feu Abr = > ~~ | PTS) sa | »- =F Fig. D1.12_ Lug Design Data ‘Tension Etficteney Factors fo: Axlally Loaded Lugs (Ref. 3, 4) Table DIS) ‘Curve Nomenclature for Axial Loading for Fig. D1.12 L, LT and ST Indicate Grain in Direction F in Sketch = Longitudinal LU ~ Long Transverse ST - Short Transverse (Normal) MATERIALS Curve 1 = 2014-76 and 7075-76 Die Forging (L) 4130 and 8690 5% 2014-6 and 7075-76 Plate = 0.5 (L, LT) ‘075-76 Bar and Extrusion (L) 2014-76 Hand Forged Billet = 144 in.* (L) Curve 2 - 2014-78 and 7075-T6 Plate > 0.5 in. = 1.9 in, @., 12) 1075-76 Extrusion (LT, ST) 2014-78 Hand Forged Billet = 144 in," (L) 2014-76 Hand Forged Billet = 36 in.’ (L11) 2014-76 and 7075-T6 Die Forgings (LT) Curve 3 = 2024-74, 2024-72 Extrusion (L, LT, ST) Gurve 4 = 2014-78 and 7075-76 Plate > Yin. (L, LT) 2024-74 Bar (L, LT) 2024-73, 2024-4 Plate (L, LT) curve § - 2014-78 Hand Forged Bulet ~ 38 in.° (LT) Carve 6 = Aluminum Alloy Plate, Bar, Hand Forged Billet and Die Forging (ST). NOTE: For Die Forgings ST Direction Exists Only at Parting Plane. ‘1018-76 Bar (1) Curve 7 = AZOIC-T6 Mag. Alloy Sand Casting 366-76 Aluminum Alloy Casting Fig. DI.19_ Lug Design Data ‘Shear-Hearing Efficiency Factors for ‘Axlally Loaded Lugs (Ref. 3, 4) Fig. D114 gives curves for finding Kpry- Bushing Yield. ‘Take Apr a8 the smaller of the bearing areas of bushing on pin or bushing on lug. (The latter may de staller as a result of external chamfer of the bushing, of1 grooves, etc.) The allowable yteld bearing load on bushing 1s then, Pory = +85 Foy Abr - - - > ~~ (9) where Foy 18 compressive yield strength of bushing material. Bolt or Pin Shear Strength. ‘The bolt shear strength ts calculated in ‘the same manner as given in Method 1.pie FITTINGS AND CONNECTIONS. BOLTED AND RIVETED. 18 — | me Setar oo Fig. DL.14 (Ret. 5) Values of Shear-Bearing Factors of Lugs Bolt or Pin Bending. ‘The subject of bolt bending strength 1s treated In art, Dlid. D1L12 Lug strength Analysis Under Transverse Loading. Cases arise where the lug of a fitting unit is subjected to only a transverse load. Melcon and Hotbit in (Ref. 4) express the ultimate traneverse or felling load by a single equation:- Peu = Rtu Abr Feu Similarly the yield strength of lug ts, Pty = Key dor Fey -- =~ - ‘The efficiency failing and yield co- efficients Kty and Key are given by the curves in Pig. D1.15. Tho curve nononclature for the curves in Pig. D1.15 18 given in Table 01.4, In using Fig. D135, 4 value called Agy 18 needed, the value of which 1s sown in the equation shown on Fig. D1.15 DIL19. Lug Strength Aralysi Under Oblique Loads. Fitting lugs are often subjected to oblique losds. Ref. 4 gives the following, approach to this loading case. Resolve the applied load into axial and transverse componente, ‘Then use the following interaction equation; Ratt + Rep? Fig. D1L15._Lug Design Data ‘Tension Efficiency Factors for Transve ‘Loaded Lugs (Ref. 3, 4) (See Table Di,4 for Curve Nomenclature) "Fable DI,4 (To be Used with Fig. D1. 18) Curve Nomenclature for Transverse Loading Curve 1 - 4130 and 8830 Steel thru 125 KSI HT. Curve 2~ 4130 and 8630 Steel 160 KSI HT, Curve 37 Ky for All Aluminum and Steel Alloys Curve 4 4180 and 8630 See! 100 KSI HL T. 5 > 356-18 and AZSIC~76 Sand Castings 8 - 2024-73 and 2024-74 Plate = 0.5 in. 1 210-74 Sand Casting 8 > 2014-76 and 7075~T5 Plate =0.5 in. 2024-T3 are 2024-74 Plate > 0.5 in, also 2024-74 Bar ‘Curve 10 ~ Approtimaie Cantilever strength for All ‘Aluminum and Steel Alloys. I! Kry is Below this Curve a Separate Calculation as Cantilever Beam is Warranted. Curve 11 - 2014-98 and 7078-76 Plate = 0.8 in. “1.0 in, 1075-76 Extrusions 2014-76 Hand Forged Billet = 36 in. ® 2014-76 and 7075-76 Die Forgings ‘Curve 12 - 2024-76 Plate, 2024-74 & 2024-142 Extrusions (Curve 13 - 2014-76 ard TOTS-T6 Plate ~ 1 in. Curve 14 - 2014-76 Hand Forged Billet > 36 ia." or margin of safety 1s, “8 - - = -(13) Cra whore, Ra = axial component of applied ultinste load divided by the smaller of thevalues obtained for equations (6) or (7). Rtr = trensverse coaponsnt of applied ultimate load divided by the values of Pry in equation (10). D1. 14 Bolt Bending Strength. In general static tests of single tolt fittings will not show a failure due to bolt bending faflure. Honever, 1t 1s important that sufficient bending strength bs provided to prevent pornanent bonding doformation of tho fitting bolt under the Limit loads so that bolts can bs readily removed in maintenance operations. Furthermors, bolt bending weakness can cause peaking up @ non-unttom bearing pressure on the fitting lugs thus influencing ‘the lug tension and stear strength. The unknown factor in bolt bending ts the true value of the bending moment on the bolt because ‘the moment arm to tho rosultant bearing forces ts unknown. An approximate method (Ref. 4) for determining the am (b) to use in calcu lating the bending moment on bolt 1s given in Fig. Dl.16, which gives b= .5t, + .25te + & Where g 1s clearance or gap between lugs. The resulting bending noment is considered to be conservative. (See Ref. 4 for other refine nents relative to determining monent arm D.] ho 80 Di. 15 Mhustrative Problems. PROBLEM 1. An engine mount fitting 1s attached fo tho Taolle fitting by a 6/8 diameter AN steel bolt. The ultimate or design loads on the Dolt are tension = 5800 Ibs. and shear = 16700 Ibs. Due to vibration 2 25 percent nargin of sefety will be required. Solution:- This is a problem of combined Zenaion and shear ona bolt. Use is made of curves in Fig. Dl.4 which are interaction curves for combined tonoten and shoar. On Pig. D1.4 at a value on lover scale equal to the shear load of 16700 1b., labeled point (x) on the figure, we erect a vertical dashed line as Lg shown. On the vertical scale we locate point (y) at tension load of 5800 bs., and draw hortzontal dashad line to give point (a). A straight line through points (o) and (a) 1s cram and extended to intersect the curve for 8 5/8 AN bolt at point (b). Projecting down- ward from point (b) to loner scale, wo obtain Ps (artow) = 22400 1b. and projecting horizontally we obtain PL gyigy) 7 7700 1b. Then M.S. = (Po(q1z9q)/*) ~ 1 = (22400/ 36700) = 1 3k oF MB = (Pteariow)/¥) - 2 = (7700/5800) ~ 1 = 34. ‘The spect fied required M.S. was .25, thus bolt strengtn 1s satisfactory. PROBL Fig. D1.17 shows a single pin fitting. The dug material is AIST Steal, heat treated to Feu = 125000 psi. The bolt is AN steol, Fru = 125000. The bushing is stool with Pry = 125000. ‘The fitting 1s subjected to an ultimate tension oad of 15650 1, “The ritting will ve strength checked for the design load. The check will be made by both Methods 1 and 2. 4/2" Dia. AN steel Bolt 1/16" Thickness Steel Bushing |—> Pa, 18x 15680 = 130008 Fig. DLT SOLUTION BY METHOD 1. A fitting tactor of safety of 1.15 will be used which is standard practice for military airplanes. Dosign Fitting Load = 1.15 x 16650 = 18000 1b. Check of Bolt Shear Strength. Bolt 1s in double shar. From Table D1.1, single shear strength of 1/2 inch diameter AN etoel bolt is 14700 1b. Wmnence Py = 2 x 14700 = 29400 1b, M.S. = (29100/18000) - 1 =.62pi.10 Check Banding of Bolt Referring to Fig. 01.16, the moment em for calculating vending monsnt on bolt 18, Dd = 0.5t,+ 0.25tete (teke ¢ as 1/64 inch] D = 0.5 (.218) +0.25 (.375) + «C56 = .218 inches| Bending moment on bolt = .5Pb = .5x 18000x .218 1965 tn.2d. fp = Mr/T = (1965 x .25)/.008069 = 160000 pet. (See Table D1.1 for bolt moment of inertis) From Table D1.1, F, for AN Steel bolts 1s 160,000. ‘Therefore M.S. = (180000/160000) -1 = .12 hack of Lug A, ‘This lug 1s mors critical than lug B sineo thickness cf lug B te more than ono-halt of lug A. Check of Tension Through Bolt Hole. Pu = Feu Ae Py = 125000 x (1.1675 - .625) .375 = 28400 10. M.S. = (26400/18000) - 1 = .46 To teke care of stress concentration, Method 1 says maintain a M.S. of .25, thus lug tensile strength 1s 0.K. Check of Shear Out Strength of Lug. Pu Feu Ag » Fou = 82000 Py = 82000 x (.5987 - .9125)2 x .375 = 17800 1] ‘This value ts under the design fitting load of 18000 1b. It 1s pemmtssible to taka a slightly greater shear out distance than the edge distance as used (see Fig. D1.9¢), The additional distance to the 40 degre line would add enough shear out area to give @ positive margin of safety. This nethod of calculating shear out strength is conservative as will be Drought out by the result in Method 2 solution, Bearing Strongth. The bushing and lug have the same ultimate strength (Fjy), taue bearing will be eritieal. for bolt on bushing since bearing area 1s less. Pu For Apr An oxtra 60 percent margin of safety ie required or the allowable bearing stress Fy should be divided by 1.5. Pu = (194000/1.50) .80x .375 = 24300 1b. FITTINGS AND CONNECTIONS. M.S. = (24500/18000) - 1 = .35 BOLTED AND RIVETED. SOLUTION BY METHOD Polt Shear Strength and Bolt Bending Strength are calculated in the same manner as in Method 1 and thus the caleulations Will not be repeated. Tension Net Section Put Ky Feu Ae Ky is tho tension efficiency factor to take care of stress concentration dus to the hole end 18 determined tran Fig. 01.12, ‘Table D1.3 says to use curve mmber 1 for all steels. To use Fig. D1.22 requires the ratio W/D = (1.1875/.625) = 1.9. Then from Fig. D1.12 we read Kt = .98, wnence, Py = .98 x 125000 x (1.1875 - .625).375 = 25800 1b. M5. = (25800/18000) - 1 = .43. Fig. D112 says that a M.S, of .15 1s appropriate over that of all requtred fitting factors of safety, thus our M.S. of .43 provides more than this additional M.S. of «15, Shear Bearing Strongtt Poru = Kora Feu Aor Kyry 18 the shear-bearing efficiency factor and 1s obtained from Fig. D113. D/t = .625/.375 e/D = .5987/.625 1.65. 195 Fron Fig. D1.13, we read Kpry = -80 Ppru = +80 x 125000 x .625 x .875 = 28400 1b. M.S. = (28100/18000) - 1 = .30 ‘Tho reader chould note shoer out atrongth by Mothod 2 1s considerably larger than by Method 1, Fig. Dl.13 says a .15 1.8. 18 appro- priate, thus cur 0,30 1s satisfactory. Bushing Yield, = 1.85 Fey App » Foy = 113000 for steel ey Aor > Foy Feu Pory = 1485 x 118000 x .500 x .75 = 39000 1D. Por with M.S. = (39000/18000) - 1 = 1.17 Genaral Coneluston, Since a11 margins of satety are positive, the strength of fitting unit 1s satisfactory. Tt could be redesigned to save weight. Movingthe hole slightly back of the center of the lug radius would help shear out strength. This change would permit decreasing the thickness of lug slightly. Decreasing the lug thickness would decrease the bolt bending moment and possibly permit use of 7/16 diameter bolt. student should redesign the lug. The PROBLEM 3. ‘A lug iden- tical to lug A in Problem 2 18 subjected to a transverse load, Pry, which 18 the falling load. Pind the load Pus SOLUTION: From ‘equation (10) the failing load is, Peu = Keu Avr Feu ‘Tho fatling coeftictent Key 18 determined by use of curves in Fig. D1.18. The lower scale paraneter for Fig. D1.15 18 Aay/Apry where For the meaning of these (A) areas, refer to sketch of lug in Fig. 1.18. Simple calculations give the following values for these areas. Al SAGE 1d, Ay = Ay = 105 whence, Aay = =z £ = 126 a aga aS wa * 1108 * T105 * Tie App = «875% .625 = 234, har/hpp = «126/.284 = 58 Table D1.4 indicates curve 1 1s used for steol material with Fty up to 125000 pst. Then from Fig. D115, we read Key = -74. ‘Thon, Pry = +74x .284x 125000 = 21600 1D. PROBLEM 4. Fig. D1.18 shows a steel forked fitting bolted to a double channel section mde from ‘7075-6 aluminum alloy. The hinge pin ts 5/8 diameter AISI Steel, heat treated to Fry = 150000. Steel fitting is also 150000 steel. A strength check of the fitting will be carried out. pitt AISI Steel Heat-Treated jie Fu) Fig. D118. SOLUTION: Design fitting load = + 33000 tension and 25000 Ibs. compression. These loads include the fitting factor of safety of 1.15. Let Py equal ultimate strength of the fitting unit in the various failing modes. Check Shear Strength of Hinge Pin. ‘The hinge pin diameter 1s 5/8 and material 4s AISI Steel, heat treated to Fey = 150000. Fou = 95000. Pin ts in double shear, Pu Fou Ag = 95000 x .8068 x 2 = 58300 1b. M.S. = (58300/88000) - 1 = .77. Check Bending Strength of Hinge Pin. ‘The bending moment am (b) on pin from Fig. D116 ts b= .5t, + .25t, +g. The clearance g will be taken as 1/64 Inch. D= .5 x .8125 + .25 x .625 + 1/64 = .328 in. Pin bending moment M = .SPb = .5 x 8000 x .328 = 5410 in.1d. th = Mr/I = 5410 x .3125/,00749 = 226000 pst. ‘The modulus of rupture in bending Fp will de calculated by the method of Chapter C3. Fy = Feu t fo (k= 2) From Table 03.2 for steel with Fey = 150000, we find f) = 146000. For a solid round bar K = 1.7 (see Fig. 03.7 of Chapter C3).pi Fy = 150000 + 146000 (1.7 - 1) = 258000 pot M.8, = (259000/226000) = 1 = «14 heck shoar-Hearing Tear Out of Lue Poru = Kora Feu Aor D/t = .75/.625 = 1.2, e/D = .6875/.75 From Fig. 01.13, Kpru = .72 Ppra ™ +72 x 150000 x .78 x .625 = 51500 1b. M.S. = (51500/33000)-1 = .56 (margin desirable at loast 0.15). a of Lug Section Pum Kt Fou Av. Ky obtained from Fig. D1.12 using curve 1. WD = 1.125/.7 = 1.5 Fron Fig. D112, Ky = .98 Py = 489 x 150000 x (1-125 ~ .75) 625 = 84800 M.S. = (84800/85000) - 1 = .06. It would be desirable to have M.S. of +18. Check Tensile Strength of Section 2-2 of Steel eee is EERE ac aS From Pig. D1.18, four 6/16 dtazoter AN Steal bolts are used to attach fitting to channel menbers. Since bolts are the sano size, it will de assumed that each of the 4 volts transrers 1/4 of the total ritting load, Fig. D1.19 shows the load in the steol fitting and the channel members. by section 2-2, ‘Ths total load passes ‘Loap BeTRIBuTI0M ‘ow Steet Fiera Fig. Di.19 Not tonston area = (1.126 — .8195).375 = .305. FITTINGS AND CONNECTIONS. BOLTED AND RIVETED. A otrece concentration factor Ky from Fig. Dl.12 WiLl de used to be conservative. W/D = (1:125/.3125) = 5.6, Fig. D122 gives Ky = .91. Py = «91 x 180000 x .305 = 41700 1D. M.S, Check Section of Steel Fitting at Section 33. Load from Fig. D1.19 = 16500 1b. Met Section = (1.126 ~ .8125).25 = .204 oq. in. Use same Kt ae before. = (41700/88000) - 26. Pu = -91 x 160000 x .204 = 27900 1b. M.S. = (27900/16500) - 1 = .69 Check Shear Strength of 4 - $/16 Dia. Bolts. Bolte in double shoar, Py = 4x 2x 6750 = 46000 1b. M.S. = (46000/88000) - 1 = .39. Check Bearing of Bolts on Steel Fitting. Section 3-3 or 4-4 1s critical as bearing ares 18 loss. Allowable bearing stress for 150000 steel. 1s 218000. Pu = For Atr = 216000 x 5125 x .25 = 17000 1b. M.S. = (1700/8250) - 1 = 1.06. Boaring of Bolts on 7075-76 Channels. Ppp fer 7075 aluminum alley = 105000. Py = 105000 x .31z5 x .25 = s500. (6300/8250) ~ 1 Check Tensile Strength of Channels at Section 1.8. 01. Load on Soction = 33000. Net area = .70- .25 x .0185 = .622. Ftu for 7075 material = 78000 "78000 x .622 = 48500. M.S. = (48500/38000)-1 = .47 (which W111 take care of any stress concentration. Check Shear Out of Channels Bohind Bolt 8, Shear out distance = .625 - .156 = .469. Shoar out area = 2x .A60 x .25 = .284.Py = Feu As = 43000 x .284 = 10100 1b. M.S. = (1010/8250) - 1 = .25 (figured con- servatively by Method 1) Shear Out of Steel Fitting Behind Bolt By. Fey = 95000 (4375 - .1865)2 x 4 ‘Shear out area Ag 14] Pu = -141 x 95000 = 18400. M.S. = (18100/8250) - 1 = .62. Bushing Yield Strength. Pory = 1485 Foy Apr+ Fey = 118000 tor 125000 steel. Pory = 1-85 x 113000 x .625 x .625 = 81700 1. Load = 33000, not eritical. 1.16 Bolt Loads for Multiple Bolt Fitting, Bate Sizes Ditterent. Concentric Loading. In designing or strengta checking a multiple bolt fitting, the question arises as to what proportion of the total fitting losd does each bolt transfar. This distribution could be affected by many things such as belt fit or bolt tightnoss in the hole; bearing deformtion or elongation of the bolt nole; Shear cefommation of the bolt or pin; tension or compressive axial deformation of the fitting members and the meaber being connected, and a number of other minor influences. Sinco aircraft mtortals have « consider able degree of ductility, 1f the fitting ts properly designed, ths loads on the bolts when ‘the losds on the fitting approach their maximum value, Will tend to be in proportion to the shear strength of the bolt. That 1s, if the combined shear strength of the bolts is the critical strength, the yielding of the ritting material in bearing, shear and tension will tond to equalize thd load on the bolts in proportion to their shear strengths. For Strgsses below the elastic limit of the rivting plates the bolt load distribution no doubt 18 more closely proportional to the bearing area of each bolt. Since the prinary interest is failing strength, the bolt load distribution in proportion to the bolt shear strengths 1s usually assumed. Let: P = design load on fitting. Ps = allowable shear strength of any bolt. Ph = load on bolt n. Pon = allowable shear strength of dolt n. pig ‘Therefore we can write, Exanple Problen of Bolt Load Distribution. Fig. C1.20 shows a miltiple bolt fitting unit subjected to a concentric load of 100000 lbs. Determine the load transferred by each bolt. Bolt Bolt ‘Double Shear Strength sym. Dis. = Py A 8/6. ‘23010x 2 = 46020 e Of18 T3637 x 2 = 27214 c 1/16. TiTax = 29544 D 3/18. ‘375i 2 = 11503. EPg = 11740 Distribution of loads to each bolt:- Pea 46020 Pa = P (Se) = 100000 x Ty7gaq = $9200 1b. Py = 100,000 x 37274/117340 = 31800 1b. Pe = 100,000 x 22544/117840 = 19200 1b, Pa = 100,000 x 11602/117840 = 9800 1b. ‘Total load on the four bolts adds up to 100,000 1b. 1.17 Multiple Riveted or Bolted Joints Subjected to Eccentric Loads. Pig. D1.21 shows a plate fitting attached ‘to another member by means of four bolts or rivets. (The circles represent the bolts). The fitting plate {s subjected to the loads Py and Py acting as show. Let 1t be required to fina the resultant loads on the bolt group due to the given loads. ‘The centroid of resistance for the bolt group will then correspond te the centrotd of the bolt areas. Fig. D1.22 shows the fitting unit with the force Py and Py replaced ty an equivalent force system at the bolt group centroid point (0). This equivalent force system will be: Py = -200 1., Fy = 1000 1b.pi “eee ap tse Pie Pig: D122 and My = ~200 x 1.75 - 1000 x .25 = ~600 1n.1b. Since Py and Py act through the bolt centrotd they will be reacted equally by each doit, hence V load on each tolt due to Py = ~200/4 = 50 1b. H load on each bolt due to Py = 1000/4 = 250'1b. ‘The load produced on each bolt due to the monent load My = ~600 1n.1b. will vary directly ao tho distance of the bolt froa the center of resistance which coincides with the bolt group centroid. tat rq equal the distance trom the bott group centroid to bolt (a). Then the resisting monent developed by bolt (a) equals Fata, where Leas are proportions to their distance trea arama te. peevaemsenad te Suats ieee Se (bd) will equal (5, Bey or ty Bans etataaty tor vot (©) ret r Me = Fa Zand for bolt 4 = Fy ‘Tae total monent resistance of the bolt group therefore equals, + Bry" + Par 7 - += -08) Mr, i, spa - - -008) otter where I = 2 r* of bolt group. ‘Therefore for the loads on the other bolts,| Mr, FITTINGS AND CONNECTIONS. BOLTED AND RIVETED. For the volt group of Fig. D1.22 1m Te = rq = 1.25". D Hence, I = 2r* = 4x 1.25" = 6.25 in. ‘Tmorefore the moment 1oad Fy on each bolt will equal, Mr | ~600 x 1.25 Fy = AE» ~600.201-25 « 220 ab. Fig. 04.31 shows the resulting K, V and moment loads applied to each bolt. The resultant load can be found graphically by drawing the Fores polygons as show in Fig. 1.23. Tho resultant Dolt loads can likewise be determined analytically. For example consider bolt (c) + ie 2H = 250 + 120 x4 + 0 = 346 ID BV = -50- 120 x +0 = -122 1D, 25 Hence R = VB" > av" = YEae" + IBY = go7 1D. case Where Bolts or Rivets are of Different Dianeters mon the Joint bolts or rivets ara not all the sans size, the manent load on each bolt 15 proportional to tho bolt area tinos ite distance fo the bolt group centroid. ‘Thus the bolt areas mist enter equation (15). hence, Maa Ta Pahata™ Met *MoteFe’ Mahara’ ~ = -G6) Fa n= number of bolts of each size. Since theory of loads on a multiple belt group io only approximate, reasonable margina of safety should de maintained. RIVETED coNECTTONS DiL18 Types of Rivets Fron an serospacs structural standpotnt rivets may be placed into two geterl clase fi eatione, mamoly:— (2) Te Protruaing Head type of rivet. (2) The Flush type rivet. Fig, 01,24 12lustrates the protruding head typo of rivet. Fig. 01.25 illustrates a number of Fig, D124 modifications of the pro truding head type of rivet ‘that have been used in the past.“i i tat t yt a lt ont pis Fig. D1.27 {1lustrates the approximate sheet thickness limitations for the three methods of flush riveting. Approx. Sheet Limitations For Machine Countersiink Rivets (AN-G&6 dale Aa Ab Ab pe Vo Dia. Rivet. bey Fig, D125, aa (¥ fo Rete B]¢ 1 [Round Head Ian — [75a © a . fee aa Pest 5/82 Dia. Rivet 4 |woctiedBraxier|2a 2500-354] T® = Sat effariess Jaa Pan @-fetate Head — [Ta] 6 For many years the round head rivet was a used for all interior work and before tho era | £" eat ee of high speeds 1t was used as a surface rivet | FOES as woll. When wind tunnel experiments showed ‘that such rivets gave appreciable drag, designers turned to rivets with less head protrusion, thus the development of the Brazier and modified Brazier type of rivet head. Thon as the age of relatively high airplane speeds arrived a flush surface was needed, particularl; on certain sensitive portions of the airplane surface, thus various modifications of the countersunk head involving press and machine countersinking of the sheets were developed. Fig. D1.26 illustrates the flush type of rivet. As {llustrated in Fig. D1.26, this flush’ type rivet can be used in several ditter- ent ways, thus the method shown in Fig. D1.26a 1s referred to as the machine countersunk type; ‘that in Fig. D1.26b as the press countersunk double dimpled type; and that in Fig. D1.26¢ as ‘the combined press and machine countersunk type or the dimpled machine countersunk type. ST uenes comterns tre Pea prose countersunk ~ Doubie Fiantee Types ret Combine Press and Yahine SSS5 GREE S.aree thohine Coustoreuse Te. Pee Fig. D1.26 ‘Approx. Limitations For Press Countersunk ‘or Double Dimpled Rivets (AN~426. a empgant ans oie, amt Approx, Limitations For Press-Machine Countersunk Rivets (AN~426 Fest "von. nt Fess mmt 5/82 Dia. Rivet 3/16 Dia. Rivet, Fig. D1.27D1.16 DIL19 Rivet Material, Since elunimm elloy is by far the most widely used material in the aireraft industry, 1t follows that aluminum alloy is the material ost widely used for rivets. ‘Teble DL.5 (column 1) 1ists the § aluminum alloys cod for rivets and’ the ultimate shering stress Fgy for oach aaterial, Rivets aade fran 2017-13 (Fgy = 34000) and 2024-731 (Fey = 41000) are rivets thet mist be ariven soon after heat treatment or before age hardening takes place. ‘Tho aging or hardening is slowed by Keeping rivets in refrigeration after heat treatment. ‘The other rivet materiel 18 less hard or less Brittle in the aged state and thus can be stored in air and driven anytime. These so-called softer riveta have loco shoar strength, but since a great deal of aircraft construction involves thin sheet, bearing is often critical and thus rivet stear 1s not critical, Most surface or skin riveting Involves the softer rivet, usually 2117-13 (Fey = 30,000). DI.20 Strength of Rivets, Protruding Head Type. Rivets are widely used In etrplane structures to fasten Or te together to oF more structural units. Standaré meshoda of stress analyses of riveted joints consider two primary types of fatlure, nanely, the shear of ‘the shenk of the rivet ard the tearing or compressive failure of the mtal at the point where the rivet bears agsinst the connecting sheet or plate. Fig. 01,20 1llustrates the min forces on a rivet in transferring @ load from one plete to another. ‘The load 1s transferee to the rivet from the plate by bearing of the plate on the rivet. The load is then transferred along the rivet and resisted by bearing action on the other plate. Since the plate bearing forces on the rivet aro not in tho came line, the forces tend to shear and bend the rivet. Bending of the rivet ts usually neglected 1f there are no intermediate filler plates. In Fig. (a) of D1.28, tne rivet 1s in singie snear,| whereas in Fig. (b) the rivet is in double shear. (b) P aD TE Fig. D1.28 ‘The ultimate shear strength of a rivet 1s given by the following equation: FITTINGS AND CONNECTIONS. For Rivets tn Double Shear: BOLTED AND RIVETED. Pa? FepAn --------------- (7) where, Pa = ultimate sheer strength of rivets bs.) Foy = ultinate allowable shear stress for rivet. (pst) area of rivet erocs-oction = nD%/4, Where D equals the rominal rivet hole diamter. nu = mumber of shear arees per rivet. As Reference (17) shows that the sear strength of protrucing head aluninum alloy rivets 13 affected by increasing D/t (Diameter of rivet over shoot thickness) ratios, ‘The conclusions in Reference (17) are as follows: Rivets in Single shear: For values of D/t up to S: Single shear strength = basic alloneble single shear strength. For values of D/t greater than 3:~ Single shear strength = taste allomble einele shear strength times [2-09.04 (p/t-3)] For velues of D/t up to 1.5:~ Double sheer strength = basic alloneble dowls shear strength. For velues of D/t greater than 1. Double shear strength = basic allowable double shear strength times [1-0.13 (Df -2.5)] Table D1.5 (trom Ref. 2) gives the shear strength of protruding ani flush head aluminum alloy rivets and the corractions to take care of the D/t influence on the rivet shear strength. ‘Tablo 01.8 gives tho allowable bearing strengths between the protruding head rivet and the various aluninun alloy sheet and plate mterial, ‘The bearing values are given for two e/ ratios, namely 1.5 and 2.0, where @ is the edge distance measured trom the center of the hole to the edge of the plate. Any reduction in edge distance may cause bulging of the edge of the shest due to driving energy. Edge distance should not do loss than o/D = 1.5. 1.21 Strengih of Rivets. Flush Type. Since flush rivets nave no protruding neaa on the flush end of the rivet and also since flush riveting involves mchtine countersinking or press countersinking or both, the strength of the flush type rivet is different than the comnon protruding head type.Fig. D1.28 Illustrates 4 machine counter sunk rivet. Due to the pull P on the tno sheets which are held together by the rivet and induced force Fy 13 produced on the sloping side of the head of the rivet. This induced foree tends to shear and bend the portion 1-1 of the rivet head. The sharp edge of the countersunk sheot at point (a) tende to cut Into the rivet. These coabined influences tend to cause excessive deriections and rinally failure as roughly illustrated in Fig. D1.30. Fig. D1. 90 In the press countersunk or dimpled type of flush rivet conection, ses Fig. D1.26b and ©, because of the interlocking of the sheets due to the dimple, the Joint could tranmit a load without a rivet if’ the sheets were held together. Since there ts no clearly defined bearing or shear surface in this typo of joint, ‘the manner in whion tho loads are transferred is quite complex. As a result resort mst be made to tests to establish design allowabies. ‘Tables D1.7, D111 and D1.12 give the ultimite and yield strength of flush type rivets (Ret. 2). DIL22 Blind Rivets, ‘Tho nano "Blind" rivet 19 givon to that ‘type of rivat which can be completely installed From one side of the Joint, and is therefore almost, exclusively used where 1t is impossible or impractical to drive the normal rivet, which requires access to both sides of the joint. There are tno general types of blind rivets, namely where the ineide or blind head 1s formed mechanically or where 1t is formed by an explosive force. Fig. D1.31 L1lustrates the Dupont explosive type and Figs. 32 to Sta inclustve {llustrate the mechanically formed head type. Ingerted Installed Fig. D131 Dupont Explosive Dui EE Ree ERT RE Inserted Instattet Pig. D1.32 Jo Bolt Fig. D139 Cherry Type iF a Fig. D1.34 Deutch Type ig, D1, 94a Muck Lock Bott stato 1,23 Riveted Sheet Splice Information. In splicing or connecting two sheets to- gether by means of rivets or bolts, the joint or connection my fatl in the various ways as explained in detail for single ani multiple bolt fitting unite, Thus ono must chock the shear strength of the rivets; bearing of rivets on the sheets; tear out of the sheet edges end tenston on sections through the rivet holes. ‘types of Shoot Splices or Connections Fig. D1.35 11lustrates the various types of sheet splices. In the offset lap splice botweon two sheate of diftoront gauges, the offset should be in the heavier material. a single shear butt splice, the butt splice plate should be equal to the thimest of the ‘two sheets deing spliced and likewise in the ForDLs double shear butt splice the splice plates oboulé be of tho cams thicknose and chould be equal to the thinnest plate being spliced. Ae lap Splice offest Lap Splice Fig. D135 Butt-Double Strap Splice butt-Single Strap Splice Proper Rivet $ize to ust No exact rules can be given relative to the optimm rivet for e given splice, decause a munber of practical considerations usually enter into the design of a shoot eplics. Small rivets, namely 1/16 and 3/32 diameters are hard ‘to hardle and are seldos used as structural rivets, The comon size of rivets are 1/8, 9/sz, S/1s ant 1/a ion diancters. ‘The latger sizes should not be used in sheot eplices unless there 1s Dacking up structure as the shoet may buckle under th driving of the large rivets. From a structural design stand point, the optimm Joint 1s one in watch the allowable rivet shear strength and bearing strength of tho given shoots aro practically ‘tho same for the largest prectical size rivet, Rivet Spacing. sheet Bige Distance. ‘The eLlonable rivet-sheot bearing loads as given in (Ref. 1) are based on an edge distance of two dlanetars. Therefore in general no edge distance ina Joint should de less than 2 rivet Gtanetors for protruding heed rivets, and 2-1/2 Glaneters for press and machine countersurk flush rivets. ‘The minimum piten (aistance between center FITTINGS AND CONNECTIONS. Line of rivets in the sane row) for a given BOLTED AND RIVETED. size rivet should not be less than that given in Tablos A and B. Table A PROTRUDING HEAD RIVET NORMAL MINIMUM SPACING Rivet Diameter | 1/8 | 5/82 | wie] 1/4 Normal Minimum Spacing wa} one | us| ve Table B NORMAL MINIMUM SPACING PRESS AND MACHINE COUNTERSUNK FLUSH RIVETS Rwet Diameter | 1/8 | 9/92 | 3/18 | 1/4 ‘Normal Minimum ‘Spacing ars | asa | 11vsa | 13/4 In general the minimum rivet row spacing should be such as to make the distance between any two rivets in the two rons not less than the minimum rivet spacing for the rivet size being used. Splice Sheet Tension Effictency. Wnen @ shoot is spliced by moans of rivets or bolts it means the shset 1s weakened since the rivet holes cut aay a part of the chest material. The ratio of the tension strength of the spliced sneet to tne unspliced sheet 18 called the sheet tension effictency of the joint. If the minimum rivet spacing 1s ussd and only one row of rivets the sheet efficiency will be around 70 to 75 percent. ‘The designer should strive for a higher effictoncy. DI.24 Tlustrative Problems Involving Use of Rivets. Horn Connection to Torque Tub PROBLEM. Fig. D138 + ) jd ue] TUBE 17.049 | 24st TCEFig, DL.36 illustrates a rudder hom attachment to the loner end of a rudder torque tube for a small airplane. The horn 1s fastened to the tube by two collars riveted to ‘the horn and likewise to the tube, The design load cable pull ts 400 1b, which includes a fitting factor of safety of 1.15. The rivet material 18 2117-13 aluminum alloy. The horn and tubs 19-2047 aluminum alloy. The margin of safety for the riveted connection will be calculated. Solut ton: ‘The horizontal cable pull of 400 1. can do replaced by an oqutvalont force system at the centerline of the tubs, consisting of a torsional moment, of 400 x 5 = 2000 inlb., and @ hortzontal 400 1b. force. Consider attac! 6 - 1/8 diameter rivets are used in double shear. Load per rivet dus to torque = 34 1b. (Rivet arm fs 1 finch). 2000/6 x 1 Load per rivet due to horizontal force = 400/6 = 67 Ib. Resultant load on most critical rivet is 334 + 67 = 401 Ib, Fron Table D1.5 the single shear strength of a 1/é diameter rivet of 2117-13 material 1s 388 1b. Stnce the rivats are in double shear the shear strength of one rivet would be 2 x 388 = 776 1b. Roferring to the table at the vottom of Table D1.5, we find a rivet factor of .905 to apply for'a 1/é rivet on .06% sneot thickness. Therefpre rivet strength 1s .985 x 166 = 718 1. M.S. in rivet shear = (718/401) -1 = .79 Bach rivet bears on two collars each of which 4s .063 in thickness. The bearing strength of 2 1/8 rivet on .063 2024-73 aluminum alloy uaterial is obtained from Tables 01.9 and D1.3. From Teble D1,9, bearing strength of 1/8 Gtameter rivet on .063 aheot based on an allowable bearing stress For = 100,000 1s 810 Ib, Thon referring to Table D1.8 for 2024-13 material and e/D of 1.5, we find a correction factor of .98, Thus bearing strength ts .98 x 10 = 794 1b. Since each rivet bears on two collars, the bearing strength for one rivet = 2x 794'= 1588 1b. M8. = 1593/401 = 2.95 puis Consider attactment of collars to hom. 10 - 6/2 dtaneter rivets are used. Load on each rivet due to torque = 2000/10 x .6 = 834 1b. The horizontal force of 400 1b, can de taken by direct bearing between collars and tube. ‘The rivets are in single shear. The single shear strength of ¢ 5/82 rivet from Table D2.5 = 595 x .996 = 594 1b. (The value of .996 1s the correction fron middle table of Table D1.5. MLS. = (594/834) -1 = .78 Bearing strength on .049 tube well trom Table D1.9 for .050 thickress and Fpr = 100,000 48 795 Ib. correcting to .049 = (.049/.050) 795, = 780. For 202-73 tube material and 0/D = 2.0 we obtain a material factor of 1.24. Therefore bearing strength of ons rivet on tube wall 1s 1.24 780 = 967 2b. . M.S. = (967/804) -1 = 1.9 PROBLEM 2. Fig. D1.37 shows a plate fitting attached to a double channel section by 6 - 1/4 diameter rivets. Tim design fitting loads are shown in the figure. Ths riveted connection will be checked for strength under the given design fitting loads. Solutton: ‘The given force system will be replaced by ‘an oquivalont force system acting at the conter of gravity of the rivet group. This force system W111 consist of: He.g. = 9000 3.5 Vo,g, * 3000 2b. Mg,g. = 8000%x0+3000x3 = 9000 tn. 1b. Fig. D197 Fig. D1.38DL.20 FITTINGS AND CONNECTIONS. BOLTED AND RIVETED. ‘Table D1.5 Shear Strengths of Protruding and Flush-Head Aluminum-Alloy Rivets Diameter of rivet, in. el tae | el iar | Ms % Sheer strength, 1: a = 5056, Fou —28 he 9 | 203 | 360 | 50 | saz | 1480 | 2200 | 3280 DUTTS, Fp =30 bei woe | az | ass | 306 | saz | 1,550 | 2,460 | 3,510 2O17-T31+, Fy 84 kei yz | a7 | 42 | 675 | o77 | 1,700 | 2,700 | 3070 2017-13, Fy 38 ei 135 | 273 | 494 | 735 | 1000 | 11970 | 3110 | 4450 2024-T31e, Foy Al kei u5_| 200 | sax] sis_|_1iso_| 2,120 | 3360 | 4800 Single-shear rivet strength factors Sheet thickness in. 0.016, 0.964 ons. 984 0.020. 096 0. 1.000 |" o.072 0.032, 1.000 | ‘0.964 0.038. F o.oo. : ‘ 0.085 x 980 0.050. 006 | “or 0.063 E222] alo00 | 1.000 | “o.96e oon. - 7 980 | “0.964 0.080. 998 | 974 0.090, cf 1000 | 984 0.100. : i eee ae 908 | 072 o.125, i 11000 | 1.000 0.160, eee ee 0.190, 0.350, 588 3 ‘Double-shear rivet strength factors Sheet thiekness in. 0.016. 0.688 ois. 188 02 ‘so | ove 1000 | ‘948 | ‘806 0.088 ou | 922 158 1.000] ‘961 roe | ‘ors 1.000 383 | 818 935 | 889 ort | ‘935 1.000 _|_ 1.000 ‘Nora: Values of shear strength should be molipied by Shear tte in ble ALLLA(@ correponding to 90 the fart given herein whenever the D/t raion lrge enough percent probally data are ued. wherever_avalable, te" require such «correction. ‘het thieknees in that of the thinnest sheet in sngleabear ‘Shear valiee are aned on areas corrtyonding tthe jolts and the middle abort in doublesbear folate nominal bole diameters specited in table BILLI(G), note ‘Phe Tat deaigaton ms to tts at bate en at rated nd thn malta In Ue Dua tated coniion unl deltog‘Table D1.6 Standard Rivet-Hole Drill Sizes and Nominal Hole Diameters Rivet size in, Drill No. Nominal hole diameter, in.) M % % % % % % % 31 41 ao} oa n F Pp w 0.087 | 0.008 | 0.1285 | 0159 | oss | 0257 | 023 | ose ‘Table D1.7 Ultimate and Yield Strengths of Solid 100° Machine-Countersunk Rivets Strength, Ib Rivet material 2117-73 2017-73 202-3 ‘Clad sheet material 2024-73, 2024-4, 2024-76, 2004-781, 2024-T88, and 7075-76 Rivet diameter, in %) HX) *)*)|*) se) xd) &® | % Ultimate strength Sheet thickness, in.: 0.020. 132 | 163 0.025; 156 | 221 | 250 0.032. vs | 27 | as. 34 0.040. 193 | 300 | «ais | sas | 476 355, 0.050. 206 | so | a7 | seas | sao | 1726 758 |
, ©, dando. Since the arm r to the rivets f’and g 1s only 0.625, the load due to nonent Will be considerably smaller and thus these rivets will not be critical, Observation of Fig, D138 shows rivet ¢ 1s the rivet with the largest resultant load. Ry = VR? + oF Bi = 1535 + 1280x1.5/1.625 = 2513 1b. BFy = -S00~ 1280 x 0.525/1.625 = - s92 Hence, R = y2515" + 992" = 2700 1D. ‘The rivets are in double shear, Rivet material ts 2117-731. From Table D1.5, single shear value = 1760 1b. or double shear strength = 3520 1b. Bearing strength of 1/4 rivet on the.071 2024-75 clad channel section from Tables D1.9 and D1.8 1s 1825 x 1.20 = 2100. Since rivet bears on two channels, bearing strength of one rivet = 2 x 2190 = 4330 Ib. Rivet shear is critical. M3. = (3520/2700) - 1 30 As a problem for the reader, change rivete f and g to 3/16 diameter and determine wnetner rivet attachment still shows a positive margin of safety (use equation 18). PROBLEM Fig. 01.39 shows a lap Joint involving two rows of Pvote ag shown. Shest material te 2024-73 clad, and rivets are 5/32 diameter and BOLTED AND RIVETED. 2117-73 material and of the protruding head type. ‘The ultimate design tension load in the shest tncluding a 1.15 fitting factor of safety 4s 1000 1d./inch, ‘The limft fitting load 1s 2/8 x 1000'= 687 Ib./in. ‘Tho mrgin of eafety of the chest eplice will be determined. 1000#/in. 30004/in. Fig. D139 Solution: AS an analysis unt, @ width of sheet equal to the rivet pitch of 1 inch will be used. Thus load on 1 inch unit = 1000 1d. Check Tension in Sheet at Section Through Holes. Polariow) * 4 Feu A= net area = (1~,159).04 = .0866 (.189 = drili diameter for 6/32 rivet, ‘Table D1.6) Fry for 2024-73 clad = 60,000 pst. Ptiariom) = +0586 x 60000 = 2015 1b. M.S. = (2016/1000) -1 = 1.01 Check Shear of Rivets. Rivets are in single shear end two rivets act in the 1 inch unit which was assumed. From ‘Table D1.5, single shear strength for 5/22, 2117-73 rivet 18 696 1b. The strength factor Riddle tablo of Tablo Di.s for .04 shoot ‘thickness 15 .964, Thus for two rivets the shear strength 18 2 x .964 x 596 = 1150 1, M.S. = (1150/1000) -1 = .15 Check: Bearing of Rivets on .O4 Sheet From Table D1.9, the ultimate bearing strength based on Fp of 100,000 pot for 6/32 rivet on 04 sheet = 636 Ib, Then referring toTable D1.8 for 2024-73 clad material and an e/D ratio of 2.0, we find correction factor K = 1.14. Therefore rivet bearing strength ts LAld x'636 x 2 = 1450 1b. M.5. = (1450/1000) -1 = .45 check Rivet Shear out. Since edge distance 1s 5/16 in. or e/D = 2.0, shear out strength 1s satisfactory. PROBLEM 4. Assune rivets are changed to the solté 100° dimpled type. What would bs the M.S. for the rivets. Referring to Fig. Dl.27, we find the sheet thicknesses are such as to prevent double dimpling. Fron Table D1.11 end 1.12, we obtain the ultimate and yield strength of a 5/82 rivet on .04 sheet as 635 and 606 lbs. respectively. Whence, Ultimate 1.5. = (2x 6385/1000) -1 Viola M.S. = (255/867) ~ 1 wa 49 NOTE: In checking tensile strength of sheet through hole section, the drill size for dimpled rivets is sligntly larger tran for protruding head type. PROBLEM 5. ‘This to a typical problem tavolving tho rivet loads ina sheot-stringer type of construction as illustrated in Fig. D1.40. Before the rivet size and spacing at. the points (1) to (10) can be determined, the rivet loads at thesa points must be known. The shear flow in direction and wagnituds on the webs and skin are shown cn the figure and are in Tbe. per inch. These values represent the resulte in one of the flight conditions. ‘The etructural designer must look at all the shear flows in the various flight ana landing conaitions in order to obtain the critical rivet loads. It 1s essimed the shear flows as shown include any diagonal tension effect in the various sheet panels. ‘Tha rivet loads in Ibs./in, at rivet lines 2 to 10 will be as follows: Rivet line (1). Since .0> vertical web enas Ee peint Ti} ihe sheer flow of 1078 Ibe. in. in the vertical web must obviously be reacted by the rivets in rivet line (1), thus load on rivet line (1) 1s 1075 1bs./in. Rivet _line (2). By the same reasoning since akin ends at point (2), the load on rivet 1ine (2) equals shear flow in panel 2-3 or 575 ibe./in. pi25 Rivet _line (3), ‘The skin 1s continuous over stringer at point (3), Sketch (a) shows a treo body of the skin and stringer at point (3). Since the summation of the forces paraliel to the stringer mst equal zero, 1t 1s observed that the load transferred to'the stringer 13 150 1b8./in. Rivet lines (4) and (5). Stree the sheets end ‘over the stringer, the load in rivet lines (4) and (6) are 425 and 275 1bs./in, respectively. Rivet Line (6), Rivet load = 279-125 = ‘150 1b8./in. Rivet line (7), The skin ts lap spliced over the stringer at point 7. Sketch (b) shows a free body. The load produced on the stringsr 1s 150 from equilibrium. Thus the worst shear load on the rivet 1s 260 Ibs./in, which te greater than the shear on ancther cross-section Of the rivet wnicn equals 125 1bs./in. 68 the shear flow in panel 6-7. Rivet Load at (8) = 175 - 25 = 160 Ibs./in. Rivet Load at (9) = 175 1bs./in. Rivet Load at (10) = 675 Ibs./in. 1.23 Rivets in Tension. Great Judgnent should be used in using rivets in tension, There 1s a general saying, "Never use a rivet in tension." If this Te- quirement was strictly followed, it would be @ifticult to design a conventional airplane. For example, the ekin on tho upper surface of ‘the wing, die to tho upward suction air forces places the rivets that hold the skin to the stringers and ribs in tension, however these tension loads in most cases are relatively small. ‘The following general criteria apply relative to rivets in tension.BOLTED AND RIVETED. FITTINGS AND CONNECTIONS. DL.26 9100 Sur sou 19M ‘a sojoureip YOAR x % % 1% | me Lele | 1-su0L 1s-¥200 ws1-ve00 pare pow su-sz0e aw wicveoe | ‘oet-v20c | wu-vene | -szor | ‘ou-ve0e | ‘om-¥20c | HL-Fe0e ‘o-veoe| pur T8i-¥20¢ | pov aw “ni-venn. | ‘st-veoe | pu | om | ‘hu-v200, ‘eran | ‘at-¥eoe| et-veoe | ost-reon | ‘tu-veoe | ‘su-reoe | ‘ed-s20e |-ve0z| ‘eL-v209| TouppeUr 2998 PRI e-Li0e, erent euonvur aang aq aaans eA svat pordana 000K Pries Jo ovemaTAn,pizt ‘amoge osogh sugh snqie water uqe 495 woRdeni® Aq THE ISU 2M JO YH) Mf OnE wong -yogE MOL IMEIUNOO-OUIENE Yonah Pruimgo oe mrewaor™ ge or ou or "oeye sedan omy en aoTID ates pomogey PRP IRE FAdN ox) OL PHY MGS FN aQOOP oo Addy sqgeATTE om 8 To vee We oq ter goqe Nonssoyenoosurgoea omy JO vongen poonpar Aumyrye spud jm eh ey woMOP ee Smroneesuygone aap aop vege cep sedan a 30 poe conoed aupnenjaumes ood, co penny uw age Me) et Meee ORL BLOW ‘coro ‘0600 0800 uo 900 oer 0200 wor oe 0100 298 182 00 sie oz ‘200 190 vt ozo wr 100 Sssouye 19uS KH) me | HL me | mK | mw | wm Lm [ml mw | me fo] me lala) al Hw | % cay sanommeyp 194RE RL-¥e08, wsx-reoc | pew | 1e4,-¥202) paw | ‘wsL-veoe | pow stor | i8L-4202 va-vo0e, ox-s102 tsu-re0e | at-su0e | ‘ox-v202 | ‘at-ve0e | ‘eu-¥eoe}|* -rmuonewe uw paw pow aw pun ‘aL-veoe | pov | ‘su.-4eoe | ‘eu-¥20e | ‘ni-¥20e)| 801% PAL sai-veoc | ad-veoe | ‘ea-Fe0e. sei-veoe | ‘w-¥e0e ‘e-ve0e | ow-veoe | ‘eL-vaoe | ‘eL-veoe | ‘eL-ve07 teL-ve08 eE-L10e eI-L1Ie ruonmu youn a uae pp ‘sean pordania go0r PrIog Jo waBUAING PIOVA 21d ORR,Di.26 FITTINGS AND CONNECTIONS. BOLTED AND RIVETED. (1) Tension on rivets shell de restricted to conditions in which tenston load 1s inetdentel to the major shear carrying purpose of the rivet. When It is Aifficult to determine tf the tension Component 1s incidental or major, a bolt shall be used. (2) ‘The following are examples of joints where rivets are considered to be satisfactory tension carrying mediums. (a) Skin attachment to ribs and franes (b) Attachnent of sheet panels to beam flanges and stringers, whore tnter- rivet buckling or diagonal sheet wriniding produce tonston leads on rivets. (c) Skin attachment on a pressurized nacelle or Doay. (3) Do not use rivets to fasten control brackets to a supporting structure. (4) If there 1s no load reversal on the assembly, the tension allonables given in the following tables can be used. (5) If there 1s load reversal on tne assembly, the tension load on the rivet should not exceed 25 percent of the values in the table. (6) Rivets loaded in both shear and tenston should be checked for conbined stresses, using tho interaction equation, Ret + Rgt= 2 (7) A sarticient mmber of rivets stall ve used to insure that failure of any one rivet due to improper installation, cracked head, etc., shall not result tn ‘the fatlure of the structure thet 1s being hela together by the rivets. 1.26 Rivet Tension strengths. Reference to the structures design manuals of various aircraft coapanies shows that rivet tensile strengtns are not the sam or, in other words, not standardized as in the case of shear and bearing. Tables A, B & C have been taken from the (Ref. 5). The values given are conservative relative to values found in other company manuals. Table A PROTRUDING HEAD RIVETS (AN470, AN442) ULTIMATE TENSILE STRENGTH SS Se ‘Une this table for 2487 Alclad aheet and barder ‘Allowable Rivet Load, Lbs. Per Rivet sia | vs |s/s1| sie] v4 | sie] ae a 120 159 + yar 8 am am] 568 Fi sao | 199 | 920 BE] TOT | 1262 gor | 1245 | r402 | 1000 1004 | 1440 | r7a1 | 1082 1004 | 1851] TEE] 2308] 1eg2 | 2274 | 2622 1082 | 3000 | 3959 T9RR | S130] 4336 3130 | 4470 4870 ‘Table B 100° FLUSH HEAD RIVET (41426) MACHINE, COUNTERSUNK. JOINT ULTIMATE TENSILE STRENGTH at SS he Use this table for 24ST Alclad sheet and tarder ‘Allewable Rivet Load, Lbs. Per Rivet Sheet sys2 | ae | s/s2| syse | 1/4 | s/16 | 978 ‘oa | 191 051 | 249 | 319 loos | 249 | 455 | sor Of 502 a8 oat 089 | 779 091 683 |_ 912 S08 905-| 19% has 985 | 1698 | 1941 156 1783 | 2660 | 2060 “a6 1185 | 2817 | 3827 250 ant | 4023 Tenn | 080 | 0st [oe | ova [ton [196 | 86 ‘Table C 100° FLUSH HEAD RIVET (AN426) DOUBLE DIMPLE ULTIMATE TENSILE STRENGTH fe __ TAF Use this table for 2467 Alclad ahect and tarder ‘Allowable Rivet Load, Lbs. Por Rivet Bhoet Gauge | sys2_| ve | s/s2_| s/s | 1/4 = 020 08 ozs s37_| 168 "082 185 [233] 20 040 aur_| 308 363 408 705i cn 064 sas | 635 | 731 | ost 2OT 3st | 10% 0B) ero_| iz Tenin | 000] 028 [os] 040 51PROBLEMS (1) The single bolt fttting unit as shown in Fig. 1 to subjected to ¢ design rivting oad of 12000 1bs. tn axial tension. The pin 18 an AN steel pout 3/6 1ncn alameter, Bushing 15 1/16 wall and steel Fey = 125000. Lug material is 2014-16 ber, Ftu = 68000. The fitting 1s not subjected to shock or vibration. Strength check the bolt and Iug (A) and give all margine of safety. (2) Sane fitting as in Problem 1 but design fitting load 1s @ transverse load of 10,000 1b, Strength check and give all margins of safety. (3) Sane fitting as in Problem 1 but lug (A) 1s subjected to 2 design fitting load acting at 45° with a value of 11000 1b, Btrongth check for this loading. Fig. (4) 41/2 tnoh diameter AN steel bolt 1s subjected to a combined shar and tension losd. ‘The shear load on the bolt 1s 10,000 1bs. and the tension load 1s 12,000 1bs. Find margin of safety under ‘nis combined loaaing. (5) Design a hings pin using a standard AN steel bolt ani a male luz to carrying an axial tensile load of 25,000 1bs. Use fitting factor of 1.15. Use stool dushing,| No shock or vibration. Assume lugs of female part of fitting 1/2 es thick as malo lug. Design the mle lug from two materials. (1) 2024-4 aluninun alloy and (2) AISI steel, Fey = 180000. (6) Fig. 2 11lustrates an end fitting for « streamline strut. The tube 1s flattened slightly at tho ond to fit a simple block fitting. Loads shown ars design strut losds. Using a fitting factor of 1.20, check the strength of the entire fitting unit. Assume no shock or vibration, (7) Fig. 3 11lustrates a fitting unit on the fend of an extruded (1) section. ‘The web on the (I) section extents out to form (8) pi.29 a B04 RE v AED elt ji) oe Fg. 8 pert of the fitting lug, which ts reinforced by stool fitting plates. Strongth chock the fitting for a design load of 45000 1b. Use fitting factor of 1.25. Fig. 4 shows a typicel beam end-single pin fitting unit. The fitting plate 1s attached to bean section by the rivet pattern as shown. ‘Toe leads shown on figura are applied loads, Using a factor of safety on applied leeds of 1.5 and a fitting factor of 1.2, determine the margin of safety of the rivet attachment of fitting plate to beam section. (024-13 MCLE)" dra 27-73 (eal tre)Di. 30 FITTINGS AND CONNECTIONS. (9) Fig. 5 shows a flap hings fitting attached to Supporting structure vy $~ 1/4" dia. AN stes1 Dolts. The bolts sre in double shear. Check the most critical bolt in shear and bearing for load of 3500 lbs. acting as show, Fitting mterial 1s 2014-3. (10) In the eccentrically loaded multiple bolt fitting of Fig. 6, determine the resultant load on each of the five AN steel tolts in Fesisting the 24000 Ibs. load acting as shown. (21) In Fig. 7 the fitting 1s attached to a fuselage frame by four 1/4 dia. AN steel dolts. The dasign fitting loads are as shown. Deteraine the margin of safety on the most critical bolt. Use Fig. D1.4 to obtain equation for combined tension and shear stresses. Ta | i 7800" oy at ba BOLTED AND RIVETED. (az) In Fig. 8 find the size of 2017-78 rivets necessary to carry the ultinite fitting design load of 3000 Ibs. as sho. The fitting plate 1s steel 1/e thick, Fty = 95000, and the 2024-13 channel fram is +081 inch thick. ae (18) Design the 1tghtest overlap shest splice for .061 clad 2024-76 and protruding head type rivet. Design tension load on sheet = 2360 1b./in. Give all details of Joint. (14) Renork design in Problem 13 to use double dimpled rivets. REFERENCES (2) aNo-5, Strength of Metal Aircraft Elewents. March, 1955. (2) Military Handbook MIL-HDBK-5. August, 1962. Metallic Materials and Elements for Flight Vehicle Structures. (3) Cozzone, Melcon, and Hobiit: Aralysis of Lugs and Shear Pins Yade of Aluminum and Stool Alloys. Product Engineering Vol. 21, May, 1950. (4) Melcon and Hotlit: "Developments 1 the Analyses of Lugs and Pins." Product Engineering. June, 1953. (6) Martin Co. Structures Manual. (6) Various Structural Manuals of Verious Atrora?t Companies.
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Gilbert King
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (270)
Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1941)
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (1934)
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Doris Kearns Goodwin
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
Dave Eggers
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Jay Sekulow
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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John Adams
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John Adams
David McCullough
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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Little Women
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Little Women
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