T.Y. B.C.A. (2015-16) PDF
T.Y. B.C.A. (2015-16) PDF
T.Y. B.C.A. (2015-16) PDF
T.Y. B.C.A.
T.Y. B.C.A.
Paper – 301 Linux Shell Programming
Total Marks: 100
♣ History of Unix Operating System Definition of Kernel, Shell, File, Process,
System Calls.,
♣ Linux Operating System,Features of Unix and Linux Operating System,
Unit - 1 ♣ Concept of Open source software,Application area of Linux Operating System 20
♣ Various Linux Flavors
♣ Desktop Environment : (a) X Window Basics (b) KDE Basics (c) GNOME Basics
♣ Terms and condition of Copying, Distribution, and Modifications (Linux & GNU)
♣ Advantages and Disadvantages of Linux
File Structure and Linux Shells.
♣ Understanding File system hierarchy standard.
♣ Directory Commands
♣ File and Directory commands:
Unit – 2 ♣ Understanding Job (process). 20
♣ Process Commands:
♣ User commands:
♣ Misc Commands
♣ Keyboard commands using ctrl key.
User Management
♣ GUI user management tools: User admin and KUser
Unit – 3 ♣ Password file, Managing user environment 20
♣ Adding and removing users with useradd, usermod and userdel
♣ Managing groups, Controlling access to directories and file using chmod
Networking concepts & Server configuration
♣ Basics of network system, Basics of TCP/IP Networking, IP address, IP address
Unit – 4 class and mask, port number, DNS, NFS server configuration 20
♣ Telnet and FTP server fundamentals
♣ Basics of Samba server: Installation and configuration.
Bash Shell Programming
♣ Introduction to Vi Editors
♣ Introduction to Shell : Korn, Bash, and C Shell with their difference
Unit -5 ♣ Variables in shell, how to print or access values in shell, echo command. 20
♣ Shell arithmetic, commands and command line arguments, I/O redirection
♣ Structured language construct: if, else, else – if, case statement, loops in shell,
Arrays, Command line argument.
T.Y. B.C.A.
Paper – 302 Data Communication and Networking
Total Marks: 100
T.Y. B.C.A.
Paper – 303 Java Programming
Total Marks: 100
T.Y. B.C.A.
Paper – 304 Operational Research:
Total Marks: 100
Reference Books: -
1. Sharma J. K.: Operation Research-Theory & Application, Macmillan Pub.
2. Sharma S. D.: Operation Research-Theory & Application, Macmillan Pub.
3. Mastafi C.K.: Operation Research- Methods & Practice, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
T.Y. B.C.A.
Paper – 305 RDBMS – II
Total Marks: 100
RDBMS Concept
♣ Data models (Hierarchical Model, Network model, Relational model, Object
relational model)
♣ Database Structure and Space Management, Memory Structure, Process Architecture
Unit-1 20
♣ E-R Diagram, Normalization.
♣ Client Server Architecture, Multi tier Architecture, Distributed Processing
♣ Code’s Rules
♣ How oracle works.
SQL * Plus
♣ Introduce DDL, DML, DCL. & TCL
♣ Oracle data types and Oracle functions.
Unit-2 20
♣ Types of integrity, integrity constraints.
♣ Simple and advance query generation.
♣ Schema and Schema object: View, Sequence, index, synonyms.
♣ Introduction of PL / SQL Blocks,PL/SQL Engine,PL/SQL, Programming
♣ How PL / SQL work Control structure of PL/SQL.
Unit-3 ♣ Cursor: Introduction of Cursor,types of Cursor, Declaring Cursor, Attributes of 20
Cursor, Accessing cursor,Closing Cursor.
♣ Exception Handling: Introduction of Exception Handling ,Predefine
Exception,Undefine Execption, User Define Exception,
♣ Strored Procedure:Creating and Executing Stored Procedure
Unit-4 ♣ Function:Creating and Executing Function 20
♣ Trigger: Components of trigger, types of trigger, creating a trigger.
♣ Lockining: Implicit and explicit locking
Introduction to DBA
♣ Role of DBA.
♣ Users: Creating a new user, grant command, deleting user.
♣ Privileges: System privileges, object privileges, Assigning object privileges to a user,
Unit-5 Viewing User & privileges, revoking a system & an object privileges. 20
♣ Role: Creating a role, Granting privileges & roles to a role, granting role to a user,
viewing the role of a user.
♣ Database Backup & Recovery and import-export utility.
♣ SQL Loader Utility
T.Y. B.C.A.
♣ Introduction of Visual Web Developer
♣ Basics of Web Application Development
♣ Introduction of Web-Forms
Unit-1 20
♣ Advantage, Feature, New in ASP.Net 2.0, Page Life Cycle, Event Life
Cycle, Global application class, Web configure file.
♣ Basics Controls: Label,Text Boxes, Link Labels,Button, Image button,
Link button, List box control, Place holder etc
Standard Controls
♣ Image Control, File upload,
♣ Drop Down Lists, Bulleted Listed, Checkbox, Radio Buttons
Unit-2 20
♣ Hyper link, Tables Panels
♣ Tree View Control and Menu
♣ Sitemap Path control and Wizard Control
Advance Controls
♣ Required Field Validators, Range Validators, Regular Expression validators,
Custom Validations, Validation Summary,
Unit-3 ♣ Ad Rotators 20
♣ Login Controls
♣ HTML Controls
♣ Master Pages and Themes
Working With Data Base
♣ Working MS-SQL-Server Database
♣ Working With ADO.NET
Unit-4 20
♣ Accessing Data with Sever Explores, Binding Data
♣ Database programming using code
♣ Working with data controls
Working With Ajax Controls and Web-Services
♣ Architecture of ASP.NET Ajax
♣ Working with Ajax Controls (Script Manager, Update Panel, Timer,
Unit-5 Accordion, AutoComplete, Calendar, FilteredTextbox 20
♣ Introduction to Web-Services
♣ Creating and Deploying web services
♣ Small Application development
T.Y. B.C.A.