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February 2013

Table of Contents

I. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1
II. GENERAL PARKING PROVISIONS .......................................................................... 2
III. PARKING DESIGN.................................................................................................... 3
A. Parking Plan Requirements .......................................................................... 3
B. General Parking Guidelines ......................................................................... 3
1. Location .................................................................................................. 3
2. Setbacks ................................................................................................. 6
3. Access ..................................................................................................... 6
4. Circulation .............................................................................................. 6
5. Sight Distance ........................................................................................ 6
6. Pedestrian Access ................................................................................. 7
7. Accessible Parking Regulations .......................................................... 7
C. Parking Standards.......................................................................................... 9
1. Parking Space Dimensions ................................................................... 9
2. Parking Aisles ........................................................................................ 10
3. Access Driveways................................................................................ 14
4. Slope / Grade ...................................................................................... 14
5. Parking Details ..................................................................................... 16
a. Surfacing ...................................................................................... 16
b. Wheel Stops / Curbs ................................................................... 17
c. Striping .......................................................................................... 18
d. Walls and Fences ........................................................................ 18
e. Directional Indicators ................................................................. 19
f. Bicycle Parking ............................................................................ 19
g. Compact Vehicle Parking ......................................................... 20
h. Tandem Parking .......................................................................... 20
i. Clean Air Vehicle Parking .......................................................... 21
j. Oversized Vehicle Parking ......................................................... 21
k. Tractor Trailer Parking ................................................................. 22
l. Identification of Spaces ............................................................. 22
6. Lighting.................................................................................................. 22
7. Landscaping ........................................................................................ 23
8. Stormwater Runoff Treatment ........................................................... 27

Table of Contents County of San Diego

D. Residential Parking for Detached Single Family, Duplexes, and
Triplexes ................................................................................................................. 30
IV. PARKING ALTERNATIVES ...................................................................................... 34

List of Tables
Table 1 Parking Area Requirements ........................................................................ 4
Table 2 Required Minimum Number of Accessible Spaces ................................. 8
Table 3 Minimum Parking Layout Dimensions ...................................................... 11
Table 4 Required Thickness of A/C and Subbase ............................................... 17
Table 5 Parking Requirement for Clean Air Vehicles .......................................... 21

List of Figures
Figure 1 Example Parking Locations by Use ............................................................ 5
Figure 2 Example of Accessible Parking Standards ............................................... 8
Figure 3 Reference Drawing for Minimum Parking Dimensions .......................... 11
Figure 4 Minimum Dimensions for Common Parking Lot Layouts....................... 12
Figure 5 Example of Parking Lot Angles and Dimensions .................................... 13
Figure 6 Example of Commercial Driveway Slope Gradients ............................ 15
Figure 7 Example Wheel Stop Dimensions ............................................................. 18
Figure 8 Walls and Fences ........................................................................................ 19
Figure 9 Landscaping Requirements for Parking Lots .......................................... 26
Figure 10 Low Impact Development Techniques in Parking Lot .......................... 28
Figure 11 Minimum Length for Residential Driveways ............................................ 31
Figure 12 Example of Residential Driveway Slope Gradients ............................... 32

Appendix A: Minimum Parking Layout Dimensions

Table of Contents County of San Diego

The Parking Design Manual was prepared for property owners, architects,
engineers, developers, landscape architects and others that are involved with
use and the development of land in the unincorporated County of San Diego to
provide guidance on how to design parking areas that are in compliance with
the County’s regulations and procedures (Section 6750 et seq. of the County of
San Diego Zoning Ordinance, herein referred to as the “Zoning Ordinance”).
Review the property’s zoning regulations to determine if additional requirements

A. Applicability
This Parking Design Manual implements Section 6792 of the Zoning Ordinance of
San Diego County:
“The design, dimensions, construction, landscaping, and surfacing
of parking and bicycle spaces, driveways and other areas shall
conform to the County Parking Regulations. Additional guidance is
provided by the County Parking Design Manual.”

Notwithstanding the provisions of this manual, parking area design may be

subject to the County of San Diego Consolidated Fire Code and responsible Fire
Authority regulations due to health and safety reasons.

Refer to the property’s zoning regulations to determine if additional requirements


B. Purpose
The purpose of the Parking Design Manual is to provide guidance in the design
and development of parking areas which are safe, functional, low impact,
adequately landscaped, properly screened in design, and encourage
pedestrian and bicycle activity. Incorporating appropriate design elements into
parking design minimizes the impacts of a parking area on the environment.
Environmental impacts that may be affected by parking design include visual
aesthetics, excessive noise or lighting, stormwater runoff, and traffic impacts,
particularly when adjacent to residential areas. The intent of this manual is to
supplement the Zoning Ordinance with regard to the aspects of design of a
parking area. Parking regulations and parking ratios by land use are contained
in Sections 6750 through 6799 of the Zoning Ordinance. Fencing regulations are
found in Section 6700 through 6749 of the Zoning Ordinance. Water
conservation and landscaping regulations are found in the County Code of
Regulatory Ordinances Section 86.701 et seq. which includes landscape design
guidelines and installation specifications.

Page 1 County of San Diego

The design of parking areas will vary based on the qualities and conditions of
each property. However, the overall goal for achieving well designed, low
impact, and adequately landscaped parking areas is consistent for all parking
areas. Below are the general parking provisions to guide the design of parking
areas within the County. Review of the property’s zoning regulations will
determine if additional requirements apply.

A. Required Parking
Each land use shall provide at least the minimum number of parking spaces as
required by the Zoning Ordinance, except where a parking reduction has been
granted by the Director of Planning and Land Use or as approved with a building
or discretionary permit.

B. Change or Increase in Use

When the occupancy or use of a property is changed, enlarged, expanded, or
intensified, adequate parking to meet the requirements of Section 6753 of the
Zoning Ordinance shall be provided for the new use or occupancy.

C. Parking and Loading Spaces

Parking and loading spaces shall be marked, maintained, and permanently
available for the use they are intended to serve, per Section 6753 of the Zoning
Ordinance. Owners, lessees, tenants, or persons having control of the parking or
loading spaces cannot prevent, prohibit or restrict the utilization of parking and
loading spaces.

Loading spaces should be permanently reserved and maintained for the

temporary parking of commercial vehicles while loading or unloading
merchandise or materials. Loading and unloading activities should not obstruct
access to any parking space.

Required parking and loading areas shall be used exclusively for the parking and
loading of vehicles and not be used for the sale, lease, display, repair, or storage
of vehicles, trailers, boats, campers, mobile homes, merchandise or equipment
without a required permit, County approval, or where required by the Zoning

D. Exceptions
Exceptions to the requirements in this document may be allowed with County
approval through a variance or discretionary permit. Exceptions must be
supported by a finding that a safety hazard and/or site distance issue will not
affect the design of the parking area. The Director of Planning and Land Use
may administratively waive certain requirements or regulations, which are not
subject to a variance or discretionary permit.

Page 2 County of San Diego

This section provides design strategies and requirements for parking plans,
parking spaces, driveways, aisle widths, parking areas, walls and fences, access,
circulation, pedestrian access, bicycle parking, surfacing, directional indicators,
lighting, stormwater treatment and landscaping.

A. Parking Plan Requirements

Where required, parking plans submitted to the Department of Planning and
Land Use shall include the following, as a minimum, per Section 6790 of the
Zoning Ordinance:
1. The number of parking spaces required for each land use
2. The total number of parking spaces required and provided
3. The number of accessible car spaces required and provided
4. The number of bicycle parking spaces required and provided
5. The percent of area devoted to landscaping
6. For multi-family residential projects, the distribution and
proximity of parking spaces in relation to residential entrances
Additional information may be required by the Director as necessary to
determine compliance with parking regulations and this Design Manual.

B. General Parking Guidelines

1. Location
Per Section 6785 of the Zoning Ordinance, all required parking and bicycle
spaces shall be located on the same legal parcel with the primary use or
structure, or in a location conforming to a building permit or discretionary permit
approved by the Department of Planning and Land Use, unless the project
meets the collective parking provisions of Section 6788 or all of the following:

a. There is a traversable pedestrian route, not more than 600’ in length, over
and along public streets or walkways or permanently established
easements between the parking or bicycle spaces and the uses or
structures served; and

b. The site is subject to the S86 Parking Regulations; or all persons owning an
interest in the site have executed and recorded an agreement not to
oppose a reclassification to the S86 Parking Use Regulations, and then
make application and pay the fees for this reclassification.

Sites located within the Fallbrook Village Zones must meet the Fallbrook Village
Parking Regulations, per Section 8000 et seq. of the Zoning Ordinance.

Page 3 County of San Diego

Required parking or loading facilities may not be placed within the public right-

Uncovered parking spaces shall be located outside the designated ultimate

right-of-way of any street per Section 4800 et seq. of the Zoning Ordinance and
as shown in Table 1. An illustration of parking area lot location requirements is
shown in Figure 1.

Table 1
Parking Area Requirements

Side (Exterior)
Zone Use Regulation Front (Interior) Corner Lot Rear
Permitted with Not
All Residential Not Permitted Permitted
fence or wall1 Permitted
Permitted with Not
All Agricultural Not Permitted Permitted
fence or wall1 Permitted
S-80 (Open Space)
S-81 (Ecological Resource)
Permitted with Not
S-88 (Specific Plan) Not Permitted Permitted
fence or wall1 Permitted
S-90 (Holding Area)
S-92 (General Rural)
C-30 (Office-Professional)
Not Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted
C-46 (Medical Center)
Other Commercial Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted

All Industrial Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted

S-82 (Extractive Use)
S-86 (Parking)
Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted
S-94 (Transportation & Utility
Permitted in Permitted
Permitted in the
the rear half in the
Fallbrook Village2 V1 – V5 Not Permitted rear half of the
of the lot rear half
lot only
only of the lot
See Section III – G: Walls and Fence
See Section 8000 et seq., Fallbrook Village Regulations, and Section 5761 c, Parking Requirements Within Special
Parking Districts, for special parking provisions applicable to Fallbrook Village, Zones V1 through V5.

Page 4 County of San Diego

Figure 1
Example Parking Locations by Use

Page 5 County of San Diego

2. Setbacks
Some zones require parking to meet setbacks. Setback requirements for parking
areas are provided in Section 4810 of the Zoning Ordinance.

3. Access
a. Access to Public Street
Parking area layouts should be designed so that exiting vehicles do not back into
a public street (not applicable to single family units, duplexes, or triplexes).
b. Public Right-of-Way and Easements
For any work in the public right-of-way or in any public easement, a right-of-way
Construction, Encroachment, Planting and/or Excavation Permit may be
required. Please note that the road right-of-way typically extends ten or more
feet past the road pavement surface. Contact the Department of Public Works
for assistance in obtaining right-of-way permits.

4. Circulation
a. Size of Circulation Route
Size vehicle circulation routes according to use. Avoid using over-sized
driveways, drive aisles and turning radii.
b. Coordination with Major Drive Aisles
Where circulation routes requires wider driveways and turning radii (i.e. fire
lanes), coordinate the location of these routes with major drive aisles.
c. Continuous Circulation
Provide continuous circulation throughout the site. Avoid dead end driveways
and turn around spaces

5. Sight Distance
a. Intersections
Intersections of driveways onto public roads are required to meet the County
Public Road Standards and sight distance requirements. The County Public Road
Standards state that Sight Distance “shall have priority over all other standards
and shall be achieved within the standard right-of-way.” Consult with a design
professional (Civil Engineer, Licensed Land Surveyor, or Traffic Engineer) in order
to determine the best location and design of driveways with respect to sight
distance and the location of vegetation, fencing, and walls along or near
intersections of driveways onto both Public and Private Roads.
b. Onsite Parking and Driveways
Ensure unobstructed motorist and pedestrian sight distance and provide clearly
marked crossings at all intersections between vehicle routes and pedestrian

Page 6 County of San Diego

6. Pedestrian Access
Direct and continuous pedestrian
networks within and adjacent to
parking lots should be provided to
connect building entrances,
parking spaces, public sidewalks,
transit stops and other pedestrian

In larger parking lots or where

parking lots serve more than one
building or destination, provide
pedestrian pathways to direct safe
travel through the parking lot.
Where feasible, pedestrian
pathways should be Example of Pedestrian Pathway through Parking Lot
differentiated from the parking
area through the use of landscaping, sidewalks, pavement materials, striping, or
other design elements to alert motorists of pedestrian areas.

The width, number, and orientation of pedestrian routes should match the
anticipated flow of pedestrian traffic through the site. When planning the width
and location of pedestrian routes, consider the space requirements for
equipment related to parking lot use, such as shopping carts, strollers and
mobility aids.

In addition, an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible pedestrian path

of travel between the main building entrance and the public sidewalk shall be
provided per the California Code of Regulations (Title 24) of the California
Building Code (Chapter 11B) for Accessible Parking Standards.

7. Accessible Parking Regulations

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
governs the construction and alteration of Accessible Parking
public places, commercial facilities, and state
and local government facilities to
accommodate and provide adequate facilities
for persons with disabilities. Requirements are
covered under the California Code of
Regulations (Title 24) of the California Building
Code (Chapter 11B) for Accessible Parking
Standards. Key components of current (2012)
ADA parking standards are provided below.
Please refer to Figure 2 below for an example of
accessible parking standards.

Page 7 County of San Diego

a. Required Accessible Parking Figure 2: Example of
Accessible Parking Standards
Accessible parking is required for all new
parking lots and in existing lots when
alterations, structural repairs, or additions
are made. Accessible parking spaces are
required to be on the shortest accessible
route of travel from parking to the building

b. Number of Required Spaces

The number of required accessible parking
spaces for each lot is dependent on the
total number of parking spaces provided.
The first accessible parking space must be
a van accessible space with an access
aisle. Table 2 below shows the number of
spaces currently required by Title 24. Title
24 regulations should be reviewed for any
change in the number of required spaces.

c. Size of Space
The minimum size of an accessible parking
space shall be 9’ wide by 18’ in length. A
5’ wide marked “No Parking” loading area
shall be provided adjacent to all accessible parking spaces. An adjacent space
may share a loading area. When only one accessible parking space is required,
the location of the loading space shall be on the passenger side.
One in every eight accessible spaces, but not less than one, shall be served by a
van accessible space with a loading area of at least 8’ wide.
Table 2
Required Minimum Number of Accessible Spaces

Total Number of Parking Spaces Required Minimum Number of Accessible Spaces

1-25 1
26-50 2
51-75 3
76-100 4
101-150 5
151-200 6
201-300 7
301-400 8
401-500 9
2 percent of the total (rounded to a whole
1001 and over 20 plus 1 for each 100 over 1000

Page 8 County of San Diego

d. Parking Space Location
Accessible parking spaces and access aisles shall be located:
 Along the shortest accessible route of travel between the parking space
and primary accessible entrance with a minimum 4’ wide sidewalk.
 Where the slope of finished grade in any direction does not exceed ¼”
(or 2 percent) per foot.
 Where persons with disabilities are not required to pass behind a parked
vehicle other than their own and are not required to cross a driveway,
where possible. This requirement may be waived when compliance to
regulate creates an unreasonable hardship.

e. Miscellaneous Requirements
 Ramps to accessible walks and paths shall not encroach into parking
areas except ramps at the interior end of a parking space, which may
encroach into the loading area provided it does not impede a person
with disabilities to access their vehicle.
 Curbs and or wheel stops shall be installed to prevent vehicles from
projecting over the sidewalks and pathways.
Garages or parking areas shall maintain a minimum vertical clearance of
8’-2” for access to all accessible parking spaces. This requirement may
be waived by the Director when compliance to regulate creates an
unreasonable hardship.

C. Parking Standards
1. Parking Space Dimensions
Each required parking space shall be at least 9’ wide by 18’ long, with adequate
provisions for ingress and egress by a standard full size passenger vehicle, per
Section 6792 of the Zoning Ordinance. Parking spaces in parking lots shall comply
with the minimum dimension requirements in Table 3 and as illustrated in Figure 3
Minimum parking dimensions for common parking layouts are illustrated in Figure
4. An illustrated example of parking lot angles and dimensions is provided in
Figure 5. Minimum parking dimensions for additional parking configurations are
provided in Table A-1 in Appendix A.

a. Overhang, Abutments, and Adjacent Objects

Per Section 6792 of the Zoning Ordinance:

 The length of the parking space and use of wheel stops shall be
implemented in a manner that assures vehicle overhang will avoid
contact with abutting objects such as landscaping, irrigation, or
walls and vehicle intrusion on walkways.

Page 9 County of San Diego

 The width of a parking space shall be increased by 2’-0” when
adjacent to fences, walls, or planters.
 All driveways and curb openings shall be a minimum of 3’ from any
obstruction, i.e. poles, hydrants, buildings, walls, and fences.

b. Loading Spaces
Loading spaces shall be a minimum of 10’ wide by 35’ long per Section 6786 of
the Zoning Ordinance.

2. Parking Aisles
a. One-Way and Two-Way Traffic Aisles
Per Section 6792 of the Zoning Ordinance:

 One-way access driveways leading to aisles within a parking area

shall be a minimum of 12’.
 Two-way aisles and access driveways leading to aisles within a
parking area shall be a minimum of 24’.
Minimum aisle widths for one-way drive aisles within a parking area are shown in
Table 2.

b. Fire Access Aisles

Designated fire access aisles must comply with the County’s Consolidated Fire
Code and/or the Fire Authority Having Jurisdiction. Minimum unobstructed fire
access width is 24’. Inside turning radius minimum is 28’. Vertical clearance
minimum is 13’-6”. The Fire Authority Having Jurisdiction may require greater
dimensions. For more information regarding Fire Code standards, contact the
San Diego County Fire Authority.

c. Truck Aisles
Access aisles for multiple-axle trucks in commercial and industrial projects shall
be a minimum width of 40’ for projects with a gross floor area of 10,000 square
feet or greater or where the design of the project includes a loading dock, per
Section 6792 of the Zoning Ordinance. Truck movement templates (i.e. turning
radii elements including wheel paths, which define the needed width of
pavement edge that must be clear from obstructions above curb height) shall
be included on the site plan to indicate turning conditions per Section 6792 of
the Zoning Ordinance.

Page 10 County of San Diego

Table 3
Minimum Parking Layout Dimensions

Parking Angle
Figure 3 0°
Label Design Component (Parallel) 30° 45° 60° 90°
A Stall Width 9'(8')1 9' 9' 9' 9'
B Stall Length 22' 18' 18' 18' 18'
C Stall Width Parallel to Aisle N/A 18'-0" 12'-9" 10'-5" 9'-0"
D Stall Depth to Curb or Wall N/A 16'-10" 19'-1" 20'-1" 18'-0"
E Stall Depth to Interlock N/A 12'-11" 15'-11" 17'-10" 18'-0"
One-Way 13' 14' 16' 19' N/A
F Aisle Width2
Two-Way 24' 22' 24' 24' 26'
Module One-Way Aisle N/A 43'-9" 51'-0" 46'-11" N/A
Wall/Curb to Two-Way Aisle N/A 51'-9" 59'-0" 61'-11" 62'-0"
Module One-Way Aisle N/A 39'-10" 47'-10" 54'-8" N/A
Interlock to Two-Way Aisle N/A 47'-10" 55'-10" 59'-8" 62'-0"
Module One-Way Aisle 31'-0" 47'-8" 54'-2" 59'-2" N/A
not shown Width
in Figure 3 Wall/Curb to Two-Way Aisle 42'-0" 55'-8" 62'-2" 64'-2" 62'-0"
I Cross Aisle One-Way 15' 15' 15' 15' 15'
Width2 Two-Way 22' 22' 22' 22' 22'
8’ width applies to on-street parking stalls
The Director may require greater aisle width due to emergency San Diego County Fire Authority equipment access needs. Aisles less
than 24’ shall not be designated as Fire Access.
N/A – Not Applicable

Figure 3
Reference Drawing for Minimum Parking Dimensions

Page 11 County of San Diego

Figure 4
Minimum Dimensions for Common Parking Lot Layouts

Page 12 County of San Diego

Figure 5
Example of Parking Lot Angles and Dimensions

Page 13 County of San Diego

d. Drive-Through Aisles
All projects which feature drive-through facilities (bank, pharmacy, fast-food,
etc.) shall provide a drive-through aisle capable of a reasonable queuing of
vehicles without impeding the circulation of traffic within the parking area or
abutting driveway or street travel way. Drive-through aisles should not cross
pedestrian pathways and be clearly designated with striping and/or signage.
See the Zoning Ordinance for specifications.

3. Access Driveways
The construction, repair, and maintenance of all driveways, curbs and gutters,
and sidewalks are the responsibility of the property owner, developer, or tenant.
The responsibility includes the entire area of driveway from the edge of the
existing pavement of traveled way to the property line and all culverts or other
structures necessary for property drainage control.

A residential driveway is any driveway serving property used solely as a private

single, duplex, or triplex residential dwelling unit, including farms or ranches not
used as retail outlets. All other driveways are considered commercial driveways.
For specifications on residential driveways, see Section III D.

All residential and commercial driveways designated as a fire access road shall
comply with the County’s Consolidated Fire Code.

To minimize interference with the flow of traffic and provide optimum access,
driveway design should also consider:
 line of sight,
 offset to adjacent and opposing driveways, and
 proximity to nearby intersections.
Parking facilities should be designed to minimize the number of driveways to
private property from streets and highways.

Not more than 40% of property frontage on residential lots and 60% of property
frontage on non-residential or multi-family residential lots may be allocated for
driveway curb openings, except for lots with frontage of 50’ or less, which are
entitled to one 16’ driveway with a 22’ curb opening.

Refer to the County of San Diego Public Road Standards and Standards for
Private Roads for additional information.

4. Slope / Grade
a. Driveway Slope/Grade
Commercial and multi-family residential driveways serving parking lots with 5 or
more spaces should not exceed 15 percent grade. The Fire Authority Having
Jurisdiction may allow driveway grades up to 20 percent with mitigation. Crown
or cross-slopes of driveways shall be 2 percent except the minimum cross-slope

Page 14 County of San Diego

may be 1 percent and the maximum cross-slope may be 5 percent where
physical conditions do not warrant 2 percent. The angle of departure and angle
of approach of driveways shall not exceed 12 percent.
Driveway grades should conform to the roadway cross-slope within the traveled
way and parking lanes of the ultimate section of the roadway. Within the right-
of-way, driveway grades should conform to sidewalk grades, if sidewalks are
provided. See Figure 6 for typical commercial and multi-family residential
driveway profiles.
Where driveways cross existing roadside ditches, a dip section providing an
unobstructed waterway equivalent to the full area of the ditch may be used if
grades are feasible. Where grades make use of a dip section infeasible, a
culvert pipe should be installed. The size of the culvert pipe and design of the
driveway culvert shall be reviewed for adequacy by the Department of Public
Figure 6
Example of Commercial Driveway Slope Gradients

Page 15 County of San Diego

b. Parking Lot Slope/Grade
Parking lot grades should be limited to a minimum grade of 1 percent slope and
a maximum grade of 6 percent slope to ensure proper drainage.

5. Parking Details
a. Surfacing
Per Section 6792 of the Zoning Ordinance, except for zones subject to the
Agricultural Use Regulations, all parking spaces, loading spaces, and driveways
shall be hard surfaced with durable asphalt concrete or Portland Cement
Concrete surfacing on a suitably prepared base. Parking spaces and driveways
accessory to single-family and duplex dwellings need not be surfaced with a
more durable type of surfacing than that which exists on the access street.
Driveways and aisles designated for fire access must be capable of supporting
fire apparatus (minimum 50,000 pounds) unless a greater minimum is required by
the Fire Authority Having Jurisdiction.

Table 4 summarizes the required paving thickness of A/C and base according to
soil classification, and shall be used unless a suitable alternative pavement
design by a registered civil engineer is submitted and approved by the Director.
Soil classifications are as established based on the R-value, or resistance value,
which identifies the strength of soil from vertically applied pressure. R-value is a
factor used in pavement design in the San Diego Regional Standard Drawings to
determine the necessary thickness of paving required. Soil classifications
identified in Table 4 are established as follows:

Good to Excellent Subbase: soil with an R-value of 40 or greater.

Medium Subbase: soil with an R-value of 20 to 39
Poor Subbase: soil with an R-value less than 20

Where permeable surfacing alternatives are desired or required to protect

surface water quality and/or implement Low Impact Development practices, an
alternative design which demonstrates adequate material strength, satisfaction
of local and regional standards, and community character preferences may be
approved by the Director. Structural equivalence should be demonstrated
based upon published criteria by Caltrans or AASHTO.

Within the desert areas of the North Mountain, Mountain Empire, and Desert
Subregional Plan areas, 4” of decomposed granite or suitable alternate material
may be approved by the Director in lieu of more durable paving on residential

Page 16 County of San Diego

Table 4
Required Thickness of A/C and Subbase
Residential Commercial Truck
Existing Soil Classifications Parking Loading and
(≤ 4 spaces) Parking
3” A/C on 5”
aggregate base or
Decomposed granite, well
2” A/C on 3” A/C on 4” A/C on
graded sands and gravels
existing soil existing soil aggregate base or
which retain load supporting
5” A/C on existing
capacity when wet
2” A/C on 6”
MEDIUM BASE 3” A/C on 5”
of 3” A/C on 7”
Silty sands and sand gravels aggregate
decomposed aggregate base or
containing moderate base or 4”
granite base 4” A/C on 5.5”
amounts of clay and fine silt. A/C on 3”
or 3” A/C on aggregate base or
Retains moderate amount of aggregate
3” aggregate 6” A/C on existing
firmness under adverse base or 5” on
base or 4” on soil
moisture conditions existing soil
existing soil
3” A/C on 8”
3” A/C on aggregate 3” A/C on 12”
5.5” base or 4” aggregate base or
Soils having appreciable
aggregate A/C on 5.5” 4” A/C on 10.5”
amounts of clay and fine silt.
base or 5” aggregate aggregate base or
Soils become quite soft and
A/C on base or 6” 8” A/C on existing
plastic when wet
existing soil A/C on soil
existing soil

b. Wheel Stops / Curbs

Per Section 6792 of the Zoning Ordinance:
 If a wheel stop is used, the length shall be 4’ to 6’ long and 4” high.
 If a wheel stop with overhang area is installed in parking space, the
distance from the front end of the space to the rear of the wheel
stop shall be 3’. It shall be placed so as to avoid bumper overhang
beyond the designated parking space and to avoid creating a
safety hazard for pedestrians.
Figure 7 illustrates typical wheel stop dimensions.

Page 17 County of San Diego

Figure 7
Example Wheel Stop Dimensions

Vehicular bumper overhang is prohibited in all areas where the parking stall is
adjacent to a pedestrian walkway of less than 7’ in width, planter beds (unless
the first 3’ from curb is low volume or subsurface irrigation, or is a non-irrigated
material), a fence or wall, or a building or structure.

c. Striping
All parking spaces shall be delineated by striping consisting of 4” wide painted
white lines, per Section 6792 of the Zoning Ordinance.

d. Walls and Fences

All parking areas of 5 or more parking spaces (and driveways serving such
parking areas) located on parcels abutting property in any residential zone shall
be separated by a properly maintained solid fence or wall 6’ in height, per
Section 6706 of the Zoning Ordinance and as illustrated in Figure 8. Where the
fence or wall abuts a front yard on adjacent property, the height of a fence or
wall is limited to 42”. See “Access” and “Sight Distance” Sections of this Manual.

Page 18 County of San Diego

Figure 8
Walls and Fences

e. Directional Indicators
Each parking area with more than one row of parking spaces should have
directional signs or surface painted directional markers to guide traffic.

f. Bicycle Parking
Newly constructed non-residential uses shall provide bicycle parking in
accordance with the 2010 California Green Building Standards Code Sections and The 2010 California Green Building Standards Code
provides standards for the provision of both short-term bicycle parking for visitors
and long-term bicycle parking for building tenant-occupants.

Bicycle spaces should be:

 Clearly designated for bicycle parking.

 Separated from motor vehicle parking areas and driveways by a
barrier, such as a curb, rail, or bollard, or be located in a manner
which will minimize the possibility of vehicles striking parked

Page 19 County of San Diego

Bicycle parking spaces should be located:

 No farther than 100 feet from the visitors’ entrance and be readily
 As close and conveniently accessible to the use or building
entrances as is the closest vehicle space, with the exception of
accessible parking spaces.
 As close to the building entrances as is practical while maintaining
a minimum bicycle access aisle of 5 feet and without interfering
with pedestrian access.
 At ground level.

One bicycle parking space shall consist of a floor area at least 2’ wide and 6’
long, served by an aisle at least 5’ wide for bicycle spaces which are not divided
into individual lockers or racks, per Section 6792 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Bicycle racks should be so designed and constructed that a bicycle can be
securely locked with a user-supplied padlock. Racks shall provide a space at
least 2’ in width for each bicycle, per Section 6792 of the Zoning Ordinance.

Enclosed bicycle spaces may be used in lieu of open bicycle spaces. Structures
or lockers containing enclosed bicycle spaces should be designed and
constructed so that such structures or bicycles within them cannot be easily

g. Compact Vehicle Parking

Compact vehicle spaces are only allowed to be used as surplus parking and
cannot be used to satisfy the minimum parking requirement per the Zoning
Ordinance. Compact spaces should be no less than 8’ wide and 16’ long.
Compact spaces should be restricted for use by compact vehicles and
identified with pavement stenciling and/or signage. Compact spaces should be
located furthest from the building entrances to discourage use by non-compact

h. Tandem Parking
Tandem parking represents a parking configuration where one vehicle parks
directly behind another and the vehicle in back must be moved in order for the
front vehicle to leave. Tandem parking shall be limited to a maximum of two
cars in depth and no less than 9’ wide and 36’ long, per Section 6792 of the
Zoning Ordinance. When determining access aisle widths for tandem parking,
the aisle widths for standard stalls should be used. Accessible parking spaces
should not be used in a tandem configuration.

Tandem parking stalls are only allowed for:

 Residential – single family, duplex, and townhome uses.

 Multi-family residential uses – subject to the following conditions:

Page 20 County of San Diego

o The tandem spaces should be reserved for and assigned to
dwelling units which are required to have two or more
parking spaces.
o Tandem spaces shall not be used for guest parking.
 Commercial uses – Tandem spaces should not be allowed for new
commercial construction. Tandem spaces may only be allowed for
existing commercial buildings or existing buildings that are
undergoing a change of use and are subject to the following

o Tandem spaces should be reserved for use by employees

and should be designated for employee parking through
the use of signage or pavement marking.
o At least 50 percent of the required spaces should be
unassigned standard (non-tandem) spaces that are
available for the use of visitors.

i. Clean Air Vehicle Parking

In accordance with the 2010 California Green Building Standards Code, newly
constructed non-residential uses shall provide designated parking for any
combination of low-emitting, fuel efficient and carpool/van pool vehicles, per
Section 6792 of the Zoning Ordinance, and as follows:
Table 5
Parking Requirement for Clean Air Vehicles
Total Number of Required Clean Air
Parking Spaces Vehicle Spaces
0-9 0
10-25 1
26-50 3
51-75 6
76-100 8
101-150 11
151-200 16
201 and over At least 8 percent of total

The designated parking spaces shall be identified with the words “CLEAN AIR
VEHICLE”. The words should be painted in white paint and the lower edge of the
word “VEHICLE” should be aligned with the end of the stall striping to be visible
beneath a parked vehicle. Parking spaces provided for clean air vehicle will be
credited towards the minimum parking requirement per the Zoning Ordinance.

j. Oversized Vehicle Parking

Oversized vehicle parking in commercial areas (for any vehicle longer than 20’)
may be provided at the owner’s discretion. If provided in meeting the parking

Page 21 County of San Diego

requirement, the oversized vehicle parking spaces should not be restricted. If
provided in addition to the number of required parking spaces, the spaces may
be restricted specifically for oversized vehicles with signage and/or surface paint.
The design of oversized vehicle parking within a parking lot should consider the
provision of adequate ingress/egress and circulation for the oversized vehicles
through the parking lot.

k. Tractor Trailer Parking

Where uses propose tractor trailer parking, tractor trailer parking spaces are
recommended to be a minimum of 12’ wide by 50’ long.

l. Identification of Spaces
All Accessible, Compact, and Loading spaces should be identified by symbols or
lettering on signs or with surface paint.

6. Lighting
Adequate lighting shall be provided in all parking areas used by the public for
safe pedestrian and vehicular movement, per Section 6792 of the Zoning

a. Lighting Plan
A Lighting Plan for the parking lot site shall be provided for all parking lots with 5
or more spaces, per Section 6792 of the Zoning Ordinance. Lighting should
clearly identify the parking lot, entrances and exits to adjacent streets, and
enhance the pedestrian environment. Lighting Plans should be appropriate to
the location, context and scale of the areas being lit.

b. Lighting Level
Required lighting levels for parking areas are stated in the County of San Diego
Division 9 Light Pollution Code.

c. Minimize Light Reflection to Adjoining Uses

All lights provided to illuminate any loading space or parking area shall be
designed and adjusted to reflect light away from any public road, street, and
any adjoining land zoned for non-business or non-industrial uses, per Section 6324
of the Zoning Ordinance.

d. Appearance
The appearance and scale of luminaries should be coordinated with pedestrian
walkways, parking spaces, building and site entrances, and other parking lot

e. Balance Safety and Energy Consumption

Balance safety and security with the reduction of energy consumption and light
pollution through the following measures:

Page 22 County of San Diego

 Ensure all parking spaces and circulation routes are well lit.
 Install lighting that is appropriately scaled to its purpose, i.e. avoid
“over lighting”.
 Direct light downward and avoid light overspill on adjacent
properties, streets and open spaces.
 Use energy efficient fixtures and bulbs.
 Incorporate opportunities for off-grid power generation, e.g. solar,
wind, etc.

7. Landscaping
Landscaping in and around parking areas improves visual aesthetics, reduces
soil erosion and carbon dioxide emissions, and provides shade while minimizing
the heat island effect that results from asphalt and/or large building block
surfaces such as parking lots. Therefore, adequate and properly maintained
landscaping is a significant component to parking lot design.

Refer to the County of San Diego Water Conservation in Landscaping

Ordinance and the Water Efficient Landscape Design Manual for current
information regarding irrigation requirements. Irrigation requirements are
provided in Section 86.709 of the Water Conservation in Landscaping
Ordinance and Section E of the Landscape Design Manual.

a. General Requirements
 In parking areas with 5 or more parking spaces, a minimum of 14
square feet of landscape shall be provided per parking space, per
Section 6792 of the Zoning Ordinance. Landscaping may be
provided in parking lot planters and/or for perimeter screening. Per
Section 6792 of the Zoning Ordinance, parking lot landscaping shall
be provided in addition to other landscaping requirements in the
right-of-way or setback areas by the M50 and M52 Use Regulations,
in some community design
guidelines, by any other
Ordinances or as a condition
of a discretionary application
 Every parking space should be
within 30’ feet of the trunk or
base of a tree to allow the tree
canopy to provide heat relief
and for screening purposes.
 Whenever possible, perimeter
planters are encouraged
along the edge of the parking Example of Perimeter Planting
area/driveway(s) and

Page 23 County of San Diego

between the building and the parking area. Perimeter planting
brings relief from continuous areas of paving and screens parked
cars from view of surrounding properties. In a large parking area,
planters aid in the flow of automotive and pedestrian traffic by
improving visibility and help filter storm water runoff. Fire
requirements for canopy separation may be applicable as
directed by the local fire district or the project’s fire protection
 A minimum of one 24” boxed tree per 5 parking spaces (rounded
to the nearest whole number) is required for a parking area.
 Planter strips with shrubs shall have a minimum unpaved width of 2’,
per Section 6792 of the Zoning Ordinance. Planter strips with trees
shall have a minimum unpaved width of 5’. Where feasible, the
surface of the planter strips should be concave to help channel
stormwater runoff.
 High shrubs or small trees may be used for perimeter planting,
except at driveway entrances where plant material shall be
positioned to avoid obstructing motorist views and be sensitive to
sight distance requirements.
 Trees along designated fire access roads/driveways/aisles shall
provide a minimum 13’-6” vertical clearance for the full fire access
 High canopy trees, low shrubs or ground cover are preferred so as
to allow optimum traffic visibility.
 Landscape islands located at the end of parking aisles shall be a
minimum of 2’ shorter than the parking stall length to prevent
wheels from running into the curb when turning in or backing out of
a space.

 Please refer to “Access” and “Sight Distance” Sections of this


Figure 9 illustrates the key landscaping requirements.

b. Recommended Practices
The following are recommended practices that are encouraged to be
implemented to the extent feasible.

 Install drought tolerant landscaping with low water and

maintenance requirements
 Install native plants
 Group plants together according to water, sun/shade, and soil
 Minimize lawn areas as they are the most water intensive

Page 24 County of San Diego

 Install efficient irrigation systems
 Preserve and develop existing tree canopies, soils, and native
 Install landscaping in parking lots and walkways to reduce the heat
island effect
 Minimize urban light pollution to maintain dark skies in rural County
 In parking lots, avoid trees that drip sap or drop large quantities of
fruit, flowers, seed pods or leaves
 Avoid trees that shed large leaves that do not biodegrade quickly

Page 25 County of San Diego

Figure 9
Landscaping Requirements for Parking Lots

Page 26 County of San Diego

8. Stormwater Runoff Treatment
Stormwater runoff treatment for water quality and hydromodification flow-
control may be required for a parking lot development. Water quality treatment
of stormwater has become increasingly important in reducing the pollution to
local water sources and maintaining water quality. Hydromodification flow-
control is necessary to minimize a projects impact on receiving waters in terms of
erosion, sedimentation, and degradation of in-stream habitat. Since parking is
usually accommodated on an asphalt or concrete surface with conventional
underground storm drain systems, parking areas typically generate large,
connected impervious areas which make them a significant contributor to water
quality degradation. Several strategies can be implemented to minimize and/or
mitigate impacts to the water systems, including reducing impervious surfaces,
using permeable materials in overflow parking areas and bioretention basins in
parking lot islands, and perimeter landscaping.

Low-impact development (LID) is an approach to managing stormwater runoff

by emphasizing conservation and the use of natural features to protect water
quality. By implementing LID practices on a site, it is possible to minimize
pollutants leaving the site and also mitigating potential hydromodification
impacts to receiving waters. LID practices for individual sites should consider the
site’s land use, hydrology, soil type, climate, and rainfall patterns. Many types of
LID approaches are practical for both new construction and renovation or
retrofit projects. Figure 10 illustrates examples of LID techniques that may be
implemented in a parking lot. The design of LID facilities for water quality and
flow control need to be coordinated at the earliest stages of design, due to the
pitch of the parking lot and design and size of the LID facilities. Typical LID
practices are summarized below. Projects are required to incorporate LID
practices and strategies to the extent feasible.
For more information on sizing LID facilities for water quality and flow-control,
please reference the County of San Diego’s Standard Urban Mitigation Plan

Page 27 County of San Diego

Figure 10
Low Impact Development Techniques in Parking Lot

Page 28 County of San Diego

a. Bioretention
Bioretention is the process of removing pollutants from stormwater runoff by
collecting and treating stormwater in a treatment area, often consisting of a
grass buffer, soil mix, gravel drainage layer, ponding area, underdrain, and
plants. A bioretention facility can be designed for water quality and flow control.
Bioretention areas can be configured in nearly any shape.

b. Permeable Pavement
Permeable pavement is a special type of paving material with high porosity that
allows water to pass directly through, which reduces the runoff from a site.
Applications may include sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, and other large
surfaces. Runoff that percolates through the surface of the pervious concrete is
typically stored in a rock or gravel reservoir below the surface of the concrete.

Example of Permeable Pavers

c. Vegetated Swales
Vegetated swales are landscape elements designed to filter surface water
runoff before entering the storm drain system. A vegetated swale consists of a
drainage channel filled with vegetation or compost materials. Vegetated
swales may be applied in parking lots to treat runoff before releasing it to the
watershed or storm drain. Vegetated swales should only be designed for water
quality. If designed for flow control, it would need to be designed as a linear
bioretention swale.

Page 29 County of San Diego

Example of a Vegetated Swale

d. Recommended Practices
The following are recommended practices that are encouraged to minimize
stormwater runoff from parking areas.

 Preserve natural infiltration capacity

 Preserve existing draining patterns
 Protect existing vegetation and sensitive areas
 Minimize or disconnect impervious areas through the use of
infiltration Best Management Practices (BMPs), capture/reuse BMPs,
or filtration BMPs
 Minimize construction footprint
 Minimize unnecessary compaction
 Minimize removal of native vegetation and trees
 Re-vegetate disturbed areas
 Apply landscaping techniques to increase infiltration and decrease
 Keep gutters and drains clean of leaves and debris
 Use slow-watering techniques where feasible
 Prevent over-watering landscaping
 Pitch paved areas into landscaping and LID areas

D. Residential Parking for Detached Single Family,

Duplexes, and Triplexes
1. Driveways
A residential driveway shall have a minimum length of 20’ between the garage
door and public right-of-way, per Section 6792 of the Zoning Ordinance.

Page 30 County of San Diego

Reduced setbacks may be permitted for private roads pursuant to project
approval provided it can be shown that the reduced driveway length does not
interfere with a sidewalk or other designated pathway. Figure 11 illustrates the
minimum length for residential driveways. Refer to “Access” and “Sight
Distance” Sections of this Manual.
Figure 11
Minimum Length for Residential Driveways

For multi-family and dense single family developments, it is recommended that

parking be distributed throughout the development to discourage residents or
guests from illegally parking in a fire access area.

Residential driveways should not exceed a grade of 25 percent. The Director

may approve steeper driveways where topographic conditions make it
infeasible to comply with the 25 percent limit.

Driveways with a grade greater than 15 percent shall be hard-surfaced and

have a deep broom finish perpendicular to the direction of travel, per Section
6792 of the Zoning Ordinance. Driveways which serve as required fire apparatus
access roads should not exceed a grade of 15 percent. The Fire Authority
Having Jurisdiction may allow driveway grades up to 20 percent with mitigation.
Crown or cross-slopes of driveways shall be 2 percent except the minimum cross-
slope may be 1 percent and the maximum cross-slope may be 5 percent where
physical conditions do not warrant 2 percent. The angle of departure and angle
of approach of driveways shall not exceed 12 percent. See Figure 12 for typical
residential driveway profiles.

Page 31 County of San Diego

Where driveways cross existing roadside ditches, a dip section providing an
unobstructed waterway equivalent to the full area of the ditch may be used if
grades are feasible.

Per Section 6792 of the Zoning Ordinance:

 Where grades make use of a dip section infeasible, a culvert pipe

shall be installed.
 The size of the culvert pipe and design of the driveway culvert shall
be reviewed for adequacy by the Department of Public Works.

Figure 12
Example of Residential Driveway Slope Gradients

Page 32 County of San Diego

2. Garages
For all enclosed residential garages, a minimum parking space size 10’ wide by
20’ long is required for parking spaces where the length of the space is next to a
wall and 9’ wide by 20’ long for any additional spaces. The space(s) should be
kept free from obstruction (i.e. water heater, laundry equipment, etc.).

Page 33 County of San Diego

A. Shared Parking Reduction
Where two or more adjacent nonresidential uses have distinct and differing peak
parking usage periods, (e.g. a theater and a bank), a reduction in the required
number of parking spaces may be approved by the decision-making authority
based on the findings and recommendations of a qualified parking or traffic
consultant. The maximum reduction may be up to the number of parking spaces
required for the least intensive use. Refer to Section 6750 et seq. of the Zoning
Ordinance for more information.

B. Surplus Parking
Parking spaces provided in addition to the minimum required, per Section 6758
of the San Diego County Zoning Ordinance, may be designed for standard,
oversized, or compact vehicle use.

Page 34 County of San Diego


County of San Diego


Figure 3 Parking Angle (Degrees)

Reference Design Component 0° 30° 35° 40° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70° 75° 90°
ID (Parallel)

A Stall Width 9' (8'*) 9' 9' 9' 9' 9' 9' 9' 9' 9' 9' 9'
B Stall Length 22' 18' 18' 18' 18' 18' 18' 18' 18' 18' 18' 18'
C Stall Width Parallel to Aisle NA 18'-0" 15'-8" 14'-0" 12'-9" 11'-9" 10'-10" 10'-5" 9'-11" 9'-9" 9'-4" 9'-0"
D Stall Depth to Curb or Wall NA 16'-10" 17'-8" 18'-6" 19'-1" 19'-7" 19'-11" 20'-1" 20'-1" 20'-0" 19'-9" 18'-0"
E Stall Depth to Interlock NA 12'-11" 14'-0" 15'-1" 15'-11" 16'-8" 17'-4" 17'-10" 18'-2" 18'-6" 18'-7" 18'-0"
One-Way 13' 14' 14' 15' 16' 17' 18' 19' 19' 19' 19' NA
F Aisle Width (1):
Two Way 24' 22' 22' 23' 24' 24' 24' 24' 24' 26' 26' 26'
Module Width -
G Aisle NA 43'-9" 45'-8" 48-7" 51'-0" 53'-3" 55'-3" 46'-11" 57'-3" 57'-6" 57'-4" NA
Wall/Curb to
Interlock: Two-Way Aisle NA 51'-9" 53'-8" 56'-7" 59'-0" 60'-3" 61'-3" 61'-11" 62'-3" 64'-6" 64'-4" 62'-0"
Module Width -
H Aisle NA 39'-10" 42'-10" 45'-2" 47'-10" 50'-4" 52'-8" 54'-8" 55'-4" 56'-0" 56'-2" NA
Interlock to
Interlock: Two-Way Aisle NA 47'-10" 50'-0" 53'-2" 55'-10" 57'-4" 58'-8" 59'-8" 60-4" 63'-0" 63'-2" 62'-0"
Module Width - One-Way
- Wall/Curb to Aisle 31'-0" 47'-8" 49'-4" 52'-0" 54'-2" 56'-2" 57'-10" 59'-2" 59'-2" 59'-0" 58'-6" NA
Wall/Curb: Two-Way Aisle 42'-0" 55'-8" 57'-4" 60'-0" 62'-2" 63'-2" 63'-10" 64'-2" 64'-2" 66'-0" 65'-6" 62'-0"
One-Way 15' 15' 15' 15' 15' 15' 15' 15' 15' 15' 15' 15'
Cross Aisle Width
(1): Two Way 22' 22' 22' 22' 22' 22' 22' 22' 22' 22' 22' 22'

County of San Diego

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