Mind Twisters

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Say the colors the words are written in (you can also try just reading
the words):


2. You meet a meat cutter who is named Sam. He cuts prime ribs, stew meat, ribs, and
many other cuts of meat. He wears size 38" jeans and is about 5 foot 3. Sam's shirts are
oversized and baggy, and his shoes look about size 13. What does Sam weigh?
(The answer is at the Double ii's Services site.)
3. What's the trick?
We are going home for Christmas Day. It takes us two and a half hours to get there due
to bad traffic. The traffic is just as bad on the way home, but we make it in 150 minutes.
How did we do this?
(The answer is at the Themes site.)
4. ~~~~~~~~~
5. What is it that is more powerful than God, more evil than the devil, that a king needs, a
poor man has, and if you eat it you die?
(The answer is at the Denver Companies site.)
6. A king needs to hand over his throne to one of his sons – so he decides to run a
horse race, and the son with the slower horse will be the winner and gain the throne.
Each son feared the other would cheat and run his horse slower than it is capable of
running, so they asked the court jester for advice – and they were given the answer.
What did the jester tell them?
(The answer is at the LapGenie site.)
See LapGenie Specials Here!
7. ~~~~~~~~~
8. What's the daughter's name?
If your mother is named Sandy, and she only has 4 daughters, what is the name of the
other daughter if the other three are named Penny, Nickle and Dime?
(The answer is at the Mall Shopping #2 site.)
9. ~~~~~~~~~
10. How many?
On a farm in Malaysia is the world's most perfect plum tree. The main trunk has 24
branches, with each branch having 12 boughs, and each bough has 6 twigs, with each
twig bearing 1 fruit. How many apples on the tree?
(The answer is at the Send Flowers site.)
11. ~~~~~~~~~
12. Can you solve this?
How many times can you subtract 2 from 21?
(The answer is at the Free Stuff site.)
13. ~~~~~~~~~
14. Relief for your back & neck when using a laptop, and eliminate the heat
Laptops are ergonomically awful - the screen and keyboard aren't in the right places to
keep yourself healthy - you have to lean over to work with it, and then there s the problem
of heat - which can and does cause other health problems. One wonderful invention is
the LapGenie - it is an adjustable desk to set your laptop into the best position it can be. It
folds up for easy travel, and has many other uses. Check it out. It's made a huge
difference to me and a lot of people.
15. What comes next?
In this list of words, what is the next word that comes into the sequence and why?
aid, nature, world, estate, column, sense, .....
(The answer is at the Party Tips site.)
16. ~~~~~~~~~
17. How long will it take?
A frog is at the bottom of a 30 foot well. Each day it jumps up 3 feet but slips back two.
When will he reach the top?
(The answer is at the Contest site.)
18. ~~~~~~~~~
19. Improve Your Memory - And Find Blasts From the Past!
20. ~~~~~~~~~
21. Is it legal?
Is it legal for a man to marry his widow's sister?
(The answer is at the Wise Little Tidbits site.)
22. ~~~~~~~~~
23. What is the difference between a cat and a comma?
(The answer is at the Digital Camera site.)
24. ~~~~~~~~~
25. How much did he eat?
A hungry bookworm finds several volumes of Collier's encyclopedia on a shelf. He starts
at the front cover of the first volume and begins eating, and gets all the way to the back of
the back cover of the third volume. If the covers are each 1/2 cm thick, and the pages of
each volume are 8 cm thick, how far did the bookwork get?
(The answer is at the Cash Now site.)
26. ~~~~~~~~~
27. Slicing the cake
There are 3 friends at Shannon's birthday party. Each is allowed to make one vertical cut
to the cake. What is the maximum amount of pieces of cake that can be cut?
(The answer is at the Subscriptions & Prizes site.)
28. How long does it take?
An express train takes 3 seconds to enter a tunnel which is 3 miles long. If it is traveling
120 miles per hour, how long until it passes completely through the tunnel?
(The answer is at the New! site.)
29. ~~~~~~~~~
30. How many times?
What is the maximum number of times you can fold a regular 8" X 11" sheet of paper?
Fold it in half once, then fold that in half again, etc. How many times can this be done?
(The answer is at the Articles & Reports site.)
31. ~~~~~~~~~
32. What day is it?
If today is Monday, what is the day after the day before the day before tomorrow?
(The answer is at the Baby Stuff site.)
33. ~~~~~~~~~
34. How far?
How far can a dog run into the woods?
(The answer is at the Computers site.)
35. ~~~~~~~~~
Which is worth more?
Why are 2003 pennies worth more than 2002 pennies?
(The answer is at the Special Deals site.)
37. ~~~~~~~~~
How many?
How many 3 cent stamps are there in a dozen?
(The answer is at the Fundraising site.)
39. ~~~~~~~~~
40. Which is heavier?
A pound of gold or a pound of feathers?
(The answer is at the Write a Book site.)
41. ~~~~~~~~~
Sam likes orange but not purple. He likes torches but not chandeliers. He eats berries
but not fruit. Using the same rule, does he like Byron or Keats?
(The answer is at the Holiday site.)

43. How much is it?

A grocery store sells products that are priced in a certain way. A daffodil is worth 10
cents, a carrot worth 8 cents, a peach worth 5 cents, a zuccini worth 9 cents, and an
orange worth 6 cents. What is a plum worth?
(The answer is at the Magic site.)
44. ~~~~~~~~~
Airplane dilemma
You're the pilot of an airplane traveling from New York to Chicago, a distance of 7800
miles. The plane flies 200 mph and makes a 30 minute stop-over. What is the pilot's
(The answer is at the Stocking Stuffers site.)

46. How many socks?

10 black and 10 white socks are in a drawer. The room is totally dark. Now you reach into
the drawer and pull out a sock. How many socks do you need to pull out before you know
you have a matching pair?
(The answer is at the Clubs site.)
47. ~~~~~~~~~
How old?
Your aging grandmother tells you she was born February 29, 1900. How old is she today,
as you solve this puzzle?
(The answer is at the Computer Virus site.)
49. ~~~~~~~~~
How many 9's?
How many 9's do you pass when you start counting at 1 and count to 100?
(The answer is at the Gift Certificates site.)

51. How much?

A pad of writing paper and a pencil cost a total of $1.10. The paper cost $1.00 more than
the pencil. What was the price of each?
(The answer is at the Hot Stuff site.)
52. ~~~~~~~~~
Which is different?
Which number is least like the others below:
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13
(The answer is at the Clothing site.)
54. ~~~~~~~~~
When will I die?
The great king asked his prophet when he would die. The wise prophet, being aware of his
own safety, gave his answer. What was it?
(The answer is at the Personalized Things site.)
56. ~~~~~~~~~
How far does one have to count to, before using the letter "A" in spelling out the
(The answer is at the Storage site.)
58. ~~~~~~~~~
If you are in a dark room and have only one match and there are a kerosene lamp, an oil
stove, and a cigarette - which will you light first?
(The answer is at the Weddings site.)
60. ~~~~~~~~~
How do you make 1000 by using only eight 8's?
(The answer is at the Halloween site.)
62. ~~~~~~~~~
There are 2 groups of campers, one on the seacoast and one on a high mountain, and
each group drops eggs into boiling water. Which campers will get hard boiled eggs first?
(The answer is at the Travel site.)
64. ~~~~~~~~~
Spell two words, using the same five letters that have exactly opposite meanings. Both
begin with "u."
(The answer is at the College site.)
66. ~~~~~~~~~
Line them up. There are 5 cars lined up bumper to bumper. How many bumpers are
touching each other?
(The answer is at the Candles site.)
68. ~~~~~~~~~
69. Tougher than tough jigsaw puzzles.
70. ~~~~~~~~~
What costs less? Is it cheaper to take one friend to the movies twice, or two friends at
the same time?
(The answer is at the One Day Sales site.)
72. ~~~~~~~~~
What's the Code? The letters O, T, T, F, F, _, _ are part of an intelligible series. Add two
more letters in the blanks. After you do this, the series can be expanded indefinitely.
(The answer is at the Excess Inventory site.)
74. ~~~~~~~~~
How long? The doctor gives you 3 pills that you need to take one each half-hour. How
long until you are done taking them?
(The answer is at the Cleaning site.)
76. ~~~~~~~~~
Which is better? You have two clocks - one doesn't work at all, and the other loses a
minute every day. Which is the better performing clock?
(The answer is at the Movies site.)
78. ~~~~~~~~~
How many men? If a man-and-a-half can eat a pie-and-a-half in a minute-and-a-half,
how many men would it take to eat 60 pies in 30 minutes?
(The answer is at the Tips site.)
80. ~~~~~~~~~
Punctuate this. Punctuate this sentence so it will make sense:
Jim where Bill had had had had had had had had had was right.
(The answer is at the Patriotic site.)
82. ~~~~~~~~~
There are 4 seats in a row at the show.
Pam will sit next to Sam, but not next to Gabe. If Gabe will not sit next to Joe, who is
sitting next to Joe?
(The answer is at the Aromatherapy site.)
84. ~~~~~~~~~
How do they add up?
I have two coins that add up to 55 cents. One of them is not a nickle. What are the two
(The answer is at the Ergonomic site.)
86. ~~~~~~~~~
What is it?
What occurs once in a second, once in a month, once in a century, yet not at all in a
week or a year?
(The answer is at the Tools site.)
88. ~~~~~~~~~
Find the sentence.
In the following list of letters, a logical sentence exists if you remove all unecessary
(The answer is at the Pets site.)
90. ~~~~~~~~~
Why is it?
A certain chemist discovered that a certain chemical reaction took 80 minutes when he
wore a wool jacket. But when he wasn't wearing the wool jacket, the same reaction
always took an hour and 20 minutes. Can you explain?
(The answer is at the Garden site.)
92. ~~~~~~~~~
Make a word.
Can you make a word from all of these letters? PNLLEEEESSSSS?
(The answer is at the Finnish Flare site.)
94. ~~~~~~~~~
Fast Math
Can you figure out a shortcut for adding the sum of all the numbers from 1 to 100 -
without having to do the addition, and without using a calculator?
(The answer is at the Sleep site.)
96. ~~~~~~~~~
What's wrong?
How quickly can you find out what's unusual about this paragraph? It looks so ordinary
you'd think nothing was wrong with it at all - and, in fact, nothing is. But it is unusual.
Why? Study it, think about it, and you may find out. But you must do it without coaching:
I'm not going to assist you in any way. No doubt, if you work at is a bit, it will dawn on
you. Who knows until you try? So hop to it, try your skill and pray for luck. Par is about
half an hour.
(The answer is at the Games site.)
98. ~~~~~~~~~
Who's lying?
There are two people - one wears a striped shirt and the other wears a red shirt. One
person always tells the truth, and the other always lies. You come upon the striped shirt
person and ask "do you tell the truth?" Right away the red shirted person said "he'll say
'yes' - but he'll be lying." Which one is the truth teller?
(The answer is at the Identity Theft site.)
100. ~~~~~~~~~
Who's eating what? A pig had to share a stable and feed bags with a horse and a cow.
If the pig ate oats, then the horse ate what the cow ate. If the horse ate oats, then the pig
ate what the cow did not eat. If the cow ate hay, then the pig ate what the horse ate. Who
always ate from the same feed bag?
(The answer is at the Pet Tips site.)
102. ~~~~~~~~~
What time is it? You are at a party and want to stay longer because you are having fun.
Now it's getting late. You think about it and realize if it was one hour later, it would be
twice as long past midnight as it would be if it were only right now. When you start
thinking like that, you've been up that long. What time is it now?
(The answer is at the Alerts site.)
104. ~~~~~~~~~
How old? Karen doesn't feel she is a child anymore. Ten years ago, her mother was 5
times her age. Now she is 3/7's of her mother's age, and in 5 years she will be half of her
mother's age. How old will she be when she is half her mother's age?
(The answer is at the Kids site.)
106. ~~~~~~~~~
How long? A man hires a taxi to meet him at the railroad station at 3 pm to get him to the
doctor's. He catches an earlier train and arrives at 2 pm. He decides to start walking, and
is picked up en route by the taxi. He then arrives at the doctor's twenty minutes early.
How long did he walk?
(The answer is at the Culture & Ethnic site.)
108. ~~~~~~~~~
How can this be? James goes to school one day and announces that today is the
birthday of both his father and his grandfather, and coincidentally they are the same age.
His teacher says that cannot be, but James insists this is true. Can it be true?
(The answer is at the Toys site.)
110. ~~~~~~~~~
What comes next? What is the next entry in this sequence? S30 O31 N30
(The answer is at the Birthday Games & Ideas site.)
112. ~~~~~~~~~
What's common with these words? Position, view, fix, sent, serve, conceive, pay.
(The answer is at the Internet Options site.)
114. ~~~~~~~~~
Write it. If 8-22-5-22-13 equals seven, and 7-4-12 makes two, how would you write ten?
(The answer is at the Hats site.)
116. ~~~~~~~~~
How can you tell? You've driven into a foreign country, where there are only truthtellers
and liars, and you cannot tell the difference by looking at them (much like in our own
country, right?). You are on a dangerous trip - there is a fork in the road - one way leads
to safety and the other to a crocodile swamp. The sign post is gone at the fork, but there
are two men standing there. What can you ask either of them that will tell you which road
is safe?
(The answer is at the Offline Advertising site.)
118. ~~~~~~~~~
What comes next? What is the next entry in this sequence? -2 4 -12 48 -240
(The answer is at the Death by Chocolate site.)
120. ~~~~~~~~~
What is it?
My first is in blue, but not in glue;
My second is in old but not in new;
My third in look but not in see
My last in ask but not in pea
My whole has leaves but not a flower
"Twill help you pass an idle hour.
(The answer is at the Fun Stuff site.)
122. ~~~~~~~~~
What comes next? o t t f s e
(The answer is at the Credit Help site.)
124. ~~~~~~~~~

New, innovative & FUN design! Keep your sunscreen (thicker lotion or gel type) and lip
balm with you at all times and with easy availability! The ZeBug stores it for you and you
can take it anywhere! People love the design and storage versatility! ONLY $2 each! Give
them out as party favors or gifts for others. Store other things, too - aspirin, meds, etc.
ZeBug attaches easily to so many things! They're COOL! ZeBug is available in these
colors: black, white, neon pink, neon green, navy and army green (or ask about a custom
color for a large order). Order your ZeBug here!
126. ~~~~~~~~~
What do these words have in common? Teak, pike, port, tick, eat, oak.
(The answer is at the Link of the Week site.)
128. ~~~~~~~~~
What it it? What is half of 8, but you cannot double it to make 8?
(The answer is at the Reading site.)
130. ~~~~~~~~~
What is common with these words? light, ear, at, lead, ray, lay?
(The answer is at the Advertising site.)
132. ~~~~~~~~~

133. What is it?

A tiger, a snake, a moose , a bear, and a turtle have one. An eagle, a walleye, and an
elephant have one. Humans don't have any. What is it?
134. ~~~~~~~~~
135. Complete the sentence.
There are 106 E in the P T.
136. ~~~~~~~~~
137. What doesn't belong and why?
pail, knife, suitcase, doorbell, skillet
138. ~~~~~~~~~
139. How?
Two men climb two ladders, each at the same speed, but they are getting farther apart.
140. ~~~~~~~~~
141. What rule can you apply to each of the following words to make new words
of them all?
adds, ants, inks, ohms, sheer, star
142. ~~~~~~~~~
143. How many socks?
Janice is getting dressed but the light went out so she cannot see in her sock drawer. How
many socks does she need to take out so that she can be assured of a pair of the same
color, if she has seven different colors of socks in the drawer?
144. ~~~~~~~~~
145. True or False?
At a party (of something more than two people), at least two of the people will have the
same number or friends present - true or false?
146. ~~~~~~~~~
147. Wrong Labels
You are given three jars that contain gumdrops, candy-coated chocolate drops, and the
third jar has a combination of these. You are told that every label is wrong on the jars, and
the jars are not transparent. What is the least number of candies you must test in order to
re-label them correctly?
(The answer is at the Outlet Shopping site.)
148. ~~~~~~~~~
149. Who Got What Lunch?
Five people order lunch one after another. Their names, not in order, are Carol, Donald,
Joey, Rachel and Sven. These are what they ordered, but not according to their names:
cheeseburger, salad, chicken sandwich, hamburger and fish & chips. Each asks for an
extra sauce - ketchup, mustard, barbeque sauce, mayonnaise and ranch dressing. Who
got what lunch and in what order were they standing in line? Your clues are:
The first customer (not a girl) is not the one who ordered the salad.
The salad didn't have barbeque sauce on it.
Carol ate chicken for lunch and was not the last one in line.
The person who asked for ketchup had a cheeseburger.
Joey didn't eat the fish which was smothered with mustard.
Donald was in the very middle of the line.
Sven was in line after the salad-eater but before the mayonnaise lover.
(The answer is at the Sales site.)
150. ~~~~~~~~~
151. Falling Piano
Someone was moving a piano into a 5 story apartment. It needing a crane to lift the piano
up high to be put through a window. Unfortunately, a cable breaks and the piano falls and
lands on a man walking by on the sidewalk. A few moments later, the man gets up and is
ok, but the piano is a loss. How did he not get hurt?
(The answer is at the Bridal Registry site.)
152. ~~~~~~~~~
153. The Hunt
Six kids named Carla, Sara, Patty, Jeff, David and Doug - were on a scavenger hunt
together as a team. Their last names are Thomas, Loomis, Howard, Patrick, Davis, and
Rogers - but not in the same order as the first names. They had to find 6 items, so they
split up - each to look for one item. They needed a gold plated button, a travel brochure of
Hawaii, a clear marble, a parakeet feather, a peach pit, and a fluorescent light bulb. These
items were located at various apartments: 3307-G, 3201-C, 3311-A, 3307-B, 3201-F, and
3201-H. Figure out who found which item and where. Your clues follow:
Carla, Howard, and the boy who was looking for the light bulb all found their items in the
same apartment building.
Patrick found her marble in building 3307.
Sara and Davis found the pit and the marble in building 3307.
Doug, the girl who was looking for the pit, the boy who hunted for the brochure, the girl
who found her item in 3307-B, the boy who found the feather, and the girl who found the
button decribes the team.
Thomas, Howard, and Rogers are the boys who found the feather, the brochure, and the
light bulb at apartments A, F, and H.
Loomis found her button in the same building where Howard found his item at apartment
F, and where Doug found his item.
Doug is not Thomas or Davis.
Sara's search was not for the pit.
Jeff didn't look for the brochure, and didn't visit apartment F.
Thomas did not look for the brochure.
Who found what item, what is his or her full name, and where was it found?
(The answer is at the Fun for Kids site.)
154. Tougher than tough jigsaw puzzles.
155. ~~~~~~~~~
156. One Letter Left?
What word can you remove one letter from it to make a new word, then take another letter
off and get yet another word, and so on until there is only one letter left, still making yet a
different word?
(The answer is at the About Kids site.)
157. ~~~~~~~~~
158. How many?
There are 10 cargs in a blag, 6 blags in a shrip, 5 shrips in a flirp, and 7 flirps in a trog.
What is the number of cargs in a trog divided by the number of blags in a flirp?
(The answer is at the Summer Fun site.)
159. ~~~~~~~~~
160. What's the word?
What word has only 4 letters, and it ends in ENY?
(The answer is at the Need a Job? Need Beneifits? site.)
161. ~~~~~~~~~
162. What's the word?
What word, when you add more letters to it, becomes smaller?
(The answer is at the Entertainment Deals site.)
163. ~~~~~~~~~
164. What's the word?
What word has its first two letters that means a male, first three meaning a woman, first
four meaning a great man, and the whole word meaning a great woman?
(The answer is at the Advertising in Ezines site.)
165. ~~~~~~~~~
166. What's the word?
What word has only two letters, but repeated 3 times? _ _ _ _ _ _
(The answer is at the Funding Solutions Blog site.)
167. ~~~~~~~~~
168. What's the word?
What word begins and ends with UND? Und _ _ _ _ _ und
(The answer is at the Advertise via Classified Ads site.)
169. ~~~~~~~~~
170. What do you have?
When you take two dollars from three dollars, what do you have?
(The answer is at the Advertise by Blogging site.)
171. ~~~~~~~~~
172. What's that?
Unscramble the letters to make a word: PNLLEEEESSSSS
(The answer is at the Clothes for Women site.)
173. ~~~~~~~~~
174. Who?
Who was Shakespeare’s favorite actress?
(The answer is at the Clothes for Men site.)
175. ~~~~~~~~~
176. What's next?
What is the next letter in this sequence? W,I,T,N,L,I,T, ?
(The answer is at the Clothes for Teens & Kids site.)
177. ~~~~~~~~~
178. When's my birthday?
The day before yesterday I was 14 years old. Next year I'll be old enough to drive (at least
in most states) . What is today's date and when is my birthday?
(The answer is at the Uses of the LapGenie site.)
179. ~~~~~~~~~
180. What number?
What number is 4 times 1/10 the number that is 1/10 less than 3/13?
(The answer is at the LapGenie Testimonials site.)
181. ~~~~~~~~~
182. How?
Mr. Ott began each day with a lightly boiled egg and a slice of toast - yet he never
borrowed nor bought an egg, and he did not steal eggs or keep a chicken. How?
(The answer is at the Taxes site.)
183. ~~~~~~~~~
184. The cost?
Bottle and cork cost 21 pence and bottle costs 20 pence more than the cork - what does
each cost?
(The answer is at the Free Promotion site.)
185. ~~~~~~~~~

186. Complete the phrases:

Fill in the words for the capital letters:
D. and N. of the G.F
D. in a Z.C.
H. in a D.
(The answer is at the Safety & Scam Alerts site.)
187. ~~~~~~~~~
188. More or less?
You are supposed to take 1 gallon of lemonade to the soccer game. You made
fresh-squeezed lemonade in a 2 gallon jug which is perfectly cylindrical, but it
looks like more than half full to you, and your soccer boy is certain there is
less than half of the jug filled with lemonade. If you don't use anything to
measure with, how can you tell who is correct?
(The answer is at the MLM site.)
189. ~~~~~~~~~
190. Can you?
Name 10 parts of the body that are 3 letters long.
(The answer is at the Recipes site.)
191. ~~~~~~~~~
192. You know how to use Roman numerals.
If we write CXV = SIX and CMLMI = SEVEN, what is LMXI?
(The answer is at the Search & Be Found site.)
193. ~~~~~~~~~
194. Fill in the missing items:
? 15 30 40 ?
(The answer is at the Search & Be Found site.)
195. ~~~~~~~~~
196. How many?
There are 4 steel-toe boots and 8 hiking boots in a dark closet. How many
boots have to be pulled out so that there is a matching pair?
(The answer is at the Hawaiian site.)
197. ~~~~~~~~~
198. What is common about these words?
id, ill, shed, shell, wed, well, hell, were
(The answer is at the Free Health & Beauty Products site.)
199. ~~~~~~~~~
200. Say the colors the words are written in (you can also try just
reading the words):
201. ~~~~~~~~~
202. What color hat? Uncle Bill, the teaser, had his 2 nephews and 1 niece
over. He brought out 5 hats, 2 of them red, 3 of them white. He blindfolded
the kids and put a hat on each of their heads. Bill said that they each need to
make a guess of the color of the hat on his or her head, and he'll take off the
blindfolds one by one for the guesser. He said if any one of them guesses
correctly, he'll take them to the amusement park. If no one guesses, he'll
have them clean up the yard. Tom, the oldest, decided to try first. The
blindfold came off and he looked at the hats on his brother and sister, but
admitted he didn't know the color hat he was wearing. Joey said he'd go next.
His blindfold was removed and he could not figure out the color of his hat he
was wearing. Stacy then said she knew the color of the hat on her head
without needing her blindfold taken off. Did the kids have to clean the yard or
did they get to go to the amusement park? What color hat did Stacy have on?

(The answer is at the Advertising Via Communities site.)

203. ~~~~~~~~~
204. What is common about these words
ark, bitter, cow, hat, sift, wallow, waxing
(The answer is at the LapGenie for Your Health site.)
205. ~~~~~~~~~
206. Recite the colors on this list (you can also try reading the
words that are written):


208. ~~~~~~~~~
209. How many decorations? You need to buy decorations for a
celebration. You are given exactly $100 to spend. You need to spend the
entire $100, and you need to get 100 decorations. There are three types to
choose from. One costs $.50, another costs $9.50, and the third costs $5.50.
How many of each decoration must you purchase (don't add in sales tax)?
(The answer is at the Free Information site.)
210. ~~~~~~~~~
211. How many? Tania has the same number of sisters as she has
brothers. Her brother Ken has twice as many sisters as he has brothers. How
many boys and how many girls are in this family?
(The answer is at the LapGenie Comfort site.)
212. ~~~~~~~~~
213. How long? If forty bakers can bake twenty cakes in two hours, how
many hours will it take for two bakers to bake ten cakes?
(The answer is at the Save Time & Money site.)
214. ~~~~~~~~~
215. What's the date? Jerry asked his fiance to name the day they'll get
married. She wasn't prepared when he asked, but said "I will marry you when
the week after next is the week before last." Jerry said "If I had received the
promise yesterday, the waiting would have been six days shorter." On what
day of the week did she accept Jerry's proposal?
(The answer is at the LapGenie for ergonomic laptop solutions site.)
216. ~~~~~~~~~
217. Arrange them. Think of 5 squares of the same size. How many ways
can you combine these squares, edge to edge (with no mirror images), using
all 5?
(The answer is at the Business site.)
218. ~~~~~~~~~
219. What's the name? Two of the following statements are false. What
are the real names of each person?
Carl's last name is Smythe.
Carl's last name is Taylor.
Kevin's last name is Taylor.
(The answer is at the Free With Purchase site.)
220. ~~~~~~~~~
221. A neat office worker wears a clean shirt every day. If he drops
off his laundry every Monday night, and at the same time picks up his
previous week's laundry, how many shirts does he need to keep wearing a
claen one every day?
(The answer is at the Pet Tips Blog site.)
222. ~~~~~~~~~
223. What color bear? A hunter spotted a bear due east. Taken by
surprise, he ran directly north, and then looked to see that the bear hadn't
moved. As he steadied and took aim at the bear, he aimed directly south.
What color is the bear?
(The answer is at the Kid Stuff Blog site.)
224. ~~~~~~~~~
225. Why? Two boys who were playing in the playground, slipped on some
wet grass and landed partly in mud and partly in wet grass. When they got
up, one boy's face was all muddy; the other's face was clean. Yet the one
with the clean face is the one who went directly to wash his face. Why?
(The answer is at the Health Blog site.)
226. ~~~~~~~~~
227. What's next? What comes next in this sequence: e, g, k, m, q, _ ?
(The answer is at the Car & Driving Tips Blog site.)
228. ~~~~~~~~~
229. How many mistakes in these sentences? "This sentance contanes
one misteak." AND "Their are three misteaks in this sentence."
(The answer is at the Cooking Blog site.)
230. ~~~~~~~~~
231. What's next? What comes next in this sequence: o t t f s e _ ?
(The answer is at the Jewelry Mall site.)
232. ~~~~~~~~~
233. What's next? What comes next in this sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, _
(The answer is at the Computer Mall site.)
234. ~~~~~~~~~
235. What do they have in common? The words: salad, turkey, room
(The answer is at the Personalized Gifts site.)
236. ~~~~~~~~~
237. What doesn't belong? who, what, when, where, why, which, banana

(The answer is at the Mall Shopping for All site.)

238. ~~~~~~~~~
239. What tree? What is the name of the tree that has all the vowels in it?
(The answer is at the Personal Things site.)
240. ~~~~~~~~~
241. Which doesn't belong? Which word is different from the others in
this list: cigar, calmer, sorbet, wined, beeches
(The answer is at the Items at Cost site.)
242. ~~~~~~~~~
243. How to cut? Two kids were arguing over a small cake - each wanting
it. Their mom cleverly told them which one would cut the cake, and how to
make sure the pieces were even and equal. How did she do this?
(The answer is at the Personal Things site.)
244. ~~~~~~~~~
245. Who would you take? You are driving past a bus stop during a snow
storm, and you notice your best friend standing there (who, incidentally, had
just saved your life last week). When you stop, you find out there is also a
woman waiting to get to the hospital, in need. There is also a very attractive
person who could turn out to be the love of your life. Since your car only
seats two people, who do you give a ride to, knowing you cannot fit any more
than two people in your car (not able to put anyone in the trunk or riding on
(The answer is at the Frequently Asked Funding Questions site.)
246. ~~~~~~~~~
247. What word? What is the 3 letter word that can be placed in front of
the following words, that will make 4 new words? bled, row, gin, tin
(The answer is at the Specials & Freebies site.)
248. ~~~~~~~~~
249. How old? If Pam and her daughter's ages are combined and equal
thirty-one, and Pam is exactly thirty years older, how old are Pam and her
(The answer is at the Website Articles site.)
250. ~~~~~~~~~
251. How many? This zoo has animals with 2 heads and three legs, and
animals with two heads and two legs. All counted, there are 102 heads and
134 legs. How many of each kind of animal are there?
(The answer is at the Laptop Ergonomics site.)
252. ~~~~~~~~~
253. What word? Unscramble this word: NNREAIVARYS
(The answer is at the Learning Tools site.)
254. ~~~~~~~~~
255. What's the pattern? What two numbers (X) come next in the
following sequence?
(The answer is at the Fishing & Camping site.)
256. ~~~~~~~~~
257. Relief for your back & neck when using a laptop, and eliminate
the heat
Laptops are ergonomically awful - the screen and keyboard aren't in the right
places to keep yourself healthy - you have to lean over to work with it, and
then there is the problem of heat - which can and does cause other health
problems. One wonderful invention is the LapGenie - it is an adjustable desk
to set your laptop into the best position it can be. It folds up for easy travel,
and has many other uses. Check it out. It's made a huge difference to me and
a lot of people.

259. See LapGenie Specials Here!
260. ~~~~~~~~~
261. What's unique? These letters have are unique from the rest of the
alphabet - how?
(The answer is at the Get Messages Anywhere site.)
262. ~~~~~~~~~
263. How to get the same amount? Sally is babysitting 5 kids. She has 5
apples, but they are different sizes and she knows the kids will fight over
them. How can she divide the apples equally so everyone is satisfied?
(The answer is at the Web Only Sales site.)
264. ~~~~~~~~~
265. What is it? If you have a rope hanging 20 feet up to a tall ceiling,
what can travel up the rope faster than it can go down?
(The answer is at the Free Shipping site.)
266. ~~~~~~~~~
267. How? You're at a restaurant and the table is getting cleared - not
much is left. You have a glass of water with one ice cube. How can you
prevent the ice cube from touching any part of the glass, without using any
props to keep it away from the glass?
(The answer is at the New Year's site.)
268. ~~~~~~~~~
269. What to choose? A poor but honest knight wishes to marry a
beautiful princess, who is also in love with him. The king isn't as thrilled about
it, but offers the knight a choice. He will draw one of two slips of paper from a
golden box - one slip says "Marriage" and the other "Death." The princess
knows that both slips actually read "Death" and whispers this to the knight.
But the knight is allowed to marry the princess. How?
(The answer is at the Clearance site.)
270. ~~~~~~~~~
271. What's next? What is the next letter in the sequence:
(The answer is at the Internet Hosting site.)
272. ~~~~~~~~~
273. How? When is the time in Florida the same as the time in Oregon?
How is this possible?
(The answer is at the Funding Solutions site.)
274. ~~~~~~~~~
275. What's the relationship? How are you related to this person, if you
have no aunts: your father's only brother's wife's only brother-in-law?
(The answer is at the Troubleshoot Computer site.)
276. ~~~~~~~~~
277. How? How can you divide 8 and get an answer of 3?
(The answer is at the Online Advertising Tricks site.)
278. ~~~~~~~~~
279. What's next? What is the next symbol in this series? $ % ^ & * ?
(The answer is at the Health Tips site.)
280. ~~~~~~~~~
281. How? How can 1/2 of 11 be 6?
(The answer is at the Wine Cellar site.)
282. ~~~~~~~~~
283. How many? How many odd pages are in a book that is 237 pages
(The answer is at the Business Tactics site.)
284. How many? How many letters are in the alphabet?
(The answer is at the Ezines site.)

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