The Brave Soldier: Visit To The Holy Land
The Brave Soldier: Visit To The Holy Land
The Brave Soldier: Visit To The Holy Land
Day after day, Az-Zubair رض ي هللا عنهand his brothers in Islam established a
fairly strong state in Al-Madinah with the help of Allâh and under the
leadership of the Prophet صلى هللا عليه و سلم. They started inviting other tribes to
Islam and deterring any tribe that tried to assault them.
The Muslims camped at a place called Hudaybiya. The chiefs of the Quraish
sent their envoys to the Prophet صلى هللا عليه و سلمto inquire about the reason they
came to Makkah. They knew that the Muslims wanted to perform pilgrimage
peacefully. The pagans denied the Muslims this chance. They negotiated an
agreement with the Prophet ص لى هللا علي ه و س لمto stop war for ten years and to
permit the Muslims to perform pilgrimage the coming year.
However, the Quraish failed to respect their word. They attacked some of the
Muslims's allies and killed as many as forty of them. The Prophet صلى هللا عليه و
س لمknew of the Quraish's breach of the agreement and decided to conquer
Makkah. It was a big stride forward. The Muslims prepared themselves to
conquer the city and put an end to idolatry.
The Conqueror
The brave soldier
Az-Zubair led the left wing of the army and marched to Makkah under the
leadership of the Prophet صلى هللا عليه و سلم. Ten thousand Muslims were ready to
fight their last battle against the idolaters in Arabia. Before conquering the
city, the Prophet صلى هللا عليه و سلمannounced that the Muslims did not wish to
shed any blood. Hence, he declared that if no resistance was made, all
Makkans would be safe and secure. Upon entering Makkah, Az-Zubair رضي هللا
عنهadvanced toward the Prophet رضي هللا عنهand cleaned dust from the Prophet's
blessed face.
Mercy of Islam
Az-Zubair رضي هللا عنهlonged much to revenge himself on those who oppressed
him and his brothers in Islam. However, he had no choice but to obey the
orders of the Prophet صلى هللا عليه و سلم. He was witness to the merciful position of
the Prophet صلى هللا عليه و سلمtoward the pagans. As Muslims cleaned the vicinity
of the Ka'bah from idols, the Prophet صلى هللا عليه و سلمstood on a high place and
inquired how the Quraish expected he would treat them. They all replied that
they knew he would be merciful to them. He assured them and told them that
they were free and no harm would befall them.
Az-Zubair رضي هللا عنهcontinued his struggle for the cause of Islam. The Prophet
صلى هللا عليه و سلمreceived news that the Romans in Syria were angry to know that
Muslims conquered all of Arabia. They were intent to invade the Islamic State.
The Prophet صلى هللا عليه و سلمordered his Companions to march to Jordan before
the Romans entered Arabia. Three thousand soldiers marched to Muta, a place
on the northern borders of Arabia. Az-Zubair رضي هللا عنهfought a big battle and
with his fellow Muslims showed the Romans how strong the Muslims had
He was also in the front lines when the Prophet صلى هللا عليه و سلمcommanded his
Companions to march to the north borders of Arabia to deter the Romans
again. He shared in Tabuk excursion in the hot season of summer and
performed his duties to the best of his ability.
When the Prophet صلى هللا عليه و سلمpassed away, Az-Zubair رضي هللا عنهfelt very sad
to lose his leader and teacher. However, he continued his efforts to spread the
message of Islam and implement the teachings of the leader.
'Umar bin Al-Khattab رض ي هللا عنهchose Az-Zubair رض ي هللا عنهas one of the six
persons who would possibly be the next Caliph after him. This selection shows
the rank that Az-Zubair رضي هللا عنهhad among the Companions of the Prophet
ص لى هللا علي ه و س لم. All the senior Companions of the Prophet ص لى هللا علي ه و س لم
consulted among themselves and finally selected 'Uthman bin 'Affan رضي هللا عنه
to be the Caliph. Az-Zubair رضي هللا عنهcontinued his endeavours under the rule
of 'Uthman رض ي هللا عنهin spreading the light of Islam. He joined the Muslim
army wherever it was dispatched to liberate human beings from the worship of
false deities and turn them to the worship of the One Allâh.