Laurent Levesque Replacements Series Sountrack Booklet

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Music composed and conducted by Laurent Levesque

Recorded at Abbey Road Studios, London, UK

Music Scoring Mixer & Recordist: Andrew Dudman
Music Consultant: Vincent Favrat, Silvia Chiesa
Score Coordination: Silvia Chiesa
Orchestrator: Anne-Sophie Versnaeyen & Laurent Levesque
Composer Scoring Assistant: Adam Langstom
Protools Recordist: Matt Mysko
Second Assistant: George Oulton
Pro-tools Preparation: Xavier Forcioli
Music Preparation: Norbert Vergonjanne & Claude Romano
Orchestra Contractor: Isobel Griffiths
Assistant Orchestra Contractor: Susie Gillis
Additional Music Mix by Sébastien Gohier
Additional Music Mix at Les Studios de la Seine, Paris FR

Film Music Co-Producing and Co-Publishing :

Vincent Favrat & Thierry Baujard @ Just Temptation
Denis Furne @ Editions Musicales François 1er

Original Soundtrack Supervision : Denis Furne

Mastering : Cedric Monnet@Mastersound
Cover Supervision : Arnaud Gauthier
Showrunner Miikko Oikkonnen's special note :

"There were several composer candidates for Replacements series, but Laurent's two demos convinced me straight away.
Actually both those demos ended up in the final series, which isn't a common thing. And I must admit that one of the highlights of the whole
production was the recordings at Abbey Road Studios (even Laurent and I get lost in Westminster London, when we tried to find back in the
hotel during the night time - my fault, sorry Laurent, we mist the little alley, I mean street on left... or right...). The session at Abbey with the live
orchestra left me an emotional impact, which I still can resurrect when I'm listening Laurent's tracks for the series... Well, I am certain that
everyone can listen the soundtrack and enjoy it fully, even they haven't any knowledge about the drama series.
And I want to believe that the music itself raises the same emotions and thoughts than the series, because Laurent's score portraits profoundly
the themes and tones of Replacements." - Miikko Oikkonen
Laurent Levesque
Abbey Road Studio, March 30th 2015

Photo (c) Miikko Oikkonen


Orchestra Leader : Gabrielle Lester

Principal Violin II : Roger Garland
Principal Violas : Peter Lale
Principal Cello : Timothy Gill
Principal Basse : Mary Scully
Flute/Bass Flute : Daniel Pailthorpe
Second Flute : Anna Noakes
Harp : Skaila Kanga
Piano & Keyboards : Laurent Levesque

Violins : Roger Garland, Boguslaw Kostecki, Magnus Johnston,

Steve Morris, Warren Zielinski, Cathy Thompson, Jackie Hartley,
Ralph De Souza, Perry Montague-Mason, Rita Manning, Tom Pigott-Smith,
Lorraine McAslan, Jonathan Evans-Jones, Kathy Gowers,
Everton Nelson, Chris Tombling, Mark Berrow
Violas : Peter Lale, Fiona Bonds, Bruce White, Steve Wright, Andy Parker, Helen Kamminga
Celli 1st : Timothy Gill, Jonathan Williams, Nick Cooper, Dave Daniels
Double Basses 1st : Mary Scully, Allen Walley, Steve Mair

Yamaha CFIIIS recorded in Abbey Road by Andrew Dudman

Steinway D recorded in Studio de Meudon by Alban Sautour
Yamaha C6 recorded in Les Studios de la Seine by Sébastien Gohier

Sacconi String Quartet :

Violin : Ben Hancox
Violin : Hannah Dawson
Viola : Robin Ashwell
Cello : Pierre Doumenge
Recorded at Sevens Studios, London
Music Scoring Mixer & Recordist : Jonny Firth
1. What Matters (1’26) 2. Into the Night (1’49) 3. Garlands (2’26) 4. State of Motion (4’21)
5. Dragonfly (1’34) 6. Sinfonietta (2’04) 7. More to Come (3’25) 8. Direction (2’24) 9. Fold (2’21)
10. Knowing I (2’24) 11. Risky Procedure (1’40) 12. A Question of Definition (3’05)
13. Interference (1’16) 14. For Ever (3’39) 15.Flux (2’30) 16.Rise (1’07)
17. Moving Into the City (1’04) 18. Garlands -Lento- (2’49) 19. We Live (2’35) 20. Knowing II (2’37)
21. Flutendo (1’58) 22. So Strings (1’04) 23. The Other Side (2’06) 24. Lab B (1’25)
25. Through Me (1’55) 26. Undefined Romance (2’40) 27. For Ever -Spire Quartet- (2’22)
28. The Way it has to be -Replacements Main Title- (2’50)

Title (International) Replacements

Title (Finland) Ihon alla
Genre Drama / FantasyLength 12 x 44 min
Language Finnish
Concept by Miikko Oikkonen
Writers Miikko Oikkonen, Paula Mononen, Sanna Reinumägi, Antti Pesonen
Directors Miikko Oikkonen, Jyri Kähönen, Jappe Päivinen EDITIONS
Cinematography Mika Orasmaa F.S.C., Anssi Leino F.S.C. MUSICALES
Editing Otto Ikäheimonen, Katja Pällijeff, Antti Jääskeläinen FRANCOIS 1
Sound Designer Micke Nyström
Producers Matti Halonen, Leila Lyytikäinen

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