Effects of Probiotics On The Growth of Improved Get-Excel Tilapia in Pond
Effects of Probiotics On The Growth of Improved Get-Excel Tilapia in Pond
Effects of Probiotics On The Growth of Improved Get-Excel Tilapia in Pond
Two treatments replicated thrice were used in the study: Treatment 1- ponds with
probiotics and treatment 2- ponds without probiotics. Improved GET-EXEL Tilapia fingerlings
weighing 10.67 to 18.0 grams were stocked at 80 pieces/ compartment (48 sq.m.). The stocks were
fed twice daily with a commercial feeds on a satiation basis. Biweekly sampling for the weight
gain were determined through a collection of 25% of the total stocks compartment and weighed
individually on a heavy duty top loading balance. While water quality parameters were monitored
Results after three months of rearing showed that, growth (weight gain) was higher in
treatment 1 (with probiotics) with a total weight gain of 89.98 grams than in treatment 2 (without
probiotics) with 59.77 grams. Survival rate was significantly higher in treatment 1 (90%) compared
to treatment 2 (83.78). Feed conversion ratio was better in treatment 1 with mean FCR of 1.11
compared to treatment 2 with 1.87. Statistical analysis using t-test at 5% level of significance
revealed a significant difference on growth (weight gain), survival rate, and FCR between the
Generally, the study aimed to determine the growth of Improved GET-EXCEL Tilapia in
ponds with probiotics.
Specifically, the study aimed to:
a. determine weight gain, survival, feed conversion ratio (FCR) and
production of Improved GET-EXCEL Tilapia in pond with and without
b. determine the species composition and density of natural food in pond.
c. correlate water quality parameter on the growth and survival of Improved
GET- EXCEL Tilapia in ponds.
Significance of the Study
The study was focused on the growth of Improved GET-EXCEL Tilapia in ponds with and
without probiotics . Aqua plus probiotics brand from Bioorganic Plus Corporation was used in the
Growth measurement was limited through biweekly sampling 25% of the total stocks from
three replicates of each treatment. Mortalities and FCR was also recorded every fifteen days. Water
quality monitoring was done twice a week and density of natural food monitoring was done
Two treatments replicated thrice were used in the study. Three adjacent ponds were used
in the study to accommodate the treatments and were compartmentalized into two to come up with
48 square meters each (See figure 1 and 2). The treatments were as fallow:
T1R1 T2R1
T2R2 T1R2
T1R3 T2R3
The experimental ponds were set up following Randomized Complete Block Design where
After draining and leveling the pond, probiotic was activated at a rate of 2 liters/hectare.
Activation was done by diluting 28.8 mL of probiotics in Freshwater (288 mL) and pouring it in a
2880 mL pail filled with pond water added with 14.4 grams brown sugar. After 24 hours, activated
probiotics was sprayed on the entire pond bottom.
After 3 days, the ponds were filled of water to a depth of 10 cm and chicken manure was
broadcasted at a rate of 1 ton/ ha. After 2 days, the pond were filled water to a depth of 1 meter.
For initial seeding of the beneficial bacteria, activated Aqua plus probiotic at a rate of 4 liter/ ha
was sprayed on the entire ponds surface. After a week the ponds were stocked with tilapia
The experimental ponds were properly drained and then leveled. Unwanted matters and
predatory species were removed by manual picking and drying for (1) week. The ponds were
basally fertilized with chicken manure added with 44-0-0 as recommended by the Bureau of soils.
Mortality for every fifteen days was estimated based on actual observation of the number
of dead stocks every time feeding was done.
After four months culture period, survival rate was determined by dividing the total
stocks harvested over the number of initial stock multiplied by 100 as follows:
Growth performance of weight gain (g) of Improved GET-EXEL Tilapia reared in ponds
with probiotics (T1) and without probiotics (T2) was determined every after fifteen (15) days for
a period of 90 days. Twenty five percent (25%) of the total stocks in each pond compartment were
individually weighed using a heavy duty top leading balance. The data gathered were presented in
table 1.
Table 1. Mean weight gain (g) of Improve GET-EXCEL Tilapia cultured in ponds for 90
DAYS I-With probiotics II-Without probioticss
15 21.66 15.63
30 13.97 7.8
45 15.67 8.48
60 12.4 7.87
75 13.15 10.97
90 13.13 9.02
TOTAL 89.98 59.77
MEAN 14.99 10.09
Based on the table, mean weight gain of tilapia is 14.99 grams in treatment 1 and 10.09 in
treatment 2. On a biweekly sampling, obtained weight gains between treatments from 13.97 to
21.66 g in treatment 1 and 7.8 to 15.63 g in treatment 2. Total weight gain after 90 days was higher
in treatment 1 with 89.98g as compared to treatment 2 with 59.77 grams
Standard deviation of the treatment were 6.41 in T1 and T2. Treatment 1 exhibited higher
standard deviation which means that is has higher variability compared to treatment 2. Statistical
analysis by t-test showed a significant difference (0.05) on the weight gains between treatments
(Table 2).
Based on the result, higher weight gain in treatment 1 throughout the culture period could
be due to the presence of higher density of natural food compared to pond without probiotic (T2).
The significant role of natural food in pond is indispensable to increase growth. As cited by
Stickney (1956), natural food contains 25% protein. When present in large quantity they tend to
enhance growth of stocks since protein are the nutrient responsible for growth. Application of
probiotics in pond did not only stimulate growth of natural foods but also increases beneficial
bacteria that have aided in metabolism thus, growth increased. This could be supported by
Balcazur et al (2006) and Vine et al (2006) who claimed that microorganisms have a beneficial
effect in the digestive processes of aquatic animals especially by supplying fatty acids and
vitamins. In addition, some bacteria participate in the digestion processes by providing enzymes,
such as proteases, lipases as well as providing necessary growth factors. Micro biota serves as a
supplementary source of food and microbial activity in the digestive tract and a source of vitamins
and essential amino acids (Wang et al, 2000).
Compared to other growth studies of tilapia in same pond, weight gain of tilapia on this
study was relatively higher than those by Daluddung et al (2006)and Alejos and Reyes (2005).
The study present the effects of probiotics on the growth of improved GET-EXEL tilapia in
fresh water pond. Specifically, it aimed to evaluate the growth (weight gain), survival rate, FCR,
production and natural food density in pond with and without probiotics and asses the relationship
of water parameter readings with growth (weight gain) and survival rate of tilapia. The study was
conducted at the Barangay Dalaya Buguey, Cagayan from June to August 2017 .
Six ponds measuring 48sq. meter each were used in the study. The experimental ponds were
set up following the Randomized Complete Block Design where treatments are present in each
blocks. Two (2) treatment were used and replicated trice: treatment 1-ponds with probiotics and
treatment 2 pond without probiotics. The experimental ponds were stocked with eighty pieces
inprove GET-EXEL fingerlings weight 10-20g per compartment. Twenty five percent(25%) of the
total stock per compartment were subjected to biweekly sampling to determine growth (weight
gain) for a period of three months. Result of the study showed a significantly higher weight gain
in treatment 1 with 89.98g compared to treatment 2 with 57.77g. treatment 1 also revealed a higher
survival rate of 90% than treatment 2with 83.75%. feed conversion ratio (FCR) was better and
lower in treatment 1with a mean value of 1.11 compared to treatment 2 with a mean FCR value of
1.87.After total harvest, the total production recorded was higher in treatment 1 with 28.7 kg than
in treatment 2 with 18.7kgs. Statistical analysis using t-test revealed that treatment 1 (with
probiotics) was significantly high in weight gain , FCR, survival rate and production.
Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn
1. Weight gain of improved GET-EXEL Tilapia was significantly increased in pond applied with
probiotics (T1).
2.Persentage survival of improve GET-EXEL Tilapia was significantly higher in ponds applied
with probiotics (treatment 1).
3.Feed conservation ratio (FCR) was lower (1.1) and better in ponds applied with probiotics.
5.Growh (weight gain) and survival rate of tilapia in ponds with probiotics were not significantly
affected by water parameters and growth of tilapia in ponds without probiotics was significantly
affected by transparency and dissolved oxygen . The survival rate of tilapia in ponds with
probiotics was significantly affected by pH while survival of tilapia in ponds without probiotics
was affected by transparency and pH of the water.
Base on the findings of this study, the researches recommended the following:
1. Growth studies should be done using probiotics for tilapia and other commercial finfishes.
2. A study on the growth performance of cultured tilapia or prawn fed with commercial feed
integrated with probiotics.
3. Determination of the effects of probiotics on the process of digestion of cultured species and the
specific mode of action of probiotics in improving water quality.
4. Assesment of consumer’s acceptability of the cultured finfish and shellfish species grown in
ponds with probiotics.
5. A study on the effects of probiotics in cultured species grown in ponds with a practice of no
supplemental feeding and zero water exchange in ponds.