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07 - 94R300 - 2 - Configure SCE With I-O and Loops

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Topic: Configure SCE with I/O and loops

Install SCE on Server........................................................................................................................... 3

Create Configure and Load SCE......................................................................................................... 7

Create I/O Modules............................................................................................................................ 13

Create, Configure and Load Control Module......................................................................................17

Configure Microsoft Excel Data Exchange to write to Experion database.........................................25

Set up EXCEL tie back simulation...................................................................................................... 27

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Install SCE on Server

Install SCE on Server

 Step Action

Install Simulation Control Environment (SCE) on the Experion Server machine

1 Insert Experion R300 Application DVD in the DVD Drive


Procedure given here is a workaround used only for

development systems, in real life SIM-C200 (SCE)
should be installed on a dedicated server grade

2 Open Windows Explorer from Start > Programs > Accessories >

3 Browse the DVD drive and open the SCE folder.

4 Double click on the file Simulation Control Environment.msi.


Simulation Control Environment will install the software

and services required

5 Open Services from Start > Programs > Administrative Tools.

2/8/2018 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 3

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Install SCE on Server

 Step Action

6 Scroll through the list of services and find the service with name Experion PKS CDA-SP


Once installed the Experion PKS CDA-SP Service

status is not started

7 Close the Services window

8 Click Start > Run to open Run dialog window.

9 Type Regedit in entry field for Open

10 Browse the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHIN\SOFTWARE\Honeywell\TPS50\Generic Comm

Layer\Host Config

11 Double Click the registry key PsCdaCeeNtComm and enter “.” in the field for Value

12 Double Click the registry key PsCdaCeeNtPeer and enter “.” in the field for Value Data.

13 Close the Registry Editor window

14 Restart the computer.

15 Logon to the Experion Server as local Administrator

16 Open Services window and verify the Experion PKS CDA-SP Service status has to

4 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 2/8/2018

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Install SCE on Server

 Step Action

17 Close the Services window


SCE is installed, procedure to create and download a

SCE is given later in the lab procedure

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Install SCE on Server

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6 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 2/8/2018

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Create Configure and Load SCE

Create Configure and Load SCE

 Step Action

Create a Simulation Control Environment (SIM-C200) node in Projects

1 Logon to the Experion Server as local Administrator.

2 Start Configuration Studio from Start > Programs > Honeywell Experion PKS

3 Connect and logon to System assigned for your student group.


Refer partition sheet for your System Name and

corresponding student group server
Enter following details at logon dialog box
User name – mngr
Password – mngr1
Domain – Traditional Operator Security

4 Expand the System and Server tree, by clicking on the + symbol.

5 Select Control Strategy under the Server hierarchy

6 Click on the Configure process control strategies task.


Configure process control strategies task link is

used to launch Control Builder

7 Click File -> New -> Controllers -> SIM-C200 – Simulation of C200.

8 Type SCE## for Tag name and SCE##_Item for Item Name of the SIM-C200.

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Create Configure and Load SCE

 Step Action

9 Enter the PKS18## in Host Name field.


## is the Student Group number

10 Press <TAB> key


Host IP Address is picked up automatically, once the

Host Name of SIM-C200 node is entered. Same is
applicable vice versa
Leave all the other settings to default
Settings done here are specific to the class

11 Click OK


Notice the SIM-C200 (SCE##) block is created in the

Projects Assignment window

12 Expand and double click on the CEE associated with the SIM-C200 block

8 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 2/8/2018

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Create Configure and Load SCE

 Step Action

13 Enter the Tag name and Item Name of the CEESIMC200FB.


Accept the default Tag Name and Item Name for SIM-
C200 CEE block
Leave all the other settings to default
Settings done here are specific to the class

14 Click OK

Download the Simulation Control Environment (SIM-C200)

15 In the Projects Assignment window select the SIM-C200 block created earlier.

16 On the Tool Bar click the Load button.

17 On the Load window read the warning message, and click Continue button.


Loading the control strategy simultaneously from

multiple control builder clients is not supported
The warning message can be disabled by selecting the
checkbox for “Do not show this message again”

18 Click OK on the Load Dialog window.


Load status is indicated by a progress bar, which

disappears after successful load of the Control
Incase of any errors, check the Knowledge Builder for
information related to the error code displayed

2/8/2018 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 9

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Create Configure and Load SCE

 Step Action

19 Click on the Monitoring tab to open the Monitoring – Assignment window.


Monitoring Assignment window displays SIM-C200

block downloaded earlier, and appearing in blue color
Blue color denotes the status of SIM-C200 block is
Knowledge Builder contains detailed information of
status and corresponding color for the controller state

20 Expand the SIM-C200 block to view the CEE associated with the SIM-C200 block.


Note the CEE associated with SIM-C200 also has the

same status, and is presently at IDLE
Changing the state of the CEE will also change the
status for the associated controller

21 To change the state of the CEE, from the Monitoring Assignment window select the CEE
located under the SIM-C200 block.

22 Right click on the CEE block and select Change State.

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Create Configure and Load SCE

 Step Action

23 Click the drop down selection list for CEE Command and select WARMSTART


WARMSTART - Warm restart preserves all data that

cold restart preserves but it also preserves additional
operational data as well. An example of operational
data which is preserved is the mode of a primary
RegCtl block connected to a direct analog output. In
cases of CEE-to-CEE regulatory cascades this mode
is retained across warm restart.
COLDSTART - Any live data which can be derived
directly from the process is wiped out. But in addition,
much of the operational data which was captured in
the saved checkpoint is reinitialized. All configuration
data is of course saved across cold restart.

24 Click OK.

25 Verify the status of the SIM-C200 and the CEE block has changed to running indicated
by Green color.


Green color denotes the status of SIM-C200 block is

Active or Running
Changing the state of the CEE will also change the
status for the associated controller
Refer to Knowledge Builder , Experion PKS R300 Off
Process Beta > Configuration > Control Builder User’s
Guide > Control Builder Operations > On-Line
Monitoring Using Control Builder

2/8/2018 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 11

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Create Configure and Load SCE

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12 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 2/8/2018

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Create I/O Modules

Create I/O Modules

 Step Action

1 Start Configuration Studio from Start > Programs > Honeywell Experion PKS

2 Connect and logon to System assigned for your student group.


Refer partition sheet for your System Name and

corresponding student group server
Enter following details at logon dialog box
User name – mngr
Password – mngr1
Domain – Traditional Operator Based Security

3 Expand the System and Server tree, by clicking on the + symbol.

4 Select Control Strategy under the Server hierarchy

5 Click on the Configure process control strategies task.


Configure process control strategies task link is

used to launch Control Builder

2/8/2018 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 13

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Create I/O Modules

 Step Action

6 Create Analog Input and Analog Output module from the following path.
File>New>I/O Modules>IOMODULE> TC-IAH161-analog input,16 ch, 10V/4-20mA

14 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 2/8/2018

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Create I/O Modules

 Step Action

7 Enter the following information as given below.

Tag Name:- AI_1A_1
Item Name:- AI_1A_1
IOM Slot Number:- 1
Remote IO Chassis MAC Address:- 1
Control Net Module Slot Number:-9

Click OK.

8 Repeat the Step # 7 for adding the Analog output modules (Analog Output, 8 Ch,

9 Enter the Following information as given below.

Tag Name :- AO_2A_2
Item name:- AO_2A_2
IOM Slot Number:- 2
Remote IO Chassis MAC Address:- 1
Control Net Module Slot Number:-9

10 Assign the AI and AO Module to the SIM-C200 CEE.

2/8/2018 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 15

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Create I/O Modules

 Step Action

11 Download IO Module. Activate the AI and AO module.

16 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 2/8/2018

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Create, Configure and Load Control Module

Create, Configure and Load Control Module

 Step Action

1 Start Configuration Studio from Start > Programs > Honeywell Experion PKS

2 Connect and logon to System assigned for your student group.


Refer partition sheet for your System Name and

corresponding student group server
Enter following details at logon dialog box
User name – mngr
Password – mngr1
Domain – Traditional Operator Based Security

3 Expand the System and Server tree, by clicking on the + symbol.

4 Select Control Strategy under the Server hierarchy

5 Click on the Configure process control strategies task.


Configure process control strategies task link is

used to launch Control Builder

2/8/2018 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 17

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Create, Configure and Load Control Module

 Step Action

6 Create new CM.

Select File >New > Control Module

18 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 2/8/2018

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Create, Configure and Load Control Module

 Step Action

7 Blank CM will open, double click in the blank space to open Parameter project window.
Enter the following information in the below mentioned fields.
Tag name :- FC101
Item name :- FC101_item
Parent Asset :- Flow_A
Eng Unit :- M3/hr
Click OK.


Parent Asset can also be selected using the Point

Picker button as highlighted in the above figure

8 Drag DATAACQ Block in the CM from the Library.

 Name the DATAACQ as DACA.

2/8/2018 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 19

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Create, Configure and Load Control Module

 Step Action

9 Drag the PIDA Block in the CM from the Library. Open the Parameter project window for
PIDA block select the following option as shown.
Normal Mode :- Auto
Normal Mode Attribute :- Operator
Mode :- Auto
Mode Attribute :- Operator
SP :- 60

20 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 2/8/2018

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Create, Configure and Load Control Module

 Step Action

10 Drag the analog input and analog output block from the IOCHANNEL from the Library
into the CM named as FC01.

11 Open the AI channel parameter properties window. In the main tab enter the following
information as given below.
Channel Name :- FI

Click OK.

2/8/2018 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 21

Honeywell, Inc.
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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Create, Configure and Load Control Module

 Step Action

12 Make the wiring Connection as shown in the Diagram.

13 Add the FETCHMODE for AI and AO channel Block from the Monitoring tab for

14 Save the CM. Close the CM.

22 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 2/8/2018

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Create, Configure and Load Control Module

 Step Action

15 Assign the CM to the SIM-C200 CEE name as SCE_EXP.

16 Open the FC01 Chart View. Open the Configuration Parameter Properties window for AI
channel. Select the Module name from the drop down list, click assign button to assign
the AI channel to the AI Module.

Click OK

17 Repeat the Step # 16 to assign the AO channel to Analog output module.

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Honeywell, Inc.
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Create, Configure and Load Control Module

 Step Action

18 Save the CM and close the CM

19 Download the Control Module.

20 Open the Monitoring Window in the Control Builder. Activate the SIM-C200 CEE and CM
if not Active.

21 For checking the Value being updated. Complete the Set Excel Tie Back lab and check if
values are updating.

24 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 2/8/2018

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Configure Microsoft Excel Data Exchange to write to Experion database

Configure Microsoft Excel Data Exchange to write to Experion database

This procedure is only supposed to be followed in the class. If Microsoft Excel Data Exchange
(MEDE) needs to write back to the Experion server database then while installing Experion Server
software, Custom installation should be selected (The default selection is Complete which installs
MEDE in read-only mode). This optional choice is available to be made only in R300 Off Process
Beta version and will NOT be available in On Process and Release versions of R300.

MEDE is not recommended to be used in Write enabled mode for customer installations because
there is no authentication mechanism for writing back to Experion database.

 Step Action

1 If not already done, log on as local administrator on the ES-C.

2 Insert the Miscellaneous Software CD into CD/DVD drive.

3 Copy the mede.xla file from the CD to the local C:\Program Files\Honeywell\Experion
PKS\Client\Xldataex path.


This file is required for the lab following this procedure.

4 Double-click the activatemede.vbs file to activate Microsoft Excel Data Exchange in

Write enabled mode.

2/8/2018 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 25

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Configure Microsoft Excel Data Exchange to write to Experion database

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26 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 2/8/2018

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Set up EXCEL tie back simulation

Set up EXCEL tie back simulation

Main Idea

In this lab you will learn how to read and write values from/to the Experion Server database, from


 Step Action

1 Open Microsoft Excel from Start > Programs.

Blank Microsoft Excel Sheet will open. Enter the following text in the cell B4
“Enter your Experion PKS server name in Cell G4”.


Cell G4 will be left blank to enter the Server name.

3 Enter the following information in the respective cells.

Cell Number Text to Enter











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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Set up EXCEL tie back simulation

 Step Action

4 Select the B8 cell and enter “FC01”. Enter “PIDA.OP” in cell number C8.

5 Select cell D8; Select “fx” from the toolbar. Paste function window will open.

6 Select the “User Defined” function from the function category list on the left side. Select
“GetPointValArray” on the Right side under the function name list.

Click OK.

28 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 2/8/2018

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Set up EXCEL tie back simulation

 Step Action

7 Get point Val array window will open enter the following information as given below.
NumPoints:- 1
Server :- G4
PointIDList:- “FC01”
ArrayOrientation:- V

Click OK


This function is use to retrieve the Value of the point

from the Experion server Database.

8 Select cell E8. Repeat the Step # 5 and 6 to get the “GetPointValArray” window. Enter
the following information as given below.
NumPoints:- 1
Server :- G4
PointIDList:- “FC01”
ArrayOrientation:- V

9 Select cell F8. Repeat the Step # 5 and 6 to get the “GetPointValArray” window. Enter
the following information as given below.
NumPoints:- 1
Server :- G4
PointIDList:- “FC01”
ArrayOrientation:- V

2/8/2018 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 29

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Set up EXCEL tie back simulation

 Step Action

10 Select cell G8. Enter the following formula as given below.



The above formula is calculated as

The output of the calculation is given as Rang for the
PV of the FI

11 Select cell H8. Enter the Following formula as given below.


12 Select cell I8. Enter the Following Formula as given below.

=IF(H8>F8, F8, IF(H8<E8, E8, H8))


The above formula is a logic formula which check

whether the condition is met and returns one value if
The above condition is :-
If (CAL value>PVEUHI) then write PVEUHI value in the
If (CAL value<PVEULO) then Write PVEULO value in
the point.
Else write the Value from the cell H8, that is real
calculated value.

13 Select cell J8; Select “fx” from the toolbar. Paste function window will open.

30 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 2/8/2018

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Set up EXCEL tie back simulation

 Step Action

14 Select the “User Defined” function from the function category list on the left side. Select
“PutPointVal_Number” on the right side under the function name list.

2/8/2018 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 31

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Set up EXCEL tie back simulation

 Step Action

15 It will open “PutPointVal_Number” function window. Enter the following information as

given below.
Server :- G4
Point :- “FC01”
PointParameter:- FI.SIMVALUE
ParamValue:- I8

Click OK.


The PutPointVal_Number function is available only if

Microsoft Excel Data Exchange (MEDE) is optionally
installed as Write mode enabled for Experion
The above mention function will write the value in the
SIM VALUE parameter of the point.
In R300 Off Process Beta this option is available
during the installation of Experion software.

32 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 2/8/2018

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Set up EXCEL tie back simulation

 Step Action

16 Select cell K8. This cell value determines whether the Student entered SIMMODE value
is accepted or not. Enter Yes.


The valid values to be entered in this cell are Yes and

Excel data validation can be used to create a selection

17 Select cell L8. This cell value determines the source of simulation values. Enter the
numeric 2.


The valid values that can be entered in this cell are 0

(None), 1 (DIRECTSUB) and 2 (SIMVALSUB)
Excel data validation can be used to create a selection

18 Select cell M8. Enter the formula as given below.

=IF(K8="YES", PutPointVal_Number(G4,"FC01","FI.SIMMODE",L8), IF(K8="NO",
PutPointVal_Number(G4,"FC01","FI.SIMMODE", 2)))


This formula has been derived from the Excel Data

Exchange functions installed by the Experion software.

2/8/2018 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 33

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Set up EXCEL tie back simulation

 Step Action

19 Select cell N8. Repeat the step # 5 and 6 to open “GetPointVal” function window. Enter
the following information as given below.
Server :- G4
PointID:- "FC01”
PointParameter:- FI.SIMMODE

Click OK.


The above mention expression will read the SIM

MODE of the Input block.

20 Save your Excel file as Tie_back.xls in “C:\”.

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Set up EXCEL tie back simulation

 Step Action

21 Go to following path to start the calculation

Tools > Microsoft Excel Data Exchange > Recalculate Every 5 seconds

22 Check if the values are updating in Excel sheet.

23 Open the Control builder. Open the monitoring view.

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Configure SCE with I/O and loops
Set up EXCEL tie back simulation

 Step Action

24 Open the CM name as FC01 to check if the values are updating in controller.

36 EXP94R300 - Experion Projects Installation Workshop R300 2/8/2018

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