INT Whitepaper Release en Old
INT Whitepaper Release en Old
INT Whitepaper Release en Old
The team initially tried to define hardware ecosystem, perhaps we can allow the various devices
through software to reduce the complexity of to open their own functions, so as to gain more
hardware development. revenue through the economic-driven. Because the
However, even if we define the abstraction layer nature of the standard monopoly is profit, and the
of the system, how to form a unified ecosystem tokens themselves can provide profit, and because of
between individual nodes is still a challenge. Later, the volatility of the price of tokens, it may generate
through the team brainstorming, the team considers an additional economic benefits. Relative income is not
economic way to drive the integration of different less than absolute profit.
systems. So we're going to try a new model that drives the
INT is a kind of blockchain application platform hardware to open itself up by sharing benefits, to get
and interactive standard which is object-oriented IoT profits decentrally, rather than through a centralized
and based on economic driving mode. The parallel monopoly.
chain structure is used to form a distributed network 2.2 Monetization of resources
between devices, and a consensus algorithm is
In our definition, we need a steady measurement,
adopted to guarantee the legal trustworthiness of the
and we do not use INT in the settlement of the IoT, but
transaction between devices. At the same time,
use GAS mechanism, which is similar to ETH.
different kinds of devices can be connected to
Because devices resource settlement needs a relatively
different parallel chains to avoid the explosive growth
stable measurement, the resources will be settled in
of the total ledger.
the following ways:
The existence of INT can greatly reduce the
Price tag type: pay according to the marked price.
development difficulty of the application of the
blockchain of IoT. It can relay different IoT, form Metering type: Pay according to the timeline, or
edge computing networks, effectively circulate other dimensions of subsection.
resources, and accelerate the progress of IoT Competitive bidding type: Bid on all devices that
popularization. INT is designed as a scalable need to invoke the resources.
heterogeneous chain, providing a relay chain platform
on which a large number of verifiable, globally CPP (Cost Per Purchase): Pay based on the end
consistent and consensus data structures can be built. use of the resource.
In other words, on the basis of ensuring overall Because of the existence of smart contracts,
security and inter-chain trust, INT is committed to many traditional architectures which cannot be
making the IoT blockchain into a networking completed in a way that can be taken here, and then
infrastructure like TCP/IP, which imperceptibly affects implement coordination and interaction, the specific
people's lives. way can be agreed on the chain in the form of a smart
In order to achieve these objectives, we must do the contract.
following: 2.3 Resource transaction configuration
2.1 Software defined resources Related nodes shall purchase resources in a semi-
There is a fundamental difference between automatic manner through a custom policy.
hardware development and software development. 2.4 Privacy protection principle
Because of cost and design constraints, the hardware
resources are generally scarce, so when we want to There is also a particularly important problem in
add additional costs and provide additional resources the current IoT: User privacy. The user privacy
in the hardware, it is relatively hard (for example, to protection of IoT is extremely fragile. It is easy to
provide additional computing power and extra predict user behavior because of the large amount of
external power supply). data collected by the sensor. Moreover, for the current
architecture model, even if use the OpenID to
So the problem we want to solve is not to provide implement user desensitization, as long as analyze
additional resources, but if the hardware itself is a multiple dimensions, it is easy to reverse deduce the
WIFI, or a temperature collector, when it needs to identity of the user. To solve this problem, we try to
provide its own value to other services or hardware, adopt our innovative Behavior Private Key (BPK)
the corresponding charging strategy can be proposed. algorithm model based on zero-knowledge proof
And the resources we are involved in, according to algorithm, by passing the user intent (intent) to other
different devices, are abstracted from the real world, hardware, without the need to pass the user symbol,
mapping existing entities (whether hardware or data) which not only can effectively protect the user's
to provide consistent invocation in the form of privacy, but also can resolve concerns about the loss
services. of users.
There is no way to add additional functionality Our innovative BKP algorithm model uses
to existing devices, but in a relatively hardware unsupervised learning or strategy model and
INT: An economy driven solution to improve the device interconnection of Internet of Things
clustering behavior, through zero-knowledge proof in a magic mirror (Black Mirror)? This may not
algorithm to implement user desensitization. necessarily be the case, but it must not be a rarity to
This allows for the sharing of resources based on drive a automatic car to hit a person into death. The
intent between devices, and does not require users to security of the future IoT is the most important, and
share data, which can effectively address user privacy the INT will try to filter the intent through the
problem. innovative BPK algorithm, trying to ensure the user's
2.5 Security
Is the device likely to kill like a mechanical bee
3 System architecture
INT: A solution to improve the devices interconnection of Internet of Things through economic-driven
mobile Internet, and here comes a need for humans The first step of the solution is to build the many
and machines to perform real-time, reliable, modular products that RUFF now have in the RUFF
automated data exchanges and automated transactions ecosystem. We will build a complete unicom system
via distributed networking. in modular products.
INT will realize the data transmission directly In the second part, we will get through many
between the nodes of the IOT. The Internet of things open hardware platforms, based on Arduino,
solution does not require the introduction of large data Raspberry pies and so on.
centers for data synchronization and management
control that data acquisition, instruction sending and 13 INT team
software updating can be carried out through the
network of blockchain. Some typical INT application The INT team core members include the first
scenarios include: batch of IOT development experts in China as well as
globally, developers with vast experience in
1. Industrial Manufacture: The manufacturing communication and large systems, architects for
cycle begins to move into a completely virtual world, operating systems, and engineers in the financial field.
including product research and development, customer The R & D team has a deep understanding and
demand monitoring, production and inventory research and development experience in the fields of
management. As devices and systems become more Internet of things, signal transmission, security system
intelligent and interactive, the blockchain will also be design, blockchain, bottom layer of bitcoin, Ethernet
a factory, regional, global supply chain level book to floor, automated trading, machine learning, the big
greatly reduce costs, to strengthen JIT production, and data and so on.
to improve operational efficiency.
The core members of the INT team include the
2. Connected Driverless Vehicles: Auto running earliest group of IoT developers, IoT operating system
DAPP in Connected Vehicle turns the vehicle into an architects, and blockchain development engineers.
intelligent application terminal that automatic data The R & D team has a deep understanding and
exchange between cars and cars to achieve more research experience in the fields of IoT, blockchains,
secure autopilot, automatic navigation, road rescue the bottom layer of Bitcoin and Ethernet, automated
and so on. transaction, machine learning and big data technology.
3. Traffic: Internet of Things + Blockchain = Core members
Connected Traffic. There are many scenarios in the
vehicular network, for example, it transmits all traffic Xiang Ruofei : Chief Architect of INTchain at INT
information to avoid traffic jams and so on. Extend it Foundation.
into Global trade that the transportation network can He is a young expert in the Next Generation (5G)
embrace water, air and ground transportation networks Wireless Communication and IoT technology, and
and track freight traffic. now majors in the applications of “Blockchain - IoT”
4. Public technology facilities and intelligent technological convergence. He once did post-doctoral
cities: Smart devices have been used to track bridges, research at CAS, and took charge of an “863” Project.
roads, power grids and so on that blockchains can Dr. Xiang writes many papers, and applies for many
connect all of these together, sharing high efficiency, patents.
maintaining, and predicting usage and contamination.
Chen Guanghui: Graduated from Fudan Computer
Another important application is to help remote areas
Software, once worked for the EASTCOM, HUAWEI
to monitor natural disasters, and prevent large-scale
and other enterprises. He has extensive experience in
fires, pests and other disasters.
communication infrastructure, system architecture,
12 Roadmap research and development, project management,
software development, mobile Internet and other
INT is designed to address the issue of value fields.
transfer in fragmented and dispersed IoT markets. INT He worked in EASTCOM from 1993 to 2005,
will be a ERC20 token. It will be a new infrastructure and served as research and development engineer of
platform based on IoT: decentralization, open, open CDMA switch Development Department, test
source and efficient. In ecosystems, different parties manager and deputy general manager. Joined
can get the right cost and profit and share with each HUAWEI in 2005, and served as Minister of
other. The two areas of blockchain and IoT have a enterprise communications MKT, Minister of Railway
fast-growing dividend. As a transparent and open Signal Architecture Design. And he started business in
system, INT is expected to promote the development 2012 with the direction for the mobile phone taxi
of IoT, not to the unification of standards, to drive the service market.
interconnection of different standards through
economic means, and to form an effective and Wang Hongwei : Master of Sichuan University, 10
decentralized market. years of technology research in the field of IOT, early
INT: A solution to improve the devices interconnection of Internet of Things through economic-driven
platform architect of "Truck Gang", leader of broadband access products in the inauguration of
HUAWEI's first industrial route AR531 device, broadband division in UTStartcom. In December
inventor of the high speed iron signal 3oo3 2005, he joined the HUAWEI Research Institute in
combination fault and safety system, inventor of Hangzhou, and was responsible for enterprise
intelligent packaging. communications, IP, PBX products, product
Roy Li: Well-known network security experts, IoT introduction, architecture and system design of SEG,
experts, Ruff operating system founder, Fudan leader.
University Master Mentor, Ruff has won the Kesin Zhang Bo: Master of Science from the Huazhong
fund, King Capital, and Hike capital investment over University of Science and Technology, 12 year
the past three years. experience in system architecture, leader of H3C
DDOS protection equipment, leader of HUAWEI high
Cao Yanming: Bachelor of Science in mathematics,
speed rail signal 2 multiplied by 2 take 2 security
Peking University, Master of Science in computer mechanism, architect of HUAWEI's first industrial
science from the University of Wisconsin Madison, routing software, architect of Metro ATP&ATO
with more than twenty years of IT experience, worked System.
in Microsoft, SAP, HCL and other well-known
software companies. Responsible for large database Li Mengran: Graduated from South China University
systems, banking systems, e-commerce systems, bank of Technology, core maintenance engineer for large-
clearing blockchain application development with a scale Telecom backbone network, former deputy
wealth of financial system development and project director of international business division in China
implementation experience. Now focus on blockchain Telecom group, early participant of China Telecom
and intelligent contract bottom technology research narrowband networking NBIoT project.
and development in the banking, IOT and other Zhang Yuli: Master of Science from Institute of
industries. Physics CAS,previously served as senior developer
Yin Xiangyu: Bachelor of Science from the in ChinaSoft,was responsible for several blockchain
University of Electronic Science and technology of projects.
China, IOT deep lover, the earliest domestic IOT
research and development practitioners, Internet serial Xu Chun: Master of China Measures the Institute,
entrepreneur, stationmaster, Apache My newt code worked in HUAWEI and CETHIK, software systems
contributors. engineering specialist, expert in high reliability,
security, system design. During the inauguration of
2003-2005: Participated in the design and HUAWEI, he was responsible for the design and
development of wearable remote life test instrument development of the high-speed signal system and the
based on GPRS, anesthesia depth tester and early design and development of the RBC system. During
diabetic neuropathy tester, 2005-2008: Founded the the inauguration of the CETHIK Group IOT Research
apparel wholesale network, smoking cessation Institute, he took the "Huzhou wisdom" project and
network, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder was responsible for top level planning, network design
community and many other Internet projects, 2008: and application, hardware terminal deployment and
Began operating local stations and other stations, development, etc..
2013: the most early supporters and promotion leader
of China's first micro token networking device, Chen Yuqi: Graduated from the Department of
WeChat printer "welomo". mathematics of Sun Yat-sen University, former
development Engineer SouFun distributed system,
Zhang Hangjun: Graduated from Electronic Google Brillo code contributors.
University Of Science &Technology Of Hangzhou, 11
years hardware development experience, responsible Team Advisor
for more than 10 kinds of EMC inspection equipment Roy Li: Celebrated security and IoT expert, founder
research and development, leader of HUAWEI's first of the IoT OS, Advisor for Master students in
industrial routing hardware for the hardware R & D of Fudan University. was funded by Geek
high-speed rail, Metro and tram, on-board, CBI and Founders, Jinglin Capital and Hike Capital.
wayside signal systems.
Tan Lei: Celebrated blockchain and big data expert,
Wang Ye: Graduated from Beijing University of Posts North American Blockchain Association co-founder,
and Telecommunications, employed by EASTCOM, 13 years of Microsoft experience, Bachelor of Science
UTStarcom, HUAWEI, software systems engineering from FuDan University, Master of Science from Duke
and R & D quality management specialists. 1999- University, author for "Blockchain 2.0" and seven
2005: Served on the Hangzhou Oriental other technical books;
Communication Network Station, engaged in
Ramble: Chairman of the North American blockchain
CDMA2000 mobile switches, PHS platform and
Association, architect for the Guiyang blockchain
protocol software development and testing work.
financial Supervision Sandbox, Chairman of Guiyang
Work on platform software development for AN8000
blockchain financial incubator, founder of GooCoin
INT: A solution to improve the devices interconnection of Internet of Things through economic-driven