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Contemporary Arts Production B. On Skills Enhancement

An artist should be concentrated on developing the
I. Acquired Skills Enhancement following characteristics in himself (Panisan, W.,
A. On Skills Acquisition Gazzingan, L., Samar, G., & Boongaling, C., 2017):
The study of arts has been, since pre-school, 1. Artistic Ability
integrated into the process of formative and higher A good artist continuously develops this
education. Through MAPEH and Art Appreciation under ability to further his natural, creative skills. This
the Humanities, the students are exposed to the arts can be achieved through openness to new trends
through classroom instruction and hands-on experience. and techniques in artistic expressions.
The main objective of the educational system is not 2. Creativity
only to educate but also to tap the students’ abilities and A good artist knows how to make the most
inclination towards the arts as a form of individual out of his/her imagination. S/he has the ability to
expression. An individual has already met the standards come up with original ideas and have the courage
of artistic acquisition if s/he is able to do any of the to be different in his artistic expressions.
following (Panisan, W., Gazzingan, L., Samar, G., & 3. Manual dexterity
Boongaling, C., 2017): A good artist always allots time for practicing
1. communicate at a basic level in any of the artistic his/her skills. Artists’ techniques differ in the
disciplines (dance, music, theater, or the visual manner in which he makes coordinated hand and
arts) through the knowledge, skills, and finger movements.
techniques of that art discipline 4. Computer Editing
2. develop and present basic analyses of the work of A good artist keeps up with technology and
art from structural, historical, and cultural exerts effort to gain computer literacy. S/he
perspectives, and from a combination of these should equip himself/herself with the ability to
perspectives handle computer graphics and other multimedia
3. have an informed acquaintance with exemplary files.
works of art from a variety of cultures, historical 5. Communication Skills
periods, and a basic understanding of historical A good artist should be able to convey
development in the art disciplines, across the arts information to people clearly and simply.
as a whole, and within cultures 6. Self-promotion/ Marketing Skills
4. relate various types of arts knowledge and skills A good artist should learn how to publicly
within and across the art disciplines relate oneself to people for the purpose of selling
his products and services.

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II. Concept of Integrated Arts Production While art is an “unstructured” activity, crafts are
A. Integrated Arts goal-oriented and “structured.” Listed below are
According to the Kennedy Center (2010), Arts keywords for distinguishing arts from crafts:
Integration is an approach to teaching in which students
construct and demonstrate understanding through an art Arts Crafts
form. Students engage in a creative process which Open-ended Goal oriented
connects an art form and another subject area and meets Unstructured Structured
evolving objectives in both. Process Process and Product
Through this process, the students were given Creativity Skill building
opportunities to learn and enrich their understanding, Emotional Release Critical Thinking Skills
reflect on what they learned, and revise and improvise Self-expression Discipline
their work. Integration of the arts exposes the students to Feeling Thinking, Relating,
several art forms that may include creative writing, Coordinating
drama, visual arts, music, production, and design
(Panisan, W., Gazzingan, L., Samar, G., & Boongaling, 2. Separate the process of art from the product of art.
C., 2017). Painting, drawing, sculpting are all processes
B. Integrated Arts Production used to create true art. A great way to test to see if
This involves the use of two (2) or more disciplines your art activities are focusing more on the process
in producing or creating a work for a specific audience. and less on the product is to look at the end result.
This practice may involve interdisciplinary art, art Product art centers on experiences focused on a
research, development, production, and presentation of preconceived outcome that an artist may find
an artistic work creation. frustrating to achieve. Process art allows the artist to
explore his/her own dynamic of creating,
III. Production Planning understanding that no two pieces of artwork will look
It is the process which involves making sure that the same as each child’s personality will come
sufficient raw materials, staff, and other necessary items are through his/her work.
procured and ready to create finished products according to 3. Arts and crafts develop different developmental
the schedule specified (businessdictionary.com). skills.
A. Steps to consider during the production planning Art activities develop feeling skills and promote
by Reyner, A., (2008) self-expression. Craft activities develop thinking,
1. Know the difference between arts and crafts. relating, and coordinating skills.
The process of making art and the process of 4. Know the theory of learning by doing.
making crafts are related, but different activities. Arts and crafts offer endless opportunities to
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learn by doing. Brain researchers tell us that an

individual retains more information when on hands-
on activities go along with that learning.
5. Know your creative potentials.
The potential for creativity or the act of making
something new lives in each of us. If you will grow
up believing in your own creative self, you will have
a better chance of finding constructive outlets of
creative energy. A person’s creativity is not just a
memory stored in his/her brain but a valuable
personal resource and something to nourish and to
use every day.
B. Reminders before coming up with an art production
1. Create a pleasant work environment
2. Spare a few minutes each day to look closely at the
3. Practice makes perfect
4. Form a concept of the work before starting the
5. Be aware of other artists’ works
6. Never stop learning

“Defining Arts Integration.” (2010). Retrieved on August 24, 2017, from
Panisan, W., Gazzingan, L., Samar, G., & Boongaling, C (2017). Contemporary
Philippine Arts from the Regions. Malabon: Mutya Publishing House, Inc.
“Production Planning.” (n.d.). Retrieved on August 24, 2017, from
Product vs Process. (n.d.) Retrieved on September 13, 2017, from
Reyner, A. (2008). Arts, Crafts & Creativity in School-Age Child Care & Recreation.
Retrieved on September 13, 2017, from

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