Capitulo 26 PDF
Capitulo 26 PDF
Capitulo 26 PDF
Case Analysis
Chapter Guide. This chapter presents 15 OR applications. Each case starts with a
description of the situation, followed by a detailed analysis that includes collection of
data, development of the mathematical model, solution of the model using AMPL,
Excel, or TORA, and interpretation of the results. The unpredictable computational
behavior of ILPs occurs in a number of cases where an excessively long execution time
fails to produce a solution and where it is necessary to modify the original model to cir-
cumvent the computational difficulty. The table below lists the cases discussed in this
chapter. The AMPL/Excel/Solver/TORA programs are in folder ch26Files.
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12 Ordering golfers on the final day Sports Game theory Excel, TORA
of Ryder Cup matches
13 Inventory decisions in Dell’s Inventory Inventory models Excel
supply chain control
14 Analysis of internal transport system Materials Queuing theory, Excel, TORA
in a manufacturing plant handling simulation
15 Telephone sales manpower planning Airlines ILP, queuing theory Excel, AMPL,
at Qantas Airways TORA
Tools: Heuristics, LP
Source: B. Nash, “A Simplified Alternative to Current Airline Fuel Allocation Models,” Interfaces, Vol. 11,
No. 1, pp. 1–8, 1981.
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leg j
1 2 … j j 1 … n 1 n
An n-stopover flight route
q = fraction of additional burn-off per gallon per hour for extra fuel on board
tij = Number of block hours from tankering station i to the start of leg j, i 6 j
pN j = Base price per gallon at stopover j
The weighted price, pij, can be computed from the formula
pN i
,i 6 j
11 - q2tij
pij =
pi…j = min5pij6
Gasoline prices and flight times on route DEN-MCI-STL-FOE-DEN
1.42 hours
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3 (STL, FOE)
MCI 2 x23 (3,4)
4 (FOE, DEN)
Representation of the elements of STL 3 x34 (4,1)
the flight route in Figure 26.2
Spreadsheet computations for the tankering heuristic (file excelCase1.xls)
stopover, and flight leg hours. The output section starts with the computation of block hours
representing the tankering time from a stopover to the start of a flight leg. For example, fuel
tankered in DEN (stopover 1) will take 1.55 hours to reach MCI, the start of leg 2, 2.23
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1= 1.55 + .682 hours to reach STL, the start of leg 3, and 3.06 1= 1.55 + .68 + .832 hours to
reach FOE, the start of leg 4. Block hours are then used to compute the weighted prices (rows 19-
24). For example, the weighted price from DEN (stopover 1) for leg 2 (MCI, STL) is computed as
pN 1 1.92
11 - q2t12
p12 = = 2.079
11 - .0521.55
The weighted prices indicate that tankering is recommended only at stopover 3 (STL) for
leg 4 (FOE, DEN) because it offers a weighted price of $1.92 which is less than the base price of
$3.00 at FOE.
The proposed heuristic solution makes two basic assumptions:
Under such conditions, the heuristic solution is always optimal. For other situations, it is neces-
sary to modify the heuristic rules to deliver a feasible solution in the following manner:
1. Rank candidate tankering cities in ascending order of their weighted prices. (A tankering
stopover must have a weighted price less than the base price at the start of a target leg.)
2. Allocate as much fuel as possible at the stopover with the smallest weighted price (subject
to stopover supply and plane capacity limits).
3. Repeat step 2 for the next-ranked stopover until either a leg requirement is satisfied or
that tankering cannot be used without violating stopover supply and/or capacity limits.
4. If a leg is still short of its fuel requirement, additional fuel is purchased at base price at the
start stopover of the leg.
To demonstrate the use of the capacitated heuristic, consider the set of data in Table 26.1
that specify the amount of fuel needed for leg j, the tankering capacity of the plane, Aj, at
stopover j, and the fuel supply limit, Bj, also at stopover j.
If the tankering capacity Aj and the supply limit Bj at stopover j are not taken into account,
the solution in Figure 26.4 calls for tankering .83 = 961 gallons in STL for leg 4. The total
11 - .052
cost for the round trip is 1200 * $1.92 + 645 * $1.96 + 1880 + 9612 * $1.84 = $6,955.64.
On the other hand, if the limits are considered, the given solution will not be feasible because fueling
880 + 961 = 1841 gallons at STL exceeds both the tankering capacity (A3 = 900 gallons) and the
supply limit (B3 = 1400 gallons). This means that the most that can be tankered at STL is
900 - 880 = 20 gallons, which is equivalent to a net of 2011 - .052.83 L 19 gallons for leg 4, leaving
leg 4 short of 920 - 19 = 901 gallons. This amount must be purchased at FOE, because tankering
at DEN and/or MCI is not possible as the plane is already at its tankering capacity 1= 900 gallons2
in STL. The associated fuel cost for the tour thus equals 1200 * $1.92 + 645 * $1.96 +
120 + 8802 * $1.84 + 901 * $3.00 = $7927.20, an increase of 7927.20 - 6955.64 = $971.56
(or about 14%) over the cost of uncapacitated solution.
11 - q2tij
Fij = ,i 6 j
As defined earlier, q is the fraction of excess burn-off per gallon per hour and tij is the number of
block hours from tankering stopover i to the start of leg j.
The amount of tankered fuel on board the plane at stopover k is computed as
Tk = a Fkj a a xij b, k = 1, 2, Á , n - 1
j=k+1 i…k
The formula recognizes that amounts tankered in stopovers up to and including stopover k for
all succeeding legs k + 1, k + 2, Á , and n - 1 pass through stopover k (see also Figure 26.3).
Next, the amount of fuel purchased at stopover k is computed as
Qk = fk a1 - a xik b + a Fkjxkj, k = 1, 2, Á , n
i6k j7k
The amount purchased at stopover k includes two portions: (1) The additional fuel needed for leg
k and (2) the tankered fuel used by subsequent legs k + 1, k + 2, and n. Note that only
subject to
Ti … Ai, i = 1, 2, Á , n - 1
Qi … Bi, i = 1, 2, Á , n
a xij … 1, j = 2, 3, Á , n
xij Ú 0, i 6 j
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i j = 2 j = 3 j = 4
The model is solved by substituting for Ti and Qi in terms of xij as given previously. Note that in
the third set of constraints the use of inequality 1…2 instead of strict equality allows for the
possibility of no tankering for leg j.
The data of the heuristic example in Table 26.1 will be used to demonstrate the use of the
linear programming model. The first step is to compute Fij using fj and tij as shown in Table 26.2.
All values have been raised to the next integer value for convenience. To illustrate the computa-
tions, we have
f2 645
11 - q2t12
F12 = = 698.37 L 699 gallons
11 - .0521.55
Thus, we get
x12 … 1
x13 + x23 … 1
x14 + x24 + x34 … 1
xij Ú 0, i = 1, 2, 3; j = 2, 3, 4
AMPL model
File amplCase1.txt provides the AMPL model for the tankering linear program. Input includes
the raw data of the problem (n, q, pN i, fi, Ai, and Bi, as defined in the mathematical model).
Figure 26.5 provides a summary output for the data in Table 26.1. Tankered fuel is purchased
for leg 4 (STL-FOE) at stopovers 1, 2, and 3 (DEN, MCI, and STL) in the amounts 150
1= 1350 - 12002, 255 1= 900 - 6452, and 520 1= 1400 - 8802 gallons, respectively. Removing
the excess burn-off fuel, tankered purchases reduce to 15011 - .05211.55 + .68 + .832 +
25511 - .0521.68 + .832 + 52011 - .052.83 L 862 gallons. This amount together with the 58 gallons
purchased in city 4 (FOE) provides 862 + 58 = 920 gallons, the fuel requirement for leg 4. As
should be expected, the optimal LP cost is lower than that of the heuristic by
$7927.20 - $7104.44 = $822.76.
It may appear “odd” that the solution in Figure 26.5 calls for the purchase of 58 gallons in
stopover 4 (FOE) at $3.00 per gallon instead of simply boosting the tankered purchase in
stopover 1 (DEN) at $1.92 where there is a surplus supply of 150 gallons. The reason no addi-
tional fuel can be purchased in stopover 1 (DEN) is that the given optimum solution uses the
entire tankering capacity 1= 900 gallons2 at stopover 3 (STL). In fact, if the tankering capacity at
STL is increased, say, to 1000 gallons, no purchase will be made in FOE.
Output of the AMPL model
4. Show that if the tankering capacity at stopover 3 (STL) is increased from 900 to 1000
gallons, no purchase is made in stopover 4 (FOE) and the purchase in stopover 1 (MCI) is
increased to meet the fuel requirement for leg 4.
Tool: LP
LP model:
Source: S.S. Hilal and W. Erikson, “Matching Supplies to Save Lives: Linear Programming the Production of
Heart Valves,” Interfaces, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 48–55, 1981.
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subject to
a pijxj Ú Di, i = 1, 2, Á , m
Lj … xj … Hj, j = 1, 2, Á , n
To be completely correct, the variables xj must be restricted to integer values. However, the
parameters pij and Di are mere estimates and, hence, rounding the continuous solution to the
closest integer may not be a bad approximation in this case. This is particularly desirable for
large problems, where imposing the integer restriction may result in unpredictable computational
AMPL Implementation:
Although the LP is quite simple as an AMPL application, the nature of the input data is some-
what cumbersome. A convenient way to supply the data to this model is through a spreadsheet.
File excelCase2.xls gives all the tables for the model and AMPL file amplCase2.txt shows how
the data involving 8 valve sizes and 12 suppliers are read from Excel tables.3
Analysis of the results:
The output of the AMPL model for the data in excelCase2.xls is given in Figure 26.6. In the strict
sense, the solution results cannot be used for scheduling purposes because the demand Di for
heart valve i is based on expected value calculations. Thus, the solution xj, j = 1, 2, Á , n, will
result in some months showing surplus and others exhibiting shortage.
How useful then is the model? Actually, the results can be used effectively for planning
purposes. Specifically, the solution suggests grouping the vendors into three categories:
The given recommendations are further supported by the values of the reduced costs in
Figure 26.6. Vendor 9 can raise its average unit prices by as much as $4.00 and still remain viable
There is one requirement about reading the data in array format from spreadsheet excelCase2.xls as used in
file amplCase2.txt. The ODBC handler requires column headings in an Excel read table to be strings, which
means that a pure numeric heading is not acceptable. To get around this restriction, all column headings are
converted to strings using the Excel TEXT function. Thus, the heading 1 can be replaced with the formula
=TEXT1COLUMN1A12, “0”2. Copying this formula into succeeding columns will automatically convert
the numeric code into the desired strings.
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Cost = $ 42210.82
j L[j] x[j] H[j] reduced cost Av. unit price
1 0 0.0 500 2.39 14.22
2 0 0.0 500 0.12 15.88
3 0 0.0 400 5.22 15.12
4 0 116.4 500 0.00 14.70
5 0 300.0 300 -0.49 16.68
6 0 500.0 500 -2.13 14.89
7 0 250.5 600 0.00 18.12
8 0 400.0 400 -6.22 16.61
9 0 300.0 300 -4.20 17.19
10 0 357.4 500 -0.00 14.47
11 0 112.9 400 0.00 15.62
12 0 293.1 500 0.00 16.31
Output of the valve production model
in the optimum solution, whereas vendor 3 will continue to be unattractive even if it reduces the
average unit cost by as much as $5.00. This result is true despite the fact that the average unit
prices for excluded vendor 3 is among the lowest 1= $15.122 and that for “star” vendor 9 is
among the highest 1= $17.192. The reason for this apparently unintuitive conclusion is that the
model is primarily demand driven, in the sense that vendors 5, 6, 8, and 9 provide relatively more
of the sizes needed than the remaining vendors. The opposite is true for vendors 1, 2, and 3. This
means that a change in levels of demand could result in a different mix of vendors. This is the
reason that, under reasonably steady projected demand, the manufacturer works closely with its
“star” vendors, providing them with nutrition and animal care recommendations that ensure that
their distributions of valve sizes will remain reasonably stable.
Valve size 7 appears to be the most critical among all sizes because it has the highest dual price
1= $62.412, which is more than twice the dual prices of other sizes. This means that size 7 stock
should be monitored closely to keep its surplus inventory at the lowest level possible. On the other
hand, sizes 2, 4, and 8 exhibit surplus, and efforts must be made to reduce their inventory.
the workers in the slaughterhouses of these vendors to provide well-isolated and well-trimmed
hearts. This, in turn, has lead to streamlining production at the production facility.
1. If the demands for the respective 8 sizes are 300, 200, 350, 450, 500, 200, 250, and 180 valves,
find the new solution and compare it with the one given in the case analysis.
2. Suppose that vendor 3 is already under contract to supply 400 hearts for next year and that
through special diet it can alter the proportion of heart sizes it provides. What should be
the ideal proportion of sizes supplier 3 should provide?
xijt = e
1, if buyer i meets with seller j in period t
0, otherwise
cij = A score representing the mutual preferences of buyer i and seller j
The associated assignment model can be expressed as
m n T
Maximize z = a a cij a a xijt b
i=1 j=1 t=1
subject to
a xijt … 1, j = 1, 2, Á , n, t = 1, 2, Á , T
a xijt … 1, i = 1, 2, Á , m, t = 1, 2, Á , T
Source: A.T. Ernst, R.G.J. Mills, and P. Welgama, “Scheduling Appointments at Trade Events for the
Australian Tourist Commission,” Interfaces, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 12–23, 2003.
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a xijt … 1, i = 1, 2, Á , m, j = 1, 2, Á , n
xijt = 10, 12 for all i, j, and t
The model expresses the basic restrictions of an assignment model: Each buyer or seller can
meet at most one person per session and a specific buyer-seller meeting can take place in at most
one session. In the objective function, the coefficients cij representing the buyer-seller prefer-
ences for meetings are not session dependent, because it is assumed that buyers and sellers are
indifferent to the session time.
How are the coefficients cij determined? Following the registration of all buyers and sellers,
each seller provides ATC with a prioritized list of buyers whom the seller wants to see. A similar
list is demanded of each buyer with respect to sellers. The list assigns the value 1 to the top
choice, with higher values implying lower preferences. These lists need not be exhaustive, in the
sense that sellers and buyers are free to express interest in meeting with some but not all regis-
tered counterparts. For example, in a list with 100 sellers, a buyer may seek meetings with 10 sell-
ers only, in which case the expressed preferences will be 1, 2, Á , 10 for the selected sellers.
The raw data gathered from the buyers/sellers list may then be expressed algebraically as
bij = ranking assigned by buyer i to a meeting with seller j
sji = ranking assigned by seller j to a meeting with buyer i
B = maximum number of preferences elected by all buyers
S = maximum number of preferences elected by all sellers
a = relative weight of buyer preferences 1in calculating scores cij2, 0 6 a 6 1
1 - a = relative weight of seller preferences.
From these definitions, the objective coefficients cij can be calculated as
B - bij S - sji
1 + aa b + 11 - a2a b, if bij Z 0 and sji Z 0
B - bij
1 + aa b, if bij Z 0 and sji = 0
cij = g S - sji
1 + 11 - a2a b, if bij = 0 and sji Z 0
0, if bij = sji = 0
The logic behind these formulas is that a smaller value of bij means a higher value of 1B - bij2 and,
hence, a higher score assigned to a requested meeting between buyer i and seller j. A similar inter-
pretation is given to the score S - sji for seller j’s requested meeting with buyer i. Both scores are
normalized to values between 0 and 1 by dividing them by B and S, respectively, and then are
weighted by a and 1 - a to reflect the relative importance of the buyer and seller preferences,
0 6 a 6 1. Thus, values of a less than .5 favor sellers’ preferences. Note that bij = 0 and sji = 0
indicate that no meetings are requested between buyer i and seller j. The quantity 1 appears in the
top three formulas of cij to give it a relatively larger preference than the case where no meetings
are requested (i.e., bij = sji = 0). The normalization of the raw scores ensures that 0 … cij 6 2.
1. Lists of buyers and sellers are made available only after the registration deadline has passed.
2. Only registered buyers and sellers can participate in the process.
3. Participants’ preferences are kept confidential by ATC. They may not be seen or altered
by other participants.
Under these restrictions, an interactive internet site is created to allow participants to enter their
preferences conveniently. More importantly, the design of the site ensures valid input data. For
example, the system prevents a buyer from seeking more than one meeting with the same seller,
and vice versa.
Solution of the problem:
The given assignment model is straightforward and can be solved by available commercial pack-
ages. File amplCase3a.txt and file amplCase3b.txt provide two AMPL models for this situation.
The data for the two models are given in a spreadsheet format (file excelCase3.xls). In the first
model, the spreadsheet is used to calculate the coefficients cij, which are then used as input data.
In the second model, the raw preference scores, bij and sji, are the input data and the model itself
calculates the coefficients cij. The advantage of the second is that it allows computing the per-
centages of buyer and seller satisfaction regarding their expressed preferences.
The output of model amplCase3b.txt for the data in file excelCase3.xls (6 buyers, 7 sellers,
and 6 sessions) is given in Figure 26.7. It provides the assignment of buyers to sellers within each
session as well as the percent satisfaction for each buyer and seller for a weight factor a = .5.
The results show high buyer and seller satisfactions (92% and 86%, respectively). If a 6 .5, sell-
er satisfaction will increase.
Practical considerations:
For the solution of the assignment model to be realistic, it must take into consideration the de-
lays between successive appointments. Essentially, a buyer, once through with an appointment,
will most likely have to move to another cubicle for the next appointment. A feasible schedule
must thus account for the transition time between successive appointments. The following
walking constraints achieve this result:
xijt + a xi,k,t + 1 = 1, i = 1, Á , m, j = 1, Á , n, t = 1, Á , T
The set Ji represents the sellers buyer i cannot reach in period t + 1 without experiencing undue
delay. The logic is that if buyer i has an appointment with seller j in period t1xijt = 12, then the
same buyer may not schedule a next-period 1t + 12 appointment with seller k who cannot be
reached without delay (that is, xi,k,t + 1 = 0).We can reduce the number of such constraints by eliminat-
ing period t that occurs at the end of a session block (e.g., coffee breaks, lunch break, and end of day).
The additional constraints increase the computational difficulty of the model considerably.
In fact, the model may not be solvable as an integer linear program considering the computa-
tional limitations of present-day IP algorithms. This is the reason a heuristic is needed to deter-
mine a “good” solution for the problem.
The heuristic used to solve the new restricted model is summarized as follows:
For each period t do
1. Set xijt = 0 if the location of buyer i’s last meeting in period t - 1 does not allow reaching
seller j in period t.
2. Set xijt = 0 if a meeting between i and j has been prescheduled.
3. Solve the resulting two-dimensional assignment model.
Next t
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Session 1:
Assign buyer 1 to seller 1
Assign buyer 2 to seller 5
Assign buyer 3 to seller 4
Assign buyer 4 to seller 6
Assign buyer 5 to seller 2
Assign buyer 6 to seller 7
Session 2:
Assign buyer 1 to seller 3
Assign buyer 2 to seller 6
Assign buyer 3 to seller 5
Assign buyer 4 to seller 2
Assign buyer 5 to seller 1
Assign buyer 6 to seller 4
Session 3:
Assign buyer 1 to seller 2
Assign buyer 2 to seller 4
Assign buyer 3 to seller 6
Assign buyer 4 to seller 5
Assign buyer 5 to seller 3
Assign buyer 6 to seller 1
Session 4:
Assign buyer 1 to seller 5
Assign buyer 2 to seller 3
Assign buyer 3 to seller 1
Assign buyer 4 to seller 7
Assign buyer 5 to seller 4
Assign buyer 6 to seller 2
Session 5:
Assign buyer 2 to seller 2
Assign buyer 3 to seller 3
Assign buyer 4 to seller 4
Assign buyer 5 to seller 5
Assign buyer 6 to seller 6
Session 6:
Assign buyer 1 to seller 4
Assign buyer 2 to seller 7
Assign buyer 3 to seller 2
Assign buyer 4 to seller 1
Assign buyer 5 to seller 6
Assign buyer 6 to seller 5
The quality of the heuristic solution can be measured by comparing its objective value (prefer-
ence measure) with that of the original assignment model (with no walking constraints). Report-
ed results show that for five separate events the gap between the two solutions was less than
10%, indicating that the heuristic provides reliable solutions.
Of course, the devised solution does not guarantee that all preferences will be met because
of the limit on the available number of time periods. Interestingly, the results recommended by
the heuristic show that at least 80% of the highest-priority meetings (with preference 1) are se-
lected by the solution. This percentage declines almost linearly with the increase in expressed
scores (higher score indicates lower preference).
1. Suppose that the locations of booths preclude scheduling a buyer from holding meetings
in two successive sessions with sellers 1 and 3. Modify the AMPL model adding the walk-
ing constraints and find the optimum solution.
2. Apply the heuristic to the situation in Question 1 and compare it with the optimum solution.
Source: J.L. Huisingh, H.M Yamauchi, and R. Zimmerman, “Saving Federal Travel Dollars,” Interfaces,
Vol. 31, No.5, pp. 13–23, 2001.
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travelers consists of the sum of contracted airfares along the legs of the cheapest route to the host
city. To determine such routes, it is necessary to identify the locations around the United States
from which participants depart. Each such location is a possible host city candidate provided it
offers adequate airport and conference facilities. In the present case, 261 such locations with
4640 contracted airport links are identified.
The determination of the cheapest airfare routes among the selected 261 locations with 4640
air links is no simple task because a trip may involve multiple legs. Floyd’s algorithm (Section
6.3.2) is ideal for determining such routes. The “distance” between two locations is represented
by the contracted airfare provided by the government. Per the contract, the cost of the round trip
ticket then equals double the cost of the one-way trip.
To simplify the analysis, the study does not allow the use of car rentals at destinations. The
plausible assumption here is that the host hotel is in the vicinity of the airport, usually with free
shuttle service.
Per-diems cover lodging, meals, and incidental expenses. Participants arrive the day before
the event starts. However, those arriving from locations within 100 miles arrive the morning of
the first day of the event. All participants will check out of the hotel on the last day. Days of ar-
rival and departure, government regulations for meals and incidental expenses allow only a 75%
reimbursement of the full per-diem rate.
Numerical Example:
For the sake of this illustration, we will assume a 12-host-city situation. Table 26.3 provides the
contracted one-way airfares for admissible links among the cities. A blank entry indicates that
the associated city pair does not have a direct air link.
NY $85 $130
Air travel cost = $78. Distance 6 100 miles 1= 86 miles2. Personal car used for travel between STL and SPI.
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SF 115.00 50.00 15
ORD 115.00 50.00 10
STL 85.00 48.00 8
LAX 120.00 55.00 18
TUL 70.00 35.00 5
DEN 90.00 40.00 9
DC 150.00 60.00 10
ATL 90.00 50.00 12
DAL 90.00 50.00 11
NY 190.00 60.00 12
MIA 120.00 50.00 8
SPI 60.00 35.00 2
Maximum lodging and per-diem allowances for the 12 cities together with their associat-
ed number of participants for an upcoming event are listed in Table 26.4. The duration of the
event is 4 days. The standard mileage allowance for personal vehicles is $.325 per mile (per the
year 2000).
The first step in the solution is to determine the cheapest airfare among all city pairs. This
step is carried out by TORA using Floyd’s shortest-route algorithm (Section 6.3.2). The results of
the algorithm are summarized in Table 26.5. Blank entries symmetrically equal those above the
main diagonal. Recall that these values represent the cost of one-way tickets and that the cost of
round trip tickets is double that amount. Floyd’s algorithm automatically specifies the trip legs
associated with each city pair.
The final step in the solution is to determine the total cost of the event for all the partici-
pants, given that the event is held at one of the listed cities. The city that provides the smallest
total cost is then selected as the host city.
SF $260 $230 $70 $225 $120 $410 $510 $220 $495 $625 $308
ORD $99 $270 $194 $140 $150 $250 $294 $235 $365 $177
STL $240 $95 $110 $249 $349 $195 $334 $464 $28…
LAX $235 $130 $420 $520 $290 $505 $635 $318
TUL $105 $295 $395 $100 $380 $510 $173
DEN $290 $390 $205 $375 $505 $188
DC $100 $195 $85 $215 $327
ATL $295 $185 $125 $427
DAL $280 $410 $273
NY $130 $412
MIA $542
Personal vehicle cost based on 86 miles (32.5 cents per mile).
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To demonstrate the computations, suppose that STL is the candidate host city. The associat-
ed total cost is then computed as:
= $37,910
Per-diem cost = $48 * [115 + 10 + 18 + 5 + 9 + 10 + 12 + 11 + 12 + 82
* 4.5 + 12 + 82 * 3.5]
= $25,440
Note that because SPI is located 86 miles 16100 miles2 from STL, its participants drive per-
sonal vehicles and arrive at STL the morning of the first day of the event. Thus, their per-diem is
based on 3 1冫2 days and their lodging is based on 3 nights only. Participants from STL receive per
diem for 3 1冫2 days and no lodging. All other participants arrive at STL a day earlier, and their
per-diem is based on 4 1冫2 days and 4 nights of lodging.
The computations for all host cities can be done conveniently with a spreadsheet as shown
in Figure 26.8 (file excelCase4.xls—all the formulas are appended as cell comments). The results
show that TUL offers the lowest total cost ($108,365), followed by DEN ( $111,332) and then
STL ($115,750).
1. Given that TUL is the chosen host city, how should the reservations be made for SF
Cost comparisons of host cities (file excelCase4.xls)
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2. Suppose that the following new air links are added to the list of admissible routes: ORD-
NY ($150), LAX-MIA ($300), DEN-DAL ($110), ATL-NY ($150).
Determine the host city.
Case 5: Optimal Ship Routing and Personnel Assignment for Naval Recruitment
in Thailand6
1 100 2 1
2 200 10 1, 2, 3
3 600 2 1, 2, 3, 4
To 0 1 2 3 4
Source: P. Choypeng, P. Puakpong, and R. Rosenthal, “Optimal Ship Routing and Personnel Assignment for
Naval Recruitment in Thailand,” Interfaces, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 47–52, 1986.
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Case 5: Optimal Ship Routing and Personnel Assignment for Naval Recruitment 26.21
1. How should the draftees be transported by bus from drafting centers to branch bases?
2. How should the draftees be transported by ship from branch bases to the main base?
Model development:
The solution of the problem is done in two independent stages:
1. Stage 1 determines the optimal allocation of draftees from the recruiting centers to the
branch bases.
2. Stage 2 then uses the result of Stage 1 to determine the optimal transportation schedules
from the branches to the main base.
The first problem is a straightforward transportation model with 34 sources (drafting cen-
ters) and 4 branch bases (destinations). For the purpose of the model, the “supply” at a source is
the number of recruits a center drafts. The “demand” at a destination equals the number of
draftees a branch base can receive. In the present situation the total supply does not exceed the
total demand. The unit transportation equals the cost of a bus trip divided by the number of seats
on the bus. We can represent the transportation unit as a bus load rather than an individual re-
cruit by dividing the number of recruits at a center by the number of seats available on a bus, and
then round up the result. For example, 500 recruits from a drafting center on a bus with 52 seats
will require 10 bus trips. The unit transportation cost in this case is the cost per bus trip.
Whether we use a recruit or a bus load as the transportation unit, both representations are
approximations. The use of a recruit as the transportation unit can deflate the total transporta-
tion cost, because a partially full bus incurs the same cost as a full bus. On the other hand, the use
of a bus load as a transportation unit can inflate both the number of recruits and the capacities
of the branch bases. Either way, the bias in the solution is not pronounced, because it only results
from treating one partial bus load as a full load. In this study, a recruit is used as the transporta-
tion unit.
xij = Number of draftees at recruiting center i transported to branch base j
cij = Transportation cost per recruit from recruiting center i to branch base j
ai = Number of recruits at center i
bj = Capacity 1in number of recruits2 at branch base j
The mathematical model is
m n
Minimize z = a a cijxij
i=1 j=1
subject to
a xij Ú ai, i = 1, 2, Á , m
a xij … bj, j = 1, 2, Á , n
1 475
2 659
3 672
4 1123
Total 2929
Because the model given above is straightforward, it will not be considered any further.
Instead, we will assume that the model has been solved using pertinent data, with the optimum
solution as given in Table 26.8.
The optimum solution from Stage 1 is used as input data for Stage 2, which is concerned
with the determination of the optimum schedule for transporting the recruits from the four
branch bases to the main base. The solution must provide the required trips identified by route
and ship class. A trip starts at main base (0) with trips legs that reach one or more branch bases
(1, 2, 3, and 4), taking into account allowable port visitations by the three ship classes as given in
Table 26.6. For example, a Class 2 ship can visit bases 1, 2, and 3 only.
The first task in the development of the model is to identify all possible trips, taking into ac-
count the restrictions on port visitations. A ship of class 1 is allowed to visit base 1 only and the
associated round trip is thus given as 0-1-0. For class 2 ships, docking is allowed in bases 1, 2, and
3 only. For the purpose of the solution, a round trip for class 2 may include one base (e.g., 0-1-0),
two bases (e.g., 0-1-2-0), or three bases (e.g., 0-1-2-3-0). The same idea applies to class 3 routes,
which may include from 1 to 4 branch bases. It is important to note that two round trips involv-
ing the same bases do not necessarily produce the same total distance. For example, the tours
0-1-3-4-0 and 0-1-4-3-0 involve the same branch bases (1, 3, and 4), yet they result in different
total distances—namely,
Case 5: Optimal Ship Routing and Personnel Assignment for Naval Recruitment 26.23
Minimize z = a djxj
subject to
a yij Ú ri, i = 1, 2, 3, 4
a xj … nk, k = 1, 2, 3
xj Ú 0 and integer, j H J
yij Ú 0 and integer, i = 1, 2, 3, 4, j H J
The first constraint ensures that all recruits will be transported. The second constraint recognizes
the capacity limitation of each ship class. The third constraint ensures that the number of round
trips used in each class does not exceed availability.
AMPL solution:
File amplCase5.txt provides the AMPL model for the Stage 2 problem. The model automatical-
ly generates all possible trips for each ship class and their distances. Perhaps the “trickiest” part
of the model deals with the determination of the sets Ai and Bj as defined in the mathematical
model. These sets are determined by creating the matrix aij that mirrors the legs of the different
trips by letting aij = 1 if base i is in trip j and aij = 0 otherwise. For example, if trip 30 is 0-1-4-3-0,
then a1,30 = 1, a2,30 = 0, a3,30 = 1, and a4,30 = 1. Using the matrix 7aij 7, the following substitu-
tions in the constraint eliminate the need to determine the sets Ai and Bj explicitly:
a yij = a aijyij, i = 1, 2, 3, 4
jHAi jHJ
Figure 26.9 provides the output of the model using the data presented earlier. It identifies
the trip and its associated ship class together with the number of times the trip is used. The num-
ber of recruits from each base is also specified for each trip. The row and column totals affirm the
feasibility of the solution by showing that (1) ship capacity restrictions are met, and (2) the num-
ber of recruits transported at least equals the number specified by the data of the problem (e.g.,
at base 1, the solution guarantees that 541 recruits can be transported, which exceeds the actual
475 recruits).
The reason the solution “inflates” the number of transported recruits is that we specified the
first constraint as an inequality rather than an equation. This, however, does not mean that the
solution will use more “resources” than necessary. The inequality constraint simply allows the so-
lution to “inflate” the number of recruits to make use of any excess capacity that may be avail-
able on a ship. This is evident from the fact that the row total in Figure 26.9 exactly equals the
ship capacity multiplied by the number of trips.
To show that the use of the inequality does not allow the use of more resources than is ab-
solutely necessary, Figure 26.10 provides the output of the same model with the same data ex-
cept that the inequality in the first constraint is replaced by an equation. In this case, the column
————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ——————
2 200 0-1-0 2 400 0 0 0 400
2 200 0-1-2-0 3 141 459 0 0 600
2 200 0-2-1-0 1 0 200 0 0 200
2 200 0-1-2-3-0 3 0 0 600 0 600
3 600 0-1-2-4-3-0 2 0 0 77 1123 1200
Page 26.24
AMPL output with the constraint as an inequality a a yij Ú ri b
FIGURE 26.10
AMPL output with the first constraint as an equation a a yij = ri b
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sums exactly equal the number of recruits at each base, whereas the row sums indicate that the
“used” capacity on the ships can be less the total available capacity. For example, trip 0-1-0 car-
ries 390 recruits from base 1, which is less than the maximum capacity of two trips of a class 2
ship 1= 2 * 200 = 4002. The fact remains that two trips will be made, exactly as the solution in
Figure 26.9 specifies.
Computational considerations
Despite the fact that the two formulations (with inequality and equality constraints) produce the
same optimum solution, the computational experience with the two ILPs are different. In the
equality constraint case, AMPL generated a total of 34,290 branch-and-bound nodes, which is
70% more than the 20,690 nodes generated in the case of the inequality constraint.7 It would
seem that the more restricted solution space should have resulted in a faster convergence of the
branch-and-bound algorithm because, in a way, it sets tighter limits on the feasible integer space.
Unfortunately, no such rule can be recommended, as the (generally bizarre) behavior of the
branch-and-bound algorithm is also problem dependent.
Tools: ILP, GP
This experience is based on CPLEX 9.1.3.
Source: J.T. Blake and J. Donald, “Mount Sinai Hospital Uses Integer Programming to Allocate Operating
Room Time,” Interfaces, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 63–73, 2002.
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Availability hours
Number of rooms 4 4 1 1
Mount Sinai Hospital has 10 staffed operating rooms serving 5 departments: surgery, gyne-
cology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, and oral surgery. There are 8 main surgical rooms and 2
elective outpatient surgery (EOPS) rooms. An operating room is either “short” or “long”, de-
pending on the daily number of hours the room is in use. Because of the socialized nature of
health care in Canada, all surgeries are scheduled during work days only (Monday through Fri-
day). Table 26.9 summarizes the daily availability of the different types of rooms and Table 26.10
provides the weekly demand for operating room hours. The limit on the underallocated hours in
Table 26.10 is the most a department can be denied relative to its weekly request.
The objective of the study is to determine a reasonably equitable daily schedule for the uti-
lization of available operating rooms.
Mathematical model:
The best that we can do in this situation is to devise a daily schedule that most satisfies the week-
ly target hours for the different departments. In other words, we set the target hours for each de-
partment as a goal, and try to satisfy it. The objective of the model is to minimize the total
deviation from the weekly target hours.
xijk = Number of rooms of type i assigned to department j on day k
dik = Duration 1availability in hours2 of room type i on day k
aik = Number of rooms of type i available on day k
hj = Requested 1ideal2 target hours for department j
uj- = Maximum underallocated hours allowed in department j
Allowable limit of
Department Weekly target hours underallocated hours
The given situation involves 6 departments and 4 types of rooms. Thus, i = 1, 2, 3, 4 and
j = 1, 2, Á , 6. For a 5-day work week, the index k assumes the values 1 through 5.
The following integer-goal programming model represents the Mount Sinai Hospital sched-
uling situation:
Minimize z = a A h1j B sj-
subject to
4 5
The logic of the model is that it may not be possible to satisfy the target hours hj for depart-
ment j, j = 1, 2, Á , 6. Thus, the objective is to determine a schedule that minimizes possible
“underallocation” of rooms to the different departments. To do this, the nonnegative variables sj-
and sj+ in constraint (1) represent the under- and over-allocation of hours relative to the target hj
for department j. The ratio hj measures the relative amount of underallocation to department j.
Constraint (2) recognizes room availability limits. Constraint (3) is used to limit the amount by
which a department is underallocated. The limits uj- are user-specified.
Model results
File amplCase6.txt gives the AMPL model of the problem. Figure 26.11 gives the solution for the
data provided in the statement of the problem. It shows that all goals are satisfied 1z = 02 and it
details the allocation of rooms (by type) to the different departments during the work week
(Monday through Friday). Indeed, the departmental summary given at the bottom of the figure
shows that the requests for 5 (out of 6) departments are oversatisfied. This happens to be the
case because there is abundance of resources for the week and the model does not try to mini-
mize the overallocation of hours to the different departments. Actually, it makes no sense in the
present model to try to do away with overallocation of hours, because the rooms are available
and might as well be apportioned to the different departments. In essence, the main concern is
about underallocation when available resources do not meet demand.
Computational experience:
In the model, the variable xijk represents the number of allocated rooms. It must assume integer
values, and here lies a familiar problem that continues to plague integer programming computa-
tions. The AMPL model executed rapidly with the set of data given in the description of the
problem. However, when the data representing target hours, hj, were adjusted slightly (keeping
all other data unchanged), the computational experience was totally different. First, the execu-
tion time lasted more than one hour (as opposed to a few seconds with the initial set of data)
and, after exploring more than 45 million branch-and-bound nodes, failed to produce a feasible
solution, let alone the optimum. This experience appears to take place when the demand exceeds
the supply. Actually, the behavior of this ILP is unpredictable, because when the objective function
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z = 0.00
Weekly Time Allocation:
Gynecology: 39.0 hrs
4 room(s) type Main_L
1 room(s) type Main_S
Ophthalmology: 17.0 hrs
1 room(s) type Main_S
1 room(s) type EOPS_S
Oral_surgery: 16.5 hrs
1 room(s) type Main_S
1 room(s) type EOPS_L
Otolaryngology: 9.0 hrs
1 room(s) type Main_S
Surgery: 17.0 hrs
1 room(s) type Main_S
1 room(s) type EOPS_S
Gynecology: 39.0 hrs
4 room(s) type Main_L
1 room(s) type Main_S
Oral_surgery: 7.5 hrs
1 room(s) type EOPS_L
Otolaryngology: 18.0 hrs
2 room(s) type Main_S
Surgery: 66.5 hrs
3 room(s) type Main_L
4 room(s) type Main_S
1 room(s) type EOPS_S
Ophthalmology: 15.0 hrs
1 room(s) type Main_L
1 room(s) type EOPS_L
Surgery: 72.5 hrs
4 room(s) type Main_L
3 room(s) type Main_S
1 room(s) type EOPS_L
1 room(s) type EOPS_S
Ophthalmology: 9.0 hrs
1 room(s) type Main_S
Surgery: 34.0 hrs
3 room(s) type Main_S
1 room(s) type EOPS_S
Gynecology: 39.0 hrs
4 room(s) type Main_L
1 room(s) type Main_S
Emergency: 6.5 hrs
1 room(s) type EOPS_L
Departmental summary:
Surgery allocated 190.0 hrs (101%)
Gynecology allocated 117.0 hrs (100%)
Ophthalmology allocated 41.0 hrs (104%)
Oral_surgery allocated 24.0 hrs (121%)
FIGURE 26.11 Otolaryngology allocated 27.0 hrs (103%)
Output of Mt. Sinai Hospital model Emergency allocated 6.5 hrs (120%)
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is changed to simply minimize the unweighted sum of sj-, all previously unsolvable cases are
solved instantly. The questions at the end of this case outline these computational experiences.
What courses of action are available for overcoming this problem? At first thought, the
temptation may be to drop the integer requirement and then round the resulting linear pro-
gramming solution. This option will not work in this case because, in all likelihood, it will not pro-
duce a feasible solution. Given that a specific number of hospital rooms are available, it is highly
unlikely that a trial-and-error rounded solution will meet room availability limits. This means
that there is no alternative to imposing the integer condition.
One way to improve the chances for a successful execution of the integer model is to limit
the feasible ranges for the variables xijk by taking into account the availability of other re-
sources. For example, if the hospital has only two dental surgeons on a given day, no more than
two rooms (of any type) can be assigned to that department on that day. Setting such bounds
may be effective in securing an optimal integer solution. Short of meeting this requirement, the
only remaining option is to devise a heuristic for the problem.
1. In amplCase6.txt,
(a) Replace the current values of hj with
param h:= Surgery 190 Gynecology 122 Ophthalmology 41.4
Oral_surgery 20.9 Otolaryngology 25.3 Emergency 6.0;
Execute the model with the new data. You will notice that the model will execute for
over one hour without finding a feasible solution.
(b) Using the original data of the model, change parameter a so that only 3 rooms of
Main_L are available during all five working days of the week. As in (a), AMPL fails
to produce a solution.
(c) In both cases (a) and (b), replace the objective function with
minimize z: sum{j in departments}(sMinus[j])
which call for minimizing the sum of sj-. Now, execute the model and you will notice
that in both situations, the optimum is found instantly.
Source: H. Taha, “An Alternative Model for Optimizing Payloads of Building Glass at BFG,” South African
Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 31–43, 2003.
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Hauler Trailer
FIGURE 26.12
Points A, B, and C of axle weights in hauler-trailer rig
maximum limits on axle weights. The actual positioning of the packs on the trailer is crucial in
determining these weights. Placing heavier packs toward the back of the trailer increases the
load on axle A and placing them toward the front of the trailer shifts the load to axles B and C.
The objective is to determine the location of a specific order of packs on the trailer bed that sat-
isfies axle weight limits. Of course, the order mix may be such that axle weight limits will be ex-
ceeded regardless of the positioning of packs. In such cases, the solution should provide
information regarding excess weight on each axle to allow modifying the order mix and, hence,
obtaining a new solution. This process is repeated until all weight limits are met.
The nature of the problem precludes minimizing the weight on each of the three axles, be-
cause a reduction in the weight on one axle automatically increases the weight on another. For
this reason, a realistic goal is to determine a “compromise” distribution of axle weights. This
point will be developed further after the details of the problem have been presented.
Figure 26.13 provides a schematic top view of a trailer. The length of the trailer is divided
into zones whose number and boundaries vary depending on the pack mix. The width of the
trailer is divided symmetrically between right and left sides, each side with an equal number of
“slots”. A slot in a zone is designed to hold one pack.
Calculation of Axle Weights
Axle weights can be determined by applying the following static equilibrium equations, first to
the trailer and then to the hauler:
1. Sum of forces = 0.
2. Sum of moments = 0.
FIGURE 26.13
Schematic top view of trailer slots
Trailer Trailer
front rear
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f1 f2 f3
FIGURE 26.14
Trailer free-body diagram
Figure 26.14 provides the free-body diagram for the trailer. For simplicity, the trailer is assumed
to have three zones, but the analysis applies readily to any number of zones. The forces (in kilo-
grams) acting on the trailer are
The different distances (in meters) in the figure are known from the geometry of the trailer.
The static equilibrium equations for the trailer are
f1 + f2 + f3 + fT = R + fA
f1d1 + f2d2 + f3d3 + fTdT - fAdA = 0
We have two equations in two unknowns, R and fA, which yield the solution
Next, we apply similar analysis to the hauler free-body diagram in Figure 26.15. The weight
of the hauler is represented by fH, and the impact of the trailer forces on the hauler equals the
reaction force R computed in equation (2) above. The associated equilibrium equations are
fB + fC = R + fH
fHdH + RdR - fBdB = 0
dB 1fHdH + RdR2
fB = (3)
fC = R + fH - fB (4)
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fC fB
FIGURE 26.15
dR Hauler free-body diagram
Equations (1), (3), and (4) provide the solution for the reaction forces, fA, fB,and fC, acting
on axles A, B, and C of the hauler-trailer rig. Letting wA, wB, and wC represent the dead weights
of the axles themselves, the net weights (in kilogram) at the axles are
WA = fA + wA (5)
WB = fB + wB (6)
WC = fC + wC (7)
These are the weights that will be used to enforce government regulations.
Mathematical Model:
We consider the situation in which an order mix of I types of glass packs is placed in K zones
with each zone holding J slots. The axle weights given in equations (5), (6), and (7) can be ex-
pressed in terms of the original forces, fH, fT,and fk, k = 1, 2, Á , K, as
WA = wA + dA a fkdk + fTdT (8)
dB 1fHdH + RdR2
WB = wB + (9)
WC = wC + R A 1 - B + fH A 1 - B
dR dH
dB dB (10)
R = a fk A 1 - B -
dA 1fTdT2
dk 1
xijk = e
1, if pack type i is assigned to slot j in zone k
0, otherwise
wi = weight per pack of glass type i
Glass weights applied to zone k of the trailer can then be computed in terms of xijk as
fk = a wi a a xijk b, k = 1, 2, Á , K
i=1 j=1
All the remaining elements in (8), (9), and (10) are known.
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Having expressed axle weights in terms of the variable xijk, we can now construct the opti-
mization model. The main purpose of the model is to assign packs to slots such that the total axle
weights, WA, WB,and WC, remain within the government limits. We cannot just include these lim-
its as simple constraints of the form WA … LA, WB … LB, and WC … LC because the problem
may not have a feasible solution. Ideally, then, we would like to determine the values of xijk that
will reduce the individual axle weights as much as possible. If the resulting minimum weights
meet government regulations, then the solution is feasible. Else, the size of the order mix must be
reduced and a new solution attempted. The difficulty with this “idealized” solution is that the
nature of the problem does not allow the minimization of individual axle weights because, as we
stated earlier, they are not independent, and a decrease in one axle load automatically increases
A formulation that comes close to minimizing the individual axle weights is to find a solu-
tion that minimizes the largest of the axle weights. This formulation has the advantage of con-
centrating on the most extreme of all three weights. Mathematically, the objective function is
expressed as
Minimize z = max5WA, WB, WC6
This function can be linearized readily by using the following standard substitution. Let
We now turn our attention to the development of the constraints of the model. These con-
straints deal with
The first four constraints are essential and must be included in the model. Constraint 5, though
included in the model, is really not crucial because the entire glass weight in zone k is represent-
ed by fk, which is not a function of the width of the zone. Whatever the solution, then, the actual
zone loading automatically moves the packs toward the center.
a xijk … 1, j = 1, 2, Á , J; k = 1, 2, Á , K (1)
WA … LA (4a)
WB … LB (4b)
WC … LC (4c)
a xijk … a xi,j + 1,k, j = 1, 2, Á , 2 - 1; k = 1, 2, Á , K (5a)
i=1 i=1
a xijk Ú a xi,j + 1,k, j = 2 , 2 + 1, Á , J - 1; k = 1, 2, Á , K (5b)
i=1 i=1
I and J, as defined previously, represent the number of glass types and the number of slots per
Constraint (3) is not set as a strict equation to allow the model to load less than the order
size, if necessary, to meet the regulations limit specified by constraint (4). However, because the
model objective function tries to minimize the maximum of axle weights, y, the obvious optimum
solution, given that constraint (3) is an inequality, is not to load any packs on the trailer bed. To
remedy the situation, the objective function is modified to allow loading as many packs as possi-
ble without violating the regulations.
Define the nonnegative variable sk, k = 1, 2, Á , K, such that
The idea is to force the slack variables sk, k = 1, 2, Á , K, to assume minimum values, which, in
turn, requires loading the most packs allowed by constraint (3). The situation now is that we
need to minimize y as defined in the objective function and also s1, s2, Á , and sK. A reasonable
way to achieve this goal is define the objective function as
Minimize z = y + a sk
Step 1. Run the AMPL model. If the optimum solution satisfies all the axle weight regulations,
stop; else go to step 2.
Step 2. Remove the order with the smallest number of packs. Go to step 1.
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The idea here is that by removing orders from the mix, eventually a point will be reached where
the regulations are met. It is logical in this case to remove the order with the smallest size.
The proposed strategy assumes that customers must receive their order in one shipment.
Alternatively, there is obvious advantage in shipping partial orders to make the most use of the
trailer capacity. This can be accommodated in the present strategy simply by reducing the size of
an order by one pack at a time (in place of removing the entire order).
File amplCase7.txt gives the AMPL code that implements the proposed strategy. The code
is self-explanatory because it uses the notation in the mathematical model. The solve segment
of the model allows checking the resulting solution for feasibility. If the regulations are not met,
it automatically removes the smallest-size order and reoptimizes the model. The process contin-
ues until feasibility is realized.
Figure 26.16 provides the output of AMPL for a specific set of input data.10 The output sec-
tion shows that the first solution does not satisfy the regulations. By removing order number 3
and reoptimizing, feasibility is achieved and the process ends.
1. Develop the AMPL model for the original situations in which all the regulations are
expressed as explicit constraints and attempt to find a solution.
2. Modify amplCase7.txt to allow partial shipments. How does the solution compare with the
one in Figure 26.16?
Tool: DP
Mathematical model:
The basis of the model is that it is not practical to develop an optimum solution that applies to an
“average” tree because, in general, harvested trees come in different lengths and end diameters.
This means that optimum crosscutting and log-allocation must be based on individual trees.
A simplifying assumption of the model is that the usable length L (feet) of a harvested tree
is a multiple of a minimum length K (feet). Additionally, the length of a log cut from the tree is
With CPLEX 9.1.3, the solution is reached in about 20 minutes and generates 4,471,785 B&B nodes.
Source: M.R. Lembersky and U.H. Chi, “Decision Simulators Speed Implementation and Improve Opera-
tions,” Interfaces, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 1–15, 1984.
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Nbr of glass types = 4
Packs of type 1 = 12
Packs of type 2 = 6
Packs of type 3 = 4
Packs of type 4 = 7
Nbr of slots per zone = 10
Nbr of zones = 3
Weight limit for zone 1 = 10000 kg
Weight limit for zone 2 = 10000 kg
Weight limit for zone 3 = 10000 kg
Trailer axle weight = 3000 kg
Hauler rear axle weight = 1500 kg
Hauler front axle weight limit = 2000 kg
Total trailer axle weight limit = 24000 kg
Total hauler rear axle weight limit = 18000 kg
Total hauler front axle weight limit = 8000 kg
Zone 1 weight = 9982 kg
Zone 2 weight = 9014 kg
Zone 3 weight = 6300 kg
Total weight at trailer axle = 25277.4 kg
Total weight at hauler rear axle = 15915.8 kg
Total weight at hauler front axle = 5902.9 kg
INFEASIBLE SOLUTION: Total trailer axle weight exceeds limit by 1277.4 kg
Packs of type 2 in zone 1 = 4
Packs of type 3 in zone 1 = 1
Packs of type 4 in zone 1 = 5
Packs of type 1 in zone 2 = 3
Packs of type 2 in zone 2 = 2
Packs of type 3 in zone 2 = 3
Packs of type 4 in zone 2 = 2
Packs of type 1 in zone 3 = 9
FIGURE 26.16
AMPL output for the PFG model
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also a multiple of K. This means that logs can only be as small as K feet and as large as NK feet,
where, by definition, N … K .
M = Number of mills requesting logs
I = K
Rm1i, j2 = Revenue at mill m from a log of length jK cut from the larger end of a stem of
length iK, m = 1, 2, Á , M; i = 1, 2, Á , I; j = 1, 2, Á , N; j … i
c = Cost of making a crosscut at point i of the tree, i = 1, 2, Á , I - 1
cij = e
c, if j 6 i
0, if j = i
The definition of cij recognizes that if the length iK of the stem equals the desired log length jK,
then no cuts are made.
To understand the meaning of the notation Rm1i, j2, Figure 26.17 provides a representation
of a tree with I = 8 and L = 8K. The crosscuts at points A and B result in one log for mill 1 and
two for mill 2. The cutting starts from the larger end of the tree and produces log 1 for mill 2 by
making a crosscut at point A. The cut corresponds to 1i = 8, j = 32 and produces the revenue
R218, 32. The remaining stem now has a length 5K. The next crosscut at point B produces log 2
for mill 1 with the length 2K. This log corresponds to 1i = 5, j = 22 and generates the revenue
R115, 22. The remaining stem of length 3K exactly equals the length of log 3 for mill 2. Hence no
further cutting is needed. The associated revenue is R113, 32. The crosscutting cost associated
with the solution is c83 = c, c52 = c, and c33 = 0.
The problem can be formulated and solved as a dynamic program (DP) model.
f1i2 = Maximum revenue when the length of the remaining stem is iK, i = 1, 2, Á , I
The DP recursive equation is then given as
f102 K 0
f1i2 = max 5Rm1i, j2 - cij + f1i - j26, i = 1, 2, Á , I
j = 1,2, Á ,min1i,N2
m = 1,2, Á ,M
The idea is that given a stem of length iK, f(i) is a function of the revenue of cutting a log of
length j1…i2 minus the cost of making a crosscut plus the best cumulative revenue from the
remaining stem of length 1i - j2K.
FIGURE 26.17
Typical solution in a two-mill situation
L 8K
i 1 i 2 … i 8
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Example computations:
The recursive equation is computed in the order f112, f122, Á , f1I2. The situation deals with
two mills 1M = 22, a tree of length L = 12 feet, and a minimum log length K = 2 feet, thus
yielding I = 6. The cost of a crosscut is c = $.15. Either mill will accept logs of length 2, 4, 6, 8,
or 10 feet. This means that N = 5. Figure 26.18 provides the spreadsheet solution of the example
(File excelCase8.xls). The basic DP calculations (rows 15–20) are partially automated, and will
change automatically when Rm1i, j2 in rows 6–11 are altered. All boldface entries are entered
manually. The spreadsheet is limited to problems with I = 6, N = 5, and M = 2, in essence
allowing changes in the entries of Rm1i, j2 only.12 The values of Rm1i, j2, j … i, are given in rows
5 through 11 in the spreadsheet. Note that for a specific j = j*, the value of Rm1i, j*2 increases
with i to reflect increases in end diameters of the log.
To illustrate the DP calculations in rows 15–20, note that each stage consists of one row be-
cause the state of the system at stage i consists of one value only—namely, the partial stem
FIGURE 26.18
Spreadsheet solution of the mill example problem
The spreadsheet formulas should provide sufficient information to extend the spreadsheet to other input
data. Also, a general spreadsheet solution can be developed using (the more involved) VBA macros to speci-
fy the size of the matrices Rm1i, j2 and to automate all the calculations.
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length. At stage i = 1, the (remaining) stem length is 1K, hence resulting in one log only of
length 1K (i.e., j = 1). Also, c11 = 0 because no cutting takes place. Thus,
The associated optimum decision at i = 1 calls for a log of length 1K1j* = 12 for mill 21m* = 22,
or 1j*, m*2 = 11, 22.
For stage 21i = 22, logs can assume a length of 1K or 2K (i.e., j = 1 or 2) for both mills
(m = 1 or 2). Thus,
f122 = max {R112, 12 - c21 + f112, R112, 22 - c22 + f102, R212, 12 - c21 + f112,
R212, 22 - c22 + f(0)}
= max {1.1 - .15 + 1.1, 1.15 - 0 + 0, 1.1 - .15 + 1.1, 2.3 - 0 + 0}
The associated optimum decision is 1j*, m*2 = 12, 22, which calls for cutting one log of length
2K for mill 2.
The remainder of the calculations are carried out in a similar manner as shown in Figure 26.18,
rows 15–20. Note that entries B15:F20, H15:L20, and M15:M20 are automated in the spread-
sheet. The entries 1j*, m*2 in N15:N20 are created manually after the automated computations
in rows 15–20 are completed. Manually highlighted cells in rows 15–20 define f(i), i = 1, 2, Á , 6.
The optimum solution is read from cells N15:N20 as follows:
The solution translates to making cuts at i = 2, 3, and 4 and produces a total value of $9.85 for
the tree.
Practical considerations:
The results of the DP optimization model are used by field operators in the day-to-day operation
of the mill. In this regard, the model must be presented in the context of a user-friendly system in
which the (intimidating) DP calculations are transparent to the user. This is precisely what Lem-
berskey and Chi [1] did when they developed the VISION (Video Interactive Stem Inspection
and OptimizatioN) computer system. The system is equipped with a database of large represen-
tative samples of tree stems from the regions where trees are harvested. The data include the
geometry of the stem as well as its quality (e.g., location of knots) and the value (in dollars) for
stems with different lengths and diameters. In addition, quality characteristics for the different
mills are provided.
A typical user session with VISION includes the following steps:
Step 1. The operator may select a sample stem from the data base or create one using the graph-
ic capabilities of VISION. This will result in a realistic representation of the stem on the
computer screen. The mills requesting the logs are also selected from the data base.
M26_TAHA5937_09_SE_C26.QXD 7/26/10 9:27 PM Page 26.41
Step 2. After inspecting the stem on the screen, the operator can “cut” the stem into logs based
on experience. Next, an optimum DP solution is requested. In both cases, graphic dis-
plays of the created logs together with their associated values are projected on the
screen. The user is then given the chance to compare the two solutions. In particular,
the DP solution is examined to make sure that the created logs meet quality specifica-
tions. If not, the user may elect to modify the cuts. In each case, the associated value of
the stem is displayed for comparison.
1. Suppose that a third mill that accepts logs of lengths 4, 6, and 8 feet is added to the example
given in the case. The new mill has the following R(i, j): R12, 22 = $2.50, R13, 22 = $2.70,
R13, 32 = $3.10, R14, 22 = $2.90, R14, 32 = $3.30, R14, 42 = $4.20, R15, 22 = $3.10,
R15, 32 = $3.90, R15, 42 = $4.60, R16, 22 = $3.50, R16, 32 = $4.20, R16, 42 = $5.10.
Modify the spreadsheet excelCase8.xls to find the optimum solution for trees of length 10¿
and 12¿.
Tools: AHP, GP
Source: C. Benjamin, I. Ehie, and Y. Omurtag, “Planning Facilities at the University of Missouri-Rolla,”
Interfaces, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 95–105, 1992.
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1 Packaging 1450 —
2 Production machines 148 —
3 Autocad/PC area 120 —
4 Physical simulation lab 530 —
5 Intelligent control workstations 130 —
6 Raw material conversion 165 —
7 Assembly 230 172
8 Research projects 400 —
9 Technician work area 160 120
10 Material storage 360 126
11 Reception and presentation area 900 —
12 Robot system 140 60
13 Automatic storage retrieval system 500 200
14 Conveyor systems 200 150
15 Aisle space 1000 —
Total 6433
In support of the three missions of the lab, teaching (T), research (R), and service (S), the
committee in charge of allocating space has established four principal goals for the facility:
Goal G1: Academic use of the five classrooms is 270 student lab-hours per day, given that
the daily use of labs 1 through 5 is 5, 5, 4, 4, and 4 hours, respectively . The enrollment in each lab
is between 10 and 30 students.
Goal G2: Space allocation to the physical simulation lab (unit 4) is as close as possible to the
ideal area requested 1= 530 ft22.
Goal G3: The facility supports a total of 15 simultaneous research contracts and graduate
projects with at least 2 research contracts and 6 research projects being carried out simultane-
ously at any one time.
Goal G4: The continuing education facility (unit 11) has a seating capacity of 25 persons
with an average of 20 ft2 per participant.
5 2 * 3 * 1 * 4 * 3 = 2.352
a12 = 2
5 12 *
a21 = 2 1
3 * 1
1 * 1
4 * 1
3 = .425
M26_TAHA5937_09_SE_C26.QXD 7/26/10 9:27 PM Page 26.43
TABLE 26.12 Comparison Matrices for Teaching (T), Research (R), and Service (S)
T 1 2 5 1 3 6 1 1 5 1 4 8 1 3 8
S 1/5 1/4 1 1/6 1/4 1 1/5 1/5 1 1/8 1/5 1 1/8 1/6 1
TABLE 26.13 Comparison Matrices for Goals G1, G2, G3, and G4 as a Function of Teaching, Research,
and Service
Teaching (T)
G1 G2 G3 G4 G1 G2 G3 G4 G1 G2 G3 G4 G1 G2 G3 G4 G1 G2 G3 G4
G1 1 1 2 6 1 2 2 5 1 3 5 7 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 2
G2 1 1 3 8 1/2 1 3 6 1/3 1 2 4 1 1 2 4 1/2 1 1 1
G3 1/2 1/3 1 6 1/2 1/3 1 4 1/5 1/2 1 5 1 1/2 1 6 1/2 1 1 1
G4 1/6 1/8 1/6 1 1/5 1/6 1/4 1 1/7 1/4 1/5 1 1/3 1/4 1/6 1 1/2 1 1 1
Research (R)
G1 G2 G3 G4 G1 G2 G3 G4 G1 G2 G3 G4 G1 G2 G3 G4 G1 G2 G3 G4
Service (S)
G1 G2 G3 G4 G1 G2 G3 G4 G1 G2 G3 G4 G1 G2 G3 G4 G1 G2 G3 G4
G1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2
G2 1/2 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1/2
G3 1/2 1/3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1/2 1/3 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 2
G4 1/2 1/3 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1/3 1/3 1/4 1 1/2 2 1/2 1
M26_TAHA5937_09_SE_C26.QXD 7/26/10 9:27 PM Page 26.44
The resulting comparison matrices are listed subsequently (see file excelCase9a.xls):
T 1.000 2.352 6.258
A = R C 0.425 1.000 4.743 S
S 0.160 0.211 1.000
G1 G2 G3 G4
G1 1 1.644 2.091 4.169
G2 0.608 1 2.048 3.776
AT = D T
G3 0.478 0.488 1 3.728
G4 0.240 0.265 0.268 1
G1 G2 G3 G4
G1 1 1.431 0.699 2.352
G2 0.699 1 0.715 2.091
AR = D T
G3 1.431 1.398 1 2.605
G4 0.425 .478 0.384 1
G1 G2 G3 G4
G1 1 1.149 1.320 1.888
G2 0.871 1 1.933 1.431
AS = D T
G3 0.758 0.517 1 2.169
G4 0.530 0.700 0.461 1
Applying AHP calculations to matrices A, AT, AR, and AS, the ranking of goals G1, G2, G3,
and G4, given in excelCase9b.xls, is as follows:
Goal Weight
G1 0.362
G2 0.285
G3 0.255
G4 0.098
This ranking shows that G1 (teaching) receives the highest priority and G4 (service) the lowest.This
means that in solving the associated goal programs, the order of priority is G1 Ɑ G2 Ɑ G3 Ɑ G4.
The AHP calculations in spreadsheet excelCase9b.xls reveal that the consistency ratios
(CR) for all the matrices, A, AT, AR, and AS, are within the acceptable range 16.12.
The actual allocation of space to the different units of the CIM facility involves goals G1, G2, G3,
and G4 taken in the order of priority established by the AHP calculations—namely, G1 Ɑ G2 Ɑ
G3 Ɑ G4. In addition to the flexible goal constraints, a number of strict constraints apply to
each goal.
Goal G1 (Target for daily student lab-hours = 270):
Minimize G1 = p1
subject to
yj … c1
0 … xj … 1 t, j = 1, 2, Á , 5
10 … yj … 30
a hjyj + p1 - q1 = H
Minimize G2 = p2
subject to
x4 + p2 - q2 = 1
0 … x4 … 1
p2, q2 Ú 0
Goal G3 (Simultaneous number of research contracts and projects Ú 15):
w1 = Number of research contracts 1Ú22
w2 = Number of research projects 1Ú62
b1 = Space area required per research contract 1= 36 ft22
b2 = Space area required per research project 1= 48 ft22
M26_TAHA5937_09_SE_C26.QXD 7/26/10 9:27 PM Page 26.46
The G3-problem is
Minimize G3 = p3
subject to
w1 + w2 + p3 - q3 = 15
b1w1 + b2w2 … a8x8
w1 Ú 2
w2 Ú 6
0 … x8 … 1
p3, q3 Ú 0
Goal G4 (Continuing education classroom capacity Ú25 persons):
z = Number of continuing education participants per seminar
d = Average classroom area required per participant 1= 20 ft22
The G4-problem is
Minimize G4 = p4
subject to
z + p4 - q4 = 25
dz … a11x11
0 … x11 … 1
z Ú 0 and integer
p4, q4 Ú 0
Mandatory constraints, applicable to all goals:
1. Available space:
a aixi = A
Model solution:
The problem is solved by combining all the goals into one objective function using the AHP pri-
ority weights .337, .288, .240, and .134 for the respective goals G1, G2, G3, and G4; that is,
Minimize G = .362p1 + .285p2 + .255p3 + .098p4
The constraints of the combined problem include all the constraints of goals G1 through G4 to-
gether with the common mandatory constraints.
M26_TAHA5937_09_SE_C26.QXD 7/26/10 9:27 PM Page 26.47
Space allocation:
Unit Factor Actual sq ft
1 0.094 135
2 1.000 148
3 0.833 99
4 1.000 530
5 1.000 130
6 1.000 165
7 1.000 230
8 1.000 400
9 1.000 160
10 1.000 360
11 1.000 900
12 1.000 141
13 1.000 500
14 1.000 200
15 1.000 1000
Total= 5099
Deviational variables:
p q
G1 0 3
G2 0 0
G3 6 0
G4 0 0
File amplCase9.txt provides the AMPL model for the problem. The solution is given in
Figure 26.19. The results show that goal G1 is overachieved by 3 student-hours per day. Goal G2
is achieved exactly. Goal G3 is underachieved by 6 projects and goal G4 is achieved exactly.
Sensitivity analysis:
The preference matrices providing the original data for the AHP calculations are a subjective as-
sessment by the individuals involved in the ranking process. We can use sensitivity analysis to
study the effect of data bias on the solution. Interestingly, experimentation with the AMPL model
reveals that the solution remains unchanged regardless of the weights assigned to the goals. In-
deed, AMPL sensitivity analysis applied to goal weights provides the following results:
G1 0 0.362 1e + 20
G2 0 0.285 1e + 20
G3 0 0.255 1e + 20
G4 0 0.098 1e + 20
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These results show that the optimum solution remains unchanged for any weights between 0 and
infinity. This observation suggests a peculiar feasible solution space, perhaps consisting of a sin-
gle point only, and for this reason the optimum solution is independent of the objective function.
The main lesson from the preceding results is that all the AHP calculations carried out earli-
er could have been avoided had we formulated the goal programming problem with our best
“guesstimates” of the weights for the goals and then studied the impact of changing these weights
on the solution. Of course, the manner in which the model has been developed is logical and our
observation is made only in hindsight. Nevertheless, this experience shows that one should not re-
sort to the use of sophisticated analytical tools (such as AHP) before investigating the viability of
using simpler procedures without impairing the accuracy of the final recommendation.
1. Suppose that the actual building area is 5600 ft2. Suppose further that the unit 11 (recep-
tion and representation area) ideal request is 1000 ft2. Find the optimum solution.
Mathematical model:
Let N be the number of available rooms and suppose that the current protection level of rooms
sold at full price is Q + 1, 0 … Q 6 N. The associated booking limit (rooms sold at a discount)
is N - Q - 1. Figure 26.20 summarizes the situation.
To determine if the protection level should be lowered from Q + 1 to Q, we use the deci-
sion tree in Figure 26.21. Let D be the random variable representing historical or forecast de-
mand for full-price (business) rooms. Further, let c be the full price and d be the discount price
1d 6 c2. A decision to lower the protection level from Q + 1 to Q signifies that room Q + 1 will
be sold at the discount price d because there will be ample opportunity to do so. Alternatively,
not lowering the protection level will result in two probabilistic outcomes: If the demand for
business rooms is greater than or equal to Q + 1, then room Q + 1 will sell at full price, c; else
the room will not sell at all. The associated probabilities are P5D Ú Q + 16 and P5D … Q6, re-
spectively. It thus follows that the decision to lower the protection level to Q should be adopted if
d Ú cP5D Ú Q + 16 + 0P5D … Q6
Source: S. Netessine and R. Shumsky, “Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Yield Management,”
INFORMS Transactions on Education, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 20–28, 2002.
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Protection level Q + 1
Booking limit, N – Q – 1
FIGURE 26.20
Booking limit and protection level
c - d
P5D … Q6 Ú
Given the distribution of demand D, together with the unit costs c and d, the protection level Q
can be determined readily.
Collection of data:
The most crucial piece of information needed to determine the protection level is the distribu-
tion of demand for full price rooms. We can use historical data over a specified time period for
this purpose. The number of days a block of rooms Q is reserved at full fare then estimates the
FIGURE 26.21
Decision tree for determining protection level Q
P{D Q}
M26_TAHA5937_09_SE_C26.QXD 7/26/10 9:27 PM Page 26.50
demand probability P5D = Q6 from which the cumulative probability can be determined.
Table 26.14 provides the data for determining the distribution of demand. The first two columns
include the raw data.
The use of the information in Table 26.14 can be illustrated by the following situation. Sup-
pose that the full fare is $159 and the discount fare is $105. The protection limit is determined
such that
159 - 105
P5D … Q6 Ú = .33962
The cumulative probability column in Table 26.14 shows the protection level to be
Q = 79 rooms.
The ideas presented in this study can be extended similarly to setting booking limits for airline tick-
ets. Additionally, in place of using one booking limit, the analysis can be modified to allow setting
several levels of booking limits with the discount price increasing with the nearness of the reserva-
tion date. The most important information for the model is a reliable estimate of demand data.
1. Suppose that there is a 50-50 chance that an unsold business room will be taken by a leisure
traveler at premium price. How does this affect the determination of the booking limit?
2. Specify the basic assumptions on which the devised model are based. How realistic are
these assumptions?
Case 11: Casey’s Problem: Interpreting and Evaluating a New Test 26.51
3. Suppose that two protection levels are used for business travelers: Q1 rooms are priced at $c1
per room and Q2 rooms are priced at $c2 per room, c1 7 c2. The remaining rooms are dis-
counted at $d1 per room. Develop a model for determining Q1 and Q2. State all assumptions.
The doctors estimated that, overall, the C14:1 deficiency occurs in about one in 40,000 newborns.
However, Casey’s case was so rare that its occurrence can probably be lowered to a prevalence
rate of one in 250,000. Other data that can be estimated relate to false results in which the new-
born incorrectly tests positive or negative. Starting with false-positive result, other screening
tests with known history—such as HIV, drug, or amino fetal protein tests—may be used as
guides. These tests have false-positive rates ranging from 1-in-100 to 1-in-1000. However, for
Casey’s test, this range appears too high, because historical data show only 1 in 13,000. Hence it
may be reasonable to assume that this test may have a 1-in-20,000 false-positive rate. For the
false-negative rate when the newborn actually has the deficiency, it is estimated that it could not
be high based on the strict standards under which the test is administered. On that basis, a rate of
1 in 1000 was used as a best “guesstimate” for this case.
Source: J.E. Smith and R.L. Winkler, “Casey’s Problem: Interpreting and Evaluating a New Test,”
Interfaces, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 63–76, 1999.
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positive result
C14:1 deficiency
.000004 (= 1/250,000)
negative result
.001 (= 1/1,000)
(false negative)
positive result
.00005 (= 1/20,000)
(false positive)
no C14:1 deficiency
negative result
FIGURE 26.22
Decision tree summary of Casey’s test probabilities
The decision situation can be analyzed using Bayes’ theorem.The objective is to calculate the
posterior probability of a C14:1 deficiency given that Casey tested positive. Figure 26.22 summa-
rizes the probabilities of the situation using the estimates given above.
The posterior probability of having C14:1 deficiency given that Casey tested positive is com-
puted using the following Bayes’ formula:
.999 * .000004
= = .074
.999 * .000004 + .000005 * .999996
The result shows that the probability that Casey has C14:1 deficiency given the positive test
is only .074. Though this probability is considerably less than the .8 to .9 suggested by the doctors,
it is a cause for concern because it implies a 1-in-13.5 rate. But how could the doctors have been
so wrong? Could it be that the prevalence, false-negative, and false-positive probability estimates
in Figure 26.23 are highly inaccurate? This is plausible because none of the probabilities are
based on reliable data.
One way of testing the reliability of the given result is to carry out sensitivity analysis calcu-
lation to study the effect of changes in the prevalence, false-positive, and false-negative rates on
the desired posterior probability. Table 26.15 summarizes the proposed ranges suggested for car-
rying out sensitivity analysis.
Posterior probabilities are computed by varying the range of one item while keeping the re-
maining two at base rate levels. Using Bayes’ formula (file excelBayes.xls), Table 26.16 provides
the desired results.
The sensitivity factor in the last column of Table 26.16 is a measure of how sensitive the pos-
terior probability is to changes in the estimates of the prevalence, false-negative, and false-positive
rates. It is the ratio of the largest posterior probability to the posterior probability associated
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Case 11: Casey’s Problem: Interpreting and Evaluating a New Test 26.53
with base rates. For example, for the false-positive case, the ratio is .8/.0740 = 10.81. The main in-
terest is in the value of the rate that causes an increase in the posterior probability—namely, the
minimum rate in the cases of false positive and false negative, and the maximum rate in the case
of prevalence.
The sensitivity factor shows that the false-positive rate has the most impact on the posterior
probability. The remaining two rates are not as critical. What is alarming, though, is that with a
false-positive rate of 1 in 1,000,000, the posterior probability of a C14:1 deficiency reaches the
high value suggested by the doctors 1= .8 to .92. This means that further analysis is needed re-
garding the false-positive rate.
In the foregoing analysis, the base false positive rate of 1 in 20,000 is estimated from the
knowledge that earlier 13,000 tests produced no false positive. Another way to start is to assume
that we had no prior knowledge of the results of the 13,000 screening tests and to make an a priori
“guesstimate” of what the rate may be. We can start by hypothesizing that in a sample of 1000
tests there is one false positive, which is equivalent to saying that the expected false-positive rate
is .001. Now, given the information that 13,000 actual tests have produced no false positives, we
can update the corresponding false positive rate to 1 in 14,000 1= 1000 + 13,0002. The associat-
ed posterior probability of C14:1 deficiency is thus computed as
.999 * .000004
.999 * .000004 + 11/140002 * .999996
P5C14 : 1 deficiency ƒ +ve test6 =
= .05298 L .053
If we decrease the sample size from 1,000 to 100 while keeping constant the expected false posi-
tive rate at .001 (1 in 1,000), the associated false positive rate becomes .1 in 13,100 and the asso-
ciated posterior probability is
.999 * .000004
.999 * .000004 + 1.1/131002 * .999996
P5C14 : 1 deficiency ƒ +ve test6 =
= .3436
M26_TAHA5937_09_SE_C26.QXD 7/26/10 9:27 PM Page 26.54
Table 26.17 compares the values of the posterior probability for different expected false
positive rates.
The computations yield an interesting result. For the posterior probability to reach the
range of .8 to .9 suggested by the doctors, a combination of small sample size 1n … 10002 and a
very low expected false-positive rate 1= .0000012 must occur, a highly unlikely combination. The
conclusion here is that the doctors’ conclusion that Casey has C14:1 deficiency is overstated.
The given analysis does not conclude that that the doctors are wrong, nor does it show that
the C14:1 deficiency does not exist. It simply points to the fact that initial test results cannot be
used to make a strong statement about the condition. The only way the issue can be settled is by
carrying out follow-up tests, as was actually done in Casey’s situation.
1. Verify the values of the posterior probabilities in the Table 26.17 using excelBayes.xls.
Case 12: Ordering Golfers on the Final Day of Ryder Cup Matches16
Source: W. Hurley,“How Should Team Captains Order Golfers on the Final Day of the Ryder Cup Matches?”
Interfaces, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 74–77, 2002.
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Case 12: Ordering Golfers on the Final Day of Ryder Cup Matches 26.55
B1 B2 B3
The situation can be analyzed using a two-person constant-sum game. A slate represents a possible
strategy for each player. The payoff for a team is represented by the probability of winning. For a
3-player competition, each team has 6 1= 3!2 possible strategies (slates), as shown in Table 26.19.
To illustrate the determination of the payoff matrix (probabilities) for team A, consider
strategy 1 for team A and strategy 5 for team B. These strategies match A1 against B3, A2 against
B1, and A3 against B2. Team A wins if at least two of its players win. The associated probability
of winning is computed as:
.4 .2 .7
£ .7 .5 .8 ≥
.8 .9 .6
1 2 3 4 5 6
Source: I. Millet, D. Parente, J. Fizel, and R. Venkataraman, “Inventory Decisions in Dell’s Supply Chain,”
Interfaces, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 191–205, 2004.
M26_TAHA5937_09_SE_C26.QXD 7/26/10 9:27 PM Page 26.57
ordering. The inventory policy followed by each supplier is to deliver a new batch whenever the
inventory level drops to a certain level. However, it has been noticed that both the batch size and
the reorder level are considerably inconsistent among the suppliers. The first task then was to
bring consistency to the suppliers’ ordering policies. The model selected to represent the situa-
tion is the (Q, R) policy, where Q is the batch size and R is the reorder level. Historical data re-
veal that the order quantity Q is constant and the inconsistency in the ordering policy stems from
the wide variation in the reorder level and the lead time between placing an order and receiving
it. Consequently, a decision is made to maintain Q at its current level and to concentrate on the
determination of R.
It is reasonable to assume that the demand x during lead time is normal with mean m and
standard deviation s. The standard normal distribution of the lead time demand is thus de-
fined as
x - m
z =
Next, let a be the probability of running out of stock during lead time that Dell is willing to tol-
erate, and define Z such that P5z … Z] = 1 - a; then the reorder level R is
R = m + Zs
We can use an approximation borrowed from the single-period newsvendor inventory model
to determine Z heuristically (see Section 14.2). The single-period model can be justified by the
fact that the component XDX has limited shelf life because of obsolescence. Given that p is the
penalty cost per unit of unsatisfied demand and h is the holding cost per unit of surplus inventory,
we have
£1Z2 K P5z … Z6 =
p + h
The function £1Z2 is the CDF of the standard normal distribution. Thus,
Z = £ -1 a b
p + h
The mean m and standard deviation s of the demand during lead time are a function of two
random variables: lead time and the demand per unit time. Under certain assumptions of inde-
pendence, it can be proved that18
m = DT
s = 2D2s2t + Ts2d
G. Hadley and T. Whitin, Analysis of Inventory Systems, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1963, p. 153.
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Based on this model and given that the order quantity is fixed at Q units, the inventory policy is
“order Q units of XDX whenever the inventory level in the revolvers drops to R units.”
Data collection:
Data collection originates from three suppliers, A, B, and C, who replenish Dell’s revolvers with
different but totally interchangeable XDX parts. The data for the model were collected for the
period from December 1, 1998, to May 27, 1999, in two groups: (1) those related to the estimation
of the holding and penalty costs, p and h, and (2) those used to estimate the mean and variance
of demand during lead time.
The estimation of the holding cost, h, is based on the time period between two consecutive
deliveries and includes the cost of capital tied up in the revolvers, price erosion due to obsoles-
cence, and the storage charge assessed by Dell. The penalty cost, p, is estimated based on two fac-
tors: lost profit from canceled or partially filled orders and increased shipping cost when the part
is not available when needed.
The demand during lead time is estimated based on a number of factors: (1) Dell’s daily
consumption (called pulls) from the revolvers, (2) daily receipts from the suppliers at the re-
volvers, (3) daily in-transit inventory from the suppliers to the revolvers, (4) daily PC sales using
XDX components, (5) Dell’s forecasts to suppliers regarding the expected use of XDX during
next month, and (6) suppliers’ lead times.
Data analysis:
The first task in the data analysis is to assess whether or not the inventory policies of the three
suppliers of XDX have been operating optimally according to the proposed (R, Q) policy. This
hypothesis is tested by computing the Z-score for all placed orders during the data collection pe-
riod (December 1, 1998, to May 27, 1999). Specifically, given the actual reorder level R and the
estimated mean and variance of the demand (per day) and the lead time (in days), the formulas
presented above yield
R - DT
Z =
2D2s2t + Ts2d
The computations reveal that Z varies significantly from .8 to 5.2 over the study period. Given
that the estimated holding and penalty costs, h and p, are the same for all three suppliers, the
Z-score under optimal conditions should remain steady at about Z = £ -1 A p + h B . The fact that
the ordering policy of the suppliers exhibits such erratic variations (between .8 and 5.2) indicates
that they are not operating under optimal inventory policy. This discrepancy led the study team
to investigate the reasons behind the current practice.
A supplier bases its replenishment policy on the monthly forecasts provided by Dell. These
forecasts can occur at three levels: (1) aggregate representing the total number of PCs over the
next month, (2) attach representing the number of PC units that will be using the component
XDX, and (3) pull representing the number of XDX units that Dell will be withdrawing from the
revolvers of each supplier. The effect of errors in aggregate, attach, and pull forecasts is a corre-
sponding increase in the variability in demand, expressed in terms of the variance of the distrib-
ution of demand. An investigation of the three types of forecast revealed that Dell’s forecast
errors are responsible for approximately 50% of the total inventory carried in the revolvers,
mainly because the suppliers are trying to compensate for the large variance by maintaining a
larger safety stock. This information is important because, aside from the implementation of the
optimal (R, Q) system based on the present “inconsistent” forecasts, Dell can play an important
role in reducing the inventory in the revolvers by instituting more stringent forecasting techniques.
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In particular, the pull forecast error is attributed primarily to the fact that Dell withdraws need-
ed XDX units from one supplier at a time instead of in fixed ratios from all suppliers. The effect
of “clump” pulling of XDX from the revolvers gives rise to higher replenishment rates and hence
larger safety stocks.
The results of the investigation indicate that eliminating clump pulling and providing more reli-
able forecasts can potentially reduce the safety stock by as much as 38%. So far, Dell has decreased
inventories for one of its lines by about 20% with estimated annual savings of $2.7 million. Perhaps
the most remarkable observation about the study is recognizing that the inventory level can be
reduced by eliminating the source of variation due to forecast errors. This result is confirmed by
the fact that the optimal reorder level depends directly on the standard deviation of demand.
1. Evaluate the adverse effect of “clump” pulling from revolvers by comparing its average
level of inventory with that when pulling is made uniformly from all the suppliers.
2. Suppose that the average demand per day in one assembly line is N(300, 10) and the de-
mand during lead time is N(50,4). Given that the penalty cost per unit of unsatisfied
demand per day is $100 and the holding cost per surplus inventory unit per day is $5, de-
termine the reorder level.
3. For the data in Question 2, study the sensitivity of the reorder level to a ;r% error in the
estimation of the average demand per day (r varies from 0 to 50). The standard deviation
remains unchanged.
Source: G. P. Cosmetatos, “The Value of Queuing Theory—A Case Study,” Interfaces, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 47–51,
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TABLE 26.21 Summary Data of the Operation of the Internal Transport System
Truck user
P W M O Overall
Average number of truck requests per hour 3.02 .84 .26 .48 4.6
Average in-use truck time per request (min) 18.0 25.0 32.0 20.0 20.3
Standard deviation of truck time per request (min) 8.0 11.0 15.0 14.0 10.6
Average waiting time for a truck request (min) 9.2 9.4 9.2 8.4 9.0
0 1 2 3 Total
In Table 26.21, we have the average rate of requests (arrival rate), the average time the truck is
in use (service time), and the average waiting time for a request. Table 26.22 gives the number of
trucks in use as a function of the number of requests made throughout the observation period.
1. Requests for truck use are random and can be represented by a Poisson distribution.
2. The service time (in-use truck time from the moment it travels to customer until it returns
to the parking lot) is unimodal and skewed and does not appear to follow an exponential
distribution. Perhaps the triangular distribution can be used to approximate the situation
in this case.
3. Although no priority or allocation of trucks to users is in operation, truck drivers tend to
show preference to closer customers.
Because arrivals are random and can be described by a Poisson distribution and the service
time is not exponential distribution, the queuing model that best represents the problem is the
M/G/c/ q / q . However, computations for the M/G/c model are not convenient. As a result, it is
decided that an equivalent M/M/c model may be used to provide an upper-bound estimate on
the waiting time in the queue. The justification is that exponential service time is the “most ran-
dom” of all distributions and hence will result in a worst-case scenario for the present situation.
(By the same logic, the M/D/c model provides a lower bound on the average queuing time be-
cause the service time is constant and hence represents the “least random” case.)
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The following is a summary of the results of the M/M/c model for c = 3, l = 60 = .0767 re-
quest per minute and m = 20.3 = .0493 service per minute:
Looking at these results, one notices makes the perplexing observation that the upper
bound on the average waiting time in the queue (estimated from the M/M/c model) is much
lower than what is actually observed (Wq = 3.6 minutes versus the observed 9.0 minutes given in
Table 26.21). This observation leads to one of two conclusions: Either the estimates of l and m
are highly inaccurate or the estimate of the average waiting is unreliable. A careful study of
the data shows that the data are indeed reliable. To reinforce the results of the M/M/c model,
simulation is used in which the service time distribution is approximated by a triangular dis-
tribution with parameters (15, 20.3, 30). The middle value represents the observed average
service time and the lower and upper values are estimated based on the standard deviation of
service time 1= 10.6 minutes2 and the observed minimum and maximum service times. The
simulation can be carried out using Excel template excelMultiServer.xls with Poisson arrival
rate of .0767 request per minute and triangular service time. With 10 replications that simu-
late 450 requests each, the average queuing time was found to vary from a minimum of 1.1
minutes to a maximum of 3.62 minutes and an average value of 2.07 minutes. This result gave
more credence to the upper bound result of 3.6 minutes obtained from the M/M/c model.
Moreover, the high waiting time obtained from the observed data 1= 9.0 minutes2 seems to
contradict the data in Table 26.22, where 73.6% of the time all three trucks were idle when a
service request arrived.
How can this inconsistency between observed and estimated results be resolved? Going
back to the plant floor to further study the operation of the transport system, an analyst made
a fortunate observation: The layout of the parking lot was such that waiting trucks could not
be seen by the users, who then assumed that no trucks were available. This in essence was
equivalent to operating with less than three trucks, which in turn resulted in an artificial in-
crease in waiting time. Once this problem had been discovered, the solution became obvious:
Provide the truck drivers and the users with a two-way communication system. The proposed
solution led to immediate improvement in service and a noticeable decrease in the waiting
Although the proposed solution was not “propelled” by queuing results in a direct manner,
it was the logic inherent in queuing analysis that led to the discovery of data inconsistency and,
hence, to pinpointing the source of the problem.
1. In Table 26.21, how are the values in the “overall” column computed?
2. If 95% of the requests for a truck come from production and only 5% come from the re-
maining departments, how would you analyze the situation?
3. Evaluate the robustness of the results by studying the sensitivity of simulation results to
changes in the minimum and maximum values of the triangular distribution. Does the sen-
sitivity analysis confirm or refute the conclusion given for the case?
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Collection of data:
The basic data needed for the study include the distributions of arriving calls and of the time an
operator spends with the customer (service time). These data were collected and tallied daily
over half-hour time intervals for a period of three months. The analysis yields two main results:
1. Arrivals exhibit substantial variations by time of day but are consistent from one day to
2. Service time distribution appears to be stationary over time.
3. The distribution of arrivals over half-hour periods is approximately Poisson albeit with
different means (see Table 26.23).
4. The distribution of service time is approximately exponential with mean 3.5 minutes.
Mathematical model:
The problem can be represented as an integer linear program whose objective is to minimize the
total number of hired operators while satisfying the half-hourly fluctuations in demand through-
out the work day as well as shift durations and breaks. Let
xj = Number of operators starting in shift j, j = 1, 2, Á , 7
yij = Number of operators from shift j taking a break during half-hour period i, i = 1, 2, 3, 4
Source: A. Gaballa and W. Pearce, “Telephone Sales Manpower Planning at Qantas,” Interfaces, Vol. 9, No. 3,
pp. 1–9, May 1979.
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7:00–7:30 5 14:30–15:00 17
7:30–8:00 8 15:00–15:30 15
8:00–8:30 10 15:30–16:00 12
8:30–9:00 10 16:00–16:30 10
9:00–9:30 12 16:30–17:00 10
9:39–10:00 12 17:00–17:30 10
10:00–10:30 15 17:30–18:00 9
10:30–11:00 17 18:00–18:30 9
11:00–11:30 20 18:30–19:00 9
11:30–12:00 23 19:00–19:30 7
12:00–12:30 23 19:30–20:00 7
12:30–13:00 23 20:00–20:30 5
13:00–13:30 21 20:30–21:00 5
13:30–14:00 17 21:00–21:30 3
14:00–14:30 17 21:30–22:00 3
Mean service time = 3.5 minutes
subject to
a xr Ú ck, k = 1, 2, Á , 6
a xr - y11 Ú c7
a xr - y21 - y12 Ú c8
a xr - y46 Ú c16
x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 Ú c17
x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 Ú c18
x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 Ú c19
x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 Ú c20
x5 + x6 + x7 - y17 Ú c21
x6 + x7 - y27 Ú c22
x7 - y37 Ú c23
x7 - y47 Ú c23
x7 Ú ck, k = 25, 26, Á , 30
a yij - xj = 0, j = 1, 2, Á , 7
The logic of the model constraints is as follows: For shifts 1, 2, and 3 starting times 7:00, 7:30, and
8:00, the shift lasts 8 hours or 16 half-hours. This is the reason each of the variables x1, x2, and x3
appears in 16 consecutive constraints. By the same logic, the variables x4, x5, and x6 correspond
to the shifts starting at 8:30, 9:00, and 9:30 and lasting 8 1冫2 hours each. For this reason, each of
these variables appears in 17 consecutive constraints. Finally, x7 representing the shift that starts
at 15:00 (period 17) lasts 7 hours and hence appears in 14 consecutive constraints starting at pe-
riod 17. As for the variables yij representing the breaks, the logic can be demonstrated by two
cases: For shift 1 (starting at time 7:00), four half-hour breaks start at 10:00 (period 7), 10:30 (pe-
riod 8), 11:00 (period 9), and 11:30 (period 10). This is the reason for subtracting y11, y21, y31,and
y41 from the left-hand side of constraints 7 through 10. Similar reasoning applies to yij for shifts 2
and 3. The other distinct case is shift 4, lasting 8 1冫2 hours and starting at 8:30. The four half-hour
breaks starting at 11:30 (period 10), 12:00 (period 11), 12:30 (period 12), and 13:00 (period 13)
are represented by the respective variables y14, y24, y34, and y44. Because this shift allows for a
one-hour break, each of these variables appears in two consecutive constraints. For example, y14
appears in constraints 10 and 11. The last constraint guarantees that every operator will have a
mid-shift break.
The only data needed to drive the model are the right-hand side of the constraints,
ck, k = 1, 2, Á , 30. The next section shows how queuing theory is used to determine these values.
stationary mean value of 3.5 minutes. Given that lk is the arrival rate per minute during half-
hour k and m is the service rate per minute and defining [v] as the largest integer value … v, a
lower bound on the number of operators needed during period k is
C mk D + 1, k = 1, 2, Á , 30
ck =
For example, for l1 = 5 calls per minute and m = 3.5 = .286 service per minute, the minimum
number of operators from 7:00 to 7:30 is c .286
d + 1 = 17 + 1 = 18. The rationale behind these
calculations is that ck is the minimum number needed to maintain steady-state conditions in the
queuing model.
The lower-bound estimate of ck does not provide information about the quality of service to
calling customers. In particular, to guard against lost calls (as well as loss of goodwill), the wait-
ing time until an operator answers a call should be reasonably small. Management set the goal
that at least 90% of the calls should be answered within 20 seconds. This goal translates to the
following probability statement:
By varying the number of servers, c, the desired probability can be realized. From the results of
queuing theory, given r = ml , we have21
c! 1c - r2
1 - , T = 0
P5t … T6 = d rc11 - e-m1c - r2T2p
1c - 12! 1c - r2
+ P5t = 06, T 7 0
The formula for the probability p0 is given in Section 15.6.3. An estimate of the minimum num-
ber of operators needed during period k is the the smallest c that satisfies
P5t 7 T6 = 1 - P5t … T6 6 .1
The nature of the probability statement does not allow a closed-form solution of the value
of c. Instead, the required solution is determined by substituting successive increasing values of
c until the desired condition is satisfied for the first time. The lower bound on c 1= [r] + 12 pro-
vides a starting point for the substitution.
A spreadsheet is ideal for carrying out this type of calculation. File excelCase15.xls is de-
signed to do just that. The results are given in Table 26.24.
AMPL model:
File amplCase15.txt provides the AMPL code for the proposed problem. The solution of the
model is translated to the readable format shown in Figure 26.23. It shows that a total of 134 op-
erators are needed. It also details the number of operators for each shift and their assigned
break times.
Source: D. Gross and C. Harris, Fundamentals of Queuing Theory, Wiley, New York, 1974, Formula 3.20,
p. 101. Also, see Problem 16, Set 15.6e.
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1 5 23 0.090 16 17 74 0.082
2 8 35 0.074 17 15 63 0.090
3 10 42 0.093 18 12 50 0.077
4 10 42 0.093 19 10 42 0.093
5 12 50 0.077 20 10 42 0.093
6 12 50 0.077 21 10 42 0.093
7 15 63 0.090 22 9 39 0.068
8 17 74 0.082 23 9 39 0.068
9 18 79 0.090 24 9 39 0.068
10 19 85 0.095 25 7 31 0.080
11 20 90 0.095 26 7 31 0.080
12 20 90 0.095 27 5 23 0.090
13 20 90 0.095 28 5 23 0.090
14 19 85 0.082 29 3 15 0.092
15 18 79 0.082 30 3 15 0.092
Shift starting time Shift size
7:00 26
7:30 21
8:00 25
9:00 4
9:30 19
14:00 39
Total = 134
Shift start time Number of operators Break start time break time (min)
7:00 26 10:00 30
7:30 21 10:30 30
8:00 15 11:00 30
8:00 10 11:30 30
9:00 4 12:00 60
9:30 4 13:00 60
9:30 15 14:00 60
14:00 20 17:00 30
14:00 19 17:30 30
FIGURE 26.23
Workforce size based on 8 1冫2 hour durations for shifts 4 through 6
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1. An interesting question arises regarding the current practice of requiring 8 1冫2-hour dura-
tion for shifts 4, 5, and 6 (starting at 8:30, 9:00, and 9:30, respectively) together with 1-hour
breaks. Preference among most employees is for the shorter shift (8 hours) with a half-
hour break rather than the longer shift A 8 1冫2 hours B with a full-hour break. Study the
impact of imposing uniform 8-hour shifts with half-hour breaks for all employees.
2. Study the sensitivity of the solution to changing the probability of a 20-second delay in
answering a call.
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