Energy Conversion and Management: Zhihua Chen, Quanjie Zhu, Xun Wang, Bo Xiao, Shiming Liu
Energy Conversion and Management: Zhihua Chen, Quanjie Zhu, Xun Wang, Bo Xiao, Shiming Liu
Energy Conversion and Management: Zhihua Chen, Quanjie Zhu, Xun Wang, Bo Xiao, Shiming Liu
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The pyrolysis behaviors and kinetics of Eucalyptus leaves (EL), Eucalyptus bark (EB) and Eucalyptus saw-
Received 11 May 2015 dust (ESD) were investigated by using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) technique. Three stages for
Accepted 30 July 2015 EL, EB and ESD pyrolysis have been divided using differential derivative thermogravimetric (DDTG)
Available online 7 August 2015
method and the second stage is the main pyrolysis process with approximately 86.93% (EL), 88.96%
(EB) and 97.84% (ESD) weight loss percentages. Kinetic parameters of Gaussian distributed activation
Keywords: energy model (DAEM) for EL, EB and ESD pyrolysis are: distributed centers (E0) of 141.15 kJ/mol (EL),
149.21 kJ/mol (EB), 175.79 kJ/mol (ESD), standard deviations (r) of 18.35 kJ/mol (EL), 18.37 kJ/mol
Eucalyptus residues
(EB), 14.41 kJ/mol (ESD) and pre-exponential factors (A) of 1.15E+10 s1 (EL), 4.34E+10 s1 (EB),
Thermogravimetric analysis 7.44E+12 s1 (ESD). A new modified discrete DAEM was performed and showed excellent fits to experi-
mental data than Gaussian DAEM. According to the modified discrete DAEM, the activation energies are
in ranges of 122.67–308.64 kJ/mol, 118.72–410.80 kJ/mol and 108.39–192.93 kJ/mol for EL, EB and ESD
pyrolysis, respectively. The pre-exponential factors of discrete DAEM have wide ranges of 4.84E+13–
6.12E+22 s1 (EL), 1.91E+12–4.51E+25 s1 (EB) and 63.43–4.36E+11 s1 (ESD). The variation of activation
energy versus conversion reveals the mechanism change during pyrolysis process. The kinetic data would
be of immense benefit to model, design and develop suitable thermo-chemical systems for the applica-
tion of Eucalyptus residues.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0196-8904/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
252 Z. Chen et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 105 (2015) 251–259
were widely used in corresponding studies [8–10]. However, these with Arrhenius equation [12]. The differential form of such reac-
methods are limited to use in biomass pyrolytic kinetics investiga- tion rate equation can be expressed as:
tion due to the high heterogeneous (such as catalysis of alkalis and
da A E
secondary reactions) of the pyrolysis process [11,12]. And the dis- r¼ ¼ exp f ðaÞ ð1Þ
tributed activation energy model (DAEM) to treat the biomass
dT b RT
pyrolysis kinetics is even better. where r is the reaction rate, 1/K; a is the conversion, dimensionless;
The DAEM assumes that infinity irreversible first-order reac- T is absolute temperature, K; A is apparent pre-exponential factor,
tions happen during pyrolysis process. Such activation energy is 1/s; E is the apparent activation energy, J/mol; R is ideal gas con-
thought to be not a constant value but obeys a kind of distributed stant, 8.314 J/(mol K); b is the linear heating rate, K/s; f(a) is conver-
probability density function (PDF) such as Gaussian distribution sion dependence function (or reaction model) and its independent
[11–13]. Many attractive methods can be used to treat the DAEM variable, a, can be defined as
calculation, such as fitting method [14,15], iso-conversional
m0 mt
method [16] and discretization method [17–20]. Among these a¼ ð2Þ
m0 mf
methods, the discrete DAEM which discretize the infinity
first-order reaction as many (but finite) parallel first-order reac- where m0 (%), mt (%) and mf (%) is the initial mass, instant mass and
tions is even better for the DAEM calculation [18–20]. final mass of the sample recorded by TGA instrument, respectively.
So far, to our knowledge, there are few studies on the pyrolysis Integral form of Eq. (1) is given as
characteristics and kinetics of Eucalyptus residues, which is impor- Z Z
a T
tant to evaluate biomass feedstock for fuel or chemical production, 1 A E A
gðaÞ ¼ da ¼ exp dT ¼ wðE; TÞ ð3Þ
reactor design and control of thermo-chemical processes. In this 0 f ðaÞ b T0 RT b
study, the pyrolysis behaviors and kinetics of Eucalyptus residues,
where g(a) is the integral form of f(a); w(E,T) is the temperature
Eucalyptus leaves (EL), Eucalyptus bark (EB) and Eucalyptus sawdust
integral which has not an analytic solution but always can be
(ESD), were investigated by using thermogravimetric analysis. A
replaced with approximable expressions. A high accuracy equation
new modified discretize DAEM method which based on Starink
(Eq. (4)) to approximate the w(E,T) was given by Starink [21].
temperature integral [21] and Scott algorithm [19] was carried
out for the corresponding kinetics studies. As for a comparative E TR E
study, the Gaussian DAEM was also used in this study. wðE; TÞ ¼ exp 1:0008 0:312 ð4Þ
fitting quality parameter between calculated and experimental x. The activation energy Ek can be calculated by solving Eq. (14).
And a lower Fit value indicates a better quality of fit. According to Eq. (5), the pre-exponential factor Ak can be calculated
by solving following equations (Eqs. (15) and (16)) with the known
2.3.3. Discrete DAEM Ek:
According to Scott et al. [19], the infinite reactions can be dis-
xjb1 ¼ xjb1 ð15Þ
cretized as n parallel first-order reactions. Each of these reactions
has its characteristic activation energy and pre-exponential factor. i.e.
For the pyrolysis process of Eucalyptus residues under " 1:92 #
" 1:92 #
dmk Ak Ek Ak E k T k R Ek
¼ exp mk ð9Þ
where mk, Ak and Ek is the instantaneous mass, pre-exponential fac-
tor and activation energy of k-th reaction, respectively. The integral Once the Ek and Ak are known, Eq. (12) can be solved by using
form of Eq. (9) is given as: Nonnegative Linear Least Square Method (NLLSM) to minimize
" # an objective function (Eq. (17)) and the initial fraction fk,0 can be
Ak estimated.
M k ¼ M k;0 exp wðEk ; TÞ ð10Þ
bj X
O:F ¼ jxc xe j2 ð17Þ
where Mk is the mass of k-th reaction and Mk,0 is the initial value of k¼1
Mk. The mass of sample is the sum of mass of n reactions. And then
The calculation of NLLSM must guarantee the constraints of:
the conversion function during pyrolysis process can be expressed
as: > f 2 ½1
< k;0
Pn " # Xn
Xn Xn ð18Þ
k¼1 M k Ak >
: f i;0 ¼ 1
x ¼ Pn wchar;k ¼ f k;0 exp wðEk ; T k Þ ð11Þ
k¼1 M k;0 i¼1 k¼1
bj k¼1
and ESD are higher than oxygen contents. The nitrogen (0.17– 0.7
3.49%) and sulfur (0.03–0.45%) contents of EL, EB and ESD samples 100 Solid line:
1-TG of EL 0.6
are lower than some microalgae biomasses which are usually used 90
(A) 6 2-TG of EB
via pyrolysis: Nannochloropis oculata (N: 5.02% and S: 0.64%) [24], 2
3- TG of ESD 0.5
Chlorella pyrenoidosa (N: 8.39% and S: 1.76%) [17], bloom-forming 80
DTG (−%⋅oC-1)
Dash line
Cyanobacteria (N: 8.41% and S: 0.84%) [17]. It can be even more 4- DTG of EL 0.4
TG (%)
confirmed that the nitrogen and sulfur percentages of EL are quite 5 5- DTG of EP
Stage 1 6- DTG of ESD
higher than that of EB and ESD. However, the N content of EL 60 0.3
(3.49%) is higher than some lignocellulosic biomass: alfalfa
(2.39%) [25], wheat straw (0.38%) [25], giant reedgrass (2.24%) Stage 3 0.2
[26], cotton cocoon shell (1.3%) [27], cotton stalk (1.12%) [28], sug- 40
arcane bagasse (0.15%) [28]. And the sulfur content of EL (0.45%) is 0.1
30 4 Stage 2
also higher than some other lignocellulosic biomass, such as palm
kernel shell (0.38%) [29], sugarcane bagasse (0.24%) [30], cotton 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
stalk (0.17%) [30]. In addition, the phosphorus contents of these Temperatue (oC)
three feedstocks are lower than N and S contents. Biomass with
low nitrogen and sulfur contents are attractive to 4.0 0.06
thermo-chemical conversion processes because high N and S con-
3.5 (B) 0.04
tents will lead to more toxic NOx and SO2 emission [31].
As depicted in Table 1, the three feedstocks are in high volatile 3.0
DDTG (- %⋅min-1⋅oC-1)
contents (69.89–77.73%) that could be considered suitable for
DTG (- %⋅min-1)
pyrolysis, gasification or combustion processes [4,31]. The ash con- 2.5 H P S
tents of EL, EB and ESD are low, about 0.81–5.89%. Low ash content -0.02
features of EL, EB and ESD suggest that they can be regarded as -0.04
suitable feedstocks for thermo-chemical conversion processes, 1.5
since lower ash content of feedstock takes the advantages to lower
fouling or aggregation on reactors. Furthermore, processing costs, DTG -0.08
poor combustion, disposal problems and low energy conversion 0.5 Ti L -0.10
are resulted from high ash content [32]. Biomass conversion tech- J Tp
nologies are also influenced by the moisture content of the feed- 0.0 -0.12
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
stock. The moisture content of EL (4.26%) and ESD (6.12%) are
higher than that of EB (10.89%) and some reported biomass feed- Temperature (oC)
stocks, such as cotton stalk (9.13%) [30], wheat husk (13.90%)
Fig. 1. (A) TG/DTG curves of Eucalyptus leaves (EL), Eucalyptus bark (EB) and
[33], microalgae bloom-forming Cyanobacteria (9.59%) [17], Eucalyptus sawdust (ESD) at heating rate of 10 °C/min. (B) DTG/DDTG curves of
microalgae Chlorella vulgaris (9.10%) [34]. Low moisture content Eucalyptus leaves pyrolysis at of 10 °C /min heating rate.
is favorable to thermal conversion technique [32].
Table 2
Initial, peaks and final temperatures and weigh loss percent of pyrolysis Stage 2 for EL, EB and ESD.
HR is the heating rate; Ti is the initial temperature; Tp is the peak temperature; Tf is the final temperature; WLP is the weight loss percentage.
Z. Chen et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 105 (2015) 251–259 255
(A) 1: TG-10oC/min 0.6 As shown in Table 2 and Fig. 2, the EL, EB and ESD pyrolysis
80 2: TG-40oC/min characteristic temperatures of stage 2 increases with the heating
3: DTG-10oC/min 0.5
2 rate. It is obvious that the increasing of heating rate shifts the char-
peak 1 0.4
file (according to Fig. 2). The effect of heating rate on the
EL 1
peak 2
4 0.3 characteristic temperature mainly attributes to the limited rate
40 of heat conduction into the sample due to the thermal resistance
3 0.2 of biomass. The increasing of heating rate leads to a simultaneous
20 decrease of the effect temperature and an increase of heat effect
0.1 [35]. Increasing of heating rate signify higher temperature is
required to set off the decomposition process. One the other hand,
0 0.0 the pyrolysis reaction can affect the heat transfer in particle. In
100 200 300 400 500 600
fact, the release of volatiles leads to the formation of char which
Temperature (oC) is in poor heat transfer performance and prevent the heat transfer
to particle core to some extent. Moreover, the thermal decomposi-
100 0.8 tion reaction of biomass and the secondary reaction between the
1: TG-10 oC/min 0.7 volatiles and char are endothermic processes. Such endothermic
80 (B) 2: TG-40 oC/min reactions absorb the heat that transfers along the radial direction
3: DTG-10 C/min 0.6 DTG ( − % ⋅oC-1) before transfer to the core.
4: DTG-40oC/min
60 0.5
2 peak 1
TG (%)
0.6 region for the parameters are E0 2 (0, 350 kJ/mol), r 2 (0,
50 kJ/mol) and A 2 (0, 10E+20 s1), which were similar to literature
3 1
40 ESD [13].
The optimized kinetic parameters and final objective function
values of Gaussian DAEM for EL, EB and ESD pyrolysis are listed
20 0.2 Table 3. Gaussian DAEM fits to the experimental data of the three
biomass feedstocks are shown in Fig. 3. The fitting qualities are
0 0.0 good with low Fit (Table 3) and high correlation coefficients (R2).
100 200 300 400 500 600 According to Gaussian DAEM, parameter E0 represents the dis-
Temperature (oC) tributed center of activation energy and parameter r represents
the distributed width. It is obvious that activation energy of ESD
Fig. 2. TG/DTG curves of Eucalyptus leaves (EL), Eucalyptus bark (EB) and Eucalyptus pyrolysis has a narrower (r = 14.41 kJ/mol) distribution than that
sawdust (ESD) pyrolysis of Stage 2 at 10 and 40 °C/min heating rates: (A) for EL, (B)
for EB and (C) ESD.
of EL (r = 18.35 kJ/mol) and EB (r = 18.37 kJ/mol). The distribu-
tions of EL and EB are similar to each other. However, the distribu-
tion center (E0) of ESD is higher (E0 = 175.79 kJ/mol) than that of EL
(E0 = 141.15 kJ/mol) and EB (E0 = 149.21 kJ/mol). The mean activa-
tion energy of woody ESD is similar to some kinds of lignocellulosic
processes have been done for the EB and ESD. And the characteristic
biomass such as rice straw (170 kJ/mol), rice husk (174 kJ/mol)
temperatures together with the weight loss percentage (WLP) of EL,
[36]. The activation energy denotes the energy barrier which
EB and ESD are listed in Table 2. It is obvious that stage 2 is the main
pyrolysis stage with high WLP of 86.93–97.84%. The TG/DTG curves
Table 3
of stage 2 for all samples at heating rates of 10 °C/min and Gaussian parameters and fitting qualities of continuous DAEM simulation for
40 °C/min are exhibited in Fig. 2. Fig. 2(A) shows that there are Eucalyptus residues pyrolysis.
two peaks locates on the DTG curve of EL. However, three peaks
E0 (kJ/mol) A (s1) r (kJ/mol) Fit (%)
and one peak are observed for EB and ESD, respectively. Peak 2
which appears at temperature range of 338.6–384.8 °C is the main EL 141.15 1.15E+10 18.35 4.61
EB 149.21 4.34 E+10 18.37 3.38
peak of the DTG curves and it is believed to be mainly contributed ESD 175.79 7.44E+12 14.41 3.29
to the decomposition of cellulose.
256 Z. Chen et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 105 (2015) 251–259
f (E) (mol/kJ)
0.8 0.015 3.5. Discrete DAEM kinetics
0.8 Eq. (14) and Eq. (16) to obtain the Ex and Ax for EL, EB and ESD pyrol-
0.010 ysis. fk,0 have been calculated from Eq. (12) and Eq. (17) using lsqnon-
0.005 neg optimization tool built-in MATLABÒ. The variations of activation
0.6 energies, pre-exponential factors (in ln(Aa) form) and fk,0 along with
80 120 160 200 240 conversion for EL, EB and ESD pyrolysis are shown in Fig. 4.
Experiment: E (kJ/mol)
10 oC/min The variations of activation energy versus conversion (a) are
40 oC/min complex. The activation energy of EB almost increases with the
EB increasing of conversion. But a downtrend can be seen for EL and
0.2 10 oC/min ESD at conversion range of 0.87–0.99 and 0.79–0.99, respectively.
40 oC/min Platforms with very little activation energy changes also can be
seen in dependencies of Ea v.s. a for EL, EB and ESD pyrolysis.
0.0 The platform of EL is narrow at about 0.45–0.60 conversion range.
200 300 400 500 600 However, the platforms for the EB and ESD are wider than EL,
Temperature (oC) about range of 0.06–0.78 for EB and 0.06–0.61 for ESD. Because
the discrete DAEM used in this study assumes the Ex is the same
at two different heating rates. It is similar to the iso-conversional
1.0 0.030
methods [12,34]. As indicated by [12,37] and [12], the first-order
(C) 0.025 reaction model can be seen as an alternative for different mecha-
nism model thought it is simple. The Ea v.s. a dependencies can
f (E) (mol/kJ)
0.8 0.020
0.015 used to identify the change of decomposition mechanisms. In fact,
the nuclei, diffusion and catalysis effects should be account for the
0.6 activation energy variation during solid-state thermal decomposi-
Experiment: tion [12]. The platform and downtrend of Ea v.s. a dependencies in
10 oC/min 0.000 EL, EB and ESD pyrolysis illustrate the continuous change of
120 150 180 210 240
0.4 40 oC/min
E (kJ/mol) decomposition mechanisms during their pyrolysis process. [38]
have reported that under low linear non-isothermal heating rate
Simulation: conditions (10 °C/min and 40 °C/min in the present study), the
0.2 10 oC/min ESD decomposition of solid-state was limited by nuclei growth which
40 oC/min
leads to a rising trend in activation energies. However, the diffu-
0.0 sion effect leads to a downtrend for activation energies. It is
believed that more porous char will be formed with progresses
200 300 400 500 600
of the biomass pyrolysis [39]. This porous char enhance the diffu-
Temperature (oC) sion of the volatiles and then reduce the activation energy. In case
of non-isothermal decomposition, the two opposite effects (nuclei
Fig. 3. Gaussian distributions (sub-graphs) and the comparisons between simula-
tions and experiments: (A) Eucalyptus leaves (EL), (B) Eucalyptus bark (EB) and (C) growth and gas diffusion) may finally make the activation energy
Eucalyptus sawdust (ESD). as a weak function of conversion, which also leads to downtrend
of activation energy. Thus, the platform of Ea v.s. a dependencies
may attribute to the weak balances between nuclei growth and
pyrolysis reaction has to be overcome. And it seems that the pyrol- gas diffusion effects. Additionally, the in-situ catalysis of alkalis
ysis activities of EL, EB and ESD follow an order of EL > EB > ESD. metals also leads to the decrease of activation energy especially
However, the pyrolysis activities between EL, EB and ESD cannot in high temperature or high conversion [40,41].
be compared directly because the activation energy also depends The values of ln (Aa) were not constant for all reactions but have
on the temperature. As shown in Table 2, pyrolysis temperature ranges of 31.51–52.50 (EB), 28.28–59.07 (EB) and 4.15–26.80
ranges for EL, EB and ESD are different from to each other. (ESD), i.e. the pre-exponential factors have wide ranges of
Furthermore, the activation energy mainly depends on species of 4.84E+13–6.12E+22 s1 (EL), 1.91E+12–4.51E+25 s1 (EB) and
Z. Chen et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 105 (2015) 251–259 257
55 0.14
ln (Aα)
Eα (kJ/mol)
ln (Aα )
fk , 0
200 40
fk ,0 35 0.04
100 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(B) 60
fk,0 50 0.15
ln (Aα )
Eα (kJ/mol)
ln (Aα)
f k, 0
250 0.10
150 0.05
25 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
200 40 0.6
Eα (kJ/mol)
ln(Aα )
Eα f k,0
f k,0
20 0.3
ln(Aα )
100 0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Fig. 4. Discrete DAEM kinetic parameters (activation energy, pre-exponential factor (lnAa) and initial mass fraction of Eucalyptus waste pyrolysis: (A) Eucalyptus leaves; (B)
Eucalyptus bark and (C) Eucalyptus sawdust.
63.43–4.36E+11 s1 (ESD). The ln(Aa) v.s. a dependencies for EL, EB 3.5.2. Discrete DAEM simulation
and ESD are very similar to that of Ea v.s. a. It may be attributed to The comparsion of DAEM simulation and experiments of
the so-called energy compensation effect [12,42]. EL, EB and ESD pyrolysis are shows in Fig. 5. As can be seen,
Although 100 reactions are assumed for the discrete DAEM, excellent fits have been obtained by using discrete DAEM
actually not all the reactions show effective contribution to the with even higher correlation coefficient (R2) than Gaussian
pyrolysis process. As can be seen from Fig. 4, some fk,0 value is zero DAEM (as listed in Table 4). It indicates that the discrete
but some are not zero. The corresponding reactions of fk,0 – 0 can DAEM is better than single Gaussian DAEM for pyrolysis
be seen as the effective contribution to the pyrolysis [17]. studies.
258 Z. Chen et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 105 (2015) 251–259
1.0 4. Conclusion
10 oC/min The pyrolysis behaviors of Eucalyptus leaves (EL), Eucalyptus
0.8 40 oC/min bark (EB) and Eucalyptus sawdust (ESD) are different from each
Simulation: other. The pyrolysis processes can be divided into three stages
0.6 10 oC/min where Stage 2 contributes to the main pyrolysis part with 86.93–
40 oC/min 97.84% weight loss percentages. Pyrolytic temperature ranges of
This research was supported by the National High Technology
Experiment: Research and Development Program (863 Program) of China (No.
10 oC/min 2012AA101809), National Natural Science Foundation of China
0.8 (No. 21276100) and class General Financial Grant from the China
40 oC/min
Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No.: 2014M560892). The
first author wants to acknowledge the Analytical and Testing
0.6 10 oC/min
Center of Huazhong University of Science and Technology for car-
40 oC/min
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