A Universal Mathematical Model of Diesel Engine Performance
A Universal Mathematical Model of Diesel Engine Performance
A Universal Mathematical Model of Diesel Engine Performance
At any throttle setting, and as torque is increased, the speed of a diesel engine will
decrease from its value at zero torque. The difference between the speed at zero torque and
the current speed is the engine speed depression, which increases until the fuel pump is at full
stroke and delivering “full fuel”. If torque increases further, the engine then operates along
the locus of these points where the fuel delivery is a maximum, referred to as the “full fuel
A mathematical model of the performance of a governed diesel engine has been developed
using these concepts. This model expresses torque, power and fuel consumption as universal
functions of engine speed at zero torque and the depression of engine speed below the engine
speed at zero torque. Each parameter is described by a function involving nine coefficients,
which are established by p.t.o. testing of a particular engine. The form of the functions allows
them to meet the boundary conditions of engine operation. The model has been validated by
applying it to three engines, where it gives accurate predictions of torque, power and fuel
consumption. It is also shown that the full fuel line can be accurately represented by
expressing the engine speed at its intersection with a constant throttle (or governor) line as a
polynomial function of the zero torque (or idle) speed represented by that governor line. The
boundaries of engine operation are then this full fuel line, the maximum and minimum
governor lines, and the zero torque axis.
This model of engine performance is in a form which enables its use in the modelling of
tractor performance and the indirect measurement of engine performance.
1. Introduction
A number of mathematical models of tractor engine performance have been proposed
in recent years as part of the continuing interest in optimizing tractor performance and in
the modelling of farming operations. These models have typically been based on a least
squares fit of a polynomial expression, involving some of the parameters engine speed,
throttle position, duration of injector needle lift, and exhaust gas temperature. They have
been able to predict torque or power and possibly fuel consumption, but they have all
been difficult to apply generally because they have been based on a large number of
measurements, or have used parameters which are specific to a particular installation.
There has also been no assurance that the same form of expression would be applicable to
any other engine, and they have suffered from the basic deficiency that they have not met
the elementary boundary conditions of engine operation, namely that zero power is produced
at zero engine speed, that zero torque is produced at any idle speed, and that fuel is
consumed at any idle speed even when output torque is zero.
The only model which has attempted to address any one of these boundary conditions
is that of Jahns,’ and the present work used the Jahns model as a starting point for the
development of an engine performance model which is universally applicable, meets the
necessary boundary conditions, is based on a minimum data set, properly defines the full
fuel line, uses engine parameters which are easily measured and are not specific to a
particular installation, and is accurate. This model also allows the calculation of contours
of constant power, constant fuel consumption and constant torque.
2. Previous proposals
Previous workers have used a variety of engine parameters to represent engine power,
torque and fuel consumption. For consistency, the expressions that they have derived
have been rewritten in the variables used here.
Koertner et al.* used engine speed(N), idle speed(Z) and control shaft position(S) to
correlate measurements of power(P) and fuel consumption(F). P and F were found to be
functions of S, N, Z, and S x N.
Chancellor and Smith’ used a rotary potentiometer to measure throttle position, and
expressed engine torque(T) as
T=d+e. s+f. N+g. a,
where 6 = 0 or -1, depending on the direction in which the potentiometer is moving, and
Q, is the potentiometer reading. The speed N is divided into five ranges, and d, e, f and g
are constants which depend on the range within which the engine speed falls.
They also noted that torque may be a function of the engine speed depression R, but
did not pursue the possible correlation. Their expression for T is not universal in form
because it depends on the installation and it does not meet the boundary conditions. Fuel
consumption was not predicted.
Schrock ef aL4 established correlations for power(P) and fuel consumption(F) using
engine speed(N) and control shaft position(S). Their expressions were of the form
P = a, + a,N + a,S + a3N2 + a,S. N
F = b. + b, N + b2P + b3N2b,S2 + b$ . N
The nine coefficients, dij, involved in this expression are found from the values of engine
speed(N) and torque(T) at nine points evenly distributed on the performance map.
Jahns also represented the full fuel line and the full throttle line, respectively by
T = u, + u,N + u,N* + u4N3 + u5N6
The coefficients Ui and Vi can be found from eight further test points on these boundary
lines. The expression for the full throttle line does not meet the boundary condition that
T = 0 at full idle speed.
It can be seen from the above discussion that previous work has been deficient in the
prediction of either torque or fuel consumption, that the expressions proposed have not
been universally applicable and, with the exception of the work of Jahns, have not been
able to meet the necessary boundary conditions.
3. Objectives
The main objective of this work was to develop an engine model which predicts fuel
consumption, torque and engine power using simply measured independent variables.
Furthermore, it was required that the model developed should be universally
applicable, incorporating coefficients specific to each engine type. The amount of data
required to establish these coefficients was to be minimized so that the work involved in
the p.t.o. testing of tractors would be reduced.
Jahns’ suggested that because tractor performance would vary with operation time and
engine maintenance, and between nominally identical engines of the same type, an
accuracy of f5% was adequate for this type of modelling. The same accuracy criterion
was set here.
4. Tbe model
The torque-speed performance space of a governed diesel engine is seen as being
bounded by the zero torque line (speed axis), the full throttle governor line, and full fuel
line and a minimum throttle governor line. As shown in Fig. 1, the full throttle line and
the full fuel line intersect at the rated point. It is assumed that engines of the same type
will have the same full fuel line extending from the point of maximum torque to beyond
the rated point. At the same time, engines of the same type may vary in that the full
throttle line may be located either to the right or left of the given line.
It is also assumed that any governor line may be defined by the value of engine speed at
zero torque (or the idle speed) which we denote by 2. The full throttle idle speed is
therefore Z,, and there is a minimum throttle idle speed which we may denote Zmin.
Preliminary work using data from intensive p.t.o. testing of a number of tractors showed
that along any governor line characterized by 2 the torque and fuel consumption are
simple functions of the depression of engine speed below Z, denoted R. This suggested
that a model should be sought which used Z and R as its independent variables,
particularly as the simply measured engine speed N is related to Z and R by the
relationship N = Z - R. It was also found that Z is a function of the throttle position,
which can be measured by simple potentiometric arrangements.
Fig. I also shows how the torque-speed space has now been replaced by the R - Z
space. The full throttle governor line has become the line Z = Z,,, the full fuel line has
become the line R =f(Z), and the minimum throttle line has become Z = Zmin. The
engine speed axis is now R = 0. It is proposed that engine power torque and fuel
consumption should be defined in this space as functions of Z and R.
a 5r
u 4
I=5 3-
Engine speed. revlmin
Fig. 2. Comparison of torque and fuel consumption models for Ford 7’WS (25 data points). 0, data
points on which the torque model is based; - - -, predictions of the torque model; 0, data points on
which the fuel consumption model b based; -, predictions of the fuel consumption model
It may be seen that the model fits the measured points very well, and that torque and
fuel consumption curves for values of 2 (such as 2470 and 1815) between those used for
deriving the coefficients appear to be plausible. In developing this approach it was found
to be necessary to include data points as near as possible to the intersection of the
governor line and the full fuel line in order for the predicted constant 2 line (or governor
line) to actually reach the full fuel line. It is also necessary to include a governor line at
each end of the speed range because predictions outside this range can be in error.
When the coefficients are calculated from 15 points rather than 25, at 2 = 2601, 2154
and 1683, the predicted torques for other values of 2 are not accurate. Where other
measured points are available, at Z of 2319 and 1963, the predicted torque is in error in
the region of the full fuel line, as shown in Fig. 3. It appears from this that data from
more than three governor lines are necessary to properly model engine torque across its
entire range of speed.
In contrast, Fig. 3 also shows that the prediction of fuel consumption using 15 points to
calculate the coefficients yields results comparable with those achieved using 25 points.
Engine speed,revlmln
Fig. 3. Comparison of torque and fuel consumption models for Ford 7W5 (15 data points). 0, data
pointi on which the torque model is based; A, other torque data points; - - -, predictions of the
torque model; 0, data points on which the fuel consumption model is based; A, other fuel
consumption data points; -, predictions of the fuel consumption model
Table 3
Coefficients of the model for the Case 2O!Mt
Table 4
Goodness of fit for the Case 2MO
Fig. 4. Comparison of torque and fuel consumption modeLri for Case 2090 (20 data points). Same key
as in Fig. 2
but the predictions of torque and fuel consumption match the measured points very well,
as can be seen in Fig. 4. Calculations have also been made at Z values of 2180, 1990 and
1755 t-pm, and these curves appear to be plausible representations of torque and fuel
The torque and fuel consumption curves are shown in Fig. 5. Other data were available
at Z values of 1762 and 1604 r-pm, and these have also been plotted along with the model
Table 5
Coefficients of the model for John Deere 3140
Table 6
Goodness of tit for Jobn Deere 3140
6. Conclusions
A mathematical model for the prediction of fuel consumption, torque and power of a
diesel engine has been proposed. This model is based on a universal form involving nine
coefficients for each of these parameters, and improves on previous proposals in that it
400 8
E 3001 c
-5 $
\ -4 P
\ :
\ . -3 E
I -2 j
- 4
Fig. 5. Comparison of torque and fuel consumption models for John Deere 3140 (25 data points). 0,
data points on which the torque model is based; A, other torque data points; - - -, predictions of the
torque model; 0, data points on which the fuel consumption model is based; -, predictions of the
fuel consumption model
400 -0
E 300
iI:: ~~~:i:
b ’ -1
\ \ \
\ \ \ \
\ \ \&
0 I I I \_ 11. L
1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 26C%
Engine speed, revlmin
Fig. 6. Comparison of torque and fuel consumption modeLF for John Deere 3140 (15 data points).
Same key as in Fig. 4
meets the necessary boundary conditions of engine performance, is accurate, and can be
applied to any engine. The engine variables used by the model are the engine speed at
zero torque and the rev/min depression below this speed, which are both easily
The nine coefficients for each parameter for a given engine are preferably calculated
from a minimum of 20 points on four governor lines, using a multilinear fit technique.
The five points on each governor line should include the data at zero torque and the data
at the intersection of the governor line with the full fuel line.
The full fuel line can be represented by a third order polynomial between engine
rev/min at the governor line/full fuel line intersection and the value of engine rev/min at
zero torque for that governor line.
This work was supported by way of a grant under the Australian Government’s National Energy
Research, Development and Demonstration Program.
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1983, ASAE St Joseph, MI
’ Koertner, R.; B&ford, L. L.; Lane D. E. Tractor Instrumentation for Measuring Fuel and
Energy Requirements. ASAE Paper 75-1547, 1975, ASAE St Joseph, MI
’ ChanceUor, W. J.; Smith, N. E. Tractor Engine Torque Transducer Using Throttle Position and
RPM. ASAE Paper 85-1557, 1985, ASAE St Joseph, MI
4 S&rock, M.; Matteson, D.; Blumanhourst, M.; Thompson, J. G. A Device for Aiding Gear
Selection in Agricultural Tractors. Transactions of the ASAE 1986, 29: 1232-1236
’ McKieruan, M.; Lalk, T. R.; Stout, B. A.; Searcy, S. W. Estimating Diesel Engine Performance
By Indirect Methods. SAE Technical Paper Series 871606, 1987
’ de Souza E. G.; Milanez, L. F. Indirect Evaluation of the Torque of Diesel Engines.
Transactions of the ASAE 1988, 31: 1350-1354