Cyber Physical System Challenges For Human-in-the-Loop Control
Cyber Physical System Challenges For Human-in-the-Loop Control
Cyber Physical System Challenges For Human-in-the-Loop Control
Abstract beneficial for the future applications and allow the cre-
ation of feedback control solution techniques for each of
This paper articulates three main challenges for employ-
them, building on commonalities when appropriate.
ing feedback control with humans in the loop. They
To begin to understand the spectrum of human-in-
are: (i) the need for a comprehensive understanding of
the-loop controls, we start with creating a taxonomy
the complete spectrum of the types of human-in-the-loop
of human-in-the-loop applications based on the controls
controls, (ii) the need for extensions to system identi-
that they employ. We classify the applications into three
fication or other techniques to derive models of human
categories: (i) applications where humans directly con-
behaviors, and (iii) most importantly, determining how
trol the system, (ii) applications where the system pas-
to incorporate human behavior models into the formal
sively monitors humans and takes appropriate actions,
methodology of feedback control.
and (iii) a hybrid of (i) and (ii). Now, we describe some
example applications belonging to each of these cate-
1 Introduction gories.
Applications where humans directly control the sys-
Human-in-the-loop feedback control systems offer ex- tem primarily use supervisory control. In supervisory
citing opportunities to a broad range of cyber-physical control, involvement of humans takes place in two ways.
system applications including energy management [7], In one case, the process runs autonomously. Humans in-
health care [5], and automobile systems [2]. For ex- tervene with the control algorithm when it is necessary
ample, it is hypothesized that explicitly incorporat- typically by adjusting set points. These control prob-
ing human-in-the-loop models for driving can improve lems are well understood. In the other case, the pro-
safety, and using models of activities of daily living in cess accepts a command, carries out the command au-
home health care can improve medical conditions of the tonomously, reports the results and waits for further com-
elderly. Although having humans in the loop has its ad- mands to be received from the human. As a concrete
vantage, modeling human behaviors is extremely chal- example, in [10], human-in-the-loop control is used in
lenging due to the complex physiological, psychological a wheelchair-mounted robotic arm to retrieve an object
and behavioral aspect of human beings. Here we propose from a shelf. In this feedback control system, human
that it is necessary to raise human-in-the-loop control to provides input via a touch screen or joystick which is
a central principle in system design and to solve three analyzed by a vision processing system to position the
main challenges. robotic arm to retrieve the object. In this application,
a human directly controls the controller of the feedback
2 Challenges control system and guides it to take appropriate action.
The main problems here involve interfacing humans to
Challenge 1: The need for a comprehensive understand- control loops.
ing of the complete spectrum of types of human-in-the- A broad range of applications monitor human behav-
loop controls. ior passively and take appropriate actions (including do-
There are many variations for human-in-the-loop con- ing nothing). These applications are sub-categorized to
trols. We need to understand the complete spectrum to either open loop or close loop system. For example, Lul-
determine the underlying principles and subtleties that laby [5] uses a commercial off the shelf sleep tracking
separate them. Figuring out the principles will be very device to keep track of sleep quality. It also uses sound,
light, temperature, and motion sensors to record the envi- System identification is a powerful technique to create
ronmental conditions during sleep. All this information system models. It is a new challenge to apply it to human
is presented to the users in a tablet that helps them to behaviors. The order and types of equations to use, how
identify the potential causes of sleep disruption. Here, to produce adequate testing inputs, what output variables
human is in the loop, but the human does not directly are required, and how such a model accounts for human
control the system and this is an open loop system as traits are unknown. For example, Empath [3] is a real-
Lullaby does not proactively take any action to improve time depression monitoring system for the home. It col-
the quality of sleep. Similarly, another open loop sys- lects different behavioral data including sleep, weight,
tem is AlarmNet [11], which is a state of the art assisted- activities of daily living, and speech prosody and can po-
living and residential monitoring network for smart home tentially detect the early signs of a depression episode,
health care. It monitors activities of daily living by us- as well as can track progress in managing a depressive
ing the environmental and wearable sensors and creates illness. This is an open loop system as the system only
a continuous medical history. Authorized health care shows the reports to the caregivers and does not proac-
providers are allowed to monitor activity patterns to de- tively take any action to improve the quality of life of the
termine if the residents need immediate attention or new depressed patients. If we were to use system identifica-
healthcare services. Open problems here include under- tion technique to model a human being who is suffering
standing what human behaviors need to be monitored. from depressive illness, it is not clear what are the inputs,
On the other hand, Smart Thermostat [7] is a closed what are the states and how the state transitions occur
loop human-in-the-loop system as it uses sensors to de- based on different physiological, psychological and envi-
tect occupancy and sleep patterns in a home and uses ronmental factors. If there was a formal model of human
these patterns to proactively turn off the HVAC system behavior or even an estimated model, then by combin-
to save energy. Another example of closed loop system ing all the factors that affect depression, we could close
is an advanced driver assistance system. In [6], a driver’s the loop by changing the factors in a way that helps the
intended actions, e.g., to turn or lane change are inferred patients and that is based on an established methodology
from several sources, including the driver’s current con- rather than ad hoc rules.
trol actions (steering and acceleration), his visual scan- Capturing human behavior by extending system iden-
ning behavior, and the surrounding traffic environment. tification or other modeling techniques is extremely dif-
Although [6] is an open loop system, if we can model the ficult due to complex physiological, psychological and
driver’s physiological state (fatigue, anger, drunk, etc.) behavioral aspects of human beings. Also, the level
and behaviors (distraction, erratic steering, etc.), then we of modeling depends on application requirements. Al-
can convert it to a closed loop system where the auto- though requirements are different for different applica-
mobile can immediately react and signal alarms, or even tions, a significant portion of human-in-the-loop appli-
wrestle control from the driver when the driver is unfit cations have to address some common challenges, e.g.,
to keep the safety or fuel efficiency of the current trip. user specific thresholds and parameters, change of hu-
In these systems, real-time response and intimately in- man behavior over time, and required sensing technol-
corporating physiological, behavioral and psychological ogy to sense the appropriate aspects of human behav-
aspects of humans are complex open questions. ior. We need to model human behavior for large num-
The hybrid system passively monitors human behav- ber of applications before general principles and theories
ior, takes appropriate actions and also takes occasional emerge to address these issues. Clustering, data mining,
human inputs for the control. For example, in [12], inference, first principle models based on human physi-
human-in-the-loop is used to control building energy. It ology and behaviors may all be necessary techniques to
uses human feedback to adjust set point of the control, be enhanced and applied for different applications. Ro-
e.g., human feedback is used to adjust the temperature bust CPS systems will likely require predictive models
set point of the HVAC system to maintain thermal com- to avoid problems before they occur, consequently ad-
fort. It tracks the position of the occupant and feeds this vances to stochastic model predictive control are also re-
information to the controller so that energy is delivered quired. It is also unlikely that any models developed ini-
to only those spots where needed. These systems incor- tially to design the controllers will remain accurate as the
porate all the challenges from the above discussion. Af- system and human behaviors evolve over time. Hence,
ter understanding these behavioral aspects, our next chal- adaptive control with humans-in-the-loop will be neces-
lenge addresses how to model these behaviors using the sary.
appropriate modeling techniques. Currently, state of the art techniques that model cer-
Challenge 2: The need for extensions to system iden- tain aspect of human behavior are either very general or
tification or other techniques to derive models of human very specific. For example, Smart Thermostat [7] uses a
behaviors. Hidden Markov Model (HMM) to model occupancy and
sleep patterns of the residents in a home to save energy, general, there are several areas where a human model can
which captures human behavior from a very high level. be placed:
On the other hand, [4] proposes mathematical models • Outside the loop,
for impulsive injection of insulin for diabetes mellitus. • Inside the controller,
Their model determines the insulin injection by closely • Inside the system model,
monitoring the glucose level when it reaches a threshold • Inside a transducer, and
value. It addresses some critical challenges for design- • At various levels in hierarchical control.
ing an artificial pancreas. In another case, [8] models The newest challenge seems to be how to incorporate
human muscle in a closed loop system based on high the human behavior as part of the system itself. Can
order sliding mode techniques. The controller is used we define/guarantee/learn the stability, accuracy, settling
to control shank movement and has shown a great accu- time and overshoot properties of such systems, initially
racy and robustness against force perturbation. It can be and as the system and human behavior evolves? As an
useful in Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) for the example, [1] proposes a procedure to refine user behav-
paraplegic patients in regaining limited locomotor activ- ior models based on reports of accidents and incidents
ities through electrical stimulation of the lower extrem- that occur during the operation of electrical power sys-
ity muscles. As another example, [9] describes a new tem. This work mainly focuses on using Components
paradigm called Body Coupled Communication (BCC) Model of Emotion (CME) for observing, recording and
for Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) that leverages analyzing the emotional components of the operator be-
the human body as a communication channel. In this ap- havior, which can be eventually useful for simulating dy-
plication, sensors are implanted in a human body that namic behavior of an operator performing tasks in a con-
are capable of monitoring a wide range of physiological text that leads to an error. If we can model such an op-
and emotional states and human serves as a communica- erator behavior using formal methodology of feedback
tion channel to transmit the sampled data to a centralized control and if we can incorporate these operator models
monitoring entity. Here, human is modeled as a body into the system, we will be able to analyze various safety
channel where different layers of the body, e.g., skin, fat, properties of the overall system.
muscles and bone offer varying but measurable levels of Incorporating human models into the formal method-
impedance to the signal. The human modeling in the lat- ology of feedback control has several advantages. For
ter three applications are very specific to the application. example, it allows us to analyze the property of the whole
While understanding of human physiological re- system using existing or new feedback control strategies.
sponses will continue to improve and expand to new Also, we can run optimization techniques across people
problem areas, we also need to understand holistic hu- in a home, or in a building, or in a city considering vari-
man behaviors. To achieve these goals, we need to ad- ous metrics and choose optimal parameters to maximize
vance the state of the art in system modeling techniques. multidimensional utilities, e.g., health improvement as
Challenge 3: Determining how to incorporate human well as saving energy.
behavior models into the formal methodology of feed-
back control. 3 Summary
Even if we have a model of human behavior, it is not
clear where to place the model for “each” application. In this challenge paper, we identified three major re-
For example, consider the Smart Thermostat [7] project search challenges of cyber physical systems involving
where the system monitors human occupancy and turns human-in-the-loop control. The challenges are: (i) un-
off the HVAC when not needed. In this case, humans are derstanding the complete spectrum of human-in-the-loop
in the loop, but they are not giving any active feedback. control since more sophisticated human-in-the-loop ap-
Now assume that sometimes humans change the temper- plications are appearing, (ii) modeling human behav-
ature set point. They are still in the loop, but they are part ior of various types and identifying the best modeling
of a hierarchical control where they are controlling some schemes for each type, and (iii) incorporating these mod-
parameters from the higher level while in the lower level els into the formal feedback control methodology which
the system is trying to reach the set point. Now assume may require new results and theory to support formal
a more sophisticated system where the room temperature performance guarantees. Basically, state of the art sys-
is being changed depending on physiological or psycho- tem modeling techniques and feedback control strategies
logical status of the human, e.g., when someone is expe- need to be advanced to address these challenges.
riencing an episode of depression, the room temperature
is increased. In such a system, the human state as de- 4 Acknowledgement
tected by sensors acts to guide the control system when This work has been funded, in part, by NSF grants CNS-
a depression episode begins. Apart from this context, in 1035771 and CNS-1239483.
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