Five Kingdom Classification

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Five Kingdom Classification

1. Who proposed Five Kingdom Classification? Give the bases of
Ans. Whittaker in 1969 proposed five kingdom classification based
on :-
(i) Cell structure i.e., prokaryotic or eukaryotic.
(ii) Mode of nutrition i.e., autotrophic or heterotrophic.
(iii) Body organisation unicellular or multicellular.
2. List the five kingdoms with characteristic features.
Ans. The five-kingdoms are as follows :
(i) The Monera, the single-celled prokaryotic organisms like
the bacteria; most primitive organisms;
(ii) The Protista, the single-celled eukaryotes which include
diverse organisms like the algae, protozoa and diatoms.
(iii) The Fungi, the multicellular non-green heterotrophs (a
few are unicellular) lacking chlorophyll, such as
mushrooms and moulds;
(iv) The Plantae, the multicellular green autotrophs such as
the higher algae, mosses, ferns and flowering plants; and
(v) The Animalia, the multicellular heterotrophs which lack
cellulose and usually exhibit movement like the insects,
earthworm, birds, reptiles and mammals.
3. Give two features of prokaryotes.
Ans. (i) The prokaryotes lack a true nucleus. Some basic proteins
are also absent in nucleoplasm.
(ii) The cell wall is rigid and tough. It is covered by a
gelatinous sheath called slime layer.

Biology Class-IX 1 Question Bank

4. Draw a well-labelled diagram of : (a) Bacterial cell, (b) Nostoc


5. Give reasons, why fungi should not be included in Plant

Ans. Fungi should not be included in Plant Kingdom because :
(a) Fungi differ from plants in their mode of nutrition, reserve
food material and composition of cell walls.
(b) They are heterotrophic organisms which derive their
nutrients mainly by absorption from the surrounding
medium due to lack of chlorophyll.
(c) They are essentially the decomposers and mineralisers of
the biosphere.
(d) The reserve food material is glycogen and fat.
(e) The cell wall is generally composed of chitin. Therefore,
fungi should not be included in plant kingdom.
6. Which substance forms the cell wall in fungi?
Ans. Chitin.
7. Which type of food reserve is formed in fungi?
Ans. Glycogen and oil globules.

Biology Class-IX 2 Question Bank

8. Name an asexual reproductive method by which yeast
Ans. Budding.
9. Give two distinct features of fungal body.
Ans. (i) The body of fungus is typically thalloid i.e. not
differentiated into root, stem and leaves.
(ii) The fungal body consists of long, slender, thread-like
structures called hyphae.
10. Give a short note on nutrition in fungi.
Ans. (i) Most of the fungi are heterotrophic and absorb soluble
organic matter from the dead organisms and hence are
called saprophytes.
(ii) Some other fungi depend on living plants and animals for
food, are called parasites and a few live as symbionts.
11. Mention the characteristics of Kingdom Protista with suitable
Ans. Characteristics of Kingdom Protista
(i) The organisms are unicellular and eukaryotic.
(ii) Mode of nutrition is either autotrophic or heterotrophic.
(iii) Some protists bear hair-like cilia or flagella for movement.
But in Amoeba, movement takes place by pseudopodia
(false feet).
(iv) Examples : Unicellular algae, diatoms and protozoans.

Chlamydomonas, B. Amoeba,C. Paramecium and D. Euglena

Biology Class-IX 3 Question Bank

12. Why Euglena has been classified as a plant as well as an
Ans. Euglena as a plant shows following features :
(i) The body is surrounded by a cell wall.
(ii) Chloroplast is present due to which in the presence of
sunlight Euglena synthesizes its food.
(iii) The pigments of Euglena are identical to those present in
higher plants.
Euglena as an animal shows the following features :
(i) A protein rich layer called pellicle is present which makes
its body flexible.
(ii) The locomotory organs, a short and a long flagella are
(iii) In the absence of sunlight, it behaves like a heterotroph by
predating on other smaller organisms.
13. What is sugar fungi? Explain its
characters with the help of diagram.
Ans. Yeasts are single-celled organisms.
Their name Saccharomyces means
‘sugar fungi’ and they are commonly
found wherever sugar occurs.
For thousands of years, yeast has been used to
ferment the sugars in rice and barley to Budding of Yest
produce beer, and the sugar in grapes to make wine. Yeast
added to dough ferments the sugar in the dough to produce
carbon dioxide. This makes the dough rise.

Biology Class-IX 4 Question Bank

14. Write a short note on lichen.
Ans. Lichen : A lichen is a close partnership between an alga and a
fungus. The algal cells grow in the fungal mycelium. They
make food by photosynthesis and some of it is passed to the
fungus. The fungus provides shelter and protection to the alga.
Thus, both the alga and the fungus benefit. This kind of an
association between two different kinds of individuals where
both are benefitted is called a symbiotic association.

Different types of Lichens

15. Give the important features of : (A) Plantae, (B) Animalia
Ans. (A) Plantae :
(i) The organisms are multicellular, eukaryotic and green
(ii) The plant body of most of the organisms is well
differentiated into different parts like root, stem, leaf, etc.
Some of the plants are thallophytes.
(iii) The higher group of plants are differentiated on the basis
of (a) whether seeds are present or not and (b) whether
seeds are enclosed within fruits or not.
(iv) Kingdom Plantae includes aquatic thallophytes,
bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and
(B) Animalia :
(i) Animals are multicellular, eukaryotic organisms.

Biology Class-IX 5 Question Bank

(ii) Most animals have a high level of tissue differentiation
and many have specialized body organs.
(iii) Most animals have a nervous system which is used to
coordinate their body action and responses.
(iv) They lack cell wall.
(v) They possess the power of locomotion.
(vi) In sexual reproduction, animals produce male and female
gametes (sperms and ova).
16. Match the following :
Column A Column B
(i) Nostoc (i) Lichen
(ii) Paramecium (ii) Plantae
(iii) Rhizopus (iii) Monera
(iv) Symbiotic association (iv) Female gamete
(v) Bryophytes (v) Animalia
(vi) Ovum (vi) Fungi
(vii) Fish (vii) Protista

Biology Class-IX 6 Question Bank

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