ARC White Paper HIMax May09

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By ARC Advisory Group

MAY 2009

HIMA’s Next Generation Safety Controller

Maximizes Availability
for Demanding Process Applications

Executive Overview ..................................................................... 3

Why Invest in Process Safety? ...................................................... 3

Overview of HIMax ...................................................................... 7

Case Study: INEOS Vinyls .......................................................... 10

Case Study: Evonik Degussa ....................................................... 12

Last Word .................................................................................. 14


ARC White Paper • May 2009

HIMA Delivers Safety Solutions for Applications That Require the Highest
Degree of Availability, Such As Those with Environmental Risks

Redundancy Architecture Advantages Typical Applications


1 Single inputs, CPU, single Meets functional safety All applications requiring
outputs requirements at low cost functional safety but not
high availability

2 Redundant inputs, CPU, Most common configura- Chemical, petrochemical,

outputs tion for absolute safety popular in Europe
and availability

3 3x redundant inputs, Traditional configuration Chemical, petrochemical,

CPU, outputs for customers who re- popular in North America
quire TMR technology

4 4x redundant inputs, One application for pro- Refinery, tunnels

CPU, outputs tection against common
cause failures

HIMax Offers SIL3 Protection Using Various Levels of Redundancy

2 • Copyright © ARC Advisory Group •

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Executive Overview

Process manufacturers today are under pressure to contribute value to a

company’s bottom line by continuously improving the performance of
manufacturing assets. Today’s business drivers focus on high-level metrics
such as return on assets (ROA) and overall equipment efficiency (OEE),
both of which are critical contributors to the overall goal of achieving Oper-
ational Excellence (OpX). However, in the process industries, no metric is
more important than productivity. To achieve productivity, a process sys-
tem must be “highly available” to guarantee the operation of a process for
which a sudden shutdown due to a component failure
Process safety has evolved from being
would be dangerous or extremely expensive.
a cost burden and necessary evil to a
strategy for improving productivity by
The nemesis of all continuous processes is unplanned
enabling process optimization on-the-
stoppage resulting from controls malfunction, equip-
fly and increasing availability.
ment failure, or operator error. System availability
can be improved significantly through the use of re-
dundant control architectures – especially those that allow hot-swapping or
on-the-fly program changes. Modern process safety solutions provide
comprehensive diagnostics that help users to recognize safety-critical situa-
tions and act quickly and accordingly to avoid unnecessary system

HIMA, an automation supplier specializing in safety systems, has spent

five years developing and testing the HIMax, a new generation of process
safety controller targeted at high-end applications, and recently released it
for general sale. While designing the HIMax, HIMA engineers paid close
attention to customers’ wishes to come up with a modern, advanced solu-
tion for process industry users seeking high availability.

Why Invest in Process Safety?

Process safety refers to managing both physical and human assets to mi-
nimize the likelihood and consequences of catastrophic incidents in
facilities that handle, process, or store hazardous materials. It is a dynamic
concept involving the interaction and integration of technology, materials,
equipment, and personnel. The unexpected release of toxic, reactive, or
flammable liquids and gases in processes involving hazardous chemicals

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ARC White Paper • May 2009

has occurred again and again in recent decades. Unfortunately, this has
resulted in loss of life and catastrophic environmental damage, as well as
destruction of expensive assets and long-term production losses. Process
users recognize that risks can be mitigated, but not eliminated. Regardless
of the industry, an accidental release can occur any
Operating plants close to their limits time hazardous chemicals or their manufacturing
processes are not properly controlled and monitored.
Transient operation states (startup, shut-
down, shift change, work force transitions)
The concept of process safety has evolved and profit-
Use of hazardous raw materials
ed in recent years from technology improvements
Presence of untrained personnel
and the harmonization of international standards.
Absence of a company-wide safety culture Process users have gone from an ad hoc, component-
Factors that Increase Risk based approach, to a fully developed holistic view of
a potentially hazardous situation based on estab-
lished best practices and supported by internationally recognized stan-
dards. Through this process, leading process manufacturers have learned
to weigh the costs of process safety against its benefits and risks. This help
users to justify investments in safety technology, to develop and nurture an
enterprise-wide safety culture, and most importantly, to view a process
safety solution as a productivity tool in pursuit of Operational Excellence,
rather than as an unavoidable expense.

Availability vs. Functional Safety

The traditional purpose of process safety solutions is to protect people,
equipment, and the environment from damage by ensuring Safety Instru-
mented Functions (SIF). In a modern sense, however, process safety also
contributes significantly to the availability of process assets, which can have
a significant impact on a plants overall profitability.

High availability is made possible by fault tolerance. This is the ability to

maintain control functions even in the case of partial equipment failure.
High availability is important in applications in which interrupting the
process could cause extensive damage or, for continuous processes, for
which a restart would cause expensive delays (or create safety issues of its
own). Achieving high availability on the order of 99.99 percent requires the
use of a modern, redundant and fault-tolerant safety architecture to ensure
that continuous processes cannot be interrupted.

Functional safety, on the other hand, ensures safety functions in order to

prevent personnel from being injured by de-energizing moving machine

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parts or by switching them into a safe state if a safety barrier is compro-

mised. A characteristic measure for a safety function is the Safety Integrity
Level (SIL). This describes the safety function's probability of a dangerous
failure per hour, e.g. 10-7/h for SIL3. Functional safety is important in in-
dustries in which operators work closely with running machinery or with
hazardous materials.

Process Safety as a Productivity Tool

In today’s challenging economic environment, process manufacturers are
under pressure to contribute value to the bottom line by maintaining or
improving the performance of process assets. Unexpected interruptions of
critical processes may not only dam-
Independent failures Minimize risk of simultaneous failure of con- age equipment and ruin production
troller and SIS (no common cause failures)
material; they can also lead to cata-
Security Prevent changes in control system from caus-
strophic explosions, for example if
ing change in or corruption to SIS
an endothermic process goes out of
Controller SIS is designed to fail in a safe way while DCS
requirements is designed for maximum availability
control. Restarting a process such as
the production of paper or polymers
SIS safety features An SIS offers extended diagnostics, special
software error checking, protected data sto- may result in producing lower grade
rage and fault tolerance or off-spec product until the process
Justification for a Separate Safety Control System can be re-optimized. Modern
process safety solutions can signifi-
cantly reduce these economic risks by helping users to recognize safety-
critical situations quickly and to implement appropriate measures while
avoiding unnecessary shutdowns.

The Costs and Risks of Not Ensuring Safety

Risk is defined as the product of the probability and the severity of an un-
planned incident. In other words, how often can an incident occur and how
bad are the consequences if it does occur? Examples of risks in process
manufacturing operations include injury to personnel, environmental dam-
age, loss of capital equipment, and loss of production. For many
manufacturers, damage to their corporate image can also be a significant
risk factor. Add to these issues the realities of increased environmental
awareness, stricter government regulations, and threat of litigation, and it is
easy to see why risk management is becoming increasingly important to
process manufacturers.

Copyright © ARC Advisory Group • • 5

ARC White Paper • May 2009

Many companies have seen their public image suffer in recent years due to
negative publicity from product recalls and boardroom scandals, resulting
in a loss of trust in the public eye. From the Union Carbide Bhopal tragedy
in 1984 to the BP Texas City explosion in 2005, these experiences have
taught companies the importance of improving their “good neighbor” im-
age by actively promoting adherence to good manufacturing practices and
compliance with environmental and occupational safety best practices. In
an increasingly social conscious world, the importance of not just protecting
humans from injury or death, but also of providing workers with a safe and
healthy work environment has advanced to the forefront. In many compa-
nies, this has resulted in the implementation of a complete safety culture
that enhances safety by nurturing an open, communicative environment
and rewards employees who take responsibility for safety.

Besides image challenges, process manufacturers are moving to limit their

exposure to liability in situations within their control, such as product lia-
bility, personal injury, or environmental damage. In other situations where
regulations may be unclear or not yet harmonized, the risk exposure of not
complying even with non-compulsory practices is still high. Here, compa-
nies can at least demonstrate their “best faith” by documenting compliance
with all generally accepted industry practices. While the harmonization of
standards has lessened the workload, the burden of proof of compliance
still lies with the end user.

The Importance of Risk Reduction

The best way to reduce risk in a manufacturing plant is to design inherently
safe processes. However, inherent safety is rarely achievable in today's
manufacturing environments. Risks prevail whe-
Growing aware of and compliance with rever hazardous or toxic materials are stored,
international safety standards
processed, or handled. Since it is impossible to
Obsolescence of legacy technology eliminate all risks, a manufacturer must decide
High profile industrial incidents on a level of risk that they consider tolerable. Af-
and disasters ter identifying the hazards, a hazard and risk
Increased investments in oil & gas study is typically performed to evaluate each risk
Strong growth in BRIC countries situation by considering its likelihood and severi-
ty. Site-specific conditions, such as population
Process Safety Market Drivers
density, in-plant traffic patterns, and meteorolog-
ical conditions, are often considered during risk evaluation.

6 • Copyright © ARC Advisory Group •

ARC White Paper • May 2009

Once the hazard and risk study has ascertained the risks, it can be deter-
mined whether they are below acceptable levels. Basic process control
systems, along with process alarms and facilities for manual intervention,
provide the first level of protection and reduce the risk in a manufacturing
facility. Additional protection measures are needed when a basic process
control system does not reduce the risk to a tolerable level. These include
safety-instrumented systems along with hardware interlocks, relief valves,
and containment dykes. To be effective, each protection subsystem must
act independently of all others.

Investment in Safety Systems is Robust

The market for safety systems remains strong, driven by demand from the
oil & gas and refining industries. Even though current crude oil prices are
once again relatively low, long-term trends suggest that prices will re-
bound. This, combined with rising demand for oil and gas in the fast-
growing BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India,
China) are fueling new investments in oil and
gas production and refining, helping to boost SIS
sales. According to ARC’s research, worldwide
growth for safety systems, which has been ho-
vering around 13 percent annually, will likely
maintain positive growth through 2010, despite
difficult economic times.

An investment in a safety system cannot always

The Market for Process Safety Systems be justified in terms of return on investment
Remains Robust Thanks to Strong Demand (ROI). Instead, it is more akin to buying an in-
in Oil & Gas
(Market Size in $ Million) surance policy. It is a sunk cost -- a form of
negative opportunity cost set against the much
higher cost of not having done enough to prevent an accident. However,
such an investment can be justified by its contribution to bottom-line prof-
itability through higher availability over the entire lifecycle of an asset and
greater production efficiency.

Overview of HIMax

HIMA, a leading supplier of process safety systems, has a long and well-
established reputation in the process industries for providing standalone

Copyright © ARC Advisory Group • • 7

ARC White Paper • May 2009

and integrated safety solutions. In 2008, HIMA introduced HIMax, a next-

generation SIL3 platform that supports uninterrupted system operation
throughout the whole lifecycle. Based on the company’s highly available
“XMR” architecture, HIMax is targeted specifically at users in the refinery,
chemical, and petrochemical industries, whose processes require a greater
degree of availability than previously available on the market.

The XMR architecture is scalable for SIL3 applications ranging from those
needing no redundancy to applications requiring double or triple redun-
dancy for inputs, outputs and CPUs, and up to quadruple redundancy with
common cause protection (physically separated redundant components).
The latter addresses the growing requirements in refining applications,
such as steam crackers, and allows continued operation even if one control
room is damaged or destroyed by fire or flood.

What Process Safety Users Want

While designing the HIMax platform, HIMA spent considerable time talk-
ing to process users to identify what they desire in a future safety solution.
At the top of users’ lists was uninterruptable operation – the ability of a sys-
tem to tolerate “acceptable” faults, such as isolated
component failures, without unnecessarily shutting
down the whole system.

Customers also felt that a safety system should contri-

bute to their plant’s performance rather than being just a
cost factor. In terms of high availability, this means that
processes must have the ability to be optimized on-the-
fly by changing software or adding hardware compo-
nents, or even updating the operating system, without
having to shut down the system.

Finally, many process manufacturers today are faced

with the challenge of having to do more with less. Pres-
The HIMax is a SIL3 Safety sure to cut costs from consolidations, restructuring and
Platform Designed to Deliver the
Highest Degree of Availability. tighter capital spending budgets can undermine efforts
to ensure process safety. For this reason, process users
demand safety solutions that help them manage costs by minimizing Ca-
pEx and OpEx while maximizing usability. In short, users need to reduce
engineering, start-up and maintenance time.

8 • Copyright © ARC Advisory Group •

ARC White Paper • May 2009

From its customer input, HIMA concluded that the ideal safety solution
should contribute measurably to overall plant efficiency and productivity
by guaranteeing availability. In addition, a flexible architecture should help
to maximize system availability along the whole lifecycle by allowing cus-
tomers to tailor the system to individual requirements to avoid
overspending. Finally, a safety solution should fulfill its task of protecting
workers and equipment from harm while appearing “transparent” to the
process until it is needed.

HIMax: HIMA’s Next-Generation SIL3 Platform

HIMax is a SIL3 platform designed especially for continuous processes that
absolutely cannot be interrupted. The system maximizes availability, not
only by ensuing continuous operation in the event of a component failure,
but also by allowing the user to perform routine maintenance operations or
hardware changes without shutting down the system. This includes every
conceivable task, from hot-swapping components or modules to on-the-fly
program and hardware changes, and even operating system updates. Re-
dundancy levels from dual to quadruple are
Supported DCS Systems
possible and each module is powered by its own
ABB, Emerson, Honeywell, Invensys, Metso, Siemens,
Smar, Yokogawa separate power supply. A wide variety of I/O
modules allows process users to scale each sys-
Supported Comm Protocols
tem to their particular needs.
send & receive, ComUser Task
As a standalone safety system, HIMax is de-
signed to integrate seamlessly into all commer-
HIMax Integrates Easily with DCS Systems and
Supports All Common Communication Protocols cially available DCS systems including ABB,
Emerson, Honeywell, Invensys, Metso, Siemens,
Smar, and Yokogawa. Communication takes place using open protocols,
fieldbuses and Ethernet including OPC, HART protocol, Profibus, Profinet,
and Modbus. In addition, safe networks such as HIMA’s own “safeether-
net”, Profinet with Profisafe, and Foundation Fieldbus’ FF-SIS (when
available) are also supported. To ensure a smooth integration, HIMA’s
DCS Competence Team is available to test and verify compatibility. The
Team even takes over responsibility for the functional compatibility for
turnkey solution projects.

The operating system supports full multitasking of up to 32 independent

user programs. Each program has its own safety check sum, meaning that
a part of the system can modified or expanded without influencing the oth-

Copyright © ARC Advisory Group • • 9

ARC White Paper • May 2009

er programs or causing a program to lose its safety certification -- an

tant contributor to non-stop operation.

In addition, each task can be configured or monitored independently and

assigned its own update time. This allows the user to optimize system per-
formance between fast and slow tasks (e.g., time critical turbine machine
control versus relatively slow burner management). With its large capacity,
HIMax allows many tasks to be united in a single, central safety controller,
helping to reduce upfront capital outlays and system integration costs
while maintaining high levels of safety and availability.

HIMA has also improved system performance. With HIMax’ improved

processing speed and new statistical modeling for dynamic process control,
variables can be sampled more frequently, allowing processes to be con-
trolled more tightly and thus run closer to their limits. In many
applications, even small improvements like this can have a huge impact on
productivity, helping the safety controller contribute directly to the eco-
nomic performance of process assets and improving a company’s bottom

Case Study: INEOS Vinyls

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is petroleum-based polymer used in an endless

variety of everyday products, from plastic bags to window frames. INEOS
Vinyls, an English-owned chemical company, pro-
duces PVC at a plant on Germany’s North Sea
coast. The facility includes a dock at which ships
can anchor and pump ethylene, ethylene dichloride
and vinyl chloride via pipelines directly into on-
shore storage tanks. Automated loading arms
perform the task of coupling and securing swivel
joint pipes to the ship’s tanks. The process is con-
trolled and monitored via a Delta V system.

Pumping a chemical substance like ethylene dichlo-

ride from a ship at anchor is normally a routine and
At INEOS Vinyls, the HIMax Guarantees
System Availability During a Critical Loading safe procedure. However, risks beyond the control
Procedure that Transfers Chemicals from a
of the operator, such as rough seas or maneuvering
Ship to Onshore Storage Tanks.
problems with the ship, could result in a chemical

10 • Copyright © ARC Advisory Group •

ARC White Paper • May 2009

spillage into the North Sea and must therefore be mitigated. To ensure
safety of the loading process, INEOS recently upgraded an outdated system
to the new HIMax solution from HIMA. In addition to monitoring typical
process variables, such as temperature and pressure, the HIMax is respon-
sible for executing the emergency separation procedure that decouples the
pipelines from the ship to prevent or minimize spillage.

INEOS’ Architecture Integrates a Single Redundant HIMax CPU

with a Legacy DCS System.

For this application, INEOS chose a HIMax configuration with a single re-
dundant CPU, over 200 digital I/O, and intrinsic safety isolators from
Pepperl+Fuchs and Stahl (including broken wire monitoring), as well as
pressure transmitters from Rosemount. Communication with the legacy
Delta V system takes place via relays for status and emergency stop signals.
While the coupling procedure can be controlled locally, it is most often per-
formed from an onshore control room located over four kilometers away.
For this communication, INEOS chose Ethernet over a fiber optic cable after
previously having had problems with lightning strikes.

For INEOS, the greatest advantage in using the HIMax controller is not for
continuous availability, but rather for guaranteed availability during the
loading procedure, which may take a day or longer to complete. In addi-
tion, the strict separation of safety and non-safety programs gives INEOS

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the flexibility to modify and expand functionality without invaliding the

system’s TÜV safety certification.

Another convenient HIMax architecture feature that INEOS uses is what

HIMA calls “temporary redundancy.” In the event of a failure of an input
or output on a non-redundant I/O module, the company inserts a backup
I/O module in a slot in another chassis reserved for this purpose. This
module assumes the function of the defective card while it is being re-
placed. Redundant wiring terminals stand ready to allow a quick
changeover to the temporary module. After the repair is complete, the
hardware configuration is changed back to the original state using the re-
placement module. This feature is only possible on a system that allows
such hardware configuration changes on-the-fly, without having to shut
down the system.

INEOS has decades of experience with safety controllers from HIMA and
other suppliers. For this ship off-loading application at its PVC production
facility, the company chose the new HIMax controller primarily for its
“non-stop” availability that provides a high degree of protection against
environmental damage. Thanks to the success of this installation, INEOS
has also specified HIMax for other applications at the same plant as well as
at other INEOS facilities.

Case Study: Evonik Degussa

Evonik Degussa is Europe’s largest producer of carbon black, a color pig-

ment commonly used in the tire industry. A by-product of the production
process is a gas used to fire a boiler for steam and power generators in the
same facility. Should a fault occur in one of the boilers, excess gas from the
carbon black production is simply burned off with a flare until operation is

For the burner control system, Evonik Degussa employed a Foxboro IA se-
ries controller coupled to a Triconex safety controller. However, over the
years the aging Triconex system was becoming more and more expensive
to maintain in terms of repair and training. For this reason, the company
decided to upgrade the system to HIMA’s new HIMax safety controller.

12 • Copyright © ARC Advisory Group •

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The HIMax system is charged with the task of ensuring uninterrupted op-
eration of the pre-aeration, flame monitoring, and other important process
activities. The application employs redundant HIMax CPUs, two system
bus modules, two digital input modules, and three digital output modules,
as well as a communications module for Profibus DP. The latter provides
open communication to the existing Foxboro process control system in
place of a proprietary connection used with the Triconex system. HIMax
fulfills the G3 standard (conformal coat-
ing, ANSI/ISA-S71.04 G3 und DIN EN
60068-2-60) and can therefore be dep-
loyed in such a dirty environment.

Evonik Degussa chose HIMax because of

its ability to maintain non-stop operation,
even during maintenance operations or
the occasional software or hardware
change. According to the company, this
flexibility results in lower costs over the
Evonik Degussa Chose HIMax for its Ability to Maintain entire system lifecycle. Another advan-
Non-Stop Operation During Maintenance Work or Software tage that the company appreciates is the
or Hardware Changes.
user-friendliness of the SILworX engi-
neering tool that combines programming, configuration, and diagnostics in
a single environment. Plant engineers claim that its user interface helps
avoid programming errors and shortens engineering and commissioning

Copyright © ARC Advisory Group • • 13

ARC White Paper • May 2009

Last Word

Process safety has become an increasingly important topic for process

manufacturers in recent years, spurred on by evolving business and tech-
nical drivers. To put safety’s benefits and costs into perspective,
manufacturers should re-assess the role that safety plays in their produc-
tion strategy and learn how new technologies can not only ensure safety,
but also help improve business goals.

HIMA’s next-generation HIMax process safety control system addresses the

demanding needs of process users in the oil & gas, refining, and chemical
industries by providing a previously unattainable level of high availability
and system performance. HIMA achieves this with a redundant, scalable
architecture that can be easily integrated with all commercially available
DCS systems. The result is a higher guarantee of system availability
coupled with a performance level that lets users runs processes closer to
their limits, resulting in higher overall productivity from process assets.

14 • Copyright © ARC Advisory Group •

ARC White Paper • May 2009

Analyst: David W. Humphrey

Editor: Paul Miller

Acronym Reference: For a complete list of industry acronyms, refer to our

web page at

API Application Program Interface IOp Interoperability

B2B Business-to-Business IT Information Technology
BPM Business Process Management MIS Management Information System
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate OpX Operational Excellence
CAS Collaborative Automation System OEE Operational Equipment
CMM Collaborative Manufacturing Effectiveness
Management OLE Object Linking & Embedding
CPG Consumer Packaged Goods OPC OLE for Process Control
CPM Collaborative Production PAS Process Automation System
Management PLC Programmable Logic Controller
CRM Customer Relationship PLM Product Lifecycle Management
Management RFID Radio Frequency Identification
DCS Distributed Control System ROA Return on Assets
DOM Design, Operate, Maintain RPM Real-time Performance
EAM Enterprise Asset Management Management
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning SCM Supply Chain Management
HMI Human Machine Interface WMS Warehouse Management System

Founded in 1986, ARC Advisory Group has grown to become the Thought
Leader in Manufacturing and Supply Chain solutions. For even your most
complex business issues, our analysts have the expert industry knowledge and
firsthand experience to help you find the best answer. We focus on simple,
yet critical goals: improving your return on assets, operational performance,
total cost of ownership, project time-to-benefit, and shareholder value.

All information in this report is proprietary to and copyrighted by ARC. No part

of it may be reproduced without prior permission from ARC. This research has
been sponsored in part by HIMA. However, the opinions expressed by ARC in
this paper are based on ARC's independent analysis.

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