Gábor Barton: Irtual Rehabilitation A Focus On Movement Function
Gábor Barton: Irtual Rehabilitation A Focus On Movement Function
Gábor Barton: Irtual Rehabilitation A Focus On Movement Function
For a long time virtual reality had been an exciting concept commonly associated with science
fiction rather than science but with the accelerated development of technology now we have an
accessible tool which is used in a multitude of applications. Rehabilitation is one of the fields
where physical or intellectual interaction of the patient with a reactive environment can lead to
health benefits and so the concept of “virtual rehabilitation” enjoys a lot of attention. The com-
plementary expertise of health professionals, biomechanists, engineers and computer scientists
working together in virtual rehabilitation allows us to formalise research questions related to
movement function and the answers can help individuals coping with their impairments in a
daily living context. This article describes our initial steps on a long and exciting journey.
Keywords: virtual reality, rehabilitation, movement analysis, cerebral palsy, targeted training,
core control
Biomechanica Hungarica II. évfolyam, 2. szám
jump on a narrow blade, how a child learns to SoftImage) can be used to generate faith-
ride a bicycle, how a mother can manoeuvre a ful scenarios which provide the task for
buggy on a bus braking in a bend, or even the individual experiencing the interactive
how a frail old lady can stand by the kitchen environment. The Computer Assisted reha-
sink with poor vision and painful hips, are all bilitation Environment (CAREN system,
challenges to the experimenter which so far www.motekmedical.com) links together all the
had to be avoided or largely simplified before above components making it possible to set
they could be approached. up real time cause-effect relationships and
feedback loops of events. For example the
Inputs, outputs and the internal processing Boat demo (Figure 1) uses reflective markers
of the neuro-musculo-skeletal system can be attached to the trunk to reconstruct trunk lean
manipulated and evaluated by the integration sideways which rolls a boat on the screen and
of a number of sub-systems. Vision, proprio- rolls the platform at the same time. Forward
ception and the vestibular system are the three tilt of the segment is linked to forward accel-
inputs to balance and posture and can be eration of the boat. In this example leaning of
influenced by computer generated graphics the trunk moves the supporting platform
presented to a subject standing on a comput- which in turn moves the trunk, thereby clos-
er driven movable Stewart platform. Output ing a positive feedback loop. Responses of
of the subject is segmental movement cap- the person immersed in the virtual environ-
tured in real-time by an optoelectronic ment carefully designed to interact with the
multi-camera setup (e.g. Vicon or Qualisys). individual can be recorded and analysed
Advanced computer graphics software (e.g. offline.
Figure 1. The CAREN system integrates biomechanical movement capture, three dimensional
computer graphics and a movable platform to provide immersive virtual environments
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Biomechanica Hungarica II. évfolyam, 2. szám
Figure 3. Tilt of the body using the same ramp function (black curve) resulted
in different responses of hip and lumbar movement when rotating around the hip centre (left chart)
and simulating the default rocking motion (right chart)
tively when rocking and 1.1°±0.4 and of the hip. The ability to focus the movement
2.5°±0.4 respectively when rotating, p<0.05) perturbation on a selected joint while reducing
and a significantly increased ratio of hip-to- the stimulus acting on adjacent joints allows
spine ROM (mean±SD: 0.2±0.1 when rock- more finely graded levels of difficulty when
ing and 0.5±0.2 when rotating, p<0.05) training patients with cerebral palsy (CP).
(Figure 3). Rotation around the targeted joint
simplifies the balance task by minimising the
antero-posterior accelerations and related Virtulal rehabilitation – proof of concept
proprioceptive, vestibular and visual stimuli,
as indicated by the smaller ROMs. Rotation A collaboration with the Gait Laboratory
around the hip joint re-directs the focus of of Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation
movement perturbation from the spine, con- Trust (Liverpool) and The Movement Centre
firmed by the increased relative contribution (Oswestry) resulted in an award winning pres-
a) b) c)
Figure 4. The Magic Carpet game (a) played by a girl with cerebral palsy diplegia.
Typical trajectories of the magic carpet approaching the balloon in the origin, showing the differences
between strategies used by the patient (b) and the healthy control (c)
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entation11 exploring the potential of Virtual movement control of the pelvis and trunk
Rehabilitation in cerebral palsy. The study (core). We proposed that exposure to comput-
documented our proof of concept findings er games driven by active body movements of
with a virtual reality game which employed the core can lead to measurable improve-
a multiple-task driven visual and somatosen- ments of core control and gait, and that com-
sory bio-feedback environment that was puter based core control training is more effec-
expected to serve both as an assessment and tive than exposure to conventional physio-
training tool for core (pelvic) stability in CP therapy. In phase 1, games were designed and
children. Movement of the pelvis recorded developed and participants were recruited
in real time by Vicon was used to navigate the (Figure 5). In phase 2 after establishing their
“Magic Carpet” in order to burst a series of bal- baseline measures of core control and gait, the
loons appearing at random positions (Figure CORE group received core control training
4a). A comparison of the movement strategies by playing the games, and the CONTROL
of a diplegic patient and a typically develop- group played the games for the same dura-
ing control (Figure 4b and 4c) indicated that tion and frequency but without a focus on
the method had a great potential to evaluate core control (by using a joystick). This phase
core stability. A video of the game can be seen ended with recording of post-training meas-
at www.ljmu.ac.uk/sportandexercisesciences/ ures of core control and gait scores. We are
RISES/WellChildProject. currently in phase 3 when the results are
analysed leading to output generation.
Goblin post office – the WellChild project Related satellite studies have explored the
effect of game speed12 and the development
Motivated by the initial findings and finan- profiles of performance over time13. Our ini-
cially supported by The WellChild Trust, the tial results were presented at ESMAC 2009
next stage was to further develop and evaluate reporting some findings of the pre-training
custom made computer games to improve tests of core control, focusing on rotation and
movement co-ordination of children with tilt of the trunk and pelvis14. The game task
cerebral palsy who have impaired dynamic was similar to that of the “Magic Carpet”
Figure 5. One of our participants playing the Goblin Post Office game.
Note the two clusters of markers on the trunk and pelvis which drive the game
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game with the added feature that an adaptive Further results of the study will follow soon
algorithm adjusted the speed of the game in and our next project funded by LJMU’s
response to changes in target hit rates dur- Institute for Health Research is under way
ing game play. The maximum settled speed aiming to extend movement training to
reached under each segmental control scheme peripheral joints in order to improve reduced
was used to quantify performance. Significant selectivity of muscle control in children with
differences were found between the control cerebral palsy. Our newly developed games
schemes in that game speed with trunk rota- training methodology based on inertia sen-
tion was highest (54.5±0.6 ms-1) followed by sors (XSens, Enschede, The Netherlands)
trunk tilt (48.3±2.0 ms-1) and then pelvic will be applied in Liverpool schools accessing
rotation (44.1±1.6 ms-1). Children were more children (Figure 6). We aim to describe
unable to play the game using pelvic tilt. the interaction between core and peripheral
Sagittal plane tilt was more difficult to control movement control measuring the specific
than transverse plane rotation, the trunk was effects of the interventions on selective move-
better controlled than the pelvis, and there ment control. The specific implementation of
was least control over movements of the virtual reality based movement training in
pelvis. clinical and community settings was funded
by Alder Hey Charitable Funds.
Future directions
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Biomechanica Hungarica II. évfolyam, 2. szám
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Our research is funded by The WellChild Trust, Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust,
and the Institute for Health Research of Liverpool John Moores University.