Construction of R
Construction of R
Construction of R
1. Motivation 1
2. Cauchy Sequences 2
3. Equivalence Relations 3
4. Cauchy’s Construction of R 5
References 11
We are used to thinking of real numbers as successive approximations. For example, we write
π = 3.14159 . . .
to mean that π is a real number which, accurate to 5 decimal places, equals the above string.
To be precise, this means that |π − 3.14159| < 10−5 . But this does not tell us what π is. If
we want a more accurate approximation, we can calculate one; to 10 decimal places, we have
π = 3.1415926536 . . . Continuing, we will develop a sequence of rational approximations to π.
One such sequence is
3, 3.1, 3.14, 3.142, 3.1416, 3.14159, . . .
But this is not the only sequence of rational numbers that approximate π closer and closer (far from
it!). For example, here is another (important) one:
22 333 355 104348 1043835
3, , , , , ...
7 106 113 33215 332263
(This sequence, which represents the continued fractions approximations to π [you should read
about continued fractions for fun!], gives accuracies of 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 9 decimal digits, as you can
readily check.) More’s the point, here is another (somewhat arbitrary) rational approximating
sequence to π:
0, 0, 157, −45, −10, 3.14159, 0, 3.14, 3.1415, 3.151592, 3.14159265, . . .
While here we start with a string of numbers that really have nothing to do with π, the sequence
eventually settles down to approximate π closer and closer (this time by an additional 2 decimal
places each step). The point is, just what the sequence does for any initial segment of time is
irrelevant; all that matters is what happens to the tail of the sequence.
We are going to use the above insights to actually give a construction of the real numbers R from
the rational numbers Q. The idea is, a real number is a sequence of rational approximations. But we
have to be careful since, as we saw above, very different sequences of rational numbers can equally
Date: February 1, 2016.
well approximate the same real number. To take care of this ambiguity, we will have to define real
numbers as sets of rational approximating sequences, all with the same tail behaviour. To
make this precise, the following section contains precise definitions and some theorems which we
will need to set out the formal mathematical construction of R (as envisioned by Bolzano and
Cauchy in the early 19th century).
We have already been working with sequences, but to be sure we’re on the same page:
Definition 2.1. A sequence of rational numbers (aka a rational sequence) is a function from the
natural numbers N into the rational numbers Q. That is, it is an assignment of a rational number
to each natural number. We usually denote such a function by n 7→ an , so the terms in the sequence
are written {a1 , a2 , a3 , . . .} To refer to the whole sequence, we will write (an )∞
n=1 , or for the sake
of brevity simply (an ).
We are interested primarily in the tail behaviour of a sequence. There is a wide variety of
different behaviours a sequence may have as we follow it along. The following are two important,
related behaviours which we will need now, and which will also be important to us all term. The
first is tending to 0. Put simply, a sequences tends to 0 if the tail gets (and stays) arbitrarily small.
That is: given any small positive rational number ω, eventually the terms in the sequence are all
< ω in absolute value.
Definition 2.2. Let (an ) be a rational sequence. Say that (an ) tends to 0 if, given any small ω > 0,
there is a natural number N = Nω such that, after N (i.e. for all n > N ), |an | ≤ ω. We often
denote this symbolically by an → 0.
A typical example given is the sequence an = 1/n (though zillions of others will do, of course).
Given any small rational ω > 0, if we want 1/N < ω, we simply have to choose N > 1/ω. Here
we are directly using the fact that Q is an Archimedian field. Note, also, that in this case, since
1/n < 1/N whenever n > N , we will have that |an | = 1/n < 1/N < ω. Thus, we have proven
that the sequence (1/n) tends to 0.
We can also, at this point, define what it means for a sequence to tend to any given rational
number q: (an ) tends to q if the sequence (an − q) tends to 0. (For example: the sequence with
terms an = n/(n + 1) tends to 1, since an − 1 = −1/(n + 1) which, following an argument like
the one above, tends to 0.) We should note that another word used to describe a sequence tending
to some number is convergence: we say that a 1/n converges to 0.
The next definition involves something closely related to convergence, but which is subtly dif-
ferent. Consider, for example, a sequence of rational approximations to π, such as
3, 3.1, 3.14, 3.142, 3.1416, 3.14159, . . .
This sequence is not converging to any rational number. But it looks like it’s tending to something
– the terms are getting closer and closer to each other (very quickly, in fact – by about a factor of
10 at each successive step). The sequence is then said to be a Cauchy sequence.
Definition 2.3. Let (an ) be a rational sequence. We call (an ) a Cauchy sequence if the difference
between its terms tends to 0. To be precise: given any small rational number ω, there is a natural
number N = Nω such that for any m, n > N , |an − am | < ω.
The following theorem tells us that the notion of convergence is stronger than Cauchy-ness.
Theorem 2.4. If (an ) is a convergent rational sequence (that is, an → q for some rational number
q), then (an ) is a Cauchy sequence.
Proof. We know that an → q. Here is a ubiquitous trick: instead of using ω in the definition, start
with an arbitrary small ω > 0, and then choose N so that |an − q| < ω/2 when n > N . Then if
m, n > N , we have
ω ω
|an − am | = |(an − q) − (am − q)| ≤ |an − q| + |am − q| < + = ω.
2 2
This shows that (an ) is a Cauchy sequence.
Our intuition tells us that, if the terms get closer and closer to each other, they must be getting
closer and closer to something. It is this intuition which motivated Cauchy to use such sequences to
define the real numbers: R is a completion of Q. The sequence 3, 3.1, 3.14, 3.142, 3.1416, 3.14159, . . .
is Cauchy but does not converge to a rational number; hence, there must be some irrational number
to which it converges, and we will complete the rationals by adding it (and all the other numbers
to which Cauchy sequences look like they’re tending).
The next theorem shows that, even though a Cauchy sequence may not converge, it certainly
can’t get arbitrarily large.
Theorem 2.5. If (an ) is a Cauchy sequence, then it is bounded; that is, there is some large number
M such that |an | ≤ M for all n.
Proof. Since (an ) is Cauchy, setting ω = 1 we know that there is some N such that |am − an | < 1
whenever m, n > N . Thus, |aN +1 − an | < 1 for n > N . We can rewrite this as
aN +1 − 1 < an < aN +1 + 1.
This means that |an | is less than the maximum of |aN +1 − 1| and |aN +1 + 1|. So, set M equal to
the maximum number in the following list:
{|a0 |, |a1 |, . . . , |aN |, |aN +1 − 1|, |aN +1 + 1|} .
Then for any term an , if n ≤ N , then |an | appears in the list and so |an | ≤ M ; if n > N , then
(as shown above) |an | is less than at least one of the last two entries in the list, and so |an | ≤ M .
Hence, M is a bound for the sequence.
We will use Theorem 2.5 in Section 4 to verify the field axioms for our newly-minted real
We are now almost ready to discuss Cauchy’s construction of the real number system. We will
define a real number (almost) as: a Cauchy sequence of rational numbers. However, as discussed
in Section 1, we need to deal with the ambiguity presented by different sequences converging to
the same number. Hence, we will need to group Cauchy sequences into sets, all of which have the
same tail behaviour, and we will define a real number to be such a set of Cauchy sequences.
The question is, how do we properly define the sets? This is a case where we have a large
collection of objects, and we want to divide them into groups by similar behaviour. This situation
comes up extremely often in mathematics. One method would be to label a collection of bins, and
then toss all the elements into the different bins accordingly. The problem with this is that it can
often be very difficult to come up with the labels: where does one even begin? In our case, we
would need to label the bins explicitly with all the different possible tail behaviours of sequences,
and that is an arduous task indeed. In general, there is a procedure for grouping objects which does
not require labelling. Instead, we divide our objects into equivalence classes.
The important idea is the following: suppose we have already grouped the objects into bins.
For example, we group all human beings into families. Then we notice the following very simple
facts about families: first, any person is related to him- or herself, automatically. Now, if Sally is
related to Tom, then Tom is related to Sally (we say that relation is symmetric). And finally, there
is transitivity, which is an important way of recognizing relation: if Sally is related to Tom, and
Tom is related to Rachel, then Sally is also related to Rachel.
These three properties of family relation are, in fact, all that is necessary to group a set into
smaller, non-intersecting sets (as we’ll see below). So we begin by abstracting the notion of family
relation to equivalence relation.
Definition 3.1. Let S be a set of (mathematical) objects. A relation among pairs of elements of S
is said to be an equivalence relation if the following three properties hold:
Reflexivity: for any s ∈ S, s is related to s.
Symmetry: for any s, t ∈ S, if s is related to t then t is related to s.
Transitivity: for any s, t, r ∈ S, if s is related to t and t is related to r, then s is related to r.
The following proposition goes most of the way to showing that an equivalence relation divides a
set into bins.
Theorem 3.2. Let S be a set, with an equivalence relation on pairs of elements. For s ∈ S, denote
by [s] the set of all elements in S that are related to s. Then for any s, t ∈ S, either [s] = [t] or [s]
and [t] are disjoint.
Proof. Let s, t be any two elements of s. Let us assume that there is some element r which is in
both [s] and [t]; in other words, r is related to s and r is related to t. Now, let a be any element
in [s]. Since a is related to s and s is related to r (by symmetry), by transitivity a is related to r.
But r is also related to t, so (again by transitivity) a is related to t. This means that a ∈ [t]. We
have thus demonstrated that [s] ⊆ [t]. But the other inclusion follows by almost exactly the same
argument: if b ∈ [t], then b is related to t, and since t is related to r (by symmetry), b is related
to r by transitivity. But r is related to s, so by transitivity b is related to s. Hence, b ∈ [s], and so
[t] ⊆ [s]. Hence, [t] = [s] if they have even one element in their intersection.
The sets [s] for s ∈ S are called the equivalence classes, and they are the bins.
The astute observer will notice that the above proof never used the reflexive property of the
relation. In fact, the result holds perfectly well for relations that are symmetric and transitive
but not reflexive. The only trouble is that without reflexivity, an element may not be related to
anything. If so, that element won’t be in any equivalence class – it won’t get sorted into a bin at
all. But reflexivity saves the day.
Corollary 3.3. If S is a set with an equivalence relation on pairs of elements, then the equivalence
classes are non-empty disjoint sets whose union is all of S.
Proof. We have already seen, in Proposition 3.2, that different equivalence classes are disjoint.
Now, by reflexivity, for each s ∈ S, s ∈ [s], and so each equivalence class is nonempty (containing
at least one element). Also, since each s ∈ S is in an equivalence class, the union of all classes is
the whole set S.
To summarize: any equivalence relation will divide a set into bins, without the need to explicitly
label them. Moreover, as discussed above, if we already have a set divided into bins, then there
is an equivalence relation lurking about: we declare to elements to be related if they are in the
same bin. So equivalence relations are just another way of dividing sets into small pieces; any such
division may be accomplished with an equivalence relation.
We now stand ready to give Cauchy’s construction of R. The real numbers will be constructed
as equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences. Let CQ denote the set of all Cauchy sequences of
rational numbers. We must define an equivalence relation on CQ .
Definition 4.1. Let (an ) and (bn ) be in CQ . Say they are equivalent (i.e. related) if an − bn → 0;
i.e. if the sequence (an − bn ) tends to 0.
The point of this definition is precisely what we had in mind for the equivalence classes to
represent real numbers. To say that an − bn → 0 means that the tails of the two sequences get,
and stay, arbitrarily close to each other: the two sequences have the same tail behaviour. But to be
precise, we need to make sure that, indeed, Definition 4.1 gives an equivalence relation.
Proposition 4.2. Definition 4.1 yields an equivalence relation on CQ .
Proof. we need to show that this relation is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.
• Reflexive: an − an = 0, and the sequence all of whose terms are 0 clearly converges to 0.
So (an ) is related to (an ).
• Symmetric: Suppose (an ) is related to (bn ), so an − bn → 0. But bn − an = −(an − bn ),
and since only the absolute value |an − bn | = |bn − an | comes into play in Definition 2.2,
it follows that bn − an → 0 as well. Hence, (bn ) is related to (an ).
• Transitive: Here we will use the ω/2 trick we applied to prove Theorem 2.4. Suppose (an )
is related to (bn ), and (bn ) is related to (cn ). This means that an − bn → 0 and bn − cn → 0.
To be fully precise, let us fix a small ω > 0; then there exists an N such that for all n > N ,
|an − bn | < ω/2; also, there exists an M such that for all n > M , |bn − cn | < ω/2. Well,
then, as long as n is bigger than both N and M , we have that
ω ω
|an − cn | = |(an − bn ) + (bn − cn )| ≤ |an − bn | + |bn − cn | < + = ω.
2 2
So, choosing L equal to the max of N, M , we see that given ω > 0 we can always choose
L so that for n > L, |an − cn | < ω. This means that an − cn → 0 – i.e. (an ) is related to
(cn ).
So, we really have an equivalence relation, and so by Corollary 3.3, the set CQ is partitioned into
disjoint subsets (equivalence classes). Now, hold your breath. . . here it comes. . .
Definition 4.3. The real numbers R are the equivalence classes [(an )] of Cauchy sequences of
rational numbers, as per Definition 4.1. That is, each such equivalence class is a real number.
Great! Now we know what real numbers are. Except. . . do we? We have a formal construction,
which produces a set of objects. But the real numbers we know (and perhaps love) have lots of
structure to them, as spelled out by the field axioms, order axioms, and least upper bound property,
as in §1.5 – 1.19 in [1]. In fact, we need to work harder in order to recognize these equivalence
classes as real numbers. To get started: we are used to Q being a subset of R, but as we’ve
constructed R, it’s hard to see Q. Let’s squint a little.
Definition 4.4. Given any rational number q, define a real number q̃ to be the equivalence class of
the sequence (q, q, q, q, . . .) consisting entirely of q.
So we view Q as being inside R by thinking of each rational number q as its associated equivalence
class q̃. It is standard to abuse this notation, and simply refer to the equivalence class as q as well.
Okay, so we know where the rationals sit. But what about the algebraic structure of R? Before
we can verify field axioms, we need to decide what it means to add two equivalence classes of
Cauchy sequences; to multiply them; what 1 and 0 are. Before we can verify the order axioms, we
need to know what it means to say [(an )] < [(bn )] in the first place!
Definition 4.5. Let s, t ∈ R, so there are Cauchy sequences (an ), (bn ) of rational numbers with
s = [(an )] and t = [(bn )].
(a) Define s + t to be the equivalence class of the sequence (an + bn ).
(b) Define s · t to be the equivalence class of the sequence (an · bn ).
Okay, so now we have all the main players, and all we need to do is verify the field axioms (to
see that R is a field), right? Well, not quite. You see, there’s a catch when you define things using
equivalence relations. If you ever wish to define some operation on equivalence classes, you can’t
just willy-nilly define it for one member of the class and expect it to make sense for all members of
the class. If we are thinking in terms of family relation, one could consider applying the property
“is friendly with a Montague” to Juliet, which is surely true (she was very friendly with Romeo).
However, this property most certainly does not extend to her father, head of the Capulets, who
were practically at war with the Montagues!
We wish to define the real number [(an )] + [(bn )] to be simply [(an + bn )], à la Definition 4.5(a).
In mathematical terms, the Montagues vs. Capulets problem is just this: the real number [(an )] is
represented by a zillion other sequences, like [(cn )] (for example, with (an ) = (1, 1, 1, 1, . . .) and
(cn ) = (0.9, 0.99, 0.999, 0.999, . . .)). Similarly, [(bn )] = [(dn )] for a zillion other (dn )s. So, what
makes us think that, just because [(an )] = [(cn )] and [(bn )] = [(dn )] that [(an + bn )] = [(cn + dn )]?
In fact, there’s no a priori reason we should think this is the case. We need to prove that this works,
in order to show that the method of addition we’ve laid out is well-defined.
Proposition 4.6. The operations +, · in Definition 4.5(a),(b) are well-defined.
Proof. Suppose that [(an )] = [(cn )] and [(bn )] = [(dn )]. Thus means that an − cn → 0 and
bn − dn → 0. Then (an + bn ) − (cn + dn ) = (an − cn ) + (bn − dn ). Now, using the familiar ω/2
trick, you can construct a proof that this tends to 0, and so [(an + bn )] = [(cn + dn )].
Multiplication is a little trickier; this is where we will use Theorem 2.5. We will also use another
ubiquitous technique: adding 0 in the form of s−s. Again, suppose that [(an )] = [(cn )] and [(bn )] =
[(dn )]; we wish to show that [(an · bn )] = [(cn · dn )], or, in other words, that an · bn − cn · dn → 0.
Well, we add and subtract one of the other cross terms, say bn · cn :
an · bn − cn · dn = an · bn + (bn · cn − bn · cn ) − cn · dn
= (an · bn − bn · cn ) + (bn · cn − cn · dn )
= bn · (an − cn ) + cn · (bn − dn ).
Hence, we have |an · bn − cn · dn | ≤ |bn | · |an − cn | + |cn | · |bn − dn |. Now, from Theorem 2.5,
there are numbers M and L such that |bn | ≤ M and |cn | ≤ L for all n. Taking some number R
(for example = M + L) which is bigger than both, we have
|an · bn − cn · dn | ≤ |bn | · |an − cn | + |cn | · |bn − dn | ≤ R(|an − cn | + |bn − dn |).
Now, noting that both an − cn and bn − dn tend to 0 and using the ω/2 trick (actually, this time
we’ll want to use ω/2R, I suggest you work out the details), we see that an · bn − cn · dn → 0.
So, now that we have well-defined operations, it behooves us to prove that R, equipped with
them, is a field. This is a long and laborious task, and we shall not really work through it here; the
interested reader should be in a position to prove the field axioms him- or herself! We will work
out one slightly trickier example here, just to give a flavor.
Theorem 4.7. Given any real number s 6= 0, there is a real number t such that s · t = 1.
Proof. First we must properly understand what the theorem says. The premise is that s is nonzero,
which means that s is not in the equivalence class of (0, 0, 0, 0, . . .). In other words, s = [(an )]
where an − 0 does not converge to 0. From this, we are to deduce the existence of a real number
t = [(bn )] such that s · t = [(an · bn )] is the same equivalence class as [(1, 1, 1, 1, . . .)]. Doing so is
actually an easy consequence of the fact that nonzero rational numbers have multiplicative inverses,
but there is a subtle difficulty. Just because s is nonzero (i.e. (an ) does not tend to 0), there’s no
reason any number of the terms in (an ) can’t equal 0. However, it turns out that eventually, an 6= 0.
That is,
Lemma 4.8. If (an ) is a Cauchy sequence which does not tend to 0, then there is an N such that,
for n > N , an 6= 0.
The proof of Lemma 4.8 is left to you. We will now use it to complete the proof of Theorem 4.7.
Let N be such that an 6= 0 for n > N . Define a sequence bn of rational numbers as follows:
for n ≤ N , bn = 0, and for n > N , bn = 1/an ; (bn ) = (0, 0, . . . , 0, 1/aN +1 , 1/aN +2 , . . .). (This
makes sense since, for n > N , an is a nonzero rational number, so 1/an exists.) Then an · bn is
equal to an · 0 = 0 for n ≤ N , and equals an · bn = an · 1/an = 1 for n > N . Well, then, if we
look at the sequence (1, 1, 1, 1, . . .), we have (1, 1, 1, 1, . . .) − (an · bn ) is the sequence which is
1 − 0 = 1 for n ≤ N and equals 1 − 1 = 0 for n > N . Since this sequence is eventually equal to
0, it converges to 0, and so [(an · bn )] = [(1, 1, 1, 1, . . .)] = 1 ∈ R. This shows that t = [(bn )] is a
multiplicative inverse to s = [(an )].
Our choice of (bn ) to start with 0s was arbitrary; we could have chosen it to equal 17 until after
the N th stage, or chosen each term randomly from Q; the only important choice is that bn = 1/an
for n > N .
Following proofs that are generally easier than this one, we can show that R, +, · is a field.
Now, we want R to be an ordered field, which means there is an order relation < on R which
respects the field operations, as spelled out in §1.5 and §1.17 of [1]. Like before, having newly
constructed these “real” numbers, we must define what it means for one to be less than another.
We will take our intuition from rational approximating sequences again. How do we know that
π > 3.141592? Well, 3 isn’t greater than 3.141592, nor is 3.14. 3.142 is, as is 3.1416, but 3.14159
is not. However, eventually, after a certain stage in this approximating sequence to π (once we get
past the 6th decimal digit), we find that all the terms in the sequence after some point are greater
than 3.141592.
Definition 4.9. Let s ∈ R. Say that s is positive if s 6= 0, and if s = [(an )] for some Cauchy
sequence such that for some N , an > 0 for all n > N . Given two real numbers s, t, say that s > t
if s − t is positive.
Again, to be fully rigorous we would have to show that this definition is well-defined (that if
any one Cauchy sequence in the equivalence class of s eventually has only positive terms, then any
other Cauchy sequence in the same equivalence class eventually has only positive terms). This is
an exercise similar to other proofs in these notes and on your homework; the interested reader can
fill in the details.
Now, we can verify all of the order axioms hold for R. As with the field axioms, this is a
laborious task and is best done by each person in private. We will provide a proof of one of the
axioms here, just for flavor.
Theorem 4.10. Let s, t be real numbers such that s > t, and let r ∈ R. Then s + r > t + r.
Proof. Let s = [(an )], t = [(bn )], and r = [(cn )]. Since s > t, i.e. s − t > 0, we know that there
is an N such that, for n > N , an − bn > 0. So an > bn for n > N . Now, adding cn to both sides
of this inequality (as we know we can do for rational numbers), we have an + cn > bn + cn for
n > N , or (an + cn ) − (bn + cn ) > 0 for n > N . Note also that (an + cn ) − (bn + cn ) = an − bn
does not converge to 0, by the assumption that s − t > 0. Thus, by Definition 4.9, this means that
s + r = [(an + cn )] > [(bn + cn )] = t + r.
Proofs of the other order axioms follow suit.
So, we have constructed an ordered field R. In particular, now that we know when a real number
is positive, we can define the absolute value of a real number just is we do in the rational case. This
means that we can apply Definitions 2.2 and 2.3 to sequences of real numbers as well. We will do
so in what follows.
The thing that really distinguished R from Q is the least upper bound property. To complete our
discussion, we must show that this crazy set R of equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences really
satisfies the least upper bound property! This takes a little work, but it is worth doing since the
proof we’re about to lay out is a prototype for many similar theorems you’ll see in years to come.
Before getting directly to this proof, let us pause to prove that R is an Archimedean field.
Of course, once we’ve proven that R has the least upper bound property, we will know it’s
Archimedean by a theorem proved in the first week of class; but we can actually use the Archimedean
property to help prove the least upper bound property in this case.
Theorem 4.11. R has the Archimedean property.
Proof. Let s, t > 0 be real numbers. We need to find a natural number m so that m · s > t. First,
recall that, by m in this context, we mean [(m, m, m, m, . . .)]. So, letting s = [(an )] and t = [(bn )],
what we need to show is that there exists m with
[(m, m, m, m, . . .)] · [(a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 , . . .)] = [(ma1 , ma2 , ma3 , ma4 , . . .)] > [(b1 , b2 , b3 , b4 , . . .)].
Now, to say that [(man )] > [(bn )], or [(man − bn )] is positive, is, by Definition 4.9, just to say that
there is N such that man − bn > 0 for all n > N , while man − bn 6→ 0. To be precise, the first
statement is:
There exist m, N ∈ N so that man > bn for all n > N.
• Set u0 = M and `0 = s0 .
• Suppose that we have already defined un and `n . Consider the number mn = (un + `n )/2,
the average between un and `n .
– If mn is an upper bound for S, define un+1 = mn and `n+1 = `n .
– If mn is not an upper bound for S, define un+1 = un and `n+1 = mn .
Since s0 < M , it is easy to prove by induction that (un ) is a non-increasing sequence (un+1 ≤ un )
and (`n ) is a non-decreasing sequence (`n+1 ≥ `n ). This gives us
Lemma 4.14. (un ) and (`n ) are Cauchy sequences of real numbers.
Proof. Note that each `n ≤ M for all n. Since (`n ) is non-decreasing, it follows that (`n ) is Cauchy
(this is left for you to show; consider the proof of Theorem 3.14 in [1]). For (un ), we have un ≥ s0
for all n, and so −un ≤ −s0 . Since (un ) is non-increasing, (−un ) is non-decreasing, and so as
above, (−un ) is Cauchy. It is easy to verify that, therefore, (un ) is Cauchy.
A Cauchy sequence of rational numbers looks like it must be tending to something, but may not
(as discussed above). This doesn’t happen in R; in fact, that is the whole point of the construction.
To bring this home, the following Lemma shows that (un ) does tend to a real number.
Lemma 4.15. There is a real number u such that un → u.
Proof. Fix a term un in the sequence (un ). By Theorem 4.12, there is a rational number qn such
that |un − qn | < 1/n. Consider the sequence (q1 , q2 , q3 , . . .) of rational numbers. We will show this
sequence is Cauchy. Fix ω > 0. By the Archimedean property, choose N so that 1/N < ω/3. We
know, since (un ) is Cauchy, that there is an M such that for n, m > M , |un − um | < ω/3. Then,
so long as n, m > max{N, M }, we have
ω ω ω
|qn −qm | = |(qn −un )+(un −um )+(um −qm )| ≤ |qn −un |+|un −um |+|um −qm | < + + = ω.
3 3 3
Thus, (qn ) is a Cauchy sequence of rational numbers, and so it represents a real number u = [(qn )].
We must show that un − u → 0, but this is practically built into the definition of u. To be precise,
letting q̃n be the real number [(qn , qn , qn , . . .)], we see immediately that q̃n −u → 0 (this is precisely
equivalent to the statement that (qn ) is Cauchy). But un − q̃n < 1/n by construction; the reader
may readily verify the assertion that if a sequence q̃n → u and un − q̃n → 0, then un → u.
So (un ), a non-increasing sequence of upper bounds for S, tends to a real number u. As you’ve
guessed, u is the least upper bound of our set S. To prove this, we need one more lemma.
Lemma 4.16. `n → u.
Proof. First, note in the first case above, we have that
un + `n un − `n
un+1 − `n+1 = mn − `n = − `n = .
2 2
In the second case, we also have
un + `n un − `n
un+1 − `n+1 = un − mn = un − = .
2 2
Now, this means that u1 −`1 = 12 (M −s), and so u2 −`2 = 12 (u1 −`1 ) = ( 12 )2 (L−s), and in general
(as you can easily prove by induction), un − `n = 2−n (L − s). Since L > s so L − s > 0, and
since 2−n < 1/n, by the Archimedean property for R, we have for any ω > 0 that 2−n (L − s) < ω
for all sufficiently large n. Thus, un − `n < 2−n (L − s) < ω as well, and so un − `n → 0. Again,
the reader should verify that, since un → u, we have `n → u as well.
Proof of Theorem 4.13. First, we show that u is an upper bound. Well, suppose it is not, so that
u < s for some s ∈ S. Then ω ≡ s − u is > 0, and since un → u and is non-increasing, there
must be an n so that un − u < ω, meaning that un < u + ω = u + (s − u) = s. Since un is an
upper bound for S, however, this is a contradiction. Hence, u is an upper bound for S.
Now, we also know that, for each n, `n is not an upper bound, meaning that for each n, there
is an sn ∈ S so that `n ≤ sn . Lemma 4.16 tells us that `n → u, and since the sequence (`n ) is
non-decreasing, this means that for each ω > 0, there is an N so that for n > N , `n > u − ω.
Hence, for n > N , sn ≥ `n > u − ω as well. In particular, for each ω > 0, there is an element
s ∈ S such that s > u − ω. This means that no number smaller than u can be an upper bound for
S. Hence, u is the least upper bound for S: sup s exists. Hurrah!
This concludes our construction of these unreal Réal numbers. Remember: they are only real
(in the vernacular sense) inasumch as they are well-approximated by rational numbers. In any
case, we can now rest assured that the declaration of Theorem 1.19 in [1] (the existence of the real
numbers) is valid; there really does exist (abstractly) an ordered-field with the least upper bound
property. Good times!
[1] Rudin, W.: Principles of Mathematical Analysis. Third Edition. International Series in Pure and Applied Mathe-
matics. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York – Aukland – Düsseldorf, 1976.