A Novel DWT-CT Approach in Digital Watermarking Using PSO: Sachin Gupta Priyanka Mitra
A Novel DWT-CT Approach in Digital Watermarking Using PSO: Sachin Gupta Priyanka Mitra
A Novel DWT-CT Approach in Digital Watermarking Using PSO: Sachin Gupta Priyanka Mitra
Abstract---The importance of watermarking is dramatically enhanced due to the promising technologies like Internet of Things (IoT), Data
analysis, and automation of identification in many sectors. Due to these reasons, systems are inter-connected through networking and internet
and huge amounts of information is generated, distributed and transmitted over the World Wide Web. Thus authentication of the information is a
challenging task. The algorithm developed for the watermarking needs to be robust against various attack such as salt & peppers, filtering,
compression and cropping etc. This paper focuses on the robustness of the algorithm by using a hybrid approach of two transforms such as
Contourlet, Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). Also, the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is used to optimize the embedding strength
factor. The proposed digital watermarking algorithm has been tested against common types of image attacks. Experiment results for the
proposed algorithm gives better performance by using similarity metrics such as NCC (Normalized Cross Correlation value) and PSNR (Peak
Signal to Noise Ratio).
Keywords—watermarking, particle swarm optimization, discrete wavelet transfrom, contourlet transformation, PSNR, NCC.
In order to easily compare with other watermarking
techniques in the literature, a standard 256 x 256 grey scale
Lena image is used as the host image. The watermark image is
made from a binary loge image of size 128 x 128 pixels. In
contourlet decomposition, both LP decomposition and DFB
decomposition with „pkva‟ filters is used. The first two
pyramidal levels are chosen and the number of directional sub
bands for each level is set to 2, 4 and 8. In wavelet
decomposition, „haar‟ filters are used because of their high
efficiency. Testing the robustness is done by applying a
number of different attacks which are JPEG, median filtering,
average filtering, salt & pepper noise, cropping, image
sharpening, and histogram equalization.
II. Watermark Extraction Unit
Watermark extraction process deals with the retrieval of
the watermark in the presence of the original image. The Types of Lena Image
objective of the watermark extraction algorithm is to obtain attacks Watermarked Image Extracted Logo
the reliable an estimate of the original watermark from the
watermarked image. The extraction process is opposite of the
watermark embedding process. Fig. 4 shows the block Cropping
diagram of the watermark extraction algorithm.
IJRITCC | December 2017, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 12 137 – 141
Figure 7 Comparison of NCC values without attacks
Table II PSNR Parameter values with attacks
Types of Attacks Existing Proposed
Salt & Method[16] Method
Pepper Salt and Pepper Noise 24.868 34.3960
Gaussian Noise 19.491 40.0398
Median Filtering 28.853 33.2168
Averaging Filtering 28.229 30.9815
Figure 5. Several attacks on “Lena” image and their
Sharpening 25.434 34.5457
corresponding extracted watermarks
JPEG Compression (50%) 26.579 35.1935
VI. COMPARISON RESULT JPEG Compression (70%) 33.051 39.3148
Here the results of the proposed method are compared with
Sonam et al. [16] method for Lena image. As it is shown in
the table, when the image has been corrupted by JPEG
compression, the proposed method provides more robust
watermark extraction when the quality factor is low. The
proposed method shows that the image remains imperceptible
(because PSNR> 30 dB) while the watermark survives from
attacks. The comparison is given in the table below:
IJRITCC | December 2017, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 12 137 – 141
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IJRITCC | December 2017, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org