Functional Specification Template
Functional Specification Template
Functional Specification Template
Version History
{This section provides the version history of the document as a part of project configuration
management. It will have to be essentially updated before every release of the document}
Issue control
Author <COMPANY Functional Consultant Name>
Reviewer <COMPANY Functional Team Lead Name>
Owner <COMPANY Project Manager Name>
Date <Document’s current version release date>
File Reference <//PC Name/Directory Path/File Name>
Related Documents
{This section identifies out those documents that are the origin of the functional specification and
may make the reference of documents such as Business blueprint, other process design
{This section provides an explanation of any abbreviated terms used in the document}
Acronym Explanation
Table of Contents
1 Functional Specification....................................................................5
1.1 Scope......................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.1 Overview...................................................................................................... 5
1.1.2 Description................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Main Elements of Interface Design............................................................................5
1.2.1 Input Selection Criteria.................................................................................5
1.2.2 Validations.................................................................................................... 6
1.2.3 Data extraction............................................................................................. 6
1.2.4 Data processing............................................................................................ 7
1.2.5 Currency & Units of Measurement................................................................7
1.2.6 Objects/Tables update..................................................................................7
1.2.7 Outputs......................................................................................................... 7
1.2.8 Final Processing........................................................................................... 8
1.2.9 Error & Message Handling...........................................................................8
1.3 Other Specification Details......................................................................................... 8
1.3.1 Scheduling Information, Frequency and Triggers / File Location..................8
1.3.2 Processing Mode.......................................................................................... 8
1.3.3 Volumetric..................................................................................................... 8
1.3.4 Performance and Response Times..............................................................9
1.3.5 Recovery and Restart Mechanism................................................................9
1.3.6 Assumptions................................................................................................. 9
1.3.7 Outstanding issues and omissions...............................................................9
1.4 Test Data.................................................................................................................... 9
2 Appendix 1 – Selection Screen Design..............................................10
3 Appendix 2 – Interface File Layouts..................................................11
4 Appendix 3 - Flow Diagram of Logic.................................................12
5 Appendix 4 – Report Layout..............................................................................13
1 Functional Specification
1.1 Scope
{This section is about an overview of the document}
1.1.1 Overview
Information Content
New or modification of existing
On-line or Batch
Input Files Type
Output Files Type
File Handling
SAP Module(s) involved
SAP Transaction Code(s)
Legacy System
1.1.2 Description
{This sub-section mentions the need for ABAP development to meet this requirement. It will also
contain sub-sections to address the key requirements and dependencies of the development} Dependencies
{This sub-section very clearly brings out the dependencies for the execution of this development.
This information will also be helpful in the unit testing phase}
1.2.2 Validations
{This section specifies the validations that are to be performed in the program}
1.2.7 Outputs
{This section contains the methods to present the overall statistics and details of the success
records updated and the error records that were not updated} Screens Reports
{This section provides the way interface results are presented to the user. Options are to
generate an error log file in the form of a text file containing the contents of the error record, error
message code and description. The error log could also be output in the form a non-ALV SAP
report. The output format of the error report is shown in Appendix 4. The report should include a
summary giving the statistics of processing of input records}
1.3.3 Volumetric
{Information provided by the functional designer in this section will be immensely useful for the
programmer to develop optimum flow logic algorithms in the program based upon the different
data volumes. Information about the growth rate of data volume will also be contained in this
1.3.6 Assumptions
{This section brings out all the assumptions made in the development of this document, and the
likely timeframe for their validation. The issued version of this document should contain no un-
validated assumptions}