Code of Corporate Governance
Code of Corporate Governance
Code of Corporate Governance
Management 48A – B
The term “Corporate Governance” came into popularity during the 1970s in the United States. However,
due to the huge scope of the subject, there is no definite historical treatment for corporate governance.
But it can be traced since the time when the corporate form paved way for a possible conflict between
investors and managers.
Mid-1970s – the federal Securities and Exchange Commission (S.E.C.) included corporate
governance on the official reform agenda
1976- the term “Corporate Governance” first appeared in the Federal Register, the official
journal of the federal government
1997- Asian Crisis happened due to failure of corporate governance in five countries including
the Philippines. There was a mismanagement of resources because of poor investing and risky
financial decisions
2002- The Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission issued Memorandum Circular 2,
Series of 2002, otherwise known as the Code of Corporate Governance, under resolution no.
135 dated April 4, 2002. This is to ensure that fair legal frameworks are being used.
2009- SEC approved the promulgation of the Revised Code of Corporate Governance
Trends of Corporate Governance
Two of the world’s five largest economies are being judged as politically uncertain by political
movements around the world. The ambiguity of the future regulatory and political environments of the
United Kingdom and the United States will cause the board and the management to be prepared on the
possible implications of this issue.
Prominent business leaders and investors are encouraging companies to focus on long-term value
creation rather than maximizing short-term earnings.
Increasing expectations around the oversight role of the board, to include greater oversight of
strategy and scenario planning, investor engagement, and executive succession planning.
Continued focus on board refreshment and composition, with particular attention being paid to
directors’ skill profiles, the currency of directors’ knowledge, director overboarding, diversity,
and robust mechanisms for board refreshment that go beyond box-ticking exercises.
Greater scrutiny of company plans for sustained value creation, as concerns increase that
activist settlements and other market forces are causing short-term priorities to compromise
long-term interests.
Greater focus on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues, and in particular, those
related to climate change and sustainability, as industries beyond the extractive sector begin to
feel investor pressure in this area.
Corporate Governance Framework
“The corporate governance Framework should promote transparent and efficient markets, be consistent
with the rule of law and clearly articulate the division of responsibilities among different supervisory,
regulatory and enforcement authorities.”
FAIRNESS- It entails avoiding of bias towards one or more entities as compared to the other(s).
TRANSPARENCY- Lessens the likelihood of nepotism, corruption, favoritism, etc. This is crucial since all
the decisions made by the government are based on this information and are for the public.
ACCOUNTABILITY- the recognition and assumption of responsibility for the programs and plans of the
corporation and people involved, including the obligation to report, explain and be answerable for its
resulting consequences.
PRUDENCE- “care, caution and good judgement as well as wisdom in looking ahead”
Article 1
Definition of Terms
a) Corporate Governance – the framework of h) Non-audit work – the other services offered
rules, systems and processes in the corporation by an external auditor to a corporation that are
that governs the performance by the Board of not directly related and relevant to its statutory
Directors and Management of their respective audit functions;
duties and responsibilities to the stockholders; i) Internal control – the system established by
b) Board of Directors – the governing body the Board of Directors and Management for the
elected by the stockholders that exercises the accomplishment of the corporation’s objectives,
corporate powers of a corporation, conducts all the efficient operation of its business, the
its business and controls its properties; reliability of its financial reporting, and faithful
c) Exchange – an organized market place or compliance with applicable laws, regulations
facility that brings together buyers and sellers, and internal rules;
and executes trades of securities and/or j) Internal control system – the framework
commodities; under which internal controls are developed
d) Management – the body given the authority and implemented (alone or in concert with
by the Board of Directors to implement the other policies or procedures) to manage and
policies it has laid down in the conduct of the control a particular risk or business activity
business of the corporation; k) Internal audit – an independent and objective
e) Independent director – a person who, apart assurance activity designed to add value to and
from his fees and shareholdings, is independent improve the corporation’s operations, and help
of management and free from any business or it accomplish its objectives
other relationship; l) Internal audit department – a department or
f) Executive director – a director who is also the unit of the corporation and its consultants, if
head of a department or unit of the corporation any, that provide independent and objective
or performs any work related to its operation; assurance services in order to add value to and
g) Non -executive director – a director who is improve the corporation’s operations;
not the head of a department or unit of the m) Internal Auditor – the highest position in the
corporation nor performs any work related to corporation responsible for internal audit
its operation; activities
Article 2
Rules of Interpretation
A. All references to the masculine gender in the salient provisions of this Code shall likewise cover
the feminine gender.
B. All doubts or questions that may arise in the interpretation or application of this Code shall be
resolved in favor of promoting transparency, accountability and fairness to the stockholders and
investors of the corporation.
Article 3
Board Governance
D) Composition of the Board
• at least five (5), but not more than fifteen (15)
• at least two (2) independent directors or such number of independent directors that constitutes
twenty percent (20%) of the members of the Board
• membership may be a combination of executive and non-executive
E) Multiple Board Seats
• guidelines on the number of directorships that its members can hold in stock and non-stock
• should take into consideration the capacity of a director to diligently and efficiently perform his
duties and responsibilities.
C) The Chair and Chief Executive Officer
• Roles, as much as practicable, be separate
The duties and responsibilities:
Ensure that the meetings of the Board are held in accordance with the by-laws or as the Chair
may deem necessary;
Supervise the preparation of the agenda of the meeting in coordination with the Corporate
Secretary, taking into consideration the suggestions of the CEO, Management and the directors;
Maintain qualitative and timely lines of communication and information between the Board and
D) Qualifications of Directors
1. College education or equivalent academic degree;
2. Practical understanding of the business of the corporation;
3. Membership in good standing in relevant industry, business or professional organizations; and
4. Previous business experience.
E) Disqualification of Directors
1. Permanent Disqualification
i. Any person convicted by final judgment or order by a competent judicial or administrative body
of any crime that:
a. involves the purchase or sale of securities, as defined in the Securities Regulation Code;
(b) arises out of the person’s conduct as an underwriter, broker, dealer, investment
adviser, principal, distributor, mutual fund dealer, futures commission merchant,
commodity trading advisor, or floor broker; or (c) arises out of his fiduciary relationship
with a bank, quasi-bank, trust company, investment house or as an affiliated person of
any of them
2. Temporary Disqualification
(i) Refusal to comply with the disclosure requirements of the Securities Regulation Code and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations. The disqualification shall be in effect as long as the refusal
(ii) Absence in more than fifty (50) percent of all regular and special meetings of the Board during
his incumbency, or any twelve (12) month period during the said incumbency, unless the
absence is due to illness, death in the immediate family or serious accident. The disqualification
shall apply for purposes of the succeeding election.
F) Responsibilities, Duties and Functions of the Board
1. General Responsibility
• To foster the long-term success of the corporation, and to sustain its competitiveness and
profitability in a manner consistent with its corporate objectives and the best interests of its
2. Duties and Functions
• To ensure a high standard of best practice for the corporation and its stockholders, the Board
should conduct itself with honesty and integrity
Duties and functions:
1. Implement a process for the selection of directors.
2. Provide strategic policies to the corporation on major capital expenditures
3. Ensure the corporation’s faithful compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and best
business practices.
4. Establish and maintain an investor relations program.
5. Identify the sectors in the community in which the corporation operates.
6. Adopt a system of check and balance within the Board.
7. Identify key risk areas and performance indicators.
8. Formulate and implement policies and procedures.
9. Constitute an Audit Committee and such other committees
10. Establish and maintain an alternative dispute resolution system.
11. Meet at such times or frequency as may be needed.
12. Keep the activities and decisions of the Board within its authority.
13. Appoint a Compliance Officer.
G) Specific Duties and Responsibilities of a Director
A director should observe the following norms of conduct:
1. Conduct fair business transactions with the corporation, and ensure that his personal interest
does not conflict with the interests of the corporation.
2. Devote the time and attention necessary to properly and effectively perform his duties and
3. Act judiciously.
4. Exercise independent judgment.
5. Have a working knowledge of the statutory and regulatory requirements that affect the
corporation, including its articles of incorporation and by-laws, the rules and regulations of the
Commission and, where applicable, the requirements of relevant regulatory agencies.
6. Observe confidentiality.
H) Internal Control Responsibilities of the Board
Control environment consists:
a) the Board which ensures that the corporation is properly and effectively managed and
b) a Management that actively manages and operates the corporation in a sound and prudent
c) the Organizational and Procedural Controls supported by effective management information
and risk management reporting systems; and
d) an Independent Audit mechanism to monitor the adequacy and effectiveness of the
corporation’s governance, operations, and information systems, including the reliability and
integrity of information
i. The minimum internal control mechanisms:
a. Definition of the duties and responsibilities of the CEO who is ultimately accountable for
the corporation’s organizational and operational controls;
b. Selection of the person who possesses the ability, integrity and expertise essential for
the position of CEO;
c. Evaluation of proposed senior management appointments;
d. Selection and appointment of qualified and competent management officers; and
e. Review of the corporation’s human resource policies, conflict of interest situations,
compensation program for employees, and management succession plan.
ii. Factors:
a. nature and complexity of the business and the business culture;
b. volume, size and complexity of transactions;
c. degree of risks involved;
d. degree of centralization and delegation of authority;
e. extent and effectiveness of information technology;
f. extent of regulatory compliance.
iii. A corporation may establish an internal audit system
• can reasonably assure the Board, Management and stockholders that its key organizational and
operational controls are faithfully complied with
I) Board Meetings and Quorum Requirement
• The members of the Board should attend its regular and special meetings in person or through
teleconferencing conducted in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission.
• Independent directors should always attend Board meetings.
J) Remuneration of Directors and Officers
• The levels of remuneration of the corporation should be sufficient to be able to attract and
retain the services of qualified and competent directors and officers.
• A portion of the remuneration of executive directors may be structured or be based on
corporate and individual performance.
K) Board Committees
The Board shall constitute the proper committees to assist it in good corporate governance.
i. The Audit Committee shall consist of at least three (3) directors.
The committee shall have the following functions:
a. Assist the Board in the performance of its oversight responsibility for the financial
reporting process
b. Provide oversight over Management’s activities in managing credit, market, liquidity,
operational, legal and other risks of the corporation.
c. Perform oversight functions over the corporation’s internal and external auditors.
d. Review the annual internal audit plan to ensure its conformity with the objectives of the
ii. The Board may also organize the following committees:
a. A Nomination Committee, which may be composed of at least three (3) members and
one of whom should be an independent director
b. A Compensation or Remuneration Committee, which may be composed of at least three
(3) members and one of whom should be an independent director
L) The Corporate Secretary
The Corporate Secretary, who should be a Filipino citizen and a resident of the Philippines, is an officer
of the corporation. He should
a. Be responsible for the safekeeping and preservation of the integrity of the minutes of
the meetings
b. Be loyal to the mission, vision and objectives of the corporation;
c. Work fairly and objectively with the Board, Management and stockholders;
d. Have appropriate administrative and interpersonal skills;
e. If he is not at the same time the corporation’s legal counsel, be aware of the laws, rules
and regulations
f. Have a working knowledge of the operations of the corporation;
g. Inform the members of the Board, in accordance with the bylaws, of the agenda of their
h. Attend all Board meetings, except when justifiable causes,
i. Ensure that all Board procedures, rules and regulations are strictly followed by the
members; and
j. If he is also the Compliance Officer, perform all the duties and responsibilities of the said
officer as provided for in this Code.
M) The Compliance Officer
The Board shall appoint a Compliance Officer who shall report directly to the Chair of the Board. He shall
perform the following duties:
1. Monitor compliance by the corporation with this Code and the rules and regulations of
regulatory agencies
2. Appear before the Commission when summoned in relation to compliance with this Code; and
3. Issue a certification every January 30th of the year on the extent of the corporation’s
compliance with this Code
Article 4
Adequate and Timely Information
• To enable the members of the Board to properly fulfill their duties and responsibilities,
Management should provide them with complete, adequate and timely information about the
matters to be taken in their meetings.
• The information may include the background or explanation on matters brought before the
Board, disclosures, budgets, forecasts and internal financial documents.
Article 5
Accountability and Audit
A) The Board
• Primarily accountable to the stockholders
• Provide them with a balanced and comprehensible assessment of the corporation’s
performance, position and prospects on a quarterly basis, including interim and other reports.
• should formulate, under the supervision of the Audit Committee, the rules and procedures on
financial reporting and internal control in accordance with the following guidelines:
1. The extent of its responsibility in the preparation of the financial statements of the corporation
2. An effective system of internal control
3. Internal audit examinations should cover the evaluation of the adequacy and effectiveness of
controls that cover the corporation’s governance, operations and information systems
4. The corporation should consistently comply with the financial reporting requirements of the
5. The external auditor should be rotated or changed every five (5) years or earlier
• The Board after consultations with the Audit Committee, shall recommend to the stockholders
an external auditor duly accredited by the Commission who shall undertake an independent
• Non-audit work may be given to the external auditor, provided it does not conflict with his
duties as an independent auditor, or does not pose a threat to his independence.
• If the external auditor resigns, is dismissed or ceases to perform his services, the reason/s for
and the date of effectivity of such action shall be reported in the corporation’s annual and
current reports.
Article 6
Stockholders’ Rights and Protection of Minority Stockholders’ Interests
A) The Board shall respect the rights of the stockholders as provided for in the Corporation Code,
i. Right to vote on all matters that require their consent or approval;
ii. Pre-emptive right to all stock issuances of the corporation;
iii. Right to inspect corporate books and records;
iv. Right to information;
v. Right to dividends; and
vi. Appraisal right.
The Board
• Should be transparent and fair in the conduct of the annual and special stockholders’ meetings
of the corporation.
• Promote the rights of the stockholders, remove impediments to the exercise of those rights and
provide an adequate avenue for them to seek timely redress for breach of their rights.
• Should give minority stockholders the right to propose the holding of meetings and the items for
discussion in the agenda that relate directly to the business of the corporation
The Stockholders
• Should be encouraged to personally attend such meetings.
• If they cannot attend, they should be apprised ahead of time of their right to appoint a proxy.
Article 7
Governance Self-Rating System
The Board may create an internal self-rating system that can measure the performance of the
Board and Management in accordance with the criteria provided for in this Code.
Article 8
Disclosure and Transparency
• The essence of corporate governance is transparency. The more transparent the internal
workings of the corporation are, the more difficult it will be to mismanage the corporation or
misappropriate its assets.
• It is therefore essential that all material information about the corporation which could
adversely affect its viability or the interests of the stockholders should be publicly and timely
Article 9
Commitment to Good Corporate Governance
• All covered corporations shall establish and implement their corporate governance rules in
accordance with this Code.
• The rules shall be embodied in a manual.
• The manual should be submitted to the Commission for its evaluation within one hundred
eighty (180) business days from the date this Code becomes effective
Article 10
Regular Review of the Code and the Scorecard
Commission may require companies to accomplish annually a scorecard on the scope, nature
and extent of the actions they have taken to meet the objectives of this Code.
Article 11
Administrative Sanctions
A fine of not more than Two Hundred Thousand Pesos (P200,000) shall, after due notice and
hearing, be imposed for every year that a covered corporation violates the provisions of this
Article 12
Effective Date
This Memorandum Circular shall take effect on July 15, 2009.