Navigation Theory

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Q. Draw up a set of Master's standing orders for handing over watch at sea.

• Officer being relieved should ensure that the relieving officer is fully capable of
performing his duties and not under influence of drug or alcohol or sickness.

• Officer being relieved should ensure that relieving officer's vision is adjusted to
prevailing conditions.

• Officer being relieved should not handover in between a manoeuvre.

• Relieving officer should ensure vessels position, course and speed, ships draught,
state of wind, tide or current and state of visibility.

• Relieving officer should ensure that all navigational equipment are performing in
correct manner.

• Relieving officer should check performance of gyro and magnetic compass together
with any errors.

• Relieving officer must read and sign the Master's "night order book" and follow
instructions detailed.

• Relieving officer should check on engine status and steering (auto / manual).

• Relieving officer should ensure that he is aware of the respective traffic and other
vessel movements in the vicinity.

• Relieving officer should make sure that the navigational lights are working during
hours of darkness.

• Relieved officer should make sure that the relieving officer is in full command of the
watch and comfortable with the situation around him with regards to traffic.

• Relieving officer should be made aware of any navigational hazards, and the effects of
heel, trim and squat will not infringe UKC, which might have been anticipated by the
officer being relieved.

• Correct details and timing of relief to be noted in logbook.

• If in any doubt, inform Master.

5(a). Outline the AMVER system.


Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System (AMVER)

Principle : Its principle is to utilise the resources of the many merchant vessels which
are at sea at any one time following a maritime incident.

Purpose : Its purpose is to maximise the efficiency in co-ordinating assistance inorder

to save life and property.

Objective : Its objective is to co-ordinate mutual assistance for the purpose of

distressor SAR activities.

Operating body : United States Coastguard with centres in New York and San

Participation : It is a voluntary service and vessels over 1000 GRT which are engaged
in voyages of 24 hours or more participate in it. Initial ship's data regarding the ship's
size, speed, communications, equipment and facilities are kept in confidential record,
and no information is disclosed except those relevant to SAR operations. It is a
worldwide operation and free of charge with the exception of only UK stations (refer M-

Format : Message format can be obtained from ALRS vol.1. Additional information can
be obtained from Commander Pacific Area, Commander Atlantic Area and
Commandant US Coastguard.

5(b). List the messages that should be sent by a participating vessel, indicating
the content.

Sailing Plan : sent days or even weeks prior to departure.

To include the following :-

- Ship's name and call sign;

- Date, time and port of departure;

- Port of destination;

- ETA at destination;

- Route information;

- Special resources on board.

Departure Report : sent as soon as possible after departure.

To include the following :-

- Ship's name.

- Date, time and port of departure.

Position Report : sent within 24 hours after departure and 48 hours thereafter.

To include the following :-


- Ship's name;

- Time and position;

- Port of destination;

- ETA to destination;

Deviation Report: sent if any changes are made to the sailing plan at the Master's
discretion. To include the following:-

- Ship's name;

- Details of deviation;

- Course and speed;

- Revised ETA.

Arrival Report : sent just prior to or on arrival to pilot roads at the port of destination.
To include the following :-

- Ship's name and call sign;

- Relevant position and time.

5(c). List three other reporting systems with which you are familiar.





4(b). Differentiate between Adopted and Non-Adopted Schemes.

Adopted Schemes are intended for use by all vessels, by day and by night, in all
weathers, in ice free waters or under light ice conditions where no extraordinary
manoeuvres or assistance by ice breakers are required. All routeing systems, adopted
by the IMO in accordance with Rule 10 of International regulations for Preventing
Collision at Sea (1972), applies to all vessels in or near an area of TSS adopted by the
IMO and does not relieve any vessel of her obligation under any other rule.

Non-Adopted Schemes are established by the national government or the local

authorities and are not adopted by the IMO; but may be submitted to the IMO for
approval. The authorities lay down regulations governing its use. Such regulations may
not only modify Rule 10 but also other steering and sailing rules.

4(c). State where information on Traffic Separation Schemes may be obtained.

• All charts show all adopted routeing schemes.


• Ship's Routeing published by and obtainable from the IMO shows details of routeing
systems adopted by IMO.

• Admiralty Sailing Directions mention all TSS, whether or not it has been adopted by

• Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners lists all the TSS shown on
Admiralty charts and also indicates which schemes have been adopted by the IMO.

• Mariner's Routeing Guide Charts (5500 - English Channel and 5501 - Gulf of Suez)
also show the routeing systems.

5(a). List the titles of the main sections of the Weekly Notices to Mariners.

Section I : Explanatory notes, Indexes to Section II.

Section II : Admiralty Notices to Mariners. Correction to charts.

Section III : Reprints of Radio Navigational Warnings.

Section IV : Corrections to Admiralty Sailing Directions.

Section V : Corrections to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals.

Section VI : Corrections to Admiralty List of Radio Signals.

5(b). State the information contained in EACH section of the Notices to Mariners.

Section I : contains explanatory notes and advise on the use of charts and
publications followed by index of notices and chart folio index of charts affected
together with geographical index.

Section II : contains notices for correction of charts, including all notices effecting
navigational charts, and are listed consecutively from the onset of the year. The section
also includes 'T' and 'P' notices relevant to the week. The last weekly notice of each
month will also list the 'T' and 'P' notices which are remaining current. Any new edition
of charts together with new publications issued are listed in this section. Latest edition
of publications are listed at the end of March, June, September and December.

Section III : contains list of all Navarea messages in force with reprints of those issued
during the week. It also list other Hydrolants, Hydropacs, US special warnings received
together with edited reprints of selected messages in force for those areas. The first
weekly notice of each year contains a list of Navarea, Hydrolant and Hydropac

Section IV : contains all corrections effecting Sailing Directions for that week. A
cumulative list of these corrections in force is also published on a monthly basis.

Section V : contains all corrections effecting the Admiralty List of Lights and Fog
Signals for that week.

Section VI : contains all corrections effecting Admiralty List of Radio Signals for that



5. The O.O.W. in a vessel in deep water obtains a shallow sounding unexpectedly.

5(a). State the authority to which the report should be sent.

International Hydrographic Office (IHO) based in Monaco.

5(b). List the information which should accompany.

The information required would include the following :

For H-102 :-

• Ship's name and call sign.

• General location.

• Subject.

• Approximate position (latitude / longitude).

• B.A. chart affected.

• Latest notices to mariners held.

• Publications affected.

For H-102A :-

• Name of port.

• General remarks.

• Anchorages.

• Pilotage.

• Directions.

• Tugs.

• Wharves.

• Cargo handling.

• Cranes.

• Repairs.

• Rescue and distress.

• Supplies.

• Services.


• Communications.

• Port authority.

• Small craft facilities.

• Views

5(c). State the publications from which the report may be obtained.

Weekly Notices to Mariners as issued by the Hydrographic Office Admiralty.

November, '94

1(b). Explain, in general, the factors which make all routes indirect.

Following are the factors which make all routes indirect are :-

• Type of vessel (passenger ,cargo , bulk , tanker , livestock).

• Speed and power capabilities of the vessel.

• Size of vessel (large or small).

• General climatic conditions such as pressure, sea surface temperature, currents, fog,

• Seasonal winds affecting the areas over oceans such as SW'ly monsoons.

• Tropical storms as to which areas are usually affected and which periods of the year
are they expected .

• Depressions sweep across the oceans in north and south hemisphere, all with
uninterrupted winds of long duration and build up heavy seas and swell, and are an
important factor in deciding the route of a passage.

• Loadline Rules.

• Ice Limits.

• Distance and safety of the vessel overall plays an important role in deciding in making
routes indirect .

1(c). Explain why the route recommended for vessel 'B' is so different from all the
other routes.

• Vessel "B" is a small vessel of low power

• This route keeps the SW monsoon and winds on bow for major port of voyage.


4. A vessel is in the Red sea, heading for Suez and Masters night orders include
the following instructions: "Maintain the track laid on the chart, and at morning
twilight, obtain a star sight if at all possible".

4(a). Discuss the problems involved in making stellar observations in the Red sea.

• Abnormal refraction causes an angle between the true direction and apparent
directions of the body as a result of which the body could appear higher than their
actual altitude.

• As temperatures around the Red sea are very high, the altitudes of a body can be
affected by refraction as it depends upon temperature and pressure of the atmosphere.

• Nautical tables have table giving mean refraction based on standard sea level and
pressure values .

• Refraction changes values of "dip" as refraction can also alter a visible horizon.

• Possible dust can create incorrect visible horizon.

• Low coastline can be mistaken as visible horizon.

4(b). (i).State, with reasons, the minimum number of stars required to obtain a
reliable position.

• A minimum of three stars to be used to get a good angle of cut.

• The stars should be well spread around the horizon, and hence, the fix will be inside
the cocked hat; otherwise, the position will be outside the cocked hat.

• Altitudes of the stars should be between 30-60 degrees for a good fix, and where
possible, with approximately the same altitude.

• Generally, four stars are preferred, if possible, 90 degrees apart in azimuth, because
any error due to abnormal refraction will be eliminated by using opposite horizons.

4(b). (ii). Explain which observation, if spread over a period, should be made first.

At sunrise (AM civil twilight) :-

1st Easterly - Less bright star

2nd Easterly - More bright star

3rd Westerly - Less bright star

4th Westerly - More bright star

At sunset (PM civil twilight) :-

1st Easterly - More bright star

2nd Easterly - Less bright star

3rd Westerly - More bright star


4th Westerly - Less bright star

5(a). (i). Outline the basic concept of GMDSS.

Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) is developed by the IMO and
included in the SOLAS convention.

The basic concept of GMDSS is to rapidly alert Search and Rescue authorities ashore
and to the shipping in the immediate vicinity of a vessel in distress so as to co-ordinate
search and rescue operation with the minimum of delay. The system also provides for
urgency and safety communications, and the dissemination of Marine Safety
Information including navigational warnings and weather messages.

All ships to comply with GMDSS requirements by 1st February, 1999.

5(a). (ii). List the sea areas designated by GMDSS and the means of
communication within each.

Sea Area A1 : within the range of shore-based VHF stations (20-50 nm); ships will
carry VHF equipment and either a satellite EPIRB or a VHF EPIRB.

Sea Area A2 : excluding Sea Area A1, and within the range of shore-based MF stations
(150-200 nm); ships will carry VHF and MF equipment, and a satellite EPIRB.

Sea Area A3 : excluding Sea Area A1 and A2, and within the range of geo-stationary
satellite (eg. INMARSAT), covering roughly between 70 N and 70 S; ships will carry
VHF, MF, a satellite EPIRB and either HF or satellite communications equipment.

Sea Area A4 : excluding Sea Areas A1, A2 and A3, covers area beyond INMARSAT
range ie. greater than 70 N or 70 S (Arctic and Antartic Ocean); ships will carry VHF,
MF and HF equipment, and a satellite EPIRB.

NB : Additionally, all ships will carry equipment for receiving MSI broadcasts.


3(b). If there was doubt as to a suspected index error of the sextant used for the
observation indicate reliability of the position.

The index error affects the altitude of the body.

Index error 'on' the arc is subtracted from the sextant altitude, and

Index error 'off' the arc is added to the sextant altitude.

If the incorrect altitude is larger (i.e.+ I.E.) than the actual, then the PL is offset towards
the observed body;

If the incorrect altitude is smaller (i.e.- I.E.) than the actual, then the PL is offset away
from the observed body.

In both the cases, the distance of the offset will be equal to the error.


X Observed body

CI Calculated Intercept

CM Longitude or Meridian

CL Latitude

C Actual Position

Z Azimuth of "X"

If there was no error in the altitude, the intercept would have been zero, C and I would
coincide, thus, causing an error in Latitude | AC and in Departure | BC.

4. The Master / Pilot relationship has, on occasion, led to controversies as to the

responsibilities of each particularly in compulsory Pilotage waters.

(a). List the information

(i). the Master should give the Pilot on boarding his vessel

(ii). the Pilot should give to the Master

(i). (1). Ship's general particulars - length, breadth, depth, etc.

(2). Draught of the vessel.

(3). Vessel's present course and speed; compass error, if any.

(4). Current state of engines.

(4). Speed at respective revolutions at full / half / slow / dead slow.

(5). Type of engine and propeller; bow thruster, if fitted.

(6). Navigation equipment and aids; any error or faults in navigational aids.

(7). Bulbous bow (Y/N).

(8). State of readiness of anchors.

(9). Last port of call.

(10). Port of destination.

(11). Nature of cargo onboard.

(12). Radar status.

(13). VHF channel guarded.

(14). Present position on chart and relevant passage plan details.

(ii). (1). Limits of pilotage authority.


(2). Any local hazard or navigational warning in operation.

(3). Area on chart of reduced underkeel clearance.

(4). Tugs intended for use - how many and where.

(5). ETA at berth and time period of distance of pilotage.

(6). Docking pilot required (Y/N).

(7). Junctions of high traffic density.

(8). Local weather forecast.

(9). Current, eddies and tidal information

(10). Intentions to use anchors and location of safe anchorages.

(11). Special code signals for pilots, if any.

(12). Contact number or VHF channel in case of emergency.

(13). Contingency plan incase of breakdown.

(14). A copy of local by laws.

4(b). State which topics must be discussed and agreed before vessel proceeds.

(1). With present draught, what are the areas of reduced underkeel clearance ?

(2). Are there any navigational warnings in operation ?

(3). Are there any hazards effecting ship's intended track ?

(3). What are the traffic congested or crossing vessels areas ?

(4). What tides and currents will affect the vessel's route and it's ETA ?

(5). What changes, if any, are effecting port regulations or communications ?

(6). What berth and which side alongside ? Tugs (Y/N) and Tug lines (Y/N).

(7). Is passage planning route agreeable or are any changes required ?

4(c). State the duties of the O.O.W. when under pilotage.

(1). Call Master, if in doubt.

(2). Monitor own vessel and other position of other vessels in the vicinity.

(3). Inform Master at check points and communication points.


(4). Maintain an effective lookout.

(5). Remain on manual steering.

(6). VHF watch to be maintained on CH 16 and channel as required by the pilot.

(7). Proceed at a safe speed.

(8). Obtain updated weather reports.

(9). Keep engine room informed.

(10). Maintain logbook entries.

(11). Exhibit correct lights and shapes.

(12). Fly correct flags.

(13). Do not stand vessel into danger.

(14). Use all available means to check vessel's position.

4(d). State the action, in the absence of the Master, that the O.O.W. should take if
he is in doubt as to a Pilot's intention.

In the absence of the Master, the O.O.W. remains the Master's reprasentative inspite of
the pilot.

If the O.O.W. is in doubt as to a Pilot's intentions,

(i). he should consult the Pilot and draw his attention to the passage plan. If necessary,
he should take instantaneous action to reduce to minimum speed required for steerage.

(i). he should not hesitate to overide the Pilot's instructions to maintain the safety of
the vessel, and call the Master immediately telling him about the prevailing
circumstances and position of the ship with regard to the intended passage;

4(e). State the Master's safest course of action, in a compulsory pilotage area, if
the Pilot is unable to continue his duties.

The safest course of action for the Master, in a compulsory pilotage area, if the Pilot is
unable to continue his duties are the following :-

• Master relieves the Pilot and takes the con of the vessel.

• Inform the Port Control or Pilotage Authority over the VHF or phone, and request for a
relief Pilot.

• Master should proceed with caution to a safe anchorage or harbour or a position

allocated by the pilot station so as not to impede the passage of other vessels.

• Should the unlikely situation develop, a statement should be made in the logbook.


5(a). State with respect to published tidal information, the sources available to a
Master to determine intermediate times and heights in offshore waters such as in
the Southern North sea.

Published Tidal information is got from

(1). Co-tidal / Co-range charts

(2). Admiralty Tide Tables

(3). Navigational Chart (eg. 5043-south north sea and 5500)

(4). Annual Summary Notices

• 1 : Admiralty Tide Tables - Agenda and Corrigenda

• 15 : Underkeel Clearance

• 15a : Negative Storm Surges

(5). Tidal Stream Atlases

(6). Sailing Directions and Mariners Handbook.

(7). Nautical almanac.

NB :

Co-tidal lines : are lines which join places having the same MHWI (Mean High Water

Co-range lines : are lines which join having the same MSR (Mean Spring Range).

MHWI : is the interval between the moon's meridian passage at Greenwich and the next
high water time at a particular place.

MSR : is the range between MHWS and MLWS.

Purpose of co-tidal / co-range charts : to determine times and heights of high water
offshore in areas and places between secondary ports.

5(b). State the factors which may modify predicted times and heights of tides
particularly in coastal waters.

Normal tidal movements are generally stronger in coastal regions than in open sea

The factors which may modify predicted times and heights of tides, particularly in
coastal waters are as follows :-

• Tidal currents are altered by wind or river running off coastal regions.

• Bad weather with associated strong winds.


• Local geography affects both times and heights of high and low water from their
predicted values.

• Estuaries and basins in local areas, eg. Bay of tundy (range 21 m.) & the
Mediterranean - virtually nil (nearly land locked).

• Spring and Neap tides will cause greater and lesser volumes of water movement in
and out of basin / estuaries.

• Tides enter estuaries and their tributaries as a progressive wave. The times and
height in basins and estuaries of coastal areas may well be modified by storm.

• ATTENTION to Annual Summary Notice 15a - Negative Storm Surges warning service.
Due to meterological effect, indifference can be anticipated on a negative surge.

5(c). State the factors which may cause actual soundings to differ from those
expected in a harbour approach area.

The factors which may cause actual soundings to differ fro those expected in a harbour
approach area are as follows :-

• Possible squat of the vessel may cause a lesser depth reading.

• Alteration of depth since last survey - check source data block.

• Risk of negative tidal surges which could reduce depth from that predicted.

• Incorrect setting and adjustment of echo sounding equipment or false reading in


• No chart is infallable and may be incomplete.

• Small scale charts may have insufficient data for sounding comparison (use large
scale charts).

• The sea bottom is continuously changing and therefore, no chart can be 100%
reliable (refer Annual Summary Notice no. 15 w.r.t. UKC).

• Use of foreign charts which may employ a different datum could generate depth errors
on transferred positions eg. for USA, use MLW.


2(a). Write a set of Master's standing orders for the procedures required when
operating in or near an area of restricted visibility.

(Q.4a / June,'96; Q5a / June,'93; Q.3a / March,'89)

• Reduce the vessel's speed in accordance with the Regulations for the Prevention of
Collision at Sea and proceed at a safe speed.

• All radars to be operational and systematic plotting of targets commenced.

• The Master should be informed of the state of visibility as soon as possible after
reduced visibility is encountered.


• Vessel to be put on manual steering mode.

• Inform engine room of the state of visibility and maneouvring speed to be maintained
until conditions have improved.

• Sound the prescribed fog signal in accordance with the Regulations.

• VHF listening watch to be maintained.

• Post lookouts at wings and forward and astern, in addition to normal watch.

• Switch on navigation lights throughout any period of impaired visibility.

• Consider on contingency plan.

• Close all w/t doors immediately.

• Employ use of echo sounder, where appropriate.

• Watch-keeping staff to be doubled if restricted visibility persists.

3. A vessel on a south westerly course is making a passage through the TRS

region of the Western South Pacific in March.

3(a). Give details of a bridge routine that will ensure that vessel does not meet
storm unexpectedly.

• The O.O.W. should monitor weather reports for each watch period.

• The O.O.W. should advice Master immediately if there is any evidence of a TRS.

• All communications such as navtex, navigational warnings, or special adverse

weather reports should be sighted by the Master.

• The sea temperature, barometric tendency, wind force and swell must be monitored
continuously (every three hours).

• Any decrease in diurnal range must be reported to Master.

• Facsimile charts / satellite projections must be obtained on daily basis.

• Any doubt regarding weather must be reported to Master and checked.

3(b). If a TRS is detected, explain how the Master may ascertain the vessel's
position relative to the storm path by onboard observations. (Q.3a / June,'93)

• Master should heave to and take observation of true wind direction.

• Once the direction and force of wind have been ascertained, he should employ "BUY
BALLOTS LAW" to estimate the storm centre and this would provide a relative bearing
of the storm centre, i.e. in the southern hemisphere and with the observer facing the
wind, take a bearing 8 compass points to the left and take a bearing 12 compass points
to the left. The centre of the storm lies between these two bearings.


• The force of wind being experienced by the vessel would also indicate the range of the
ship from the storm, i.e.

150 miles from centre -- 7 force wind;

125 miles from centre -- 8 force wind;

75 miles from centre -- 10 force wind.

• The semi circle in which the vessel is situated by observation of the true wind shift;

in the Southern Hemisphere,

if the wind is veering, the vessel is in Navigable Semicircle (NSC)

if the wind is backing, the vessel is in Dangerous Semicircle (DSC)

• Vessel's position would also be indicated by direction of swell and associated weather,
satellite pictures and facsimile charts.

4(a). List the data that is available on a Monthly Routeing Chart.

(Q.5a / March,'89)

The data that is available on a Monthly Routeing Chart are as follows :

• Ice information - maximum ice limits.

• Position of ocean weather ships.

• Recommended tracks and distances.

• Bailie wind rose.

• Areas of low visibility predominant.

• Mean air temperature guide.

• Beaufort wind force of 7 and higher predominant.(TRS).

• Dew point and mean sea temperatures.

• Loadline demarkation limits.

• Scale.

In addition,

Loadlines for the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and Suez;

Iceberg limit and pack ice limit;

Ocean Currents - predominant direction and speed in knots.


4(b). For routeing purposes "Ocean Passages for the World " catagorises vessels as
full powered, moderate powered and low powered.

State how the vessels are split into these categories.

• Full powered or able to maintain a sea-going speed of 15 knots or more.

• Moderate Powered or able to maintain sea-going speed of 10 -15 knots.

• Low powered are vessel's which are damaged or engaged in towing having a sea-
going speed of less than 10 knots.

NB : Low powered routes (vessel) are not shown on diagrams within the Oceans
Passages. However, general advice on low / average routes is given within the text.

5(b). State why there is no time given in the nautical almanac for Nautical
Twilight in high latitudes on 4th August, 1976.

• Sunlight is visible to the observer when the sun is 18 degrees below the horizon.

• Sunlight before sunrise and after sunset is known as twilight. This phenomenon is
due to atmospheric refraction of the light and also reflection from the particles
suspended up in the air high above

• Depending upon the position of the sun, twilight is named as follows :- (a). Civil
Twilight : from 6 degrees below horizon. (b). Nautical Twilight : 6 degrees to12
degrees below horizon. (c). Astronomical Twilight : 12 degrees to 18 degrees below

• At the equator, the sun sets and rises out of horizon perpendicular and twilight time
is short. In high latitudes, due to angle of the sun rising and setting, twilight time is
longer because sun is for a longer time within the 18 degress band below the horizon. If
the sun does not go below the 18 degress band, then twilight will last all night .

Twilight last all night when :

(Latitude + 18 degress) must be less than (90 degrees - Declination).

The limiting case :-

(90 degrees - Declination) = (Latitude + 18 degrees)

Therefore, Latitude = 72 degrees - Declination

Therefore, (Latitude + Declination) = 72 degrees

Hence, (Latitude + Declination) must not be less than 72 degrees for the twilight to last
all night.

In this case as Nautical twilight = 12 degress below the horizon (90 degrees -
Declination) = (Latitude + 12 degrees)

Therefore, Latitude = 88 degrees - Declination

Therefore, (Latitude + Declination) = 88 degrees


Hence, (Latitude + Declination) must not be less than 88 degrees for twilight to last all

5(c). "There was evidence of abnormal refraction near the horizon". State the
precautions to be taken when planning and plotting the star sights to minimise
effects of abnormal refraction.

Precautions in planning :

• Choose high altitude stars or if possible medium altitude stars between 20 to 70

degrees, because nearer to the zenith refraction is least; low altitude stars have greatest

• Ensure that stars are spread evenly around the horizon.

• At least three stars to be taken and if possible more.

Precautions in plotting :

• Use separarate corrections for dip and refraction. Do not use Total Correction Tables.

• Use Temperature / Pressure Correction Tables because standard values are given for
Mean Refraction Table assuming that the table is for sea level.

• When conditions give rise to abnormal refraction always use sight results with

• If stars are evenly spread around the horizon, the position should be inside the
cocked hat. If stars are taken on one side, the fix is almost certainly out of cocked hat.

• Systematic error solution may indicate probable position. Target error could be due to
human error.

4(b). (i). When checking compass error by the amplitude method, state the correct
position of the sun in relation to the visible horizon, giving reasons for your

When observing the amplitude, the centre of the observed body should be on the
celestial (sensible) horizon of the observer. But the visible horizon does not coincide
with the celestial horizon because of the combined effects of refraction, parallax and

Thus, when checking compass error by amplitude method, the lower limb of the sun
must be semi-diameter above the visible horizon whereby the sun's centre will be at the
celestial horizon.

4(b). (ii). Explain why in high latitudes, the observation of the sun for checking
compass error by the Amplitude Method is unreliable.


In high latitudes, the path of the sun is very low as a result of which it follows a very
long path from the visible horizon to the sensible horizon and thus, the rate at which
the body is changing its azimuth is comparatively large. Consequently, a small change
in altitude results in a large change in azimuth. This makes the accuracy of the
observation unreliable; unless the observer could be precise regarding the time that the
body's centre is on the sensible horizon.


1. A vessel is on a voyage from Panama to ports on the north coast of Queensland

(Australia) and must make a landfall, just after sunrise, at the entrance to a
passage through the Great Barrier Reef.

1(a). Discuss the choice of morning stars w.r.t. bearing, altitude and the minimum
number of stars for a high confidence fix when making this landfall.

Best choice of morning stars : As due to sunrise, stars observed must be east or
west. The order in which they must be observed are as follows :-

1st Less bright stars in the East

2nd Then the bright stars in the East

3rd Then the less bright stars in the West

4th Lastly the bright stars in the West

With respect to bearing,

stars chosen for the sight should be all around the horizon; in other words, widely
spread eg. 60 degrees apart. This achieves a good angle of cut and vessel's position is
inside the 'cocked hat'; if the stars are taken only on one side, vessel's position will be
out of the 'cocked hat'.

With respect to altitude,

• Best altitude of stars should be between 20 degrees ~ 70 degrees.

• Acceptable altitude of stars are between 15 degrees ~ 75 degrees. Altitudes below 15

degrees and above 75 degrees are not recommended.

• When stars are below 15 degrees, (i). refraction errors are variable, (ii). dim stars are
not visible, and (iii). assume that PL obtained is incorrect.

With respect to number of stars,

a minimum of three stars is to be taken and if possible, more than three are preferred.

3(a). (i). List the publications to be consulted when planning an Ocean Passage.

The list of publications to be consulted when planning an Ocean Passage are as

follows :-

(1). Ocean Passages for the World


(2). Mariner's Handbook

(3). Chart catalogue

(4). NP 5011

(5). Routeing chart

(6). Ocean Current charts and current atlases

(7). Ice Charts

(8). Sailing Directions

(9). Admiralty Tide Tables

(10). Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals

(11). Admiralty List of Radio Signals

(12). Distance Tables

(13). Guide to Port Entry

(14). Weekly Notice to Mariners

(15). Annual Summary of Notices

(16). M-Notices

(17). Navigation warnings (T & P Notices).

(18). IMO Ship's Routeing

(19). Nautical Almanac

(20). Sight Reduction Tables

(21). Norie's Tables

(22). Collision Regulations and INTERCO

3(a). (ii). State the information found in the Mariner's Handbook.

The information found in the Mariner's Handbook are as follows :-

• World map of areas / list of volumes which are covered by the Sailing Directions.

• Preface, list of diagrams and abbreviations.

• Chapter 1 : Charts, books, system of names, IHO and IMO (navigational information,
charts & diagrams, supply of charts, navigational warnings, Admiralty Notices to
Mariners, Upkeep of chart outfit, books, system of names, IHO and IMO)


• Chapter 2 : The use of charts and other navigational aids (position fixing, lights, fog
signals, buoyage, echo soundings, squat and underkeel clearance)

• Chapter 3 : Operational information and regulations (Obligatory reports, Distress &

rescue, Tonnage & loadlines, National limits, Vessels requiring special consideration,
Ship's routeing, Vessel traffic management, Exercise areas, Minefields, Helicopter
operations, Pilot ladders, International port traffic signals, Offshore oil & gas
operations, Submarine pipelines & cables, Overhead power cables, Pollution of the sea,
Conservation and Historic & dangerous wrecks)

• Chapter 4 : The sea (Tides, Tidal streams, Ocean currents, Waves, Underwater
volcanoes & earthquakes, Density/salinity/colour of the sea, Submarine springs,
Coral, Sand waves and Local magnetic anamolies)

• Chapter 5 : Meteorology (General maritime meteorology, Weather routeing of ships,

Abnormal refraction, Aurora, Magnetic and ionospheric storms)

• Chapter 6 : Ice (Sea ice, Icebergs and Ice glossary)

• Chapter 7 : Operation in polar regions and where ice is prevalent (Polar regions,
Approaching ice, The Master's duty regarding ice, Ice reports, Ice accumulation on
ships, Operating in ice, Icebreaker assistance and Exposure to cold)

• Chapter 8 : Observing and reporting (Hydrographic information and Rendering of


• Chapter 9 : IALA Maritime Buoyage System

• Annexes, Glossary and Index.

3(b). State the factors that the Master must take into account when choosing an
optimum route for an Ocean Passage. (Q.3a / June,'89)

Following are the factors that the Master must take into account when choosing an
optimum route for an Ocean Passage :-

• Type of vessel, draft and underkeel clearance at various stages of the voyage.

• Time of the year and expected weather / sea conditions.

• Available depths and width of water.

• Possibility of encountering gale force winds causing subsequent delays or damage to

the vessel.


• Likelihood of encountering ice and fog causing delay or deviations from the planned

• Predominant currents / tidal streams being either adverse or favourable to the ship's

• Economical route (fuel & time saving).

• Good weather route (for passenger vessels).

• Recommendations from Ocean Passages of the World.

• Recommendations from Meteorological Office.

• State of loading and nature / type of cargo.

• Need of any tasks to be carried out during voyage.

• Overall navigational aids on board.

• Distances off from Islands and other navigational hazard, incase of engine failure.

• War zones, fishing traffic, oil and gas offshore developments and abnormal waves.

• Overall distance comparison

• Company's or charteres preference.

3(c). Explain how the Master should resolve the situation when different factors
suggest different routes.

• Any route selected should not stand the vessel into danger. The prime consideration
should be safe naviagation of the vessel throughout the voyage and therefore, all
information must be gathered on various recommended routes.

• The Master should obtain the monthly weather chart and current forecasts from the
Met Office.

• He should consider the capabilities of his own vessel, speed, reliability of machinery,

• He should take into account the time of the year and of any recommendations made
by shore routeing organizations.


• The shortest distance may not always be acceptable because of ice or prevailing bad
weather. Least time over a short distance does not always follow and the Master would
need to consider the overall weather pattern for all areas of the proposed route and
seasonal changes may also effect the final choice.

• Least time with least damage can be a popular option where financial savings can be
made with less heavy weather damage being incurred by the ship or cargo

• Depending upon the nature of cargo, consideration towards limiting damage must
also be taken, especially to sensitive cargo.

• Charterparty may stipulate that the voyage is conducted at 'constant speed'.

• Special featured vessels follow special routes eg. deep draught vessels follow deep
draught route and vessels with no ice class follow ice free route.

5. Describe the World Wide Navigation Warning System and include in the answer,
(1). Types of warnings; (2). Areas covered; (3). Who issues each type; (4). Contents
of warnings; (5). How are they promulgated.

WWNWS (World Wide Navigation Warning System) :

To continue safe navigation practice, the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO)

and International Maritime Organization (IMO) have jointly established a Global
Navigation Hazard Warning System (GNHWS). The service is provided in english
language by radio and may also be promulgated by Notice to Mariners.

The types of warnings, together with the area covered by each and issued by, are as
follows :-

Navigational Area Warnings : is the worldwide warning service and is divided into 16
geographic areas called NAVAREA's. The authority for collecting and issuing these long
range warnings is known as Area Co-ordinator. They are published by the British
Admiralty in the Weekly Notices to Mariners and each Navarea are shown in diagrams
in the Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners and the Mariners Handbook.

The contents are

• Navarea warnings which ocean going vessels require for safe navigation.

• Failure and changes to major navigational aids.

• New wrecks or navigational hazards in or near ocean shipping lines.

• Areas where SAR, anti-pollution, cable lying activities are taking place.

• Significant malfunction to radio navigation.

Coastal Warnings : effect a specific coastal region in the area of the hazard and are
broadcast by country of origin. It assists the mariner in coastal navigation, between
ports and outer limits of ports. They are transmitted by CRS in english and national
language on W/T, R/T, VHF and Navtex. The times and details of transmission are
given in the ALRS volume 3.


Local Warnings : may supplement or aid coastal warning service by giving detailed
information relating to inshore waters. These warnings are broadcast by the
coastguard, port or pilotage authorities. They are issued only in the national language
and the particulars are given in ALRS volumes 3 and 6.

Contents of warnings :-

• Newly discovered wrecks.

• Changes to Navigation aids.

• On going search rescue.

• Cable laying activity.

• Anti-pollution operations.

• Natural hazards present.

Methods of promulgation :-

• Best method of transmission is Navtex.

• In the USA, in the form of "HYDROLANT's" or "HYDROPAC's".

• Current warnings in the Weekly Notice to Mariners.

4(a). Describe briefly how a least time track is constructed on board a vessel
equipped with a radio facsimile receiver and trading in Eastern North Atlantic
Ocean. (November,'88)

Construction of least time track :-

(1). Knowing the port of departure, destination and expected date and time of
departure, the routeing officers will study the latest appropriate surface synoptic and
prognostic charts, together with sea state charts, to identify the general weather and
sea state conditions that are expected to be encountered.

Using their experience, the routeing officers will identify the part of the ocean where the
least time objective is likely to be achieved. Ice conditions, current, etc. are also taken
into account at this stage. Having done this, a detailed investigation of the area is next
carried out.

(2). From the initial starting position five or six tracks, approximately 10 to 15 degrees
apart are drawn on a transparent overlay which is placed over a prognostic wave height
chart for the 12 hour period after the expected time of sailing.

(3). After the study of the prevailing prognostic and wave height charts, and the ship's
performance curves, the estimated 12 hours per run distance is plotted on each of the
tracks is plotted.

(4). These positions are joined together to form a contour line known as the "Time


(5). From the most favourable position on this "time front", the procedure is repeated at
12 hour intervals.

(6). This enables a second contour to be drawn upto 48 hours.

(7). The position on the 48 hours contour which is the nearest to the ship's destination
is that point which the Master is advised to route by.

(8). When estimating distance on the projected tracks, allowance is made for fog and
ice or other navigation hazards.

4. A vessel is routed by 'Metroute', the ship routeing service of the UK Met office.

4(a). List the information that the Master has to give to the Metroute Routeing
Office or List the information that the Routeing Officer will require from the
Master of vessel (i). before sailing (ii). whilst on voyage.

Before sailing

• Name and type of ship.

• Speed of the vessel.

• Classification of the vessel (eg. ice class).

• Destination and departure points.

• Date and time of departure.

• Draft of vessel on sailing.

• Type of cargo.

• Stability aspect

• Information on the vessel's performance curves.

• Type of route required by the Master.

• State of loading.

• Passage speed required.

• Preference of Master / Owner / Charterers

Whilst on voyage

(1). Master informs Routeing Officer of the following :-

(a). Time of clearing harbour.

(b). Time of departure point.

(c). Whether original track confirmed or ammended.


(2). Ship / shore : 6 hourly weather report to be sent inclusive of position report.
Unless making regular weather reports, position reports every 24 / 48 hours which
should include couse, speed, wind direction and force, and state of sea; advise of
breakdowns or reductions of speed other than for weather. Metroute requires position
report every 24 hours or for ships to send a reduced weather message as per ALRS

(3). Any Deviation : Off track is reported together with reason (eg. ice).

(4). Arrival Report : Time at destination.

4(b). List the routeing information that is sent to the Master of the routed vessel
and state when he should receive it (Q.4b / June,'90).

A provisional route is sent to the Master prior to sailing with the routeing information
consisting of an analysis of present synoptic features affecteing the area together with a
weather forecast, and may also contain a forecast of future storm tracks.

Meteorology office checks weather every 6 hours and ships, too, report to the office
every 6 hours with updates on position and weather, otherwise once daily.

If the forecast conditions are significant but unavoidable, then an advisory message
will be sent to the Master every 48 hours or more often confirming or amending the
route and giving details of the weather to be expected

If the forecast conditions of significant weather can be avoided, or if a significant

decrease in intensity of adverse weather can be achieved by change in course or speed,
then a route diversion message will be sent to the Master.

4(c). State the benefits of Metroute to (i). the Master, (ii). the owner / charterer /

(i). For the Master :- safety and efficiency at sea :

• Voyage planning at the start of the passage.

• Regular signals during passage provide detailed vessel specific weather forecasts.

• Routeing advise from professional mariners, who understand the responsibilities of

the Master.

• Avoidance of adverse conditions reduces the chance of vessel damage and weather
related accidents to crew and cargo.

• Adherence of agreed schedules avoids contractual penalties.

(ii). For the owner / charterer / manager :-

• Post voyage information for management and accounting purposes.

• Accurate round the clock monitoring of the vessel's progress.

• Comparisons between actual and alternative routes to demonstrate the benefit of

routeing services.


• Comparisons between actual speeds achieved and charter speed, after appropriate
allowance for weather and currents.

• Clear documentation of weather related vessel performance over the whole voyage
from acknowledged experts in global weather.

4(d). Describe a Hindcast chart and explain its use to the ship's Master / owner /
Charterer. (Q.3c / November,'94; Q.4c / June,'90)

On completion of a voyage, the routeing organization may, on request, prepare and

provide a Hindcast chart, and compares the progress of the vessel during the voyage
and the actual weather experienced on the selected route. This comparison is made
against the weather and estimated progress of an alternative routes.

The comparison allows the Master / owner / chartered

• to compare the values of met routeing;

• to compare the savings in time, fuel and money;

• illustrates avoidance of bad weather and safe options;

• provides evidence of choice and justifies expenditure of met routeing.

5. State the standing orders that a ship's Master should issue with respect to each
of the following situations.

5(a). Keeping a lookout

• A proper and continuous lookout is to be maintained for the purpose of fully

appraising the situation and the risk of collision.

• The duties of the lookout shall include the detection of ships, all navigation marks or
lights, all floating objects, prominent navigational feature, derelicts and other hazards
to navigation, any sighting of ice (no matter in what form), any malfunction of own
ship's navigational lights, ships or aircrafts in distress, shipwrecked persons, wreck
and debris.

• The lookout must be able to give full attention to the keeping of a proper lookout and
no other duties shall be undertaken or assigned which could interefere with that task.

• The duties of the lookout and helmsman are separate and the helmsman shall not be
considered to be the lookout while steering.

• The O.O.W. may be the sole lookout in daylight, provided on each such occasion,

(i). the situation has been carefully assessed and it has been established without doubt
that it is safe to do so;


(ii). full account has been taken of relevant factors, including but not limited to state
of weather, visibility, traffic density, proximity of danger to navigation and navigating in
or near an area of traffic separation schemes;

(iii). assistance is immediately available to be summoned to the Bridge when any

change of the situation so requires.

• A lookout is to be posted in addition to the O.O.W. during hours of darkness.

5(b). The maintenance of charts and other publication

• The naviagation officer should maintain all navigation charts and publications used
by the vessel.

• Full use should be made of all weekly notices and supplements to update charts and

• Any missing corrections which are not available should be reported to the Master.

• All corrections made to charts should be recorded both on the respective chart and in
the chart correction log.

• All new charts together with revised editions and publications should be ordered and
received on board prior to vessel's sailing.

• Current T and P notices in force should be checked as per the monthly listing.

• A chart management system should be followed.

• Do not make erasures or use tippex / snow paint on the charts and in publications.

5(c). Checking and testing the bridge equipment

• The operational tests and the performance of navigational equipment should be

checked prior to sailing, prior to entering restricted or hazardous waters and at regular
and frequent intervals at other times throughout the passage.

• Standard compass error determined at least once a watch, and when possible, after
any major alteration of course; the standard and gyro compasses to be frequently
compared and all repeaters synchronozed with the master compass.

• Auto pilot tested manually at least once a watch.

• All navigational and signal lights and other navigational equipment checked for
proper functioning.

* Chronometer to be checked and synchronized against time signal.

* DF bearings plotted, where appropriate, and fixes compared.

* Echo sounder to be used, where appropriate, and soundings verified from the chart at
known positions.

* Course recorder to be regularly checked.


* Radar performance checked with the aid of the performance monitor.

* GPS with low HDOP (Horizontal Dilution of Precision) value to be used.

* Hygrometers to be regularly checked (ensure water in wet bulb thermometer).

* Sextant to be checked regularly and ensure that it is free of all errors.

• Steering gear to be tested prior sailing with duty engineer standing by to sight the
testing of the gear in the steering flat.

• Any entry to the fact that any equipment has been tested or used, should be inserted
in the log book, together with any defects experienced, in which case Master should be


2. A vessel is to make a passage through an area of pack ice where ice accretion
may also be encountered. Describe the problems that may be encountered with
respect to each of the following :-

2(a). In performance of navigational instruments and electronic navigational aids

• Radar scanner may become frozen up with ice accretion. Ice particles adhering to the
reflecting surface of the scanner will reduce radar energy both inward and outward.

• As ship's head will vary considerably when navigating in ice conditions, hence, DF
operations are unreliable.

• Reliability of Decca station in very cold climates can often effect the transmission
without warning.

• The use of Magnetic compass in high latitudes may become unreliable especially in
polar region due to large angle of dip.

• Compass face plates are often obscured with ice crystals making visual bearings

• Logs cannot be used as they have to be withdrawn to avoid damage.

• Echo sounder may not give correct readings due to false echoes.

• The intensity and arc of visibility of navigational lights may be reduced due to ice

• Radio aerials become frozen, thereby, making communications difficult.

• Omega suffers from Polar cap absorbtions.

• Loran suffers from different propagation.

2(b). Problems in maintaining an accurate DR position

As any DR position requires direction distance and courses :


• Distance is normally obtained from the log and in extreme ice conditions (eg. pack
ice), the log would not be in operation.

• The courses through pack ice will vary with ice conditions. Navigation will depend
upon leads in the ice being available and a course will be dictated by the flow and leads
of the pack.

• Several changes in course and variations of speed must be anticipated in short

periods of time as a result of which the distances which are estimated becomes

• Ice movement can and will influence the 'set' of the vessel. The subsequent holding of
the course is, therefore, difficult; the amount of set being variable.

• Movement in pack ice often necessitates astern movements and this disrupts an
accurate DR.

2(c). Problems in the use of floating marks and beacons

• The use of floating marks and beacons for the purpose of navigation is extremely
limited in the ice season as many harbour authorities remove navigational marks to
avoid loss or damage.

• Other marks such as spar buoys are pushed beneath the ice and are not visible for
use as a navigational aid.

• Where floats are visible, ice accretion can cause some discolouration and change of
appearance of mark.

• Floats can be expected to be out of position where heavy ice (eg. pack ice) is

• Position of any floating mark cannot be relied upon and therefore, should be used
with extreme caution. Such floats should not be used for position fixing.

2(d). Problems in the use of sectored leading lights

• Windows of the lights may be covered by frost / ice which greatly reduces sighting
and visible range of lights, thereby, making them unreliable. (especially noticeable with
green sectored lights).

• Coloured lights tend to diffuse and appear as white sectors. The lantern glass may
have moisture build up due to temperature changes and could further diffuse light

• Snow build up could completely cover the light.

• The width of the sector of lights is affected.

• Due to extreme weather and ice conditions, the lights may be subjected to failure
especially if unmanned and also maintenance may be difficult.

Hence, sectored leading lights should not be relied upon and position fixing must be
carried out by other means.


3. Following the receipt of a distress call, the transmitting vessel could not be
contacted by radio. Four merchant vessels are responding to this distress call and
are in radio contact with each other. (Q.3a June,'90)

3(a). State the factors that the four Masters should take into consideration when
determining which of them will take on the role of the Co-ordinator Surface
Search (CSS).

Capabilities of vessel with respect to the following :-

• Communications

• Whether doctor or medical trained staff onboard

• Hospital and casualties treatment facilities

• Characteristics of vessel affecting their abilility to pick up survivors

• Rescue boats

• Man-power

• Relative position

• Vessel's speed

• ETA to search area

• Position of other units

• Facilities of other units

• Nature of own cargo and cargo on other vessels

3(b). List the information that CSS will require from each of the other three

• Bearing and location of distress.

• Speed and present course of each vessel.

• Medical facilities (Y/N).

• Rescue facility type.

• Type of vessel and the nature of cargo (eg. dangerous, hazardous).

• Present position.

• Weather being experienced and ETA to search area.


• Endurace bunkers.

• Navigational aids, identification and communications facility.

3(c). State the sources of assistance that the CSS can call upon in determining
both the datum and the search pattern details or State the information required
by other 3 Masters from the CSS to conduct efficient search.

CSS can call and communicate with the following :-

• Coast radio station for bearings.

• MRCC for last known details of datum position.

• Other search units for bearings.

• Ship reporting systems like the AMVER / AUSREP.

• Coastguard via CRS for search pattern areas.

• Other shipping for last known position or any details.

• Inmarsat, if Epirbed.

4(c). The SOLAS convention requires the Master of any vessel to report
encountering certain meteorological conditions. State the conditions that are to
be reported and to whom the report is made.

The International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, requires Masters of every
ship to report encountering the following meteorological conditions :-

• Dangerous Ice.

• Dangerous derelict.

• Any danger to navigation.

• Tropical revolving storm.

• Sub-freezing air temperature associated with gale force causing severe ice acceration
on the superstructure of the ship.

• Winds of force 10 or above on Beaufort scale for which no storm warning is received.

The report is to be made by all available means to ships in the vicinity and to the
nearest coast radio station or signal station. The report should be made in english for
preference or by the International Code Of Signals. If sent by radiotelegraphy, the
message should be preceeded by the safety signal "TTT" and if by radiotelephony, the
spoken word "SECURITE"; repeated three times in each case.

For ice, the message contains the following :-

(1). Date and GMT of the observation.


(2). Type of ice observed.

(3). Position of ice observed.

(4). Concenteration and thickness, if known.

(5). Icebergs; size and shapes.

For dangerous derelict and any danger to navigation, the message contains the
following :-

(1). Type of derelict or other danger.

(2). Position of derelict or other danger.

(3). Date and GMT of last sighting.

For TRS and storms, the message contains the following :-

(1). Position of the storm so far as it can be ascertained.

(2). Date and GMT when it was encountered.

(3). Position, true course and speed of vessel when observation was made.

(4). Barometric pressure at mean sea level (not corrected for diurnal variation).

(5) Change in barometric pressure during the previous 3 hours.

(6). The true direction and force of wind.

(7). The state of sea.

(8). The height of the swell and the direction from which it comes.

(9). The period or length of swell.


4. Shore based ship routeing services can give a number of different types of
route depending upon specific requirements of the vessel. (March,'89)

4(a). (i). List the different type of route.

(ii). State which type(s) vessel will use each of the different routes.

• Least time : The main objective is to reduce time on passage regardless of other
considerations. Usually confined to tankers, product carriers and bulk carriers of
large / medium size, which are unlikely to suffer cargo damage and are less susceptible
to hull damage.

• Least time with least damage : The main objective is to reduce time of passage and
costs of damage. These recommended routes will minimises rough weather and ice
while at the same time achieve a quick passage time eg. Containers, passenger and roll
on / roll off vessels.


• Least damage : This having the objective to minimise damage to sensitive cargoes eg.

• Constant speed : As required by Charterers (eg. all vessels without ice classification).

The aforementioned routes would be associated with additional criteria for vessels
which require the following :-

• Ice free route for vessels without Class A1 with no or part ice strengthening.

• Deep water route for vessels constrained by her draught.

• An all weather route for special cargoes (Ro-Ro) or passengers.

• Fuel saving, often the same as least time with least damage route, for steam turbine
ships as it is more economical if constant throttle is maintained. (eg. VLCC's - steam

4(b). (i). State the general areas of the world where it is advantageous to use
weather routeing, either shipboard or shore based.

Weather routeing makes use of the actual weather and the resulting forecast weather
in the vicinity of the anticipated route. Routes are selected as per the weather forecast
and then modified as necessary as the vessel proceeds on its voyage.

Weather routeing is extensively used for passages across North / South Atlantic and
North / South Pacific Oceans. In these oceans, the weather changes are very rapid
and without any or much indication and therefore, it is advantageous to use ship's or
shore based weather routeing to avoid the climatic effects of the weather like gales,
storms heavy swells, ice and icebergs which may damage the vessel and cause delays
in voyages.

4(b). (ii). State the type of area in which climatological routeing will be

Climatological routeing makes use of the prevailing currents and winds. These routes
are shown on the Routeing Charts as well as considered in the Ocean Passages of the

Climatological routeing will be satisfactory in the middle latitudes, the Carribean's

and the Indian Ocean. In these area, the weather is seasonal, quite predictable and
little scope is felt for adverse weather changes. Hence, the ships tend to use
climatological routeing which changes season to season.

5. The GMDSS is being phased in between 1st February,'92 and 1st February,'99.
Outline the elements of this system.

The elements of the GMDSS system are as follows :-

(1). Four satellites (geo-stationary) for global coverage.


(2). Shipboard

• A VHF installation with a capability of transmitting and receiving digital selective calls
(DSC) on Channel 70 and radiotelephony on Channels 6, 13 and 16.

• Equipment which allows continuous DSC watch to be maintained on VHF Ch. 70.

• The capability to receive the International Navtex Service broadcasts when operating
in any area where Navtex is provided.

• An onboard facility for the reception of the Marine Safety Information (MSI) by
INMARSAT Enhanced Group Call System (EGC) when engaged on voyages where
Navtex coverage is not provided.

• VHF waterproof walkie talkies (> 500 GRT); minimum three.

• Search and Rescue Transponders (SART's) operating in 9 Ghz band; minimum two.

• Satellite EPIRB manually / automatically activated with float free arrangement

(distress alerts on 406 MHz or through Inmarsat geo-stationary satellite service).

This equipment has been identified by IMO to be suitable to :-

• Ship-to-Shore Distress Alerting.

• Shore-to-Ship Distress Alerting.

• Ship-to-Ship Alerting.

• Search and Rescue Coordination.

• On-scene Commander.

• Transmission and receipt of locating signals.

• Transmission and receipt of Maritime Safety Information.

• General Radio Communications

• Bridge-to-Bridge Communications.

INMARSAT provides worldwide coverage except polar regions.

INMARSAT A (voice / data / fax / telex) - Real Time.

INMARSAT C (text / data at lower speeds) - Store and Forward.

(3). Ground

• Local User Terminals (LUT's).

• Regional Data Distribution Centre (RDDC).

• Marine Rescue Co-ordination Centre (MRCC).


3. A vessel is about to sail from Montevideo (Uruguay) to Quebec (Canada) in early
March and the vessel has no ice classification.

3(a). State the sources of information which are aviailable to the Master as to the
latest ice situation in the North Atlantic.

Before sailing :-

• Ice reports available from Ice Patrol and distributed by the US Coastguard and US
Naval Oceanographic Office.

• Ship routeing advisory service available from the Meteorological Office at Bracknell

• Ice charts as supplied by Admiralty Hydrographic Department of the Canadian

Hydrographic Service.

• General reference should be made to relevant publications, such as Ocean Passages

of the World, Mariners Handbook, Admiralty Sailing Directions and Weekly Notices to

• Old ships log books.

Whilst enroute :

• Reports from other shipping which is outward bound from respective ice effected

• Radio advisory warning reports from Halifax, Nova Scotia; refer to ALRS.

• Navtex - Ice reports via. various transmitters, eg. Norwegian Sea and Icelandic areas
by Norway, and by Swedish Ice Service.

• Ocean weather ships.

• Daily Coast Radio Stations w/t broadcasts.

3(b). State the Master's obligations upon sighting dangerous ice.

On sighting : A Master should send an obligatory report made by all available means
to ships in the vicinity and to the nearest coast radio station or signal station. The
report should be made in english for preference or by the International Code Of Signals.
If sent by radiotelegraphy, the message should be preceeded by the safety signal "TTT"
and if by radiotelephony, the spoken word "SECURITE"; repeated three times in each

Report Content :

(a). Ship's name and port of registry.

(b). Date and GMT of the observation.

(c). Type of ice observed.


(d). Position of ice observed.

(e). Concenteration and thickness, if known.

(f). Icebergs; size and shapes.

NB : I would consider any ice to be dangerous ice for surface navigation in the sense
that if one piece of ice is sighted in an area, there is a distinct possibility of another
piece and perhaps much bigger than the one sighted. It is very easy as well as
dangerous to underestimate the size of ice. Dangerous ice can, thus, be defined as any
ice that impose risk to safe surface navigation. For example, brash ice is not dangerous
to surface navigation. However, what may have been within it's coverage area can be
growler which may not be detectable by radar. Hence, all ice is dangerous to surface

4. Draw up a set of Master's standing orders for a 30,000 DWT and 15 knots bulk
carrier for each of the circumstances listed below :-

4(a). Conduct of bridge team when under pilotage :-

• The O.O.W. remains the Master's representative on the bridge in the absence of the
Master. The O.O.W. will at no time leave the bridge while under pilotage conditions
unless releived by the Master or his designated representative.

• The O.O.W. should monitor the vessel's position at regular intervals and whenever
safe navigation requires despite the presence of the Pilot.

• The O.O.W. should continuosly monitor the UKC throughout the pilotage and not
stand the vessel into danger.

• Full use of all navigational equipment should be made by the O.O.W. taking into
account that the Pilot may be unfamiliar with specific instruments.

• All instructions from the Pilot should comply with the projected passage plan and any
intended deviation from the plan should be reported to the Master before they occur.

• The O.O.W. should monitor all communications affecting the safe navigation of the
vessel, including the Pilot communication and keep the Master advised accordingly.

• The O.O.W.should not hesitate to override the Pilot's instructions to avoid the vessel
being stood into danger.

• Lookout :-

The lookout is to be maintained on the Bridge or monkey island.

All traffic / navigation marks and beacons must be reported to the OOW and the Pilot.

The lookout is designated to lookout duties only and must not be given additional


• Helmsman :-

The quartermaster must respond to the Pilot's instructions except where the Master or
his OOW take the con of the vessel.

Any loss of steering or fault must be reported to the OOW and the Pilot.

All orders are to repeated 'word' for 'word

4(b). Change over of the officer of the watch :-

The O.O.W. should

• report to the bridge in ample time and fully capable of performing their duties; not
impaired by alcohol, drugs or sickness.

• have his vision adjusted to the prevailing conditions.

• be satisfied with any "standing orders" or specific "night orders" given by the Master.

• confirm the vessel's position, course and speed.

• be familiar with predicted tides and currents, weather reports, state of visibility and
their subsequent effect on navigation.

• ensure that the navigational situation regarding the performance of gyro and
magnetic compass together with any errors is in order.

• ensure that all navigation equipment is functioning in proper manner.

• ensure that respected traffic and other vessels movements does not endanger own

• clearly in advance confirm any navigational hazards that might be anticipated; heel,
trim and squat should not affect the UKC of the vessel.

4(c). Fixing the vessel's position :-

• A minimum of three position lines should be employed to fix the vessel's position.

• Both primary and secondary position fixing methods must be used when monitoring
ship's progress.

• Visual fixes should be used whenever and wherever possible.

• Instruments should be used with due regard to their reliability, accuracy and with
attention to potential instrument error.

• Continuous use of a single method or instruments to fix the position is not to be

encouraged except when no alternatives are available.

• Full use should be made of any associated navigational aid such as echo sounder to
corroborate obtained position.


5(a). Describe the method of keeping Admiralty Sailing Directions up to date
between new editions.

• Each volume is republished at intervals of about 12 years. Between editions, it is kept

corrected by publishing successive supplements published every 18 months, each new
supplement cancelling its predecessor.

• Section IV of the Admiralty Weekly Notices to Mariners contains selected urgent

corrections to the Sailing Directions that cannot await until the next supplement.
Current corrections are listed in the notice published monthly and those in force at the
end of the year are reprinted in the Annual Summary Notices to Mariners.

• It is recommended that all corrections are kept in a file with the latest list of
corrections in force on the top. The file should be consulted when using the parent
book to ensure if any correction affecting the area under consideration are in force.

5(b). Provided extracts of Red sea and Gulf of Aden Pilot,

(i) Expalin fully the significance of the arrows.

• The arrows represent surface currents, their predominant direction and average rates.

• The arrow flows with the currents and are related to the prevailing winds.

• The arrows represent the direction of flow.

• The rate which is an (average figure) is indicated at the tail of the arrow.

(ii). State how these values are derived.

• The arrow presentation vary in thickness and its thickness represents the constancy.

• The value of constancy is obtained by comparing the number of observations in the

predominant sector against total number of observations and expressed as a


2(a). List publications navigators should consult when planning a passage and give
details of information found in each. (Q.3b / June,'89)

Ocean Passages : Weather conditions, weather routeing services, suggested routes,

approximate distances, navigational hazards and reliability of depths.

Mariners Handbook : General informations on navigational hazards, weather

conditions, a general guide on all publications.

Admiralty Sailing Directions : Ampliy informations given on charts and points of

general interest to mariners, local weather conditions, tides, currents, depths around
the coasts, land marks, approaches, anchorages, pilotage approach, information,
bouyage system and marks.


Chart Catalogue : Gives the required charts for voyage and current charts.

Navigational Charts : Give depths of water, land / coast, lights and navigational aids.

Routeing Charts : Provides information for planning ocean passages for the month
required, recommended tracks and distances to chief ports, loadline limits, ice
conditions, predominant winds and currents.

Weekly Notices to Mariners : To check, update, correct charts and latest information
pertaining to navigation.

Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals : Gives updated details / characteristic of
fog signals / lights, light buoys, light vessels, structure of lighthouses, etc. for a
particular area.

Admiralty List Radio Signals : Gives worldwide radio information, coast radio
stations, port frequencies, Pilotage, minimum notices w.r.t. ETA's, VHF working
channels, DF stations etc.

Admiralty Tide Tables : Tidal information, tidal streams and tidal levels for areas

Distance Tables : Gives shortest distances in RL or GC between chief ports.

Guide to Port Entry : Gives information on ports, berths, equipments, legal

requirements, custom and immigration laws, health regulations, services available,
medical facilities.

Other publications :

Nautical almanac

Temporary and preliminary notices

Navigational warnings.

IALA buoyage

5011- Chart abbreviations

Previous passage plans

2(c). Discuss the problems associated with fixing the vessels position on passage
from Nagoya to Brisbane by the following :-

(i). By astro navigation :- depends on factors such as horizon, clouds, angle of cut,
altitude and spread of azimuth. Thus,

• The horizon at all times may not be clear due to onset of fog, mist and clouds, or
presence of islands.

• Due to clouds, rain and fog, celestial bodies (eg sun, moon and stars) may not be

• Bodies such as stars may not be spread out around the horizon.


• Altitudes may be affected due to clouds, haze and rain.

• Gale frequency (10days / month) resulting heavy rolling of the ship.

(ii). when using the transit satellite syatem :-

• Transit systems may have long time gap between one fix and the next; sometimes
exceeding 12 hours in low latitudes.

• Fixes are only available at the time of the observation.

• In areas of heavy rainfall, there is a possibility of the signals getting lost.

3(a). Draw up a Bridge Emergency Procedures checklist for each of the

circumstances listed below :-

(i). Man Overboard

• Helm hard over to the side on which the man has fallen.

• Release lifebuoy with self-igniting light and self-activating smoke signal.

• Press the MOB button on the GPS, if available.

• Sound the general emergency alarm.

• Inform the Master.

• Inform the E/R and have the main engines ready for immediate manoeuvring.

• Revert to hand steering.

• Release SART, where appropriate.

• Post extra lookouts.

• Establish communications with the CRS.

• Advise other vessels in the vicinity by VHF.

• Hoist International Code Flag "O" and sound "O" (- - -) on the whistle.

• Rescue boat turned out and ready for launching.

• Hospital made ready to treat for shock and hypothermia treatment.

• Plot the datum position / appropriate search pattern, and complete the manoeuvre.

• Obtain updated weather report.

(ii). Stranding

• Stop engines.


• Sound general emergency alarm.

• Inform Master and E/R.

• Advice CRS and other vessel's in the vicinity by VHF.

• VHF watch maintained on Ch.16 at all times.

• Position on the chart verified and safe port options investigated.

• Display appropriate light and shape signals; switch on deck lights.

• Sound appropriate sound signals (eg "U").

• Close all watertight doors.

• Sound round all bilges and tanks.

• Sound round the vessel's hull to check depth of water.

• Determine nature of seabed.

• Calculate times and heights of next high water.

• Damage control team mustered.

• Refer to vessel's damage stability information.

• Consider possibility of dropping anchor underfoot to prevent damaged ship from

sliding off into deeper waters.

• Consider whether assistance is required by tugs.

• Make relevant entries in the logbook.

• Position of vessel sent ashore with updates from time to time.

(iii). Steering Gear Failure (Q.4c / June,'96; Q.3c / March,'89)

• Immediately engage alternative emergency steering gear.

• Inform Master and E/R.

• Display NUC signals, lights and shapes, as appropriate.

• Sound appropriate sound signal to warn other traffic eg "D" or "U".

• Advise vessels in the vicinity.

• Obtain updated weather report.

• If in restricted visibility, sound appropriate fog signal.

• Post lookouts.


• Stop the vessel in the event of both emergency and auxillary steering systems failure.

NB : If the vessel is stopped in the event of both emergency and auxillary systems
failure, a warning report may become necessary, depending on the vessel's position eg.
English Channel TSS.

3(b). The Master must ensure that his officers are thoroughly familiar with the
content of the above checklist and procedures. Explain the ways that this can be

The Merchants Shipping Regulations,1982, requires Master to give directions and

operational guidance to officer incharge of the navigation watch.

Master should

• issue guidance notes and instructions to his officers in way of standing orders or
night orders.

• ensure that the company's or managements safety instructions and manuals have
been read and understood.

• ensure that all watchkeepers should read M-1102 and Bridge Procedures Guide (ICS).

• ensure that all watchkeepers are to familiarise themselves with the standing orders
and all the checklists in the guides, and sign to confirm that they are fully understood.

• ensure that all navigational instruments and gear are tested atleast once a week and
a steering changeover, from auto to manual and back to auto again, checked once
every watch.

• have mock up drills on all possible emergencies with an O.O.W. incharge of situation.

5(a). In the absence of any other sights or PL, assess the value of series of Pole
star sights in monitoring the following :-

(i). The vessel's progress along its track :

As the vessel is on course of 090 degrees (T), the series of pole star sights
will give a poor indication of advance of the vessel along its track as PL's
are almost parallel or in line with the track or course of the vessel.

(ii). Any deviation from the track :

A series of these pole star sights will give a good indication of cross track
error along the vessel's course.

NB : Approximate altitude to set on your sextant using Polaris is your own




3(b). Describe the alternative courses of action that could be taken by the Master
to keep his vessel safe and explain how each could keep the vessel clear of the
worst of the storm.

(1). The Master as he already knows that the storm has resumed and is heading SSW'ly
at 15 knots can keep plotting the storms tracks with latest updates. Initially, he is
about 540 nm from the storm centre.

(2). The Master can proceed on his normal course if he wishes and is plotting the
storms path as it curves. This option is not the best option but would put the vessel on
the navigable semicircle of the TRS.

(3). A SW'ly course would be most suitable, as firstly, it would take the vessel away
from the eye of the storm, and secondly, the vessel will be on the navigable semi-circle
of the TRS with plenty of sea room. At the same time, the storm's path will have to be
plotted. This course would only take the vessel away from the destination.

(4). Another option is to head on a W'ly course and probably look for cover in sheltered
areas. This course, too, would keep vessel atleast 250-300 miles away from eye of
storm. It will keep the vessel in navigable semi-circle and avoid getting on to a lee
shore. This would be a little time saving for the voyage but will still feel the effect of the
storm and swell.

4(b). State the advantages to the navigating officer of having Navtex Receiver on

Following are the advantages of Navtex Receiver to O.O.W. on Bridge :-

• All latest and updated navigational warnings are received.

• Latest update on weather forecast is available.

• Any distress warning in the vicinity can be attended to.

• Any pilot service messages for the area.

• In high latitudes, ice reports can be received.

• Gale warning forecast on the intended track received.

• Movement of rigs in the offshore region can be obtained and position charted.

• An update on navigational instruments can be obtained (eg. Decca, Loran-C, Omega

and Satnav)

• With the information received from the Navtex Receiver, passage plan can be
amended as required for the safety of the vessel.

• It is quick and easy to receive unlike the morse code signal received by the Radio

• Unwanted or irrelevant messages not set into receiver will not be printed.


5. A container vessel has all the navigational aids, Satnav and auto pilot. It has
unmanned engineroom with alarm for single manning and full crew of three deck
officers, four engineers and eight GP crewmen.

5(a). List the factors that the Master should take into consideration when
determining the composition of watches.

• Geographic position and local navigational hazards.

• State of visibility, effected by fog, rain, haze, sleet or snow.

• Day or night conditions.

• Open water, landfall or coastal conditions.

• Traffic density and proximity of focal points.

• The number of personnel and their experience.

• The need for use of manual steering or auto pilot.

• Need for continuous radar watch.

• Whether a Pilot is on board or not or when approaching for pilotage.

• The possibility of fatigue effecting watch keepers.

• The level of navigation duties eg. frequency of position fixing.

• Number of lookouts expected eg. in special operations like MERSAR.

Watchkeeping arrangements

• Always adequate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions and should take into
account the needs of maintaining a proper lookout.

• At no time should the Bridge be left unattended; one O.O.W. and one rating as
lookout with an additional rating on immediate call, if required and a helmsman, where

• State of visibility and weather conditions.

• Day or night conditions.

• Operational conditions of navigational aids.

• The need to use manual steering or autopilot; autopilot is designed to relieve the
helmsman but not the lookout rating.

• Any navigational hazards or special circumstances.

• Need of proper rest of watchkeepers.


• Certification and experience of watchkeepers.

Watchkeeping arrangements on ocean passages in clear weather

• Master available as required.

• During daylight, rating may work in immediate vicinity but must be readily available.

• Bridge watches as follows : C/O (04-08), 3/0 (08-12), 2/0 (12-04) and duties as per
Master's standing orders and good lookout.

• Engines on bridge control, engineers on day work and an engineer on immediate call
at night, if required.

Watchkeeping arrangements on ocean passages in restricted visibility

• Master on bridge as required supervising safe navigation of vessel.

• Bridge watches as before but two ratings allocated to each watch-keepers.

• Engines on bridge control and on manoeuvring speed ready for immediate use.

• Engine room to operate a three watch system and C/E to be in engine room as

• If restricted visibility persists for more than 12 - 24 hours, then consider doubling of

• The need for a continuous radar watch and the level of navigational duties such as
frequent position fixing.

Watchkeeping arrangements in river passage with pilot onboard

• Master on bridge as the overall incharge and pilot as advisory.

• One O.O.W., one rating as lookout and one rating as helmsman.

• One responsible officer and rating standby at the anchor forward.

• Engines on bridge control and on manouvring speed.

• C/E to be in E/R at all times additionally with duty engineer and one engine room


3(c). List the meteorological phenomena that a vessel is obliged to report under
M.S. Navigational Safety Regulations No. 534 of 1980.

As per the MSA regulations a vessel is obliged to report the when the following are
encountered :-

• Dangerous Ice.

• Dangerous derelict.


• Any danger to navigation.

• Tropical revolving storm.

• Sub-freezing air temperature associated with gale force causing severe ice acceration
on the superstructure of the ship.

• Winds of force 10 or above on Beaufort scale for which no storm warning is received.

NB : A Master should send an obligatory report made by all available means to ships in
the vicinity and to the nearest coast radio station or signal station. The report should
be made in english for preference or by the International Code Of Signals. If sent by
radiotelegraphy, the message should be preceeded by the safety signal "TTT" and if by
radiotelephony, the spoken word "SECURITE"; repeated three times in each case.

4. A vessel is to make a voyage through a particularly developed oilfield in the

Gulf of Mexico, where production platforms, exploration rigs, siesmic survey
vessels and well heads will be encountered.

4(a). State the hazards to navigation associated with each of the above offshore

(i). Production platforms :-

• Slant drilling;

• Small traffic;

• Safety zones;

• Toxic wastes;

• Helicopter Operations;

• No anchor areas and back scattering lights;

• Manifold and under surface work.

(ii). Exploration rigs:-

• Position changing;

• Charts unmarked;

• Navigation corrections to charts required;

• Unspecified safety zones;

• Anchor operations ongoing;

• Mooring buoys and towing possible.

(iii). Siesmic survey vessels :-


• Ram types (restricted in her ability to manoeuvre);

• Diving operations;

• Under sea operations;

• Marker on survey buoys;

• Unmarked cables and possible floating obstructions;

• No go zones.

(iv). Well heads :-

• No anchoring;

• Submarime pipelines;

• Suspended well heads, mark or unmarked;

• Soundings limitations of echo sounder.

4(b). State where the navigator will find details of the position of (i). Production
platforms and (ii). Exploration rigs.

(i). Production platform :-

• Charts;

• Lists of lights;

• Sailing directions;

• Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners;

• Special position charts (non-navigational);

• Navigational warnings (new developments).

(ii). Exploration rigs :-

• Navigational warnings;

• T and P Notices;

• VHF radio warnings;

• Navtex;

• Annual Summary reprints;

• Pilots;

• Port authorities from exploration rigs itself;


• Local knowledge of company or agents, other shipping.

NB : In any exploration area, caution is advised and written reports should be checked
as some variance may occur.

4(c). State the additional instructions, w.r.t. the oilfield, that the Master should
give to the Officer drawing up the passage plan to ensure that the vessel passes
these hazards safely.

(1). Observe all safety zones (500 mtrs.) and fairways when laying of courses / tracks.

(2). Observe a slow speed or safe speed in areas of oil / gas operations (Ref. no.20).

(3). Update navigational warnings and chart.

(4). Check navigational warnings.

(5). Contingency plan for fog or emergency.

(6). Manual steering inside the operations zone.

(7). Use of appropriate publications in appraisal of plan.

(8). Highlight "NO GAS AREAS".

(9). Emphasize monitoring points (primary and secondary system of position fixing).

(10). Show focal points of heavy or crossing traffic.

(11). Identify areas of expected strong currents.

(12). Mark safe anchorage sites.

(13). Potential hazard area for Master on con, Pilots and double personnels.

5(a). State the objectives of Ship's Routeing as adopted by IMO.(Q.4a / March,'96)

The purpose of Ship's Routeing is to improve the safety of navigation in converging

areas and in areas where the density of traffic is greatest and where freedom of
movement of shipping is inhibited by restricted sea room, existence of obstructions to
navigation, limited depths or unfavourable meteorological conditions.

The prime objective of Ship's Routeing system adopted by IMO may include some or all
of the following :-

• The separation of opposing streams of traffic so as to reduce the incidence of head-on


• The reduction of dangers of collision between crossing traffic and shipping in

established traffic lane.


• The simplification of the patterns of traffic flow in converging areas.

• The organisation of safe traffic flow in areas of concenterated offshore exploration or


• The organisation of traffic flow in or around areas areas where navigation by all ships
or by certain classes of ships is dangerous or undesirable.

• The reduction of risk of grounding to provide special guidance to vessels in areas

where water depths are uncertain and critical.

• The guidance of traffic clear of fishing grounds or the organization of traffic through
fishing grounds.

The advantages of Shop's Routeing system is to provide a route that will allow vessels
to reach their destination by :-

• the most economical track.

• that will cause least damage to the cargo and the ship.

• that will provide most comfort (in case of passenger vessel's).

• that will attract favourable insurance premiums.

• that will be the safest option when considering the season, class of vessel and ship's
characteristics (ie. deep draught, ice strengthened, etc.).


5. State the types of information that may be obtained from ALRS volume 6 (Pilot
operations) in respect to a major port.

• Stations working in the Port operations

• Vessel Traffic management and Information Services.

• Services to assist vessels requiring pilots.

• Services for small craft (information on Marina and Harbour VHF facilities).

• Services concerned with traffic surveillance.

• VHF working channel of various port operations and harbour authorities.

• Port information : harbour limits, telephone numbers, frequencies, hours and

information on firing practice.

• Pilots : Minimum notice periods, working frequencies, embarkations points and pilot
area limits.

• Associated diagrams.



2(b). Describe the type of search patterns which should be used if raft is not
sighted on arrival in area.

Following are the factors to be considered in deciding the search pattern :-

• limits of area to be searched.

• vessel carrying out the search; position, speed and ETA.

• own ship's capabilities.

• size of the target being searched.

• realiability of datum point.

• meteorological visibility.

• prevailing weather.

• sea condition.

• proximity of navigational hazards.

• Number of casualties and spread over what area.

• day or night.

Patterns :-

Sector search : for single small taraget.

Expanding square search : for wide spread target.

Co-ordinated creeping line : for long distance target.

Considering the last known position was a day away, the liferafts could have drifted
due to current and wind. The position of the liferaft would be quite close to the distress
position. But nothing is given for sure that the two liferafts are together. Therefore, the
expanding square search pattern would be employed as targets could be well spread.

2(c). State the information that needs to be exchanged between the two vessels
prior to arrival in the search area.

• Establish a good communication.

• Exchange of positions and details of operations of ships.

• Confirm last known position of distress.

• Exchange own vessel's capabilities such as speed, type of vessel, man power,
communication ability, nature of cargo and ETA to search area.


• Other information including present course, weather experience, bunkers, medical
facility and rescue facility types.

• Plans of search type to be employed and area to search.

3. A passenger vessel in 24 degrees north and 73.5 degrees west is bound for New
York from Kingston (Jamaica) at a speed of 22 kts. and is working to a very tight

A hurricane has been reported to be 120 miles to the eastward and moving in
NW'ly direction.

3. (a). Explain how the Master may ascertain the vessel's position relative to the
storms path by onboard observations.

• Master should heave to and take observation of true wind direction.

• Once the direction and force of wind have been ascertained, he should employ "BUY
BALLOTS LAW" to estimate the storm centre and this would provide a relative bearing
of the storm centre, i.e. in the northern hemisphere and with the observer facing the
wind, take a bearing 8 compass points to the right and take a bearing 12 compass
points to the right. The centre of the storm lies between these two bearings.

• The force of wind being experienced by the vessel would also indicate the range of the
ship from the storm, i.e.

150 miles from centre -- 7 force wind;

125 miles from centre -- 8 force wind;

75 miles from centre -- 10 force wind.

• The semicircle in which the vessel is situated by observation of the true wind shift;

in the Northern Hemisphere,

if the wind is veering, the vessel is in Dangerous Semicircle (DSC)

if the wind is backing, the vessel is in Navigable Semicircle (NSC)

• Vessel's position would also be indicated by direction of swell and associated weather,
satellite pictures and facsimile charts.

3. (b). If these observations confirm that the vessel is in the advance semicircle of
the storm state, making reference to the vessel schedule, the action that the
Master should take to expediate the voyage. A chartlet of the area is provided for
information only.

If the vessel's observation was ahead of trough line,

• if in path of dangerous quadrant, place wind on starboard bow and proceed at best
speed, progressively altering course to starboard as wind veers.

• if in path of navigable semicircle, place wind on starboard quarter and proceed at best
speed, progressively altering course to port as wind seeks.


This action would put the vessel close to islands to south and may be necessary
inorder to avoid being caught on the lee shore.

5. State the type of information that is contained under each of the following
paragraph headings in the "sailing directions" :-

(i). Directions :

• Approaching and berthing informations;

• Tidal streams;

• Navigational aids;

• Landmarks, their position and description;

• Area and dangers to be avoided; hazardous to navigation;

• Position of fairways and useful navigation marks;

• Availability of leading lights and their reliability;

• Availability of any TSS.

(ii). Anchorage :

• Designation (Prohibited / Deep water / Dangerous goods / Quarantine /

Recommended Anchorages);

• Limitation (Inner and outer anchorage);

• Depths;

• Holding ground;

• Shelter afforded;

• Weather / sea condition effecting on anchorage.

(iii). Pilot :

• Controlling authority;

• Either compulsory / optional;

• Authority for requests;

• Embarkation position / changing point of pilots;

• Regulations;

• Type of pilot service available eg. deep sea;


• Type and times of communication;

• Description of pilot boats;

• Signals to be displayed by own vessel;

(iv). Communications :

• Road, rail and air services available;

• Nearest airport or airfield;

• Port radio and information services with frequencies and hours of operating;

• Post and telegraph services available.


3. State the standing orders that a Master should issue to cover the following
circumstances :-

3(a). Whilst the vessel is at anchor :-

• Determine and plot the ship's position on the appropriate chart as soon as
practicable; the position of the anchor to be recorded together with the amount of cable
paid out.

• Ascertain vessel's position by all available means at sufficiently frequent intervals; by

taking visual bearings of fixed objects ashore or prominent navigational marks; radar
must be used and transit bearings obtained, if possible.

• Ensure that an efficient lookout is maintained.Ensure that inspection rounds of the

ship / deck patrol is maintained.

• Observe meteorological and tidal conditions and the state of the sea; echo sounder
switched on at regular intervals, and rise and fall of tide recorded.

• Obtain updated weather reports.

• Ensure that the state of readiness of the main engines and other machinery.

• Ensure that the ship exhibits the appropriate lights / shapes and that appropriate
sound signals are made at all times, as required.

• If visibility deteriorates, notify the Master and comply with the applicable regulations
for preventing collision at sea.

• Notify the Master and undertake all necessary measures if own or other ship drags

• Keep continuous listening watch on VHF Ch.16 and port / pilot channel.


• Take measures to protect the environment from pollution by the ship with applicable
pollution regulations.

• Have contingency plan ready with regards to own vessel or other vessel dragging

3(b). The embarking / disembarking of Pilot :-

• Establish early communication with the Pilot boat; give ETA to pilot boarding ground,
ship's particulars and information as required by the Pilot, and confirm pilot ladder on
which side and height above the waterline.

• Inspect chart for available depth of water, sea room, obstructions, entry and exit

• Hoist International Code Flag "G" or "H" as required or any local signals.

• Engage manual steering and keep both steering motors 'on'.

• Ensure engines on standby and vessel in all respect ready for manoeuvring.

• Approach at slow speed, identify targets and create a 'lee' for the pilot boat; take
precautions against swamping and interaction.

• Ascertain current set and drift, and adjust the course and speed accordingly.

• Post lookouts and brief them as the usual contact is lost during manoeuvre under
freeboard or around the stern.

• Boarding point clear of all obstructions and free from any slippery substances.

• Ensure pilot ladder well rigged as per instructions with two man-ropes; lifebuoy with
self-igniting light and a safety line kept ready for immediate use at the boarding point.

• If high freeboard, then rig the pilot ladder in conjunction with the accomodation

• Deck and overside well illumunated.

• A Responsible Officer to inspect that the pilot ladder is in good condition and well
rigged, and with communications to standby at the pilot ladder to receive the Pilot;
sufficient number of deck hands ready to assist, if required.

4(b). State the purpose of Cumulative List of Notices to Mariners.

The purpose of the Cumulative List of Notices to Mariners is for checking and updating
charts. It records the chart number, edition and the notices to mariners affecting the
chart from previous till the latest notice prior publishing to this list. The list is
published by the Hydrographic Department of the Navy every six months and contains
correction to charts for previous two years. It affects BA Admiralty charts as well as
Australian and New Zealand charts which have been republished with the Admiralty

5. March 15th, a vessel is on a voyage from New York to Stockholm (Sweden) in

the Baltic Sea.


5(a). State the sources of information regarding the current state of Baltic ice
that are available to the Master (i). whilst in Mid-Atlantic (ii). when approaching
Baltic. (Q.3a / March,'95)

(i). Whilst in Mid-Atlantic :-

• Ice reports from the CRS.

• Navtex.

• Ship routeing advisory service (weather reports and facsimile messages) available
from Meteorological Office at Bracknell.

• Radio advisory warning reports.

• General reference to Ocean Passages of the World and Mariners Handbook.

(ii). When approaching Baltic :-

• General reference should be made to all official publications which provide ice
information and additionally to Baltic Pilot volumes I / II / III, Mariners Handbook and
ALRS volume 3.

• Relevant charts of the area and the use of Weekly Notices to Mariners should be
consulted for "T " and "P" notices.

• Weather reports and facsimile charts from Meteorological Office at Bracknell.

• Local information from Finish and Swedish Ice Services. These services also operate
ice breakers.

• Reports from other shipping outward bound from the Baltic.

5(b). (i). State, where amongst the official publications, the Master would find
details of the Ice Breaker services available in Swedish waters.

• In the appropriate Sailing Directions / Baltic Pilots.

• ALRS volumes 6 and 7.

5(b). (ii). State what broad details should be found in these publications.

• Sailing directions :- Navigation regulations includes various routes, passages,

cautions, hazards, pilotage, navigation marks and landmarks. Coastguard and rescue
services, ports, principal anchorages, repairs, facilities and natural conditions such as
topography, currents, tidal streams, sea swell, ice, climate and weather.

• ALRS volumes 6 and 7 :- includes full procedures for requesting service, such as
name and address of authority, areas covered, notification required, communication,
frequency and limits, and Ice Breaker position in daily reports. It also gives general


information regarding port operations, Vessel Traffic Management and Information
Services and pilot services.

5(c). State the function of an ice pilot, are they compulsory.

• Ice pilot have local knowledge of the area and therefore, is aware of the concentration
of ice in the area.

• Ice pilot have experience in handling ships in ice conditions and therefore, is an
appropriate person for safely navigating the vessel through ice.

• Ice pilot make best use of ice leads as well as Ice Breakers.

The use of ice pilots is not compulsory although in some countries, certain types of
ships will be required to take one. A master, inexperienced in navigating in an ice area,
would be advised to use the services of an ice pilot.

4. A vessel is navigating in open pack ice with fast ice along a snow covered
coastline. State the advice / orders the Master should give to the Bridge with
respect to the following :-

4. (a). The use of radar to fix the vessel's position :-

• Radar scanners may become frozen with ice accretion. Ice particles adhering to the
reflecting surface of the scanner may become frozen up with ice accretion, thereby
reducing radar energy both inward and outward, and hence reducing the working
range of the radar to six miles or less appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and

• Concenterated pack ice detectable in all sea conditions at minimum three miles

• Leads and openings will not show unless more than 0.25 nm wide.

• Carry out long range scanning for associated ice targets.

• Continuous radar watch to be kept by second watch-keeper.

• Any iceberg detected should be plotted.

• In rough sea conditions, sea clutter extends beyond 1 mile and therefore, radar
should be used with caution. In calm seas most ice formation can be clearly detected.

4. (b). The use of headlands and other topographical features for visual bearings
when position fixing and for cleaing lines.

• Headland and topographical features are extremely scarce in ice conditions.

• Geographical position of features are unreliable.

• The land could be jetting out due to pack ice formation.


• Headlands especially where icebergs have grounded may present them selves as being
larger or more greatly extended than they actually are and may cause notable error in
position fixing by visual bearing or radar.

• Special care should be exercised if using clearing lines / bearings off such headlands
and topographical features as the clearance may not what really is on the chart.

• Topography may not be the same to the one shown in the Sailing Directions due to
the diposition of snow and such features should not be relied upon due to lack of

4. (c). The use of sectored leading lights as leading lines :-

• Windows of the lights may be covered by frost / ice which greatly reduces sighting
and visible range of lights, thereby, making them unreliable.

• Coloured lights tend to diffuse and appear as white sectors. The lantern glass may
have moisture build up due to temperature changes and could further diffuse light

• Snow build up could completely cover the light.

• The width of the sector of lights is affected; effect is greatest with green and weak
lights whereas with white lights, the sector tends to extend.

• Due to extreme weather and ice conditons, the lights may be subjected to failure
especially if unmanned and also maintenance may be difficult.

Hence, sectored leading lights should not be relied upon and position fixing must be
carried out by other means.

4. (d). Upon entering the ice where this cannot be avoided :-

• Proceed at slow speed.

• Enter ice at right angles to ice edge, if possible.

• Main engines on immediate notice and running continuously, either ahead or astern,
to avoid build up round the vessel.

• Continuous radar watch to be maintained and detected icebergs plotted.

• Post extra lookouts.

• All ice leads and bearings to be reported.

• Ballast vessel to immerse propeller and rudder.

• Continuous VHF watch maintained on Ch.16

• Obtain weather reports.

5. (a). Explain briefly the principle sources of information used by the

Hydrographic Department in compiling and maintaing charts.


• Royal Navy survey ships.

• Surveys and re-surveys by Admiralty Hydrographic office.

• Surveys by foreign governments.

• Information from IHO based in Monaco.

• Reports from ship's Masters on H-102 and H-102a as per weekly notices.

• Reports from port and harbour authorities.

• Reports from lighthouse authorities (IALA).

• Offshore company reports.

5. (b). One of the navigating officer draws the Master's attention to a features not
contained on or at variance to the chart. Explain giving details the action that
should be taken.

• Master should ascertain that the chart is corrected upto the latest weekly notice to

• According to S.I. No. 534 of 1980, any additional information sighted and which is not
marked on the chart should be relayed by all available means to all the ships in the

• Master must make an obligatory report by radio or any available means to (i). all
ships in the vicinity, (ii). the nearest coast radio station, (iii). Hydrographic Department

• The message should be in english or by INTERCO; if by W/T, preceeded by "TTT" and

if by R/T, then preceeded by "SECURITE"; in each case repeated three times.

• The information regarding the feature should be filled in the form H-102 / H-102A,
obtained from Admiralty Chart agent or at the back of the weekly notices to mariners.

The information required would include the following :-

* Ship's name and call sign.

* General location.

* Subject.

* Approximate position (latitude / longitude).

* B.A. chart affected.

* Latest notices to mariners held.

* Publications affected.

These reports are obligatory for Masters of ships registered in the U.K. and a failure to
send such a report is fined upto £500.


• It should then be forwarded to the Hydrographer of the Navy, Ministry of Defence in
Taunton (England).


3. (b). Draw up a set of Master's standing orders for main engine failure.

(Q.4b / June,'96)

• Inform Master at the earliest and the C/E or D/E, if unmanned E/R.

• Maximise use of "head reach".

• Plot vessel's position immediately.

• Display NUC signals / lights as appropriate.

• Prepare for emergency anchoring; have anchors ready for deep water anchoring.

• Advise vessels in immediate vicinity and if in TSS, inform respective reporting station,
if any.

• Continuous watch maintained on VHF Ch.16

• Keep good watch on the traffic via radar / visual.

• Post lookouts.

• Establish rate of drift.

• Be in contact with the E/R regarding repairs and update Master accordingly.

• Obtain latest weather reports.

4. (a). Give a brief description of Navtex System of transmitters and receivers.

(Q.5b / November,'94)

Navtex is a navigational telex service developed by IMO, and broadcasted by means of

narrow band direct printing techniques on the frequency 518 kHz, for the promulgation
of navigational, meteorological warnings and urgent information to ships. It is
incorporated in the GMDSS and is also a component of WWNWS, and is achieved by
transmitters allocated to cover a specific Navtex area..

Transmitters and Receivers :

The transmissions within each NAVAREA is arranged on a time-sharing basis to

eliminate mutual interference and the power of each transmitter is so regulated as to
avoid the possibility of interference between transmitters. The transmissions have a
designed range of about 400 nm.


The transmissions can be received by ship's radio telex installations, but to gain full
benefit from the system, a dedicated equipment is recommended comprising of the
following :-

• a receiver, fixed tuned to the broadcast frequency;

• a printer using 'cash-roll' paper;

• a microprocessor controlled message decoder, ensuring that a routine message

already received will not be reprinted on subsequent transmissions and also the
messages will not be printed unless the received signal is strong enough to guarantee a
reasonable copy;

• a whip or wire antenna;

• desk or bulkhead mounted and can be self tested.

Three message priorities are used to dictate the timing of the first broadcast of a new
warning in the Navtex service. In descending order of urgency, they are :-


for immediate broadcast, subject to avoiding interference to ongoing transmissions;


for broadcast at the next available period when the frequency is unused;


for broadcast at the next scheduled transmission period.

Both 'vital' and 'important' warnings will normally need to be repeated, if still valid, at
the next scheduled transmission period.

4. (b). State the type of messages that are broadcast over this system.

• A - Navigational warnings

• B - Meteorological warnings

• C - Ice reports

• D - Search and rescue information

• E - Meteorological forecast

• F - Pilot service messages

• G - Decca messages

• H - Loran messages

• I - Omega messages


• J - Satnav messages

• K - Other electronic navigation aid messages

• L - Additional navigation warnings

• "V"

• V - Special services

• W - Special services

• X - Special services

• Y - Special services

• Z - No message on hand

NB : Subject indicators "A", "B" and "D" cannot be rejected by a NAVTEX operator.

5. (b). Current rose charts, vector mean charts and predominant current charts
are all available to the navigator. Describe how these charts differ and explain the
use of each.

NB :- Details of currents can be found in the current atlas, chart of worls currents,
routeing charts and sailing directions.

Current Rose Charts :-

• Shows the variability of the ocean currents in the area that it covers.

• The function of the rose is to indicate the degree of current variability in the region. It
is divided into 16 compass sectors to process the number of observations (current
speeds less than 6 nm per day are ignored).

• The number of observations is then expressed as a percentage of the total number of

observations, to determine the length of the arrows.

• Each arrow is subdivided to show the percentage frequency of occurance at various

range of speeds in that direction.

• The upper figure in the centre of the rose represents the total number of observations.

• The lower figures represents the percentage frequency of the observations with speeds
less than 6 nm per day

Vector Mean Current Charts :-

• Shows the long term displaceent of water in the world oceans by means of an arrow
pointing in the appropriate direction. It potrays the overall movement of water over a
period of three months to which the chart refers and is also called General Circulation.


• The arrow flows with the current and represents the mean resultant direction and
rate of current; the mean position of the observation is at the centre of the arrrow.

• The figure above the arrow indicates speed, while the range of values within which the
speed falls is shown by the thickness of the arrow.

• The figure beneath the arrow shows the number of observations used to determine
the vector mean.

• The vector mean current indicated is the resultant value of all observations being
considered for that area.

Predominant Current Charts :-

• Shows the current which is more likely to be experienced in the area being

• The current direction being indicated by an arrow and its thickness reflects

• Constancy of the predominant direction is determined as a percentage of observations

in the predominant sector to the total number in the basic area.

• Direction is established by the use of 24 sectors, one of which will have the largest
number of observations in an indicated direction.

• The average rate of the current, in miles per day, is determined by observations in a
predominant sector and is given by the figure at the tail end of the arrow.

• The chart is derived by :-

(a). Observations made for 90 degrees sectors round the compass and each sector
displays 15 degrees from the other, and totalled.

(b). The mid direction of the sector contains the number of observations that are made
in the predominant direction.

USES of each chart :-

Current Rose Charts :

• Provides local area knowledge to the navigator regarding rates and direction for the
current movement.

• Used in conjunction with the routeing charts.

Vector Mean Charts :

• Used to establish overall movement of water which are of considerable value for
oceanographic purposes, where net transport of surface water is required.


• Used by the navigator for calculating drifts of objects, such as icebergs or derelicts,
over long periods; the longer the period, the more likely the drift will approximate to the
veactor mean drift.

• Useful in MERSAR operations for long range search engagement.

Predominant Current Charts :

• Is the one which is of the greatest value to the navigator as it gives the general picture
of circulation of the currents.

• Used extensively when planning an ocean route, to establish expected progress in

conjunction with the predominant currents of the region. Predominant direction and
average rate used with the knowledge of how much it may differ from the regional

• The predominant current direction is not only the one shown on the chart but
includes all directions 15 degrees on either side of it.

Differences :-

Current Rose Charts : All current observations indicate current variables.

Vector Current Charts : Overall water movement over three months period and
provides resultant circulation.

Predominant Current Charts : Predominant direction and average rates.


2(b). (i). State the Master's statutory duties on receiving radio reports indicating
that dangerous ice ahead on the vessel's track.

As per SOLAS requirements, the Master of every ship, when ice is reported on or near
his course, to alter course to pass well clear of danger zone and proceed at moderate
speed at night.

3(c). Describe, briefly, any other reporting system with which you are familiar.

INSPIRES (Indian Ship Position and Information Reporting System) :-

• Mandatory for all merchant vessels including coastal and fishing vessel's of more than
300 GRT.

• All other vessels are encouraged to participate.

• The purpose of the system is to provide for SAR operations vessel traffic management,
weather forecasting, and the prevention and containment of marine pollution.

• The sea areas covered under the system are as follows :

(1). Indian - Pakistan border at the coast;


(2). 12 00 North, 63 00 East;

(3). African coast at 12 00 North;

(4). African coast at 10 30 South;

(5). 10 30 South, 55 00 East;

(5). 30 00 South, 55 00 East

(6). 30 00 South, 95 00 East and northwards to the coast.

• There are four types of messages (all messages with ship's name and call sign) :

Sailing Plan : sent prior to sailing or after sailing within INSPIRE's area.

To include the following :-

- Date and time;

- Position (latitude / longitude);

- Course and speed;

- Port of departure;

- Port of destination;

- ETA at destination;

- Route;

- Sailing draft;

- Cargo details;

- Number of persons on board;

- Ship size and type;

- Ship's agent.

Position Report : sent every 6 hours or according to the schedule listed in ALRS vol.1
(part 1). To include the following :-

- Date and time;

- Course and speed;

- ETA to destination;

- Time of next report.

Deviation Report : sent when changing reported route or when estimated position
varies significantly. To include the following :-


- Date and time;

- Position (latitude / longitude);

- Course and speed;

- Port of destination.

Final Report : sent on arrival at destination or when leaving the INSPIRE's area. To
include the following :-

- Date and time;

- Position (latitude / longitude);

- Course and speed;

• Messages accepted by the Indian Naval Communication Centre (COMCEN), Mumbai

(VTF) and Vizag (VTO).

• INTERCO may be used where language problem exist.


2. A ship is to call at a port where underkeel clearance will be of concern. Neither

the Master nor the navigating officer have previously visited the port.

Explain how the information on the navigational chart may be used to assess the
possibility of lesser depth occuring between the charted depths.

• Largest scale chart of the area must be used.

• If Admiralty chart unavailable, then get a foreign chart.

• The section of the scale must be equal to the area surveyed.

• The chart must be of the latest edition.

• The chart must be corrected to the latest weekly notices to mariners.

• Source data diagrams show the dates of the survey being carried out and area

• Charts based on older surveys may be expected to have changes within the 20 metres

• Not necessarily all dangers can be scanned by the modern equipment used for

• Check for notes on caution.

• Shifting sea banks and nature of seabed should not be trusted.


• Refer to Sailing directions, Guide to port entry, ALRS, tidal stream atlases and tide

• Contact port control by telex and obtain any latest chart update.

• Passing over wrecks should not be considered unless they are wire swept.

• Allowance should be made for the waves and swell as they affect the UKC; use echo

• Underwater pipelines reduce depth of water.

• Doubtful soundings should not be relied upon.

• Refer to Annual Summary Notice no. 1, 15 and 15A.

3(b). Give a brief account of how the advice on the chart 5500, can be used by the
Master of a VLCC inward bound through the English Channel towards Europort.

The Master of the VLCC should plan his passage through the English Channel as per
the recommendations given in 5500 (section 4) which gives information regarding
details and dangers for a deep drafted vessels bound for Europort.

When eastbound, a deep drafted route is shown on the passage plan chart for
Europort. Details regarding the squat that is likely to be encountered on different leg
during the passage is shown. It also recommends the use of "deep draft" passage
planning guide which is published by the Netherlands Hydrographic Service.

The passage planning guide also gives details regarding ETA's to be sent by deep
drafted vessels before passing the Dover Straits and ascertaining that normal
conditions exists. Also that deep draft vessels should not transit Dover Straits without
an operational radar and Decca.

(Section 2) gives details regarding pilot boarding points for deep sea pilots when bound
for Europort. Information regarding Tidal ranges and Co-Tidal lines are given in this
section to ascertain the state of tide.

In addition, all reporting points (MAREP) are depicted on the chart including stations
for reporting and the information to be reported.


Q. Meteorological Routeing Information :-

Surface Synoptic Analysis Chart provides illustration of the existing conditions at the
proceeding synoptic hour, and shows position of isobars and other synoptic detail such
as fronts, trough, etc. It may also include ship and land reports.

Surface Prognostic Charts provide a projection of synoptic conditions ahead in time

and cover periods of 12, 18, 36 and 72 hours.

Change of pressure charts show isobaric lines i.e. lines joining places of equal
pressure. These charts help to forecast movement of depressions.


Wave Charts show sea analysis and isopleuths of constant wave height together with
the direction of wave groups indicated by arrow. Prognosis charts can be produced
from this information.

Ice Charts show the amount and boundaries of icebergs, pack ice and leads for
selected areas eg. NW Atlantic and Gulf of Lawrence.

Upper Air Charts are use by shorebased meteorologists to obtain information on the
movement of depressions and other expected weather conditions. They include factual
charts of :-

(a). constant pressures providing analysis and prognostic detail;

(b). cloud thickness charts;

(c). wind force and direction for upper levels.

Nephanalysis Charts are satellite information charts providing information on cloud

patten and cloud thickness, thereby, assisting in the identification of meteorological
features like TRS.

Hindcast Charts (refer page 43)

Q. What all is included in a "chart outfit" ?

A chart should include the following publications :-

• Standard Admiralty chart folios or selected charts made up into folios as required.

• Chart correction log and Folio index.

• Weekly Notices to Mariners.

• Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners.

• Chart Catalogue.

• Chart 5011; Symbols and abbreviations used on Admiralty charts.

• Admiralty Sailing Directions.

• Admiralty Lists of Lights and Fog Signals.

• Admiralty Lists of Radio Signals.

• Admiralty Tide tables.

• Tidal Stream Atlases.

• Mariners Hand Book.

• The supplier of the outfit will state the number of the last notices to mariners to
which it has been corrected.


Q. Correction to charts :-

• The Navigation Officer is responsible for correction to all charts.

• Charts must be corrected under CHART MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.

• Working charts to be corrected first and last correction noted by consecutive number.

• No erasures or the use of tippex / snow paint is allowed on chart.

• All new charts and new editions to be ordered and logged on board prior to the vessel

• Any missing or damaged chart must be reported to the Master.

• All corrections to be recorded in CHART CORRECTION LOG.

• Corrections must be made in accordance with the weekly notices to mariners.

• All blocks should be applied so as not to cause distortion (paste chart and not the
correction block).

• Corrections to be made in ink.

• Temporary and Preliminary corrections to be made in pencil.

• Cumulative list to be consulted and used in the correction of charts.

• All navigation warnings from whatever source, relevant to the chart should be noted
on the chart.

• A folio system should be employed and maintained with respect to recommendations

of the Mariners Handbook (NP-100).

Q. Correction to publications :-

• The Navigation Officer is responsible for ordering and maintaining the ships statutory

• All new publications and new editions must be ordered and received on board prior to
vessel's sailing.

• Annual publications, eg. Nautical Almanac, must be ordered well in advance of their
operational date so that the vessel is not left without current navigational information.

• Sailing Directions must be corrected upto and inclusive of the latest supplement.

• Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals must be corrected upto the latest weekly
notices by the junior navigation officer.

• Admiralty List of radio Signals must be corrected upto the latest weekly notices by the
communication officer.


• No erasures or tippex / snow paint should be made in all official publications.

• An upto date list of publications is to be maintained on board together with a

correction log of all corrections applied.

• Any missing or damaged publications must be reported to the Master.

• Weekly notices to mariners to be retained on board for a minimum period of two


• Publications should be retained on Bridge and not removed without the express
permission of the Master.

Q. State the sources of information to ascertain chart reliability and lesser depth.

(1). Local navigational warnings.

(2). Port authorities.

(3). Pilots for local knowledge.

(4). Ship's echo soundrer.

(5). Weekly notices (T & P).

(6). Annual Summary Notices 1, 15, 15a.

(7). Old log books.

(8). Outward bound shipping.

(9). Port plans on small scale charts.

(10). Sailing directions and supplements.

(11). Charted cautions and special notes.

(12). Local agents.

(13). Admiralty Tide Tables.

(14). Co-tidal / Co-range charts.

(15). Navtex.

Charts are not infallible, and the scale cannot cover every depth in total.
Depth contours will also be affected by topographic changes.

Q. Discuss in general terms the reliability of navigation charts.

• May be incomplete, either through imperfect surveys or alterations in topography.


• Date and methods of survey not being as dependable because the measuring
instruments previously employed were not as accurate eg. lead line compared with

• Alterations occur subsequent to the time of survey.

• Sea bottom may also be unstable and not present a correct representation as per old

• Paper of chart may have some distortion when being printed from various causes.

• Magnetic variation will change with the passing of time.

• Extreme caution should be exercised with the use of small scale charts and mariners
are continually advised to use the largest scale chart available.

Q. Discuss in general terms the activity of the navigator when constructing an

Ocean Passage Plan.

• Collate all information following a comprehensive appraisal of relevant publications

and charts for the effective voyage.

• Obtain all meteorological data which could effect the respective routes for the season
and the areas.

• Note recommendations from the Ocean Passages of the World and the Routeing

• Lay of recommended routes and tracks on consecutive charts (use chart catalogue for
order and scale).

• Check safety features on routes and that the vessel's characteristics are applicable ie.
ice class, deep water, etc.

• Assess ETA and voyage economics, fuel consumptions, etc.

• Include contingencies in planning.

Q. Explain the Electronic Chart System.

Types of Electronic Chart Systems (ECS) :-

ECS equipment which displays electronic charts but does not and will not satisfy the
SOLAS requirements to carry a full set of Navigational Charts (includes all systems
using Non Official Data).

Raster Chart Display System (RCDS) is a system capable of displaying Official Raster
Charts and meets the minimum standards on performance.

Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) is a navigation

information system that employs Official Vector Charts, displaying software and
hardware that complies with ECDIS performance standards . ECDIS will satisfy the
SOLAS requirements on the carriage of charts.


Two categories of Electronic Charts :-

• Official - one which is kept fully updated by or on the authority of a national

Hydrographic Office.

• Non Official - describes an electronic chart which has been derived by a commercial
company from the data owned by NHO's. They are not endorsed by the Hydrographic
Office nor are they in any way guaranteed in quality.

Construction :-

• Raster Data - is produced by the scanning of the paper chart.

• Vector Data - is obtained by digital capture of individual charted objects, based on

geographical positions. These objects can then be stored in a data base and customized
to navigate needs.

Q. List the main considerations taken into account by Ship Routeing Services
when routeing ships in the North Atlantic.

• The safety of the ship, passenger, crew and cargo.

• The dangers of ice, fog and storm regularity.

• Speed and past performance of the vessel.

• Classification of the vessel (eg. ice strengthened).

• Master / company / charteres preferences.

• Projected weather for the time of the voyage.

• Proximity of the hazards.

• Endurance and bunker capacity.

• Prognosis charts of wave heights.

• Recommendations from Ocean Passages, Routeing charts and other publications.

• Economics from cargo - sensitive or special requirements eg. for coal, surface

Q. Radar Plotting Analysis.

• Complete the plot and prepare a radar report. (course, speed, CPA, TCPA, aspect).

• Observe all options and alternatives (stop, reduce / increase speed, altering course
port / stbd, astern or combination and long range scanning).

• Is the action legal as per COLREGS.


• Is the action safe and substantial to produce an adequate CPA.

• Why was the action taken and what will be new consequences ?

• Will the action taken result in a new close quarters situation developing ?

Q. State and explain what errors could be anticipated when radar plotting.

Errors in Bearing :-

• When taken on Relative Motion display, error can be upto +/- 2 degrees.

• If the display is stabilised, a greater accuracy is obtained.

• Time interval errors may be incurred with some electronic cursors which are difficult
to align.

Errors in Range :-

• Range errors depends on quality of equipment.

• Maximum value of error 2.5% of range scale in use; 5%, if set is old.

• Larger percentage of error incured if target is slow moving, making the plot

Own vessel data is incorrect :-

• Wrong input gives rise to large errors in course and speed of target estimates.

• Maintain continued check on own vessel's performance for course and speed.

• Increased plotting interval frequency would reduce errors in the CPA.

Errors in the timing of plot interval :-

• Human error.

• Plotting at irregular intervals through lack of concentration and interpretations.

• Plot is unreliable.

• Increase number of plot intervals.

Incorrect interpretation of target data :-

• Human error.

• Plot unreliable.

• Requires closer monitoring with increased plotting intervals.


• Daytime / visual plotting and interpretation should be carried out as a means of
onboard training.

• Good weather plotting as well as foul weather.

Q. State the contents of Summary of Annual Notices to Mariners.

1. Admiralty tide tables - Addenda and corrigenda.

2. Suppliers of Admiralty chart and publications.

3A. Official messages to British flagged Merchant ships - GBMS.

3B. Official radio messages to Merchant ships - The allied MERCOMMS


4. Distress and rescue at sea - Ships and Aircrafts.

4A. Distress and rescue - ships position and reporting system.


5. Firing practice and exercise areas.

6. Former Mine Danger areas, swept routes.

7. UK and USSR (former) - Mutual safety procedures for Military units.

8. Submarine information.

10. Minelaying and mine counter measures exercises.

11. North Atlantic Ocean weather ships.

12. National claims to Maritime Jurisdiction.

13. World-Wide Navigation Warning Service and World Meteo Organisation.

14. Availability of Notices to Mariners.

15. UK allowance.

15A. Negative storm surge.

16. Protection of Historic and Dangerous wrecks.

17. Traffic Separation Schemes.

17A. Ship reporting system - (AIRS) Automatic Ship Identification and


Reporting System.

18. Carriage of Nautical Publications.

19. Satellite Navigation system Position and BA charts.

20. Protection of Offshore installations.

21. Canadian Charts and publication regulations.

22. US Navigation safety regulations relating to Navigation charts and publications.

Q. Type of crafts requiring "wide berth".

• Convoys of warships or merchants ships; take early action.

• Ships or aircrafts - courses are determined by wind.

• Survey ships (may show IR); towing underwater; cables- 3 nm long.

• Seismic survey vessels - may be encountered without warning alone or in company of

other craft; often keep radio silence and may use morse.

• Submarines and escorts signal - "NE2", pyrotecnics and smokes.

• Mine clearence vessels or mine counter activity clearence atleast 1000 metres; may
have small boat activity, ball-diamond-ball, divers and controlled explosions.

• Vessels undergoing speed trials signal - "SM". Sharp manouevres 180 degrees turn.

• Vessels constrained by her draught; take account of available depth and width of
channel. Definations of CBD vesssel - width of panama canal.

• Hovercraft / air cushion vessels; high speeds 80kts and high noise level, may not
hear sound signals.

• Flexible Oil Barges (dracones) nearly submerged are 20 - 60 mts in length.

• Incinerator vessels; smoke and flames are from distress; pass to windward if possible,
may be shown on chart.

• Any other as per regulations eg. fishing vessels.

Q. Small Vessel Engagement :-

• Establish and confirm communications.

• Provisional rendezvous position established, clear of obstruction / traffic.

• Confirm command authority (Master or Pilot)


• Negotiate forward plan.

• Manual steering.

• Maintain visual contact.

• Clarify engagement detail / method and operating speed.

• Note charted areas for UKC and squat, and possible areas of interaction.

• Inform engine room of progress.

• Update operational details to all concerned parties concerned as appropriate.

• Log all activities.

• Maintain effective lookout.

• Monitor ships position continually.

• Allow for currents, interaction and weather.

• Obtain revised weather information prior to engagement.

Q. Hazards to Pilots :-

• Rough sea conditions.

• Excessive speed of parent vessel and subsequent interaction.

• No "lee" provided or bad station holding by parent vessel.

• Physical faults :

Ladder to high / low.

Ladder in poor repair.

No illumination.

Badly secured ladder.

• Strong currents need steerage way.

• High freeboard additional facilities required; accomodation ladder or Pilot hoist and

• Position of ladder - outfalls, obstructions, etc.

• Poor supervision eg. hoists.


• Small boat dangers - swamping, collision, unfended launch and interaction.

Q A vessel is about to approach a pilotage station. Describe the actions of the

Bridge team to ensure that the pilot is embarked safely and the ship is not stood
into danger.

• Bridge Team : Master, OOW , lookouts, helmsman, radar navigator.

• Approach : Communicate with the pilot station atleast 1 hour before embarkation of
the pilot and obtain ladder details and local weather details.

• SBE and Master alerted : Bridge placed on alert status, manual steering engaged,
lookouts doubled and briefed, and ladder rigged correctly.

• Passage plan and approach revised in the light of weather update, UKC, route
outward considered prior to entry, once pilot embarked.

• Land marks and position fixing criterior identified, navigation instruments checked,
engines tested and speed reduced in plenty of time to operate safely.

• Echo sounder 'ON', anchors cleared and position continually monitored by OOW.

• Navigate fixing by altitude methods. Radar observer operating anti-collision mode at 6


• Correct signals displayed (daylight) and illumination by night.

• Log book and movement record book maintained.

• Contingency plan adhered too and emergency anchorage position determined.

Q. Navigation when towing :-

• Plan route in advance.

• Contingency - bad weather.

• Towline suitable and of adequate strength.

• Designated Tow Master (To check towline and securing).

• Secondary tow and /or tow recovery following loss of tow - buoy.

• Correct navigational signals.

• Watertight integrity of towed vessel confirmed prior to sailing.

• Tow - deck securing confirmed.

• LSA for tow, if manned.


• Coastguard / Coast Radio Stations informed - "Urgency" signal, if tow is a hazard.

• Prior to departure - Tow Master and another Master to inspect the towline

• Log all activities.

• Check communications between tug and tow.

• Obtain updated weather reports.

Q. Calling the Master :-

• If restricted visibility is encountered or expected.

• If traffic conditions or movements of other ships are causing concern.

• If difficulty is experienced in maintaining course.

• On failure to sight land, a navigation mark or obtain soundings by the expected time.

• If, unexpectedly, land or a navigation mark is sighted or change in sounding occurs.

• On the breakdown of the engines, steering gear, or any essential navigational


• In heavy weather, if in any doubt about the possibility of weather damage.

• If the ship meets any hazard to navigation, such as ice or derelicts.

• In any other emergency or situation in which the OOW is in any doubt.

Q. List the problems encountered when transiting Straits of Megallan.

The dangers and difficulties faced are the same as those experienced in narrow
channels and harbours i.e. close proximity of shore and other traffic leading to
interaction. These are aventuated by the prevalence of bad weather and by the
generally foul rocky characters of the anchorages.

Very strong cross tidal streams are not uncommon features and thus, vessel should
have good manoeuvrability at all times. Many vessels use the straits and therefore,
there is a risk of meeting another vessel simultaneously with one of the violent and
unpredictable squalls which are very common in these areas. Since the straits are
narrow in most parts, it is very difficult and mostly impossible to seek a shelter.

In bad weather east bound vessels may find it difficult to make landfall which is very
essential before a vessel enters the straits. Also, tidal streams in the east part of the
straits are less favourable to a east bound ship.


Q. Swell in the South Atlantic :-

Zone 1 : 0 ~ 20 Degrees :- Slight to moderate swell rarely heavy from SE in the east
part of the zone, and from between SE & E in the west part.

Zone 2 : 20 ~ 40 Degrees :- The swell is mainly moderate but heavy at times. In the
east part, it is from S, and direction is variable in the west part. With high proportion
from between NE and N, reports of confused swell are frequent.

Zone 3 : 40 ~ 60 Degrees :- Mainly moderate but sometimes very heavy in the extreme
South. Throughout the year, worst conditions between 40 ~ 50 degrees South. Heavy
swell is present during 30% to 70% of the time between 50 ~ 60 degrees South. Most of
the high seas and swell appear to be raised by the Westerlies.

Q. Bridge Team Search Pattern Orders :-

Navigator : Note CSP, plot datum and search area limits (if known), plot alteration
course points and monitor ship's position by alternative fixing method.

Engine Room : Speed to be reduced during search period, according to visibility, sea
state and weather conditions.

O.O.W. : Double watchkeepers, radar operator, long range scanning, lookouts, reliefs,
record and logs, traffic and VHF listening watch.

Radio and Communications Officer : Standby, transmit search results progress

reports and debriefs to OSC or CSS. Listening watch over operating frequencies.

Q. Whilst proceeding to a distress what preparations as a Chief Officer would you

make ?

• Prepare hospital to receive casualties.

• Plot rendezvous position and possible search pattern.

• Standby Radio Officer to establish communications.

• Pass own position and details with relevant SAR operation update to RCC.

• Prepare rescue boat and emergency crew.

• Obtain current and weather situation.

• Highlight navigational dangers to own ship.

• Maintain own ship at operational standard.

• Navigate on manual steering.

• Obtain update on target information.


• Note activities in the log book.

• Maintain internal and external communications.

• Breif operation personnel, OOW, boat coxwain.

• Rig guest warp.

• Plot positions and prevailing currents and estimate drift.

• Post lookouts high, when area is entered.

• Provide information to engine room and advise standby and manoeuvring speed.

• Radar operational at various ranges; long range scanning and plotting on-going.

• Advise owners/agents and reschedule ETA.

• Update RCC.

Q. SAR - Mission Co-Ordinator Duty :-

• Obtain all data on emergency.

• Ascertain type of emergency equipment carried by distress craft.

• Obtain update on weather /sea conditions.

• Locate shipping in search areas.

• Plot search areas and methods

• Maintain radio listening watch.

• Allocate radio frequencies.

• Designate OSC and CSS.

• Despatch delivery of survival supplies to survivors.

• Maintain record of events.

• Record results of searched areas.

• Monitor SAR units engaged eg. helicopter flying hours, etc.

Q. Advantage of participating in a ship reporting system :-

• A continuous plot and record of vessel's movement is obtained.


• Mutual assistance from other ships can be obtained quickly in the event of

• More resourses from additional vessels in the areas are available.

• AMVER is a voluntary organisation and is a "free "service from the USCG (charges
now made by UK).

• Locations and communications are regular and continually available.

Q. Standing orders for checking / testing bridge and navigation equipments.

• The duty officer shall test all bridge and navigational equipment atleast 1 hour before

• The duty engineer should standby to sight the testing of the steering gear in the
steering flat.

• Steering gear must be seen to reach "hard over" positions to port and starboard with
each test both at the bridge site and steering flat.

• Any defects whatsoever, in any of the tested equipment should be reported to the

• Any entry to the fact that the gear has been tested, should be inserted in the log book,
together with any defects experienced.

• Once bridge equipment has been tested, the Master should be informed.

• Prior to turning the propeller, the duty officer should visually sight that the water
around the propellor area is clear of obstructions.

• Once bridge equipments have been tested, it should be left in standby condition or
operational mode and not switched off.

• Special attention should be made to compare gyro and magnetic compasses during
the testing of the bridge equipment.

• Gyro and magnetic errors to be recorded in the Gyro log book.

Q. Standing orders by Master to the bridge team for passage through an ice

• Call Master, if in any doubt or other emergency situation or Company's rule.

• Continuos lookout by the OOW, and additional lookouts posted one on foc'sleand one
at a high point (crows nest).

• Two Radars operational and continuously monitored but not solely relied upon.


• Weather conditions must be continuously monitored, and ice report updates followed

• Advise Master if changes in sea state observed.

• Observe sea temperature, atmsopheric pressure and ship's position.

• Report all forms of ice sightings to Master.

• In case of restricted visibility, inform Master immediately and observe Rule 19 of


• Observations of any ice blink to be reported.

• Note ice signs and wild life.

• Engines down to manoeuvring speed.

• Keep vessel on manual steering.

• Use search lights as necessary.

• Update weather reports from Navtex and other sources.

• Keep navigational lights "ON."

• Keep echo sounder "ON".

• Maintain VHF listening watch.

• Log down all events.

Q.Offshore Installations

Working boat Operations

Type and functions :-

Stand-by vessel : must be within 2 nm; primary function to save life.

Offshore Supply vessel (OSV) : cargo carrying capacity for mud, cement and fresh
water; anchor handling is optional.

Diving support vessel (DSV) : specially equipped for safe diving operations as per
1983 guidelines; moon pool and decompression facility.

Anchor handling : multipurpose safety boat, supply , firefighting, etc.

Rapid Intervention vessel: (RIV) : safety of life, survivors have to be recovered from
leeward side, and fire fighting from the windward side.


Q. Offshore zone navigation (North Sea and Gulf of Mexico) :-

• Master conning the vessel.

• Manual steering.

• Recommended routeing followed.

• Safety zones observed (minimum 500 metres), practically 2 nm.

• Radar set on anti-collision mode.

• Lookouts briefed / traffic density.

• Frequent position monitoring.

• Safe speed for overall conditions; Rule 6 COLREGS adhered to.

• Engine room manned, vessel ready in all respect.

• VHF listening watch.

• Continuous weather and visibility monitoring.

• Anchors available.

• Correct lights and shapes displayed.

• Largest scale chart in operation.

• Movement / Log book completed.

Q. Navigation in proximity of rigs :-

• Master - con a vessel.

• Safety zones - 500 metres.

• Anchors - moorings and slant drilling techniques, project wells into navigational

• Increased traffic density in the areas - DSV'S, storage tankers, transfer vessels,
supply boats, drill ships, semi - submersibles, anchor handling, etc.


• Recognition of rigs - navigational lights normally all round (white), 15 metres apart,
riglight (red) each corner (2 nm). All lights flash "U" fog signal, morse , 30 seconds for
not less than 2 minutes interval.

• Helicopter activity in the area.

• Fairway and seperation schemes in operation. - monitor position continuosly.

• Echo sounder - must be kept "ON".

Q. Preparation before entering an ICE :-

• An adequately powered ice strengthened ship should be able to make progress

through 6/10 to 7/10 first year ice.

• The engines and steering gear of any ship must be reliable and capable of quick
response to manoeuvrability orders.

• The navigational equipment should be reliable and maintain radar at peak


• The vessel should be ballasted and trimmed to keep propellor submerged; but care
must be taken as excessive trim can spoil manoeuvrability.

• Ballast and fresh water tanks should be kept not more than 90% full to avoid risk of
damage due to freezing of water.

• Good search lights must be available for night navigation.

• The first principle of safe navigation through ice is to maintain freedom of manoeuvre.
Once the ship becomes trapped, it starts drifting with the ice.

• The three principles to be kept in mind during an ice transit are :

Keep moving even if very slowly.

Work with ice movement and not against it.

Excessive speed leads to Ice damage.

• Try to determine the type, thickness, hardness, floe size and concentration of the ice.

• Ice should never be entered if an alternative route is available.

• Consideration should be given to Time of the Year , Temperature and weather.

• Area of operation.

• Availability of Ice breakers.

• Vessels Ice class in relation to the type of ice expected.


• State of the hull, machinery and equipment, and quantity of bunkers and stores left.

• Draft and depth of the water over the propellor tips and rudder.

• Ice experience of persons incharge of bridge.

• The ice should be entered from leeward, if possible, as wave actions are less on
leeward side.

• The ice edge often has bights seperated by projecting tongues. By entering at one of
the bights the surge will be less.

• Ice should be entered at very low speed and at right angles to the Ice edge to receive
the initial impact and once into the ice, speed should be increased to maintain head
way and control of the ship.

Ice information in South Atlantic :-

• ALRS vol. 5 (for facsimile charts and ice forecasts.)

• Routeing charts.

• Climatic charts.

• US marine Climate Atlas of the World.

• US pilot charts - Monthly weather hazards.

Q. Instructions to OOW for Ice Convoy :-

Prepare the following details for communications to commander of Ice Breaker :-

• Length of own vessel.

• Turning radius.

• Loaded tonnage.

• Draught.

• Maximum speed.

• Inform OOW of the ship's position in the convoy in relation to Ice Breaker command

• State distance required between ships; may change on instructions from commander.
Greatest benefits at 150 m from Ice Breaker.

• Distance must be such as to allow vessel to stop without collision, if so ordered.


• May receive orders to go astern; if so respond immediately and adjust speed to suit
that of the convoy throughout.

• Check towing arrangements prior to commencement of convoy.

• Use full communications including International Code of Signals.

• Monitor position and progress; lookout maintained and a man standing by.

Q State the actions of the OOW on sighting fast ice, first year ice and ice cakes

• All ice is dangerous to navigation and should be reported to Master.

• The OOW should alter the course away from the immediate danger in accordance
with SI No.534.

Subsequent actions :-

• Plot the position of the Ice, observe and note description.

- Estimate size of the ice cake.

- Take care when position fixing with fast ice.

- Avoid totally if possible - unlike brash ice.

• Engine room on immediate standby, if not already on this position.

• Post extra lookouts and breif them regarding ice sightings and recognition.

• Revert to manual steering.

• Obtain latest Ice reports and compare with chart limits.

• Reduce speed and approach with extreme caution, if unavoidable.

• Keep Master informed of the progress.

Q What actions would you take if 7/10 pack ice was sighted ahead of your own
vessel ?

• 7/10 pack ice is considered that level where drift ice becomes known as pack ice or

• Upto this level, navigation is still an available (practical) option. Investigation must
include radio information concerning limits and open water considered navigable.

• Go for an alternative route, if possible.


• Navigation must be considered only if the vessel is ice strengthened Class 1A*.
Navigate with extreme caution; use any leads if proceeding, and keep moving.

• Convoy or Ice breaker assistance would be useful.


Baltic sea :

• Baltic ice code used - given in ALRS vol 3.

• Ice breaker signals used by Danish, Norweigian, or Swedish Ice breakers.

• Daily Ice reports in Baltic is given by KIEL COAST RADIO STATION.

• Danish Ice Breaker service - Kobenholm.

• Swedish Ice Breaker service - Stockholm.

• Swedish Ice breakers broadcast their position daily (ALRS 3).

• Vessel to get into contact with Ice breaker as soon as possible and also report to
nearest CRS or signal station.

• Wait in open water for Ice breakers.

• Daily Ice reports also state where compulsory reporting of ship is necessary.

• In case of ice accretion being experienced, vessel to contact Swedish CRS


• Ice reports broadcasted by Swedish, Danish, German, USSR CRS.

• The Ice breaker decides if a vessel has to be taken into a tow. Ice breaker's give a
rendezvous position, route and order a convoy .

• Maintain a continuous radio watch.

• Air craft may be used to assist in Ice services.

• Request for an Ice breaker should include the following :-.

Name, nationality and call sign.

Tonnage, draft, engine power and year built.

Ice Class, cargo quantity, destination, ETA of Ice waters, signals from Ice breakers on
to be immediately repeated by each assisted vessel in turn begining with the one
nearest the Ice breaker on vessel making the signal.


Position fixing in Baltic :-

• Decca reliable

• Loran only skywave recption.

• Radio beacon are numerous; Direction Radio beacon also available.

• Radar beacon (racon) on, fitted to light houses, light structures and landfall buoys in
approach to ports (ALRS volume 3).

Q. Weather routeing has been classified into 3 types :-

Climatological Routeing : is following the standard route recommended for a

particular season. Such routes are described in the Ocean Passages of the World,
Admiralty Sailing Directions and Routeing Charts.

For this type of routeing the best value obtained is some trade wind areas and in the
Indian Ocean and South China sea when the occurence and behaviour of the monsoon
are very regular. For most other regions, weather over short periods does not always
confirm to the seasonal pattern which afterall is only an average.

Strategic Routeing : is planned for one particular voyage.It is based on the latest
weather analysis; 3 to 5 day forecast chart. Some idea of the furhter outlook and
seasonal probabilities are also taken into consideration.

An important consideration in route selection is the location of the track along which
the storm tracks, rather than the displacement of the storm along the track.

Tactical Routeing : is described as making temporary departure from the route

planned and is made according to developments in the synoptic situation. It is based
on weather maps, wave height analysis and prognosis, 12 to 24 hours forecast, gale
warnings etc.

Q. State the contents of the Chart 5500 (Mariners Routeing Guide to English
Channel and North Sea).

Passage Planning : Advice is given on the aspects of appraisal, planning, execution

and monitoring of the vessels progress with particular attention to use of a 'sea pilot'.

Routeing : General Recommendations regarding extensive TSS in operation through the

Dover Strait and prominent focal points. Masters are advised of their legal obligations
under COLREGS rule 10(b) in section (2) of the chart.

Routeing : Specific Regulations such as ships over 300 GRT should be fitted with
electronic position fixing equipment.

Passage Planning : Special classes of vessels such as tankers and ships carrying
dangerous cargo, and deep draught vessels and those bound for Europort.


Oil and dangerous cargo : This section contains a list of oil and noxious substances
that require to be reported under EC Regulations.

Radio Reporting System (through traffic) : Detailed information is given regarding

MAREP ship movement and reporting method adopted in the Channel.

Radio Reporting Procedure to a port of destination : Describes the requirement of

reporting under UK and French Regulations, and the contents of the report.

Maritime Radio Services : Details of stations, frequencies and the times of

transmission of specific messages including navigation warnings, weather reports and
storm warnings. Details of Navtex service is also included.

Radio Beacon Service : Includes illustration of radio beacons and their groupings,
together with effective range, frequency, service being offered and station identification.

Tidal information : Offshore tidal data with an illustration / example of the use of co-
tidal and co-range lines.

Pilotage service : Boarding information and details of request for deep sea pilots for
respective ports and the relevant communications required.

Q. Monthly Routeing Chart :-

• The title of the chart reflecting the coverage area, specific monthly period that the
chart refers to, together with the scale for a given latitude for which the chart potrays.

• The date and number with the monthly consecutive number, and the last correction
found in the lower border.

• Main shipping routes and distances between principal ports are indicated as black
track lines.

• Limits of Loadline Zones indicated with specific date and latitudes, and are presented
in pastal colours :-

Tropical Zone - light green;

Summer Zone - light pink;

Winter Zone - light blue.

• The extreme iceberg limit is presented by a broken line in a pale red colour :


Maximum limits of pack ice are shown in the same colour but with a distinctive broken
line pattern :- .. ___..____..____

• Ocean currents are presented in 'green' and reflect the predominant direction of sea-
surface currents for the quarter year prior to the monthly date of the chart.

Constancy being indicated by presentation of lines :


25% - 50% - - - - - ->

51% - 74% --------->

75% - 100% ======>

Where insufficient observations are made, the probable direction is shown as following :

• Baile wind rose (refer page 108)

• Meteorological Information is also presented by a number of smaller insets into the

chart and include information on :

(a). Percentage frequency of winds, beaufort force 7 and higher.

(b). Mean air temperature degree F and mean air pressure in millibars.

(c). Mean sea temperature degree F and dew point temperature degree F.

(d). Percentage frequency of low visibility of less than 5 miles and percentage frequency
of fog, where visibility is less than 0.5 mile.

• Prominent geographic places and landmarks are indicated with sea passages and
respective course alteration points.


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