Macroeconomics II-Course Outine, WS18
Macroeconomics II-Course Outine, WS18
Macroeconomics II-Course Outine, WS18
Ambedkar University
School of Liberal Studies
M.A. Economics
Course Outline, Winter 2018
Course Description
This is the second course of the core macroeconomics sequence. It will build on the
common foundations developed in Macroeconomics I to investigate the nature of
business cycle fluctuations.
Macroeconomics I, Microeconomics I
Mode of evaluation
[BF] Galí, Monetary Policy, Inflation and the Business Cycle, Princeton University Press
1. Stochastic optimal growth and general Ljungqvist, L. and Sargent, T.J. Recursive
equilibrium. Macroeconomic Theory, 3rd ed.,
Chapter 8,12
2. Real business cycles Prescott, E. C. (1986, November). ‘Theory
ahead of business-cycle measurement.’
In Carnegie-Rochester Conference
Series on Public Policy (Vol. 25, pp.
11-44). North-Holland.
Summers, L. H. (1986). ‘Some skeptical
observations on real business cycle
theory.’ Federal Reserve Bank of
Minneapolis Quarterly Review, pp. 23-
Prescott, E.C. (1986). ‘Response to a
Skeptic.’ Federal Reserve Bank of
Minneapolis Quarterly Review, pp. 23-
[These papers are reprinted in Miller, P.J.
(1994), The Rational Expectations
Revolution: Readings from the Front
Line and Salyer, K.D. and Hartley J.
(1998) Real Business Cycles: A
3. Solving multivariate linear rational- Miao, Economic Dynamics in Discrete
expectations models Time, chapters 1 & 2