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TABLE 107 : PUBLIC SECTOR PLAN OUTLAY (At current prices)

(Rupees Billion)

Development Education
Agriculture and Irrigation and Industry and
Year and Special Energy Transport including Health Others Total
Allied Services Flood Control Minerals
Area Medical

1985-86 18.26 26.73 27.92 96.79 49.13 40.72 8.77 5.80 56.48 330.60

1986-87 22.16 32.96 32.22 114.58 49.48 52.01 11.98 6.42 69.68 391.49

1987-88 27.43 38.24 33.47 115.94 49.20 60.35 18.07 7.24 79.26 429.20

1988-89 29.03 39.09 35.91 132.26 52.10 67.23 21.44 8.31 95.33 480.70

1989-90 31.05 50.15 36.38 158.52 58.59 75.17 25.26 9.12 111.06 555.30

1990-91 34.05 51.36 39.74 171.01 63.74 80.74 23.16 10.41 109.48 583.69

1991-92 38.51 52.09 42.32 197.33 65.64 93.14 25.99 9.25 123.24 647.51

1992-93 42.16 63.75 47.05 202.90 74.44 106.63 26.19 12.14 153.26 728.52

1993-94 42.63 83.97 53.70 269.09 84.81 119.77 31.47 13.00 182.37 880.81

1994-95 53.50 101.45 61.04 274.82 90.88 120.97 39.40 16.26 223.35 981.67

1995-96 50.82 103.75 72.45 268.93 108.08 137.67 53.56 19.29 259.25 1073.80

1996-97 59.84 100.12 79.74 273.30 120.67 166.70 65.36 20.68 303.35 1189.76

1997-98 59.29 109.48 99.05 317.93 103.06 181.01 76.57 26.42 324.76 1297.57

1998-99 76.98 121.69 108.14 355.72 79.79 203.47 96.84 54.12 419.05 1515.80

1999-00 73.65 127.94 142.10 358.10 72.48 234.63 100.00 35.69 461.49 1606.08

2000-01 75.77 108.97 135.29 408.93 68.66 257.34 116.91 40.55 644.95 1857.37

2001-02 82.48 151.54 145.52 371.45 79.42 299.18 108.07 44.09 581.40 1863.15

2002-03 76.55 208.19 119.65 447.10 87.76 352.44 116.03 43.40 650.91 2102.03

2003-04 87.76 222.69 129.00 501.99 77.03 352.67 130.69 46.49 699.95 2248.27

2004-05 109.63 209.69 190.24 607.29 101.13 387.72 0.00 0.00 1030.95 193114

2005-06 125.54 299.51 263.32 220.43 78.98 387.66 0.00 0.00 1096.33 2471.77

2006-07 165.73 357.57 318.03 294.50 103.44 525.20 0.00 0.00 1334.65 3099.12

2007-08 200.83 409.16 382.75 846.77 195.01 837.43 0.00 0.00 1878.17 4750.12

2008-09 271.17 660.79 411.64 1062.12 302.60 1050.64 0.00 0.00 2522.65 6281.61

2009-10 294.98 664.90 428.53 1483.72 390.41 1273.56 0.00 0.00 2634.25 7170.35
2010-11 403.70 771.01 460.49 1502.51 450.56 1395.41 0.00 0.00 3279.00 8262.68

2011-12 460.37 804.39 609.93 1947.59 517.94 1574.80 0.00 0.00 4389.59 10304.61

2012-13 566.69 912.11 753.27 2135.31 728.11 1843.57 0.00 0.00 5578.09 12517.15

Note : 1. Data for 2011-12 are based on Revised Estimates and data for and 2012-13 are based on Budget Estimates.
2. Data for Education include ‘Sports and Youth Services’ and ‘Art and Culture'.
3. Data under ‘Others’ include communications, information and broadcasting, science, technology and environment, general services and other social services.

Source : Economic Survey 2012-13.

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