Lubrication Management
Lubrication Management
Lubrication Management
Specific products
Each industrial sector has a specific operating
environment. Our knowledge and experience of
industrial applications means that our products
are suited perfectly to your requirements. TOTAL
lubricants offer a comprehensive range of oils,
greases and special products for industries such
as: chemicals, energy, iron and steel, metallurgy,
metalworking, automotive, equipment manufac-
turers, mines, construction materials, papermaking
and the food processing industry.
Innovative products
Total, a multinational energy company
Innovation is priority for us. We have several
AERO .......................................................5 HYDROFLO ............................................. 7 Agrifood industry Hard material sawing ......................17
AEROGEAR .............................................5 Air compressors ............................................11
ISOVOLTINE ..........................................20 Heat transfer circuits ..................... 15
AEROHYDRAULIC ..................................5 Air purification............................................... 32
AEROPROTECTIVE ................................5 JARYTHERM ......................................... 15 Gas compressors ..........................................11 Hydraulic systems ............................6
AEROTURBINE .......................................5 Gears ............................................................8-9 Biodegradable fluids ...................................... 7
KASSILLA ...............................................8 Dye ................................................................... 7
ALTIS.................................................37-38 Greases ....................................................40-41
LACTUCA ..............................................28 Heat transfer circuits .....................................15 Detergent ........................................................ 7
ANAC .......................................................4
LICAL .....................................................35 High temperature chain.................................19 Fire-resistant fluids ........................................ 7
AXA ...................................................40-41
LISSOLFIX .............................................23 Hydraulic systems ....................................... 6-7 High temperatures and pressures ................ 6
AZOLLA ...................................................6
LUBRILAM ............................................32 Metal forming ................................................ 31 Low temperatures ....................................... 6-7
AZOLLA NET HC .................................... 7
LUNARIA ............................................... 10 Refrigerating compressors .......................... 10 In-service oil analyses......................4
BIOADHESIVE PLUS ............................40 LYRAN ................................................... 16 Rolling oils ..................................................... 32
BIOFLUSH ............................................... 7 Special products .....................................20-21 Insulating oils ..................................20
BIOHYDRAN ........................................... 7 MARSON ...............................................39 Vacuum pumps ..............................................12 Metalworking ..................................26
BIOMERKAN.........................................40 MARTOL ...........................................30-31 White oils and petroleum jellies .................. 16 Aluminium packaging fabrication ................ 31
BIO OG PLUS .......................................40 MISOLA ................................................. 18 Vegetable oils................................................ 16 Cutting: neat oils .....................................26-27
BIOMULTIS............................................40 MOLDOL ............................................... 15 Metal forming ................................................ 31 Cutting: soluble fluids .............................28-29
BIOPRESLIA ......................................... 13 MULTIS ..................................................35 Cutting and lubrication: multipurpose oils ... 27
Air compressors .............................. 11
BLUE CONCENTRATE ...........................7 MULTIS COMPLEX...............................36 Doping and additives ................................... 29
Antifreeze and coolants ................. 21
NATERIA ............................................13-14 Electro-erosion fluids ................................... 34
CALORIS ...............................................39
NEVASTANE......6-7-8-9-11-15-19-20-21-41 Aviation .............................................5 Grinding and lapping oils ............................. 26
CARTER ............................................... 8-9 Lubrication of machine tools ....................... 34
CERAN ............................................ 38-39 Biodegradable lubricants
ORITES .............................................. 10-11 Metal forming oils ....................................30-31
CIRKAN ................................................. 18 Elastomer demoulding ..................................15
OSYRIS ..................................................33 Microlubrication oils ..................................... 27
CLEANER ..............................................22 Gears ............................................................... 8
Prelubes ........................................................ 34
PARATEX ...............................................24 Greases ......................................................... 40
CONTRAM ............................................29 Protection oils ............................................... 33
PLANETELF .......................................... 10 Insulating oil .................................................. 20
COOLELF .............................................. 21 Quench oils .................................................. 33
PNEUMA ............................................... 12 Hydraulic systems .......................................... 7
COPAL ................................................... 37 Rolling oils ..................................................... 32
PRESLIA ................................................ 13 Metalworking - Microlubrication ................. 27
CORTIS ..............................................18-19
PV 100 ................................................... 12 Solvents and detergents .............................. 22 Movements ..................................... 18
CYL ........................................................ 19 Textile .......................................................23-24 Circulation oils ...............................................18
SERADE ................................................29 Turbines ..........................................................13 Circulation oils for papermaking
DACNIS ............................................. 10-11
SERIOLA................................................ 15 machines ........................................................18
DETERFIX ..............................................25 Cleaning of engines
SOLUBLE CHECK ..................................4 High temperature chain oils ..........................19
DIEL .......................................................34 and machine parts ........................22
SPECIS ..................................................40 Oils for steam engine cylinders ....................19
DISOLA .................................................. 14
SPIRIT ....................................................28 Diesel engines for standby units ... 14
DRASTA .................................................33 Pneumatic systems ........................ 12
STATERMIC ...........................................40 Elastomer demoulding ................... 15
DROSERA .............................................34
Process oils .....................................17
TEXINOL ................................................24 Gas compressors ....................... 10-11
EBOTEC ................................................29
TIG XP5 ...................................................4 Refrigerating machine
ELECTROFIX .........................................24 Gas engines ................................13-14 compressors .................................. 10
TIXO .......................................................23
EMETAN ................................................ 16
TORILIS ..................................................17 Gears ................................................8 Software for maintenance
EQUIVIS ................................................6-7
TRAINING ................................................4 Mineral oils ...................................................... 8 and lubrication management ...........4
ETIRELF ................................................. 31
TROYSHIELD ........................................29 Special oils ...................................................... 9
Textile ..............................................23
FINADET ................................................22 Synthetic oils ...............................................8-9
VALONA........................................... 26-27 Throwing........................................................ 23
FINAROL ...............................................34 Greases ..........................................35
VULSOL .................................................29 Knitting and tailoring .................................... 23
FINASOL................................................22 Automatic lubricator ..................................... 42 Non woven & staple fiber processes ........... 24
FINATUROL ........................................... 16 WT SUPRA ............................................ 21 Biodegradable .............................................. 40 Weaving, warping, beaming......................... 24
FINAVESTAN ......................................... 16 Complex Aluminium .................................... 37 Dyeing, finishing & washing ......................... 25
GLACELF............................................... 21 Complex Calcium Sulfonate ...................38-39
Total Lubrifiants S.A. reserves the right to change without notice
Complex Lithium ........................................... 36 Training..............................................4
GRANITCUT ...........................................17 the formulation of its products, in order to improve their perfor-
mances or adapt them to the legislation. Lithium Calcium ............................................ 35 Turbines .......................................... 13
We advise you to contact us for the choice of the product suitable NSF H1 for incidental food contact ........40-41
GROTAN ................................................29 to your operating environment. Vacuum pumps ............................... 12
For further information see the Technical Data Sheets and the Polyurea ................................................... 37-38
HYDRANSAFE ........................................ 7 Material Safety Data Sheets. Special greases .......................................39-40 White oils and Petroleum Jellies .... 16
Services - Assistance to lubrication
Proper organisation of maintenance and regular monitoring of the state of your machines guarantee optimal ANAC INDUS - ANAC - SOLUBLE CHECK
availability of your production tool and enable significant reductions in maintenance costs. For this reason
Total has developed the TIG XP5 software and the in-service oil analyses known as ANAC INDUS. Oil analyses to anticipate and diagnose anomalies
in the production chain
il condition is one of the key indicators to the condition of any machine.
TIG XP5 For this reason the quality and precision of the ANAC INDUS analyses provide tangible benefits as
regards productivity gains and reduced maintenance and lubrication costs:
• Machine and lubricant condition monitoring without productivity loss due to unscheduled maintenance and downtime.
Software for efficient management of your maintenance
• Detection of anomalies: premature wear of a machine part, pollution (water, mixture of products, solid
and lubrication operations pollutants, dust, …).
• Optimization of the lubricant use by maximising oil change intervals.
TIG XP5 software enables you to plan your lubrication and maintenance operations, and
to keep very tight control of costs. A PERSONALIZED DIAGNOSIS OF YOUR OILS IN SERVICE
• Organisation of preventive maintenance: planning of maintenance operations and trac- • ANAC INDUS: analysis grids adapted to the various families of industrial oils:
king of their history. - CLASSIC: general analysis for industrial oils, hydraulics, bearings, compressors and gears.
• Incorporation of conditional maintenance methods: oil analyses, vibration analyses, etc. - TURBINE: turbine oils.
• Organisation of corrective maintenance: scheduling repairs. - FRIGO: refrigerating machine compressors oils.
• Direct importation of comments and results of ANAC analysis. - TRANSFO: transformer oils.
• Management of lubricant stocks and spare parts: consumption, orders, deliveries. - CALO: heat transfer oils.
• Analysis of complete maintenance costs: cost of lubricants, spare parts and labour. - TREMPE: quench oils.
• Integrated document management. • ANAC: specific analysis:
TIG XP5 • Possibility of managing the maintenance of several sites. - ANAC EXPERT: in depth, personalized diagnosis system for engines, gearboxes and other driveline components.
is available • Software available in 13 languages. - ANAC COOLANT: the diagnosis of cooling liquids.
in 3 versions
- ANAC GAS: in-depth diagnosis system for the follow up of the behaviour and depletion of the lubricant
in order to TIG XP5
Programs of discovery and improvement to make good use of industrial lubricants
ompetitiveness, safety of installations, the health of people and respect for the environment are major
C opics: the use of industrial lubricants, safety and the environment
challenges for all industries. • controlling and identifying … means better lubrication,
The lubricant plays a major role in all these fields: when it is properly used, it contributes to the performance • knowledge and understanding … means reducing risk,
and longevity of the production tools, to the safety of goods, to the health of its users and to the protection • applying and choosing … means limiting environmental risks.
of the environment. Total Lubrifiants is an accredited training provider. All of our vocational training fall within the framework and
For this reason Total offers training to users of its lubricants that is specific to each industrial sector. French guidelines required for vocational training.
AEROTURBINE 921 65 FRANCE: AIR 3512/A Iss. 2 • UK: DEF-STAN 91-97 Iss. 1 • Joint Service Designatioin:
OM-71 • NATO code: O-138 • Turbomeca approved
This product list is non-exhaustive. Please contact us to learn about synthetic turbine engines lubricants, hydraulic fluids and greases.
TOTAL hydraulic fluids meet the requirements of international standards and manufacturers’ technical specifications. • HFA, HFC, HFD classes: HYDRANSAFE. Fluids specifically developed to limit the risks of a fire spreading
Our ranges of products correspond to the classifications of the ISO 6743-4 standard: in the event of a leak.
• HM class: AZOLLA. Mineral fluids with good oxidation stability ensuring anticorrosion and anti-wear protection The NEVASTANE range is specially designed for the agrifood industry and its related activities such as the
of the equipment. manufacture of packaging. It is also used in the pharmaceutical and the cosmetics industry.
• HV class: EQUIVIS and HYDROFLO. HM properties complemented by a high viscosity index, for use of All NEVASTANE products are NSF H1 registered. Their use is essential when a high level of hygiene is
the fluid over a wide temperature range that permits start-ups at low temperature. required, in compliance with HACCP method. As high-performance products, they provide equipment
• HETG, HEES classes: BIOHYDRAN. Biodegradable fluids recommended for equipment used in sensitive protection and extended service life while securing the production chain.
natural areas so as to limit the impact of incidental discharges on the environment.
NEVASTANE hydraulic fluids are available in HM and HV class.
Hydraulic systems
AZOLLA AL • Hydraulic systems of aluminium, stainless steel or copper rolling mills. Synthetic oil avoids staining rolled metal in the event of a leak 15 to 68 -
in the hydraulic circuit.
Reduction in the formation of deposits.
Anticorrosion protection even in the presence of water.
AZOLLA VTR • Hydrokinetic transmissions and couplings. Dispersant and detergent fluid limiting deposits. 32 ISO 6743-4 HM • DIN 51524 HLPD
• Specially designed for turbo-transmissions, Voith Turbo gear boxes. Very good load capacity (FZG>12) and anti-wear protection. Voith Turbo • SNCF
Thermal stability. Very low foaming.
NEVASTANE AW • Hydraulic systems operating under severe conditions. Very good equipment protection power. 22 to 68 NSF H1 • Kosher • Halal
Increased equipment service life. ISO 6743-4 HM • ISO 21469
Miscibility with mineral fluids.
Hydraulic systems
Sauer Danfoss
AZOLLA NET HC: Detergent additive to be added to the hydraulic fluid for cleaning of the hydraulic systems prior to oil drain. BIOFLUSH 22: cleaning oil to switch from a mineral oil to a biodegradable saturated synthetic esters fluid.
BLUE CONCENTRATE: Blue dye for hydraulic fluids and other mineral lubricants, enabling early detection of leaks.
CARTER, KASSILA and NEVASTANE oils are designed for the lubrication of gears. • The impact of the environment of the gear on the lubricant: in order to prevent corrosion and shorter fluid life
Numerous parameters need to be taken into account when choosing a gear lubricant: due to humidity, dust or other elements, certain oils offer reinforced anticorrosion properties.
• The conditions of maintenance: a synthetic fluid offering a long oil drain interval and guaranteeing proper
• The type of gear: dimensions, metallurgy of the toothing, sliding characteristics and speed reducing ratio, open
operating safety makes significant savings in maintenance costs.
or closed casing.
• The operating conditions: depending on load, vibration and shock levels, the anti-wear and extreme-pressure The NEVASTANE range is specially designed for the agrifood industry and its related activities such as the
properties determine the choice of lubricant. manufacture of packaging. It is also used in the pharmaceutical and the cosmetics industry.
• The temperature of oil in service: very low, moderate between +20 °C and +80 °C, hot at more than +80 °C, All NEVASTANE products are NSF H1 registered. Their use is essential when a high level of hygiene is
and extreme temperature exceeding +120 °C. required, in compliance with HACCP method. As high-performance products, they provide equipment
• The impact of the lubricant on the gears environment, in the event of leakage; in the event of leakage: biodegra- protection and extended service life while securing the production chain.
dability properties, suitability for incidental food contact or non-staining are necessary.
environments. Reinforcement of anticorrosion protection. AGMA 9005-E02 EP
• Gears for wind turbines. Very good protection of bearings. U. S. Steel 224 • FAG • Flender
Excellent protection of toothing against micropitting.
KASSILLA GMP Mineral • Industrial gears under very high loads and repeated shocks. Very good thermal stability. 150 to 1000 ISO 12925-1 CKD • DIN 51517-3 CLP •
• Adapted to severe conditions: cement plants, iron Reinforced protection against corrosion and micropitting. AGMA 9005-E02 EP
and steel industry, mines, crushing… Contains graphite and molybdenum disulphide.
NSF H1, suitable for incidental food contact
Compressors and pneumatic equipment
Depending on the type of refrigerant, LUNARIA and PLANETELF fluids are designed to match broad usage • Low formation of deposits.
conditions. • Excellent thermal and chemical stability.
In all cases, they ensure excellent lubrication performances as well as: • Return of the lubricant to the compressor.
• Anti-wear and anti-foaming properties.
DACNIS LPG and ORITES oils are designed for the lubrication of gas compressors and hyper-compressor White oils and synthetic PAG oils provide to these products:
cylinders. • Excellent solvent power and anti-wear properties.
DACNIS LPG meets the constraints relating to the compression of hydrocarbon gases, including refrigeration • Long linings service life.
applications. • Very good high pressure behaviour.
ORITES TN 32 is a turbine quality mineral oil adapted to the lubrication of ammonia synthesis • Very high pump-ability level.
ORITES DS, TW and EDA products are specifically formulated for hyper-compressor cylinders and satisfy
the principal regulations in force for the production of polymers.
ORITES DS 125 Synthetic PAG • Gas compressor cylinders. Resistance to dilution by hydrocarbon gases. 125 ISO 6743-3: DGC
ORITES DS 270 Synthetic PAG • Lubrification of ethylene (hyper-)compressors cylinders for the Excellent lubricity. 270 NSF H1
production of low density polyethylene. ISO 6743-3: DGC • EU 2002/72/EC
ORITES DS 270 X • Lubrification of ethylene (hyper-)compressors cylinders for the Resistant to corrosion. Burckhardt Compression
production of low density polyethylene and EVA.
ORITES TW 220 White oil • Lubrification of ethylene (hyper-)compressors cylinders for the Excellent lubricity. 220
production of low density polyethylene.
ORITES TW 220 X • Lubrification of ethylene (hyper-)compressors cylinders for the Resistant to corrosion. ORITES TW 220 is ISO 21469 certified
production of low density polyethylene and EVA.
ORITES EDA 220 • Hyper-compressor cylinders. Excellent lubricity.
• For the production of EDA.
ORITES EDA 220 is ISO 21469 certified
DACNIS oils are formulated in accordance with manufacturers’ requirements to optimise the efficiency of air The NEVASTANE range is specially designed for the agrifood industry and its related activities such as the
compressors. manufacture of packaging. It is also used in the pharmaceutical and the cosmetics industry.
• Oil drain intervals ranging from 2000 hours to as much as 8000 hours, under normal conditions of operation. All NEVASTANE products are NSF H1 registered. Their use is essential when a high level of hygiene is
• Protection against wear and corrosion. required, in compliance with HACCP method. As high-performance products, they provide equipment
• Absence of carbonaceous deposits, even at high temperatures. protection and extended service life while securing the production chain.
• Effective oil/air and oil/condensates separation.
PV 100 oils are destined for the lubrication of rotary and reciprocating vacuum pumps. Their performance over • Achievement of ultimate vacuum of the pumps, ensured by the low saturating vapour pressure of the lubricant.
time is guaranteed by the properties of the fluid: • Constant tightness due to the very low variation of viscosity during the entire oil service life.
• Less consumption of fluid due to low volatility • Absence of product degradation and residue formation due to excellent oxidation resistance.
PNEUMA oils guarantee the performance of pneumatic equipment and enable reduced fluid consumption. • Adhesiveness and tacky character, preventing pollution by oil mist.
• Excellent resistance to shocks due to the extreme-pressure additives and good anti-wear protection.
• Water-repellent and antirust properties.
PRESLIA oils are designed for the lubrication of hydraulic, gas, steam and combined-cycle turbines. • Excellent resistance to oxidation permitting longer oil drain intervals.
Their formulation stems from long experience and meets manufacturers’ severest specifications. • Foaming, air release and demulsification behavior, ensuring proper facility operations.
• Specific anti-wear and extreme-pressure additives that enable the gearing to withstand high loads.
NATERIA lubricants are detergent oils for gas engines and motor-compressors running on all types of fuel, • Longer oil drain intervals due to substantial reserve alkalinity.
from natural gas to highly corrosive landfill gas. • Thermal stability, resistance to oxidation and nitration.
As a result of long experience, the formulation of NATERIA lubricants complies with manufacturers’ requirements • Considerable anti-wear and anticorrosion properties.
by ensuring maximum engine protection. • Detergent and dispersant capacities that reduce the formation of deposits.
NATERIA MJ Mineral • Natural gas and biogas engines: purification stations, Long life oil. 40 MDE: 28XX, 30XX • MAN 3721-2: All types • MWM
Ash content < 1% liquid manure, landfill sites. Strengthened detergency. (Deutz): sulphate ash content from 0.5 to 1.0 wt.% •
TBN: 8.8 MTU: biogas
NATERIA ML 406 Mineral • Landfill gas engines with a controlled H2S content. Long life oil. 40 GE Jenbacher: Technical Instruction 1000-1109
Ash content < 1% Neutralization of the acid compounds
TBN: 6.1 contained in the gas.
NATERIA V Mineral • 2-stroke and 4-stroke gas engines and motor-compressors. Compatibility with catalytic converters. 40 MIL-L-2104A
Ashless Clark • Cooper-Bessemer • Ingersoll-Rand KVS
MOLDOL RW 4926 Water-washable synthetic • Demoulding of hollow elastomer objects. Biodegradability > 90% (CEC-L-33T82). 225 EPDM • PEC • PVC / Nitrile • FKM (Viton) •
liquid • Specific application in car industry: demoulding of hoses. No perceptible odour. CR Neoprene • ECO • Vamac® • EVA
MOLDOL R 30413 Water-washable PAG • Demoulding of hollow elastomer objects. PAG-base. 680 EPDM sulphurized • PVC / Nitrile • CR
synthetic liquid • Specific application in car industry: demoulding of hoses. Neoprene
MOLDOL RW 4949 Water-washable synthetic gel Biodegradability > 90% (CEC.L33.A94). - EPDM • PEC • PVC / Nitrile • FKM (Viton) •
No perceptible odour. VMQ (Silicone) • CR Neoprene • Vamac® • EVA
JARYTHERM DBT Synthetic • Closed circuits without air contact. Process temperature from 0 °C to +350 °C 19 ISO 6743-12 L-QD
• Main applications in the chemical and plastics processing (+370 °C in the film).
JARYTHERM BT 06 Synthetic • Closed circuits without air contact. Process temperature from -30 °C to +280 °C. 4 ISO 6743-12 L-QE
• Primarily for installations combining heating and cooling cycles. Temperature in the pressurized circuits < +350 °C.
CIRKAN, CORTIS and MISOLA are circulation oils designed for the centralized lubrication of various MISOLA oils have been specifically developed for the pulp and paper industry.
systems on industrial machines : bearings, gears, etc. The classifications shown for these fluids are those of the ISO 6743-4 and ISO 6743-6 standards in accordance
TOTAL offers a wide range, from pure mineral oil for lubrication of weakly loaded systems operating at a moderate with the performance level and the viscosity grade.
temperature, to highly sophisticated products adapted to the severest operating conditions.
Reinforced anti-wear protection. 220 Voith VN 108 • FAG FE8 PM
Excellent anticorrosion protection.
Ashless additives limiting the formation of deposits.
MISOLA ASC Ashless mineral •E
quipment operating under high temperature and load Excellent load capacity. 100 to 320 ISO 12925-1 CKD
conditions. Long life oil thanks to very good thermal stability Voith • Metso • SKF • FAG
earings and gears operating in a warm, moist environment. and oxidation resistance.
et- and dry-end sections of papermaking machines. Very good anticorrosion protection even in the presence
dvised when loaded gears form part of the lubrication circuit. of acid process water.
Ashless additivation limiting the formation of deposits.
MISOLA MAP Ashless semi-synthetic •P
lain or rolling bearings and medium-loaded gears subjected to Able to endure temperatures up to +130 °C. 150 to 460 ISO 6743-4 HL • ISO 12925-1 CKB
considerable temperature constraints. Excellent anticorrosion protection. SKF Rollen Test
rying cylinder bearings for papermaking machines. Ashless additives limiting the formation of deposits.
ydraulic circuits in variable crown cylinders. Extra long life oil.
MISOLA MAP SH Ashless synthetic PAO •P
lain or rolling bearings and medium-loaded gears subjected to Able to endure considerable temperature constraints. 150 to 460 ISO 12925-1 CKS
considerable temperature constraints. Excellent anti-wear and anticorrosion protection. Voith VN108 • Metso • SKF Rollen Test
ecommended for drying cylinder bearings for papermaking Ashless additives limiting the formation of deposits. • FAG FE8 PM
machines. Extra long life oil.
NEVASTANE GREASE Water resistant grease • Bearings, hinges, springs, chains, rails and tools. Range of use : -20°C to +150°C. NSF H1
AEROSOL Excellent resistance to water and steam.
Exceptional adhesion to metal surfaces.
Resistant to detergents.
NEVASTANE Aerosol composed of • Gliding agent and lubricant. Use between -40 °C and +200 °C. NSF H1
SILICONE SAFEGARD a high-viscosity silicone oil Insulating, anti-rust and anti-corrosion. Kosher
Odourless, colourless and non-greasy.
NEVASTANE FLUSH Low-viscosity rinsing fluid • For lubrication of devices and circuits. Elimination of deposits and impurities. NSF H1
OIL • Ideal for switching from a standard lubricant to a NSF H1 Viscosity* : 9.5. Kosher, Halal
lubricant. ISO 21469
NEVASTANE SDO Sugar dissolving oil • Application in pure form (can be diluted). Reduction of maintenance costs and shutdowns. NSF H1
• Prevent the accumulation of sugar on machine parts. White odourless liquid. Kosher
• Dissolve the sugar accumulated in the production areas. Excellent descaling power.
ISOVOLTINE II T Naphthenic mineral • For transformers, circuit breakers, contactors and all High insulating power. 8.2 IEC 60296 Type T • ASTM D 3487 Type I
(trace inhibited) high-voltage equipments. Contains traces of inhibitor to improve oxidation • JIS C 2320 Type I
Good cooling properties.
ISOVOLTINE II X Naphthenic mineral • For transformers, circuit breakers, contactors and all High insulating power. 10 IEC 60296 : type I
(inhibited) high-voltage equipment. Contains inhibitor to ensure a better resistance to
Good cooling properties.
ISOVOLTINE II T X Naphthenic mineral • For transformers, circuit breakers, contactors and all High insulating power. 8.4 IEC 60296 (2012): Type I
(inhibited) high-voltage equipment. Contains inhibitor to ensure a better resistance to • ASTM D 3487: Type II • JIS C 2320:
oxidation. class 1, class IA, IIA
Good cooling properties.
ISOVOLTINE BIO Synthetic esters • Transformers. Biodegradable. 22 IEC 61099 • IEC 61100 - K3
• Highly recommended to limit the risks of water Excellent resistance to fire. OECD 301B • NWG
pollution and fire. No danger for the aquatic environment.
COOLELF SUPRA Ready-to-use coolants • Diesel industrial engines, gas engines of all sizes. Long life. -26 °C AFNOR NF R 15-601 • ASTM D 3306,
D 4656, D 4985 • BS 6580 • SAE J 1034
GLACELF SUPRA Antifreeze concentrate -20 °C to -69 °C MWM (Deutz) • GE Jenbacher •
depending on % of Rolls-Royce • MTU
COOLELF CHP SUPRA Ready-to-use coolants • Engines of cogeneration plants. Long life. -7 °C AFNOR NF R 15-601 • ASTM D 3306,
• Recommended in countries or conditions where a -7 °C Higher heat transfer capacity. D 4985 • BS 6580, BS 5117 • SAE J 1034
GLACELF CHP SUPRA Antifreeze concentrate antifreeze protection is sufficient. -7 °C to -15 °C MWM (Deutz) • GE Jenbacher
depending on % of
COOLELF SUPRA GF NP Ready-to-use coolants • Nuclear power industry. Long life. -37 °C AFNOR NF R 15-601 • ASTM D 3306,
• Recommended in cold countries. Higher antifreeze protection. D 4656, D 4985, D 5345 •
BS 6580, BS 5117 • SAE J 1034
COOLELF MPG SUPRA Ready-to-use coolants • Agrifood and pharmaceutical industries, cogeneration Coolant based on monopropylene glycol. -26 °C AFNOR NF R 15-601 • ASTM D 4656
facilities: heat and cold transfer circuits. • BS 6580
GLACELF MPG SUPRA Antifreeze concentrate -17 °C to -38 °C AFNOR NF R 15-601 • ASTM D 3306
depending on % of
WT SUPRA Aqueous concentrate • Diesel industrial engines and gas engines requiring no Long life anticorrosion and anticavitation protection. - MWM (Deutz) • Wärtsilä • Rolls-Royce:
of specific organic corrosion antifreeze protection. Optimal heat transfer capacity. Bergen
and cavitation inhibitors Non-polluting components.
NEVASTANE MPG based antifreeze • Cooling circuits, including drinks, ice creams and Antifreeze protection : -15 °C to -40 °C depending on NSF HT1
ANTIFREEZE frozen food processing % of dilution.
Specific protection of alloys and metal equipment
against corrosion.
FINASOL MF Emulsifiable degreaser • Multipurpose. Conducive to complete emulsification of oil based soils and separa- 809 -
tion of the insoluble components.
to OECD 302 C test
FINADET MF Overconcentrated detergent •D
ifficult cleaning: metal parts, plastics, conveyor belts, tanks, Highly active on every type of soil: oils, greases, waxes, sludge, and 1089 -
car bodies, brushing or washing machines, floors. inorganic substrates.
PETRONAPTHE, a Total brand dedicated to the textile industry, offers a complete range of auxiliary products and and equipment engineers with the aim of satisfying all textile lubricant demands in a variety of sectors: automo-
textile oils that help improve the output of your machines and the quality of your yarn and fabric production at bile, flooring, clothing, furniture, etc.
every step. All products in the PETRONAPTHE range are produced in line with REACH regulations and are free from any
PETRONAPTHE products are designed by our specialist teams in close cooperation with textile manufacturers SVHCs (Substances of Very High Concern) such as alkylphenol ethoxylates.
processes. Easy to wash out.
• Strongly adapted for Polypropylene yarn (PP). Ultimate biodegradability (> 60%) according to OECD 301-B.
LISSOLFIX APZ 2270 • Coning oil for middle to high count high speed synthetic, artificial or natural yarn transformation. Has hardly any effect on dye fastnesses. 28 – 31 cSt Mineral
• Suitable for covered elastane. High level of anti-splashing performances (AP).
• Used for DTY (Draw Textured Yarn) winding process. Easy to wash out.
LISSOLFIX APZ 2030 • Coning oil for high speed raw white polyester transformation. Also relevant for polyamide. Anti-projection (AP) et antistatic (AS). 26.5 – 29.5 cSt Mineral
• Used for DTY (Draw Textured Yarn) winding process. Good washing performances.
LISSOLFIX APZ 2090 • Coning oil for high speed raw white Polyester transformation. Anti-projection (AP) et antistatic (AS). 28 – 31 cSt Mineral
• Use for DTY (Draw Textured Yarn) winding process. Washable.
PARATEX 404 • Warping lubricant for spun yarns (wool, cotton, flax and blends) but also for flat or textured Water soluble product. 85 - 115 Synthetic
(DTY, ATY) continuous filaments (dyed or raw white). Gives a high inter filament cohesion level.
• Adapted to yarns containing elastane. Decreases spun yarn pilosity.
Strongly improves gliding coefficient.
Reduces static charges.
Really easy to wash out.
Cold application process.
Ultimate biodegradability (> 60%) according to OECD 301-B.
ver oiling product for warped yarns sized with synthetic sizing agents (vinylic, acrylic, soluble Chemically inert towards most sizing agents. 36 - 41 Mineral
PARATEX 5300 APZX • Warping lubricant for spun yarns (synthetic, cotton, wool, viscose, Kermel…) raw white or dyed Improves gliding coefficient. 37 - 42 Mineral
and their blends. Good antistatic performances.
• Suitable for elastane.
DETERFIX CR 677 • Detergent designed to wash out oils (spinning, coning and knitting origin) from hosiery items. ~100% active raw material. < 200 cSt Synthetic
• Designed to clean elastomer content knitted fabrics, as hosiery, bodies, ribbon, etc . Approved by INVISTA™ laboratory for its good compatibility
level with Lycra® fiber and ability to spread silicones in
washing bath.
TOTAL offers a comprehensive range of metalworking fluids that will enable you to increase your competitiveness As a result, the fluids provide reduced energy consumption and lengthened tool service life and help to reduce
by combining machining quality and reduced production costs. Our Metal Working Fluid formulations are based operating costs. The Health, Safety and Environmental impact of our products are priorities for TOTAL:
on research conducted on actual machine tools. Feedbacks from these machine tools allow us to continuously • The formulation of the products complies with legislations in force and ensures greater acceptability and
monitor the machine and fluids performance in use. This allows us to optimise our formulations to meet the convenience of use for the operators.
demands of each operation whilst maximising fluid life and minimising tool wear. • Our tailored training programmes offer guidance in best practice for the selection, handling and maintenance of our fluids.
VALONA MS 5020 HC • Precision turning and routine machining of copper Polyvalent product. 21
or aluminium alloys, and steels including hard or stainless.
VALONA MS 7009 HC Ferrous and non-ferrous •M
achining of steels ranging as far as extra-high-carbon, special High efficiency in a wide application range, including 10 ISO-L-MHB
and refractory steels. biomedical and aeronautical.
VALONA MS 7023 HC 23
VALONA ST 9037 HC 42
VALONA MQL 3046 Ferrous and non-ferrous • Microspray. Vegetable base oil. 46 ISO-L-MHB
•P articularly suited to milling, tapping, drilling, reaming and sawing. Reduced fluid consumption.
Cleaner machines and workshops.
Elimination of the costs of rejects.
Improved recovery of cuttings
VALONA MS 3040 HC Ferrous and non-ferrous •L
ubrication of cutting operations and machine tools. Recommended for free-cutting steels and low-carbon steels. 40 ISO-L-MHE
VALONA MS 7046 HC Machining of all metals, including refractory steels and titanium. 46
Recommended for tapping operations.
LACTUCA WBF 9400 Ferrous and non-ferrous •T
op of range product for all difficult applications, all types of Very efficient product, prolongs tool life. Free of glycol ISO-L MAD
metals. Very efficient for sawing, broaching, tapping, deep ethers
drilling, etc.
LACTUCA MU 68 Ferrous and non-ferrous • " Standard" macroemulsion for classical machining. Can be used If used as slideway oil on the same machine, it prevents Without boron ISO L MAB
as slideway neat oil (VG 68). Also adapted to hydraulics and tramp oil contamination of the bath. slideway oil: VG 68.
transmission applications.
SPIRIT WBF 3400 Ferrous and non-ferrous, very • Classical machining and grinding of soft metals. Economic formula. Free of boron ISO L MAE
efficient on cast iron and light Machine cleanliness through detergent action. and glycol ethers
SPIRIT ASIB 7400 Ferrous and non-ferrous, • Difficult machining. Very efficient product for aluminium alloys. Multipurpose formula, high performance, very efficient on - ISO L MAF
very efficient on aluminium aluminium.
SERADE WQ MINUS Ferrous and non-ferrous •W
ater quality: avoids the formation of white deposits due to over hard water. Decreases water hardness.
SERADE AC NON Non-ferrous only • Anticorrosion: avoids the corrosion of non ferrous metal parts. Increases the anticorrosion property of the fluid for
FERROUS non-ferrous metals.
SERADE AW EMULSION Ferrous and non-ferrous • Anti-wear: avoids wear by friction of mechanical parts. Only recommended for LACTUCA, SPIRIT. Anti-wear additive used to extend the life of your tools and
obtain better surface finish of machined parts.
SERADE AW Ferrous and non-ferrous • Anti-wear: avoids wear by friction of mechanical parts. Only recommended for VULSOL.
SERADE STAB Ferrous and non-ferrous • Genuine stabilising solution: only recommended for VULSOL, in case of severe contamination by grease and oils (often caused Improves the separation of oil and water (breaks emulsions
SYNTHETIC by tramp oils). that could be formed).
steels. nic following the EU directive 67/548, contrary 180
to other products available on the market.
MARTOL EV 10 CF Ferrous and non-ferrous •L
ight cutting and die stamping operations. Odourless. Chlorine free 2.2 to 20 °C ISO-L-MHB
or thicknesses from 0.2 to 0.5 mm. Excellent film coverage. Sulphur free
utting steel and aluminium strips. More severe die stamping. Colourless and odourless. Chlorine free 2.05 to 20 °C ISO-L-MHC
or thicknesses < 1 mm. Formula doped for more severe die-stamping.
ore severe cutting, die-stamping. Low residue. Chlorinated 2.8 to 20 °C ISO-L-MHF
uitable for stainless steels.
or thicknesses < 1 mm.
MARTOL LVG 15 CF Non-ferrous • Fine die-stamping-cutting. Does not stain aluminium. Chlorine free 2.1 to 20 °C ISO-L-MHB
• For thicknesses < 0.3 mm. Elimination of residue by thermal degreasing. Sulphur free
Excellent spreading capacity. No aromatic
Odorless. compound
MARTOL LVG 25 CF Ferrous and non-ferrous • Mild and medium-severe die-stamping operations. Does not stain aluminium. Chlorine free 2.3 to 20 °C
• For thicknesses < 2 mm. Elimination of residue by thermal degreasing.
Excellent spreading capacity.
MARTOL EV 10 AQ Aluminium, steel and stainless •F
or easy forming operations on low thickness sheets. VOC free product with high flash point, for VOC free. 3.8 to 20 °C
steel better air quality and improved safety in the Chlorine free.
or easy forming operations for thin thicknesses, needing VOC free product with high flash point, for 4.5 to 20 °C
thermal degreasing. better air quality and improved safety in the
Especially recommended for forming parts
later assembled by brazing.
MARTOL FMO CF Aluminium • Food packaging. Formulated with NSF 3H ester, suitable for 15
direct food contact. 75
MARTOL SPIROLL SE Steel, titanium, stainless steel, • Fabricating screws by deformation: thread rolling. Increase of tool life. Excellent thread shaping Without mineral 68
inconel quality. Contains no graphite so helps keep the oil. 100
working environment clean.
MARTOL SOLUBLE CU Brass and copper metals • Copper drawing. Formaldehyde free ISO-L-MAD
* Typical kinematic viscosity at 40 °C in mm²/s, unless otherwise indicated
INS H1, suitable for incidental food contact NSF 3H, suitable for direct food contact
The LUBRILAM range is designed for cold rolling aluminium and covers a wide field of applications, • High resistance to oxidation
from preliminary work to finishing. • Solvent power of the additives
LUBRILAM oils meet international specifications and are characterised by: • Non-staining of aluminium
• Load carrying capacity • Absence of aromatic compound as regards protection of environment
• Distillation range adapted to requirements and users’ health
LUBRILAM S 23 L • Rolling base for semi-finishing to finishing operations. Load carrying capacity. 2.7 at 20 °C
LUBRILAM S 31 L • Narrow cut rolling base for semi-finishing to finishing operations. Low evaporation losses. 2.8 at 20 °C
Energy savings during annealing operation. 1.9 at 40 °C
LUBRILAM S 40 L • Rolling base for preliminary work operations. Load carrying capacity, low odour. 3.5 at 20 °C
Very great thermal and UV stability. 2.3 at 40 °C
LUBRILAM S 41 L • Rolling base enhanced with oxidation inhibitor. Load carrying capacity, low odour. 3.5 at 20 °C
Very great thermal and UV stability. 2.3 at 40 °C
Extends the life of the rolling oil.
LUBRILAM S 60 L • Rolling base for preliminary work operations. Load carrying capacity, low odour. 11.0 at 20 °C
Very great thermal and UV stability. 6.0 at 40 °C
LUBRILAM S 61 L • Rolling base enhanced with oxidation inhibitor. Load carrying capacity, low odour. 6.3 at 40 °C
Very great thermal and UV stability.
Extends the life of the rolling oil.
LUBRILAM C3 Aluminium • Concentrate of alcohol-type performance additives to increase Solubilisation capacity. 7.7 at 20 °C Meets the requirements of the FDA CFR 178.3910
the lubricity of the rolling base. Ease of application. FDA 21 CFR 178.3570
LUBRILAM C6 • Concentrate of ester-type performance additives to increase the Solubilisation capacity. 2.3 at 40 °C
smoothness of the rolling base. Ease of application.
LUBRILAM C10 • Oxidation inhibitor concentrate allowing an extension of the life Solubilisation capacity. 2.7 at 40 °C
of the rolling oil in service. Ease of application.
LUBRILAM CLEANER Aluminium • Air purification oil. Resistance to oxidation. 30.6 at 40 °C AIRPURE systems
Solvent recovery power.
LUBRILAM CLEANER Aluminium • Air purification oil. Resistance to oxidation. 29.8 at 40 °C AIRPURE systems
H1 Solvent recovery power. Meets the requirements of the FDA CFR 178.3570
Suitable for incidental food contact requirements. NSF H1 registered
DRASTA quench oils match all thermal treatment requirements and all types of installation.
Formulated from base oils selected for their exceptional resistance to oxidation, they offer a cost effective means
of enhancing the mechanical properties of components.
DRASTA C 1000 Cold quenching • Hardening of steels possessing good quenching power. Resistance to oxidation and high flash point. 53.3 °C/s at 488 °C 16 ISO-L-UHB • ISO-L-UHA
• Hardening of cemented or carbonitrated steels.
DRASTA C 5000 Semi-rapid cold quenching • Hardening of medium-to-good quenchabilty steels. Multipurpose product. 76.7 °C/s at 553 °C 21,5 ISO-L-UHB
Reduced product usage due to low drag out.
DRASTA C 7000 Rapid cold quenching •H
ardening of low quenchability steels. 97.5 °C/s at 602 °C 23 ISO-L-UHB
OSYRIS oils are designed to protect parts from the risks of corrosion during storage and transportation. TOTAL offers a wide range of products in accordance with the required properties of the protective film.
They can be applied to all ferrous metals, from cast iron to alloyed steels. • Nature and thickness of the film: oil based, waxy or solvented.
All OSYRIS products can be applied by dipping spray and brush application. They can be removed with the aid • Resistance over time: inter-operations protection with water-repellent effect or a longer-lasting protection.
of solvents and alkali cleaners.
OSYRIS DWX 1000 Oily after evaporation of the solvent Only for metal surface cleaning. Economic product for washing and dewatering of sheet metal. ISO-L-RBB
OSYRIS DWY 4000 Waxy 6 to 8 months High flash point to limit the risks of fire. ISO-L-REE
OSYRIS DWX 5000 Oily after evaporation of the solvent 8 to 12 months Quick drying. ISO-L-REE
Easily removable film.
OSYRIS DWY 6000 Waxy 8 to 12 months High flash point to limit the risks of fire. ISO-L-REE
OSYRIS DW LO Oily after evaporation of the solvent 6 to 8 months Absence of any odour of solvent. ISO-L-REE
DROSERA HXE 68 • Way lubricant including those lined with synthetic resin, feed and gear boxes. Compatibility with cutting fluids, including 68 ISO 6743-13: GB 68 • DIN 51524 Part 2: HLP 68 •
aqueous based fluids. DIN 51517 Part 3: CLP 68 • DIN 51502: CGLP 68 •
Very good adhesiveness. AFNOR E 60203 HM 68, HG 68, G 68 • CETOP RP
91H, HM 68
Cincinnati-Milacron: P-47
DROSERA HXE 220 Compatibility with cutting fluids, even of the 220 ISO 6743-13: GB 220 • DIN 51502: CGLP 220 •
aqueous kind. AFNOR E 60203 G 220
Very good adhesiveness. Cincinnati-Milacron: P-50
The DIEL range of products are particularly well adapted to the electro discharge machining process. DIEL electro erosion fluids comply with the European directives concerning the VOC emissions.
• Narrow distillation intervals. The use of these products contributes to the continuous improvement initiatives in regards to Health, Safety
• Absence of aromatic compounds. and Environment.
• High flash point.
• Excellent resistance to oxidation.
DIEL MS 7000 • Semi-finishing work and finishing for complex forms and precise dimensions. Very fluid product, facilitating elimination of metal particles. 2.4 ISO-L-MHA
TOTAL offers a very wide range of lubricating greases for all applications in a variety of sectors: heavy industry The soap or thickener bestows properties to the greases, such as a multipurpose character, resistance to water,
(cement plants, iron and steel…), agrifood, papermaking, public works, transport, agriculture and marine. resistance to high temperature, adhesiveness...
TOTAL lubricating greases can be classified by « Families » depending on the nature of their soap or thickener. Within each « Family », the greases will be classified according to their range of applications and specific
application: joints, rings, gears, bearings. maintenance operations.
• Good resistance to water.
MULTIS MS 2 • Extreme pressure multipurpose grease for appli- Solid additives enable significant extension 2 Li / Ca / MoS2 -25 °C to +130 °C 150 L-XBCEB 2 MPF2K-25
cations under load, which may suffer shock and of the parts life.
vibration. In case of accidental overheating, the
presence of molybdenum disulfide will
guarantee good lubrication and avoid any
jamming or sticking.
LICAL MS 2 • Extreme pressure multipurpose grease, containing Very good resistance to high loads and 2 Li / Ca / MoS2 -20 °C to +120 °C 210 L-XBCHB 2 KPF2K-20
3% MoS2. shocks.
• Recommanded for industrial applications with shocks Very good adhesiveness on metal surfaces.
and vibrations, operating in a constraining environ-
ment (water, dust).
MULTIS XHV 00 • Extreme pressure multipurpose grease for applica- Exceptional adhesiveness 00 Li / Ca -20 °C to +100 °C 500 L-XBBHB 00 KP00H-20
tions under load, at low speeds and with the risk of enables maintenance
water washout. and shutdown time reductions.
MULTIS XHV 2 • Extreme pressure multipurpose grease for applica- 2 Li / Ca -20 °C to +120 °C 1300 L-XBCHB 2 KP2K-20
tions under high load, at low speeds with the risk
of water washout.
• Pre-eminently suitable as “Fifth wheel” grease in
transport applications.
MULTIS ZS 000 • Synthetic multipurpose grease for centralized lubrica- Very good pompability, even at very low 00/000 Li / Ca -45 °C to +120 °C 42 L-XECFB 00/000 MP00/000K-45
tion systems when a NLGI 00/000 grade is required. temperatures.
• Typically for centralized system of vehicle chassis, MAN • Willy Vogel • MB
trucks or public works machines.
MULTIS XLT 2 • Very high-performance PAO synthetic grease for very Facilitates start-up at very low temperatures. 2 Li / Ca -60 °C to +120 °C 18 L-XECEA 2 K2K-60
high speeds and/or very low temperatures applications. Compatible with plastics.
Enables to achieve very high speed factors.
MULTIS COMPLEX EP 2 • Extreme pressure multipurpose greases, high Enable inventory rationalization and 2 Li complex -20 °C to +160 °C 165 L-XBEHB 2 KP2P-20
speeds. simplify maintenance operations.
MULTIS COMPLEX EP 3 • For wheel bearings, ball bearings, roller bearings, Very good mechanical and thermal 3 Li complex -20 °C to +160 °C 165 L-XBDHB 3 KP3N-20
plain bearings, seals… stability.
MULTIS COMPLEX HV 2 • Extreme pressure multipurpose grease for loaded 2 Li complex -30 °C to +160 °C 340 L-XBEHB 2 KP2P-30
applications and high speeds.
• For wheel bearings, ball bearings, roller bearings,
plain bearings, seals…
MULTIS COMPLEX XHV2 MOLY • Extreme pressure grease containing 3% MoS2. Excellent resistance to loads and 2 Li complex / -20 °C to +160 °C 800 L-XDEHB 2 KPF2P-20
• Specially recommended for extreme loads and high shocks. MoS2
temperatures in the mining industry. Very good resistance to water, tem-
perature changes and pollutions.
Lengthening of lubrication intervals.
ery high-performance PAO synthetic grease, for Low traction coefficient conducive 00 Li complex -50 °C to +160 °C 460 L-XEEHB 00 KP00P-50
slow-to-moderate speed applications, over a wide to energy gains and an increase in
range of temperatures and heavy loads. the service life of the bearings.
uitable for gearing in casings in which classical Operates at low temperatures.
semi-fluid greases would not guarantee sufficient
relubrication intervals.
MULTIS COMPLEX SHD 100 • Very high-performance PAO synthetic grease, for 2 Li complex -50 °C to +160 °C 100 L-XEEHB 2 KP2P-50
moderate to high-speed applications, over a wide
range of temperatures and heavy loads.
• Recommended in electric engine bearings.
COPAL OGL 0 • Highly adhesive extreme pressure grease, for heavy Excellent adhesiveness on metal surfaces. 0/00 Complex Al / -20 °C to +150 °C > 1000 L-XBDHB 0/00 OGPF0/00N-20
loads and high temperatures. Dual solid additivation, decreasing friction MoS2 / Graphite
• Applications in cement plants: open gears of kilns coefficient, limitating wear particularly near
and mill drives. the tooth crest and tooth base, decreasing
• Applications in sugar mills: open gears in sugar cane energy consumption.
mills. Very good resistance to water.
COPAL OGL 2 • Highly adhesive extreme pressure grease, for heavy 2 Complex Al / -15 °C to +150 °C > 1000 L-XBDHB 2 OGPF2N-15
loads and high temperatures. MoS2 / Graphite
• Specially developed for lubrication of open gears
when a NLGI 2 grade is required.
COPAL SPRAY • Grease loaded with solid lubricants. Enables local application of all surfaces. 1 Complex Al / -30 °C to +120 °C - Aerosol
• For joints, open gears and cables. Graphite
• Heavy duty and off-road applications in civil enginee- Excellent water resistance.
ring and industry. Enhanced anti-corrosion properties.
Allows high speed applications.
CERAN XM 220 • Multipurpose, extreme-pressure, water-resistant grease. “NEW GENERATION” calcium sulfonate 1/2 Complex Ca -30 °C to +180 °C 220 LXCFIB 1/2 KP1/2R-30
• Suitable for the lubrication of continuous castings and complex grease. sulfonate
rolling mills in steel plants, bearings in wet and dry (felt Excellent water resistance.
rolls) sections of paper mills. Enhanced anti-corrosion properties.
• Severe industrial applications (heavy loads, dust, Enables inventory rationalization.
water, high temperatures, etc.)
CERAN XM 220 • Multipurpose, water-resistant grease, with 5% MoS2 “NEW GENERATION” calcium sulfonate 1/2 Complex Ca -30 °C to +180 °C 220 L-XCFIB 1/2 KP1/2R-30
MOLY • Grease for mining application in temperate to warm complex grease. sulfonate
zones. Solid additives for prolonging part life.
• Shock loaded applications in industry even in Water-resistant.
severely demanding environments (water, dust, high Enhanced anti-corrosion properties.
CERAN XM 460 • Multipurpose, extreme-pressure, water-resistant “NEW GENERATION” calcium sulfonate 1/2 Complex Ca -25 °C to +180 °C 460 L-XBFIB 1/2 KP1/2R-25
grease. complex grease. sulfonate
• Shock loaded applications in industry even in severely Excellent water resistance.
demanding environment (water, dust, high temperature). Enhanced anti-corrosion properties.
• Suitable for the lubrication of bearings in steel plants,
in paper industry, for the lubrication of hard wood gra-
nular presses and in all industrial applications under
severe conditions.
CERAN XM 720 • Multipurpose, extreme-pressure, high viscosity, “NEW GENERATION” calcium sulfonate 1/2 Complex Ca -25 °C to +180 °C 720 L-XBFHB 1/2 KP1/2R-25
water-resistant grease. complex grease. sulfonate
• Heavy duty industrial applications (heavy loads, high Excellent thermal and mechanical stability.
temperatures, water, dust). Excellent anti-oxidation and anti-corrosion
• Specially developed for extremely loaded applica- properties.
tions such as steel industry.
mill) and offshore environment (cables, gears, screen
eccentric bearing).
CERAN GEP • Adhesive and extreme pressure grease, adapted Solid additives and good 0 Complex Ca -25 °C to + 180 °C 695 L-XBFHB 0 OGPF0R-25
to high temperatures and heavy loads. adhesiveness enable significant extension sulfonate /
• For gears, transmissions. of the service life Graphite
• For open gears of sugar cane mills. of the parts.
CERAN MS • Extreme pressure multipurpose grease adapted Solid additives enabling 1/2 Complex Ca -20 °C to + 180 °C 650 L-XBFHB 1/2 KPF1/2R-20
to very heavy loads and very high temperatures, a significant extension sulfonate / MoS2
subject to shock loading and vibration. of the service life of the parts.
pressure grease. Ultimate biodegradability (> 60%) according to OECD
• Recommended for severe applications. 301-B.
EAL Grease (Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants).
BIOMERKAN RS • Water-resistant biodegradable grease. Resistance to water washout. 3 Ca -20 °C to + 90 °C 32 L-XBBEA 3 ME3E-20
• Recommended for marine uses and agriculture. Complies with BLUE ANGEL criteria vertrag n°11273.
Ultimate biodegradability (> 60%) according to OECD
BIOADHESIVE PLUS • Biodegradable grease, excellent adhesive- Insoluble in water, leading to a remarkable resistance 1 Ca -20 °C to + 90 °C 320 L-XBBIA 1 ME1E-20
ness and water resistance. to water wash-out.
• Recommended for applications in marine and Excellent anti-corrosion properties even in the pres-
industry. ence of sea water.
• Protection (Galle chains). Ultimate biodegradability (> 60%) according to OECD
EAL Grease (Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants).
BIO OG PLUS • Extreme pressure, high adhesiveness bio- Specially formulated to minimize the impact on the 0/1 Ca -20 °C to + 90 °C 750 L-XBBIB0/1 OGE0/1E-20
degradable grease. marine environment.
• Recommended for open gears. Ultimate biodegradability (> 60%) according to
• Applications in marine and industry. OECD 301-B.
Very good resistance to water wash-out.
Excellent anti-corrosion properties even in the pres-
ence of sea water.
AXA GR1 • Multipurpose extreme-pressure grease. Protection against corrosion even in the presence of 1/2 Complex Ca -20 °C to +150 °C 150 L-XBDIB 1/2 KP1/2N-20
• For bearings and joints. water.
Extended life of equipment.
NEVASTANE XMF 00 • Multipurpose greases adapted to high and Extended life of the equipment. 00 Complex AI -20 °C to +150 °C 105 L-XBDFA00 K00N-20
medium speeds in the agrifood industry. Excellent protection against corrosion.
• For centralised lubrication, bottling Resistance to water.
NEVASTANE XMF 1 equipment, and plain bearings. NSF H1• Kosher • Halal 1 L-XBDFB1 KP1N-20
NEVASTANE HD2T • Multipurpose extreme pressure and anti- Very good adhesive power on metal surfaces. 2 Complex Al -20 °C to +150 °C 130 L-XBDHB 2 KP2N-20
wear grease. Excellent protection against corrosion.
• For crimping machines, bottling machines, Resistant to water washout.
harvesting machines and all loaded bearings. NSF H1• Kosher • Halal
ISO 21469
NEVASTANE XS 80 • Full synthetic, extreme-pressure, high per- Suitable for very low temperatures. 1/2 Complex Ca -55 °C to +180 °C 80 L-XEFFB1/2 KP1/2R-55
formance grease. Excellent water resistance. sulfonate
• Suitable for high speeds applications, heavy Reduces grease consumption (long life grease).
loads with very wide temperature range NSF H1
required. ISO 21469
• Recommended for pelleting machines.
NEVASTANE XS 220 • High-performance multipurpose synthetic Very wide range of usage temperatures. 1/2 Complex Ca -40 °C to +180 °C 220 L-XDDIB1/2 KP1/2R-40
grease, adapted to severe conditions in the Excellent water resistance. sulfonate
agrifood industry. Reduces grease consumption (long life grease).
ISO 21469
NEVASTANE XS 320 • Full synthetic, extreme-pressure, high Suitable for very low temperatures. 1/2 Complex Ca -40 °C to +180 °C 320 L-XDFFB1/2 KP1/2R-40
performance grease. Excellent water resistance. sulfonate
• Suitable for low and medium speeds Reduces grease consumption (long life grease).
applications. NSF H1
• Good lubrication properties under severe ISO 21469
conditions and high loads.
• Recommended for pelleting machines.
NSF H1, suitable for incidental food contact Available in Lube-Shuttle cartridges
GREASYMAT • Very high-performance synthetic grease Autonomous lubrication of inaccessible locations 2 Polyurea -40 °C to +180 °C 80 L-XDFEB 2 KP2R-40
REFILL ALTIS SH 2 for a wide range of temperatures. or equipment that requires re-lubrication at frequent
• Specially developed for the lubrication intervals.
of fans and electric engines with the
GREASYMAT automatic lubricator.
GREASYMAT • Multipurpose, extreme-pressure, water- 1/2 “NEW -30 °C to +180 °C 220 LXCFIB1/2 KP1/2R-30
220 • Suitable for the lubrication of conveyers, calcium sulfonate
rails, chains with the GREASYMAT auto- complex grease.
matic lubricator.
GREASYMAT • Full synthetic, extreme-pressure, high per- Suitable for very low temperatures. 1/2 Complex Ca -55 °C to +180 °C 80 L-XEFFB1/2 KP1/2R-55
REFILL NEVASTANE formance grease. Excellent water resistance. sulfonate
XS 80 • Suitable for high speeds applications, NSF H1
heavy loads with very wide temperature
range required.
• Recommended for the agrifood.industry
and / or very low temperatures, with the
GREASYMAT automatic lubricator.
The NLGI (National Lubricating 5 • Follow the FIFO system: first in, first out.
ISO Median Kinematic 6 • Note opening date on the packaging.
viscosity kinematic viscosity range Grease Institute) grade expresses
the consistence of greases. 7 • Wipe the surroundings of the openings.
class viscosity at 40 °C in mm2 /s
at 40 °C Classification is carried out based on 8 • Close the packaging after each sampling.
Mini Maxi
in mm2 /s « worked penetration » at 25 °C.
ISO VG 2 2.2 1.98 2.42
NLGI Worked Safety and health
ISO VG 3 3.2 2.88 3.52 grade penetration at 25 °C
(1/10 th mm)
Virtually all the lubricants are non-flammable under ambient conditions.
ISO VG 5 4.6 4.14 5.06 000 However, they need to be stored at a distance from:
445 - 475
• Oxidizing, corrosive or inflammable substances: chlorine, oxygen, acids, bases, solvents, etc.
ISO VG 7 6.8 6.12 7.48 00 400 - 430
• Hot surfaces or fire points.
ISO VG 10 10 9 11 0 355 - 385 • Electric contacts.
1 310 - 340
ISO VG 15 15 13.5 16.5
2 265 - 295
For access to material safety data sheets please visit
ISO VG 22 22 19.8 24.2
3 220 - 250
ISO VG 32 32 28.8 35.2
Sales presence in over 150 countries
Material Safety Data Sheets available at
© 05/2014 TOTAL Lubrifiants SA 552 006 454 RCS Nanterre. All rights reserved. Non contractual document. Design and layout: R2D2 communication.
Credits: N. Bratslavsky, T. Emerson, O. Florin Rosu, Fotohansi, C. Larue, S. Mueller/Fotolia - Asia Images Group/Getty images - P. Adenis, M. Dufour, M. Roussel, J. Schulzki, W. Van Nueten/TOTAL-Direction de la communication