Thesis Hap Mimo 2011
Thesis Hap Mimo 2011
Thesis Hap Mimo 2011
Τμήμα Ψηφιακών Συστημάτων
Πειραιάς, Μάιος 2011
Τμήμα Ψηφιακών Συστημάτων
Η διατριβή υποβάλλεται για την μερική κάλυψη των απαιτήσεων
με στόχο την απόκτηση του Διδακτορικού Διπλώματος
Πειραιάς, Μάιος 2011
Department of Digital Systems
A Thesis
Presented to
The Academic Faculty
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Philosophy
Piraeus, Greece, May 2011
EYKpiSf"\KE arro "(f"\V Err"(a~EAr\ E~E"(am:lKr\ EnL"(pOrrr\ "(f"\V gr'f Ma.Tou 2011.
Approved by:.
F.-N. Pavlidou
Καταρχάς, θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω θερμά τον Αναπληρωτή Καθηγητή του
Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιά και επιβλέποντα της Διδακτορικής μου Διατριβής Δρ.
Αθανάσιο Κανάτα για την εμπιστοσύνη που έδειξε στις δυνατότητες μου, για την
άριστη συνεργασία μας, για την υποδειγματική ερευνητική καθοδήγηση και για
την αδιάκοπη στήριξη, βοήθεια, επιμονή και υπομονή του. Με την εμπειρία του
και τις υψηλές επιστημονικές του αξίες αποτέλεσε σύμμαχο σε κάθε ερευνητική
μου δραστηριότητα. Του εύχομαι καλή συνέχεια στο εκπαιδευτικό και ερευνητικό
του έργο, καθώς και προσωπική και οικογενειακή ευτυχία.
Τις ειλικρινείς μου ευχαριστίες θα ήθελα επίσης να εκφράσω προς τον
Επίκουρο Καθηγητή του Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιά και μέλος της τριμελούς
συμβουλευτικής μου επιτροπής Δρ. Γεώργιο Ευθύμογλου για τις πολύτιμες
συμβουλές του στις μεταξύ μας συνεργασίες και τη συνεχή ενθάρρυνση που μου
Επίσης, θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω μερικούς συναδέλφους, με τους οποίους
μοιραζόμαστε τα ίδια όνειρα και προσπάθειες, για την άψογη συνεργασία σε
διάφορες εκπαιδευτικές και ερευνητικές δραστηριότητες, για τις εποικοδομητικές
συζητήσεις και για την αλληλοσυμπαράσταση στην κοινή μας πορεία.
Συγκεκριμένα, θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω τους Βλάση Μπαρούση, Δρ. Παναγιώτη
Θεοφιλάκο, Δρ. Χρήστο Σπηλιωτόπουλο, Δρ. Γεώργιο Μπράβο, Κώστα Κυρίτση και
Δρ. Άγγελο Σαατσάκη. Τους εύχομαι από καρδιάς καλή σταδιοδρομία και πολλές
επαγγελματικές και προσωπικές επιτυχίες.
Επιπλέον, θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω το νονό μου και Αναπληρωτή Καθηγητή
της Οικονομικής Επιστήμης του Πανεπιστημίου Mid‐Sweden University της
Σουηδίας Δρ. Νικία Σαράφογλου για τις χρήσιμες υποδείξεις, παρατηρήσεις και
συμβουλές του.
Δεν παραλείπω να ευχαριστήσω ιδιαίτερα τους φίλους μου για τη συνεχή και
υπομονετική στήριξή τους και τις ευχάριστες και ξένοιαστες στιγμές που περνάμε
μαζί εδώ και χρόνια. Θα ήθελα αρχικά να ευχαριστήσω τoν αδερφικό μου φίλο και
Μηχανολόγο Μηχανικό ΕΜΠ Σπύρο Καπαγερίδη για τη φιλία, το ήθος και τη
συμπαράσταση του στα εύκολα και τα δύσκολα από τις πρώτες τάξεις του Λυκείου
μέχρι σήμερα. Επίσης, ευχαριστώ από καρδιάς για τη φιλία τους τον Κώστα
Κουφόγλου, τη Νεκταρία Χουλιαρά, το Γιώργο Παπαδόπουλο, τη Δώρα Μπέλλου,
τον Τάκη Αλεφραγκή, το Γιώργο Αγιοργιωτάκη, τον Παναγιώτη Ιασωνίδη, το
Νεκτάριο Φαρασσόπουλο, το Θανάση Τσαγκάρη, το Σωτήρη Τραχιώτη, το Γιώργο
Ολυμπίου, το Γιάννη Θωμαΐδη, το Στέφανο Κόκλα, τη Μαριάνθη Καραγιάννη και
την αγαπημένη μου Έλενα Τριανταφυλλίδη.
Τέλος, θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω ολόψυχα την οικογένειά μου, τον πατέρα μου
Θεόδωρο, τη μητέρα μου Πέρσα και τον αδερφό μου Σπύρο για την παντοτινή
τους αγάπη, την κατανόηση και την αδιάκοπη ηθική και υλική στήριξη που μου
παρέχουν απλόχερα από τη στιγμή που γεννήθηκα. Ως μικρή ένδειξη
ευγνωμοσύνης και αγάπης, τους αφιερώνω το πιο ξεχωριστό μου επίτευγμα, τη
Διδακτορική μου Διατριβή…
Εμμανουήλ Θ. Μιχαηλίδης
Πειραιάς, Μάιος 2011
We are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss. This doctoral thesis
started as an opportunity for the conquest of knowledge and stands for the
outcome of a difficult, painful, and uninterruptible struggle, which not only
required exertion and time, but also inward power. Nevertheless, this thesis would
not have been completed without the unreserved solidarity and substantial
contribution of some persons, for which I truly feel gratitude.
To begin with, I would like to warmly thank Dr. Athanasios Kanatas, supervisor
of my doctoral thesis and Associate Professor at the University of Piraeus, for his
trust and faith to my capabilities and potential, for our excellent cooperation, his
exemplary guidance to my research, and his continuous support, help, persistence,
and forbearance, which all strongly and successfully raised my research activity. I
wish him to effectually continue his educational and research tasks and have
personal happiness and family prosperity.
In addition, I would like to truthfully thank Dr. George Efthymoglou, Assistant
Professor at the University of Piraeus and advisor of my thesis, for his continuous
provision with valuable advices and encouragement.
Furthermore, I would also like to thank my colleagues for our excellent
cooperation, constructive discussions, mutual understanding and support in our
common course, with whom I perfectly collaborated in various educational and
research activities and we share the same dreams and endeavors. In particular, I
would like to thank Vlasis Barousis, Dr. Panagiotis Theofilakos, Dr. Christos
Spiliotopoulos, Dr. George Bravos, Kostas Kyritsis, and Dr. Aggelos Saatsakis. I
heartily wish them to have a brilliant career and many successful achievements.
I would also like to thank my godfather Dr. Nikias Sarafoglou, Associate Professor
of Economics at the Mid‐Sweden University for his useful advices and comments.
I would not omit to especially thank my friends for their constant and patient
reliance and the joyful and carefree moments we have shared together for many
years. I would initially like to thank my brotherly friend Spiros Kapageridis,
Mechanical Engineer, NTUA, for his friendship, his morality, and his solidarity in
both good and tough moments, since the first grades of high school. I would also
like to sincerely thank Kostas Koufoglou, Nektaria Houliara, George Papadopoulos,
Dora Bellou, Takis Alefragis, George Agiorgiotakis, Panagiotis Iasonidis, Nektarios
Farassopoulos, Thanasis Tsagaris, Sotiris Trahiotis, George Olymbiou, John
Thomaidis, Steve Koklas, Marianthi Karagianni, and my beloved Elena Triantafillidi
for their friendship.
Finally, I would like to express my deepest thankfulness to my family, my father
Theodoros, my mother Persa, and my brother Spiros for their everlasting love, their
encouragement, and their incessant moral and material support, since the day I
was born. As the least token of gratitude and love, I dedicate to them my most
especial achievement, this doctoral thesis...
Emmanouel T. Michailidis
Piraeus, Greece, May 2011
Οι στρατοσφαιρικές πλατφόρμες (high altitude platforms – HAPs) αποτελούν
μία από τις πολλά υποσχόμενες εναλλακτικές τεχνολογίες για τη δημιουργία
ασύρματων δικτύων υψηλών ταχυτήτων νέας γενιάς. Οι επιτακτικές ανάγκες για
αποδοτικότερη εκμετάλλευση του φάσματος συχνοτήτων, για αύξηση του ρυθμού
μετάδοσης πληροφορίας και χωρητικότητας του διαύλου, καθώς και για βελτίωση
της αξιοπιστίας της ασύρματης ζεύξης έχουν οδηγήσει στην ραγδαία ανάπτυξη της
αρχιτεκτονικής πολλαπλών‐εισόδων πολλαπλών‐εξόδων (multiple‐input multiple‐
output – MIMO). Η αρχιτεκτονική αυτή έχει χαρακτηριστεί ως η βασική τεχνολογία
φυσικού στρώματος για τα μελλοντικά ευρυζωνικά συστήματα επικοινωνιών.
Εντούτοις, η επιτυχής εφαρμογή πολλαπλών κεραιών και στα δύο άκρα της
ασύρματης ζεύξης προϋποθέτει κατάλληλο χαρακτηρισμό και μοντελοποίηση του
διαύλου επικοινωνίας. Η παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή πραγματεύεται την
ανάπτυξη και αξιολόγηση μοντέλων διαύλου τεχνολογίας ΜΙΜΟ για ευρυζωνικά
ασύρματα συστήματα επικοινωνιών βασισμένα σε HAPs.
στα προαναφερθέντα θεωρητικά μοντέλα στενής και ευρείας ζώνης. Για την
ανάπτυξη των μοντέλων προσομοίωσης χρησιμοποιείται η μέθοδος αθροίσματος
ημιτόνων (sum‐of‐sinusoids – SoS), η οποία έχει γίνει αποδεκτή ευρέως στον
ακαδημαϊκό χώρο και στη βιομηχανία. Η αποδοτικότητα, η ακρίβεια και η
πολυπλοκότητα των προτεινόμενων μοντέλων προσομοίωσης διερευνάται με
γνώμονα τις στατιστικές ιδιότητες. Τα αποτελέσματα επιβεβαιώνουν την υψηλή
επίδοση των μοντέλων αυτών.
High altitude platforms (HAPs) are one of the most promising alternative
infrastructures for realizing next generation high data‐rate wireless
communications networks. Considering the continuous demand for enhanced
spectral efficiency, increased channel capacity, and improved link reliability,
multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) technology is the leading candidate for
future communications systems. The development of MIMO‐based
communications networks depends on a proper characterization and modeling of
the propagation channel. To enable the successful design and performance
evaluation of broadband wireless HAP‐MIMO systems, this doctoral thesis focuses
on modeling of HAP‐MIMO channels.
Moreover, novel 3‐D deterministic and statistical simulation models for HAP‐
MIMO channels based on the reference narrowband and wideband models are
developed by using the sum‐of‐sinusoids (SoS) method, which has been widely
accepted by academia and industry. The efficiency, the accuracy, and the
complexity of these models are thoroughly investigated with respect to the
statistical properties. The results indicate that the proposed simulation models
yield high‐performance and satisfactorily approximate the statistical properties of
the reference models.
The proposed models for HAP‐MIMO channels would provide other researchers
a convenient framework and guidelines for the characterization, analysis, test, and
design of future mobile and fixed HAP‐MIMO communications systems.
ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΙΕΣ………………………………………………………………..………………………………….. i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ………….…………………………..…………………………………………… iii
ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗ.………………………………………………………………..……………………………………. v
ABSTRACT…….………………………………………………………..………………………………………… vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………….…………………………………………………………..… ix
LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………………………………………… xiii
LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………………………………………. xv
ABBREVIATIONS…………………………………………………………………………………………..…. xxi
1 INTRODUCTION..………………..…………………………………………………………….……….. 1
1.1 High‐Altitude Platforms for Wireless Communications…….………………..…. 1
1.1.1 Structures………………………………………………………………………..……….... 3
1.1.2 Advantages……………………………………………………………………………..…... 5
1.1.3 Spectrum Allocation and Licensed Frequency Bands………..…………. 5
1.1.4 Applications and Services…………………….…………..……………………..….. 9 Broadband Fixed Wireless Access…………….….....……………...… 10 High‐Speed Mobile Services…………………………………………….. 10
1.2 Future Trends in Wireless Communications……………………….…………...…... 11
1.3 Thesis Motivation and Objectives…………………………………………………...….... 14
1.4 Research Contributions and Author’s Publications………..………………….….. 16
1.5 Thesis Outline………………………………………………………………..………………….…. 18
CHANNEL MODELING……………………………………………………………………………….… 19
2.1 Introduction…………….…………………………………………………………………………… 19
2.2 The Wireless Propagation Channel…………………..………….………………………. 19
2.2.1 Path Loss…………………………….…………………………………………………..….. 21
2.2.2 Rain Effects……………………………………………………………………………..….. 22
2.2.3 Shadow Fading………………………………………………………………………..….. 25
2.2.4 Multipath Fading…………………..………………………………………………..…... 26
2.2.5 Time, Frequency, and Space Selectivity……………....….…………...……… 27
2.2.6 The Diversity Concept……………….…………………………......................... 29
2.3 The MIMO Technology…………….……………………………………….…………………… 31
2.3.1 Benefits…………………………….…………………………………………………..….... 32
2.3.2 Channel Statistics…………………………………………………………………..….... 33
2.4 The Earth‐Stratosphere Channel: From SISO to MIMO Modeling……..…… 36
2.4.1 Survey of HAP‐SISO Channels………………………………………………………… 36 Switched‐Channel Models…………………………………………….…… 37 Empirical Channel Models…………………………………………….…… 38 Geometry‐based Channel Models…………………………..…….…… 39
2.4.2 Classification of MIMO Channel Models………………………………………… 41
2.4.3 Recent Advances in Satellite/HAP MIMO Channel Modeling……….… 42 Physical‐Statistical Modeling……………………………………….…… 43 Analytical Modeling……………………………………………..……….…… 44 Polarized Satellite/HAP MIMO Channels……………………….…… 45
2.4.4 Potential Application of MIMO Technology over Single HAPs…..…… 45
HAP‐MIMO CHANNELS……….....………………………………………………………………….. 47
3.1 Introduction…….……..……………………………………………………………………………. 47
3.2 The HAP‐MIMO System Model………….………………….………………………………. 49
3.3 A Reference Model for HAP‐MIMO Channels.……..………………………………… 50
3.3.1 Channel Impulse Response…….....…………………………….…….…..………. 56
3.4 Space‐Time Correlation Function..……..…………...…………………………………..… 59
3.4.1 Investigation of Space‐Time Correlation of HAP‐MIMO Channels... 66 Effect of HAP Antenna Displacement………….……………………. 77
3.5 Analysis of HAP‐MIMO Channel Capacity…………….……………………………….. 79
3.5.1 Definition of HAP‐MIMO Channel Capacity……….....……….…..……….. 79
3.5.2 Numerical Results…….....……….…………………………………………...……….. 82
3.6 Summary…………………………………………………………..………………...………………… 87
4.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………….. 89
4.2 The Stochastic Simulation Model…………………………………………….……………. 91
4.3 The Deterministic Simulation Model……………………………………….……………. 94
4.3.1 The Deterministic Simulation Model Based on Set Partitioning…..… 98
4.4 The Statistical Simulation Model…………………………………………………………… 101
4.5 Simulation Results………………………………………………………………………………… 103
4.6 Summary……………………………………………………………………………..……………….. 111
HAP‐MIMO CHANNELS…....…………………………………….………………………………….. 113
5.1 Introduction………………………..……………………………………………………………..... 113
5.2 The Wideband HAP‐MIMO System Model……………………………………..……… 115
5.3 A Reference Model for Wideband HAP‐MIMO Channels…….…………….….. 116
5.3.1 Input Delay‐Spread and Time‐Variant Transfer Functions…………..… 120
5.4 Statistical Properties of Wideband HAP‐MIMO Channels……..…..………….. 123
5.4.1 Space‐Time‐Frequency Correlation Function……….….…..……….....…. 123
5.4.2 Space‐Doppler Power Spectrum……….….…..……….....……………………. 126
5.4.3 Power Space‐Delay Spectrum…………………....…………….…………..……… 130
5.4.4 Numerical Results………………..…………………....…………….…………..……… 133
5.5 Simulation Models for Wideband HAP‐MIMO Channels……..…....…………. 137
5.5.1 Simulation Results…………………………………………….….…..………….....…. 140
5.6 Summary……………………………………….………………………..………….………..……… 141
6.1 Introduction……….….….…………………………………………………………………………. 143
6.2 The LoS‐HAP‐MIMO System Model…………………………………………………………145
6.2.1 A Geometrical Model for LoS‐HAP‐MIMO Channels………..………….… 147
6.3 Capacity Optimization Techniques……………………………….…………………………148
6.3.1 Practical Considerations…………………………………………………………………150
6.4 Numerical Results……….………………………………………………….……………………… 151
6.4.1 Sensitivity Study………………………………………………………………………….. 155
6.5 Summary……………………………………………………………………………………….……… 158
7.1 Conclusions………………………………………………………….…..…………………………… 159
7.2 Future Research Directions……………………………………................................. 161
APPENDIX A…………………………….………….………………………..…………………………………. 165
APPENDIX B…………………….………………….………………………..…………………………………. 169
REFERENCES………………………………………………………………..………………………….………. 173
ΣΥΝΤΟΜΟ ΒΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΟ ΣΗΜΕΙΩΜΑ………………….…………………………………………… 187
VITA………….……………………………..………………………………..……………………………………. 189
1 Radio frequency bands...………………….……………………………………………………. 7
2 Microwave frequency bands………….……………………………………………………... 7
3 Frequency spectrum available for HAP‐based applications…………………….. 8
4 Regression coefficients for estimating specific rain attenuation……..……... 24
5 Definition of the parameters used in the reference model……….……..…….. 54
6 The complexity of the simulation models…….………….……….……………………. 102
7 Performance valuation of the deterministic simulation model (A)…………. 104
8 Performance valuation of the deterministic simulation model (B)…………. 105
9 Accuracy evaluation of the statistical simulation model……...……..…………. 110
10 Efficiency evaluation of the statistical simulation model………....……………. 110
11 Definition of the parameters used in the reference wideband model……. 119
12 Link budget parameters…………………………………………………………...……………. 154
1 The troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere layers of the
atmosphere....………….....….……………………………………………………................. 2
2 The average wind velocity for different altitude above the Earth’s
surface……......………….....….…………………………………………………….................. 3
3 The HAP and UAV structures: (a) solar‐powered unmanned aircraft, (b)
manned aircraft, (c) unmanned aerial vehicle, and (d) solar‐powered
unmanned airship.....…………………….………………………………………................. 4
4 The ITU region map....………….....………..………………………….......................... 6
5 Visualization of an integrated satellite‐HAP‐terrestrial 4G wireless
communications system providing fixed and mobile broadband
services.....……………….....….……………………………………………………................. 12
6 High level view of the future 4G wireless reconfigurable radio systems... 13
7 Architecture of a generic wireless communications system.....……........... 21
8 The specific rain attenuation as a function of the rain rate for different
carrier frequency.....…….….……………………………………………………................. 24
9 Rain attenuation path geometry.....………………………………………................. 25
10 Visualization of a multipath propagation environment.....…………………..... 27
11 The relationships of the time, frequency, and space domains…............... 29
12 Basic representation of SISO, SIMO, MISO, MIMO, and MU‐MIMO
systems…….....………….....….……………………………………………………................. 31
13 Visualization of the MIMO radio channel..............…………………................. 34
14 The typical geometry of a HAP‐based system..............………………............. 39
15 The ellipsoid geometrical model for HAP‐SISO channels......................…… 40
16 The circular cone geometrical model for HAP‐SISO channels………..………… 40
17 Visualization of isotropic scattering conditions in an open area............... 48
18 Visualization of non‐isotropic scattering conditions in a narrow street.... 48
19 Basic concept of a HAP‐based communication system and a cylindrical
scattering region inside the coverage area.....…………................................ 51
20 The LoS paths of the 3‐D geometrical model for a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO
channel.....……………….....….…………………………………………………….................. 52
21 The LoS paths of the projection of the 3‐D geometrical model for a
2 2 HAP‐MIMO channel.....………………………………………………….................. 52
22 The NLoS paths of the 3‐D geometrical model for a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO
channel.....………….....….………………………………………………………….................. 53
23 The NLoS paths of the projection of the 3‐D geometrical model for a
2 2 HAP‐MIMO channel..…......……………………………………………................. 53
24 The probability density for the distribution of the angle of arrival of the
scattered waves for different degree of scattering....…………………….……... 62
25 The probability density for the distribution of the distance between
TMS and the scatterers for different values of the parameter a ............. 63
26 The mean distance between the TMS and the scatterers for different
values of the parameter a ....…………………………………………………................ 64
27 The probability density for the distribution of the building heights in
London (U.K.) and Guildford (U.K.).....………………..………………….................. 65
28 3‐D building distribution in a typical urban propagation environment..... 67
29 The absolute correlation of HAP‐MIMO channels for various values of
the Ricean factor............….……………………………………………………................. 67
30 The transmit SCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh channel for various
elevation angles of the SBS, in isotropic ( k 0 ) and non‐isotropic
( k 3 ) scattering environments…….……...………………................................. 68
31 The transmit (a) and receive (b) SCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh
channel for different orientation of the SBS and TMS antenna array,
respectively..………………………………………….................................................. 70
32 The transmit (a) and receive (b) SCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh
channel for different degree of local scattering at the TMS………………..... 70
33 The transmit (a) and receive (b) SCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh
channel for different spread of the scatterers around the TMS……………… 70
34 The transmit (a) and receive (b) SCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh
channel for different maximum distance between the projections to
the x ‐y plane of the TMS and an effective scatterer................................ 71
35 The receive SCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh channel with
horizontally (ψR 0 ) or vertically (ψR 90 ) placed TMS antennas, for
o o
various mean values of the scatterer height.......……………………….……....... 71
36 The SCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO (a) Rayleigh and (b) Ricean channel……….. 72
37 The TCF of a HAP‐SISO Rayleigh channel for different different degree
of local scattering at the TMS..................…………………………………………....... 73
38 The TCF of a HAP‐SISO Rayleigh channel for different spread of the
scatterers around the TMS and different maximum distance between
the projections to the x‐y plane of TMS and an effective scatterer…........ 74
39 The TCF of a HAP‐SISO Rayleigh channel for various mean values of the
scatterer height.…...................................................................................... 74
40 The TCF of a HAP‐SISO Rayleigh channel for different maximum Doppler
frequency and different moving direction at the TMS…………………………… 75
41 The TCF of a HAP‐SISO Ricean channel for different HAP structures……... 75
42 The transmit STCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO (a) Rayleigh and (b) Ricean
channel…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 76
43 The receive STCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO (a) Rayleigh and (b) Ricean
channel……………………………………………………………..………………….………………… 76
44 Geometrical representation of roll, pitch, and yaw effects......…………...... 77
45 The transmit SCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh channel for different
directions of HAP displacement due to stratospheric winds…………………… 78
46 The transmit SCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh channel for different
elevation angle of the pth SBS antenna element (pitch effect)……............. 79
47 Comparison of the ergodic channel capacities obtained using a 2 2
HAP‐MIMO architecture and a HAP‐SISO architecture as a function of
the received SNR for different Ricean factor.........……………………………...... 83
48 Comparison of the ergodic channel capacities obtained using a 2 2
HAP‐MIMO architecture and a HAP‐SISO architecture as a function of
the Ricean factor for different received SNR……………………….…………........ 83
49 The ergodic capacity of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO channel as a function of the
spacing between the SBS antenna elements for different SBS elevation
angle…………………………………………………………………......…………………….…….... 84
50 The complementary cumulative distribution function of the capacity of
2 2 HAP‐MIMO channel for different antenna array orientation at the
SBS………………………………………………………………............................................ 85
51 The complementary cumulative distribution function of the capacity of
2 2 HAP‐MIMO channel for different degree of scattering, spread of
the scatterers around TMS, and maximum distance between the TMS
and the scatterers....…………….………….…..................................................... 85
52 The complementary cumulative distribution function of the capacity of
2 2 HAP‐MIMO channel for horizontally or vertically placed TMS
antennas and different mean of the scatterer height............................... 86
53 The complementary cumulative distribution function of the capacity of
2 2 HAP‐MIMO channel for different normalized Doppler frequency
and different moving direction at the TMS…………………............................ 87
54 The cumulative distribution of the angle of arrival of the scattered
waves for different degree of scattering.........……………………….................. 92
55 The cumulative distribution of the distance between TMS and the
scatterers for different values of the parameter a ………………….………….... 93
56 The cumulative distribution of the building heights in London (U.K.)
and Guildford (U.K.)……...…………………………………....................................... 94
57 Visualization of the three scatterer sub‐regions, each consisting of N1,
N2, and N3 coordinates (“ ”) of scattering points, respectively................ 95
58 The set partitioning of three scatterer constellations into V1, V2, and V3
sub‐constellations, each consisting of 3 coordinates (“ ”) of relevant
scattering points……………………………………………………………………………………. 99
59 Comparison between the TCFs of the reference model and the
deterministic simulation model…………………………………………………….......... 105
60 The absolute error between the SCFs of the reference model and the
deterministic simulation model...............................................……............ 106
61 Comparison between the TCFs of the reference model and the
deterministic SP simulation model.......…………………………………………..…..... 107
62 The absolute error between the SCFs of the reference model and the
deterministic SP simulation model..................................................……..... 107
63 Comparison between the TCFs of the reference model and the
statistical simulation model......………………………………………………………....... 109
64 The absolute error between the SCFs of the reference model and the
statistical simulation model…………………….………………………………………….... 109
65 Comparison of the ergodic capacities obtained using the reference
model and the simulation models.……………...…..............…….….................. 111
66 The LoS paths of the 3‐D geometrical wideband model for a 2 2
HAP‐MIMO channel………………………………..............…………………................. 117
67 The LoS paths of the projection of the 3‐D geometrical wideband
model for a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO channel…………..……..…………………............... 117
68 The NLoS paths of the 3‐D geometrical wideband model for a 2 2
HAP‐MIMO channel………………………………..............…………………................. 118
69 The NLoS paths of the projection of the 3‐D geometrical wideband
model for a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO channel………….…………………………............... 118
70 The relative maximum propagation delay for different maximum
scatterer height and different maximum distance in the azimuth
domain between the TMS and the scatterers……………………….…………………122
71 The FCF of a HAP‐SISO Rayleigh channel for different elevation angles
of the SBS……………………………………………………………………………………………… 134
72 The transmit SFCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO (a) Rayleigh and (b) Ricean
channel…………………………………………………..............…………………................. 134
73 The receive SFCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO (a) Rayleigh and (b) Ricean
channel…………………………………………………..............…………………................. 135
74 The TFCF of a HAP‐SISO (a) Rayleigh and (b) Ricean channel……………………135
75 The SDPS of a HAP‐SISO and a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh channel………... 136
76 The relative PSDS of a HAP‐SISO and a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh
channel……….............................................................................................. 137
77 Comparison between the STFCFs of the reference and the simulation
models………............................................................................................... 141
78 A geometrical model for a 2 2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO channel………………..……. 148
79 Comparison of the channel ergodic capacities obtained using the
full‐rank and rank‐one 2 2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO, LoS‐HAP‐SISO, and the
Rayleigh i.i.d. 2 2 MIMO architectures, under clear sky conditions......... 153
80 The complementary cumulative distribution function of the channel
capacity achieved with the full‐rank and rank‐one 2 2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO
architectures for different rain rates…………………………………...…………….…… 154
81 The ergodic capacity obtained using the full‐rank 2 2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO
architecture as a function of the rain rate for different carrier frequency…155
82 The normalized capacity obtained using the full‐rank 2 2
LoS‐HAP‐MIMO architecture as a function of the deviation factor……..…… 156
83 The normalized capacity obtained using the full‐rank 2 2
LoS‐HAP‐MIMO architecture for different orientation of the SBS
antenna array………………………………………………………………………………………… 157
84 The normalized capacity obtained using the full‐rank 2 2
LoS‐HAP‐MIMO architecture as a function of the antenna array shifting
from the optimal point…………………………………………………………………………… 158
2‐D Two‐Dimensional
3‐D Three‐Dimensional
3G Third Generation
3GPP Third Generation Partnership Project
4G Fourth Generation
ΕΜΠ Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο
ΕΤΣ Εργαστήριο Τηλεπικοινωνιακών Συστημάτων
ΜΔΕ Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης
NTUA National Technical University of Athens
ΤΕ Τεχνολογική Εκπαίδευση
ΤΕΙ Τεχνολογικό Εκπαιδευτικό Ίδρυμα
ACE Antenna Centre of Excellence
AESP Antenna Elements Spacing Product
AFD Average Fade Duration
AoA Angle of Arrival
AoD Angle of Departure
AWGN Additive White Gaussian Noise
BAN Body Area Network
BER Bit Error Rate
BFWA Broadband FWA
CCDF Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function
CDF Cumulative Density Function
CNES Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales
COST European COoperation in Science and Technology
CSI Channel State Information
DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting
dB Decibel
DoF Degrees of Freedom
DSP Digital Signal Processor
DVB Digital Video Broadcasting
EHF Extra High Frequency
EM Electromagnetic
ESA European Space Agency
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FCF Frequency Correlation Function
FSL Free‐Space Loss
FT Fourier Transform
FWA Fixed Wireless Access
Gbps Gigabits per second
GBSB Geometry‐Based Single‐Bounce
HAP High‐Altitude Platform
HDTV High‐Definition Television
HSDPA High‐speed Downlink Packet Access
HSPA High‐Speed Packet Access
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IFT Inverse Fourier Tranform
i.i.d. Independent and identically distributed
IMT International Mobile Telecommunications
IP Internet Protocol
IST Information Society Technologies
ITU International Telecommunication Union
Kbps Kilobits per second
LAN Local Area Network
LCR Level Crossing Rate
LMDS Local Multipoint Distribution Services
LMS Land Mobile Satellite
LoS Line‐of‐Sight
LPNM Lp ‐norm method
LTE Long Term Evolution
MAN Metropolitan Area Network
MBMS Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Services
Mbps Megabits per second
MCM Management Committing Meeting
MD Maximal Deviation
MIMO Multiple‐Input Multiple‐Output
MISO Multiple‐Input Single‐Output
MU‐MIMO Multi‐user MIMO
NLoS Non‐Line‐of‐Sight
NTUA National Technical University of Athens
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OFDMA Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access
PAN Personal Area Network
PC Personal Computer
PDA Personal Digital Assistant
PDF Probability density function
PSD Power Spectral Density
PSDS Power Space‐Delay Spectrum
QoS Quality of Service
RMSE Root Mean Square Error
SAA Spherical Antenna Array
SBS Stratospheric Base Station
SCF Spatial Correlation Function
SDMA Space‐Division Multiple Access
SDPS Space‐Doppler Power Spectrum
SFCF Space‐Frequency Correlation Function
SHF Super High Frequency
SIMO Single‐Input Multiple‐Output
SISO Single‐Input Single‐Output
SNR Signal‐to‐Noise Ratio
SoS Sum‐of‐Sinusoids
SP Set Partitioning
STCF Space‐Time Correlation Function
STFCF Space‐Time‐Frequency Correlation Function
SU Subscriber Unit
SU‐MIMO Single‐user MIMO
TCF Temporal Correlation Function
TDL Tapped Delay Line
TFCF Time‐Frequency Correlation Function
TFS Terrestrial Fixed Station
TMS Terrestrial Mobile Station
TSL Telecommunications Systems Laboratory
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UCA Uniform Circular Array
UHF Ultra High Frequency
ULA Uniform Linear Array
UMB Ultra Mobile Broadband
UMTS Universal Mobile Telephone System
UPA Uniform Planar Array
WAN Wide Area Network
WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
WRC World Radiocommunications Conference
WSSUS Wide‐Sense Stationary Uncorrelated Scattering
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
1.1 High‐Altitude Platforms for Wireless Communications
For several years, the wireless communications sector [1], [2] has definitely been
the fastest growing market segment in communications around the world with
dazzling new applications and products emerging on an almost daily basis. Wireless
communications have changed the way people communicate and have directly and
significantly influenced our everyday life by offering nomadicity, i.e., the ability to
connect to a network from different locations via different base stations,
portability, i.e., the ability to readily transport from one location to another, and
mobility, i.e., the ability to keep ongoing connections active while moving at
vehicular speeds. Strongly supported by the advances in semiconductor and signal
processing technologies, new communications architectures are being envisioned
to improve as well as complement current networks to meet future needs.
Wireless communications networks enable the provision of both mobile and
fixed services to serve a variety of commercial and business applications and
services. Nowadays, third generation (3G) mobile cellular systems [3]‐[5] have
enabled access to advanced services, such as video communications, multimedia,
and high‐speed internet access. Typical example of 3G standards is the Universal
Mobile Telephone System (UMTS) [3]‐[5], especially supplemented with High‐speed
Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) [6], [7]. In addition, Fixed Wireless Access (FWA)
[8]‐[10] communications systems attempt to provide a set of reliable, cost‐effective
and secure communications services in case where existing wired infrastructure is
impractical, expensive or temporary. In general, FWA can serve two main
categories of services, Internet access for the public and businesses and private
high‐speed data communications for small, medium, and large businesses.
Chapter 1
HAP 50 km
20 km
35 km
Ozone Troposphere
Layer Airplane
Mt. Everest 17 km
12 km
9 km
Figure 1: The troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere layers of the atmosphere.
As shown in Fig. 1, the stratosphere is the second major layer of Earth's
atmosphere, just above the troposphere, and below the mesosphere. This
operating altitude was chosen because it represents a layer of relatively mild wind
and turbulence in most regions of the world. At this altitude, HAPs can succeed in
maintaining station‐keeping and flying against the wind without excessive power
demands. Fig. 2 illustrates the average wind velocities for different altitudes
obtained from worldwide measurements [12], [13]. Although this wind profile may
considerably vary with latitude, season and location, it generally follows this rough
distribution. The proposed range in altitude is above commercial air‐traffic heights
Chapter 1
(the maximum altitude of airplane lanes is about 12 km), which would otherwise
prove a potentially prohibitive constraint. However, as the altitude increases the air
density is reduced, rendering the placement of the HAPs very difficult. For example,
considering 12 km altitude, the density is about 25% compared to that at the sea
level, while at 24 km the density is only about 3.6% [12].
Wind velocity (m/s)
5 10 15 20 25 30
Altitude (km)
Figure 2: The average wind velocity for different altitude above the Earth’s surface.
1.1.1 Structures
Two major HAP structures are considered in the literature, the circling aircrafts
(approximately 30 m in length or with wingspan of about 35‐70 m) and the lighter‐
than‐air quasi‐stationary airships (of about 150‐200 m in length) [11]‐[17]. The
aircrafts fly in a roughly circular tight path (about 2 km radius or more) and can be
either solar‐powered and unmanned with continuous flight duration in the order of
months or manned with average flight duration of some hours due to the fuel
constraints and human factors. The unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are another
type of small fuelled unmanned aircraft employed only for military short time
surveillance (up to 40 hours) at modest altitudes. The airships use very large semi‐
Chapter 1
rigid or non‐rigid helium‐filled containers and electric motors and propellers for
station‐keeping. Prime power required for propulsion and station‐keeping as well
as for the payload and applications is provided from lightweight solar cells in the
form of large flexible sheets. The achievable mission duration for airships is hoped
to be 5 years at least. HAP stability problems and displacements due to the winds
or pressure variations of the stratosphere are a problem to be faced for both
aircrafts and airships [24]‐[26]. Although, it is easier for airships than for aircrafts to
remain quasi‐stationary, it is rather difficult to remotely control the airship’s
position. Recently, advances in composite materials, computers, navigation
systems, aerodynamics, and propulsions systems, have made station keeping more
realizable and hence HAP‐based systems more achievable.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3: The HAP and UAV structures: (a) solar‐powered unmanned aircraft, (b) manned
aircraft, (c) unmanned aerial vehicle, and (d) solar‐powered unmanned airship.
Chapter 1
1.1.2 Advantages
HAPs preserve some of the best characteristics of terrestrial and satellite
communication systems, while avoiding many of their drawbacks [11]‐[17]. In
comparison to terrestrial wireless technologies, HAPs require considerably less
communications infrastructure and they can serve potentially large coverage areas.
When compared to satellite communication systems, HAPs provide lower
propagation delays (a serious issue for voice communications over satellite links)
and less free space loss, as well as easy maintenance and upgrading of the payload
during the lifetime of the platform. In addition, the cost for the development of
satellite systems is much greater (the eventual cost of HAPs is expected to be about
10% of that of a satellite) and it may be economically more efficient to cover a
large area with many HAPs rather than with many terrestrial base stations or with a
satellite system. Hence, HAPs represent an economically attractive technology.
HAPs are also well‐suited for temporary provision of basic or additional
communications services due to their rapid deployment and movable on demand,
providing network flexibility and adaptability. Finally, HAPs can use most of
conventional base station technology and terminal equipment, while solar‐
powered HAPs are non‐pollutant and environmentally friendly. Although HAPs
provide substantial advantages over terrestrial and satellite systems, their
successful deployment requires integration of available and emerging technologies
to make long‐term operation feasible and profitable. Specifically, some issues on
communications systems need to be addressed and are of fundamental
importance, such as the design and implementation of the onboard antennas, the
channel characterization and modeling, the resource management, and the
coordination and inter‐operability between different systems.
1.1.3 Spectrum Allocation and Licensed Frequency Bands
Radio transmission involves the use of part of the electromagnetic spectrum and
different parts of the radio spectrum are used for different radio transmission
Chapter 1
Figure 4: The ITU region map.
According to Table 1, the radio frequency spectrum involves electromagnetic
(EM) radiation with frequencies between 3 Hz and 300 GHz [28]. As the demand for
new and different communication services increases, more radio spectrum space at
higher frequencies is required. Hence, the utilization of the Ultra High Frequency
(UHF), Super High Frequency (SHF), and Extra High Frequency (EHF) bands has
emerged. The common microwave band designations are summarized in Table 2.
The properties of the EM energy depend on the frequency. Hence, different
frequencies have different properties, and propagation at high frequencies is
dominated by different mechanisms as compared to propagation at low
frequencies (these mechanisms will be analytically studied in the next chapter). In
particular, high rain attenuation and atmospheric losses at millimeter‐wave
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Several frequency bands (see Table 3) have been licensed for communications
through HAPs on a global, regional or national basis and for each frequency band
appropriate regulatory provisions have been established based on technical and
operational studies [30]. The choice of the frequency bands at which HAPs can
operate is mainly determined by the frequency sharing and compatibility with
other existing services provided by terrestrial/satellite systems, which would cause
interference problems if spectrum allocation is not carefully controlled [31], [32].
At the ITU World Radiocommunications Conference in 1997 (WRC‐97) the
concept of HAPs was formally introduced into the radio regulations as a separate
category of the communications infrastructures and was decided that HAPs can
provide fixed wireless services. Specifically, the bands 47.2-47.5 GHz (downlink)
and 47.9-48.2 (uplink) were regulated for use by HAPs on a global basis. Use of
these bands is subject to the provisions of Resolution 122, which was revised at
WRC‐07 [33]. At WRC‐00, a need for a lower frequency band for fixed wireless
services was expressed due to the severe rain attenuation occurring at 47/48 GHz
bands. Hence, the bands 27.5-28.35 GHz (downlink) and the band 31.0-31.3 GHz
(uplink) were regulated for use by HAPs in several countries located mainly at
Region 3. The WRC‐03 increased the number of countries with access to the HAPs
allocations including Region 2. Use of these bands is subject to the provisions of
Resolution 145, which was revised at WRC‐07 [34]. Hence, HAPs can serve as base
Chapter 1
stations of FWA networks at 47/48 and 28/31 GHz bands providing data, voice, and
video services with a total bandwidth of up to 300 MHz in each direction shared on
a non‐harmful interference, non‐protection basis with fixed satellite and terrestrial
The WRC‐00 also decided that HAPs may be used as base stations within the
terrestrial component of the International Mobile Telecommunications 2000 (IMT‐
2000) system. This alternative way of delivering the IMT-2000 services by HAPs on
a co‐primary basis was regulated in the frequency ranges 1885-1980, 2010-2025
and 2110-2170 MHz in Region 1 and Region 3, and 1885‐1980 and 2110‐2160 MHz
in Region 2. Such use of the bands above is subject to the provisions of Resolution
221, which was revised at WRC‐07 [35]. Hence, HAPs can serve as base stations of
3G cellular networks providing mobile data/voice/video services with a total
bandwidth of up to 50/60 MHz (amount of bandwidth varies slightly with region)
Finally, spectrum identification in the range between 5,850-7,075 MHz to
facilitate gateway links to and from HAPs has been also envisioned, since WRC‐07
agenda, Resolution 734 [36].
1.1.4 Applications and Services
An application can be considered as the end product offered to public and
businesses over which services are accessed. The major wireless communications
applications intend to be facilitated by HAPs can be divided technologically into
two types, the broadband FWA (BFWA) [12], [15], [19], [37] and the provision of
mobile services [38]‐[40]. These types of applications are briefly described in the
following subsections. Note that the flexibility of HAP‐based communications
systems allows not only for carrying wireless communications payloads but also for
serving other applications, such as navigation and positioning [41], monitoring,
remote sensing, and surveillance [42], disaster management and relief [43], [44],
telemedicine [45], and military applications [46].
Chapter 1 Broadband Fixed Wireless Access
As mentioned above, HAPs have already been accepted by the ITU as alternative
base stations of serving BFWA at the 47/48 GHz (V band) and 28/31 GHz (Ka band).
BFWA communications provide in general high rate of data transmission. The ITU
has defined broadband as a transmission capacity that is faster than 1.5‐2 megabits
per second (Mbps) [47], while the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
definition of broadband is 768 kilobits per second (Kbps). The Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has defined broadband as 256
Kbps in at least one direction and this bit rate is the most common baseline that is
marketed as "broadband" around the world. High‐speed broadband services
include but are not limited to conversational services (voice/video telephony, high
resolution video conferencing), streaming and broadcast services (real‐time radio
and television, video on demand), local multipoint distribution services (LMDS),
interactive data access (broadband internet access, web browsing), and large file
transfers. In addition, HAPs could potentially be used as an alternative solution for
the provision of Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) and Digital Audio Broadcasting
(DAB). A feasibility study of HAPs‐DVB/DAB has been conducted by European Space
Agency (ESA) under STRATOS project [22]. Although these services are offered
mainly to fixed terminals, their application could be extended to mobile scenarios
in order to benefit from existing air interfaces and accelerate the development of
new applications, such as the provision of high‐speed Internet access, audio and
video on demand and file transfer to cars, trains, airplanes, boats, etc. [48]. High‐Speed Mobile Services
In addition to BFWA, ITU has also endorsed the use of HAPs in the IMT‐2000
spectrum for the provision of 3G/UMTS mobile services, as well as enhanced
HSDPA services offering data transfer speeds up to 14 Mbps on the downlink.
These services are expected to have the same functionality and meeting the same
service and operational requirements as traditional terrestrial tower‐based
Chapter 1
systems. HAPs can be designed to serve as the sole station in a stand‐alone
infrastructure (essentially, replacing the tower base station network with a “base
station network in the sky”) [38]‐[40]. In particular, a single HAP can replace a large
number of terrestrial base stations and their backhaul infrastructure (microwave or
optical links) and can serve a large city, a suburban area, a rural region [49], or even
a whole state. Moreover, HAPs could be able to deliver Worldwide Interoperability
for Microwave Access (WiMAX) [50], [51] mobile services based on the IEEE
802.16e standard (the most popular implementation of the IEEE 802.16 standard)
at frequencies between 2‐6 GHz [52]‐[53]. WiMAX adopts Orthogonal Frequency
Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) and enables wireless transmission of data using
a variety of transmission modes at speeds up to 40 Mbps [52]‐[53].
1.2 Future Trends in Wireless Communications
The growing demand for greater bandwidth, higher data rates, improved quality
of service (QoS) and ubiquitous access have prompted the development of next‐
generation wireless communications systems, which can by far surpass the
capabilities of existing systems and attempt to bring broadband applications to
new experience scenarios. Fourth generation (4G) communications systems will
employ a comprehensive and secure all‐Internet‐Protocol (IP) network and will
support fixed and mobile ultra‐broadband (gigabit speed) access and multi‐carrier
transmission [54]‐[57]. New broadband applications are expected to thrive with the
advent of 4G, such as multimedia broadcast and multicast services (MBMS), IP
telephony, high‐quality voice, high‐definition television (HDTV), mobile television,
ultra‐broadband Internet access, gaming services, and high‐quality streamed
multimedia. The available data rates of 3G/HSDPA cellular networks will further be
increased with the Evolved High‐Speed Packet Access (HSPA+) technology [7], [8],
which intends to provide theoretical data rates up to 84 Mbps on the downlink. The
high performance Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Long Term
Evolution (LTE) technology [58], [59] will bring 3G cellular networks a step toward
Chapter 1
to the 4G providing data rates of at least 320 Mbps on the downlink, while LTE
Advanced technology will fully support the 4G requirements offering data rates up
to 1 gigabit per second (Gbps) [60]. Moreover, next generation Mobile WiMAX
based on the IEEE 802.16m [61] standard will support at least 100 Mbps at mobile
and 1 Gbps at fixed‐nomadic services, and hence will be compliant with 4G next
generation mobile networks.
Figure 5: Visualization of an integrated satellite‐HAP‐terrestrial 4G wireless
communications system providing fixed and mobile broadband services.
Indeed, the term 4G is widely used to include several types of broadband fixed
and mobile wireless communications systems. As shown in Figs. 5 and 6, 4G
systems will seamlessly integrate the entire communications infrastructure
(terrestrial base stations, satellites, and HAPs), the modern communications
terminals (mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), tablet computers,
laptops, etc.), the transportation vehicles (cars, trains, airplanes, boats, etc.), the
Chapter 1
available networks (body area networks‐BANs, personal area networks‐PANs, local
area networks‐LANs, metropolitan area networks‐MANs, and wide area networks‐
WANs), and the next generation applications (as mentioned above) to satisfy
increasing user demands [54]‐[57]. Hence, complex network topologies of
heterogeneous nature will be deployed. Each network has different capabilities, in
terms of capacity, coverage, mobility support, cost, and is best suited for handling
certain situations. However, these different networks will have to co‐exist, and be
complementarily and efficiently exploited. This can be achieved by introducing the
reconfigurability concept [62], [63], which offers service differentiation,
customization, and personalization according to the environment requirements. In
particular, reconfigurability dynamically tackles the changeable behavior of
wireless networks and associated equipment, specifically in the fields of radio
spectrum, radio access technologies, protocol stacks, and application services.
4G as the integrator
Mobile Points
and HSPA+
Vehicles WiMAX
Mobile phones
Vehicles Terrestrial
Trains Base Stations
Airplanes IP Backbone
Ships Applications
Air Services
HAPs Network
Users LMDS
Homes HDTV
Businesses DVB/DAB
Fixed Satellites
Reconfigurable Radio
Figure 6: High level view of the future 4G wireless reconfigurable radio systems.
Chapter 1
1.3 Thesis Motivation and Objectives
As new requirements for access to wireless networks are emerged within the
communications society, HAPs can play an important role in the evolution of current
and future communications systems [64]‐[67]. In particular, HAPs are expected to
alternatively or complementary fulfill the vision of optimal connectivity anywhere
providing high data throughputs in virtually every possible scenario at low cost.
However, wireless systems designers are facing a number of challenges. These
include the limited availability of the radio frequency spectrum and a complex
space‐time varying wireless environment [68]. In addition, next generation wireless
communications services will require increased network coverage, higher data
rates, enhanced capacity, enriched QoS, and improved efficiency. Thus, new
technologies have to continuously be under development in order to meet these
growing demands.
Chapter 1
seen as an ideal and critical technology of physical layer for next generation
wireless communications networks.
This thesis investigates the application of MIMO techniques to HAP‐based
communications systems. It is well known that before the introduction of a new
technology into a communications system, a large number of theoretical and
experimental investigations have to be made. In particular, the successful design
and deployment of HAP‐MIMO communications systems requires a detailed
knowledge of the wireless radio propagation channel involved in communicating
between two ends of the link. Channel knowledge is required to understand
various impairments, such as the attenuation, the multipath fading [70], and the
space‐time variations of the channel [68]. Using this knowledge, communications
systems can be designed to obtain optimal or near optimal performance. This
philosophy has been the driving force behind the research activity on all types of
wireless communications systems. Traditional research topics include the following
Developing reference (theoretical) non‐realizable channel models.
This piece of research was driven to understand, characterize and model the
HAP‐MIMO channel, verify the applicability of MIMO techniques to HAP‐based
systems, and quantify the available MIMO gain. The approach used in this research
followed a serial path of objectives. To enable successful design of HAP‐MIMO
Chapter 1
systems, this research initially focuses on the study and characterization of HAP‐
MIMO multipath fading channels at L and S bands. The first and second objectives
of this thesis are to develop three‐dimensional (3‐D) theoretical models for HAP‐
MIMO narrowband and wideband mobile fading channels, respectively. Moreover,
the third objective of this thesis is to develop 3‐D simulation models for HAP‐MIMO
narrowband and wideband mobile fading channels. Except for delivering future
mobile services, HAPs can also provide broadband fixed and mobile services at Ka‐
and V‐ bands, where the rain has a significant effect on the quality of the link.
Hence, the fourth objective of this thesis is to design HAP‐MIMO channel models
for BFWA services, under clear sky and rain conditions.
1.4 Research Contributions and Author’s Publications
The major achievements and novelty in this thesis are:
1. Design and development of a novel 3‐D parametric reference model for
narrowband HAP‐MIMO channels and analysis of space‐time correlation and
channel capacity.
2. Design and development of a novel 3‐D parametric reference model for
wideband HAP‐MIMO channels and analysis of statistical properties.
3. Design and development of novel 3‐D deterministic simulation models for
narrowband and wideband HAP‐MIMO mobile fading channels.
4. Design and development of novel 3‐D statistical simulation models for
narrowband and wideband HAP‐MIMO mobile fading channels.
5. Design and development of a novel 3‐D channel model for fixed HAP‐MIMO
communications in mm‐wave frequencies.
Part of this thesis resulted in publications in several international journals and
conference proceedings (including a Best Paper Award), and in contribution to the
European COoperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action IC0802 entitled
Chapter 1
Journal Publications
[1] E. T. Michailidis and A. G. Kanatas, “Three‐Dimensional HAP‐MIMO Channels:
Modeling and Analysis of Space‐Time Correlation,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular
Technology, vol. 59, no. 5, pp. 2232‐2242, Jun. 2010.
[2] P.‐D. Arapoglou, E. T. Michailidis, A. D. Panagopoulos, A. G. Kanatas, and R. Prieto‐
Cerdeira, “The Land Mobile Earth‐Space Channel: SISO to MIMO Modeling from L‐ to
Ka‐Bands,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, Special Issue on Trends in Mobile
Radio Channels: Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 44‐53, Jun. 2011.
[3] E. T. Michailidis and A. G. Kanatas, “Statistical Simulation Modeling of 3‐D HAP‐MIMO
Channels,” accepted for publication in Wireless Personal Communications.
[4] E. T. Michailidis and A. G. Kanatas, “Capacity Analysis and Simulation of 3‐D Space‐
Time Correlated HAP‐MIMO Channels,” accepted for publication in International
Journal on Advances in Telecommunications. Invited paper
[5] E. T. Michailidis and A. G. Kanatas, “Wideband HAP‐MIMO Channels: A 3‐D Modeling
Approach,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
Conference Publications
[1] E. T. Michailidis and A. G. Kanatas, “A Three Dimensional Model for Land Mobile‐HAP‐
MIMO Fading Channels,” in Proc. 10th International Workshop on Signal Processing
for Space Communications (SPSC) 2008, pp. 1‐6, Rhodes, Greece, 6‐8 Oct. 2008.
[2] E. T. Michailidis, G. Efthymoglou, and A. G. Kanatas, “Spatially Correlated 3‐D HAP‐
MIMO Fading Channels,” in Proc. International Workshop on Aerial & Space Platforms:
Research, Applications, Vision of IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom)
2008, pp. 1‐7, New Orleans, LA, USA, 4 Dec. 2008.
[3] E. T. Michailidis and A. G. Kanatas, “Capacity Optimized Line‐of‐Sight HAP‐MIMO
Channels for Fixed Wireless Access,” in Proc. International Workshop on Satellite and
Space Communications (IWSSC) 2009, pp. 73‐77, Siena‐Tuscany, Italy, 10‐11 Sep. 2009.
[4] E. T. Michailidis and A. G. Kanatas, “On the Capacity of 3‐D Space‐Time Correlated
HAP‐MIMO Channels,” in Proc. 2nd International Conference on Advances in Satellite
and Space Communications (SPACOMM) 2010, Athens‐Glyfada, Greece, 13‐19 Jun.
2010. Best Paper Award
[5] Ε. T. Michailidis and A. G. Kanatas, “Modeling and Simulation of 3‐D Wideband HAP‐
MIMO Channels,” accepted for publication in IEEE 74th Vehicular Technology
Conference (VTC Fall) 2011, San Francisco, USA, 5‐8 Sep. 2011.
Chapter 1
Contribution to COST Action IC0802
[1] E. T. Michailidis and A. G. Kanatas, “Three‐dimensional HAP MIMO Channels:
Modeling and Analysis of Spatial Correlation,” COST Action IC0802, 1st MCM,
ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands, 9‐11 Mar. 2009.
[2] E. T. Michailidis and A. G. Kanatas, “Effect of 3‐D Spatial Correlation on the Capacity of
HAP‐MIMO Channels,” COST Action IC0802, 3rd MCM, NTUA, Athens, Greece, 26‐28
Apr. 2010.
[3] E. T. Michailidis and A. G. Kanatas, “A Three‐Dimensional Statistical Simulation Model
for HAP‐MIMO Channels,” COST Action IC0802, 3rd MCM, NTUA, Athens, Greece, 26‐
28 Apr. 2010.
1.5 Thesis Outline
The remainder of this thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 2 thoroughly
presents the basic concepts of radio propagation, describes the characteristics of
MIMO technology, and surveys existing models for earth‐space radio channels.
Chapter 4 proposes 3‐D deterministic and statistical simulation models for HAP‐
MIMO mobile fading channels and provides simulation results to validate the
theoretical results of the reference model.
Chapter 5 proposes a 3‐D reference model for wideband HAP‐MIMO channels,
studies its statistical properties, and provides numerical results. This chapter also
proposes simulation models for wideband HAP‐MIMO channels and provides
simulation results to validate the reference model.
Chapter 6 proposes a HAP‐MIMO channel model for BFWA services at mm‐wave
frequencies, suggests capacity optimization techniques, and provides numerical
results to demonstrate the theoretical derivations.
Finally, Chapter 7 concludes this thesis and addresses open research areas in
MIMO channel modeling for wireless communications systems based on HAPs.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Overview on Propagation Mechanisms,
MIMO Principle, and Channel Modeling
2.1 Introduction
The analysis, the design, the operation, and the performance of a wireless
communications network are heavily dependent on the characteristics of the
wireless propagation channel. Indeed, communicating through a wireless channel is
a challenging task because the medium may introduce severe impairments [2],
[71]‐[74]. Hence, an accurate and thorough characterization of the propagation
effects influencing radio waves propagating in a wireless channel is essential, in
order to design and implement reliable and efficient HAP‐MIMO channel models.
These propagation effects vary depending on the operating frequency. Thus, it is
important to emphasize considerable differences between the communications
systems operating at low frequency bands and the ones operating in upper bands.
With these in mind, this chapter aims to describe in detail the fundamental
propagation mechanisms that influence the links between HAPs and terrestrial
fixed/mobile stations at the licensed L‐, S‐, Ka‐, and V‐ frequency bands. Moreover,
this chapter describes the MIMO principle, reviews existing models for earth‐space
radio channels, and provides an introduction to HAP‐MIMO channel modeling.
2.2 The Wireless Propagation Channel
Chapter 2
performance and control MIMO applicability to fixed and mobile HAP‐based
systems at frequencies well above 10 GHz and well below 10 GHz, respectively.
The architecture of a generic wireless communications system is illustrated in
Fig. 7. Based on this architecture, the transmitter sends a signal through a wireless
communications channel, the channel itself distorts the signal in such ways that
may be unpredictable to the receiver, and the receiver must be designed to
overcome these modifications to deliver the signal to its final destination with as
few distortions as possible. Specifically, in the wireless channel, there are
multiplicative and additive effects [2], [71], [72].
The multiplicative effects arise from the various processes encountered by the
transmitted waves on their way from the transmit end to the receive end. It is
conventional to further subdivide the multiplicative processes in the channel into
two types of fading, the large‐scale fading and the small‐scale fading. The large‐
scale fading is due to the shadowing of the transmitted signal by objects and
scatterers in the channel and is referred to as shadow fading, while the small‐scale
fading is caused by the multipath propagation and is referred to as multipath fading
[2], [71], [72]. Shadow fading and multipath fading will be discussed later in this
On the contrary, the additive effects arise from the noise generated within the
receiver itself (although external noise contributions may also be significant) and
their impact on the performance of a communications system is important, since
they determine the received signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR). The additive white
Gaussian noise (AWGN) is a good example of additive impairments and
corresponds to a random process with each realization modeled as a random
variable following a Gaussian distribution. The average received SNR is expressed as
SNR PR dB PN dB . (1)
The received signal power PR is given by
Chapter 2
where PT is the transmitted power, GT and GR are the transmit and receive
The Wireless Channel
Large Small
Scale Scale
Fading Fading
Figure 7: Architecture of a generic wireless communications system.
2.2.1 Path Loss
The path loss (or path attenuation) in any wireless communications radio link is
an important effect that contributes to signal degradation by reducing its power.
The value of the path loss is usually expressed in decibels (dB) and is highly
dependent on many factors, such as the terrain contours, the propagation
environment (urban or rural, vegetation and foliage), the propagation medium (dry
or moist air), the distance between the transmitter and the receiver, and the height
and location of antennas. In the study of wireless communications, path loss is
usually represented by the path loss exponent [2]. Path loss models for predicting
path loss in urban environments are described in [75], [76].
For a link between HAPs and terrestrial stations, the minimum (reference) path
loss is given by the free‐space loss (FSL) LF , which assumes a line‐of‐sight (LoS) link
Chapter 2
between the transmitter and the receiver and propagation in free‐space and is
given by [11], [37]
transmitter and the receiver in km. Nevertheless, the signals do not experience
free‐space propagation due to other sources of loss, such as obstacles in the first
Fresnel zone, rain attenuation [11], [37], [77]‐[79], gaseous absorption (oxygen
absorption and water vapour) [78], cloud attenuation, and attenuation due to
vegetation [80], [81]. The summation of any losses caused by the aforementioned
propagation effects is considered as the excess loss Lex . Hence, the total loss is
given by
L dB LF dB Lex dB . (5)
Note that rain attenuation is the dominant mechanism that significantly affects the
quality of the link at frequencies above 10 GHz [11].
2.2.2 Rain Effects
The rain is confined to the first 2.5‐5 km of the atmosphere depending on the
latitude [11]. Hence, an EM wave propagating in the troposphere is directly
affected by rain effects (see Fig. 8). Rain effects primarily refer to the attenuation
of a signal. The troposphere consists of a mixture of particles having a wide range
of sizes and characteristics. The attenuation is the result of the conversion of EM
energy to thermal energy within an attenuating particle. This attenuation increases
with the number of raindrops along the path, the size of the drops, the length of
the path through the rain, and the carrier frequency. The main particles of interest
are hydrometeors, including raindrops, fog and clouds. Note that attenuation is
negligible for snow or ice crystals, in which the particles are tightly bound and do
not interact with the waves.
Chapter 2
The rain attenuation Lr can be empirically obtained using the specific rain
attenuation r (dB/km) [82], which is defined as
r ar Rrbr , (6)
where Rr is the rain rate measured on the ground in millimeters per hour (mm/h)
and is strongly dependent on the geographical location. Worldwide rain rate
contour maps can be found in [83]. Typical rain rate values for Europe are around
30 mm/h, while for some Mediterranean regions the rain rate exceeds 50 mm/h
and for equatorial regions the rain rate may reach 150 mm/h. The rain rate
corresponds to the measure of the average size of the raindrops. However, the
period of time for which the rain rate exceeds a certain value is more important
than the total amount of rain falling during a year. The values of the empirical
regression coefficients ar and br can be obtained from [82] and depend on the
climatic zone, the transmission frequency, and the polarization.
and vertical polarization extracted from [82], while Fig. 8 utilizes (6) and
demonstrates the specific rain attenuation as a function of the rain rate for
different carrier frequency. One observes that the rain attenuation is only
significant to communications systems operating above 10 GHz. At these
frequencies, the wavelength and raindrop size (about 1.5 millimeters) are
comparable and the attenuation is quite large. Thus, HAP‐based communications
systems operating at Ka‐ and V‐ frequency bands are susceptible to rain, while the
ones operating at L‐ and S‐ frequency bands are not significantly affected by rain.
The total rain attenuation Lr can be obtained as follows
Lr r dr , (7)
where dr is the total rainy path length and can be geometrically obtained as
follows (see Fig. 9)
dr Hr HR / sin T , (8)
Chapter 2
T is the elevation angle of the platform. Representative values for Hr vary
according to the latitude of the terrestrial station [11], [37]. In practice, high rain
attenuations are sometimes avoided by using site diversity [84], [85], in which two
widely separated terrestrial stations are used. Then, the probability that both
terrestrial stations are within the same area of rain concentration is small.
Alternatively, a portion of spectrum in a lower frequency band may be used.
ar br ar br
2 GHz 0.000154 0.963 0.000138 0.923
10 GHz 0.0101 1.276 0.00887 1.264
20 GHz 0.0751 1.099 0.0691 1.065
30 GHz 0.187 1.021 0.167 1.000
40 GHz 0.350 0.939 0.310 0.929
50 GHz 0.536 0.873 0.479 0.868
2 GHz
10 GHz
40 20 GHz
30 GHz
Attenuation (dB/km)
40 GHz
50 GHz
0 50 100 150
Rain Rate (mm/h)
Figure 8: The specific rain attenuation as a function of the rain rate for different carrier
Chapter 2
HAP dr
T Hr
HR Terrestrial
Figure 9: Rain attenuation path geometry.
The aforementioned empirical modeling of the long‐term behavior of the rain
attenuation effects does not convey any information on the time dynamics of these
effects. An alternative and more accurate way of modeling the rain attenuation is
through the use of time‐series [86]. Since rain is characterized by a significant
spatial inhomogeneity within the distances of interest, rain attenuation time‐series
can be obtained using actual meteorological data accumulated over many years of
carefully performed propagation measurements. The possibility of making a
computer synthesis of these time‐series allows for the implementation of statistical
channel models, which are characterized by short‐term statistics.
2.2.3 Shadow Fading
The predicted path loss for a system operated in a particular environment is
constant for a given distance. However, the emitted EM waves often do not reach
the receive antenna directly due to obstacles that block the LoS link resulting in
Chapter 2
random variations of the received power with respect to the nominal value given
by the path loss models. This effect is called shadowing or slow (long term) fading
and controls the reliability of coverage and the link budget [2], [71]. The density of
the obstacles significantly depends on the physical environment. The randomness
in this environment is captured by modeling the density of obstacles and their
absorption behavior as random numbers. The amplitude variations caused by
shadowing is often modeled using a log‐normal distribution with a standard
deviation according to the log‐distance path loss model. The interested reader is
referred to [89], [90] for a detailed discussion of the shadow fading characteristics
for HAP‐based systems. This thesis focuses only on the multipath fading, since this
is the dominant fading mechanism that affects the performance of MIMO systems
[68], [69].
2.2.4 Multipath Fading
Although LoS conditions are required in the Ka‐ and V‐ frequency bands [11],
[37] due to the severe attenuation of possible obstructed signal components, non‐
line‐of‐sight (NLoS) connections can be used and should also be evaluated for HAP‐
based communication systems operating in L‐ and S‐ frequency bands. Then, it is
considered that a signal propagating through a wireless channel usually arrives at
its destination along a number of different paths, referred to as multipath
components, which arise from single‐bounce and/or multiple‐bounce scattering,
reflection or diffraction of the radiated energy by fixed and/or mobile intervening
objects in the environment [2], [71], [91]. These mechanisms affect the amplitude,
the direction, and the phase of the propagating radio waves and this effect is
known as multipath fading or fast (short term) fading owing to the random rapid
fluctuations of the transmitted wave over small areas. Indeed, these fluctuations
result in the spreading of the transmitted wave in Doppler and/or time delay
and/or angular domain. The received wave is a superposition of the impinging
multipath components. Depending on the phase of each partial wave, this
superposition can be constructive or destructive. The phase relationships depend
Chapter 2
on the speed of motion, frequency of transmission and relative path lengths. Fig.
10 presents a typical scenario affected by multipath fading. One observes that the
LoS component reaches the receiver directly. However, single‐bounce and double
bounce NLoS rays arrive also to the receiver causing multipath.
Single‐bounce Double‐bounce
Figure 10: Visualization of a multipath propagation environment.
2.2.5 Time, Frequency, and Space Selectivity
Time selectivity refers to a time‐varying multipath channel originated by the
motion of the transmitter and/or the receiver and/or the scattering elements [68]‐
[70]. When viewed in the frequency domain by applying Fourier transform (FT) to
the time correlation function, time selectivity appears as different Doppler
(frequency) shifts of the individual multipath components over a finite spectral
bandwidth and corresponds to a frequency dispersion of the Doppler power
spectrum of the transmitted signal. The value of this dispersion and the
corresponding maximum Doppler frequency mainly depend on the angle between
the direction of motion of the terrestrial mobile station and direction of arrival of
the scattered waves, and the amplitudes of the received partial waves. Based on
the rate with which the channel impulse response changes relative to the signal
transmission rate, channels may be classified as fast fading, i.e., the channel
Chapter 2
changes within the transmitted symbol duration, or slow fading, i.e., the channel is
approximately constant within symbol duration. A good measure of channel time
selectivity is given by the channel coherence time (in the time domain), i.e., the
time duration for which the channel can be considered as approximately time‐
invariant. The larger the coherence time, the slower the channel fluctuation, or
equivalently the Doppler spread (in the frequency domain).
Chapter 2
separation for which the channel's spatial response remains constant, which is
inversely proportional to the angle spread.
Fig. 11 illustrates the relationship through FT between the variances of time t ,
frequency f , and space (represented by the receive x R and transmit xT
antenna position vectors) and the spreads of Doppler frequency shift v ,
propagation delay , and direction of arrival or departure (represented by the
receive ΩR and transmit ΩT direction vectors, respectively).
Fourier Tranform
t v
Fourier Tranform
Fourier Tranform
x R ΩR
Fourier Tranform
Figure 11: The relationships of the time, frequency, and space domains.
2.2.6 The Diversity Concept
The randomness of the communications channel can be exploited to enhance
the performance of a communications system through diversity [2], [68]‐[70].
Diversity refers to a method that improves the reliability of the transmission of a
signal by using two or more individual communication channels with different
characteristics, i.e., different level of fading and interference. In particular, the
probability that all channels are simultaneously in a fade condition reduces
dramatically. Hence, diversity helps stabilizing the link through channel hardening,
which leads to improved performance in terms of the BER. Diversity techniques
exploit the multipath fading, resulting in diversity gain. Since multipath fading may
take place in time, frequency, and space, diversity techniques may similarly be
exploited in each of these domains.
Chapter 2
Time diversity can be obtained if multiple versions of the same signal are
transmitted at different time instants. Adding a redundant forward error correction
code, the message is spread in time by means of bit‐interleaving before it is
transmitted. Thus, error bursts are avoided, which simplifies the error correction
Frequency diversity exploits the temporal spreading of the channel through
equalization techniques or multi‐carrier modulations. Thus, the signal is
transmitted using several frequency channels or spread over a wide spectrum that
is affected by frequency‐selective fading. Naturally, both time and frequency
diversity techniques incur a loss in time or bandwidth to allow for the introduction
of redundancy.
The multi‐user MIMO (MU‐MIMO) systems also intend to provide diversity by
exploiting the availability of multiple independent terminals [92]. Hence,
enhancement of the communications capabilities of each individual terminal can be
obtained. Although single‐user MIMO (SU‐MIMO) techniques only consider access
to multiple antennas that are physically connected to each individual terminal, MU‐
MIMO can be seen as the extended concept of space‐division multiple access
(SDMA) that allows a terminal to transmit (or receive) signal to (or from) multiple
users in the same band simultaneously. Fig. 12 demonstrates the aforementioned
Chapter 2
SIMO Transmitter
MISO Transmitter
MIMO Transmitter
Figure 12: Basic representation of SISO, SIMO, MISO, MIMO, and MU‐MIMO systems.
Finally, diversity techniques may also exploit the polarization of antennas.
Specifically, multiple versions of a signal are transmitted and received via antennas
with different polarization [93], [94]. Polarization diversity can overcome possible
space limitation and still achieve the advantages predicted by MIMO theory.
2.3 The MIMO Technology
Chapter 2
converted the multipath effect into a benefit for the communications systems [95],
[96]. In a very general way, MIMO technology improves the quality of the received
signal and increases the data rate by using digital signal processing techniques to
shape and combine the transmitted signals from multiple wireless paths created by
the use of multiple receive and transmit antennas. The advent of MIMO technology
represents one of the most important advancements in wireless communications
and has attracted attention worldwide, since it offers a number of benefits that
help achieve significant performance gains and meet the challenges posed by the
impairments in the wireless channel as well as resource constraints.
2.3.1 Benefits
The major benefits of MIMO techniques are array gain, spatial diversity gain,
and spatial multiplexing gain. Although SIMO and MISO systems offer array gain
and spatial diversity gain, only MIMO systems can exploit environments with rich
scattering and take advantage of spatial multiplexing gain, which offers a potential
increase in channel capacity beyond the Shannon capacity for SISO systems at no
cost of extra radio spectrum and/or transmitted power [68]‐[70].
Array gain refers to a coherent combining of the transmitted signals at the
receiver. In particular, the same signal is emitted from each of the transmit
antennas with appropriate phase and amplitude weightings such that the signal
power is maximized at the receiver input. This coherent combining realized through
spatial processing at the receive antenna array and/or spatial pre‐processing at the
transmit antenna array improves the resistance to noise and increases the signal
gain from constructive interference. Hence, array gain increases the average
receive SNR and improves the coverage and range of a wireless communications
network. However, this coherent combining requires knowledge of the channel
state information (CSI).
Spatial diversity is realized by providing the receiver with multiple (ideally
independent) copies of the transmitted signal separated in space. Then, as the
Chapter 2
number of these copies increases, the probability that at least one of these copies
do not experience deep fading also increases. A MIMO channel with nT transmit
links, and hence a spatial diversity order of nT nR . Spatial diversity techniques can
be applied using space‐time coding, when there is no CSI knowledge. Then, the
array gain cannot be exploited.
2.3.2 Channel Statistics
Considering a MIMO communications system with nT transmit antennas and nR
receive antennas and assuming frequency non‐selective (flat fading) over the
bandwidth of interest, the MIMO radio channel at a given time instant may be
represented as a nR nT matrix H as follows [68], [69]
Chapter 2
hnR 2
nT Transmitter
h1nT H hnR 1 Receiver nR
hnR nT
Radio Channel
Figure 13: Visualization of the MIMO radio channel.
where hij is the (SISO) channel gain between the i th receive and j th transmit
antenna pair. Note that channel capacity linearly increases according to rank1 of
the channel matrix H. Fig. 13 visualized the MIMO radio channel.
In the presence of a sufficiently large (theoretically infinite) number of non‐
coherent diffuse components in dense scattering propagation environment, the
fading is described by a Rayleigh distribution [70], [100], the channel matrix is full‐
rank, and the elements of this matrix are uncorrelated, i.e., independent and
identically distributed (i.i.d.). However, when a strong LoS signal also arrives at the
receiver, the fading is described by a Rician distribution. Considering coherent
diffuse components or sparse scattering and increased correlation in space and/or
time and/or frequency, the rank of the channel matrix is deficient and the spectral
efficiency is low. Indeed, the degree of correlation is a complicated function of the
The rank of a matrix is equal to the number of linearly independent rows (or columns) of the matrix or equivalently the
number of non‐zero eigenvalues.
Chapter 2
degree of scattering in a specific propagation environment and the antenna inter‐
element spacing at both the transmitter and the receiver. Hence, an increase in
this spacing is not sufficient to ensure decorrelation between the responses in the
MIMO channel matrix. On the other hand, dense scattering in the propagation
environment in combination with adequate2 antenna spacing ensures
decorrelation. These two factors control the performance measures, i.e., the
diversity gain and the spatial multiplexing gain, and therefore the applicability of
MIMO techniques to any communications system.
A HAP‐based communications channel is expected to be Ricean in its general
form, i.e., Rice distribution can be employed to describe the statistics of the
channel [11]. Considering this general case of Ricean fading, the HAP‐MIMO
channel matrix can be modeled as [68]
K 1
H HLoS HNLoS , (10)
K 1 K 1
where HLoS is the nR nT matrix containing the free‐space LoS responses among
the nT and nR antenna elements, HNLoS is the nR nT matrix containing the
responses due to the scattered waves (NLoS), and K is the Ricean factor, which
expresses the relative power of the direct and scattered components of the
received signal and provides an indication of the link quality. When K 0 the
channel is described by a Rayleigh distribution, whereas a very large value of K ,
i.e., K , implies the presence of a Gaussian channel. Recent studies have
shown that the performance of MIMO systems depends on K [101]. In particular,
as K increases, the correlation between MIMO subchannels increases [102].
Hence, efficient and accurate methods for estimating K are of considerable
interest [103]. Several values of K have been reported in the literature from
measurement campaigns and studies performed in the L and S frequency bands,
for satellite [104] and HAP‐based [105] communications systems. According to
these measurements, the value of K depends on the elevation angle of the
Antenna spacing equal to half wavelength is usually required for terrestrial mobile terminals [96].
Chapter 2
satellite/platform and the operating frequency. In particular, the results of
propagation measurements conducted in a semi‐urban area [105] showed that K
varies between 0.9 and 18.6 dB at frequency 1.2 GHz, and between 1.4 and 16.8 dB
at frequency 2.4 GHz, for the elevation angle ranging from 10 to 90.
Nevertheless, the value of K also depends on the propagation area, and the
degree of urbanization. Thus, K is expected to be lower in highly urbanized areas,
where the scatterers are usually dense and tall. Note that HAP and/or user
movement and HAP displacement cause a continuous change in the sub‐platform
point and in the elevation angle of platform. Thus, the Ricean factor K also varies
with the elevation angle variation.
Since many factors influence the channel propagation characteristics, it is of
great interest to properly characterize and model the HAP‐MIMO channel for
different conditions. Then, efficient and reliable HAP‐MIMO systems can be
designed and accurately evaluated, before their implementation. This section
provides an overview of the available HAP‐SISO models and discusses some open
issues related to channel features not sufficiently reproduced by these models in
order to support MIMO extension. In addition, this section outlines the various
MIMO channel modeling approaches and categorizes them into main groups. This
section also carries out a review of MIMO techniques that have been recently
proposed for satellite/HAP communications [106]. Finally, special attention is given
to the particular characteristics of the stratospheric channel, which ultimately
determine the viability of MIMO over HAP.
2.4.1 Survey of HAP‐SISO Channel Models
Chapter 2
mainly of shadowing and multipath, while tropospheric effects substantially control
the quality of the link of both satellite and HAP‐based systems. Therefore, channel
models for HAPs could be based on models applied to terrestrial and satellite
systems [11]. However, classical terrestrial modeling artificially separates slow and
fast variations due to shadowing and multipath, respectively, and models them
independently. Conversely, in satellite systems, these two processes are usually
treated statistically in a combined manner. The reason is that terrestrial
propagation rarely exhibits LoS conditions and the propagation environment
contributes to both slow and fast variations. Nevertheless, direct signal is usually
present, when the transmitter is located above the earth due to the higher
elevations and impairments of the signal are mainly caused only by the local
environment. Indeed, although terrestrial, satellite and stratospheric channels
exhibit similar multipath fading, the intensity of this small‐scale effect is not the
same, since the effective scatterers are present only at specific positions of the link.
Nevertheless, HAP‐based systems exhibit distinct characteristics compared to
satellite and terrestrial systems, with regard to the size of the coverage area, the
length of the radio path between transmitter and receiver, the link geometry, and
the propagation time delay. Several models for HAP‐SISO channels are reported in
the literature, and can be categorized as switched‐channel models, empirical
channel models, and geometry‐based channel models [91], [105]‐[112]. Switched‐Channel Models
The changes in shadowing and multipath are typically modeled by different
propagation states, e.g., “good” and “bad” states corresponding to LoS/open/light
shadowing areas and NLoS/blocked/heavy shadowing areas, respectively [111]‐
[116]. Then, the goal of a switched channel model is to properly characterize a
time‐variant channel, which switches from one state to another at any time. These
propagation states can be described by a first‐order Markov chain with specific
state and transition probabilities. The differences between the states are related to
the type of fading that is affecting the channel. The classic narrowband model of
Chapter 2
switched‐channel is the one presented in [113] for the L‐ band. This model
characterizes the process of fading through a switch between two states, one
defined as good (Rice distribution) and the other defined as bad (Rayleigh‐
lognormal distribution). There are also three‐state channel models proposed in
[114], [115]. The characteristics that define the channel, such as the finite number
of states present in a discrete time, make the use of Markov chains possible.
A possible weakness of the Markov model is that utilizes the same distributions
for all the channel states. Alternatively, a semi‐Markov model for HAP‐SISO
broadband channels is proposed in [112], which considers that the time duration
between states transition is random and can be characterized by some type of
probability distribution. One of the greatest advantages of the semi‐Markovian
process is the possibility to make a clear distinction between the probability
distribution of the duration of the fading present in a state and the type of fading
present in that state, which helps to get a better approximation of the link channel
conditions [116]. A general feature of the Markov and semi‐Markov approaches is
the memoryless property of the channel, where one state is uncorrelated to other
instances of the same state at different times. Empirical Channel Models
Chapter 2
established based on experiments performed in a specific area. Hence, it is
questionable whether they can be applied to other propagation environments. Geometry‐based Channel Models
The channel characterization strongly depends on the location of the
transmitter and the receiver. As shown in Fig. 14, the fundamental parameters,
which describe the geometry of a basic HAP‐based system, are the elevation angle
of the platform T , the height of the platform HT , and the distance D between
the mobile station and the sub‐platform point.
Figure 14: The typical geometry of a HAP‐based system.
To the author’s best knowledge, two different geometries for HAP‐SISO
channels were previously proposed. In [91] an ellipsoid was considered as the
volume containing all the scatterers in the terrain with transmitter and receiver as
foci (see Fig. 15). This model is based on the theoretical model proposed in [120]
for a terrestrial station and is extended to the case of a stratospheric station. In this
extension, the receiver and the transmitter are no longer on the horizontal plane
and the height of the transmitter must be taken into account This model provides a
really convenient method for estimating the small‐scale fading of the
communication links between HAPs and terrestrial stations and characterizes the
mobile channel through the power delay profile and the Doppler spectrum.
Chapter 2
However, this model overestimates the effects of large delay components. This
deficiency is due to the assumption of uniformly distributed single bounce echoes.
Therefore, a blockage‐based channel model for HAP‐SISO channels was proposed in
[109], quantified the existing probability of the single bounce echoes from different
scatterers, and obtained an improved distribution function of the excess delay
through numerical integration. Although the blockage‐based model seems more
realistic than the ellipsoid model, it greatly complicates the derived process.
Figure 15: The ellipsoid geometrical model for HAP‐SISO channels.
LoS Scatterer
Figure 16: The circular cone geometrical model for HAP‐SISO channels.
Chapter 2
A multipath model based on circular straight cone geometry (see Fig. 16) was
also proposed in [110]. This geometry could be a better approximation to simulate
the multipath propagation, since it represents the coverage area of a HAP‐based
system more accurately. The energy from the scatterers is not considered
significant close to the platform, as [91] suggests, but more concentrated close to
the base of the cone. This new geometric definition can resemble more accurately
the scenario of a directive antenna onboard the HAP illuminating a specific
coverage area on the ground.
2.4.2 Classification of MIMO Channel Models
The MIMO models can be classified into categories depending on specific
criteria. A potential way of distinguishing the individual models is with regard to
the bandwidth. In particular, the MIMO models can be divided into narrowband
models, i.e., the multipath fading is frequency flat, and wideband models, i.e., the
multipath fading is frequency selective. MIMO models can also be separated into
outdoor, indoor, urban, suburban or rural depending on the propagation
environment, as well as they can be characterized as mobile or fixed depending on
the existence or absence of mobility, respectively. Nevertheless, MIMO models can
be generally classified into physical or non‐physical (analytical) based on the
modeling philosophy [121], [122].
Chapter 2
entire system and the geometry of the scattering environement. Moreover, non‐
geometric stochastic models describe physical parameters in a mathematical
(analytical) way without assuming an underlying geometry.
On the contrary, non‐physical models synthesize the MIMO channel matrices in
the context of system and algorithm development and verification. Although the
non‐physical models are easy to simulate and provide accurate channel
characterization for the situations under which they are identified, they give limited
insight to the propagation characteristics of the MIMO channels and depend on the
measurement equipment, e.g., the bandwidth, the configuration and aperture of
the arrays, the heights and response of transmit and receive antennas in the
measurements. Non‐physical models can be further subdivided into propagation‐
motivated models and correlation‐based models. The interest reader is referred to
[121], [122] for a detailed comparison between physical and non‐physical models.
Finally, another way to model the MIMO channel is through field measurements
of the MIMO channel responses. Empirical models based on MIMO channel
measurement campaigns are reported in [124] for terrestrial systems and in [125]
for satellite systems. However, the parameters used to generate these models are
based on specific measurement campaigns for particular environments. Thus, these
models can be used to generate fading effects for similar types of environments,
which limit their merit.
2.4.3 Recent Advances in Satellite/HAP MIMO Channel Modeling
The wireless world has seen substantial increase in the demand of high quality
broadband wireless services during recent years, which has resulted in the
evolution of MIMO communications systems. In an effort to remain competitive
with terrestrial systems, satellite and HAP‐based systems are trying to follow the
progress in MIMO technology and profit from the significant enhancements [106],
[126]. In this section some of the recently developed models for satellite/HAP
MIMO channels are presented.
Chapter 2 Physical‐Statistical Modeling
As mentioned before, different approaches can be used to build models for
MIMO channels. For instance, physical or deterministic channel models based on
ray‐tracing algorithms can provide accurate results for a particular scenario.
However, this approach is not often used due to increased computational
complexity. On the other hand, statistical models are built around measurement
data and provide reasonable reproduction of the real channel. However, they
provide little insight into the propagation mechanisms and depend on the accuracy
of the measurements. An intermediate approach between these models is the
physical‐statistical model. This type of modeling is the most appropriate in
predicting the ‘ON/OFF’ nature and investigating the small‐scale fading effects over
large coverage areas applicable to satellite/HAP‐based communications systems
In [128], a physical‐statistical model for land mobile satellite (LMS) and HAP
MIMO channels was proposed. This model generates high‐resolution time‐series
data and power delay profile for communication links between satellite (or HAP)
and terrestrial terminal antennas and also predicts the correlation between these
links. In this model, the obstacles (e.g., buildings, trees) are grouped into clusters of
spherical shapes and the clusters centers are randomly positioned. Multiple
scatterers are placed randomly around the cluster center and their position follows
the Laplacian distribution, while the building heights follow the lognormal
distribution. Three paths between a satellite and a mobile terminal are considered:
a LoS path, a blocked LoS path, and an attenuated path by trees. To validate this
model, the parameters obtained from experimental data collected in Munich,
Germany at L‐band (1.54 GHz) for urban and high‐way environments. The small‐
scale fading and the wideband parameters can be approximated using the output
time‐series and spatial power delay profile data of the model.
As the maximum MIMO gain can be achieved with low correlation between
antenna elements at both ends of a MIMO communications system, a fundamental
Chapter 2
way of achieving low antenna correlation is to use antenna elements with
adequate separation. However, owing to size restriction, the physical‐statistical
model suggests that multiple antennas with large separation cannot be deployed at
a single satellite. Hence, two satellites are required to achieve diversity.
Nevertheless, employing two satellites gives rise to new challenges, such as waste
of the limited satellite bandwidth for the transmission of the same signal, lack of
synchronization in reception, and high implementation cost. The synchronization
issues can be dealt with by employing cooperative satellite diversity concept [129],
[130] or by using compact antennas [94], [131], in which the problem of
synchronization does not exist. From this physical‐statistical model, one also
obtains that the application of multiple antennas at a single HAP may be viable.
However, further and extensive research is required to verify the results. Analytical Modeling
The physical‐statistical channel model described above is designed for the L‐ and
S‐ frequency bands. The application of MIMO technology to satellite systems
operating at the Ku‐ frequency band and above was discussed in [132]. In this
model, two features of MIMO technology are presented: (i) a 2 2 MIMO spatial
multiplexing system is used to achieve capacity improvements and a closed form
expression for the outage capacity is derived (ii) a MIMO spatial diversity scheme
with receive antenna selection is applied in order to reduce interference in LMS
communication links. In addition, an analytical closed form expression for
interference mitigation on forward link of a satellite 2 2 MIMO diversity system
with antenna selection is also obtained. In order to discuss the features of MIMO
techniques, the model assumes high antenna directivity and propagation
phenomena, such as clear LoS, rain fading, and rainfall spatial homogeneity. The
propagation delay offset (synchronization problem) in LMS communications is also
considered and a practical solution to this problem is suggested by applying
matched filters, first to the received signals for the detection of propagation delay
offset and then the resulting signals are fed to the timing aligner.
Chapter 2 Polarized Satellite/HAP MIMO Channels
The overwhelming majority of analytical and experimental work carried out on
LMS and HAP MIMO channels at L‐ and S‐ frequency bands focuses on exploiting
polarization diversity at both the transmitter and receiver to form a MIMO channel
matrix [93], [94], [131], [133]‐[135]. This approach seems beneficial, since a single
satellite cannot provide the necessary antenna spacings required by MIMO theory
to provide a high degree of channel decorrelation. Spatial, temporal and
polarization SIMO and MISO measurements in S‐ and C‐ bands for mobile satellite
systems have been recently carried out by ESA employing existing satellites [136]
and by Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) employing a helicopter [137]. A
relevant SIMO channel modeling approach is presented in [138]. With regard to
MIMO measurement campaigns, the relevant attempts are extremely scarce and
have been conducted mainly in the frame of [125] in Guildford, UK, at 2.45 GHz. In
order to get benefit from polarization dimension, the cross‐polar transmissions
(e.g., transmission from vertically polarized antenna to horizontally polarized
antenna) should be zero. However, in real scenarios there is always some
polarization mismatch since linearly polarized antenna arrays have non‐zero
patterns for cross‐polar fields. In addition, multipath effects (e.g., diffraction,
scattering, reflection, etc.) may change the plane of polarization of incident
electromagnetic waves at the receiver. A physical‐statistical model for dual‐
polarized satellite links is presented in [134], while the capacity enhancement
resulting from the use of a multiple HAP system employing compact MIMO antenna
arrays and multiple spatial‐polarization states was investigated in [93]‐[94].
2.4.4 Potential Application of MIMO Technology over Single HAPs
The prerequisite so that single HAP configurations fully exploit the spatial
diversity and spatial multiplexing advantages predicted by information theory is the
existence of sufficient antenna spacing at the transmitter and receiver, as well as a
rich scattering environment, which renders the fading paths between the antenna
Chapter 2
elements of the transmitter and the receiver independent. Insufficient spacing
between antenna elements and limited scattering correspond to lower MIMO
channel capacity compared to the ideal i.i.d. case. Therefore, future HAP‐MIMO
channel models should take the distribution of the scatterers and the correlations
among signal carriers into account. The application of multiple antennas to single
HAPs may be plausible to be pursued in the frame of HAP‐MIMO systems, since
spatial limitations on board are not as stringent as in satellites. Moreover, the
length of the radio path between HAPs and terrestrial stations is significantly
smaller than the corresponding one associated with satellites.
Although several MIMO models have been proposed for terrestrial and satellite
communications channels, newer models are required to accurately characterize
specific issues concerned with HAP‐MIMO channels. For these channels, the
physical‐geometrical characteristics, which define the HAP‐MIMO system itself, are
highly critical. Most of the physical models of terrestrial channels postulate a
scattering environment and attempt to capture the channel characteristics by
involving scattering parameters. Such models can often illustrate the essential
characteristics of the MIMO channel, as long as the constructed scattering
environment is reasonable. The conventional geometry‐based models for HAP‐SISO
channels provide a convenient framework for characterizing the time and
frequency domain of the fading channels. Notwithstanding, extending these
models to the MIMO case is not straightforward or even not applicable mainly due
to the need of utilization of the space domain, which is the essence of MIMO
technology. Specifically, it is necessary to incorporate new parameters, such as the
angles of arrival and departure, the angle spread, and the utilization of multiple
antennas at both the ends of the link. Consequently, the establishment of a
particular geometry allows for an accurate characterization of the multipath effects
and supports the investigation of MIMO applicability.
Chapter 3 introduces and justifies a novel cylindrical geometry. Based on this
geometry, a 3‐D reference model for narrowband HAP‐MIMO channels is
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Three‐Dimensional Modeling of
Space‐Time Correlated HAP‐MIMO Channels
3.1 Introduction
Chapter 2 reviewed the MIMO principle and underlined its potential advantages.
However, the invariable non‐zero correlation of MIMO subchannels in space and/or
time can significantly degrade and limit the prospective MIMO gain [97], [98].
Spatial correlation is measured among the elements of the channel matrix for each
realization, while temporal correlation is measured between channel matrix
realizations at different time instants. In practice, due to the length of the radio
path between HAPs and terrestrial stations, the transmit and/or receive antennas
should be placed at significant distances from each other to ensure that the paths
are really diverse. In [93], [94] virtual MIMO (V‐MIMO) techniques were used
exploiting the diversity provided by multiple HAPs, while in [128] a general
estimation of the required antenna element separation at a HAP to achieve
uncorrelated responses in the MIMO channel matrix was provided. Nevertheless,
whether the size of a single HAP can support spatial diversity is still questionable.
Hence, further and extensive research is necessary.
Chapter 3
was proposed. According to this model, the scatterers are uniformly distributed in
space, i.e., the user receives signals from all directions with equal probabilities (see
Fig. 17). However, this assumption deviates from practical situations. In addition,
the influence of the HAP elevation angle was not considered for the performance
evaluation. In [128], a physical‐statistical MIMO model applied to satellites/HAPs
was presented. According to this model, the scatterers are non‐uniformly
distributed, i.e., the user receives the signal only from particular directions (see Fig.
18). Nevertheless, analytical expressions for the space‐time correlation function
(STCF) were not derived and the effect of the array configuration was not studied.
Thus, newer models are essential on mathematically analyzing the impact of any
system parameter on the performance and providing in‐depth understanding and
description of the statistical properties of HAP‐MIMO channels.
Figure 17: Visualization of isotropic scattering conditions in an open area.
Figure 18: Visualization of non‐isotropic scattering conditions in a narrow street.
Chapter 3
complex faded envelope as a superposition of the LoS and the NLoS rays. This
model utilizes L‐ (1/2 GHz) and S‐ (2/4 GHz) frequency bands and assumes that the
local scatterers in the vicinity of the mobile user are non‐uniformly distributed
within a cylinder. An alternative version of the proposed model was presented in
[140] and [141], but only the first tier of scatterers lying on the surface of a cylinder
was taken into account. These studies were based on existing terrestrial 3‐D MIMO
channel models that deal with fixed‐to‐mobile [142] or mobile‐to‐mobile [143]
cases. The proposed model derives the STCF considering several parameters, such
as the elevation angle of the platform, the array configuration, the Doppler spread,
and the distribution of the scatterers. The numerical results demonstrate the
impact of these parameters on the space‐time correlation and the channel
capacity. These results also estimate the required HAP antenna spacing to achieve
uncorrelated HAP‐MIMO channels and show that if HAP length is adequate, MIMO
techniques are applicable on a single HAP.
The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. In Section 3.2 the HAP‐
MIMO communication system is described. Section 3.3 introduces a 3‐D
geometrical model for HAP‐MIMO channels, proposes a reference model, and
derives its channel impulse response. Section 3.4 derives the STCF, investigates the
influence of model parameters on the STCF, and studies the effect of the
stratospheric winds on the correlation. Section 3.5 defines and investigates the
HAP‐MIMO channel capacity for different values of the model parameters. Finally,
Section 3.6 summarizes this chapter.
3.2 The HAP‐MIMO System Model
transmit and nR receive antenna elements. All antennas are fixed, omni‐
Chapter 3
nT antenna elements of the stratospheric base station (SBS) are situated
approximately 20 km above the ground and it is assumed that the nR antenna
elements of the terrestrial mobile station (TMS) are in motion. Considering slowly
varying and frequency‐flat‐fading channels, the link between the SBS and TMS
antenna arrays is represented using the following complex baseband vector
r t H t s t n t , (11)
where s t nT 1 is the transmitted signal vector, r t nR 1 is the received
receiver branches. The entries of the noise vector are i.i.d. complex Gaussian
random variables with zero‐mean and variance N0 , where N0 is the noise PSD.
3.3 A Reference Model for HAP‐MIMO Channels
In this section, a 3‐D GBSB reference model for HAP‐MIMO channels is
introduced and its geometrical characteristics are described. Based on this model,
the channel impulse response is derived.
Let us initially consider a stratospheric platform free of local scattering, and a
terrestrial single user, which is located in the center of a disc‐shaped region of
scattering elements. As shown in Fig. 19, the distance between the user and the
scatterers is not constant in reality. Moreover, the radius of the disc corresponds to
the maximum distance between the user and an effective scatterer. This approach
is realistic for HAP‐based scenarios, due to the high elevation angles and the use of
omni‐directional antennas at the user terminals. In addition, the platform is placed
in the stratosphere and the user is often located lower than the surrounding
scatterers. Therefore, the waves may travel in both horizontal and vertical planes,
Chapter 3
and the propagation environment has to be characterized by 3‐D scattering
conditions, i.e., the heights of the scatterers need to be taken into account. Since
the scattered waves are mostly owing to buildings, poles, trees, and hills that can
be found only up to a predefined maximum height, a cylinder is finally considered
as the volume containing all the scatterers, and the maximum scatterer height
corresponds to the height of the cylinder.
The geometrical characteristics of the proposed model and the definition of the
Cartesian coordinate system are discussed in Figs. 20‐23. Fig. 20 shows the LoS
paths of the 3‐D geometrical model for a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO channel, while Fig. 21
presents the projection of this model to the x ‐y plane. Figs. 22 and 23 show the
NLoS paths for the same channel. Based on this simple configuration, uniform
linear arrays (ULAs) with arbitrary number of antennas can be constructed. Note
that shadowing within the cylinder is neglected in this model. In addition,
attenuation due to rain, oxygen absorption, water vapor, clouds, precipitation, and
vegetation is bypassed, since these atmospheric‐environmental phenomena do not
significantly affect communication links at L‐ and S‐ frequency bands [11]. For ease
of reference, the parameters of the proposed model are summarized in Table 5.
Figure 19: Basic concept of a HAP‐based communication system and a cylindrical scattering
region inside the coverage area.
Chapter 3
q OT
HS ,max
R l
y T
OR l vR
T vT Rl
aLoS R
T m R
m O RS ,max x
Figure 20: The LoS paths of the 3‐D geometrical model for a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO channel.
p vT
l vR
T T aLoS R
O O x
D RS ,max
Figure 21: The LoS paths of the projection of the 3‐D geometrical model for a 2 2 HAP‐
MIMO channel.
Chapter 3
q OT
HS ,max
R l
T vT n n l vR
n RS aR R
m R
O T a n O x
m RS ,max
Figure 22: The NLoS paths of the 3‐D geometrical model for a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO channel.
p vT
l vR
T n
aR R
T n
aT RS n R
O O x
D RS ,max
Figure 23: The NLoS paths of the projection of the 3‐D geometrical model for a 2 2 HAP‐
MIMO channel.
Chapter 3
D The distance between the centre O of the projections of the SBS antenna
elements to the x ‐y plane and the lower centre O of the cylinder.
T , R The spacing between two adjacent antenna elements at the SBS and TMS,
T , R The orientation of the SBS and TMS antenna array in the x ‐y plane
(relative to the x ‐axis), respectively.
vT , vR The velocities of the SBS and TMS, respectively.
T , R The moving directions of the SBS and TMS, respectively.
T The elevation angle of the SBS relative to OR .
aLoS The azimuth angle of arrival of the LoS paths.
aT , aR The azimuth angle of arrival and the azimuth angle of departure at/from
n n
the n th scatterer, respectively
RS The distance between O and the projection of the n th scatterer to the
x ‐y plane.
S The elevation angle of the n th scatterer relative to OR .
n , g n The random phase and the amplitude introduced by the n th scatterer,
The mean azimuth angle at which the scatterers are distributed in the x ‐y
plane (von Mises pdf).
k The spread of the scatterers around the mean azimuth angle (von Mises
a The spread of the scatterers around the TMS (hyperbolic pdf).
The standard deviation of scatterer’s height (log‐normal pdf).
Chapter 3
are the array centers at the SBS and TMS, respectively. To aid the analysis, the
distance between two points a and b is denoted as d a, b . Then, the distance
that the elevation angle of SBS relative to OR is given by
T arctan HT / D . (12)
The spacing between two adjacent antenna elements at the SBS and TMS is
denoted by T and R , respectively. Angles T and R represent the orientation of
the SBS and TMS antenna arrays respectively, relative to the x ‐axis. In addition,
the angle R describes the elevation angle of the l th TMS antenna element,
relative to the x ‐y plane, and the angle aLoS denotes the azimuth angle of arrival
(AoA) of the LoS paths. Finally, it is considered that SBS (aircraft case) and TMS are
moving with speeds vT and vR in the directions determined by the angles T and
R , respectively. Since aircrafts fly on a circle, vT is related to the angular velocity
of SBS. Then, vT RT 2 RT / T , where is the angular frequency, T is the
to RT .
single scattering conditions. Then, the nth scatterer is denoted by S , the
distance between its projection to the x ‐y plane and O is denoted by
d S ,O RS 0, RS ,max , and its height is designated by d S , S
n n n n
HS 0, HS ,max , where RS ,max and HS ,max represent the radius and the height of
Chapter 3
the cylinder, respectively. Note that HS ,max HT and that the elevation angle of
S arctan HS / RS .
n n
The angles aT and aR denote the azimuth angle of departure (AoD) of the waves
n n
that impinge on the scatterer S and the azimuth AoA of the waves scattered
from S , respectively. It is assumed that aT , aR , RS , HS , and S are
n n n n n n
S n is dependent on RS n and H S n . However, aR n , RS n , and HS n are
It is assumed that RS ,max is much smaller than D, i.e., RS ,max D.3 Then, one
concludes that aT arcsin RS / D arcsin RS ,max / D is a small angle for every
n n
RS 0, RS ,max . Furthermore, it is assumed that R is much smaller than RS ,
n n
i.e., R min RS . Finally, it is assumed that T is much smaller than D, i.e.,
T D.3 Then, aLoS
3.3.1 Channel Impulse Response
Based on the 3‐D reference model, the impulse response hpl t of the
Chapter 3
Since the number of local scatterers is infinite, central limit theorem [144] implies
that hpl t is a low‐pass nonzero‐mean complex Gaussian process. Hence, the
complex Gaussian process, and the envelope hpl ,NLoS t is Rayleigh distributed,
The LoS and NLoS components of the impulse response can be written as
hpl ,LoS t
K pl pl
d p ,l j 2 t fT ,max cos aLoS
T fR ,max cos aLoS R
, (15)
K pl 1
pl 1 N n j
d p ,S
n d S n ,l
hpl ,NLoS t g e
K pl 1 N N n1
n n n
j 2 t fT ,max cos aT T fR ,max cos aR R cos S
e e , (16)
associated with SBS and TMS, respectively, and is the carrier wavelength. It is
assumed that the phase n introduced by the nth scatterer is an i.i.d. random
and g n represents the amplitude of the nth scattered wave such that
N 2
N 1
E g n 1 as N . The set g
n 1
consists of independent positive
random variables with finite variances, independent of n .
Chapter 3
d p, l D DT1 DR1 / cos T ,
d p, S D DT1 DT2 RS sin aR / cos T ,
n n
d S , l RS / cos S DR1 cos aR cos S
n n n n
Finally, using (13) and (17)‐(24), and the approximation aT sin aR RS / D (see
n n n
Appendix A), the LoS and NLoS components of the impulse response become,
2 D DT1 DR1
K pl pl j
j 2 t FT ,LoS FR ,LoS
hpl ,LoS t e cos T
e , (25)
K pl 1
pl 1 N n n j 2 t FT ,NLoS FR ,NLoS
hpl ,NLoS t
K pl 1 N
N n1
g A n A n e j e
p ,S S ,l
, (26)
FT ,LoS fT ,max cos aLoS
T , (27)
FR ,LoS fR ,max cos aLoS
R , (28)
Chapter 3
2 n n
j D DT1 DT2 RS sin aR
cos T
A e , (29)
p ,S
2 RS
j n n n
2 DR1 cos R cos arctan HS /RS
cos arctan HS /RS j
n n
A e e
S ,l
n n
2 DR2 sinarctan HS /RS
n n n
2 DR3 sin R cos arctan HS / RS
j j
e e , (30)
FT ,NLoS fT ,max RS sin T sin aR / D cos T ,
FR ,NLoS fR ,max cos aR R
cos arctanH / R . (32)
3.4 Space‐Time Correlation Function
Considering a 3‐D non‐isotropic scattering environment, the STCF between two
arbitrary subchannels hpl t and hqm t is defined as
where denotes complex conjugate operation and E is the statistical
expectation operator. Since both hpl ,NLoS t and hqm,NLoS t are zero‐mean
RplLoS,qm T , R , , t RplNLoS
,qm T , R , , t , (34)
Chapter 3
the NLoS component, respectively. Using (15), (27), (28), and (33), the STCF of the
LoS component can be written as
RplLoS,qm T , R , , t
K pl Kqm
d p ,l d q ,m j 2 fT ,max cos aLoS
T fR ,max cos aLoS R
K pl 1 Kqm 1
j 2 tfT ,max cos aLoS
T cos aLoS
T j 2 tfR ,max cos aLoS
R cos aLoS R
. (35)
Using (17), (20), (22), and the approximation aLoS aLoS
, (35) becomes
RplLoS,qmT , R , ,t
RplLoS,qm T , R ,
2 q p T cos T m l R cos R cos R
K pl Kqm j
cos T
K pl 1 Kqm 1
j 2 fT ,max cos T fR ,max cos R
e . (36)
Moreover, using (26) and (33), the STCF of the NLoS component can be written as
,qm T , R , , t
,qm T , R ,
K pl 1 Kqm 1
1 N n 2 j 2 FT ,NLoS FR ,NLoS
lim E g A n A n A* n A* n e . (37)
N N p , S S ,l q , S S ,m
The number of scatterers in the reference model is infinite. Thus, the discrete
variables aR , RS , and HS can be replaced with continuous random variables
n n n
aR , RS , and HS are independent, the joint pdf f aR , RS , HS can be
n n n
Chapter 3
decomposed to f aR f RS f HS . Hence, using (29)‐(32), the STCF of the NLoS
component becomes [145, p.23]
,qm T , R ,
Several different distributions, such as uniform [97], von Mises [102] and
Laplacian [128], [146], were used in prior work to characterize the azimuth angle
aR . In this work, the von Mises pdf (also known as the circular normal distribution)
is used, because it approximates many of the aforementioned distributions, and is
empirically justified in urban and suburban areas in [147]. The von Mises pdf is
defined as
e R
k cos a
f aR , ‐ aR , (39)
2 I0 k
where I0 is the zeroth‐order modified Bessel function of the first kind,
, is the mean angle at which the scatterers are distributed in the x ‐y
plane, and k 0 controls the spread around the mean. This pdf was initially
introduced by R. von Mises in 1918 to study the deviations of measured atomic
weights from integral values [149] and has played a prominent role in statistical
modeling and analysis of angular variables [150, pp. 57‐68]. It is interesting to
note that the von Mises pdf has appeared in a number of other communication
contexts. For example, this pdf is referred to as the Tikhonov pdf in partially
coherent communication [151, p. 406], has been used in phase‐locked loop related
Chapter 3
problems [152], and has been shown to represent the pdf of the phase of a sine
wave in Gaussian noise for large signal to noise ratios [153].
Fig. 24 demonstrates the von Mises pdf for different values of the parameter k
and 0. One observes that setting k 0, i.e., f aR 1 / 2 , incurs isotropic
scattering. As k increases, the scattering becomes increasingly non‐isotropic. For
small k , the von Mises pdf approximates the cardioid pdf [149, p.60], which is
rather similar to the cosine pdf [153], while for large k it resembles a Gaussian pdf
1.5 k=1
Probability density
1 k=10
‐180 ‐120 ‐60 0 60 120 180
α (degrees)
Figure 24: The probability density for the distribution of the angle of arrival of the
scattered waves for different degree of scattering.
In order to characterize the distance RS , the hyperbolic pdf [154] is used, which
is empirically justified in [155], [156]. This distribution is more realistic and flexible
than other commonly used distributions, such as the uniform distribution [91],
Chapter 3
[120], because it allows scatterers to assume higher concentration in a flexible area
in the vicinity of the TMS. The hyperbolic pdf is defined as follows [154]‐[156]
f RS , 0<RS RS ,max . (40)
tanh aRS ,max cosh2 aRS
The parameter a controls the spread (standard deviation) of the scatterers around
the TMS and its applicable value is in the interval 0,1 .
Figs. 25 and 26 show the hyperbolic pdf and the mean distance between TMS
and the scatterers, respectively, for several values of the parameter a and
RS ,max 200 m. One observes that decreasing a increases the spread of the pdf of
RS and increases the mean distance between the scatterers and the terrestrial
user. Considering a HAP‐based communications system, as the elevation angle of
the platform decreases, the scatterers are expected to be more widely distributed,
which corresponds to a possible decrease of a. Nevertheless, a can be accurately
obtained through measurements in different propagation environments, i.e.,
urban, suburban or rural environments.
Probability density
0 50 100 150 200
R (m)
Figure 25: The probability density for the distribution of the distance between TMS and the
scatterers for different values of the parameter a.
Chapter 3
Mean distance between TMS‐scatterers (m)
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
Parameter α
Figure 26: The mean distance between the TMS and the scatterers for different values of
the parameter a.
The building height was found to follow normal [157], log‐normal [157]‐[159] or
Rayleigh distribution [160], depending on the selected urban or suburban
environment. Specifically, the corresponding distributions matched geographical
data values obtained from measurements of building heights conducted in high and
medium built‐up density areas in different European countries. In order to
characterize the height HS , the log‐normal pdf is adopted , which is defined as
Chapter 3
London, H =17.6 m, σ=0.31
Guildford, H =7.2 m, σ=0.26
0.2 S,mean
Probability density
0 10 20 30 40 50
H (m)
Figure 27: The probability density for the distribution of the building heights in London
(U.K.) and Guildford (U.K.).
HS ,max RS ,max
,qm T , R , r1 r2I0 r32 r42 dRS dHS , (42)
0 0
q p T cos T
j 2 fT ,max cos T
ae T
r1 , (43)
2 tanh aRS ,max I0 k Kpl 1 Kqm 1
2 q p T sinT RS
r3 j j2 fT ,max sin T RS / D
D cos T
j2 m l R sinR cos R cos arctan HS / RS /
j2 fR ,max sin R cos arctan HS / RS k sin , (45)
Chapter 3
To obtain the STCF of the NLoS component, the integral in (42) has to be
numerically evaluated, since there is no closed‐form solution.
Finally, the STCF between two arbitrary subchannels hpl t and hqm t
becomes a summation of the STCFs of the LoS and NLoS components defined in
(36) and (42)‐(46), respectively.
3.4.1 Investigation of Space‐Time Correlation of HAP‐MIMO Channels
This subsection investigates the absolute spatial and temporal correlation, and
demonstrates the impact of the antenna elements spacing and arrangement.
Unless indicated otherwise, the values of the model parameters used to obtain the
and RS ,max 200 m. Moreover, a typical densely built‐up district (London, U.K.
[157]) is considered to be the scattering region, i.e., the surrounding buildings act
as scatterers, and the values of the corresponding model parameters used are
HS ,max 100 m, HS ,mean 17.6 m, and 0.31. In addition, it is assumed that
a 0.01, which corresponds to a reasonable average distance between the TMS
and an effective scatterer of approximately 60 m (see Fig. 26). This value was
observed by applying ray‐tracing techniques to 3‐D digital maps of European typical
urban environments (Fig. 28). Specifically, the AWE Communications Winprop
software package was used, which is designed to accurately predict the
propagation characteristics between the link of a transmitter and a receiver
including all important parameters of the mobile radio channel. To properly
simulate the desired HAP‐based scenario, single bounce scattering conditions, i.e.,
either reflection or diffraction, were considered for an elevated transmitter at 20
Chapter 3
of each model parameter on the correlation, and indicate the minimum achieved
correlation, it is considered that K pl Kqm K 0 (Rayleigh channel). However, in
many cases a LoS component exists, i.e., K 0. Fig. 29 demonstrates the
correlation as a function of the Ricean factor, in the general case. One observes
that the absolute correlation easily exceeds 0.15, 0.5 and 0.7, as soon as the Ricean
factor exceeds ‐7 dB, 0 dB and 3 dB, respectively.
Figure 28: 3‐D building distribution in a typical urban propagation environment.
‐20 ‐15 ‐10 ‐5 0 5 10 15 20
Ricean K‐factor (dB)
Figure 29: The absolute correlation of HAP‐MIMO channels for various values of the Ricean
Chapter 3
,ql T as a
Fig. 30 depicts the transmit spatial correlation function (SCF) RplNLoS
function of the antenna separation at the SBS for different elevation angle T .
Observe that as the elevation angle T increases, the SCF drastically decreases,
under both isotropic and non‐isotropic scattering environments. From Fig. 30 the
proper HAP antenna separation to achieve an uncorrelated MIMO channel matrix
can be also indicated. For instance, assuming that an absolute correlation of 0.15 or
less amounts to nearly uncorrelated links, and considering 2.1 GHz carrier
frequency [35], i.e., the wavelength is equal to approximately 0.14 m, and
T 60 , HAP antennas require a separation of around 10 and 18 m in isotropic
and non‐isotropic scattering environments, respectively. This suggests that utilizing
MIMO techniques on a single aircraft or airship is a viable solution, as long as the
Ricean factor is small. Moreover, if HAP length is adequate, more than two
antennas may be used to further increase the prospective MIMO
multiplexing/capacity gain.4
β =50ο, k=0
0.8 β =60ο, k=0
β =70ο, k=0
Spatial Correlation
0.6 β =50ο, k=3
β =60ο, k=3
β =70ο, k=3
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
δ /λ
Figure 30: The transmit SCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh channel for various elevation
angles of the SBS, in isotropic k 0 and non‐isotropic k 3 scattering environments.
The capacity of MIMO channels linearly increases with the number of antenna elements [95].
Chapter 3
of the antenna separation at the SBS/TMS for different orientation of the SBS/TMS
antenna array. Note that SBS broadside antenna arrays, i.e., T 90 , provide
minimum spatial correlation, while SBS inline antennas, i.e., T 0 , are fully
correlated. In addition, the receive correlation depends on the relative angle
between the TMS antenna array, and the local scatterers around TMS, i.e., R ‐ ,
of the antenna separation at the SBS/TMS, for different degrees of local scattering
(in the azimuth domain) at the TMS. Note that as k increases, the scattering
becomes increasingly non‐isotropic and the correlation significantly increases. For
highly concentrated scatterers around the mean angle, i.e., for k 10, the required
separation at the SBS for uncorrelated subchannels is T 200 , while the
required separation at the TMS is R 1.5 .
of the antenna separation at the SBS/TMS for different spread of the scatterers
around the TMS, which is controlled by the parameter a of the hyperbolic
distribution. In particular, a values of 0.1, 0.05, and 0.005 are used, which
correspond to an average distance between the TMS and an effective scatterer of
approximately 7 m, 13.5 m, and 88 m, respectively (see Fig. 26). Observe that as a
increases, the spread of scatterers decreases and the correlation drastically
of the antenna separation at the SBS/TMS for different distance RS ,max between
One observes that increasing RS ,max beyond 150 m has a negligible effect on the
Chapter 3
1 0.8
θ =0
Spatial Correlation
Spatial Correlation
0.8 T θ =0o
Figure 31: The transmit (a) and receive (b) SCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh channel for
different orientation of the SBS and TMS antenna array, respectively.
1 1
k=0 k=0
k=1 k=1
0.8 k=2 0.8 k=2
k=5 k=5
Spatial Correlation
Spatial Correlation
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 0.5 1 1.5
δ /λ δ /λ
(a) (b)
Figure 32: The transmit (a) and receive (b) SCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh channel for
different degree of local scattering at the TMS.
1 1
0.8 0.8
Spatial Correlation
Spatial Correlation
α=0.05 α=0.1
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 0.5 1 1.5
δ /λ
Τ δ /λ
(a) (b)
Figure 33: The transmit (a) and receive (b) SCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh channel for
different spread of the scatterers around the TMS.
Chapter 3
1 1
R =100m R =100m
S,max S,max
R =150m R =150m
0.8 S,max 0.8 S,max
R =200m R =200m
S,max S,max
Spatial Correlation
Spatial Correlation
R =250m R =250m
0.6 S,max
0.6 S,max
R =300m R =300m
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 0.5 1 1.5
δ /λ δ /λ
(a) (b)
Figure 34: The transmit (a) and receive (b) SCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh channel for
different maximum distance between the projections to the x ‐y plane of the TMS and an
effective scatterer.
H =23.1m
ψ =90 H =17.6m
R S,mean
0.8 H =7.2m
Spatial Correlation
ψ =0o
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
δ /λ
Figure 35: The receive SCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh channel with horizontally
0 or vertically R 90 placed TMS antennas, for various mean values of the
scatterer height.
vertically, i.e., R 90 , placed TMS antenna arrays as a function of the antenna
Chapter 3
for horizontally placed arrays, changing HS ,mean has an insignificant influence on
placed antennas can have small correlations and provide considerable diversity
gain in highly urbanized areas. It also justifies the inclusion of the third dimension
of the model.
Ricean fading conditions are considered, and the Ricean factor is set to 0 and 3 dB,
respectively. It is clear that the SCF is significantly affected not only by the spacing
but also by the arrangement of the antenna elements. Providing that the Ricean
factor is small, and the SBS and TMS antenna elements are carefully arranged, low
spatial correlation can be obtained.
1 1
Spatial Correlation
Spatial Correlation
0.5 0.8
0 0
200 1 200
1 150 150
100 2 100
δ /λ 2 50
δ /λ
R 50
R δ /λ δ /λ
3 0 T 3 0 T
(a) (b)
Figure 36: The SCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO (a) Rayleigh and (b) Ricean channel.
Figs. 37‐40 investigate the effect of model parameters on the temporal
R 60 , respectively.
Chapter 3
Temporal Correlation k=8
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
τ (s)
Figure 37: The TCF of a HAP‐SISO Rayleigh channel for different degree of local scattering
at the TMS.
negligible effect on the temporal correlation.
Fig. 40 demonstrates the TCF RplNLoS for different maximum Doppler
frequency fR ,max and moving direction R at the TMS. One observes that an
increase in fR ,max results in a decrease in temporal correlation. Furthermore, as R
Chapter 3
increases, the TMS moves toward the SBS and the temporal correlation drastically
R =150m, α=0.01
R =200m, α=0.01
R =300m, α=0.01
Temporal Correlation
R =200m, α=0.05
R =200m, α=0.1
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
τ (s)
Figure 38: The TCF of a HAP‐SISO Rayleigh channel for different spread of the scatterers
around the TMS and different maximum distance between the projections to the x ‐y
plane of TMS and an effective scatterer.
H =7.2m
H =17.6m
Temporal Correlation
1 H =23.1m
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
τ (s)
Figure 39: The TCF of a HAP‐SISO Rayleigh channel for various mean values of the scatterer
Chapter 3
f =100 Hz, γ =60ο
R,max R
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
τ (s)
Figure 40: The TCF of a HAP‐SISO Rayleigh channel for different maximum Doppler
frequency and different moving direction at the TMS.
Temporal Correlation
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
τ (s)
Figure 41: The TCF of a HAP‐SISO Ricean channel for different HAP structures.
Chapter 3
,max 300 Hz, respectively, while the moving direction of SBS (aircraft case) is
set to T 30. One observes that the two structures have almost identical
temporal correlation properties. Fig. 41 also implies that velocity variations at the
SBS due to the stratospheric winds do not significantly affect the temporal
in Figs. 42 and 43, respectively.
1 1
Space‐Time Correlation
Space‐Time Correlation
0 0.4
0 0
0.1 0.1
100 100
0.05 0.05
δ /λ δ /λ
Τ τ (sec) T τ (sec)
200 0 200 0
(a) (b)
Figure 42: The transmit STCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO (a) Rayleigh and (b) Ricean channel.
1 1
Space‐Time Correlation
Space‐Time Correlation
0.5 0.6
0 0.2
0 0
1 0.1 1 0.1
(a) (b)
Figure 43: The receive STCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO (a) Rayleigh and (b) Ricean channel.
Chapter 3 Effect of HAP Antenna Displacement
This subsection investigates the effect of HAP antenna displacement due to the
stratospheric winds on the transmit spatial correlation of HAP‐MIMO channels. In
practice, there are six degrees of freedom (DoF) to which HAPs are subjected.
Specifically, HAPs may be displaced in any direction at a varying speed, and the
displacements can be shifting along the x ‐, y‐, and z ‐axes, as well as roll, pitch,
and yaw [24]‐[26]. According to the geometry of the reference model and
considering that SBS antenna elements are installed along the SBS, rotation with
respect to the x ‐axis corresponds to pitch, rotation on the y ‐axis corresponds to
roll and rotation along z‐axis corresponds to yaw (see Fig. 44). Roll and pitch can
be considered identical to each other, since both are based on similar principles.
Thus, the effect of only pitch and yaw on the correlation is studied. As shown in Fig.
44, pitch corresponds to an elevation of the pth SBS antenna element, which is
described by the angle T .
Figure 44: Geometrical representation of roll, pitch, and yaw effects.
Chapter 3
The influence of each DoF is examined independently (keeping all other
parameters fixed) in the following figures. The values of the parameters used to
obtain the curves are the same as in the previous subsection. Fig. 45 demonstrates
the influence of 5 km shifting along either x ‐, y ‐ or z‐axis on the transmit SCF.
One observes that the correlation is relatively insensitive to displacements along
y ‐axis, while fairly increases when the displacements take place along z ‐axis.
However, shifting along x ‐axis significantly increases correlation.
,ql T as a
Fig. 46 studies the pitch effect and shows the transmit SCF RplNLoS
function of the angle T . One observes that increasing angle T from 0 to 30
has a negligible effect on the transmit spatial correlation. However, further
increase in T drastically increases the correlation, and when T 90 , the
antennas are fully correlated.
Finally, yaw corresponds to a change in the orientation of the SBS antenna array,
which is described by the angle T . Therefore, Fig. 31(a) represents also the yaw
Initial point
Spatial Correlation
0 50 100 150 200
δ /λ
Figure 45: The transmit SCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh channel for different directions
of HAP displacement due to stratospheric winds.
Chapter 3
Spatial Correlation ψ =90o
0.8 T
ψ =0o
0.6 T
ψ =30o
ψ =60o
0.4 T
0 50 100 150 200
δ /λ
Figure 46: The transmit SCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh channel for different elevation
angle of the p th SBS antenna element (pitch effect).
3.5 Analysis of HAP‐MIMO Channel Capacity
This section utilizes the reference model described above and defines the HAP‐
SISO and HAP‐MIMO channel capacity.5 It also compares the capacity of a 2 2 HAP‐
MIMO channel with that of a HAP‐SISO channel and investigates the impact of
model parameters on the capacity of HAP‐MIMO channels [162], [163].
3.5.1 Definition of HAP‐MIMO Channel Capacity
For a HAP‐SISO channel, the Shannon upper bound limit on capacity is given by
C SISO log2 1 SNR h11
bps/Hz, (47)
where h11 is a normalized complex faded channel gain and SNR corresponds to the
average signal‐to‐noise ratio at the input of the receiver. Assuming that the channel
is known to the TMS and unknown to the SBS, the available capacity of a HAP‐
MIMO channel can be obtained as follows [95]
Channel capacity is defined as the maximum rate at which data can be transmitted at an arbitrarily small error probability.
Chapter 3
CMIMO log2 det InR HH bps/Hz, (48)
where H is the nR nT matrix of complex faded channel gains, InR is an identity
H denotes the complex conjugate (Hermitian) transpose operator, and det
denotes the matrix determinant. Throughout this section, the notion of ergodic
capacity [95] is also employed, which corresponds to the expectation of the capacity
C erg ,MIMO E log2 det InR HH bps/Hz. (49)
Note that when the channel is known to the TMS, the temporal correlations do not
directly affect the ergodic capacity. However, the performance of practical coding
schemes is affected by the temporal correlation. In particular, strong temporal
correlations signify a slowly varying channel that would require longer codewords to
realize the ergodic capacity. On the contrary, many low complexity coding schemes
rely on the channel remaining constant over several symbols, and therefore may
perform better for slowly varying channels.
Since the HAP‐MIMO channel is Ricean in general, the matrix H can be obtained
using (10). For a unit transmit power and assuming that the value of the Ricean
factor of each subchannel is approximately equal to K , the normalized matrix HLoS
can be generated using (25), (27) and (28) as follows
Chapter 3
The matrix HNLoS can be evaluated from a large number of channel realizations
using the following equation [98]
matrix associated with the NLoS component, R1/2
NLoS is the square root of RNLoS that
NLoS RNLoS RNLoS , and Hiid is a nR nT stochastic matrix with i.i.d. zero‐
satisfies R1/2 H /2
R11,21 NLoS
R11, nR nT
RNLoS K 1 K 1 nR nT
. (53)
RnRnT ,11 RnNLoS
R nT ,nR nT
R11,21 NLoS
R11,12 NLoS
R21,11 R21,21 R21,12 R21,22
. (54)
R12,11 R12,21 R12,12 R12,22
R22,21 NLoS
R22,12 NLoS
Finally, in order to remove the effects of the average SNR on the channel
capacity, the channel response is normalized so that the constraint
E H F nT nR
is fulfilled. The term F corresponds to the Frobenius norm of a matrix.
The vectorization of a matrix is a linear transformation which converts the matrix into a column vector. Specifically, the
vectorization of a m n matrix A denoted by vec A , is the mn 1 column vector obtained by stacking the columns of
the matrix A on top of one another.
Chapter 3
3.5.2 Numerical Results
In this subsection, the effect of the model parameters on the capacity of a 2 2
HAP‐MIMO channel is investigated. Unless indicated otherwise, the values of the
parameters used to obtain the following curves are nT nR 2, SNR 18 dB,
Figs. 47 and 48 compare the ergodic capacity obtained using a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO
architecture, i.e., nT nR 2, and a HAP‐SISO architecture, i.e., nT nR 1, by
varying the Ricean factor and the received SNR. One observes that maximum
capacity is obtained in an ideal HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh channel scenario. Then, the
capacity increases up to 10.6 bps/Hz compared to the capacity of a HAP‐SISO
channel. However, the potential MIMO gain drastically degrades with the strength
of the LoS component, i.e., increasing the Ricean factor increases the correlation
and decreases the multiplexing/capacity gain. On the contrary, HAP‐SISO channels
take advantage of the existence of a strong LoS signal, i.e., increasing the Ricean
factor drastically increases the capacity. Note that the differences between HAP‐
MIMO and HAP‐SISO architectures become more obvious as the SNR increases.
Then, the rank of the channel matrix plays an important role. In addition, the
channel capacity achieved using both architectures is invariable for K 10 dB.
Figs. 49‐53 investigate the effect of spatial and temporal correlation on the
capacity. Fig. 49 shows the ergodic capacity as a function of the spacing T between
SBS antenna elements for different SBS elevation angle T and K pl Kqm K 0.
T 50 , T 60 and T 70 , respectively, has a negligible effect on the
Chapter 3
K=0, Rayleigh channel
K=3 dB, Ricean Channel
K=10 dB, Ricean Channel
Channel Capacity (bps/Hz)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
SNR (dB)
Figure 47: Comparison of the ergodic channel capacities obtained using a 2 2 HAP‐
MIMO architecture and a HAP‐SISO architecture as a function of the received SNR for
different Ricean factor.
SNR=10 dB
SNR=15 dB
Channel Capacity (bps/Hz)
‐20 ‐15 ‐10 ‐5 0 5 10 15 20
Ricean K‐factor (dB)
Figure 48: Comparison of the ergodic channel capacities obtained using a 2 2 HAP‐
MIMO architecture and a HAP‐SISO architecture as a function of the Ricean factor for
different received SNR.
Chapter 3
Channel capacity (bps/Hz)
β =50o
7 β =60o
β =70o
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
δ /λ
Figure 49: The ergodic capacity of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO channel as a function of the spacing
between the SBS antenna elements for different SBS elevation angle.
Fig. 50 depicts the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) of the
capacity and examines the effect of SBS antenna array orientation on the capacity.
capacity. Decreasing T from 90 to 60 has a negligible effect on the capacity.
However, further decrease in T significantly decreases the capacity. Note that
according to [143], capacity also depends on the relative angle between the TMS
antenna array and the local scatterers around the TMS, i.e., R ‐ . In particular, the
Chapter 3
Probability (capacity > abscissa)
o θ =90o
θ =60 T
0.2 θ =45o
θ =30o
6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5
Capacity (bps/Hz)
Figure 50: The complementary cumulative distribution function of the capacity of a 2 2
HAP‐MIMO channel for different antenna array orientation at the SBS.
k=3, α=0.1,
R =200m
Probability (capacity > abscissa)
0.8 k=3, α=0.03,
R =200m
0.6 k=0, α=0.01,
R =200m
k=5, α=0.01,
0.4 R =200m
k=3, α=0.01,
R =300m
0.2 S,max
k=3, α=0.01, k=3, α=0.01,
R =200m R =100m
6 7 8 9 10 11
Capacity (bps/Hz)
Figure 51: The complementary cumulative distribution function of the capacity of a 2 2
HAP‐MIMO channel for different degree of scattering, spread of the scatterers around TMS,
and maximum distance between the TMS and the scatterers.
Fig. 52 shows the CCDF of the capacity, when the TMS antenna array is
Chapter 3
Note that changing HS ,mean has an insignificant influence on the channel capacity,
when the TMS antenna array is horizontally placed. However, the capacity depends
on the degree of urbanization, i.e., the heights of the scatterers, when the TMS
antenna array is vertically placed. Then, increasing HS ,mean increases the capacity. In
addition, the difference between capacities of systems with horizontally and
vertically placed TMS antenna array is nullified in highly urbanized areas. Fig. 52
suggests that if the available area in the x ‐y plane is limited for antenna array
realization, the TMS antenna array can be tilted without significant loss of channel
Finally, the effect of the temporal correlation on the capacity is investigated in
Fig. 53 by separately varying the normalized Doppler frequency fn and the moving
direction R of the TMS. Observe that an increase in fn results in an increase in
channel capacity due to the decrease in temporal correlation. Furthermore, as R
increases (up to 180 ), the TMS moves toward the SBS, the temporal correlation
decreases, and the channel capacity increases.
H =7.2m
H =17.6m
Probability (capacity > abscissa)
0.8 H =23.1m
ψ =90o ψ =0o
6 7 8 9 10 11
Capacity (bps/Hz)
Figure 52: The complementary cumulative distribution function of the capacity of a 2 2
HAP‐MIMO channel for horizontally or vertically placed TMS antennas and different mean
of the scatterer height.
Chapter 3
Probability (capacity > abscissa)
f =0.01, γ =60o
n R
f =0.1, γ =60o
n R
f =0.01, γ =0o
n R
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Capacity (bps/Hz)
Figure 53: The complementary cumulative distribution function of the capacity of a 2 2
HAP‐MIMO channel for different normalized Doppler frequency and different moving
direction at the TMS.
3.6 Summary
In this chapter, a reference model for HAP‐MIMO Ricean channels has been
proposed, where both the HAP and the terrestrial mobile user are equipped with
uniform linear multi‐element antenna arrays. In particular, a 3‐D cylinder model
has been designed to characterize the scattering environment that encloses the
user. Several parameters related to the physical properties of the stratospheric
communication system have been considered, e.g., the elevation angle of the
platform, the array orientation and elevation, the degree and spread of scattering
for the terrestrial user, the height of the scatterers, and the HAP displacement due
to the stratospheric winds. In this model, the effects of time and space selectivity
have been taken into account, as a result of the user/HAP mobility, and the 3‐D
non‐isotropic scattering conditions, respectively.
Based on this model the STCF has been derived, under a 3‐D non‐isotropic
fading environment. The distributions for the azimuth AoA of the scattered waves,
the distance between the effective scatterers and the user, and the height of the
Chapter 3
effective scatterers have been modeled by the von Mises, the hyperbolic and the
log‐normal distributions, respectively, which all have previously shown to be
successful in describing measured data. Extensive numerical calculations have been
carried out to demonstrate theoretical derivations. The results have pointed out
the effect of the model parameters on the correlation. The results have also
indicated the required HAP antenna separation to attain uncorrelated HAP‐MIMO
channels in different propagation environments. In particular, as long as the HAP
length is adequate and the Ricean factor is small, i.e., the propagation conditions
are characterized by rich multipath and weak LoS component (considering dense
urban areas, where the scatterers are usually dense and tall), a single airship or
aircraft can be employed to successfully exploit MIMO benefits.
This chapter has also utilized the proposed model to study the HAP‐MIMO
channel capacity. The results have revealed that the capacity depends on the
strength of the LoS signal, and the received SNR. In particular, increasing the Ricean
factor decreases the capacity, while increasing the SNR increases the capacity.
These results have also demonstrated the influence of the spatial and temporal
correlation on the capacity. Specifically, it has been shown that increasing the
elevation angle of the platform increases the capacity, while increasing the density
of the scatterers in the vicinity of the user and the spacing between the antennas
increases the capacity. Moreover, broadside HAP antennas maximize the capacity,
while vertically placed antennas at the mobile terminal provide considerable
capacity gain in highly urbanized areas. Finally, the results have underlined that
changing the velocity and the moving direction of the user significantly affects the
The proposed model provides theoretical guidelines and a useful framework for
designing and testing future HAP‐MIMO communication systems at L‐ and S‐
frequency bands, under LoS and NLoS conditions. Notwithstanding, future real‐
time field measurements or at least simulation trials are needed to verify the
theoretical results. Hence, next chapter proposes deterministic and statistical
simulation models for HAP‐MIMO channels and examines their performance.
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Three‐Dimensional Simulation of
HAP‐MIMO Channels
4.1 Introduction
The filtered noise models intend to simulate the channel properties by means of
signal processing techniques, without considering the underlying propagation
mechanisms. These models filter Gaussian noise through appropriately designed
linear time‐invariant filters to generate the channel waveform with the desired
channel PSD and capture the important first‐ and second‐order channel statistics.
However, the efficiency of this approach is limited by the utilized filter. In
particular, a high‐order filter is usually required to accurately approximate the
Chapter 4
The SoS principle introduced by Rice [168] has been widely accepted by
academia and industry as an adequate basis for the design of simulation models
due to its reasonably low computational costs. According to this principle, the
overall channel waveform is the sum of several complex sinusoids having
frequencies, amplitudes and phases that are appropriately selected to accurately
approximate the desired statistical properties. Two main categories of SoS‐based
simulation models are reported in the literature, the deterministic simulation
models [170] and the statistical simulation models [172]. The deterministic (ergodic
statistical) models are easy to implement and have short simulation times.
Specifically, they have fixed parameters for all simulation trials and converge to the
desired properties in a single simulation trial leading to deterministic statistical
properties. On the contrary, the statistical (Monte Carlo) models have at least one
of the parameters as random variables that vary with each simulation trial. Hence,
their statistical properties also vary for each simulation trial and converge to the
desired ones in the statistical sense, i.e., when averaged over a sufficiently large
number of simulation trials. In contrast to filtered noise models, SoS‐based models
produce channel waveforms that have high accuracy and a perfectly band‐limited
spectrum. In addition, their complexity is typically reduced by cleverly choosing the
model parameters to reduce the computation load. Furthermore, SoS‐based
models can be easily extended to develop simulation channel models for MIMO
communications systems due to the explicit inclusion of spatial information, such
as the multipath angles of arrival and departure. Owing to these advantages, our
research focuses on SoS‐based models and proposes deterministic and statistical
simulation models for HAP‐MIMO channels, under the framework of the reference
model described in Chapter 3. Theoretical and simulation results are employed to
verify the reliability and the usefulness of the proposed models.
Chapter 4
The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. Section 4.2 derives a 3‐D
generic non‐efficient stochastic simulation model, while Sections 4.3 and 4.4 derive
3‐D efficient deterministic and statistical simulation models, respectively. Section
4.5 present simulations results and examines the performance and the complexity
of the proposed simulation models. Finally, Section 4.6 summarizes this chapter.
4.2 The Stochastic Simulation Model
The reference model for HAP‐MIMO channels proposed in Chapter 3 assumes an
infinite number of scatterers, which prevents practical realization, i.e.,
software/hardware implementation. However, this model can be used as the
starting point for the design of simulation models with a finite number of
scatterers, which have similar statistical properties. Indeed, a stochastic simulation
model can be directly obtained by using a finite number N of scatterers. Then, the
impulse response of the sub‐channel p‐l is given by
pl 1 N j
d p ,S d S ,l
e j e j 2 t FT ,NLoS FR ,NLoS (57)
hˆpl ,NLoS t e
K pl 1 N n1
(28), d p, S , d S , l , FT ,NLoS , and FR ,NLoS are defined in (18)‐(24), (31), (32),
can be generated utilizing the distributions defined in the previous chapter, while
n is generated as a random variable uniformly distributed in the interval
, . All other parameters of the simulation model are identical with those of
be generated as
Chapter 4
aR FaR1 ,
where is a random variable uniformly distributed in the interval 0,1 . The
function FaR1 denotes the inverse function of the von Mises cumulative
distribution function (cdf) and can be evaluated using the numerical method
presented in [149] (no analytical method is available). Fig. 54 depicts the von Mises
cdf for different values of k and 0.
Cumulative distribution
0.2 k=2
‐180 ‐120 ‐60 0 60 120 180
α (degrees)
Figure 54: The cumulative distribution of the angle of arrival of the scattered waves for
different degree of scattering.
where is a random variable uniformly distributed in the interval 0,1 . The
Chapter 4
n 1
RS tanh1 tanh aRS ,max . (61)
Fig. 55 demonstrates the hyperbolic cdf for several values of the parameter a and
RS ,max 200 m.
Cumulative distribution
0.2 α=0.02
0 50 100 150 200
R (m)
Figure 55: The cumulative distribution of the distance between TMS and the scatterers for
different values of the parameter a.
where is a random variable uniformly distributed in the interval (0,1). The
1 ln HS ln HS ,mean
FHS HS erfc , (63)
2 2
Chapter 4
where erfc x 2 / e du is the complementary error function. Fig. 56
shows the log‐normal cdf for the corresponding values of HS ,mean and
associated with London (U.K.) and Guildford (U.K.) [157].
To simulate a HAP‐MIMO channel, this generic stochastic simulation model can
due to the high degree of randomness during the computation of these variables,
an infinite number of simulation trials is required and the stochastic model is non‐
realizable and inefficient. Hence, one must otherwise determine the model
parameters, in order to fully exploit the inherent advantages of the SoS principle.
This procedure is called the parameter computation method and the type of a
simulation model is directly related to this method.
Cumulative distribution
4.3 The Deterministic Simulation Model
Chapter 4
parameters fixed for all simulation trials, thereby, leading to deterministic
properties, i.e., only one simulation trial is needed to obtain the desired properties
and the statistical behavior does not vary from one simulation trial to another.
Since the location of each scatterer inside the cylinder can be fully described by
partitioned into three scattering sub‐regions, which are individually associated with
one of these variables [179]. In particular, it is considered that N1 coordinates of
coordinates of scattering points are non‐uniformly distributed along a vertical line.
Then, the product N N1N2N3 is the total finite number of discrete scatterers. This
design method is visualized in Fig. 57, for ease of comprehension. Note that a
RS ,max
n1 ,n2 ,n3 HS ,max
HS 3
RS 2
aR 1
3rd scattering
1st scattering
sub‐region 2nd scattering sub‐region
Figure 57: Visualization of the three scatterer sub‐regions, each consisting of N1 , N2 , and
N3 coordinates (“ ”) of scattering points, respectively.
Chapter 4
FR,NLoS are defined, respectively, as follows
d p, S
n1 ,n2 ,n3
D D T1
DT2 RS 2 sin aR 1 / cos T , (66)
n n
d S
n1 ,n2 ,n3
n n
, l RS 2 / cos arctan HS 3 / RS 2
DR1 cos aR 1 cos arctan HS 3 / RS 2
n n
DR2 sin arctan HS 3 / RS 2
n n
n n
DR3 sin aR 1 cos arctan HS 3 / RS 2 ,
FT,NLoS fT ,max RS 2 sin T sin aR 1 / D cos T ,
n n
FR,NLoS fR ,max cos aR 1 R cos arctanH / R . (69)
Providing that a sufficient large number of scatterers is used, i.e.,
N N1N2N3 20, central limit theorem implies that hpl ,NLoS t is close to a low‐
pass zero‐mean complex Gaussian process. Then, using a similar derivation to that
described in Chapter 3, the STCF between hpl t and hqm t can be simplified as
Chapter 4
,qm T , R ,
: hpl ,NLoS t hqm
,NLoS t / pl qm
2 q p T cos T
n n
j 2 q p T sinT RS 2 sin aR 1
N1 N2 N3 j
1 1
e cos T
e D cos T
K pl 1 Kqm 1 N1N2N3 n1 1 n2 1 n3 1
n n
j 2 m l R sin R sinarctan HS 3 / RS 2
n n n
j 2 m l R cos R cos R cos aR 1 cos arctan HS 3 / RS 2
n n n
j 2 m l R sinR cos R sin aR 1 cos arctan HS 3 / RS 2
j 2 FT ,NLoS FR ,NLoS
e e (71)
is the STCF of the NLoS component and RplLoS,qm T , R , is defined in (36). From
N1 N2 N3
(71), it is obvious that proper finite sets aR 1 , RS 2 , and HS 3
n n n
n1 1 n2 1 n3 1
the parameters aR 1 , RS 2 , and HS 3 must be determined, which lead to a good
n n n
approximation to the statistical properties of the reference model. Note that no
parameter computation method will be applied to the phases
n1 ,n2 ,n3
, since the
STCF does not depend on them. Notwithstanding, the interest reader is referred to
[170], where an efficient method to compute the phases is given.
accuracy and versatility, it requires the minimization of two error functions in order
to obtain proper temporal and spatial correlation properties. Since this
minimization must be simultaneously proceeded for aR 1 , RS 2 , and HS 3 , it is
n n n
obvious that simpler and less complex parameter computation methods are
desirable. Hence, following a similar approach to that proposed in [143], the
aforementioned parameters are generated as follows [163]
Chapter 4
HS 3 FHS1 ,
n1 0.5 / N1 , (75)
4.3.1 The Deterministic Simulation Model Based on Set Partitioning
The performance of the proposed deterministic simulation model can only be
improved by increasing the number of the discrete scatterers, i.e., the number of
N1 , N2 , and N3 , and thus the complexity, but not by averaging over the simulation
results achieved by multiple simulation runs. Moreover, the performance has to be
investigated for practical values of these numbers, which may not lead to proper
and accurate statistical properties. In [181] and [182] an alternative deterministic
parameter computation method was proposed for isotropic and non‐isotropic
scattering environments, respectively. This method utilizes the principle of set
partitioning (SP), which was initially used to design trellis‐coded modulation
schemes [183]. Based on this principle, it is assumed that a constellation (scatter
diagram) with N relevant scatterers is separated into V sub‐constellations, each of
which consists of N scatterers, such that N V N, where V is an integer number.
This subsection applies the principle of SP to the deterministic simulation model
for HAP‐MIMO channels described above. Hence, it is similarly assumed that
N1 V1 N1 coordinates of scattering points are located around a ring constellation.
This ring constellation is separated into V1 sub‐constellations (partitions), each of
which consists of N1 coordinates of relevant scattering points. In addition, it is
Chapter 4
line constellation. This radial line constellation is separated into V2 sub‐
constellations, each of which consists of N2 coordinates of relevant scattering
points. Finally, it is assumed that N3 V3 N3 coordinates of scattering points are
located along a vertical line constellation. This vertical line constellation is
separated into V3 sub‐constellations, each of which consists of N3 coordinates of
relevant scattering points. Fig. 58 explains the proposed SP method and illustrates
the v1th , v2th , and v3th sub‐constellations of relevant scattering points, when
Under these considerations and for n1 1,..., N1 , n2 1,..., N2 , n3 1,..., N3 ,
using a similar approach to that proposed in [181], [182]
aR 1 1 FaR1 ,
n ,v
RS ,max
v3th sub‐constellation
HS ,max
v2th sub‐constellation
v1th sub‐constellation
Figure 58: The set partitioning of three scatterer constellations into V1 , V2 and V3 sub‐
constellations, each consisting of 3 coordinates (“ ”) of relevant scattering points.
Chapter 4
RS 2 2 FRS1 ,
n ,v
n3 ,v3
FHS1 , (80)
n1 0.25
v1 , (81)
n2 0.25
v2 , (82)
n3 0.25
v3 , (83)
2v1 V1 1
v1 , (84)
2v2 V2 1
v2 , (85)
2v3 V3 1
v3 . (86)
In practice, it is recommended to simulate the deterministic processes hpl 1 2 3 t
v ,v ,v
successively by computing from time to time a new set of parameters
N1 N N3
, and HS
n3 ,v3
, RS
n1 ,v1 n2 ,v2 2
R using (78)‐(80).
n1 1 n2 1 n3 1
The STCF associated with the proposed deterministic SP simulation model is
given by
(70) and (78)‐(86) for n1 1,..., N1 , n2 1,..., N2 , and n3 1,..., N3 .
Note that Rpl ,qm T , R , is equal to Rpl ,qm T , R , defined in (70) for
Chapter 4
deterministic processes with reduced complexity determined by N N / V can be
alternatively simulated. Although the statistical properties of this deterministic
model vary for each simulation trial, they will converge to the statistical properties
of the reference model after a sufficient number of simulation trials controlled by
V1 , V2 , and V3 and for an arbitrary number of scatterers, i.e., for any
N1 , N2 , N3 1. They will also converge to the desired statistical properties after an
arbitrary number of simulation trials, i.e., for any V1 ,V2 ,V3 1, but with an
4.4 The Statistical Simulation Model
simulation trials. Based on [143], the parameters aR 1 , RS 2 , and HS 3 are
n n n
generated as random variables for each simulation trial as follows [179]
Chapter 4
as random variables for each simulation trial, its statistical properties have to be
analyzed by statistical averages. Hence, although the statistical properties vary for
each simulation trial, they will converge to the statistical properties of the
reference model after a sufficient number of simulation trials for an arbitrary
number of scatterers, i.e., for any N1 , N2 , N3 1.
The STCF associated with the statistical model is given by
,qm T , R ,
Ntrials ntrials 1
,qm T , R ,
Rˆpl (94)
for ntrials 1,..., Ntrials , where Ntrials denotes the number of simulation trials and
number of scatterers is used, i.e., N N1N2N3 20. Since the proposed statistical
simulation model statistically converges to the desired properties, it is important to
determine the number of simulation trials needed to achieve a desired
convergence level. Indeed, the complexity of the statistical simulation model is
controlled by N1 , N2 , N3 , and Ntrials . Thus, N1 , N2 , and N3 should be carefully
determined to reduce the number of trials required for convergence.
Table 6 reviews and compares the relative complexity of the proposed
simulation models, which generally depends on the number of the utilized
scatterers, the number of the performed simulation trials, and the number of the
required random variables.
Simulation Number Number of Relative Number of
Model of simulation number of random
scatterers trials calculations variables
Stochastic NStoc 3
Deterministic NDet 1 NDet 0
Deterministic SP NDet ,SP V V1V2V3 NDet ,SPV 0
Statistical NStat Ntrials NStat Ntrials 3
Chapter 4
4.5 Simulation Results
In this section, the performance of the proposed simulation models is evaluated
for different complexity and a finite number of scatterers. The values of the model
parameters used to obtain the following curves are nT nR 2, K pl Kqm 3 dB,
Tables 7 and 8 investigate the performance of the deterministic model for
different complexity, i.e., different N1 , N2 , and N3 , in terms of the TCF for the
time delay range 0 s 0.1 s, which is typically of interest for many
communications systems, and the SCF for the ranges 0 T 200 and
0 R 3 , respectively. As soon as the value of the Ricean factor is sufficiently
small, the maximum values of the range of the inter‐element distances chosen, i.e.,
200 and 3 , ensure low spatial correlation in many propagation scenarios, as
shown in Chapter 3. The effect of the variation of each number of coordinates of
scattering points is examined independently, provided that the other numbers are
sufficiently large and do not affect the results. The performance evaluation is
realized in terms of the root mean square error (RMSE) between the absolute TCFs
and SCFs of the simulation model and the reference model, as well as the
maximum deviation (MD) of the absolute TCF and SCF of the simulation model
from the corresponding theoretical values. According to Tables 7 and 8, the
performance can be improved by increasing the number of the discrete scatterers
and thus the complexity. Tables 7 and 8 also suggest that reasonable values for N1
the order of 30, 20, and 5, respectively.
Fig. 59 illustrates the absolute value of the TCFs of the reference and the
deterministic simulation model, respectively, for N1 30, N2 20, N3 5 and
Chapter 4
model approximates the theoretical one for the range 0 s 0.1, as the
number of the scatterers increases. From the simulation results, the RMSE is
approximately 20.5 103 and 19.3 10 3 , respectively, while the MD is
Fig. 60 depicts the absolute error between the absolute SCFs of the reference
model and the simulation model for the ranges 0 T 200 and 0 R 3.
From the simulation results obtained for N1 30, N2 20, and N3 5, the RMSE is
approximately 2.1 10 3 , while the MD is approximately 7.3 103. Overall, the
deterministic simulation model satisfactorily matches the temporal and spatial
correlation properties of the reference model.
Number of N1 N2 N3
1 88.7 103 135 103 62.1 103 101 103 24.5 103 48.1 103
2 71.4 103 124 10 3 34.5 103 62.6 103 19.6 103 38.9 103
5 51.8 103 109 103 24.2 103 36.3 103 15.1 103 32.4 103
6 48.1 103 83.2 103 23.2 103 35.2 103 15.1 103 31.2 103
7 44.9 103 78.3 103 20.5 103 34.5 103 15.1 103 26.7 103
8 41.1 103 71.4 103 19.4 103 29.8 103 14.9 103 28.5 103
9 38.7 103 67.9 103 18.9 103 30.9 103 14.9 103 26.3 103
10 33.3 103 55.8 103 17.7 103 28.9 103 14.8 103 25.2 103
15 29.4 103 45.5 103 17.3 103 28.2 103 14.8 103 28.3 103
20 25.5 103 39.6 103 16.4 103 27.4 103 14.8 103 23.1 103
30 19.5 103 33.1 103 16.1 103 28.1 103 14.8 103 23.6 103
40 18.5 103 31.3 103 15.8 103 27.2 103 14.7 103 22.4 103
60 16.3 103 28.5 103 15.2 103 24.5 103 14.7 103 22.3 103
Chapter 4
Number of N1 N2 N3
1 163 103 329 103 49.4 103 141 103 2.4 103 7.3 103
2 117 103 202 103 36.3 103 93.0 103 2.3 103 5.9 103
5 45.2 103 62.2 103 16.7 103 35.2 103 1.5 103 4.2 10 3
6 31.3 103 57.2 103 14.9 103 31.8 103 1.5 103 4.2 10 3
7 22.7 103 44.2 103 13.7 103 28.5 103 1.5 103 4.1 10 3
8 18.1 103 37.3 103 10.2 103 23.7 103 1.4 10 3 4.0 103
9 13.7 103 33.6 103 8.3 103 20.8 103 1.4 10 3 4.0 103
10 10.6 103 25.8 103 7.2 103 16.2 103 1.4 10 3 4.0 103
15 7.4 103 19.5 103 4.9 103 12.2 103 1.4 10 3 4.0 103
20 4.8 103 13.2 103 2.4 103 9.3 103 1.3 103 3.9 10 3
30 1.9 103 7.1 103 1.7 103 7.1 103 1.3 103 3.9 10 3
40 1.7 103 6.9 103 1.6 103 5.9 103 1.3 103 3.9 10 3
60 1.6 103 5.3 103 1.4 103 4.9 103 1.2 10 3 3.8 10 3
Reference model
0.9 Deterministic model, N =30, N =20, N =5
1 2 3
Deterministic model, N =40, N =30, N =8
1 2 3
Temporal correlation
Chapter 4
Absolute error
1 200
δ 2
R 100
50 δ
3 0 T
Figure 60: The absolute error between the SCFs of the reference model and the
deterministic simulation model.
Fig. 61 depicts the absolute value of the TCF of the reference model and the TCF
of the deterministic SP simulation model averaged over V 1 simulation trial,
when V1 1, V2 1, and V3 1, over V 10 simulation trials, when V1 5, V2 2,
the number of trials significantly improves the performance of this simulation
model for the range 0 s 0.1 s. From the simulation results, the RMSE between
the absolute TCFs of the deterministic SP model and the reference model is
approximately 35.1 10 3 , 18.2 10 3 , and 11.2 10 3 , respectively, while the MD of
the absolute TCFs of the deterministic SP model from the corresponding theoretical
values is approximately 59.2 103 , 34.6 103 , and 18.9 103 , respectively.
Fig. 62 depicts the absolute error between the absolute SCFs of the reference
model and the deterministic SP model after V 50 simulation trials, when V1 5,
simulation results, the RMSE between the absolute SCFs of the deterministic SP
model and the reference model is approximately 1.8 10 3 , while the MD of the
Chapter 4
absolute SCFs of the deterministic SP model from the corresponding theoretical
values is approximately 4.8 103. Consequently, the deterministic SP simulation
model closely matches the TCF of the reference model, while approximates the SCF
of the reference model with high precision.
Reference model
0.9 Deterministic SP, V=1
Deterministic SP, V=10
Temporal correlation
Deterministic SP, V=50
x 10
Absolute error
δ /λ 150
R 2 100
50 δ /λ
3 0
Figure 62: The absolute error between the SCFs of the reference model and the
deterministic SP simulation model.
Chapter 4
Fig. 63 illustrates the absolute value of the TCFs of the reference and the
statistical model averaged over 50 simulation trials for N 240, when N1 10,
N2 8, and N3 3. One observes that the TCF of the statistical model almost
perfectly matches the theoretical one for the range 0 s 0.1 s. From the
simulation results, the RMSE between the absolute TCFs of the statistical model
Fig. 64 demonstrates the absolute error between the absolute SCFs of the
reference model and the statistical model after 50 simulation trials. From the
simulation results the RMSE between the absolute SCFs of the statistical model and
Tables 9 and 10 thoroughly investigate the performance of the statistical
simulation model for 0 s 0.1 s, 0 T 200 , and 0 R 3. Table 9
examines the accuracy of the simulation model for different values of the model
parameters that control the location of the scatterers inside the cylinder. The
performance evaluation is realized in terms of the RMSE between the absolute
TCFs and SCFs of the statistical model and the reference model, as well as the MD
of the absolute TCF and SCF of the statistical model from the corresponding
theoretical values. One observes that all quantities are very small in the scenarios
simulated. The close agreement between the channel statistics confirms the utility
of the simulation model and the method used to estimate the model parameters.
Table 10 studies the efficiency of the simulation model and tests its performance
for different complexity, i.e., different number of simulation trials, in terms of the
RMSE and the MD. From the results, adequate statistics can be achieved with only
10 simulation trials. It is also evident that by averaging over more simulation trials,
Chapter 4
the performance of the simulation model improves. From the entire simulation
results, the statistical simulation model outperforms the other simulation models
and provides the best solution for the design of simulation models for HAP‐MIMO
mobile fading channels.
Reference model
Statistical model
Temporal correlation
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
τ (s)
Figure 63: Comparison between the TCFs of the reference model and the statistical
simulation model.
x 10
Absolute error
1 200
δ 2 100
R 50 δ
3 0 Τ
Figure 64: The absolute error between the SCFs of the reference model and the
statistical simulation model.
Chapter 4
Values of the TCF SCF
parameters RMSE MD RMSE MD
Simulation TCF SCF
Chapter 4
Finally, Fig. 65 compares the ergodic capacity defined in (48), (49) against SNR
obtained using the reference model and the simulation models for T 60 ,
R 0.5 , and a normalized Doppler frequency fn fR ,maxTs 0.01. Due to the
the non‐physical model (see Chapter 3, Eq. (52)), while the simulation models are
referred to as the physical models, since the elements of H can be directly
obtained using the procedures described in this chapter. The results show very
good agreement between the non‐physical and the physical models [163].
Reference model
Deterministic model, N1=30, N2=20, N3=5
Deterministic SP model, N1=10, N2=8, N3=3, V1=5, V2=5, V3=2
Channel Capacity (bps/Hz)
Statistical model, N1=10, N2=8, N3=3, Ntrials=50
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
SNR (dB)
Figure 65: Comparison between the ergodic capacities obtained using the reference model
and the simulation models.
4.6 Summary
In this chapter, methodologies for simulating HAP‐MIMO Ricean faded channels
have been presented, under 3‐D non‐isotropic scattering conditions. Specifically,
parametric deterministic and statistical simulation models based on the SoS
principle have been developed and the reference non‐realizable HAP‐MIMO
channel model has served as the initial point. The proposed deterministic
simulation model enables the generation of multiple deterministic waveforms and
Chapter 4
provides an adequate approach for the simulation of HAP‐MIMO channels in a
single simulation trial. Nevertheless, its performance can only be improved by
increasing the number of sinusoids, i.e., the number of the discrete scatterers. An
alternative advantageous deterministic design method using the principle of SP has
also been introduced. This method keeps the computational costs low, while
significantly improves the performance simply by averaging across several
simulation runs. Finally, a method that applies Monte Carlo techniques has been
proposed to construct a statistical simulation model with at least one parameter as
random variable. Since, this method statistically converges to the desired statistical
properties, it is important to determine the number of simulation trials needed to
achieve a specific convergence level.
By assuming that the AoA of the scattered waves, the distance between the user
and the scatterers in azimuth domain and the height of the scatterers follow the
von Mises, the hyperbolic and the log‐normal distribution, respectively, the
performance and the complexity of the proposed simulation models have been
demonstrated by extensive simulation results. Based on these results, one
concludes that the simulation models accurately and efficiently reproduce the SCFs
and TCFs of the reference model and provide similar channel capacity estimations.
Although the proposed deterministic simulation model has the potential of
becoming a standard procedure due to its simplicity, efficiency, and reproducibility,
the slightly complex statistical simulation model provides the highest performance
with a relative small number of simulation trials, while the deterministic SP
simulation model provides a good trade‐off between complexity and performance.
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Three‐Dimensional Modeling and Simulation of
Wideband HAP‐MIMO Channels
5.1 Introduction
Prospective 4G advanced multimedia and broadcasting communications services
demand increased bandwidth and enhanced data rates. These services are mainly
based on wideband transmissions and can be potentially upgraded if MIMO
techniques are used. Thus, realistic wideband HAP‐MIMO channel models are
essential for the design and concise evaluation of future HAP‐based systems.
Wideband effects usually impose a time‐variant impulse response, which can be
modeled by a tapped delay line (TDL) with each tap defined using different weights
and distributions [184]. In agreement with the TDL concept, a statistical switched
(state‐oriented) broadband channel model for HAP‐based communications systems
was presented in [111], while a model based on semi‐Markovian processes was
presented in [112]. These models allow for convenient and time‐efficient system
analysis of the links between HAPs and terrestrial stations, when the channel
characteristics are dynamic and vary in time. Nevertheless, the propagation
environment necessitates fundamental limitations on the performance. Hence,
when terrain and scattering distributions are available, physical‐geometrical
channel modeling is preferred to ensure model accuracy and versatility.
Chapter 5
consider 3‐D scattering conditions. In [188] and [189], a 3‐D wideband channel
model was presented and introduced an elevation angle for the incidence of the
radio waves in addition to the azimuth angle. Nevertheless, this model is not
applicable to HAP‐based systems. In particular, this model assumes that the
distance between the user and the scatterers in the azimuth plane is constant.
Moreover, the derivation of this model and its statistical properties was ground on
the simplified assumption that the maximum elevation angle of arrival of the
scattered waves is smaller than 20°, which typically represents terrestrial mobile‐
to‐mobile systems (e.g., two cars driving through streets) [190]. If “above rooftop”
propagation is present as in HAP‐based systems, the maximum elevation angle
approximates 90° [191]. Hence, other channel modeling approaches are necessary.
In Chapters 3 and 4, 3‐D reference and simulation models for HAP‐MIMO
multipath fading channels have been proposed. The realization of these models is
limited to narrowband, i.e., frequency‐nonselective, communications. In particular,
it was assumed that the propagation delays of all incoming scattered waves are
approximately equal and small in comparison to the data symbol duration. In
wideband communications, the data symbol duration is small and multipath delay
spread may be introduced. Therefore, the propagation delay differences cannot be
neglected. In this chapter, the 3‐D reference model for narrowband HAP‐MIMO
channels is extended with respect to frequency‐selectivity and a 3‐D reference
model for wideband HAP‐MIMO channels is derived. The proposed model utilizes
carrier frequencies well below 10 GHz. Hence, both LoS and NLoS links should be
considered, while rain effects are insignificant [1]. To describe the reference model,
a 3‐D geometrical model for wideband HAP‐MIMO channels is introduced, referred
to as the “two concentric‐cylinders" model. This model is a modified version of the
cylinder model for narrowband HAP‐MIMO channels in Chapter 3. Several critical
parameters are considered, e.g., the elevation angle of the platform, the array
configuration, the Doppler and delay spread, and the distribution of the scatterers.
Based on the reference model, the space‐time‐frequency correlation function
(STFCF), the space‐Doppler power spectrum (SDPS), and the power space‐delay
Chapter 5
The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. Section 5.2 presents the
wideband HAP‐MIMO system model, while Section 5.3 proposes the 3‐D reference
model for wideband HAP‐MIMO channels and constructs the corresponding input
delay‐spread and time‐variant transfer functions. Section 5.4 studies the statistical
properties of this reference model and presents numerical results. Section 5.5
details the simulation models and provides simulation results to verify their
accuracy and efficiency. Finally, Section 5.6 summarizes this chapter.
5.2 The Wideband HAP‐MIMO System Model
All antennas are fixed, omni‐directional, and are numbered as 1 p q nT and
1 l m nR , respectively. The complex low‐pass equivalent time‐variant channel
response between SBS and TMS is given by hpl t , , and the complex low‐pass
r t H t , s t n t , (95)
functions [160], s t nT 1 is the transmitted signal vector, r t nR 1 is the
received signal vector, n t nR 1 is the noise vector, which denotes the AWGN
Chapter 5
at the receiver branches, and denotes convolution. The entries of the noise
vector are i.i.d. complex Gaussian random variables with zero‐mean and variance
N0 , where N0 is the noise PSD.
5.3 A Reference Model for Wideband HAP‐MIMO Channels
In this section, a 3‐D GBSB reference model for wideband HAP‐MIMO channels
is introduced and its geometrical characteristics are described. Then, the input
delay‐spread and time‐variant transfer functions are derived as a superposition of
the LoS and NLoS rays.
The geometrical model proposed in Chapter 3 considers that the waves emitted
from the SBS antenna elements travel over paths with different lengths and
impinge the TMS array elements from different directions due to the scattering
conditions within a cylinder. This section proposes a modified “two concentric‐
cylinders” version of this geometry [192]. The geometrical characteristics of the
proposed model and the definition of the Cartesian coordinate system are
discussed in Figs. 66‐69 for a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO channel, which is the basis to study
ULAs with arbitrary number of antennas. Fig. 66 shows the LoS paths of the 3‐D
geometrical model, while Fig. 67 presents the projection of this model to the x ‐y
plane. Figs. 68 and 69 show the NLoS paths for the channel in Figs. 66 and 67. For
ease of reference, the parameters of the proposed reference model for wideband
HAP‐MIMO channels are summarized in Table 11.
The proposed reference model for wideband HAP‐MIMO channels assumes that
designated by S and its projection to the x ‐y plane is denoted by S . The
n n
height of S is d S , S HS HS ,min , HS ,max , and the distance between
n n
Chapter 5
q OT
RS ,max
RS ,min
HS ,max
R l
y vT HS ,min
OR l vR
T m R
O aLoS
Rl O x
Figure 66: The LoS paths of the 3‐D geometrical wideband model for a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO
y vT
p vR
T T aLoS
O O x
RS ,min
D RS ,max
Figure 67: The LoS paths of the projection of the 3‐D geometrical wideband model for a
2 2 HAP‐MIMO channel.
Chapter 5
q OT
RS ,max
RS ,min
HS ,max
n n
R l
y vT HS ,min
p S
T l vR
RS aR n R
m R
O T n O x
Figure 68: The NLoS paths of the 3‐D geometrical wideband model for a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO
p vT S
T RS n aR n l
T n R R
O O x
RS ,min
D RS ,max
Figure 69: The NLoS paths of the projection of the 3‐D geometrical wideband model for a
2 2 HAP‐MIMO channel.
Chapter 5
D The distance between the centre O of the projections of the SBS antenna
elements to the x ‐y plane and the lower centre O of the cylinder.
RS ,max , HS ,max The maximum distance between O and S , and the maximum height of
the scatterers, respectively.
RS ,min , HS ,min The minimum distance between O and S , and the minimum height of the
scatterers, respectively.
T , R The spacing between two adjacent antenna elements at the SBS and TMS,
T , R The orientation of the SBS and TMS antenna array in the x ‐y plane (relative
to the x ‐axis), respectively.
vT , vR The velocities of the SBS and TMS, respectively.
T , R The moving directions of the SBS and TMS, respectively.
T The elevation angle of the SBS relative to OR .
aLoS The azimuth angle of arrival of the LoS paths.
n th scatterer, respectively
S The elevation angle of the n th scatterer relative to OR .
S ,min , S ,max The minimum and maximum elevation angle of the n th scatterer relative to
OR .
n , g n The random phase and the amplitude introduced by the n th scatterer,
, k The mean azimuth angle at which the scatterers are distributed in the x ‐y
plane and the spread of the scatterers around this angle, respectively.
a The spread of the scatterers around the TMS.
Chapter 5
Based on the modified model geometry, the scatterers occupy the volume
between two concentric‐cylinders with height Hc HS ,max HS ,min and radius RS ,min
Note that shadowing within the scattering region is neglected in this model.
5.3.1 Input Delay‐Spread and Time‐Variant Transfer Functions
Considering Ricean fading, the input delay‐spread function of the link p‐l is a
superposition of the LoS and NLoS rays and can be written as follows [188], [189]
j 2
pl K pl d p ,l j 2 t F
T ,LoS FR ,LoS
hpl ,LoS t , e e LoS , (99)
K pl 1
1 N n
g e j e
j 2
d p , S
n d S n ,l
hpl ,NLoS t , n
K pl 1 N N n1
j 2 t FT ,NLoS FR ,NLoS
t NLoS
, (100)
where pl denotes the transmitted power of the subchannel p‐l , K pl denotes the
Ricean factor of the subchannel p‐l , g n represents the amplitude of the nth
Chapter 5
scattered wave, n , is the phase introduced by the nth scatterer, LoS
and NLoS
are the propagation delays (travel times) of the waves associated with
the LoS and NLoS links, respectively, and denotes the Dirac delta function. In
n n
addition, the parameters d p, l , d p, S , d S , l , FT ,LoS , FR ,LoS , FT ,NLoS , and
FR ,NLoS are defined in (17)‐(24), (27), (28), (31), and (32), respectively.
From Fig. 66, since HT HR the propagation delay from the SBS to the TMS, i.e.,
the minimum propagation delay, is given by
LoS min c cos , (101)
0 T
where c0 is the speed of light. From Fig. 68, considering that HS ,max HT and
RS D , and using the cosine law, the travel time of a wave originated from SBS,
reflected from S and received by TMS is given by
2DR cos a
n n n
S R n
NLoS . (102)
c0 cos T c0 cos S
cos aR 1, RS RS ,max , and HS HS ,max , the maximum possible propagation
n n n
delay can be derived as follows
Chapter 5
be neglected, without loss of generality. Then, the relative minimum and maximum
propagation delays, as well as the relative propagation delay associated with the
NLoS link are given, respectively, by
r ,NLoS
NLoS LoS . (107)
n n
are in the order of hundreds of nanoseconds, which are much smaller than the
corresponding values in terrestrial systems [193]. This is possibly due to the fact
that the effective scatterers in a terrestrial system might be expected to be more
widely distributed than those for a flying platform system operating at high
elevation angles. Using (106), Fig. 70 demonstrates r ,max for T 60 and
20 100
30 80
H (m) 40 40
S,max R (m)
50 20 S,max
Figure 70: The relative maximum propagation delay for different maximum scatterer
height and maximum distance in the azimuth plane between the TMS and the scatterers.
Chapter 5
Finally, the time‐variant transfer function is the FT of the input delay‐spread
function [184] and can be written as
where the LoS and NLoS components of the time‐variant transfer function are,
j 2
pl K pl d p ,l j 2 t F
T ,LoS FR ,LoS j 2 f LoS
Tpl ,LoS t , f e e e , (109)
K pl 1
pl 1 N n j n
j 2
d p ,S d S ,l
n n
Tpl ,NLoS t , f lim g e e
K pl 1 N N n1
j 2 t FT ,NLoS FR ,NLoS j 2 f NLoS
e e . (110)
5.4 Statistical Properties of Wideband HAP‐MIMO Channels
5.4.1 Space‐Time‐Frequency Correlation Function
Tqm t , f is defined as [184], [186], [194]
Tpl t , f Tqm t t , f f
Rpl ,qm T , R , t , f . (111)
pl qm
Since the number of local scatterers is infinite, central limit theorem implies that
both Tpl ,NLoS t , f and Tqm ,NLoS t , f are zero‐mean complex Gaussian random
processes, i.e., E Tpl ,NLoS t , f E Tqm ,NLoS t , f 0. Then, (111) can be written as
follows (see Eq. (34) in Section 3 for a similar derivation)
Chapter 5
and the NLoS components, respectively. Using (17), (20), (22), (27), (28), (101),
(109), and (111), and the approximate relation aLoS aLoS
for T D , the
STFCF of the LoS component is derived as follows
RplLoS,qm T , R , t , f
j 2 q p T cos T m l R cos R cos R
K pl Kqm
cos T
K pl 1 Kqm 1
j 2f
j 2t fT ,max cos T fR ,max cos R c0 cos T
e e . (113)
Moreover, using (13), (18)‐(24), (31), (32), (110), and (111), the STFCF of the NLoS
component can be written as
,qm T , R , t , f
j 2 q p T cos T j 2 q p T sinT RS
n sin a n
1 1 n 2
lim g e cos T
e D cos T
K pl 1 Kqm 1 N N
n n
j 2 m l R sin R sinarctan HS / RS
n n n
j 2 m l R cos R cos R cos aR cos arctan HS / RS
e e
n n n R n sin sin a n
j 2 m l R sinR cos R sin aR cos arctan HS / RS
j 2tfT ,max S T R cos
e e
n n n
j 2tfR ,max cos aR R cos arctan HS / RS
RS cos aR
n n
j 2f
c0 cos T c0 cos T n n
c0 cos arctan HS / RS
e . (114)
The infinite number of local scatterers in the reference model also enables the
replacement of the discrete variables aR , RS , and HS with the continuous
n n n
Chapter 5
aR , RS , and HS are independent. Thus, the joint pdf f aR , RS , S can be
n n n
decomposed to f aR f RS f HS .
In agreement with the narrowband model in Chapter 3, the von Mises pdf in
(39) is used to characterize aR . In addition, the following truncated7 hyperbolic pdf
f RS
fT RS , (115)
FRS RS ,max FRS RS ,min
the following truncated log‐normal pdf is adopted to characterize HS for the range
HS ,min HS HS ,max
f HS
fT HS , (116)
FHS HS ,max FHS HS ,min
4], and (39), (115), and (116), the STFCF of the NLoS component becomes
HS ,max RS ,max
,qm T , R , t , f w1 w2I0 w32 w42 dRS dHS , (117)
HS ,min RS ,min
w1 , (118)
2 I0 k tanh aRS ,max tanh aRS ,min FHS HS ,max FHS HS ,min
A truncated distribution is a conditional distribution that results from restricting the domain of some other probability
Chapter 5
The double integral in (117) has to be evaluated numerically, since there is no
closed‐form solution.
Finally, the STFCF between two time‐variant transfer functions Tpl t , f , and
Tqm t , f becomes a summation of the STFCFs of the LoS and the NLoS
components defined in (113) and (117)‐(121), respectively.
5.4.2 Space‐Doppler Power Spectrum
The SDPS of the LoS component is obtained by calculating the FT of the STCF of
the LoS component in (113) as follows
Chapter 5
SplLoS,qm T , R ,v t RplLoS,qm T , R , t , f 0
2 q p T cos T m l R cos R cos R
K pl K qm j
cos T
K pl 1 Kqm 1
v fT ,max cos T fR ,max cos R , (122)
where v is the Doppler frequency shift relative to the carrier frequency.
The SDPS of the NLoS component is obtained by calculating the FT of the STCF of
the NLoS component in (117)‐(121)
,qm T , R , v t Rpl ,qm T , R , t , f 0 . (123)
For f 0, the Bessel function I0
w32 w42 of (117) can be written as follows
q1 q2 q3
s2 , (126)
fR ,max cos arctan HS / RS
q4 q5 q6
s3 , (127)
fR ,max cos arctan HS / RS
q p T sinT RS sin R , (128)
D cos T
jk cos R
q3 , (130)
q p T sinT RS cos R , (131)
D cos T
Chapter 5
jk sin R
q6 . (133)
Using (124)‐(133), the SDPS of the NLoS component becomes
HS ,max RS ,max
j 2t v fT ,max cos T
,qm T , R , v A e
HS ,min RS ,min
J0 s1 t s2 2 s32 d tdRS dHS , (134)
It is well known that e jx cos x j sin x (Euler’s formula), the integral of the
from to is equal to zero, the product of two even functions is an even
function, and the integral of an even function from to is twice the integral
from 0 to . Under these considerations and using the equality
J0 a x 2 z 2 cos bx dx cos z a2 b2 / a2 b2 [161, eq. 6.677‐3], (134)
cos 2 s3 fR2,max cos2 arctan HS / RS v fT ,max cos T dRS dHS . (136)
Chapter 5
The double integral in (136) has to be evaluated numerically, since there is no
closed‐form solution. One observes that (136) is applicable for the range
However, the SDPS should be sketched for the range
vmax max fR ,max cos arctan HS / RS
fR ,max cos arctan HS ,min / RS ,max . (140)
Hence, the following function is finally proposed as the SDPS of the NLoS
cos 2 s3 fR2,max cos2 arctan HS / RS v fT ,max cos T dRS dHS , (141)
Chapter 5
v fT ,max cos T
B tan arccos . (145)
fR ,max
5.4.3 Power Space‐Delay Spectrum
Considering a WSSUS frequency‐varying HAP‐MIMO channel, the PSDS is derived
by applying IFT to the space‐frequency correlation function (SFCF) in (34) i.e.,
Rpl ,qm T , R , t 0, f . Another approach for determining the delay spectrum of
terrestrial systems by assuming 3‐D scattering was previously proposed in [188],
The relative PSDS of the LoS component can be obtained by calculating the IFT
of the SFCF of the LoS component in (113) as follows
PplLoS 1 LoS
,qm T , R , r f Rpl ,qm T , R , t 0, f
2 q p T cos T m l R cos R cos R
K pl Kqm j
e cos T
r , (146)
K pl 1 Kqm 1
The relative PSDS of the NLoS component can be obtained by calculating the IFT
of the SFCF of the NLoS component in (117)‐(121)
PplNLoS 1 NLoS
,qm T , R , r f Rpl ,qm T , R , t 0, f . (147)
For t 0, the Bessel function I0
w32 w42 of (117) can be written as follows
Chapter 5
p1 , (149)
c0 cos T
q p T sinT c0 jkc0 sin cos T . (151)
D 2 RS
Using (148)‐(151), (147) becomes
HS ,max RS ,max
J0 2 p1 f p2 2 p32 d fdRS dHS ,
j 2f r p4
,qm T , R , r
PplNLoS A e
HS ,min RS ,min
p4 . (153)
c0 cos arctan HS / RS
Using the equality [161, eq. 6.677‐3] and after extensive calculations, the relative
PSDS of the NLoS component is derived as follows
cos 2 p3 p12 r p4
j 2 p2 r p4 2
HS ,max RS ,max Ae
dR dH . (154)
,qm T , R , r
p12 r p4
HS ,min RS ,min
The double integral in (154) has to be evaluated numerically, since there is no
closed‐form solution.
Chapter 5
One observes that (154) is applicable for the range
r p4 p1
p4 p1 r p4 p1
1 r 2 , (155)
1 max p4 p1
2 min p4 p1
However, the relative PSDS should be sketched for the range
the relative PSDS of the NLoS component
Ae 2 r 4 cos 2 p3 p12 r p4
j 2 p p 2
y2 RS ,max
dR dH ,
,qm T , R , r S S (159)
p1 r p4
2 2
y1 y3
q p T cos T m l R sin R sinarctan HS / RS 1 2 HS
j 2 ln
cos T 2 2 HS ,mean
e e
HS cosh2 aRS 2 I0 k K pl 1 Kqm 1
, (160)
FH y2 FH y1 tanh aRS ,max tanh ay3
Chapter 5
c sec c2 2 H 2
S ,max tan T
0 r T 0 r
, 0 r 1
tan2 T
y3 RS ,min , 1 r 2 . (163)
c0 r sec T c0 r HS ,min tan T
2 2 2 2
, 2 r r ,max
tan 2
5.4.4 Numerical Results
This section demonstrates the theoretical derivations described above. Figs. 71‐
74 depict the absolute STFCF for a 3‐D non‐isotropic scattering environment.
Unless indicated otherwise, the values of the model parameters used to obtain the
curves are nT nR 2, K pl Kqm 0 for Rayleigh fading, K pl Kqm 3 dB for
Ricean fading, HT 20 km, T 60 , T 60 , R 30 , R 20 , a 0.01,
RS ,min 7 m, RS ,max 140 m, HS ,min 5 m, HS ,max 50 m, HS ,mean 17.6 m,
0.31, k 4, 90 , fT ,max 300 Hz, fR ,max 100 Hz, T 30 , and R 60.
Rpl ,qm T 0, R 0, t 0, f of a HAP‐SISO Rayleigh channel for different T .
One observes that the correlation decreases as T increases. From Fig. 71, the
coherence bandwidth Bc can also be estimated. Considering that the coherence
bandwidth is the bandwidth over which the absolute FCF is above 0.5 [2], Bc is
approximately 0.9 MHZ, 0.7 MHz, and 0.4 MHz, when T 60 , T 70 , and
Chapter 5
T 80 , respectively. Figs. 72 and 73 illustrate the shape of the absolute SFCFs
Rpl ,qm T , R 0, t 0, f and Rpl ,qm T 0, R , t 0, f of a HAP‐MIMO
channel, while Fig. 74 depicts the shape of the absolute time‐frequency correlation
and Ricean fading conditions are considered.
β =60ο
0.8 β =70ο
Frequency Correlation
β =80ο
0 1 2 3 4 5
Frequency Separation Δf (MHz)
Figure 71: The FCF of a HAP‐SISO Rayleigh channel for different elevation angles of the SBS.
Space‐Frequency Correlation
Space‐Frequency Correlation
1 1
0.5 0.8
0 0
5 5
100 4 100 4
3 3
δ /λ 2 δ /λ 2
Τ 1 Δf (MHz) Τ 1 Δf (MHz)
200 0 200 0
(a) (b)
Figure 72: The transmit SFCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO (a) Rayleigh and (b) Ricean channel.
Chapter 5
Space‐Frequency Correlation
Space‐Frequency Correlation
0.5 0.6
0 0.2
0 0
5 1 5
1 4 4
3 δ /λ 3
δ /λ 2 2 R
2 2
R 1 Δf (MHz) 1 Δf (MHz)
3 0 3 0
(a) (b)
Figure 73: The receive SFCF of a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO (a) Rayleigh and (b) Ricean channel.
Time‐Frequency Correlation
Time‐Frequency Correlation
0 0.4
0 0
5 5
4 0.05 4
0.05 3 3
Δt (sec) 2 Δt (sec) 2
1 Δf (MHz) 1 Δf (MHz)
0.1 0 0.1 0
(a) (b)
Figure 74: The TFCF of a HAP‐SISO (a) Rayleigh and (b) Ricean channel.
Fig. 75 shows the SDPSs of a HAP‐SISO Rayleigh channel and a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO
Rayleigh channel for a 3‐D non‐isotropic scattering environment. The values of the
HS ,min 5 m, HS ,max 40 m, HS ,mean 17.6 m, S ,min arctan HS ,min / RS ,max 2 ,
S ,max arctan HS ,max / RS ,min 70 , 0.31, k 3, 0 , fT ,max 0 Hz,
fR ,max 150 Hz, and R 30. A normalized Doppler frequency vn v / vmax is
used, such that 1 vn 1. The results show that the SDPSs are similar to the
Chapter 5
typical U‐shaped spectrum of fixed‐to‐mobile cellular channels. These results also
show that the SDPSs do not have any undesirable discontinuities8 and exhibit
realistic finite9 values for the maximum Doppler frequencies.
Finally, Fig. 76 shows the relative PSDSs of a HAP‐SISO Rayleigh channel and a
2 2 HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh channel for a 3‐D non‐isotropic scattering environment.
available in the literature to verify the theoretical results. Thus, the need for
experimental verification data is pointed out to confirm the validity of this
reference wideband HAP‐MIMO channel model.
Space‐Doppler Power Spectrum (dB)
‐1 ‐0.5 0 0.5 1
Normalized Doppler Frequency
Figure 75: The SDPS of a HAP‐SISO and a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh channel.
The Doppler spectrum obtained from the Aulin’s 3‐D model is constant for fmax cos max v fmax , where fmax and max
are the maximum Doppler frequency and the maximum elevation angle of the scattered waves, respectively [195].
The Doppler spectrum obtained from the Clarke’s 2‐D model becomes infinite at the maximum Doppler frequency [167].
Chapter 5
Relative Power Space‐Delay Spectrum (dB)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Normalized Propagation Delay
Figure 76: The relative PSDS of a HAP‐SISO and a 2 2 HAP‐MIMO Rayleigh channel.
5.5 Simulation Models for Wideband HAP‐MIMO Channels
The reference wideband model described above assumes an infinite number of
scatterers. Although this model is practically non‐realizable, it can be used to derive
simulation models, which have similar statistical properties as the reference model
and utilize a finite (preferably small) number of scatterers. This section proposes
deterministic and statistical simulation models for wideband HAP‐MIMO channels.
pl 1 N1 N2 N3 n1 ,n2 ,n3
Tpl ,NLoS t , f
K pl 1 N1N2N3
e j
n1 1 n2 1 n3 1
Chapter 5
in (109),
n1 ,n2 ,n3
, is the random phase, d p, S n1 ,n2 ,n3
, d S n1 ,n2 ,n3
,l ,
FT,NLoS , and FR,NLoS are defined in (66), 67), (68), and (69), respectively,
Providing that a sufficient number of scatterers is used, i.e., N1N2N3 20,
2 q p T cos T
N1 N2 N3 j
Rpl T , R , t , f e cos T
K pl 1 Kqm 1 n1 1 n2 1 n3 1
n n n n
j 2 m l R sin R sinarctan HS 3 / RS 2
j 2 q p T sinT RS 2 sin aR 1
D cos T
e e
n n n
j 2 m l R cos R cos R cos aR 1 cos arctan HS 3 / RS 2
n n n
j 2 m l R sinR cos R sin aR 1 cos arctan HS 3 / RS 2
n n
RS 2 cos aR 1
RS 2
j 2f
c0 cos T c0 cos T n3 n2
j 2t FT ,NLoS FR ,NLoS c0 cos arctan HS /RS
e e . (168)
Chapter 5
approach, aR 1 can be generated using (72) and (75). Moreover, RS 2 can be
n n
generated as
RS 2 FT,R1S ,
FT ,RS RS (170)
FRS RS ,max FRS RS ,min
HS 3 FT,H1 S ,
FT ,HS HS (172)
FHS HS ,max FHS HS ,min
is defined in (63) and is defined in (77).
A statistical model is also proposed. The statistical properties of this model are
stochastic for each simulation trial and converge to the theoretical statistical
properties after averaging over a sufficient number of simulation trials for an
arbitrary finite number of scatterers, i.e., for any N1 , N2 , N3 1. Considering that
1 , 2 , and 3 are independent random variables uniformly distributed in the
Chapter 5
interval 0,1 , aR 1 is generated using (88) and (91), while RS 2 and HS 3 are
n n n
generated as
where and are defined in (92) and (93), respectively. The STFCF of the
simulation trials
,qm T , R , t , f
Ntrials ntrials 1
,qm T , R , t , f .
Rpl (175)
It is obvious that the statistical model is more complex than the deterministic
model due to the average procedure and the generation of three random variables.
Hence, the number of the scatterers and the number of simulation trials should be
carefully chosen to keep the complexity to a minimum.
5.5.1 Simulation Results
This subsection examines the performance of simulation models. The values of
the model parameters used are K pl Kqm 0 dB, nT nR 2, Δf = 200 Hz,
HT 20 km, T 60 , T 60 , R / 2, T 60 , R 30 , R 20 , k 4,
Fig. 77 compares the absolute STFCFs of the reference and simulation models.
One observes that the STFCF of the deterministic model closely matches the
reference one for N1 30, N2 20, and N3 8, while the statistical model almost
Chapter 5
Ntrials 40. From the results, the RMSE between the STFCFs of the deterministic
N1 40, N2 30, and N3 10. Hence, increasing the number of scatterers,
enhances the performance of the deterministic model. Finally, the RMSE between
the STFCFs of the statistical and the reference model is 0.019 for Ntrials 40 and
0.014 for Ntrials 60. Thus, increasing the number of trials, improves the
performance of the statistical model.
Space‐Time‐Frequency Correlation
Reference model
0.3 Deterministic model, N =30, N =20, N =8
1 2 3
Statistical model, N =10, N =8, N =3, N =40
1 2 3 trials
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Δt (s)
Figure 77: Comparison between the STFCFs of the reference and the simulation models.
5.6 Summary
In this chapter, a theoretical parametric model for wideband Ricean HAP‐MIMO
channels has been proposed to completely characterize HAP‐MIMO multipath
fading channels. In particular, the narrowband 3‐D HAP‐MIMO channel model has
been extended to the wideband channel scenario with respect to frequency
selectivity. Several parameters related to the physical properties of wideband
stratospheric communications have been considered, in order to properly and
thoroughly characterize the wideband HAP‐MIMO channels. Based on the
Chapter 5
proposed model the channel statistics have been analytically studied. Specifically,
the STFCF, the SDPS, and the PSDS have been derived, under a 3‐D non‐isotropic
scattering environment. Useful numerical results have been provided and the need
for further experimental verification data has been pointed out. Future empirical
results could be easily be compared with theoretical results, since the proposed
model is flexible and applicable to a wide range of propagation environments, i.e.,
one may choose proper values for the model parameters to fit a particular
The reference model assumes an infinite number of scatterers and proves to be
too complex. Therefore, realizable simulation models are essential to faithfully
reproduce its statistical properties. Based on the SoS principle, deterministic and
statistical simulation models for wideband HAP‐MIMO channels have been
developed. The statistical properties of these simulation models have been verified
by comparison with the corresponding statistical properties of the reference
model. The results have shown that the proposed simulation model satisfactorily
approximate the STFCF of the reference model and have nearly the same statistics
as the reference model, while keeping the complexity to a minimum.
Overall, the proposed models are applicable to a variety of propagation
environments and scenarios, and provide helpful insights and a useful framework
for analyzing, designing, optimizing, and testing emerging wideband HAP‐MIMO
mobile communications systems, under LoS and NLoS conditions, in frequencies
well below 10 GHz.
Nowadays, as the telecommunication market is driven by the increasing demand
for broadcast services and high‐speed ubiquitous Internet access, BFWA is gaining
increased popularity. Nevertheless, frequency bandwidths wide enough to carry
such services are only available at mm‐wave frequency bands. MIMO technology
may enhance BFWA networks, although signal propagation is severely affected by
rainfall in mm‐wave frequencies. Hence, Chapter 6 investigates the application of
MIMO techniques to fixed HAP‐based systems at Ka‐ and V‐ bands.
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Modeling of Line‐of‐Sight HAP‐MIMO Channels
6.1 Introduction
Apart from providing mobile communications services, HAPs can also serve as
base stations for the provision of BFWA services at the licensed Ka‐ and V‐
frequency bands. The growing exigencies for spectral efficiency and improved
channel capacity have prompted the development of advanced physical layer
theory and techniques. Hence, such theory and techniques should be applied,
evolved and/or originated in order to construct high‐performance HAP‐based fixed
communications systems. Previous studies investigated V‐MIMO techniques based
on constellations of multiple HAPs that intend to provide BFWA services at mm‐
wave frequency bands [200]‐[202]. As MIMO technology is nowadays deemed a
necessity due to its potentially high‐bandwidth efficiency, whether the size of a
single HAP can effectively exploit MIMO advantages at the licensed Ka‐ and V‐
frequency bands is an open research issue. Specifically, at these frequencies, the
propagation characteristics are drastically different compared to those observed in
frequencies well below 10 GHz, i.e., L‐ and S‐ bands. Therefore, new wireless
system design approaches at the physical layer and realistic HAP‐MIMO channel
models are required.
As shown in Chapter 3, the MIMO gain strongly depends on the channel
characteristics, which are mainly determined by the antenna configuration and the
richness of scattering at frequencies well below 10 GHz. Indeed, the MIMO
research has been initiated by the mathematical derivation of the MIMO channel
capacity assuming Rayleigh i.i.d. fading [68], [69]. However, propagation at mm‐
wave bands requires a strong, dominant LoS signal for sufficient coverage due to
the severe attenuation of the NLoS links [11], [37]. Conceptually, this corresponds
Chapter 6
to a rank‐deficient10 MIMO channel matrix and low spectral efficiency due to the
increased spatial correlation introduced by the linear relationship of the phases of
the received signals [203], [204]. Contrary to these observations, a number of
studies have suggested that the LoS response is not inherently correlated and have
shown the possibility of getting high MIMO gain for LoS channels by preserving the
orthogonality of the received signals [205]‐[208]. In detail, using specifically
designed antenna arrays, i.e., placing the antenna elements in positions, where the
LoS rays are orthogonal, a full‐rank MIMO channel may be achieved.
In this chapter, geometrical design recommendations are introduced and the
applicability of MIMO techniques to LoS‐HAP channels with propagation models for
the Ka‐ and V‐ frequency bands is investigated [88]. The parameters of interest are
the height and the elevation angle of the platform, the carrier frequency, and the
array configuration. Since rain has an important impact on the quality of the link at
mm‐wave frequencies [11], both clear sky and rain conditions should be
considered. The results show that the proposed design method overcomes the
problem of reduced capacity in LoS conditions and outperforms the conventional
rank‐one LoS architecture in terms of channel capacity. These results also show
that the optimized scheme actually performs better than MIMO schemes based on
Rayleigh i.i.d. fading. The sensitivity to possible deviation of the values of the
parameters chosen to satisfy the optimal design constraints is also investigated.
Thus, a deviation factor is introduced and an analysis of the sensitivity to non‐
optimal design with regard to channel capacity is performed.
The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. The LoS‐HAP‐MIMO system
model and the corresponding geometrical model are described in Section 6.2, while
the maximum capacity criteria are derived in Section 6.3. Section 6.4 demonstrates
the theoretical derivations by comparing the performance of different architectures,
under clear sky and rain conditions, and investigating the sensitivity of the capacity
performance. Finally, Section 6.5 summarizes this chapter.
Rank‐deficient channel matrix brings correlations between MIMO subchannels and, hence, is incapable of supporting many
multiple parallel data streams.
Chapter 6
6.2 The LoS‐HAP‐MIMO System Model
The system model employed throughout this chapter considers a SBS and a
terrestrial fixed station (TFS) utilizing ULAs with nT transmit and nR receive antenna
elements, respectively. All antennas are fixed, highly directional11 and are numbered
as 1 p q nT and 1 l m nR , respectively. Considering slowly varying and
frequency‐flat fading channels over the band of interest, the link between the SBS
and TFS antenna arrays is represented using the complex baseband vector notation
where s nT 1 is the transmitted signal vector, r nR 1 is the received signal
n nR 1 is the noise vector, which denotes the AWGN at the receiver branches.
Moreover, G is the common power gain over the channel and is given by
where GT and GR are the transmit and receive antenna gains, respectively, LF is
the FSL, and Lr is the rain attenuation. Finally, the entries of the noise vector are
i.i.d. complex Gaussian random variables with zero mean and variance N0 , where
N0 is the noise PSD. It is assumed that all the subchannels experience the same path
loss due to the significant distance between SBS and TFS. This common path loss is
incorporated in the G factor.
As the propagation environment is related to BFWA in mm‐wave frequencies, the
multipath propagation due to local scatterers in the vicivity of TFS in neglected and
H corresponds to a pure LoS channel, under clear sky conditions. However, rain
introduces not only severe attenuation but also a short‐term variation to the
Since it is more difficult to generate power at the susceptible to propagation impairments Ka/V bands than at the lower L/S
bands, omni‐directional antennas are essentially not applicable. Thus, it is easier to realize highly directive antennas, which
can increase the fade margin by adding more gain, and improve the link availability.
Chapter 6
received signal. In [209], a wideband 200 MHz measurement campaign was
conducted in a campus environment for short terrestrial 38‐GHz BFWA links, where
LoS conditions, fixed reception, high antenna directivity, and vertical polarization
were maintained. An important conclusion that is drawn from this experiment was
that multipath was observed even in unobstructed LoS links during rain but not
observed during clear sky conditions. Hence, the MIMO channel matrix H is given by
Kr 1
H HLoS r
HNLoS , (178)
Kr 1 Kr 1
factor, which directly refers to the rainy conditions, i.e., it incorporates the channel
dynamics as a result of radiowave propagation through the rainfall medium. Note
that the channel matrix H is normalized, which means that its elements have an
average power of one. This normalization corresponds to a system with perfect
power control [210] and makes the SNR independent of H. Considering free‐space
propagation, the normalized matrix HLoS is given by
e j 2 d 1,1 / e
j 2 d 1,2 /
j 2 d 1,nT /
e j 2 d 2,1 /
, (179)
j 2 d nR ,1/ j 2 d nR ,nT /
e e
j 2 d i , j /
where hij ,LoS e is the complex response between the i th receive and the
j th transmit antenna element, d i , j is the distance between these two elements,
Chapter 6
distances between the SBS and TFS antenna elements. These distances can be
estimated by applying ray‐tracing12 techniques to the geometrical model in Fig. 75.
The scattering introduced by rain can be modeled as a stochastic process [88], [208].
Therefore, the entries of HNLoS are modeled as i.i.d. random variables (Rayleigh
fading). Finally, the Ricean factor K r is given by [209]
This empirical relationship between the Ricean factor K r (in dB) and the rainfall
rate Rr (in mm/h) is elevation‐, frequency‐, polarization‐, climate‐, and site‐specific.
Although an analytical prediction model for the CDF of the Rician factor can
incorporate the mathematically intractable physical input of rain fading into the
Rician channel model (see [211]) on a global scale, this chapter adopts the simplified
expression in (180) to make the analysis traceable and the design less complex.
6.2.1 A Geometrical Model for LoS‐HAP‐MIMO Channels
The geometrical characteristics of the proposed model for a 2 2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO
channel with nT nR 2 antenna elements and the definition of the Cartesian
that connects the sub‐platform point p and the SBS antenna element p. The
the height of SBS, the height of TFS, and the effective rain height, respectively.
Ray‐tracing is based on finding the path length from each of the SBS antennas to each of the TFS antennas, and employing
these path lengths to find the corresponding received phases.
Chapter 6
z q
HT Hr m
T l
q HR
p T l R x
Figure 78: A geometrical model for a 2 2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO channel.
6.3 Capacity Optimization Techniques
Using (179), the correlation matrix of the LoS component is equal to
j 2 d 1, j d nR , j /
nT e
j 1
HLoSHLoS . (181)
nt j2 d nR , j d 1, j /
e nT
j 1
Moreover, using the definition of HAP‐MIMO channel capacity in (47) and
considering clear sky conditions, the minimum capacity is obtained for
HLoS HLoS nT 1nR , (182)
(entirely correlated) and the capacity is equal to that of a SIMO channel [212], i.e.,
no multiplexing gain is obtained
Chapter 6
On the contrary, the maximum capacity is obtained for
HLoS HLoS nT InR , (184)
where InR is an nR nR identity matrix. Then, HLoS is full‐rank and the MIMO
subchannels are perfectly orthogonal. In addition, the capacity is equivalent to that
of nR independent SISO channels as follows
Then, the maximum capacity criterion is simplified as follows
2 ALoS
* 2I2 , (187)
ALoS 2
j 2 d l ,p d m ,p / j 2 d l ,q d m ,q /
ALoS e e . (188)
The solution to (188) can be written as [182]
2 d l , p d m, p d l , q d m , q / = 2v 1
d l , p d m, p d l , q d m, q = 2v 1 / 2, (189)
where v and represents a set of integers. As shown in Appendix B, from
(189) one can easily derive the simplified 2 2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO maximum capacity
criterion in pure LoS as a function of T , R , T , R , T , HT , and as follows
Chapter 6
T R 2v 1 , T ,T ,R 0. (190)
2sin T sinT sinR
of maximizing the channel capacity and leads to a versatile system design, i.e.,
maximum capacity can be achieved using small array sizes at one end of the link and
large array sizes at the other end. This product is referred to as the antenna
elements spacing product (AESP). The criterion in (190) for a 2 2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO
channel can be extended to the case of a nR nT LoS‐HAP‐MIMO channel with an
arbitrary number of antenna elements. As shown in Appendix B, the nR nT LoS‐
HAP‐MIMO design criterion to achieve maximum channel capacity can be expressed
as follows
1 HT
T R v , T ,T ,R 0. (191)
T sin T sinT sin R
From (191), one observes that the required AESP reduces with increasing nT .
Hence, high space efficiency at the SBS is obtained, i.e., smaller spacing per element
at the SBS antenna array can be adjusted and a large number of elements can be
accommodated. This enables the utilization of multiple antenna elements at the SBS
without the problems of mutual coupling [213] and correlation [97], [98], while the
performance does not depend on the existence of a rich scattering environment as
in the case of the traditional MIMO. In addition, although a strong LoS signal is
considered, the capacity linearly increases with increasing nT .
6.3.1 Practical Considerations
From (190) and (191), one observes that considerable antenna spacing is needed
to introduce phase differences among antennas when operating MIMO system in
LoS environment. Hence, the solution corresponding to the smallest AESP is
Chapter 6
probably the most interesting from a practical and realistic design point of view,
because it requires the shortest antenna arrays. Equations (190) and (191) imply
that the minimum AESP is obtained for broadside antenna array orientation, i.e.,
and considering signal transmission at 28 GHz and 48 GHz, the required AESP is
equal to approximately 124 and 72, respectively. This suggests that applying LoS‐
HAP‐MIMO techniques to a single HAP (aircraft or airship) and a typical TFS, i.e.,
installing multiple antenna elements at the roof of a building, is viable. In addition,
the significantly small distance between the antenna elements ensures identical
atmospheric impairments for all the signals propagating to the same TFS array, i.e.,
the propagation is realized through the same rainfall medium for all the antenna
elements at the TFS. However, as T and R decrease, the required AESP increases,
e.g., the AESP redoubles, when T R 45. In the worst case, in which
T ,R 0 , very large non‐practical antenna spacing at the TFS and/or
utilization of multiple HAPs may be required. Note that using very large antenna
spacing at the SBS/TFS introduces propagation delay offsets, which may lead to
synchronization problems. These problems do not occur in conventional terrestrial
MIMO systems, where the multiple transmitted signals are simultaneously received
[214] and the inter‐element distances are usually equal to a half wavelength.
6.4 Numerical Results
Chapter 6
section, capacity optimized LoS‐HAP‐MIMO techniques are feasible in a single HAP,
if the TFS antenna inter‐element spacing is carefully arranged. Using (190) and
is approximately 63.4 and 108.8 for the 48 and the 28 GHz frequency band,
respectively. Thus, assuming that the TFS could be a subscriber unit (SU) in an
outdoor position and considering that SBS antenna inter‐element spacing is fixed
and equal to T 30 m, the TFS antenna inter‐element spacing is set R 2.11 m,
Fig. 79 examines the effect of the array design on the ergodic capacity, under
clear sky conditions, i.e., Rr 0. In order to remove the effects of the average SNR
on the channel capacity, the channel response is normalized so that the constraint
in (55) is fulfilled. Specifically, the full‐rank and rank‐one 2 2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO
capacity, as well as the LoS‐HAP‐SISO capacity are plotted against SNR, in order to
compare the performance of different architectures. Moreover, the 2 2 MIMO
Rayleigh i.i.d. capacity (evaluated after a large number of channel realizations)
against SNR is plotted, for reference. Note that there is a substantial gain of the full‐
rank 2 2 LoS‐MIMO architecture over the rank‐one 2 2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO and LoS‐
HAP‐SISO architectures and the capacity dramatically increases up to 8.5 and 9.5
bps/Hz, respectively. Hence, the rank‐one scenario validates the common belief that
a strong LoS signal results in poor capacity gain. One observes that the optimized
2 2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO design can offer better performance than the Rayleigh i.i.d.
2 2 MIMO system and the capacity increases up to 1.4 bps/Hz. Hence, using
multiple elements at both SBS and TFS, under LoS conditions and design constraints,
can effectively boost channel capacity.
Fig. 80 shows the CCDF of the channel capacity for full‐rank and rank‐one LoS‐
HAP‐MIMO architectures under the effect of rain, i.e., Rr 0, using the
propagation model described in Chapter 2 and the 28 GHz frequency band.
According to (178) and (180) the channel becomes Ricean for rain rates greater
than zero. In addition, the SNR depend on the rain rate. A set of realistic parameter
Chapter 6
values are chosen to produce the results. Most of these values are found in [215]
and are reproduced for convenience in Table 12 together with all the parameters
employed. Considering horizontally polarized waves, the 30 GHz frequency band
corresponds to ar 0.187 and br 1.021 [82] (see Chapter 2). Then, using (7) and
(180), and assuming that Rr takes values 12, 28 and 42 mm/h and the rain height is
dB, and 16.4, 15.8, and 15.2 dB, respectively. Using (1)‐(3), (177) the corresponding
SNR values are 25.9, 14.6, and 4.5 dB, respectively. Note that increasing rain rate
r r
decreases the SNR and increases the influence of HNLoS . Since HNLoS is full‐rank,
increasing rain rate, degrades the capacity gain of full‐rank 2 2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO
architecture over rank‐one 2 2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO architecture. Specifically, one
observes that for over 50% of the channels, the capacity is greater than 16.7 and
12.7 bits/Hz for the full‐rank and rank‐one LoS‐HAP‐MIMO systems, respectively,
for 12 mm/h rain rate, greater than 9.3 and 6.5 bits/Hz, respectively, for 28 mm/h
rain rate, and greater than 3.6 and 2.8 bits/Hz, respectively, for 42 mm/h rain rate.
Full‐rank 2x2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO
Rank‐one 2x2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO
Ergodic Capacity (bps/Hz)
Rayleigh i.i.d. 2x2 MIMO
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
SNR (dB)
Figure 79: Comparison of the channel ergodic capacities obtained using the full‐rank and
rank‐one 2 2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO, the LoS‐HAP‐SISO, and the Rayleigh i.i.d. 2 2 MIMO
architectures, under clear sky conditions.
Chapter 6
Probability (capacity > abscissa)
R =42 mm/h R =12 mm/h
r r
R =28 mm/h
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Capacity (bits/Hz)
Figure 80: The complementary cumulative distribution function of the channel capacity
achieved with the full‐rank and rank‐one 2 2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO architectures for different
rain rates.
Frequency f 28 GHz 48 GHz
Bandwidth B 20 MHz
HAP transmit power PT ‐15 dBW
HAP antenna gain GT 34 dBi
SU antenna gain GR 34 dBi
Noise Temperature Te 500 K
Noise PSD N0 ‐201.6 dBW/Hz
Noise power PN ‐128.6 dBW
Fig. 81 shows the ergodic capacity against rain rate obtained using the optimized
full‐rank 2 2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO architecture and compares the 28 GHz and the 48
Chapter 6
GHz frequency bands. According to [82] and considering horizontally polarized
waves, the 50 GHz frequency band corresponds to ar 0.537 and br 0.873. One
observes that the 48 GHz frequency band is more susceptible to rain attenuation,
and as the rain rate increases from 0 mm/h (clear sky) to 80 mm/h, the ergodic
capacity sharply degrades compared to the ergodic capacity achieved at the 28 GHz
frequency band.
28 GHz
48 GHz
Ergodic capacity (bps/Hz)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
R (mm/h)
Figure 81: The ergodic capacity obtained using the full‐rank 2 2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO
architecture as a function of the rain rate for different carrier frequency.
6.4.1 Sensitivity Study
The maximum capacity criterion corresponds to very specific array geometries
fixed at optimal locations. In this section, the sensitivity of the optimized LoS‐HAP‐
MIMO systems to deviations from the optimal AESP value in (191) is studied. For
this purpose, the deviation factor is introduced, which is defined as the ratio
between the actual AESP and the optimal AESP
Chapter 6
From (192), one observes that if the deviation factor is smaller than one, the actual
AESP is too small compared to the optimal value, while a deviation factor larger
than unity indicates that the actual AESP is too large. Indeed, the optimal AESP may
be too large for practical systems. To examine this sensitivity to non‐optimal
design, the capacity is now evaluated in terms of the variation of the deviation
factor defined in (192) for SNR 20 dB. From Fig. 82, a large sensitivity (in terms of
capacity) to the deviation factor is observed. In detail, the channel capacity is seen
to vary between the minimum (7.65 bps/Hz) and the maximum (13.32 bps/Hz)
values. This sensitivity needs to be taken into account in the design and fixing of
LoS‐HAP‐MIMO communications systems.
Normalized Capacity (bps/Hz)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Deviation factor
Figure 82: The normalized capacity obtained using the full‐rank 2 2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO
architecture as a function of the deviation factor.
difficult to be determined with sufficient accuracy. Moreover, there is usually a
need for high capacity over an area, rather than to a fixed point, while the
stratospheric winds may vary the position of the platform. Hence, a compromise
may be required, under more realistic deployment and propagation conditions or
Chapter 6
imperfectly positioned arrays. The sensitivity of the performance to the orientation
and positioning of the arrays is discussed and evaluated in the following figures.
Fig. 83 demonstrates the channel capacity for different orientation of the SBS
antenna array. The capacity is evaluated for SNR 20 dB, T R 90 and
0 T 90. According to Fig. 83, decreasing T from 90 to 45 has an
insignificant effect on the capacity, while a further decrease in T drastically
decreases the capacity. Hence, the results show a large sensitivity (in terms of
capacity) to the orientation of the arrays. From (190) and (191), it is clear that the
Finally, Fig. 84 examines the sensitivity of the performance to SBS (or TFS) array
shifting from the optimal point and demonstrates the influence of up to 20 km
shifting along either x‐ or y‐axis on the channel capacity for SNR 20 dB. One
observes that the capacity is relatively insensitive to shifting along x‐ or y ‐axis. In
particular, for a maximum shifting of 20 km, the capacity is only 3.3% and 2.2%
lower than the maximum capacity, respectively.
Normalized Capacity (bps/Hz)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
θ (degrees)
Figure 83: The normalized capacity obtained using the full‐rank 2 2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO
architecture for different orientation of the SBS antenna array.
Chapter 6
Normalized Capacity (bps/Hz)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Antenna array shifting (m) 4
x 10
Figure 84: The normalized capacity obtained using the full‐rank 2 2 LoS‐HAP‐MIMO
architecture as a function of the antenna array shifting from the optimal point.
6.5 Summary
Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Conclusions and Future Research Directions
7.1 Conclusions
The aim of this research was to quantify the benefit (if any) of applying MIMO
technology to HAP‐based communications systems. Since it is the channel which
principally dictates any benefit, the primary focus of this thesis was to discover the
nature of the HAP‐MIMO radio propagation channel and develop accurate and
reliable channel models that can be widely used by the research community. At the
beginning of this research, a literature survey suggested that no channel model or
measurement data were in existence for the HAP‐MIMO channel. Furthermore,
whether the size of a single HAP can effectively support multiple antennas was
uncertain. Motivated by these facts, this section concludes this thesis.
In Chapter 3, the problem of modeling the narrowband HAP‐MIMO channels has
been addressed. A 3‐D cylinder geometrical propagation model for narrowband
HAP‐MIMO communications has been proposed. Based on this geometrical model,
a 3‐D parametric reference model for narrowband HAP‐MIMO Ricean fading
channels has been developed. From this reference model, the STCF for a 3‐D non‐
isotropic scattering environment has been mathematically derived. Then, the effect
of the system parameters on the spatial and temporal correlation and the capacity
of ULAs has been thoroughly studied. The numerical results have suggested that
MIMO techniques are applicable on a single HAP, as long as the Ricean factor is
sufficiently small.
To validate the accuracy of the aforementioned theoretical model, 3‐D SoS‐
based deterministic and statistical simulation models have been developed in
Chapter 4. The statistical properties of the simulation models have been derived
Chapter 7
and verified by simulation. The simulation results have shown that the proposed
simulation models are a good approximation of the reference model. Specifically,
the close agreement between the theoretical‐based and simulation‐based channel
statistics have confirmed the utility of the proposed simulation models and the
method used to estimate the model parameters. These results have also evaluated
the performance vs. complexity trade‐offs between the statistical and deterministic
simulation models. In most applications, software‐based simulation is performed
on a workstation or a personal computer (PC). Nevertheless, the feasibility of
porting these simulation models into hardware by using digital signal processors
(DSPs) is also of interest. In particular, hardware channel simulations can
significantly increase the usefulness of the simulation models by enabling
simulations in real‐time.
Chapter 7
Finally, the possibility of applying the MIMO technology to fixed broadband
HAP‐based communications systems operating at mm‐wave frequencies has been
explored. Although most research on MIMO technology has focused on the
potential gain arising due to rich scattering environments, Chapter 6 has suggested
that specifically designed antenna arrays provide a superior solution to the
problem of reduced MIMO performance in LoS. In particular, maximum capacity
can be reached when the relation between the antenna elements separation at
both ends, the transmission distance, the wavelength, the array orientation, and
the elevation angle of the platform fulfill a certain criterion. The results have
demonstrated the potential channel capacity gain of the proposed optimized
architecture. These results have also studied the influence of the rainfall and the
deviation from the optimal relation (e.g. due to array length constraints) on the
channel capacity performance.
7.2 Future Research Directions
With their unique characteristics, HAPs seem to represent an efficacious
alternative infrastructure, which can revolutionize the telecommunication industry.
Since MIMO architecture is the key technology, which will make 4G visions a
reality, it is envisaged that HAP‐MIMO systems will be potentially capable of
providing and delivering a compelling range of current and next generation
mobile/fixed services. Hence, HAP‐MIMO research will gain much interest from
academia, research centers, and industry worldwide. Although this work
constitutes a robust basis for HAP‐MIMO channel modeling, it could be further
improved or extended into different areas. In this section, some topics that could
be interesting to investigate in the future are briefly reviewed.
Chapter 7
emulated by using a helicopter, a small plane or a balloon containing two or more
antennas sufficiently separated. However, access to a real HAP would be even
more ideal. Therefore, future research efforts may be devoted to collecting
measured channel data and developing empirical models.
2nd order statistics: The first‐order statistics of the channel impulse response are
not sufficient to assess system characteristics such as handover, velocities of the
transmitter and receiver, and fading rate. To assess the aforementioned system
characteristics, accurate characterization of the second‐order statistics, such as the
envelope level crossing rate (LCR) and the average fade duration (AFD), is
necessary. Specifically, the envelope LCR is an important statistical quantity
revealing information about how fast the received signal changes with time. It is
basically a measure to describe the average number of times the signal envelope
crosses a certain threshold level from up to down (or from down to up) per second.
Moreover, the envelope AFD is defined as the expected value of the time intervals
over which the fading signal envelope remains below a certain threshold level.
Based on [188], [216] and using the proposed 3‐D reference model for narrowband
HAP‐MIMO channels, the corresponding analytical expressions for the envelope
LCR and AFD can be derived for a 3‐D non‐isotropic scattering environment.
Other types of antenna arrays: The analysis in this thesis is restricted to HAP‐
MIMO systems employing ULAs at both sides of the communication link. However,
the proposed channel models can be modified to employ other antenna array
geometries, such as uniform planar arrays (UPAs), uniform circular arrays (UCAs),
and spherical antenna arrays (SAAs), or a combination of them.
Chapter 7
Mobile scatterers: The proposed HAP‐MIMO channel models assume that all
scattering objects are stationary. However, this assumption does not hold in some
cases. Therefore, these models can be extended to include non‐stationary
scattering objects, such as vehicles and people.
Mobile applications at mm‐wave bands: Although signal transmissions at mm‐
wave frequencies are usually associated with fixed broadband services, currently
there is a clear trend to extend the applicability of these services to mobile
scenarios in order to benefit from existing air interfaces and accelerate the
development of new applications, such as the provision of high‐speed Internet
access, audio and video on demand and file transfer to vehicles, airplanes, trains
and ships [217]. However, modeling the entire possible propagation effects
associated with the licensed Ka and V frequency bands is an essential precondition.
The propagation effects are usually classified into two main categories, the local
environment propagation effects, e.g., multipath, shadowing, and blockage, and
the tropospheric effects, e.g., rainfall, oxygen absorption, water vapor, clouds, and
precipitation. The local environment propagation effects, which are also
encountered at lower frequency bands, i.e., L and S, exist due to the local
environment in the vicinity of the TMS. The atmospheric effects introduce severe
attenuation to the transmitted signal in frequencies well above 10 GHz [11].
This thesis has independently treated the local environment propagation effects
and the tropospheric effects depending on the operation frequency. Hence, their
possible correlation has not been yet investigated. However, an accurate and
realistic HAP‐MIMO channel modeling of broadband mobile communications
systems operating at mm‐wave frequencies should treat these effects together.
Under such conditions, it could be interesting to theoretically and experimentally
investigate the relation between the multipath introduced by the local scatterers
and the rainfall effects. The interested reader is referred to [218] for a first
theoretical approach to this open research problem, where a novel statistical
analysis for SISO mobile satellite systems is presented.
Appendix A
Appendix A
Derivations of Equations (17)‐(19)
1. Derivation of Equation (17)
and pOO
From Fig. 18, applying the cosine law to the triangles plO , we obtain
d 2 p , l
From (193) and (194), considering that aLoS and using the approximate relation
1 x 1 x / 2 for small x , we obtain
d p , l d p ,O nR 1 2l R cosR ,
d p , O D nT 1 2p T cosT . (196)
Using (196), (195) becomes
d p , l D nT 1 2p T cosT nR 1 2l R cosR .
Finally, from Fig. 17, since HT HR , we finally obtain that
2. Derivation of Equation (18)
Appendix A
d O , S
. (199)
sin aT n sin a sin a a
n n n
Since RS ,max D , aT is a small angle (see Chapter 3). Then, the approximate
d O , S
. (200)
aT n sin aR
sin aR
From (200), we obtain
d O , S D , (201)
n , we also obtain
From Fig. 20, applying the cosine law to the triangle OpS
d 2 p , S
d 2 O , S 0.5 nT 1 2p T
n 2
d p , S D 0.5 nT 1 2p T cos T aT .
n n
Using (202), (204) can be written as follows
d p , S
D 0.5 nT 1 2p T cosT
0.5 nT 1 2p T sinT sin aR RS / D.
n n
Appendix A
Finally, from Fig. 19, since D RS ,max , i.e., D RS ,max D RS ,max D , and
HT HS ,max , we finally obtain that
d p, S d p , S / cos T . (206)
n n
3. Derivation of Equation (19)
From Fig. 19, the distance d S , l can be written as
d2 S , l
d 2 S , l d OR , S sin S d OR , l sin R
n n n
d S , l
2 n
d 2 S , l
d 2 OR , S cos2 S d 2 OR , l cos2 R
n n
2d OR , S cos S d OR , l cos R cos aR R .
n n n
Using (208), (207) becomes
d2 S ,l
d 2 OR , S d 2 OR , l 2d OR , S sin S d OR , l sin R
n n n
2d OR , S cos S d OR , l cos R cos aR R .
n n n
Appendix A
d S , l
n n n
d OR , S d OR , l sin R sin S cos R cos S cos aR R .
d S ,l
d OR , S d OR , l sin R sin S d OR , l cos S cos R cos aR R
n n n n
d S , l
RS / cos S 0.5 nR 1 2l R sin R sin S
n n n
n n
0.5 nR 1 2l R cosR cos R cos aR cos S
Appendix B
Appendix B
Derivation of Equations (190) and (191)
1. Derivation of Equation (190)
From Fig. 75, considering that HT HR , the Euclidean distances (path lengths)
between each pair of elements are given as follows
Equations (212)‐(214) can be simplified using the following first‐order Taylor
series approximation
1/2 C2 C2
2 2
A B 1 A B . (215)
2 A B
This approximation is valid for A B C 2 , which is a reasonable assumption for
the targeted application, providing that r T , R . Using (215), (212)‐(214) are
approximated as follows
d m, p r R cosR
R sinR
, (216)
2 r R cosR
d l , q r T cosT
T sinT 2 , (217)
2 r T cosT
d m, q r T cosT R cosR
T sinT R sinR 2 . (218)
2 r T cosT R cosR
Appendix B
equal to 2r , without any loss of accuracy, i.e., the error introduced by these
approximations is minor for all practical systems. For instance, in a system with
r 23 km, T 30 m, and R 5 m, the maximum error, i.e., the maximum
d m, p r R cosR
R sinR
, (219)
d l , q r T cosT
T sinT 2 ,
sinT R sinR .
d m, q r T cosT R cosR T
Finally, using (211) and (219)‐(221), (189) becomes
T R sinT sinR
2v 1 / 2
T R 2v 1 , T ,T ,R 0 , (222)
2sin T sinT sin R
2. Derivation of Equation (191)
The simplified maximum capacity criterion can be extended to the case of a
nR nT LoS‐HAP‐MIMO channel. It is trivial to show that (184) can be written as
j 2 d a , j d b , j /
e , a, b 1,2,..., nR . (223)
j 1
Since ULAs are used at both ends of the communication link, the phase difference
Appendix B
constant for all j 1,2,..., nT 1. Hence, the solution to (223) for j p and
j 1 q can be written as [206]
2 d a , p d b, p / 2 d a , q d b, q / 2v . (224)
Since the array elements at both ends are uniformly distributed and r T , R
the following approximation d a , j d b, j a b d l , j d m, j can be
used. Thus, (224) can be simplified to
2 d l , p d m, p d l , q d m, q / 2v (225)
and the maximum capacity criterion can be expressed as
d l , p d m , p d l , q d m , q = v . (226)
can be written as
1 HT
T R v , T ,T ,R 0 , (227)
nT sin T sinT sinR
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Σύντομο Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα
Σύντομο Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα
Ο Εμμανουήλ Θ. Μιχαηλίδης γεννήθηκε στην Αθήνα τον Ιούλιο του 1980. Είναι
πτυχιούχος Ηλεκτρονικός Μηχανικός Τεχνολογικής Εκπαίδευσης (TE) από το τμήμα
Ηλεκτρονικής του Τεχνολογικού Εκπαιδευτικού Ιδρύματος (ΤΕΙ) Πειραιώς από τον
Ιούνιο του 2004. Έλαβε το Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης (ΜΔΕ) στο
αντικείμενο των Ψηφιακών Επικοινωνιών και Δικτύων από το τμήμα Ψηφιακών
Συστημάτων του Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιώς το Σεπτέμβριο του 2006.
Από το Σεπτέμβρη του 2006 είναι μέλος του Εργαστηρίου Τηλεπικοινωνιακών
Συστημάτων (ΕΤΣ) του τμήματος Ψηφιακών Συστημάτων του Πανεπιστημίου
Πειραιώς. Από τον Ιούλιο του 2006 έως το Δεκέμβριο του 2007 συμμετείχε ενεργά
στο χρηματοδοτούμενο από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα
αριστείας “European Information Society Technologies (IST) Antenna Centre of
Excellence (ACE)”. Από το 2009 συμμετέχει στην ευρωπαϊκή ερευνητική δράση
COST IC0802 με τίτλο “Propagation Tools and Data for Integrated
Telecommunication, Navigation and Earth Observation Systems”. Παράλληλα με
την ερευνητική του δραστηριότητα είναι εργαστηριακός συνεργάτης στο Τμήμα
Ηλεκτρονικής του ΤΕΙ Πειραιώς από τον Οκτώβριο του 2007 και έχει συμμετάσχει
ως εισηγητής πληροφορικής σε διάφορα προγράμματα επαγγελματικής
κατάρτισης από το Μάρτιο του 2007.
Ο κ. Μιχαηλίδης βραβεύτηκε με τη διάκριση καλύτερης εργασίας (Best Paper
Award) στο διεθνές συνέδριο “International Conference on Advances in Satellite
and Space Communications (SPACOMM) 2010” και είναι μέλος του Ινστιτούτου
Ηλεκτρολόγων και Ηλεκτρονικών Μηχανικών (IEEE).
Emmanouel T. Michailidis was born in Athens, Greece, in July 1980. He received
the B.Sc. degree in Electronics Engineering in June 2004 from the Technological
Educational Institute of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece, and the M.Sc. degree in Digital
Communications and Networks in September 2006 from the University of Piraeus.
Since September 2006, he has been a Graduate Research Engineer with the
Telecommunications Systems Laboratory (TSL), Department of Digital Systems,
University of Piraeus. From July 2006 to December 2007, he was with the European
Information Society Technologies (IST)‐funded research project Antenna Centre of
Excellence (ACE). Since 2009, he has participated in the COST IC0802 action entitled
“Propagation Tools and Data for Integrated Telecommunication, Navigation, and
Earth Observation Systems”. Since 2007, he has been a Laboratory Assistant with
the Department of Electronics, Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus and
he has also been an informatics trainer in vocational training institutes.
His current research interests include the development of new digital
techniques for wireless, satellite, and stratospheric communications systems, and
the radio channel characterization, modeling, and simulation for future wireless
communications systems.
Mr. Michailidis received the Best Paper Award at the “International Conference
on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications (SPACOMM) 2010” and he is a
member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).