Destruction of Nuclear Bombs Using Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Beam
Destruction of Nuclear Bombs Using Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Beam
Destruction of Nuclear Bombs Using Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Beam
e-mail:[email protected], Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Hawaii at
Manoa, HI, USA
e-mail:[email protected], Radiation Science Center of KEK, Tsukuba-shi, Japan
e-mail:[email protected], Radiation Science Center of KEK, Tsukuba-shi, Japan
1 Introduction
Twentieth century physicists produced one of the most powerful weapons on earth [1]
and they were used twice as an actual weapon with “Results Excellent.”1 The number of
countries which possess or will possess nuclear weapons could increase in spite of the existence
of Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). There is no guarantee that
these countries which already possess nuclear weapons always behave humanistically. Arms
control negotiations may stabilize the world temporarily but, again, there is no guarantee
that the long lasting peace on earth will come true in the future. We discuss in this article a
rather futuristic but not necessarily impossible technology which will expose the possessors
of nuclear weapons in an extreme danger in some cases.
Our basic idea is to use an extremely high energy neutrino beam which penetrates the
earth and interacts just a few meters away from a potentially concealed nuclear weapon. The
appropriate energy turns out to be about 1000 TeV. This is the energy where the neutrino
mean free path becomes approximately equal to the diameter of the earth. The neutrino
beam produces a hadron shower and the shower hits the plutonium or the uranium in the
bomb and causes fission reactions. These reactions will heat up the bomb and either melt it
down or ignite the nuclear reactions if the explosives already surround the plutonium. We
will calculate the intensity of the neutrino beam required and the duration of time which
the whole process will take place for a given intensity.
We emphasize that the whole technology is futuristic and the reason should be clear to
all the accelerator experts. Actually, even the simplest prototype of our proposal, i.e. the
neutrino factory of GeV range needs substantial R & D work. We also note that a 1000 TeV
machine requires the accelerator circumference of the order of 1000 km with the magnets
of ≃ 10 Tesla which is totally ridiculous. Only if we can invent a magnet which can reach
almost one order of magnitude higher field than the currently available magnet, the proposal
can approach the reality. Even if it becomes the reality, the cost of the construction is of
the order of or more than 100 billion US$. Also we note that the power required for the
operation of the machine may exceed 50 GW taking the efficiency into account. This is above
the total power of Great Britain. This implies that no single country will be able to afford
the construction of this machine and also the operation time must be strictly restricted. We
believe the only way this machine may be built is when all the countries on earth agree to
do it by creating an organization which may be called the “World Government” for which
this device becomes the means of enforcement.
Section 2 gives a rough estimation and section 3 deals with a computer simulation using
A coded message sent to President Harry S. Truman from Richard Nelson, the youngest crewman of
Enola Gay, who died February 7, 2003 of complication of emphysema (New York Times, February 7, 2003).
a Monte-Carlo generator MCNPX [2]. Section 4 gives a conclusion with various comments.
In addition, we give the calculation of the mean free path of neutrino inside the earth in
appendix A. In appendix B, we also describe a possible accelerator scheme.
2 Rough estimation
The neutrino beam is already hazardous at the energy of several TeV as have been
analyzed by B. J. King [3] and N. V. Mokhov and A. Van Ginneken [4] in connection with
the study of the muon colliders. If one constructs a race track shaped muon storage ring
as shown in fig. 1, most of the muons decay into the two opposite directions of the straight
sections. These two directions are the most hazardous directions (“hot spots”) but the
circular parts also emit the neutrinos which may also be hazardous in the vicinity of the
storage ring.
neutrino radiation “hot spot”
straight section
Figure 1: Neutrino radiation from a race track shaped muon storage ring. The decay of
muons will produce the neutrino radiation emanating out tangentially everywhere from the
ring. In particular, the straight sections in the ring will cause radiation “hot spots” where
all of the decays line up into a pencil beam.
Here we would like to consider a situation where one of the straight lines is directed
toward the nuclear bomb which is located somewhere on the opposite side of the earth
(fig. 2). We must choose the energy of the neutrino beam in such a way that the mean
free path of the neutrino is compatible to the diameter of the earth. Fig. 3 shows the mean
free path of (anti-)neutrino vs. its energy calculated assuming that the deep inelastic cross
section dominates in the relevant energy region2 . From fig. 3 we conclude that the energy of
See appendix A for the detailed calculations of the mean free paths shown in fig. 3.
nuclear bomb
muon storage ring
neutrino beam
the neutrino beam must be about 1000 TeV to have approximately single interaction before
the neutrino beam hits the bomb. The size of the beam at the point of the bomb is given by
where mµ and c stand for the muon mass and the speed of light, and d is the distance from
the muon storage ring to the position of the bomb which we take to be the diameter of
the earth (≃ 107 m). The beam spread due to the transverse momentum of the beam is
negligible at this energy if the current value of the ionization cooling of Pt = 1 (MeV) is
adopted. The range of the neutrino is 107 meters and the effective neutrino interaction is
restricted within a few meters away from the bomb because of the interaction range of the
hadrons. Therefore, the probability of getting an effective reaction from the beam is 1/107 .
As a result, the energy deposit from the beam for the unit area (m2 ) is given by
where I stands for the neutrino beam intensity. For example, we get
This is equivalent to about 1 SV /sec. We note that this value of the radiation dose is very
large, compared with the U.S. Federal off-site limit of 1 mSV /year.3
The above estimation can be summarized in the following formula:
Rh mµ c2
Edep = Eν · ·I · d (eV/sec · m2 ) , (3)
Rν Eν
The unit SV corresponds, in alternative units, to 100 rem.
mean free path of νµ
10 −1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10
Energy of (anti−)neutrino [TeV]
Figure 3: Mean free path of (anti-)neutrino vs. its energy. This is calculated under the
assumption that in this energy region the deep inelastic cross sections dominate. For the
detail of the calculation, see Appendix A.
where Rh and Rν stand for the average hadron and the neutrino mean free paths. Rν is
proportional to Eν−1 below 1000 TeV corresponding to σνtot (cm2 ) ∼ 10−38 Eν (GeV) which
leads to
Edep ∼ Eν4 .
Edep drops sharply to 0.1 Joule/s for 100 TeV neutrino energy. It is, therefore, rather crucial
to keep the energy as high as 1000 TeV.
To proceed further we need to know a little about the structure of the nuclear bomb.
Since no official information is available to us, we rely on popular books [5, 6] and unclassified
papers [7] on the subject. As a possible model for the bomb we consider a 10 kg ball of
239 238
Pu which has the critical mass of 15 kg, surrounded by the U tamper, the reflector
and the explosive material (fig. 4). We also consider a system without explosive material
surrounding the plutonium ball since we have no way to know how these bombs are stored. A
crucial parameter in the former case is the number of fissions in the system which provides
the temperature rise enough to ignite the surrounding explosives. If we assume that the
explosive has the ignition temperature of 300 ◦ C (TNT (TriNitroToluene) has its ignition
temperature 210 ◦ C), the number of fissions, Nfission , required turns out to be about 1016 per
10 kg of plutonium [7]. One order of magnitude larger value 1017 should be enough to melt
down the system in the latter case.
explosive A reflector
uranium tamper
plutonium core
trigger device
explosive B
Figure 4: A model for the plutonium bomb of implosion type [6]. The whole profile of the
bomb is in the shape of a spherical body.
Let us estimate how much time it takes for this process to happen when the energy
deposit from the neutrino beam is given by eq. (1). Since the tamper U can also be
regarded as the source of the fission when the neutron energy is as high as 10 MeV, which
is the typical energy, ǫsp , of the spallation neutrons, we take the area exposed to the hadron
shower to be 0.1 (m2 ). In this case the total energy deposit in the bomb fission system is
Edep = 0.1 × 108 I = 1021 (eV/sec) for I = 1014 (1/sec) .
P = 1 − e−cnspon , (4)
where nspon is the number of neutrons from the spontaneous emission and c is a certain
constant. We can replace this number nspon by the number of spallation neutrons caused
by the neutrino beam, which is 9 order of magnitude larger than the number of neutrons
from the spontaneous emission of Pu. Therefore, the probability of the “fizzle explosion”
is practically equal to 1 in this case. This results in an energy yield of the explosion by the
neutrino beam to be about 3% of the full explosion.
3 Simulation
Having discussed the rough estimation, let us now turn to numerical simulations to study
the system in a more precise way. We divide our simulation procedure into two parts: The
first part deals with a neutrino beam and its development into a hadron shower (see fig. 5).
The second one follows the first one to calculate the nuclear reactions in the target bomb (see
fig. 6). We give detailed discussions of the two parts separately in the subsequent sections 3.1
and 3.2.
neutrino beam
interaction point
soil ≤ 100 m
hadron shower
The former process can be simulated by a generator HERWIG [8], in which we can include
processes with the incident neutrino beam, such as ν + p (or n) → hadrons + leptons. In the
latter process, subsequently, we simulate the interactions of the hadron shower with nuclei
of the soil by using another generatorS GEANT4 [9] and MARS [10]. The purpose of this
part is to obtain the multiplicity of the shower when the shower is going out of the earth.
The neutrino interaction which occurs near the surface of the earth is relevant. We consider,
therefore, a system which is shown in fig. 5.
The result of this part will appear in a separate publication [12].
hadron shower
tamper U
Figure 6: A hadron shower going into the plutonium bomb. It will induce the fission
reactions inside the plutonium system and cause the temperature increase as a result.
In order to simplify the system and save the computation time, we replace the parallel
hadron shower of fig. 6 by a neutron source which is situated at the center of the 239 Pu core,
as shown in fig. 7. We also assume that the incident neutron of its energy 1 GeV starts from
a point inside the core.
To make clear the algorithm of the MCNPX code, we illustrate a simple example of
nuclear reactions in fig. 7, where the first collision occurs at event 1 in the Pu core. The
MCNPX has been used extensively in nuclear reactor physics and its applications, and developed for
a long time since 1940’s [2]. Furthermore, many physicists and programmers are still developing it for
improvement even at present.
2 3
1 neutron
track of neutron
7 track of photon
Figure 7: A history of a neutron incident on the 239 Pu core that can undergo nuclear fission.
1. Neutron scattering and photon production in the core. 2. Fission and photon production
in the 238 U tamper. 3. Neutron capture in the tamper. 4. Neutron leakage out of the tamper.
5. Photon scattering in the tamper. 6. Photon leakage out of the tamper. 7. Photon capture
in the tamper.
neutron is scattered in the direction shown, which is selected randomly from the physical
scattering distribution. A photon is also produced and is temporarily stored, or banked, for
later analysis. At event 2, fission occurs, resulting in the termination of the incoming neutron
and the birth of two outgoing neutrons and one photon. One neutron and the photon are
banked for later analysis. The first fission is captured at event 3 and terminated. The banked
neutron is now retrieved and, by random sampling, leaks out of the core at event 4. The
fission-produced photon has a collision at event 5 and leaks out at event 6. The remaining
photon generated at event 1 is now followed with a capture at event 7. Note that MCNPX
retrieved banked particles such that the last particle stored in the bank is the first particle
taken out.
This neutron history in the core and the tamper is now complete. As more and more
such histories are followed, the neutron and photon distributions become better known. The
quantities of interest, such as the total energy arising in the reactions, are tallied along
with estimates of the statistical precision of the results. Hence, after repeating the similar
calculations, we could obtain the average value, ǫfission , of the fission energy deposition:
This is the contribution on the average from one incident neutron. Thus, if we prepare Nin
neutrons incident on the Pu core, the increase in temperature can be estimated as
Nin ǫfission
∆T = = 0.9547 × 10−12 Nin (K) , (5)
where CPu is the specific heat of Pu, whose numerical value is given by
4 Conclusion
We have shown that it is possible to eliminate the nuclear bombs from the surface of the
earth utilizing the extremely high energy neutrino beam. When the neutrino beam hits a
bomb, it will cause the fizzle explosion with 3% of the full strength. It seems that it is not
possible to decrease the magnitude of the explosion smaller than this number at this stage.
It is important to decrease this number to destroy bombs safely. We are not sure what this
means when the plutonium or uranium is used to ignite the hydrogen bomb. We may just
break the bomb or may lead to a full explosion. The whole process takes a matter of a few
minutes in the case considered in this paper although, of course, it depends on the intensity
of the neutrino beam. When the bombs are stored in the form of plutonium ball separated
from the explosives, what we can do is to melt them down or vapor them away. It takes
substantially longer time for this process to occur.
To justify the above statements we performed a detailed simulation calculation and the
part of its results is explained in this paper although the full content will be published later.
After the high energy neutrino beam passes through the soil, it causes a hadron shower
near the surface of the earth, and subsequently, neutrons in the shower will strike the Pu
core. In order to estimate the number of the incident neutrons which is large enough to
make the temperature of the TNT surrounding the core increase to its ignition one, we have
carried out the numerical simulations using MCNPX under the simplified conditions. As
a consequence, we obtained the value of Nin ∼ O(1014 ). This value is consistent with the
estimation obtained roughly, and it is expected to be realistic in the future technology.
We utilize 1000 TeV5 neutrino beam for our purposes and we do not have the technology
yet to produce such a high energy neutrino. We may start an R & D now and proceed step
by step. Yet it may take even an order of a century to achieve the goal.
(1) First, we should construct a neutrino factory which could have substantially lower
energy than even 1 TeV. The purpose is to fully understand the properties of the
neutrino including mass, mixing angles, CP violating phase, Majorana property and
the interactions with other particles [15].
(2) The next step is to construct a muon collider in the multi-TeV energy range. The
energy should be beyond 10 TeV. These two steps still require a fair amount of R & D
but we believe that they are on the straightforward extension of the currently available
(3) The third step is to construct a muon collider of more than 100 TeV energy and to
reach even 1000 TeV. We do not have the technology yet for this kind of machine. We
may need a magnet with one to two orders of magnitude higher field than the currently
available one to construct a machine of a reasonable scale. A completely new approach
may be necessary to make this possible.
(4) If the third step becomes real, then the fourth step is to actually build the 1000 TeV
muon collider with the movable straight sections.
We want to emphasize the importance of realizing the first two steps since the technology
is within the reach and its contribution to the basic science is enormous. The study may
even show that the neutrino interaction increases more rapidly with the energy owing to the
extra-dimension as in some models [16]. In that case we need not go as far as 1000 TeV to
achieve our goal. The last two steps require tremendous amount of effort in developing the
Actually, the neutrino mean free path which leads us to consider 1000 TeV is not quite accurate. As is
mentioned in Appendix A, we did not include the contribution of the heavier quarks. In addition, we did
not take into consideration the “neutrino transport theory” [11] at all here. The inclusion of there effects
on the deep inelastic cross-sections will lead to the mean free path which is almost 1/3 of the value we have
used in this paper. This change will lead to the energy of 300 TeV and, therefore, we need 27 times higher
intensity than considered in section 2. Of course, targeting the bomb becomes much easier.
necessary technology. It is also true that fair amount of financial and human resources will
have to be introduced to accomplish the last two steps.
The neutrino beam could also be used to detect the nuclear bombs with much less energy
and with much less intensity. The necessary technology is the detection of the fission products
from a reasonable distance. It could be rather difficult if the bombs are stored in a deep
underground location.
Another useful application of high energy neutrino beam is to the study of the inner
structure of the earth [17]. We may not need the neutrino energy to be as high as 1000 TeV
in this case. The detailed study is being performed on this subject and we will describe it
in a forthcoming publication.
We are certainly aware of the fact that this kind of device can not only target the nuclear
bombs but other kinds of weapons of mass destruction and also, unfortunately, any kind
of living object including human. But we should emphasize that the device itself is not
a weapon of mass destruction. The reason is as follows: The calculation in section 2 and
section 3 shows that it takes 1 second for this device to cover a 1 m2 with the radiation dose
of 1 SV . It takes more than a year to cover the area of 10 km2 with this value of dose per
unit area. It is extremely unlikely that no measure is taken after a few minutes of exposure
of this kind. Moreover, as is emphasized in the introduction and also in the appendix B,
the construction cost and the power required for the operation make it almost impossible
for even the richest country to build and operate it all by itself. We strongly object to the
ungrounded worry that this kind of device, even its downgraded version could be used by
certain irresponsible organization as a weapon of mass destruction. On the contrary, we
sincerely hope that our proposal will motivate and stimulate the revival of the old idea of
“World Government” which has so far been discarded as unrealistic.
Lastly we would like to point out that at least the first two steps described in this
section have nothing to do with the weapon research. They belong to the most fundamental
scientific research activities. The suitable organizational structure to perform such a research,
therefore, is through the world-wide collaboration. Another worry could be expressed on the
neutrino hazard around the machine. It depends crucially where one builds the machine.
The concrete proposal explained in appendix B has two hazardous planes and two dangerous
(P3 P4 and Q3 Q4 ) directions. ”No fly zones” should be set to avoid these hazardous regions.
The duration time of an operation should be minimized for the security reason and also for
the reason of power consumption.
−q 2 (Eν − Eµ )
x= , y= ,
2mN (Eν − Eµ ) Eν
where Eµ stands for the energy of the muon in the final state. In eqs. (7) and (8) we take
the following scattering processes into consideration at the tree level:
νµ + d → µ− + u , νµ + ū → µ− + d¯,
ν̄µ + u → µ+ + d , ν̄µ + d¯ → µ+ + ū ,
Here we ignored the contribution of strange quark for simplicity. Similarly, in eqs. (9) and
(10) we include the following neutral current scatterings:
νµ + q → νµ + q , νµ + q̄ → νµ + q̄ ,
ν̄µ + q → ν̄µ + q , ν̄µ + q̄ → ν̄µ + q̄ ,
B Possible accelerator scheme
We first look for a mountain like in fig. 8 whose surface does not touch many of the
straight lines depicted as P1 P2 , P3 P4 , Q1 Q2 or Q3 Q4 . We construct two synchrotron A and
B which are both revolvable. A should be larger than B. Muon beam is injected into the
synchrotron A first and accelerated to a sufficient energy. Injection system could be installed
in a tunnel in the mountain. Then it is stored either in the path P2 P3 P4 P1 P2 or Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
depending on the direction of the beam in the synchrotron A. The beam is either µ+ or
µ− . The straight sections P1 P2 , P3 P4 , Q1 Q2 and Q3 Q4 are made of chambers separated by
many bellow structures so that they can have a flexible length. We probably have to prepare
several chambers to cover from the minimum to the maximum length continuously. When
we rotate A or B the chambers must follow until we steer the straight section to a given
target.The next question is how precisely we can steer it. From the discussion given in the
text the required accuracy is 10−7 . This is 1/10 micron per meter. We believe this is not an
outrageous number. The current effort toward the construction of a linear collider is aiming
at approximately 1 micron per meter. Future technology certainly will reach our required
number sooner or later.
P4 Q4
synchrotron B hazardous plane
P1 Q1
Q3 P3
synchrotron A hazardous plane
Q2 P2
injection system
Another issue is the power consumption and the radiation hazard. Power required is
1014 × 10−19 × 1015 W ≃ 10 GW. Actually, we may need something like 50 GW (considering
the efficiency) which is exactly the whole capacity of Japanese nuclear power. But the energy
consumption could be as small as 102 /108 = 10−6 times the whole consumption of 50 GW
power. This should be quite tolerable. For the radiation hazard we have two planes in fig. 8
which should not be crossed by anyone during the operation and one direction toward the
sky where no one is allowed to touch. The other direction is, of course, toward the target.
Almost all the energy is lost in the earth and only 10−7 times the whole energy hits the
target. People working near the target should be warned unless they are working to conceal
the weapons.
We can perform µ+ µ+ , µ− µ− and µ+ µ− colliding experiment in this scheme by injecting
two beams simultaneously although the detector should be placed on a very steep slope
between A and B synchrotrons. We believe it is not unreasonable to build this kind of
accelerator complex first with much lower energy beam to study the inside of the earth and
simultaneously performing the muon collider experiments and also the neutrino experiments.
We are grateful to Tetsuo Abe for giving us fig. 3 of the mean free paths. We thank
Masayoshi Kawai for his useful comments on MCNPX. We appreciate Yoshinobu Takaiwa
for his helpful suggestion of some Monte-Carlo generators. We would like to acknowledge
valuable discussions with Prof. Tokushi Shibata and members of Theory Division of KEK.
The questions and comments by Yoshitaka Kimura, Sakuei Yamada, Frank von Hippel,
Sydney Drell, Burton Richter and colleagues of H.S. at the University of Hawaii are deeply
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