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The standard describes test methods for evaluating the withdrawal resistance and lateral load capacity of common mechanical fasteners like nails, screws and bolts used in wood construction.

The standard tests for nail, staple, and screw withdrawal resistance as well as lateral load transmission capacity of nails, staples, screws, bolts and timber connectors.

The standard describes tests for nail/screw withdrawal resistance, lateral nail/screw resistance, testing bolted and timber connector joints, tension tests of plate-type connectors and joist hanger tests.

Designation: D 1761 – 88 (Reapproved 2000)e1

Standard Test Methods for

Mechanical Fasteners in Wood1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1761; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

e1 NOTE—1 1/14 in. was corrected to 1 1/4 in. in 8.1.1 in October 2002.


The use of wood and wood-base materials in many structural and other applications often involves
the use of mechanical fasteners, such as nails, screws, bolts, lag screws, and connectors. Data on the
strength and performance of such fasteners are frequently needed for design and for comparative
purposes. Tests of mechanical fasteners (except nail withdrawal) have been generally regarded as
special tests and have not been included in the standard methods already established for evaluating the
properties of wood. Many such special tests have been extensively used over a considerable period but
have not previously been established as standards. Presented herewith are methods of conducting tests
for nail, staple, and screw (except machine screws) withdrawal resistance; lateral load transmission by
nail, staple, screw, bolt, and timber connector; and load transmission by nail plates and joist hangers.
The use of standard methods for these tests is recommended as a means of obtaining comparable data
and of eliminating variables in test results because of variations in testing methods.
The tests appear in the following order:
Nail, Staple, or Screw Withdrawal Test 1 to 12
Lateral Nail, Staple, or Screw Resistance Test 13 to 20
Testing Bolted and Timber Connector Joints 21 to 30
Tension Tests of Plate-Type Connector Joints 31 to 40
Joist Hanger Tests 41 to 50
Precision and Bias 51

NAIL, STAPLE, OR SCREW WITHDRAWAL TEST priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
1. Scope
1.1 These test methods provide a basic procedure for 2. Referenced Documents
evaluating the resistance of wood and wood-base materials to 2.1 ASTM Standards:
direct withdrawal of nails, staples, and screws. Spikes are D 143 Methods of Testing Small Clear Specimens of Tim-
included as nails in this standard. ber2
1.2 The tests also provide a basis for determining compa- D 2016 Test Methods for Moisture Content of Wood3
rable performance of different types and sizes of nails, staples, D 2395 Test Methods for Specific Gravity of Wood and
and screws in direct withdrawal from wood and wood-base Wood-Base Materials2
materials. E 4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines4
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the 2.2 Other Standards:
safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the Federal Specification FF-W-92 for Washers, Metal, Flat
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- (Plain)5

1 2
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D07 on Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.10.
Wood and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D07.05 on Wood Assem- Discontinued, see 1988 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.09.
blies. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.01.
Current edition approved December 30, 1988. Published March 1989. Originally Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700
published as D 1761 – 60 T. Last previous edition D 1761– 77(1988)e1. Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 1761 – 88 (2000)e1
ANSI B18.6.1 American National Standard for Slotted and
Recessed Head Wood Screws5
3. Summary of Test Method
3.1 Specimens consist of prisms of wood or wood-base
products, with nails, staples, or screws driven at right angles to
one or more faces. The fasteners are withdrawn at a uniform
rate of speed by means of a testing machine, and the maximum
load is recorded. Supplementary physical properties of the
wood or wood-base product are also determined.
4. Significance and Use
4.1 The resistance of a species of wood or a wood-base
product to direct withdrawal of nails, staples, or screws is a
measure of its ability to hold or be held to an adjoining object FIG. 1 Diagram of Assembly for Screw Withdrawal Test
by means of such fasteners. Factors that affect this withdrawal
resistance include the physical and mechanical properties of
the wood; the size, shape, and surface condition of the and types of nail will be as circumstances dictate. These nails
fasteners; the speed of withdrawal; physical changes to wood shall be representative of the normal manufacturing process,
or fasteners between time of driving and time of withdrawal; and special cleaning of the shank shall normally not be
orientation of fiber axis; and the occurrence and nature of undertaken.
prebored lead holes. 6.2 Staples:
4.2 By using a standard size and type of nail, staple, or 6.2.1 Staples used for basic leg withdrawal resistance shall
screw, withdrawal resistance of a wood species or wood be standard 2 in. (51 mm) long, 7⁄16 in. (11.1 mm) crown, 15
product can be determined, and such values for two or more gage (0.072 in.) (1.83 mm) galvanized steel staples. They shall
wood species or wood products can be compared. Throughout be cleaned before use. Each staple shall be used but once.
the method this is referred to as the basic withdrawal test. 6.2.2 For determining holding ability of different types or
Similarly, comparative performances of different sizes or types sizes of staples in wood or wood products, the respective
of nail, staple, or screw can be determined by using a standard staples shall be representative of the normal manufacturing
procedure with a particular wood or wood product, which process, and special cleaning of the legs shall not normally be
eliminates the wood or the wood product as a variable. Since undertaken.
differences in test methods can have considerable influence on 6.3 Screws:
results, it is important that a standard procedure be specified 6.3.1 Screws used for basic withdrawal tests shall be stan-
and adhered to, if test values are to be related to other test dard 1-in. (25 mm) No. 10-gage flathead low-carbon-steel
results. wood screws as described in the American National Standard
for Slotted and Recessed Head Wood Screws (ANSI B18.6.1).
5. Apparatus Each screw shall be used but once.
5.1 Testing Machine—Any suitable testing machine that is 6.3.2 For determining holding ability of different sizes and
capable of operation at a constant rate of motion of the types of screws in wood or wood products, the respective size
movable head and has an accuracy of 61 % when calibrated in and types of screw will be as circumstances dictate. These
accordance with Practices E 4. screws shall be representative of the normal manufacturing
5.2 Grips—A gripping device shaped to fit the base of the process.
fastener head and of such a design as to allow accurate 6.4 Wood and Wood Products—Prisms shall be cut accu-
specimen positioning and true axial loading, is required. A rately and square to the required dimensions, and be planned
clamping assembly that will hold the specimen to one platen of smooth. They shall be of representative density, free of defects
the machine is also required. A suitable test mechanism for and growth irregularities, and of specified moisture content.
screw withdrawal is illustrated in Fig. 1.
7. Sampling
6. Test Materials
7.1 Sampling should provide for selection of representative
6.1 Nails: test material on an objective and unbiased basis, covering an
6.1.1 Nails used for basic withdrawal tests shall be bright appropriate range in density and properties as circumstances
plain-shank diamond-point round-wire, low-carbon-steel nails suggest.
nominally 0.113 in. (2.87 mm) in diameter (Note 1). They shall 7.2 The tests should be sufficiently extensive to provide
be cleaned before use to remove any coating or surface film reliable results. Where analysis by statistical procedures is
that may be present as a result of manufacturing operations and contemplated, experience and sometimes advance estimates
exposure. Each nail shall be used but once. can be used to establish the scope of testing and type of
NOTE 1—A sixpenny common wire nail meets this requirement. sampling needed to achieve the expected reliability.
6.1.2 For determining holding ability of different sizes or NOTE 2—The precision required, and thus the manner of sampling and
types of nails in wood or wood products, the respective sizes number of tests, will depend upon specific objectives. No specific criteria

D 1761 – 88 (2000)e1
therefore can be established. General experience indicates that the length of the threaded portion. End and edge distance shall be
coefficient of variation from tests of fasteners ranges from about 15 to sufficient to avoid splitting, which in general will be at least 3⁄4
30 %. When such is the case, precision of 5 to 10 %, with 95 % confidence
in. (19 mm) from the edge and 11⁄2 in. (38 mm) from the end,
(an often accepted general measure of reliability for testing wood) cannot
be achieved without making a rather large number of tests. The present and spacing will be at least 21⁄2 in. (63 mm). The size of the
recommendation is to make at least 10 replications for each variable as a lead hole shall be 70 % of the root diameter of the screw for
minimum requirement. softwoods and hardwoods and shall extend 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) into
the face of the specimen. The screws may be coated with
8. Test Specimen paraffin wax or other similar lubricant when necessary to
8.1 Nail and Staple Withdrawal: facilitate driving.
8.1.1 For basic withdrawal tests from wood, the wood prism 8.2.2 For basic withdrawal tests from wood products, the
shall be 2 by 2 by 6 in. (51 by 51 by 152 mm). Nails of the type specimen shall be 3 in. (76 mm) in width, and 6 in. (152 mm)
outlined in 6.1.1 and staples of the type outlined in 6.2.1 shall in length. The depth of the specimen shall be at least equal to
be driven at right angles to the face of the specimen to a total the length of the screw, and it may be necessary to glue
penetration of 11⁄4 in. (32 mm). Two fasteners shall be driven together two or more thicknesses of material to provide the
into a tangential surface, two into a radial surface, and one into required depth. Screws of the type outlined in 6.2.1 shall be
each end. End and edge distances shall be sufficient to avoid threaded into the specimen a distance of 2⁄3 in. (17 mm) at
splitting. In general, edge distances should not be less than 3⁄4 midwidth, at least 2 in. (51 mm) from the end of the specimen.
in. (19 mm), end distances not less than 11⁄2 in. (38 mm) and The size of lead hole shall be 70 % of the root diameter of the
two fasteners shall not be driven in line with each other or less screw and it shall extend 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) into the face of the
than 2 in. (51 mm) apart on radial or tangential faces. Nails
specimen. The screws may be coated with paraffin wax or other
shall be driven manually with a hammer. Staples shall be
similar lubricant when necessary to facilitate driving.
inserted with an appropriate tool, as nearly as possible perpen-
dicular to the specimen surface, with the staple crown at a 45° 8.2.3 For determining the withdrawal resistance of particu-
(610°) angle to the grain direction of the prism. lar sizes and types of screws in wood or wood products, the
8.1.2 For basic withdrawal tests from wood products, the specimen shall be of convenient size to accommodate the
test prism shall be a single thickness of convenient size not quantity of screws to be tested in each specimen, without
smaller than 3 in. (76 mm) wide and 6 in. (152 mm) long. Nails exceeding the edge and end distances and spacings necessary
of the type outlined in 6.1.1 and staples of the type outlined in to avoid splitting. Screws shall be threaded into the specimen
6.2.1 shall be driven through the wood product at right angles for the length of the threaded portion of the shank or two thirds
to the face, permitting at least 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) of the shank of the shank length if it is threaded throughout. The size of lead
portion to remain above the surface. Nails shall be driven hole, if one is to be drilled, shall be 70 % of the root diameter
manually by means of a hammer. Staples shall be inserted with of the screw for a distance of one half of the screw length.
an appropriate tool as in 8.1.1, but if there is no discernible If the withdrawal resistance may be influenced by
grain direction in the wood product, the staple crown shall be the material through which the screw is to be threaded the
oriented at a 45° (610°) angle to the length of the prism. screw shall be threaded through a held member into the holding
8.1.3 For determining the withdrawal resistance of particu- member.
lar sizes and shapes of nails or staples in wood or wood
products, the specimen shall be of convenient size to accom- 9. Conditioning
modate the quantity of fasteners to be tested in each specimen,
without exceeding the edge and end distances and spacings 9.1 Nail, staple, and screw withdrawal tests are normally
necessary to avoid splitting. In wood, fasteners should be made on seasoned material. The wood or wood product,
driven to 70 % of their length; in thin panel wood products they whether kiln dried or air-dried, shall be stored in a room having
should be driven completely through the thickness with at least a controlled temperature of 206 3°C (68 6 6°F) and a
1⁄2 in. (13 mm) of the shank portion remaining above the controlled relative humidity of 65 6 3 % for a period suffi-
surface. The fasteners shall be driven by the method intended ciently long to bring it to approximate equilibrium. The
to be used in practice, that is, either manually with a hammer, fasteners shall not be driven until equilibrium is attained in the
or with an applicator or appropriate tool if this is the normal wood component.
method. 9.2 Where required, withdrawal tests may be made on drier, If the withdrawal resistance may be influenced by partially seasoned or unseasoned material. It may sometimes
the material through which the fastener is to be driven, the be desired to apply the fasteners to unseasoned material and
fastener shall be driven through the fastened member (cleat) allow the completed specimen to season prior to withdrawal.
into the fastening member. As in 9.1 these specimens should attain the desired moisture
8.2 Screw Withdrawal: equilibrium in a controlled atmosphere to ensure uniform
8.2.1 For basic withdrawal tests from wood, the specimen moisture content at the time of test. Soaking in water will
shall be 2 in. (51 mm) wide, 6 in. (152 mm) long, with depth produce and maintain an unseasoned condition of the wood,
at least equal to the length of the screw. Two screws of the type but it may result in an extremely high moisture content,
outlined in 6.2.1 shall be threaded into lead holes at right particularly at the surface, and undesirable and nonrepresenta-
angles to the tangential face, to a total penetration equal to the tive corrosion of the fasteners near the wood surface.

D 1761 – 88 (2000)e1
10. Procedure type, and the loaded crosshead speed for testing machines of the hydraulic
loading type.
10.1 General—Except for special circumstances requiring
delayed withdrawal, withdraw fasteners as quickly as practical 10.5 Supplementary Tests—If information on the actual
after driving, and in all cases within 1 h. withdrawal during load application is desired or may be of
influence on the interpretation of the withdrawal resistance of
10.2 Basic Loading Method:
a given fastener, measure and record such withdrawal, in
10.2.1 Where the specimen consists of only the fastening inches, at given withdrawal loads or at the ultimate withdrawal
prism and the fasteners, withdraw the fasteners by means of a resistance, in pounds, to three significant numbers. Under
tensile force applied at a uniform rate of withdrawal. Attach the given conditions, it may be expeditious to obtain an automatic
specimen to one platen of the testing machine. Attach the plot of withdrawal load versus withdrawal distance in order to
fastener head to a suitably designed grip which is fastened to determine the stiffness of the joint and the work involved up to
the other platen through a universal joint. Apply the load by a given point of withdrawal of the fastener under construction.
separation of the platens of the testing machine at a uniform 10.6 Minor Tests—Determine the ovendry specific gravity
rate of withdrawal. Read the maximum load required to and moisture content of the wood or wood products, both
withdraw the fastener from the wood or wood product to three during driving and withdrawal of the fastener. Procedures for
significant figures. Disregard test values resulting from any determining these properties are given in Test Methods D 2016
failure of the fastener in the evaluation of the performance of and D 2395.
wood and wood-base materials but report them; consider such
failures in the evaluation of the performance of different types 11. Report
and sizes of fasteners. In such cases, an additional replication 11.1 The report shall include the following:
is desirable. 11.1.1 Failure loads for individual fasteners, average test
10.2.2 Where the specimen consists of a fastening prism values, and statistical evaluation of the test data if justified,
plus one or more (cleats) fastened thereto with a fastener, two 11.1.2 A complete description of the test method and
test procedures are possible: (a) The fastened member can be loading procedure used,
grasped and pushed or pulled away from the fastening prism in 11.1.3 A description of the specimen, including the dimen-
the axial direction of the fastener, whereby the fastener head sions of the wood or wood-product components, size of
exerts a force on the fastened member. Under this procedure, if fastener, end and edge distances, and spacings,
the fastened member exerts less resistance to the passage of the 11.1.4 Number of tests,
fastener head than the fastening member exerts on fastener 11.1.5 Specific gravity and moisture content of wood com-
withdrawal head pull-through can occur. In such a case, the ponents,
pull-through resistance of the fastened material will be indi- 11.1.6 Details of any deviations from the prescribed or
cated. (b) The fastened member can be split off and the fastener recommended methods as outlined in the standard, and
withdrawn as in 10.2.1. 11.1.7 Details of any factors not included above that might
10.3 Special Loading Methods—It may sometimes be nec- have a bearing on results.
essary to determine the resistance to withdrawal as a result of
12. Precision and Bias
an impact force or by repetitive loads. In the case of the former,
this can be accomplished with standard apparatus such as the 12.1 The precision and bias of this test method have not yet
U.S. FPL toughness testing machine suitably modified to hold been determined.
and grip the withdrawal specimen. The latter test may require LATERAL NAIL, STAPLE, OR SCREW
the use of a cycling or pulsating loading head. The resulting RESISTANCE TEST
data are based on the displacement angle of the pendulum and
the forces resulting from the setting of the repetitive loading 13. Scope
mechanism, respectively, required to withdraw the fastener 13.1 This test method covers the determination of the
from the wood or wood product. Disregard test values resulting resistance to lateral movement offered by a single nail, staple,
from any failure of the fastener in the evaluation of the or screw in wood members. The test provides comparative data
performance of wood and wood-base materials but report if for various species of wood. This general test method can also
desired; consider such failures in the evaluation of the perfor- be used for evaluating other types and sizes of fastenings either
mance of different types and sizes of fasteners. In such cases, in wood or other building materials such as plywood, hard-
an additional replication is desirable. board, etc., or combinations of materials. Furthermore, where
10.4 Speed of Testing: required for specific purposes, the general method can be used
10.4.1 For the basic loading method for fastener with- for evaluating the lateral resistance of sizes of nails, staples,
drawal, apply the load throughout the test at a uniform rate of and screws other than those specified, and joints employing
platen separation of 0.10 in. (2.54 mm)/min 6 25 %. two or more fasteners. It is recommended that when such tests
10.4.2 For special loading methods, special rates of with- are made, the specified procedure be followed as closely as
drawal may be required. Record the rate used and the reasons possible and all deviations be completely described.
for choosing it in the report. 14. Test Nails, Staples, or Screws
NOTE 3—The rate of platen separation shall mean the free-running, or 14.1 Nails used shall be bright plain-shanked medium
no-load, crosshead speed for testing machines of the mechanical drive diamond-point steel nails nominally 0.131 in. (3.33 mm) in

D 1761 – 88 (2000)e1
diameter and 21⁄2 in. (63 mm) in length, with a head 9⁄32 in. crown shall be oriented at a 45° (610°) angle to the length of
(7.14 mm) in diameter. The nails selected for test shall be the fastening member. All staples shall be driven flush or
representative of the product. Each nail shall be used only slightly (1⁄16 in.) (1.6 mm) countersunk. Collated staples shall
once. The actual size and details of the nails selected shall be not be cleaned.
recorded, including data on the properties of the metal. 16.5 When testing with a screw, the screw shall be inserted
NOTE 4—An eightpenny common wire nail meets this requirement.
with a screw driver through prebored lead holes, which are as
nearly perpendicular to the specimen surface as possible. The
14.2 Staples used shall be standard 2 in. (51 mm) long 7⁄16 lead hole in the cleat shall equal the shank diameter of the
in. (11.1 mm) crown, 15 gage (0.072 in.) (1.83 mm) galvanized screw for hardwoods and 90 % of the shank diameter for
steel staples. They shall be representative of the product. Each softwoods. The lead hole in the prism shall have a diameter of
staple shall be used but once. Actual size and details of the 90 % of the root diameter for hardwoods and 70 % of the root
staple used shall be recorded. diameter for softwoods and shall be 15⁄8in. (41 mm) deep. The
14.3 Screws used shall be standard 21⁄2-in. (63 mm) No. top of the lead hole in the cleat shall be countersunk and the top
10-gage flathead steel wood screws as described in American of the screw inserted flush with the surface.
National Standard for Slotted and Recessed Head Wood
Screws (ANSI B18.6.1). Each screw shall be used only once. 17. Conditioning
The screws shall be selected to be representative of the type 17.1 The material shall be conditioned in accordance with
chosen for test. Section 9.

15. Sampling 18. Procedure

15.1 Tests shall be made using clear, straight-grained rep- 18.1 As quickly as possible after assembly, but in all cases
resentative material. The two pieces of wood used for test within 1 h, test each specimen by tensile loading in a testing
(cleat and prism) shall be of end- or side-matched flatsawn machine of suitable capacity. Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 show a nail
material. Whenever possible, the sampling shall be on a specimen ready for test. Use the same procedure for evaluating
statistical basis, and the tests shall be sufficient in number to the lateral resistance of staples and screws. The end fixtures
permit a statistical analysis. shall be such as to provide freedom of alignment. Since the
load applied to the specimen is eccentric, use an alignment
NOTE 5—The precision required and thus the manner of sampling and
the number of tests will depend upon the specific objective of the
support such as the roller bearing shown. Fig. 2 and Fig. 3
investigation. No general criteria, therefore, can be established. However, illustrate one method of measuring the differential movement
experience has indicated that at least five specimens per variable are between the two members under load by means of a dial gage.
required as a minimum to give generally acceptable results. A larger
number is desirable.

16. Test Specimen

16.1 The size of the specimen that receives the point of the
fastener (prism) shall be 2 in. (51 mm) thick, 2 in. (51 mm)
wide, and 12 in. (300 mm) long. The size of the specimen
through which the fastener is driven (cleat) shall be 25⁄32in. (20
mm) thick, 2 in. (51 mm) wide, and 12 in. (300 mm) long. The
actual dimension of each piece shall be determined.
16.2 The test specimen shall be assembled by overlapping
the ends of the 2-in. (50 mm) wide cleat and prism members by
a distance of 4 in. (100 mm), thus forming a test specimen with
a total length of 20 in. (500 mm). The test fastener shall be
inserted at the center of the width of the cleat and the prism and
2 in. (50 mm) from the overlapping end of each. The prism
shall be oriented to permit the insertion of the test fastener into
a tangential face. A bolt hole 3⁄4in. (19 mm) in diameter shall be
bored at the center of the width and 2 in. (50 mm) from each
end of the specimen to accommodate the loading fixtures.
16.3 When testing with a nail, the top of the nailhead shall
be driven flush with the surface. The nail shall be driven as
nearly perpendicular to the specimen surface as possible.
16.4 When testing with a staple it shall be inserted with an
appropriate tool as nearly as possible perpendicular to the
specimen surface with the staple crown at a 45° (610°) angle
to the grain direction of the fastened and fastening wood
members. When evaluating wood products, if there is no FIG. 2 Assembly for Lateral Resistance Test of Nails, Staples, or
discernible grain direction in the wood product, the staple Screws

D 1761 – 88 (2000)e1
20. Precision and Bias
20.1 The precision and bias of this test method have not yet
been determined.
21. Scope
21.1 This test method provides a suitable procedure for
evaluating the strength and rigidity of timber joints fastened
with bolts or with metal connectors which usually also require
bolts to form the joint. The test serves as a basis for developing
design criteria and for determining the effect of various factors
on the strength and efficiency of the joint.
22. Summary of Test Method
22.1 Specimens consisting of three-member or two-member
wood joints fastened with bolts or bolts and timber connectors
are evaluated for their capacity to resist compressive or tensile
forces applied at a uniform rate of deformation with a suitable
testing machine. The deformation of the joint at various
intervals of loading is measured. Supplementary physical
properties of the wood members are also determined.
23. Significance and Use
NOTE 1—Slightly different arrangements for measurement of deforma- 23.1 The joint may be the weakest link in timber construc-
tions are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. tion. While the strength of a metal bolt or connector can be
FIG. 3 Diagram of Assembly for Lateral Resistance Test of Nails, determined on the one hand, and the strength properties of a
Staples, or Screws
particular grade and species of wood on the other, only by
testing a complete joint can their performance in combination
be fully evaluated. Such variables as member thickness,
Other methods may be used, including automatic recording. member width, end and edge margins, type of fastener and
Measure the movement to the nearest 0.001 in. (0.025 mm). number of units, spacing between fastener units, moisture
Obtain simultaneous values of differential movement and load content of wood, preservative or fire-retardant treatment of the
at movements of 0.01, 0.015, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 in. (0.25, wood, and species of wood, to mention a few, may affect joint
0.38, 1.27, 2.54, 5.08, and 7.62 mm), and at maximum load. behavior. In order to compile accurate design criteria for
Record the first drop in load. established bolt and connector types as well as for those under
18.2 Speed of Testing—Apply the load in accordance with development, the effect of these variables on joint strength
10.4. must be known. The tests described herein will permit obtain-
18.3 Weight and Moisture Content—Weigh the two wood ing data on the strength and rigidity of timber joints under the
members of each specimen before assembly and before the influence of any or all of the above mentioned factors.
loading holes are drilled, and after the test cut a moisture 24. Apparatus
section approximately 1 in. (25 mm) in length from the body of
each member. Determine the specific gravity and moisture 24.1 Testing Machine—Any suitable testing machine that is
content of each in accordance with Methods D 143. capable of operation at a constant rate of motion of the
movable head and has an accuracy of 61 % when calibrated in
19. Report accordance with Practices E 4.
24.2 Spherical Bearing Block, for compressive loading of
19.1 The report shall include the following: specimens.
19.1.1 Simultaneous values of load and differential move- 24.3 Grips—Gripping devices capable of attaching the
ment at deformations of 0.01, 0.015, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 in. specimen between the moving heads of the testing machine in
(0.25, 0.38, 1.27, 2.54, 5.08, and 7.62 mm), and at maximum such a way as to ensure true axial loads, required for tensile
load. loading of specimens.
19.1.2 Typing of fastening tested, 24.4 Deformation Gage—At least two dial gages with a
19.1.3 Size of the specimen, least reading of 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) or other suitable device
for measuring deformation between joint members under load.
19.1.4 Species of wood used,
19.1.5 Average moisture content and specific gravity, and 25. Sampling
19.1.6 Any other special details that may have a bearing on 25.1 Sampling should provide for selection of representa-
the results. tive test material on an objective and unbiased basis. This

D 1761 – 88 (2000)e1
principle should apply as well to selection of bolts and
connectors as to the wood or wood-base materials to be used.
Materials tested for the purpose of getting reliable general
averages and variation applying broadly to wood and wood-
base materials should be selected at random by a technique that
permits correct proportionment to expected density and other
physical properties that may influence test results. Sampling
required for more limited experiments, as for defining relation-
ships or examining causes and effects, may be accordingly
more limited, but should be appropriate to the objectives of the
testing program and by unbiased procedures.
25.2 Under all circumstances, tests should be sufficiently
extensive to provide reliable results. Where analysis by statis-
tical procedures is contemplated, experience and sometimes
advance estimates can be used to establish the scope of testing
and type of sampling needed to achieve the expected reliability.
NOTE 6—The precision required, and thus the manner of sampling and
number of tests, will depend upon specific objectives. No specific criteria
therefore can be established. General experience indicates that the
coefficient of variation from tests of fasteners ranges from about 15 to
30 %. When such is the case, precision of 5 to 10 %, with 95 % confidence
(an often accepted general measure of reliability for testing wood) cannot FIG. 5 Assembly for Testing Bolted or Connectored Joint
be achieved without making a large number of tests. The present Perpendicular to Grain in Compression
recommendation is to make 5 to 10 replications for each variable as a
minimum requirement. A larger number of observations may be desirable.
joints are being sought. The width, length, and thickness of the
26. Specimens and Tests
wood members shall be selected with due regard to the edge
26.1 General—Wood members shall be selected, and the and end distances required.
fasteners positioned in them, in such a way that the results are 26.2.2 For joints involving metal or other side members, the
not affected by knots, cross grain, or other natural or manu- thickness should be that anticipated in service. For all-wood
facturing characteristics. Frequently, this will necessitate se- joints, the thickness of each side member should be at least one
lecting members which are essentially clear and straight half of the thickness of the center member and width and length
grained. of all members should be selected with regard to the edge and
26.2 Joints Containing Bolts Only: end distances required for a specific application.
26.2.1 Tests shall be made on three-member joints as shown 26.2.3 Bolt-hole diameters shall be between 1⁄32 and 1⁄16 in.
in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 except where specific data on two-member (0.8 and 1.6 mm) larger than the bolt diameters (Note 7) and
holes shall be carefully bored perpendicular to the surface, so
that the surface of the hole is smooth and uniform to assure
good bearing of the bolt.
NOTE 7—It suggested that the excess of hole diameter over bolt
diameter be 1⁄32 in. (0.8 mm) for bolts 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) or less in diameter,
and 1⁄16 in. (1.6 mm) for bolts of larger diameter, provided other bolt-hold
diameters are not specified.
26.2.4 Accurate centering of holes is required where a
specimen contains two or more bolts. A heavy round washer
conforming to Federal Specification FF-W-92 for Washers,
Metal, Flat (Plain), and hereafter referred to as a standard
washer, shall be placed between the wood side member and the
bolt head, and between the wood side member and the nut.
Abutting faces of joint members shall be brought into normally
installed contact; the nut shall then be backed off and retight-
ened to “finger tightness.”
26.3 Joints Containing Metal Connectors:
26.3.1 Tests shall be made on three-member joints except
where specific data on two-member joints are being sought.
The width, length, and thickness of the wood members should
be selected with regard to the edge and end distances required
FIG. 4 Assembly for Testing Bolted or Connectored Joint Parallel and the net cross section remaining after the metal connectors
to Grain in Compression are in place.

D 1761 – 88 (2000)e1
NOTE 8—In some cases the influence of member dimensions will be the To establish the optimum spacing between multiple
parameter being studied. Otherwise, the size of the specimen will depend bolts or connectors both parallel and perpendicular to the grain
on the size and type of connector, and specific dimensions cannot be given and the effects of variation in spacing,
to cover all cases. For joints involving metal or other side members, the To establish minimum edge distance and the effects
thickness should be that anticipated in service. As a general guide, in the
case of all-wood joints, in three-member joints the thickness of each side of variations in edge distance,
member should be at least one half of the thickness of the center member. To determine the effect of moisture content of
As an example, in joint tests parallel to the grain under compressive wood, and
loading, split-ring connectors 21⁄2 and 4 in. (63 and 100 mm) in diameter To evaluate any other factor which may affect the
have been used with specimens 35⁄8 and 51⁄2 in. (92 and 140 mm) wide, performance of the joint.
respectively. The thickness of the center member for the 21⁄2-in. connector
varied from 2 to 3 in. (51 to 76 mm), and the thickness of the side NOTE 9—The properties of the metal employed in the bolts and
members from 1 to 11⁄2 in. (25 to 38 mm). The thicknesses of the center connectors are also factors affecting the joint strength and behavior. Data
and side members for the 4-in. connector were 3 and 11⁄2 in., respectively. on the properties of the bolts and connectors should, whenever possible,
The length of the members for the 21⁄2-in. connector was 13 in. (330 mm), be included in the report.
with the side member overlapping the center member by 8 in. (200 mm). 26.4.3 At least five tests, and preferably ten, shall be made
The bolt and connectors were placed in the center of the overlapped for evaluating each of the variables to be included. See Note 6
length. For the 4-in. connector, the side and center members were 17 in. for guidance in this respect.
(430 mm) long and were overlapped by 11 in. (280 mm). Under tension
loading, specimen lengths and end distances would be greater consistent
with the variables being investigated.
27. Conditioning
27.1 Except for special tests evaluating the effect of mois-
26.3.2 Bolt-hole diameters shall be between 1⁄32 and 1⁄16 in. ture content of the wood on the strength of the joints, the tests
(0.8 and 1.6 mm) larger than the bolt diameters, and when shall be made with seasoned wood. Specimens, whether kiln
using proprietary connectors the groove and hole sizes recom- dried, air dried, or as received from manufacturer, preferably
mended by the manufacturers should be adhered to, provided should be stored before testing in a room having a controlled
other sizes are not to be investigated. temperature of 20 6 3°C (68 6 6°F) and a controlled relative
26.3.3 Accurate centering of holes and grooves is required humidity of 65 6 3 % for a period sufficiently long to bring
where a specimen contains two or more connector units. A them to approximate equilibrium. For most species of wood,
standard washer shall be placed between the wood side exposure to these conditions will result in a moisture content of
member and the bolt head and between the wood side member approximately 12 %.
and the nut. Nuts shall be “finger tight” only. Abutting faces of 27.2 For special tests involving drier, unseasoned, or par-
joint members shall be brought into normally installed contact; tially seasoned wood components, care shall be taken to
the nut shall then be backed off and retightened to “finger maintain the desired moisture content prior to and during
tightness.” testing.
26.4 Both Types of Joints:
26.4.1 Primary tests shall be made on joints loaded (a) 28. Procedure
parallel to the grain of the wood and (b) perpendicular to the 28.1 General—Test the joints as soon after assembly as
grain of the wood, with the direction of grain (b-1) of the center possible, preferably within 1 h, provided the performance of
member parallel and of the side members perpendicular to the delayed tests is not required.
direction of the load or (b-2) of the center member perpendicu- 28.2 Test Setup:
lar and the side members parallel to the direction of the load. 28.2.1 The method of testing a joint parallel to the grain
These tests may be made by applying compressive or tensile during compressive loading is shown in Fig. 4. Use a spherical
loads as required. bearing block in applying the load. Measure the deformation
26.4.2 Additional primary tests, as needed, shall be made and slip at successive load increments using dial gages accurate
for the purposes outlined in In such tests, a to 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) or other suitable device.
suitable method of matching the material in corresponding 28.2.2 The method of conducting a joint test perpendicular
members shall be used to prevent masking of differences in to grain with compressive loading is shown in Fig. 5. Maintain
results by reason of differences in specific gravity, rate of a clear distance between the supports of at least three times the
growth, or other factors. Additional tests are as follows: depth of the transverse member. Make provision for measure-
ment of deformation. To establish the effect of bearing area, and length to 28.2.3 Joints can also be tested in tension and in many cases
diameter (L/d) relationship in bolted joints, this will be equally or more representative of behavior in To determine the effect of angle of load to grain of service. An adequate design of the ends of the members at
the wood. which the tensile loads are applied is required to ensure failure To establish minimum end distances required for in the test joint rather than in the gripping device. Dial gages
each size and type of connecting device and the effect of with a least reading of 0.001 in. (0.02 mm) or other equivalent
variations in end distance. devices are required for measuring the deformation. To determine the minimum thicknesses of lumber NOTE 10—Since the load applied to a two-member specimen will be
that can be used with each connecting device, and the effect of eccentric, it is suggested that an alignment support similar to the roller
variations in thickness, bearing of Fig. 3 be used.

D 1761 – 88 (2000)e1
28.3 Deformation Measurement—Measure the deformation TENSION TESTS OF PLATE-TYPE CONNECTOR
of the joint from the beginning of the application of the load JOINTS
and take readings of the deformation at sufficiently frequent
load intervals to permit establishment of an accurate load- 31. Scope
deformation curve. Observe the general behavior of the joint 31.1 This test method covers determination of the tensile
under load and record. Record the first relaxation of the load strength and stiffness characteristics of symmetrical joints in
indicated on the testing machine scale, the kind of failure, and which parallel planar wood members are connected by fasten-
similar details. In a connector joint, the load associated with the ers of the type commonly known as “truss plates.” This method
first relaxation of load is commonly associated with the shear has been especially designed for determining the tensile
of the core within the connector. Continue the test until the properties of joints that connect nominal 2-in. dimension
ultimate load or a total deformation of 0.60 in. (15 mm) is lumber such as those commonly used in light roof truss
reached. Record the maximum load. assemblies. It is recommended that the specified procedure be
followed as closely as is practicable and that any deviations be
28.4 Speed of Testing—Conduct the test to achieve maxi-
mum load in about 10 min, but reach maximum load in not less
than 5 or more than 20 min. A rate of motion of the movable 32. Summary of Test Method
crosshead of 0.035 in. (0.9 mm)/min 6 50 % will usually 32.1 Specimens consisting of two nominal 2-in. (51 mm)
permit reaching maximum load, in the prescribed time. Record parallel planar wood members, connected end to end by two
the speed used. truss plates fastened symmetrically, are evaluated for their
NOTE 11—The crosshead speed shall mean the free-running, or no-load, capacity to resist tensile forces applied at a uniform rate of
crosshead speed for testing machines of the mechanical-drive type, and deformation with a suitable testing machine. The slip or
the loaded crosshead speed for testing machines of the hydraulic-loading deformation of the joint is measured at various intervals of
type. loading and supplementary physical properties of the wood
28.5 Minor Tests—Determine the specific gravity and mois- members are determined.
ture content of each wood member of each joint tested. It may 33. Significance and Use
also be desirable in some cases to determine the compressive
33.1 For design purposes it is necessary to know the
strength parallel to grain of the wood members. Procedures for
load-carrying capacity of the tension joint in the lower chord of
determining these properties are given in the following ASTM
a light wood truss. The tests described herein are specifically
intended for evaluating this type of tension joint.
28.5.1 Test Methods D 2395. 33.2 The characteristics of the truss plate with its variety of
28.5.2 Test Methods D 2016. forms and sizes, the species of wood and its moisture content
28.5.3 Methods D 143 (compression parallel to grain). treatments, or both, all affect joint behavior. The tensile
performance of the joint can be evaluated by these test
29. Report methods. Generally it may be expected that unit values (per
tooth or per nail) will vary with the number of teeth per
29.1 The report shall include the following: fastener involved, and caution is urged in extending the results
29.1.1 Data on load - deformation relationships, from tests of a plate of a given type and size to one of the same
29.1.2 Description of the general behavior of the joint under type but of different size, unless data are available to justify
load, such extension. It should also be recognized that the net section
29.1.3 Description of the joint including the materials used, of the metal plate will become the load-limiting factor after a
29.1.4 Member dimensions, including measurements of end certain load capacity is attained with the tooth-wood combina-
and edge distances, member thickness, and bolt-hole and tion.
connector-groove dimensions where applicable, 34. Apparatus
29.1.5 Details of loading procedure, 34.1 Testing Machine—Any suitable testing machine ca-
29.1.6 Number of tests, pable of applying the required loads at the specified rates and
29.1.7 Specific gravity and moisture content of wood mem- having an accuracy of 61 % when calibrated in accordance
bers at time of fabrication and at time of test for each specimen, with Practices E 4 may be used.
along with species identification, 34.2 Specimen Grips—The test specimen shall be sus-
29.1.8 Compression parallel to grain strength of the wood pended by a system ensuring universal movement at both ends.
members if determined, and The type of grips used shall be capable of carrying the test
joints to failure without introducing bending in the joint.
29.1.9 Details of any deviations from the prescribed or
34.3 Instrumentation:
recommended methods as outlined in the standard.
34.3.1 The joint-deformation measuring instrumentation
shall be arranged so as to measure the separation of the wood
30. Precision and Bias
members upon application of the tensile load. The instrumen-
30.1 The precision and bias of this test method have not yet tation shall be of such accuracy as to permit plotting a
been determined. meaningful load-deformation curve. In general, this can be

D 1761 – 88 (2000)e1
achieved with instruments allowing a least reading of 0.001 in. tion at sufficiently frequent intervals to permit establishment of
(0.02 mm). For the more rigid types of joints, it may be an accurate load-deformation curve based on the averages of
necessary to use instruments allowing a least reading of 0.001 readings taken with the two deformation-measuring devices.
in. 38.3 Continue the test until maximum load has been ob-
34.3.2 Other suitable means, such as photographic methods, tained or a total joint deformation of 0.60 in. (15.24 mm) has
may be used, provided their accuracy is at least equal to the been obtained.
above. A satisfactory arrangement for this type of test is shown 38.4 Minor Tests—Immediately after testing, take a speci-
in Fig. 6. men approximately 1 in. (25 mm) thick along the grain from
each piece between the connector plate and the grip. The
35. Sampling specimen shall be taken as close to the connector plate as
35.1 Sampling shall be done in accordance with Section 7, possible and it shall be free of all defects such as knots, wane,
except that where the tests are made to establish suitability of and non-typical growth. From this specimen determine the
the connectors for use with particular species and grades of moisture content and the specific gravity (based on ovendry
wood, the materials shall represent, insofar as possible, the weight and ovendry volumen) in accordance with the following
variations to be expected. ASTM test methods:
38.4.1 Test Methods D 2016, and
36. Test Specimens 38.4.2 Test Methods D 2395.
36.1 A specimen joint shall be composed of nominal 2-in.
lumber connected by two identical connector plates placed 39. Report
symmetrically about the joint. The joints shall be formed so as 39.1 The report shall include the following:
to align the axes of the wood members with the ends of the 39.1.1 Complete description and dimensions of joining
wood members tightly abutted before the plates are attached. system, including lumber edge and end distances, connector
The specimen joint shall be formed in the same manner as is plates, adhesives, nails, etc.,
contemplated in use (same number and size of nails, same 39.1.2 Deformation rate (in. (mm)/min),
embedment of teeth, etc.). 39.1.3 Elapsed time of test,
36.2 The lengths of the connected wood members shall be 39.1.4 Maximum load,
determined according to the type of gripping apparatus used. In 39.1.5 Type of failure,
no case shall the gripping apparatus impinge upon the connec- 39.1.6 Plot of load versus joint separation,
tion or the deformation-measuring apparatus. 39.1.7 Wood member sizes, species, and grades,
39.1.8 Moisture content at time of joint fabrication and at a
37. Conditioning time of test,
NOTE 12—It is recommended that the distance between the end of the 39.1.9 Specific gravity as determined in 38.4.2,
plate and the gripping apparatus be at least 6 in. (152 mm). 39.1.10 Specimen age at time of test, and
37.1 Except for special tests to determine the effect of 39.1.11 Data, laboratory, and technician.
moisture content of the wood, the tests shall be made on
material conditioned in accordance with Section 9. 40. Precision and Bias
40.1 The precision and bias of this test method have not yet
38. Procedure been determined.
38.1 Speed of Testing—Use the testing speed described in
38.2 Measure the slip of the joint from the beginning of the
application of the load, and take readings of this joint separa- 41. Scope and Application
41.1 This test method provides a procedure for evaluating
the vertical load-carrying capacity, torsional moment capacity,
and deflection characteristics of joist hangers and similar
devices used to connect wood joists to headers of wood or
other materials.
41.2 The tests serve as a basis for developing design criteria
for various hanger devices used with wood joists, and provide
standard procedures for evaluating their performance with
respect to specific requirements.

42. Summary of Test Method

42.1 Vertical Load Capacity—Specimens consisting of a
length of joist suspended by hanger devices between two
supporting headers are subjected to a vertical load by a suitable
FIG. 6 Typical Arrangement for Tension Tests of Plate-Type testing machine, while the vertical slip of the suspended piece
Joints is measured and recorded to provide load-slip data.

D 1761 – 88 (2000)e1
42.2 Torsional Moment Capacity—Specimens consisting of 46.1.2 Joist sections shall have a length of 10 in. (254 mm)
a length of joist suspended by hanger devices between two plus twice the depth of the joist, providing that the minimum
supporting headers are subjected to a torsional moment- length shall be not less than 18 in. (467 mm). Headers shall
producing load by a suitable testing machine, while the have a minimum length of 14 in. (350 mm). A clearance of
movement of the joist with respect to the headers is measured 1⁄8in. (3 mm) shall be provided between each joist end and

and recorded to provide data for calculating angular rotation adjacent header. During test this clearance shall be maintained
and load-slip relationships. and header rotation toward the joist shall be restrained. This
can be accomplished by blocking between adjacent headers at
43. Significance and Use the ends on both sides of the joist, with solid blocking or any
43.1 Joist hangers and similar devices are used to transfer suitable clamping method which does not interfere with the
vertical loads from a joist to a connecting header in building performance of the hanger device being loaded.
construction. This is a critical connection, the performance of 46.1.3 Where a hanger device is of a design that is not
which is influenced by a number of variables such as the adaptable to such a test assembly, necessary departures may be
properties of the hanger itself, the joist material, the header made provided the altered assembly will perform the identical
material, the method of fastening the device to the joist and to function, and provided that such departures are reported in
the header. As with many fastening devices, a knowledge of the detail.
qualities of individual components is insufficient to indicate the 46.2 Torsional Moment Capacity:
performance of the assembled connection consisting of the 46.2.1 A specimen shall consist of an assembly of a joist
hanger, the joist, and the header functioning as a unit. The tests affixed in accordance with the recommendations of the manu-
described herein provide for uniformity in evaluating the facturer between two headers by the hanger devices to be
performance of such units. evaluated, as shown in Fig. 8. Assemble specimen joist and
headers with their top edges in the same plane.
44. Apparatus 46.2.2 Headers shall be sufficiently long to accommodate
44.1 Testing Machine—A suitable testing machine that is adequate bearing area for a knife edge support applied at 12 in.
capable of operation at a constant rate of motion of the (300 mm) from the centre line of the hung joist. The hung joist
movable head and has an accuracy of 61 % when calibrated in section shall be 24 in. (600 mm) long. A clearance of 1⁄8in. (3
accordance with Practices E 4. mm) shall be provided between each joist end and adjacent
44.2 Deformation Gage—Two dial gages for the vertical header.
load test and four dial gages for the torsional test with a least 46.2.3 Where a hanger device is of a design that is not
reading of 0.001 in. (0.02 mm), or other suitable devices for adaptable to such a test assembly, necessary departures may be
measuring deformation between joist and headers under load. made provided the altered assembly will perform the identical
function, and provided that such departures are reported in
45. Sampling detail.
45.1 Sampling shall be done in accordance with Section 7.
Except where the tests are made to establish suitability of the 47. Conditioning
hanger devices for use with particular grades, dimensions, and 47.1 Except for special tests to determine the effect of
species of wood, the materials shall represent insofar as moisture changes of the wood joist on hanger performance, the
possible the variations to be expected in practice. tests shall be made on specimens conditioned in accordance
with Section 27.
46. Test Specimens
46.1 Vertical Load Capacity: 48. Procedure
46.1.1 A test specimen shall consist of an assembly of a joist
48.1 Vertical Load Capacity:
affixed in accordance with the recommendations of the manu-
48.1.1 When inserted in the testing machine, a specimen
facturer between two headers by the hanger devices to be
shall have the top of the joist and headers in the same plane. It
evaluated, as shown in Fig. 7.

NOTE 1—Header restraint against rotation toward the joist is to be

provided in accordance with text.
FIG. 7 Vertical Load Test Assembly FIG. 8 Torsional Moment Test Assembly

D 1761 – 88 (2000)e1
is desirable to provide a continuous support under each header, min. The rate may be decreased to accommodate the reading of
so positioned as to result in an overhang of 1⁄8 in. (3 mm) at the deflections within the 0.025 in. (0.65 mm) increments. Record
inside edges. deflections to the nearest 0.001 in. (0.02 mm) and record loads
48.1.2 Vertical movement of the joist with respect to the to the nearest 1.0 lb (0.45 kg).
header at each end measure at a point 1.5 in. (37.5 mm) from NOTE 14—The crosshead speed shall mean the free-running, or no-
the end of each joist at the top by means of the dial gages load, crosshead speed for testing machines of the mechanical-drive type,
referred to above. Record the slip to the nearest 0.001 in. (0.02 and the loaded crosshead speed for testing machines of the hydraulic-
mm) at a sufficient number of load levels to permit establish- loading type.
ment of an accurate load-deformation curve based on the 48.2.4 Add the joist deflection at the top and bottom edges
averages of simultaneous readings taken with the two defor- of the same end to obtain the total displacement of the joist end
mation measuring devices. with respect to the header, from which the angular rotation of
48.1.3 Apply the load at the centre span of the joist at a the joist end may be calculated.
uniform rate of descent of the loading head of the testing 48.2.5 Angular rotation of the joist end in radians, for
machine of 0.035 in. (0.9 mm)/min 6 50 % until ultimate load relatively small angles, equals the total displacement divided
is reached. Bearing area under the applied load should be by the vertical distance between dial gages. Multiplying
sufficient only to prevent undue crushing of the joist at the load radians by 180/p will convert to degrees.
point, but the length of bearing must not exceed half the joist 48.2.6 The torsional moment applied to each end of the joist
length in any case. is computed thus: machine load (lb) (kg) divided by 2 and then
NOTE 13—The crosshead speed shall mean the free running, or no-load, multiplied by 24 in. (600 mm).
crosshead speed for testing machines of the mechanical-drive type, and
the loaded crosshead speed for testing machines of the hydraulic-loading 49. Minor Tests
type. 49.1 Determine the specific gravity and moisture content of
48.1.4 Use a spherical bearing block between head and the joists and headers (if of wood) in accordance with
specimen to equalize the load at each of the joist ends. procedures of the following test methods: Test Methods
48.2 Torsional Moment Capacity: D 2016 and D 2395.
48.2.1 Support the test specimen symmetrically at the bot- 50. Report
tom of the headers by knife edge supports located 12 in. (300 50.1 The test report shall contain the following:
mm) from the centre line of the joist and applied load, as 50.1.1 Detailed description of the hangers tested including
shown in Fig. 8. Both support points shall be at the same any fasteners that are required,
elevation. Apply the load at the centre span of the joist, as in 50.1.2 A detailed description of the specimen(s) including
48.1.3. Bearing area under the applied load should be sufficient actual dimensions of joists and headers, species, grade, and
only to prevent undue crushing of the joist at the load point, but natural characteristics,
the length of bearing must not exceed one half the joist length 50.1.3 Data on load-slip or load-deformation relationships,
in any case. angular rotation, and maximum loads observed,
48.2.2 Measure rotational deflection of each end of the joist, 50.1.4 Type of failure and description of the general behav-
with respect to the headers. The dial gages or other suitable ior of the specimen.
devices having at least reading of 0.001 in. (0.02 mm) shall be 50.1.5 Number of replications,
supported by the headers and be placed to measure movement 50.1.6 Loading procedure details,
of the top and bottom edges of each end of the joist at 3 in. (75 50.1.7 Specific gravity and moisture content of the joists
mm) from the ends and at 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) from the top and and headers (if of wood), and
bottom edges of the joist as shown in Fig. 8. Measurements are 50.1.8 Details of any deviations from the prescribed meth-
to be taken directly from the joist, not the hanger device. ods as outlined in this standard.
Where the hanger does not permit readings to be taken at 3 in.
(75 mm) from the joist end, take the readings at a point in 51. Precision and Bias
excess of 3 in. (75 mm) but just to clear the hanger device with 51.1 The precision and bias of this test method have not yet
all gages at equal distances from the joist ends. been determined.
48.2.3 Take deflections and their load readings at the
necessary increments such that incremental readings do not 52. Keywords
exceed 0.025 in. (0.65 mm). Apply the load at a uniform rate 52.1 fasteners; mechanical fasteners; nails; screws; wood-
with machine head speed approximately 0.01 in. (0.25 mm)/ base materials

D 1761 – 88 (2000)e1

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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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