Generalprocedure Export PDF
Generalprocedure Export PDF
Generalprocedure Export PDF
Indirect Taxes _________________________________________________1
Rule 1: Short title, extent and commencement:
These rules may be called the Central Excise Rules, 2002.
1. They extend to the whole of India.
2. They shall come into force on the 1st day of March, 2002
Rule 2: Definitions: In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,
(b) "Assessment" includes selfassessment of duty made by the assessee and provisional
assessment under rule 7;
(c) "Assessee" means any person who is liable for payment of duty assessed or a producer or
manufacturer of excisable goods or a registered person of a private warehouse in which
excisable goods are stored and includes an authorized agent of such person;
(ea) "Large taxpayer" means a person who;
(i) has one or more registered premises under the Central Excise Act, 1944 (1 of 1944); or
(ii) has one or more registered premises under Chapter V of the Finance Act, 1994 (32 of 1994);
and is an assesses under the Income Tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), who holds a Permanent
Account Number issued under section 139A of the said Act, and satisfies the conditions and
observes the procedures as notified by the Central Government in this regard.
Rule 3: Appointment and jurisdiction of Central Excise Officers
1. The board may, by notification, appoint such person as it thinks fit to be Central Excise
Officer to exercise all or any of the powers conferred by or under the Act and these rules.
2. The Board may, by notification, specify the jurisdiction of a Chief Commissioner of Central
Excise, Commissioner of Central Excise or Commissioner of Central Excise (Appeals) for the
purposes of the Act and the rules made thereunder.
3. Any Central Excise Officer may exercise the powers and discharge the duties conferred or
imposed by or under the Act or these rules on any other Central Excise Officer who is
subordinate to him.
Organisation Hierarchy of Excise /Custom Department
Indirect Taxes _________________________________________________ 2
Rule 4: Duty payable on removal
1. Every person who produces or manufactures any excisable goods, or who stores such goods in a
warehouse, shall pay the duty leviable on such goods in the manner provided in rule 8 or under
any other law, and no excisable goods, on which any duty is payable, shall be removed without
payment of duty from any place, where they are produced or manufactured, or from a
warehouse, unless otherwise provided:
2. Notwithstanding anything contained in subrule (1), Commissioner may, in exceptional
circumstances having regard to the nature of the goods and shortage of storage space at the
premises of the manufacturer where the goods are made, permit a manufacturer to store his
goods in any other place outside such premises, without payment of duty subject to such
conditions as he may specify.
Persons liable to pay Excise Duty & time limit for payment of duty
1. Persons liable –
Good Dealt is – Person Liable
Khandasari Molasses Person who procures the molasses in any manner for any purpose.
Other Excisable Goods Person who (a) Manufactures (b) Produces or (c) Stores such Goods.
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Rule 5: Determination of rate of duty and tariff valuation
1. Date for Determination of rate of duty and tariff is as follows:
Goods Rate of duty and Tariff prevailing on
Excisable goods other than khandsari Date of removal of goods from Factory or
molasses Warehouse
Khandsari molasses Date of receipt of molasses in the Factory of
the procurer of the molasses
Note: In case of Excisable goods used within the Factory i.e. Captive Consumption, date of removal
shall be the date on which the goods are issued for use [Explanation to Rule 5]
2. Treatment of Pre Budget Stock:
Goods find a place in tariff and the rate of duty is ‘Nil’ at the time
of manufacture. Part of the goods were cleared immediately with
Nil duty. The balance in stock was cleared when the date of duty is Pieco Electronics.
205. As the goods were excisable goods, duty is payable @ 20% the 1996 – SC
rate prevalent on the date of removal. Zero is also a number. At the
time of manufacture Excise Duty is attracted at zero rate
If the goods are manufactured and stored in the Store room, and if
subsequently duty rate is enhanced or value is enhanced by Wallace Flower Mills
increase of price, duty will be payable at the rate and value Ltd 44 ELT 598
prevalent on the date of removal
Indirect Taxes _________________________________________________5
c. Finalization of Assessment: Final Assessment order may be passed by the ACCE / DCCE
after the relevant information required for finalizing the assessment is available.
d. Time limit for passing the order:
· General: Final order should be passed within 6 months from the date of Provisional
Assessment is available
· Extension of period:
Ø By CCE: By another 6 months.
Ø By CCCE: Any Period.
3. Effect of Final Assessment:
Case Final Duty > Provisional Duty Final Duty < Provisional Duty
Effect Further Demand raised on Refund due credited to Consumer
Assessee. Welfare Fund.
Interest 13% p.a. 6% p.a.
Period of From 1st day of subsequent From 1st day of Subsequent month
Interest month to date of payment to date of Refund
4. Credit to Consumer Welfare Fund u/s 12C: The amount of refund shall be credited to the
Fund. It shall be paid to the applicant, if the Applicant had not passed on the incidence of the
duty to any other person.
Rule 8: Manner of payment of duty
1. Due date for payment of duty:
Category of assessee Month Due Date
a. All months except March. · Epayment – 6th of following month.
Assesses other than · Other case – 5th of the following
SSIs month
b. For the month of March. By 31st of March
a. All months except March · Epayment – 16th of the following
Assessess availing SSI
· Other case – 15th of the following
b. For the month of March. By 31st of March
2. Manner of payment of Duty:
a. Payment of Excise Duty including the amount payable under the CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004
can be made through the Challan GAR7.
b. The duty can also be discharged by debiting –
i Account current (Personal Ledger Account), and
ii CENVAT credit Account maintained by the assessee.
3. Mandatory Epayment: An assessee who has paid duty of Rs.50 lakhs or more through PLA in
the preceding financial year should deposit the duty electronically through Internet Banking.
4. Date of Payment:
Mode Date Considered
General Actual date of credit to Central Government
Payment by cheque Date of presentation, provided cheque is realized in the nominal Course.
5. Credit to Buyer: Even though duty has not been actually paid at the time of removal and it is
deemed to have been paid and the buyer is allowed CENVAT credit [Rule 8 (2)].
6. Duty incidence deemed to be passed on: Every person who has paid the duty is deemed to
have passed on the full incidence of such duty to the Buyer [Section 12B].
Penal Consequences for non-payment of duty within the due date
1. Interest [Rule 8(3)]:
a. Rate of Interest: Interest will be payable at 13% p.a. for the period of delay.
b. Period of delay: It is the difference between the actual date of payment and the due date.
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2. Forfeiture of Monthly Payment [Rule 8(3A)]:
a. Situation: Assessee has not paid the duty liability within 30 days from the due date.
b. Duty payable on every removal: The Assessee should pay duty for every removal.
c. Benefit Lost:
· Utilization of Cenvat Credit
· Making payment of Monthly basis.
d. Period of Restriction: From the end of 30 days from the due date of payment, till the actual
date of payment of duty and interest.
e. Availment of credit: During the period of restriction, Assessee can avail credit in respect of
duty paid on inputs which can be utilized later.
Rule 9: Registration
1. Every person, who produces, manufactures, carries on trade, holds private storeroom or
warehouse or otherwise uses excisable goods, shall get registered: .
Provided that a registration obtained under rule 174 of the Central Excise Rules, 1944 or rule 9
of the Central Excise (No. 2) Rules, 2001 shall be deemed to be as valid as the registration made
under this subrule for the purpose of these rules.
2. The Board may by notification and subject to such conditions or limitations as may be specified
in such notification, specify person or class of persons who may not require such registration.
Registration under the central excise & persons liable to get registered under the Act
Person Liable: Registration is compulsory under the Central Excise Act for the following persons –
1. Manufacturer of Excisable Goods.
2. Wholesale Dealer trading in Excisable Goods.
3. Warehouse Keeper storing nonduty paid Excisable Goods.
4. Exporter Manufacturer for the purpose of complying Rebate / Bond Procedure.
5. 100% Export Oriented Undertaking (EOU) transacting with Domestic Tariff Area (DTA)
6. Other users of Excisable Goods.
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b. Intimation: Serial Numbers of the invoice book should be intimated to the jurisdictional
Superintendent of Central Excise through Post / EMail / Fax / Hand delivery or any other
similar means.
c. Authentication [Rule 11(5)]: The invoice book should be authenticated before it is brought
into use by –
Assessee being Authorized by
Partnership Firm Working Partner or any Authorised person
Managing Director or the Company Secretary or any
Authorised person
Any other person Owner or any Authorised person
2. Contents of an Invoice [Rule 11(2) ]: It shall contain –
(a) Central Excise Registration Number (b) Address of the concerned Central Excise Division
(c) Consignee's Name (not the Buyer) (d) Description and Classification of Goods
(e) Time and Date of removal (f) Mode of Transport & Vehicle Registration Number
(g) Rate of Duty (h) Quantity of Goods
(i) Duty Payable on the goods (j) Value of Goods.
3. Invoice Books [Rule 11(4)]:
a. General: Only one invoice book should be used at a time.
b. Maintenance of more than 1 Book:
Purpose Course of action
Separate books for removal for home Intimate to Jurisdiction DCCE / ACCE
consumption and removal for export
Other Cases Prior Approval of DCCE/ACCE
c. Different Serial Numbers: When more than one invoice book is maintained, different
numerical serial numbers should be used for different sets.
4. Significance of Invoice: Excisable Goods can be removed from Factory only under an Excise
Invoice duly authenticated.
Rule 12 – Filling of Return
12 (1) : Monthly Return is to be filed by the assessee to the Superintendent of Central Excise by 10th
of next month in Form ER1 containing details of production, removal, etc.
12 (1): Proviso: Quarterly Return is to be filed in Form ER3 within 20 days after the close of the
quarter, to which the return relates by the SSIs availing exemption based on annual value of
12(2): Assessees who paid in the previous financial year ED of Rs.100 lakhs and more thro’ PLA
shall file on 30th November, the Annual Financial Statement for the previous financial year in
Form ER4.
12 (3): Based on the return the proper officer shall check the correctness of duty.
12 (4): The assessee shall make available all documents and records to the proper Officer for
Rule 12AA: Job work in Jewellery
1. Branded jewellery is subject to excise duty at the rate of 2% w.e.f. 1.3.2005.
2. Rule 12AA provides that any person who is not an EOU or an SEZ Unit, who gets the articles of
jewellery manufactured on job work basis should register, maintain accounts and pay duty as if
he is the assessee. However, it is open to the job worker at his option to agree to register, comply
with the Rules and pay duty in which case the person engaging the job worker is not required to
register and pay duty.
3. Where the person engaging the job worker desires clearance of the excisable goods for home
consumption or export from the premises of the job worker is required to pay duty and prepare
the invoice as per Rules except for mentioning the date and time of removal.
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4. The original and the duplicate copy of the invoice so prepared shall be sent by him to the job
worker from whose premises the excisable goods after job work are intended to be cleared.
5. The job worker shall fill the particulars of date and time of removal and shall intimate the other
person so that necessary information can be completed in the third copy of the invoice
maintained by the said person.
Rule 12BB: Procedure and facilities for Large Taxpayer Unit
1. Removal of Goods by LTU:
Note: Duty payable in respect of intermediate products is based on the provisions prevailing on the
date of removal from the sender's premise.
5. Nonapplicability: The facility to remove goods without payment of duty does not apply to –
a. 100 % EOU
b. Unit located in EHTP / STP
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6. Other Points:
a. Duty paid eligible for Cenvat Credit: Duty paid by the recipient premise due to non
fulfillment of condition, can be availed as Cenvat Credit.
b. No reversal of credit at Sender's premise: Nonfulfillment of conditions does not result in
reversal of credit taken by the sender premise.
Transfer of CENVAT Credit by the LTU among its different premises:
A Large Tax Payer may transfer, CENVAT Credit available with one of its registered Manufacturing
Premises or Premises Providing Taxable service to his other such registered premises by
1. Entry in Records: Making an entry for such transfer in the record maintained under Rule 9 of
CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004.
2. Issue of Transfer Challan; Issuing a transfer challan containing
Ø Registration Number
Ø Name and address of the registered premises transferring the credit
Ø Name and address of the registered premises receiving the credit
Ø Particulars of entry (credit transferred)
3. Credit for Recipient: Such recipient can take CENVAT Credit based on the transfer challan
referred above.
Rule 12C: Procedure for maintenance of records and payment of duty by the independent
weaver of unprocessed fabrics
1. Independent Weaver: Weaver
a. Purchases the yarn himself
b. Works on them, and
c. Sells the grey fabrics manufactured by him.
2. Goods covered: Unprocessed fabrics under Chapter 50 55, 58 or 60 of Schedule I to Central
Excise Tariff Act.
3. Authorised Person: The independent weaver of may authorize another person to comply with
provisions of Central Excise Duties except that of Registration.
4. Responsibility: Responsibility to comply with Central Excise Rules, 2002 lies with the
independent weaver. In case of short payment or nonpayment of duty on such unprocessed
fabrics, consequences and penalties shall apply both to the said independent weaver and his
Authorised agent.
5. Penalty: Penal consequences due to nonpayment or short payment will apply to both the
weaver and authorized person.
Rule 16: Treatment for removal of Goods, received back for reworking thereat
1. Applicability: Any goods on which duty has been paid at the time of removal are brought to any
factory for being remade, refined, reconditioned or for any other reason.
2. Eligibility for Credit [Rule 16 (1)]: Duty paid on such goods can be claimed as CENVAT Credit
if the assessee has recorded the particulars of the receipt in his book such credit can be utilised
as per CENVAT Credit Rules.
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3. Payment of duty [Rule 16 (2)]: If the goods before being removed are subject to –
Does not amount to manufacture Amount of CENVAT Credit utilised on its receipt.
Process amounts to manufacturer Duty at the rate applicable on the date of removal on the value
determine u/s 3(2), 4 or 4A of CEA.
4. Credit to Buyer: The duty paid as above shall be allowed as CENVAT credit to the Buyer.
5. Commissioner’s Instructions: In case of difficulty in applying Rule 12, assessee may follow the
conditions specified by CC in this regard. Example: Goods received are very old without any duty
paid documents for claiming credit.
On 15032007 XYZ Co. Ltd who are manufacturers of industrial needles, cleared a consignment on
payment of appropriate excise duty from its factory in Jaipur. The said consignment cleared from the
factory to PQR Ltd was returned on 20032007 to the same factory as they were found to be
defective. Upon receipt of defective needles as inputs in their factory at Jaipur, XYZ Co. Ltd took
credit of the duty already paid at the time clearance of goods on 15032007.
On 25032007 XYZ Co. Ltd were able to rectify the defects and dispatch the goods by utilizing credit
available in the CENVAT account of an amount equal to the CENVAT Credit taken at the time, when
the defective goods were received in the factory on 20032007.
When the goods were returned back on 25032007 to PQR Ltd. under cover of invoice showing
payment of duty by XYZ Co. Ltd, the excise authorities raised 2 objections –
a. That since no manufacturing activity was involved in rectification of defective needles the
amount paid by XYZ Co. Ltd at the time of clearance of rectified needles, which was the same
amount taken as input credit, cannot be considered as excise duty levied under the Central
Excise Tariff Act, 1985.
b. XYZ Co. Ltd should have made actual payment of duty in cash and was not entitled to pay excise
duty by adjustment from CENVAT credit A/c on 2532007.
Discuss whether the stand taken by Central Excise Authorities is correct in law.
1. Availability of Credit: The amount paid under Rule 16(2), Shall be allowed as CENVAT credit to
the buyer as if it was a duty paid by the manufacturer who removes the goods.
2. Utilization of Credit: CENVAT credit may be utilized for payment of amount under Rule 16(2) of
Central Excise Rules, 2002. [Rule 3(4) of CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004]
3. Analysis and Conclusion:
a. Contention against the claim of credit:
Ø XYZ Co. Ltd is entitled to credit on the defective needles returned to the Factory under
Rule 16 of the Central Excise Rules, 2002.
Ø Since the needles before being removed are not subject to manufacture, XYZ Co. Ltd has
paid the amount of CENVAT utilized, through CENVAT Credit A/C.
Ø PQR is entitled to claim credit of the amount paid by the XYZ Co. Ltd as per Rule 16.
Ø Hence, the claim made by the Excise authorities does not hold Good.
b. Contention against manner of payment:
Ø As per Rule 3(4) of the CEVAT Credit Rules, 2004, payment can be made utilizing
CENVAT credit.
Ø Hence, the claim made by the Department is not tenable.
Rule 16A: Removal of Goods for Job Work.
1. Purpose: Any inputs received in a factory may be removed as such or after being partially
processed to a job worker for the following purposes –
a. Further Processing, c. Repair,
b. Testing, d. ReConditioning or
e. Any other purpose.
Indirect Taxes _________________________________________________11
2. The Removal shall be made subject to the fulfillment of conditions specified by the Jurisdictional
Commissioner of Central Excise.
Rule 16B & Rule 16C : Procedure to be followed for removal of goods.
Particulars Removal under Rule 16B Removal under Rule 16C
Goods Excisable SemiFinished Goods. Excisable Finished Goods.
Further manufacturing purposes Testing or other process, not
amounting to manufacture.
a. At the time of removal from Factory to a. Removal from Factory to the
the place of further process – No place/premise of testing – No
b. At the time of removal from the place of b. Removal from place of testing to
further process to Factory – No –
c. At the time of removal from the place of · Factory of Manufacture – No
Payment of
further process to some other registered · Export – No
premise – No · Home Consumption Yes
d. Removal from the other registered
premises for –
· Export – No
· Home Consumption Yes
3. The EOU is required to file a monthly return in Form ER2 in respect of excisable goods
manufacture in the unit as well as receipt of inputs and capital goods.
Rule 18: Rebate of duty:
Where any goods are exported, the Central Government may, by notification, grant rebate of duty
paid on such excisable goods or duty paid on materials used in the manufacture or processing of
such goods and the rebate shall be subject to such conditions or limitations, if any, and fulfillment
of such procedure, as may be specified in the notification.
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Rule19: Export without payment of duty.
1. An excisable goods may be exported without payment of duty from a factory of the producer or
the manufacturer or the warehouse or any other premises, as may be approved by the
2. Any material may be removed without payment of duty from a factory of the producer or the
manufacturer or the warehouse or any other premises, for use in the manufacture or processing
of goods which are exported, as may be approved by the Commissioner.
3. The export under subrule (1) or subrule (2) shall be subject to such conditions, safeguards and
procedure as may be specified by notification by the Board.
Rule 20: Warehousing.
1. Rule 20 of Central Excise Rules, 2002 empowers the Central Government to issue notifications
for permitting removal from factory to warehouse or warehouse to another warehouse without
payment of duty.
2. The consignor has to prepare an application in the prescribed form in four sets.
3. Three copies of the application and the duplicate copy of the invoice should be sent along with
the goods to the warehouse of destination.
5. On arrival, the consignee shall verify and send the original to the Superintendent in charge of his
warehouse, duplicate to the consignor and retain the third copy.
6. The Superintendent of the consignee shall counter sign the application and send it to the
Superintendent of the consignor.
7. When the duplicate of the warehousing certificate is not received within 90 days of removal, or
such extended period, the consignor has to pay duty.
2. Where the amount does not exceed Rs. 10,000/, remission can be done by the Superintendent,
where the amount exceeds Rs. 10,000/ but does not exceeds Rs. 1,00,000/, remission can be
done by the Assistant Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner. Where the amounts exceeds Rs.
1,00,000/ but does not exceed Rs. 5,00,000/ remission can be done by the Joint
Commissioner or Additional Commissioner.
3. 'The assessee has to produce evidence of loss to the Department, and the authorities can impose
conditions such as destruction under supervision.
4. The Madras High Court in the case of Golden Hill Estates (1997) 90 ELT 301 has held that theft
cannot be equated to loss due to natural causes, and therefore remission is not available.
5. The issue as to whether theft or dacoity can be considered as an unavoidable loss has been
referred to a Larger Bench in the case of Gupta Metal Sheets Pvt. Ltd. (2007) 219 ELT 694.
Rule 22: Procedures relating to submission of records.
1. Submission to Range Officer [Rule 22(2)]: Every Assessee, First Stage and Second Stage dealer
should submit a list of the following to the Range Officer –
a. Records prepared and maintained for accounting of transaction in regard to
· Receipt, purchase manufacture, storage, sales or delivery of the goods including inputs
and capital goods, and
· Payment for inputs services and their receipt or procurement.
b. Financial Records and statements including Trial Balance.
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2. Verification [Rule 22(3)]: The Assessee should make available to the Range Officer or other
Authorized Officer for the purposes of scrutiny, the following
a. Records maintained under Rule 22(2),
b. Cost Audit Report u/s 233B of the Companies Act, 1956, and
c. Tax Audit Report u/s 44AB of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
a. removes any excisable goods in contravention of any of the provisions of these rules or the
notifications issued under these rules; or
b. does not account for any excisable goods produced or manufactured or stored by him; or
c. engages in the manufacture, production or storage of any excisable goods without having applied
for the registration certificate required under section 6 of the Act; or
d. contravenes any of the provisions of these rules or the notifications issued under these rules
with intent to evade payment of duty,
then, all such goods shall be liable to confiscation and the producer or manufacturer or registered
person of the warehouse or a registered dealer, as the case may be, shall be liable to a penalty not
exceeding the duty on the excisable goods in respect of which any contravention of the nature
referred to in clause (a) or clause (b) or clause (c) or clause (d) has been committed, or rupees two
thousand, whichever is greater.
(2) An order under subrule (1) shall be issued by the Central Excise Officer, following the principles
of natural justice.
Rule 26: Penalty for certain offences. –
1. Any person who acquires possession of, or is in any way concerned in transporting, removing,
depositing, keeping, concealing, selling or purchasing, or in any other manner deals with, any
excisable goods which he knows or has reason to believe are liable to confiscation under the Act
or these rules, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding the duty on such goods or rupees two
thousand, whichever is greater.
2. Any person, who issues
i. an excise duty invoice without delivery of the goods specified therein or abets in making such
invoice; or
ii. any other document or abets in making such document, on the basis of which the user of
said invoice or document is likely to take or has taken any ineligible benefit under the Act or
the rules made there under like claiming of CENVAT credit under the CENVAT Credit Rules,
2004 or refund,
Rule 27 General penalty
A breach of these rules shall, where no other penalty is provided herein or in the Act, be punishable
with a penalty which may extend to five thousand rupees and with confiscation of the goods in
respect of which the offence is committed.
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Rule 28: Confiscated property to vest in Central Government.
1. When any goods are confiscated under these rules, such thing shall thereupon vest in the
Central Government.
2. The Central Excise Officer adjudging confiscation shall take and hold possession of the
things confiscated, and every Officer of Police, on the requisition of such central Excise
Officer, shall assist him in taking and holding such possession.
Rule 29: Disposal of confiscated goods.
Confiscated goods in respect of which the option of paying a fine in lieu of confiscation on has not
been exercised, shall be sold, destroyed or otherwise disposed of in such manner as the
commissioner may direct.
1. Any EG (other than Khandsari Molasses) Date of removal from the Factory/Warehouse
EG (other than Cigarettes) Assessee [System= SelfAssessment System == SELFREMOVAL PROCEDURE]
Rule 7:
1. Assessee unable to determine AV or Applicable RoD Then, He may request AC/DC for
Provisional Assessment (PA)
Request accepted PA Order shall be passed
2. PA allowed subject to Execution of Bond by the Assessee
Bond (PD Bond) = [Expected Duty on Final Assessment (FA) Provisionally Assessed Duty]
(Prescribed Form: B2)
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3. PA shall be finalized (i.e., Final Assessment Order shall be passed)
Time Limit: 6 Months from Date of PA Order + 6 Months (CCE) + Further Ext (Chief CCE)
4. FA Duty > PA Duty, then Assessee shall also pay Interest @ 13% p.a. on the differential duty (demand)
5. FA Duty < PA Duty, then Assessee shall be entitled to interest @ 6% p.a. on the differential duty (refund)
6. Any Refund resulting from Finalization Credited to CWF (i.e., Doctrine of Unjust Enrichment
shall be applicable to PA cases also)
Exception: Refund to Applicant ifManufacturer Applicant has paid and borne ED burden himself
Buyer Applicant has paid and borne ED burden himself
Non SSI Unit MONTHLY basis Within 5 days (EPayment:6 days By 31 s t March itself
SSI Unit MONTHLY basis Within 5 days (EPayment:1 days By 31 s t March itself
Ø E Payment
· Mandatory for CashRich Assessee [Cash Rich Assessee= PLA Payment > = 50 lakhs in PY)
· For others epayment is optional (discretionary)
Explanation: Duty liability discharge: in case Duty is deposited by Cheque (TR6 Challan + Cheque)
Date of Presentation of Cheque =Date of Payment, if cheque doesn't get dishonoured subsequently.
2. Manufacturer assessee (Removal of Goods1/1/2004) Buyer (Receiving goods on 2/1/2004)
Due Date yet to come Payment not made at time of removal
But goods shall be deemed to be duty paid at time of removal itself But Cenvat Credit of duty payable
thereon admissible to buyer
3. Failure of pay Duty by due date: Consequences Interest: @ 13% p.a.
(3A) Failure in Payment of duty by Due Date: if not made good within 30 days of due date,
then till default continues
Þ Assessee can not avail MONTHLY PAYMENT FACILITY (he shall make payment of individual
clearances on its own)
Þ Asesseee can not utilize cenvat credit.
[i.e., During such period, not only the duty is p aya bl e "transaction wise" but also It is
payable on ly in CASH (i.e., through PLA)]
If default not made good despite these: Goods shall be treated as cleared without payment of ED
CEO entitled to proceed with related consequences & penalties.
[Latest Explanation: Rule 8 facility shall be available not only for payment of ED but al so for
Applicability: Only on Goods Notified by CG (by Notification in OZ) e.g. Stainless Steels Pattis & Pattas.
Scheme: Duty liability is fixed based on certain factors of production that duty liability is notified
Assessee opting for CLS Pay duty at notified rate (irrespective of actual clearances which may
be lower or higher)
Duty paid in Advance (on periodic basis) Rule 8 N.A. to these units
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Some features:
1. Person requiring Registration: Manufacturer + Trader + Pvt. Storeroom Keeper + Warehouse
Keeper + User
2. CBEC may exempt any person from registration requirement (by issuing Notification for that)
N/N 36/2001:
Indirect Taxes _________________________________________________17
Jurisdictional Scrutiny Fed into SACER Generation of ECC
Print out Taken (2 Copies)
Form “A1” (2 Copies) = Registration Certificate
+ PAN Letter / Card (if no
PAN – then first apply for PAN &
Attach copy of Application for Allotment
of PAN. 1 Copy Retained
Indirect Taxes _________________________________________________ 18
1. Re –entry: Removal of goods from Factory Duty paid at time of removal
Such dutypaid goods may be brought back into Any Factory [Purpose: Remade // Refined,
Reconditioned // Any other purpose)
Condition: Maintain records of goods so returned;
Upon such return, Assessee shall be entitled to take Cenvat Credit of duty already paid thereon
2. Reremoval: Subsequent clearance of returned goods from the Factory:
i. If the process to which they have been subjected does not amount to
MANUFACTURE: Pay AN AMOUNT= Cenvat taken on their return
· Payment of this amount shall be made at time of transaction itself (Rule 8 monthly
payment facility is only for payment of duty and those amounts which are payable
under CCR, 2004)
· However, for payment of this amount CCR can be utilized [Rule 3(4) CCR permits this]
· The credit of amount so paid can betaken by the buyer of goods [Explanation to Rule 16(2)]
ii. Any other case (i.e., if the process to which they have been subjected amounts to manufacture, or
no processing done on goods) : Pay DUTY thereon @ ROD & AV as applicable on their removal.
3. Difficulty in following jurisdictional CCE
Ø Export of FP under Bond//LUT: Follow N/N 42/2001 (Procedure for export to any country
other than Nepal/ Bhutan)
3. Goods received in Warehouse Consignee (i.e., W/H Keeper) shall be responsible for duty
payment on such goods
4. Goods not received in Warehouse Consignor (i.e., Manufacturer Assessee) shall be
responsible for duty payment on such goods.
Admissible Grounds:
i) Loss/Destruction of EG due to Natural Reasons or Unavoidable Accident
ii) EG claimed to be Unfit for Marketing or Unfit for Human Consumption.
Indirect Taxes _________________________________________________ 20