Scholars Academy: Subject: BCRW Test No: 1 Time Allowed: 1. 30 Min Max Marks: 50

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B.Com Part-II

Subject: BCRW Test No: 1

Time allowed: 1. 30 min Max Marks: 50
Note: All the questions are to be attempted.
Q. 1: Answer the short Questions
1. What is Business communication?
2. How does feedback show the success or failure of the message sent?
3. What is encoding?
4. What is decoding?
5. Give the importance of media in communication.
Q. 2: List down the headings related to the importance of Business communication.
Q. 3: What principles are to be borne in mind while composing an effective
business message?

B.Com Part-II

Subject: Auditing Test No: 1

Time allowed: 1. 30 min Max Marks: 50
Note: All the questions are to be attempted.
Q. 1: Answer the short Questions
1. What is Management Audit?
2. What is cost Audit?
3. What is Propriety audit?
4. What is Operation audit?
5. List down the heading s of primary and secondary objectives.
Q. 2: List down the headings related to the importance of Auditing.
Q. 3: Give the difference between Accounting and Auditing?

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