Electrolysis Hygrometer
Electrolysis Hygrometer
Electrolysis Hygrometer
Inaccuracy: A. 2 to 5% FS
B and C. 3%
D. 10% of actual reading or 2 ppm by volume, whichever is greater
F. 2% FS
G. For a 1 to 15% moisture range, error is within 0.5%
H and I. 0.5 to 1%
Costs: (For moisture in air and relative humidity sensors, also refer to Section 8.32.)
A. $6,000 to $15,000 with sample system
B and C. $2,000 to $10,000 for thin-film probe, $2,000 to $20,000 for flow-through
bypass analyzer
D. $5,000 to $40,000
F, G. $10,000 to $15,000
H. $10,000 to $20,000
I. $10,000 to $15,000
J. $20,000 to $27,000
K. $20.000 to $40,000
L. $15,000 to $25,000
M. $2,000 to $5,000
Partial List of Suppliers: (For moisture measurement in air and solids, also refer to Sections 8.32 and 8.34)
Ametek Inc. (www.ametek.com) (D, F)
Anarad Inc. (www.anarad.com) (F, M)
Arizona Instrument Corp. (www.azic.com) (B, I, H)
CEM Corp. (www.cem.com) (G)
Cosa Instrument Corp. (www.cosa-instrument.com) (B, H)
© 2003 by Béla Lipták
8.33 Moisture in Gases and Liquids 1435
Most Popular: Panametrics, Ametek, General Eastern, and Endress & Hauser
INTRODUCTION than water and the weighing procedure. Some built-in scale
oven systems even have experience issues with the weighing
There is a certain amount of overlap between the three sections procedure and air current effects on the sample holders.
that are devoted to the subject of moisture measurement in this Another widely used and accurate (sensitive to 5 ppm)
handbook. (Section 8.32 describes the measurement of mois- method of moisture analysis in gas or liquid samples is by
ture in air; Section 8.33, in liquids and gases; and Section 8.34, titration. The reagent is referred to as the Karl Fischer
in solids.) Some of the instruments, such as the chilled-mirror reagent, which consists of a solution of sulfur dioxide, iodine,
or the thin-film capacitance-type sensors discussed in Section and pyridine in methanol. The titration end points can be
8.32, can operate not only as dew point or humidity sensors found automatically (see Section 8.66) by the measurement
in air but also as moisture analyzers in other gases. Similarly, of the current flow through the solution. Recent concerns
the electrolytic hygrometer, which is discussed in this section, regarding the toxicity of pyridine have led to the use of
could also be used to measure humidity or dew point in air. substitute buffers like imidazole. The iodine water reaction
Similar overlaps exist between the coverage of this section and is the same, and it is still classified as a Karl Fischer titration.
Section 8.34, dealing with moisture in solids, particularly with
respect to microwave, neutron, and infrared analyzers. The
reader is also reminded that separate sections are devoted to PROCESS ANALYZERS
some of the analyzers that can also be used for other analytical
tasks besides moisture detection, such as infrared (Section Some of the industrial process analyzers are of the probe type
8.27) and autotitrators (Section 8.66). The reader is advised to (capacitance, fiber-optic infrared probes), others can look
refer to these sections as well for additional information con- through the process stream in the pipe (microwave), and the
cerning their suppliers and features. majority require some form of a sampling system. Table 8.33a
provides a summary of the ranges and other features of many
of the process moisture analyzers. The subject of sampling
LABORATORY ANALYZERS (which has already been covered to some extent in Sections
8.2, 8.3, and 8.12) will also be addressed in the next section.
An old but still useful method of determining the moisture of
a sample is to heat it and measure the resulting weight loss. Sampling Systems
Some drying ovens are provided with built-in weight scales and
displays that indicate the sample moisture content directly in Some sampling system features are peculiar to moisture ana-
weight percentage. The reliability of this technique is primarily lyzers, and these are covered below. The function of any sam-
a function of the presence or absence of volatile materials other pling system is to deliver a clean, appropriately representative
TABLE 8.33a
Summary of Moisture Analyzer Features
Type Range Sample Phase Sample System Required Remarks
Electrolytic hygrometer 0–2 to 0–2000 ppm Clean gas Yes Sample flow must be constant
Special sampling for liquids
Change of capacitance 0–10 to 0–1000 ppm Clean gas or liquids * Sample temperature must be constant
Impedance type 0–20,000 ppm Clean gas or liquids No, only for liquids Sample temperature of liquids
must be constant
Piezoelectric type 0–5 to 0–25,000 ppm Clean gas only Yes
Heat of absorption type 0–10 to 0–5000 ppm Clean gas or liquid Yes Sample flow must be constant
Special sampling for liquids
Infrared absorption Gas: 10.1–100% Gas, liquids, and slurries **
Liquid: 6–100%
Microwave absorption 0–1 to 0–70% Liquids, slurries, and No
pastes only
*Available in probe form, but can be direct pipeline-mounted only if flow velocity is under 1.6 fps (0.5 m/s).
**Fiber-optic probe (FOP) designs can be direct pipeline-mounted without sampling.
sample to the measuring element at the required pressure, TEFLON OR GLASS TUBE
temperature, and flow rate. Measurement of moisture, although
simple in principle, is complicated by the fact that most mate-
rials adsorb and desorb moisture.
At moisture levels in the percent range, moisture absorp-
tion is not normally a serious problem; however, at moisture − + − + −
levels in the low parts per million (ppm) ranges, sampling SAMPLE GAS
system materials must be selected so as to minimize their @ 100 cc/min
+ − + − +
effect on the moisture concentration in the sample. Depending
on the levels being monitored, materials that are less likely to
interfere with the moisture content in the sample are stainless
® ® ®
steels, Teflon, Viton, Kel-F, nickel and nickel-plated mate- ELECTRODES
rials, and cadmium and cadmium-plated materials. Materials
that should almost always be avoided are copper and its alloys, FIG. 8.33b
rubber, neoprene, and elastomers in general. Operating principle of the electrolytic hygrometer.
It is important to apply the material considerations to all
parts of the sampling system, including the internals of valves
and filters.
Therefore, the electrolysis current is equal to the electron
Electrolytic Hygrometer flow of 2 × 10 electrons per second. Since two electrons of
charge are required to electrolyze one water molecule, the
The principle of measurement utilized involves the electrolysis water flow into the cell is equal to 10 molecules per second.
of water into oxygen and hydrogen. Since two electrons are If, for purposes of this example, the water present in the
required for electrolysis of each water molecule, the electrolysis sample is considered an ideal gas, the volume of water enter-
current is a measure of the water present in the sample. If the ing the sample can be calculated using the ideal gas law.
volumetric flow rate of the sample gas into the electrolysis cell
is controlled at a fixed value, then the electrolysis current is a P1 T2
function of water concentration in the sample (Figure 8.33b). V2 = V 8.33(1)
P2 T1 1
This relationship is illustrated in the following example.
Determine the water concentration in a sample when the
sample flow rate is 100 cc/min (0.212 ft /h) at 100°F (37.8°C) Avogadro’s Law Avogadro’s law states that equal volumes
and 10 PSIG (68.9 kPa). The electrolysis current is measured of different ideal gases at the same pressure and temperature
at 320 µA. contain the same number of molecules. The volumetric flow
rate of water vapor can be calculated as
electrolysis current = 320 × 10 coulombs per second
1 coulomb = 6.25 × 10 electrons V1 = 379 N /A 8.33(2)
N = the flow of water in molecules per second POTTED PVC
A = Avogadro’s number (A = 2.73283 × 10 molecules/ BODY
379 = volume of a pound-mole of ideal gas in cubic feet CELL ELEMENT
CHARGE +++++++++ BATTERY +
− − − −K −= 1− − − − − MICA K = 6
Air capacitor Mica capacitor
FIG. 8.33e
The capacitance is a function of the dielectric constant of the material filling the space between the capacitor plates.
CAP will dissolve 300 ppm of water; at 70°F (21°C), it will dis-
solve 150 ppm. With a moisture level of 15 ppm, the propane
would be 5% saturated at 100°F and 10% saturated at 70°F.
Therefore, the output signal would change 100% with no
change in moisture content if temperature were allowed to
vary from 100 to 70°F.
The sample is maintained at constant temperature by
POROUS passing it through a coil immersed in a constant temperature
METAL bath immediately upstream of the measuring cell. Additional
WITH DESSICANTS temperature control of the sample is recommended even if
the process stream is temperature controlled, because ambi-
CLEAN GAS CONTACT ent conditions can affect the sample temperature.
Thin-Film Capacitance Probes The design and operation
INSULATOR of thin-film capacitance probes have been described in the
previous section in connection with Figure 8.32j and 8.32k.
These units are also suitable for explosion-proof area classi-
fications and can be used in measuring the moisture content
FIG. 8.33f of many gas and liquid samples (many liquid hydrocarbons,
Capacitance-type measuring cell. for example). The probe units are suitable for installation of
high-pressure processes and are provided with microproces-
The measuring capacitor is part of an electrical circuit sor-based electronics capable of self-diagnostics and of mul-
that includes a reference capacitor. This circuit is usually tiple measurements or unit conversions (Figure 8.33g). These
powered by a 15-kHz fixed-amplitude sinewave. The mea- probes are available with a variety of covers/shields that can
suring and reference capacitors are switched alternately into be used for a variety of sampling situations (particulate, bub-
the circuit such that its output voltage is a function of the bles, various viscosity liquids, etc.).
connected capacitance. The output signal is a sinewave of A unique configuration of a thin-film capacitance ceramic
the same frequency as the power signal and whose amplitude sensor is one with an integral calibration system. The in situ
varies with the measuring and reference capacitors as they and automatic calibration is performed against a reference
are switched into the circuit. This difference in amplitude is gas. The precision of this system is the result of the use of a
related to the measured capacitance, which, in turn, is a func- chilled-mirror dew-point hygrometer to measure the mois-
tion of the moisture content of the sample. ture content of the reference gas used in the calibration
The electronic chassis is normally mounted near the mea- (Figure 8.33h).
suring cell and sampling system, which should be close to
the sample take-off. In addition to an integral indicator and
output signals of standard serial, milliampere, and millivolt Limitations The capacitance instruments are not suitable
ranges, the electronic chassis can be provided with multiple for polar materials such as alcohols, because these become
range switching and alarm contacts. conductive at the 15-kHz operating frequency and short the
measuring capacitor. Data on instruments operating at higher
Sampling Systems It was pointed out previously that the frequencies were not available.
desiccant in the measuring cell is the equilibrium with the Free sulfur and iron oxide concentrate on the desiccant
sample in terms of percent saturation. For this reason, it is will short the element.
necessary to maintain the sample and measuring cell at con- At sample viscosities above 500 Saybolt Seconds
stant temperatures. For example, propane at 100°F (38°C) Universal (SSU), moisture should not contact the desiccant
FIG. 8.33g
The gold/aluminum oxide probe can measure the moisture content of both gases and liquids. (Courtesy of Endress + Hauser Inc.)
FIG. 8.33h
Thin-film ceramic sensor provided with integral and automatic means for recalibration. (Courtesy of Michell Instruments Ltd.).
at reasonable flow rates, and the measurement becomes is applied over the aluminum oxide. Leads from the gold and
meaningless. aluminum electrodes of the probes connect the sensing ele-
The life of the desiccant is partially a function of solids ment to the measuring circuitry (Figure 8.33i).
in the stream, which pass through the filter. While the desic- Water vapor penetrates the gold layer and equilibrates on
cant can be replaced very readily, the short life of the desic- the aluminum oxide. The number of molecules adsorbed to
cant excludes the use of this instrument on sample streams the aluminum oxide is a function of the water vapor pressure
containing large quantities of fines. in the sample. Each water molecule adsorbed contributes a
distinct increment to the total conductivity of the aluminum
Impedance Hygrometer oxide. The total probe impedance, the reciprocal of probe
conductivity, is thus a measure of water vapor pressure in the
This instrument measures the water content of a sample by sample. Water vapor pressure of a gas sample uniquely deter-
means of a probe whose electrical impedance is a function mines the dew-point temperature and moisture content of the
of the vapor pressure of moisture in the fluid. Impedance is sample. The output is normally calibrated to these units, as
the apparent opposition to the flow of alternating current. they are more convenient to use than vapor pressure. In the
The probe consists of an aluminum strip that is anodized to case of certain liquid samples, the moisture content can be
form a porous layer of aluminum oxide. A thin coat of gold measured through the application of Henry’s law.
FIG. 8.33j
Flanged probe.
Impedance-measuring sensor. PROOF
In terms pertinent to this measurement, Henry’s law WIRING
states that, at constant temperature, the mass of water vapor TERMINALS
Limitations The instrument can be used on all gases that Piezoelectric quartz crystals have a number of uses: in com-
are not corrosive to the probe and that will not spontaneously munications, to control frequencies; in industry to measure
polymerize on contact with the probe materials. On liquids, temperature and thickness of metal films; and to generate
SHUT-OFF passed through one column and dry reference gas through
the other. Since adsorption and desorption occur simulta-
FLOW neously, the net thermocouple output voltage represents the
FLOW algebraic sum of the heat gained by one column and lost by
ENERGIZED DE- the other. The reference gas and sample gas streams are
SOLENOID VALVES ENERGIZED switched on a time-cycle basis to maintain dynamic condi-
tions necessary for measurement in the sensing element.
Sample flow is closely regulated, because moisture concen-
FIG. 8.33l tration is inferred from the known sample and reference flow
Piezoelectric hygrometer sampling system. rates (Figure 8.33n).
Limitation There are several general limitations to the field reflected by the sample. The probe of the reflectance unit
of application of this instrument. The sample fluid must not does, however, require contact with the process material.
be corrosive to the glass sample cell. It must have some Selection of the type of probe to be used is determined by
minimum transparency for the measurement and reference the reflective and absorptive properties of the sample at oper-
wavelengths. Additionally, there cannot be any other compo- ating conditions and by the physical installation. An advan-
nents present in the sample that will selectively absorb either tage of the microwave hygrometer over the infrared unit is
the measuring or reference wavelength. that there are no optical windows that may coat and effect
the measurement.
Microwave Absorption Hygrometer
Limitations The unit is not suitable for moisture measure-
In the microwave frequency band of 20 to 22 GHz (K band), ment in gases.
the wavelength is about 13 to 15 mm. In this frequency band,
moisture (free water) responds uniquely. Only the water mol-
Dipole Polarization Effect Moisture Sensor
ecule produces molecular resonance. The microwave radia-
tion can be guided by waveguides or transmitted through the The principle of this measurement relies on the fact that
process stream from its source to a detector. water molecules are formed by covalent bonds. These bonds
The operating principle of this instrument is the same as share electrons unequally between the hydrogen and oxygen
that of the infrared absorption hygrometer, namely, selective atomic nucleuses, and the result is an electrical asymmetry
absorption of electromagnetic energy by moisture in the sam- around the molecule (two slightly positively charged hydro-
ple. However, in this case, radiant energy in the microwave gen atoms and a slightly negatively charged oxygen atom).
region is used. A transmitter provides a microwave beam that When these molecules are subjected to an electric field, they
can either be transmitted through or reflected by the sample tend to align with the electric field because of their dipole
material. The receiving unit senses wave attenuation and nature. Unfortunately, other influences such as surface polar-
phase shift and provides an output. The unit senses the mass ization, ions, etc., can also create an electrical effect in the
of moisture in the beam path so that the readout is normally field.
in terms of the mass of moisture per unit volume. However, By selecting an appropriate sensor field frequency (e.g.,
with proper calibration, readout in weight percent can be 20 kHz), the influence of these other influences can be
achieved. reduced. Other polar molecules can interfere, but, because
Several probe configurations are possible, depending on water molecules are very specific, this is not considered a
the application. Figure 8.33p shows the transmitting and significant factor in most analysis. Ammonia (NH3) is the
receiving probes welded into a section of pipe. Internally, closest to water, and its interference effect is listed as about
Teflon contacts the sample. This type of arrangement can 3 3
1:50 (±50 gm/m NH3 equals about ±1 gm/m of water).
be advantageous on slurries and pastes, because there are
A dipole probe is depicted in Figure 8.33q. The sensor
no obstructions to flow. The units described above measure
measurement chamber is an open capacitor that is protected
the attenuation of a microwave beam in the sample by
from coating or attack by the process steam components by
a membrane filter. The measurement output is directly pro-
The reflectance-type unit contains the source and detector
portional to the number of water molecules in the field and
in a single housing. Rather than detecting the transmitted
is reported as a mass per unit volume output. The probe can
microwave energy, this design measures the amount of energy
be made from several materials (stainless steel, inconel, etc.)
and can even be coated with nonstick materials. The result
is an available probe for most needs. The probe is usually
heated to about 10°C above the highest process temperature
to provide a constant measurement temperature and to min-
imize potential condensation and fouling. Versions of this
RECEIVER probe design have been used to measure moisture in pro-
cesses as hot as 430°C.
Because the measured signal is directly proportional to
the number of water molecules in the chamber, calibration is
very easy. A zero-reference capacitor is hermetically sealed
in the probe and, once the zero reference is established and
because the measurement is linear, you need only one other
calibration point for the entire 0 to 100% range. The calibra-
tion will not change for the life of the instrument as long as
FIG. 8.33p the physical integrity of the measuring and reference cham-
Microwave sensor installed in pipe. bers are maintained.
FIG. 8.33q
A dipole polarization effect moisture sensor. (Courtesy of Dewcon Instruments Inc.)
Signal (Volts)
0.3 τ = 295.82 = 0.20 µsec
data points
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
time (µsec)
FIG. 8.33s
Typical ring-down decay curve. (Courtesy of Tiger Optics LLC.)
correlated to an appropriate moisture content. High-energy required. This could be factor if you are encountering foam
neutrons are focused on the sample. Backscattered low- or slurries of significantly varying densities.
energy neutrons that have interacted with a hydrogen nucleus A sensor can typically measure a semisphere sample vol-
are detected and correlated to the hydrogen/moisture density. ume of approximately 18-in. (46 cm) radius. If one is monitor-
As a result of the advancements in this design, it is now also ing a sample of varying consistency, the overall measurement
being considered for some nonsolids applications, although accuracy can be increased by placing the sensor where it
the majority of its applications is still on solid samples. monitors a flowing sample. This effectively will give an inte-
Figure 8.33t depicts a typical installation. grated or averaged moisture value.
Because the measurement is so focused on the neutron
and hydrogen nucleus interaction, it is not an appropriate Sampling System There are usually no sampling system
measurement where hydrogen-containing species, other than requirements for this instrument. The sensor is typically
water, can vary in concentration. This essentially eliminates mounted directly on the process.
the world of hydrocarbons, but it is still suitable for inorganic
chemicals, salts, mineral applications, etc. Moisture in blast Limitations The unit is not suitable for moisture mea-
furnace coke is still the dominant application. Optional den- surement in gases or samples with varying levels of hydro-
sity compensation systems are available but are generally not gen atoms (like most hydrocarbons). If the sample density
varies significantly, a density measurement should be made
for compensation.
FIG. 8.33u
Example of gas dilution based moisture calibration systems. (Courtesy of Panametrics Inc.)
The lower system in the figure offers multiple opportunities If one is adding it to a system, and if the dilution gas is truly
(stages) to dilute the saturated stream with dry gas and will dry or constant, it is possible to generate an actual moisture
allow you to achieve more precise control of calibration value. Typically permeation systems operate at much lower
samples at lower values than a large-ratio single-stage dilu- flow rates than saturation dilution systems.
tion approach. A recent advancement of the permeation tube design is
The second design concept is the permeation tube design. depicted in Figure 8.33w. It depicts a permeation tube system
Figure 8.33v depicts a simple permeation tube moisture cal- that is designed to introduce moisture into gas streams that
ibration design. Permeation tube designs can be used to gen- contain reactive components. Some examples of reactive gas
erate known standards from dry gases or to make known components that were considered include ammonia, HCl,
standard additions to samples or standards. They are based HBr, chlorine, silane, and others. The reactive component
on the concept that, under controlled conditions, the rate/vol- does not come in contact with the permeation tube, and the
ume of moisture that will permeate through a permeation reactive matrix is formed by dilution after the water addition.
tube (its membrane wall) is constant. By also controlling These need to be evaluated on an individual application basis
these conditions and the dilution gas flow rates, one can at least and surely won’t work for all situations, but they are a nice
generate a reproducible and predictable moisture standard. addition to the analyst’s toolbox.
FIG. 8.33v
Example of a permeation tube based moisture calibration system. (Courtesy of Kin-Tek Laboratories Inc.)
Base Mixture
Base Mixture
To Vent
Oven (carrier) Flow N.O.
Permeation Tube
Primary Mixture
Primary Mixture
Diluenin FI FC Overflow
1 1
Pressure BPC 1
Split Flow
Reactive Overflow
Diluent In FC To Safe vent
Pressure BPC 3
FIG. 8.33w
Example of a permeation tube based moisture in reactive gases calibration system. (Courtesy of Kin-Tek Laboratories Inc.)
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Jutlia, J. M., Multicomponent on-stream analyzers for process monitoring
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Kohler, H. M. and Mathew, A., Continuous in-situ and elevated temperature
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