Attachment 2 Recommendations

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Everybody Counts

Youth Forum
27-30 September 2017 | Yerevan, Armenia

The package of recommendations was developed by 50 The participants of various backgrounds coming from
young people, youth workers, community leaders and different sectors and regions of Armenia, Moldova and
activists from Armenia, Moldova and Ukraine within Ukraine were divided into the following 4 working
the framework of an International Youth Forum taking groups:
place in Yerevan, Armenia. 1. Fostering Participation of young people with fewer
opportunities and youth from the rural and deprived
The Forum was organized on the margins of
urban communities through Employment and
“Everybody Counts: Rural Youth Empowerment in
Eastern Partnership Countries” project which is being Entrepreneurship;
implemented by Armenian Progressive Youth NGO 2. Fostering Participation of young people with fewer
(Armenia) in collaboration with Foundation for opportunities and youth from the rural and deprived
Advancement of Moldova (Moldova) and Society urban communities through Formal and Non-
Initiatives Institute (Ukraine). formal Education;
3. Fostering Participation of young people with fewer
As a part of the project’s efforts of mainstreaming opportunities and youth from the rural and deprived
youth participation issues, the forum brought together
urban communities through Political and Civic
rural youth, the civil society actors and the government
representatives to discuss and develop a package of Participation;
recommendations promoting youth participation and 4. Fostering Participation of young people with fewer
inclusion. The recommendations were developed by opportunities and youth from the rural and deprived
the Forum participants based on the “Youth urban communities through International
Participation” online survey findings and discussions Cooperation and Mobility.
with youth workers.

The drafted recommendations are as follows:
In order to foster participation of young people In order to foster participation of young people with
with fewer opportunities and youth from the rural fewer opportunities and youth from the rural and
and deprivedurban communities through deprived urban communities through formal and
employment and entrepreneurship non-formal education

Educational Institutions should: Relevant Ministries should:

1. Strengthen the collaboration between universities 1. Encourage broader recognition of non-formal
and the business sector, in particular, through education, particularly on civic education, inclusion,
creating synergies between university faculties and democracy, environmental issues etc. Education
relevant business fields to foster sales of student should adopt both theoretical and practical methods
capstone projects, professional internship with the option of combining studies with work
placements and job fairs. experience, volunteering or internships.
2. Conduct a labour market needs assessment and 2. Through cooperation with Higher Education
based on the findings of the research update the Institutions and employers, non-formal education can
university curricula in order to make the latter more be encouraged through career counselling and
relevant to the labour market needs. mentoring programmes in cooperation with businesses
and local organisations.
3. Expand the framework and the reach of career
orientation projects for high-school students National Governments should:
through visits to future potential university they are
about to enter and visits to companies where they 3. Invest greater resources in modernising education
can experience their future profession. and adequately training teachers at all levels.

Relevant Ministries should: 4. Strive for full and non-biased implementation of

Bologna process reforms, including ensuring the
4. Support the creation and expansion of career academic freedom for students and faculty.
centres, which periodically organize job fairs, soft
skills trainings as well as assist students in finding In order to foster political and civic participation of
internships, etc. young people with fewer opportunities and youth
from the rural and deprived urban communities
5. Incorporate high-quality “economic literacy”
subjects into high school and university curricula. Relevant Ministries should:

National Governments should: 5. Encourage educational institutions to create a

supportive environment for the civil and political
6. Create scaffolding mechanisms, such as tax participation of youth.
reduction, government subsidies, support in
consultancy and advertisement for youth-led local 6. Make the grant schemes more supportive of not only
businesses. the established NGOs but also of the broader youth
initiative groups.
7. Implement tax regulation reforms that enable an
environment where business sector allocates financial
recourses within their corporate social responsibility
budgets towards financing projects that promote civil
and political activism in rural communities.
8. Encourage national NGOs to prioritize projects that
aim to stimulate civic engagement.

9. Stimulate creation of online platforms, where youth In order to foster participation of young people with
needs assessment surveys and polls on youth projects fewer opportunities and youth from the rural and
and drafts to laws can take place. deprived urban communities through international
cooperation and mobility
National Governments should:
10. Encourage local authorities to create a system The European Union should:
where youth councils assume their full role of a
consulting body of the local and national political 1. Encourage intergovernmental dialogue to broaden
systems. mutual cooperation between EU and Eastern
Partnership countries.
2. Encourage increased cooperation between embassies
and governments to simplify visa acquisition process
for students that participate in youth mobility projects.
Relevant Ministries should:
3. Establish consulting and coordination centres for
informational assistance on youth mobility projects.

“The project benefits from the support through the EaP CSF Re-granting Scheme. Within its
Re-granting Scheme, the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) supports
projects of the EaP CSF members with a regional dimension that contribute to achieving the
mission and objectives of the Forum. The donors of the Re-granting Scheme are the European Union and
National Endowment for Democracy. The overall amount for the 2017 call for proposals is 290.000 EUR. Grants
are available for CSOs from the Eastern Partnership and EU countries. Key areas of support are democracy
and human rights, economic integration, environment and energy, contacts between people, social and labour

This project is funded by the European Union

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