Scripture: Topic:: Christ's Purpose in Evangelism
Scripture: Topic:: Christ's Purpose in Evangelism
Scripture: Topic:: Christ's Purpose in Evangelism
The encouraging thing in these words is that God intends the persecution and imprisonments to be a strategic
opportunity for witness to the truth of the gospel. Luke 21:13—"This will be a time for you to bear testimony."
Imprisonment will interrupt your evangelistic strategy, but it will not interrupt God's evangelistic strategy.
So the whole Jewish legal council, and three of the highest political officials in Palestine (Felix, Festus,
Agrippa) all hear the gospel because Paul was arrested and imprisoned on false charges. Surely the lesson we
should learn from the words of Jesus in Luke 21:13 and from the way they were fulfilled in the life of Paul is
that God has gospel purposes in all the set backs of our lives.
I see so much encouragement here for an exciting way to live your life expectantly under the providence of a
sovereign God. You get up in the morning and you pray and make your plan for the day. But then you pray
again and say, "Lord, I know that I do not control this day—what will happen to my car, who will call me at
work, whom I will see at lunch, and a hundred other unexpected details. Would you govern my day so that all
its unplanned detours are spiritually valuable? Help me to see divine appointments where Satan may only want
me to see interruptions and irritations."
Then life would be like jogging in downtown Minneapolis. Tuesday morning I decided to take a run through
downtown. I had a general idea of where I wanted to go—that was my plan. But what I did—and I think this is
a lot like life—was let the stoplights determine where I took my turns. If west was red, I'd cross the street on the
green and run farther north. When I hit a red going north, I'd cross the street west and run west. And so on.
As I came to a corner near the Lutheran Brotherhood building, I ran right into David Livingston and Jerry
Sundberg and David Laurion on their way home from a breakfast meeting. I thought to myself afterward. Of all
the hundreds of routes I could have gone that morning, the stoplights—symbolizing the providence of God—
guided me straight to this group of guys.
So I hope you live your days with a sense of expectancy and readiness to move with the gospel of peace. Paul is
standing here before Agrippa by God's divine appointment after a two year detour in a Caesarean prison. A few
providential red lights on the way to Rome, and here he stands before the king of Palestine. And Jesus says, the
reason things like this happen is for a testimony.
And so our text today makes its point in two ways: its existence is a testimony to God's exciting providence and
Paul's readiness with the gospel; and its content is a testimony to what Christ aims to accomplish in the process
of evangelism.
Rise and stand upon your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you to serve and bear
witness to the things in which you have seen me and to those in which I will appear to you, delivering you from
the people and from the Gentiles—to whom I send you to open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to
light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those
who are sanctified by faith in me.
Here is what Christ aims to accomplish through the witness of his people. This is what we should pray for with
great confidence that we are praying according to the revealed will of God in Scripture.
1. To Go and Tell
The first thing we need to see is that Christ aims for us to go and tell, not just wait or others to come and see.
This comes from verse 17b: " . . . to whom I send you."
From the first coming of Christ to the second coming of Christ the strategy of our mission is incarnation. Jesus
Christ came into the world to save sinners. He left one place and went to another place. He gave up the glories
and comforts of his heavenly home in order to go where the people were and tell them about the Father. And he
said, "As the Father has sent me so send I you."
Bethlehem's mission in Minneapolis must never be mainly a come and see mission. It must be a go and tell
mission. Suppose that all 1,000 of you had just arrived on the scene in Minneapolis as a team of tent-making
missionaries. You know what they are—people who will work at secular jobs to support themselves and their
families and to penetrate a given population with the gospel.
And suppose that we all got together and said, Well, here we are, and we have no jobs yet and no place to live
and there are 1,000 of us. What should we do to reach this metropolitan area for Christ? I think the answer
would be, Let's all go out and find jobs. All different kinds of jobs all over the cities. And let's pray and let the
Spirit guide us to houses and apartments all over the cities and the surrounding suburbs. Let's not all live
together in one apartment complex. And let's not make a Christian industry. But let's live among the nationals
and get jobs where they work. In other words let's develop a go and tell model of penetration instead of a come
and see model of concentration. Great idea! Terrific strategy!
Well isn't it encouraging that that's just what God has already done. We are a church of 1,000 tent-making
witnesses to the gospel of Christ. We don't live or work at church. We live and work among the natives. And
that is just where God wants us. That is the first thing Christ aims to do with his witnesses—cause them to go
and tell, not just wait for others to come and see.
Let me make two comments about how these two turnings relate to the opening of the eyes.
Here's the point: our friend will never treat the darkness as something strange until her eyes are opened.
Darkness is her native land. If her eyes were opened to know light, she would turn from darkness to light. And
so it is in the spiritual realm. Where there is spiritual blindness, people are at home in the darkness of sin. If you
say, "Hey, turn on the light, you're going to hurt yourself," they won't know what you are talking about. First the
eyes must be opened. Then they will turn and walk in the light.
So when the eyes are opened to see Christ the way he really is, and to see God and the world and sin and
righteousness and heaven and hell they way they really are, then the power of Satan is broken. The power of
Satan is broken by the Spirit of truth. What are the first and last pieces of armor Paul lists in Ephesians 6 to
protect you from the principalities and powers and make you effective in fighting them? Answer: the belt of
TRUTH and the sword of the Spirit which is THE WORD OF GOD.
In your witness to the truth of Christ God aims to open the eyes of the blind and to deliver them from Satan
because the only way Satan can hold you is by deceiving you about what is really desirable.
So there it is—a summary of what Christ aims to do through you and me when we testify to the truth of the
gospel. He aims to open the eyes of the spiritually blind; he aims that they would then turn from the darkness of
sin to the light of righteousness; he aims that they would turn from the power of Satan who can only hold them
by lies, and come to God. He aims that all their sins be forgiven. And he aims that by faith, not legalistic
burdens, they would join the saints in the pursuit of holiness.
O what great, eternal things God aims to do through us as we go and tell about the truth of Jesus Christ.