Thoracic Trauma

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Thoracic Trauma
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Reviewed and revised 3 May 2017


Assessment of thoracic trauma requires the identification of immediately life-threatening injuries on

primary survey, and delayed life threats on secondary survey.

“ 1. Primary survey
2. Resuscitation
3. Secondary survey
4. Diagnostic evaluation
5. Definitive care


A widely used mnemonic for the 6 killer conditions to think of, and actively search for, during the primary
survey is ATOM-FC:
Airway obstruction or disruption
Tension pneumothorax
Open pneumothorax
Massive haemothorax
Flail chest
Cardiac tamponade

With a little bit of contortionism, potentially life-threatening chest injuries can also be remembered using

Aortic injury
Thorax injuries (non-massive hemothorax, simple pneumothorax)
Oesphageal perforation
Muscular diaphragmatic injury (a stretch this one, I know)
Fistula (bronchopleural) and other tracheobronchial injury
Contusion to the heart or lungs

Primary survey



External neck deformity or hematoma, crepitus from laryngeal fracture, surgical emphysema, hoarse
voice or gurgling
Complete airway obstruction — silent chest, paradoxical chest movements
Partial airway obstruction — stridor, respiratory distress


High flow oxygen 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask

Use airway maneuvers and adjuncts to attempt to achieve airway patency (jaw-thrust, suction,
oropharyngeal airway) and rapidly proceed to definitive airway if airway disruption confirmed
Surgical airway may be required as endotracheal intubation with direct laryngoscopy may not be
possible due to distorted anatomy
If a disrupted airway is visible through an open neck wound attempt to secure the distal trachea with
forceps (retraction) and intubate through the wound (consider using a bougie)
Will need bronchoscopy / thoracotomy


Simple pneumothorax converts to a tension pneumothorax if the lung defect acts as a one way
valve, which allows ongoing air leak into pleural space without letting it leak back out
Tension pneuothorax can be rapidly fatal as intra-thoracic pressure rises cause decreased venous
return and kinking of great vessels resulting in obstructive shock
Have a high index of suspicion in any tachycardic and hypotensive patient — clinical features may
not be obvious


Anxiety and agitation

Respiratory distress
Tachycardia, hypotension
Neck vein distension
Ipsilateral hyperexpansion and decreased chest movement
Tracheal deviation to the contra-lateral side
Hyper-resonance ipsilaterally
Decreased breath sounds ipsilaterally
Bedside ultrasound can rapidly confirm pneumothorax


High flow oxygen to maintain SpO2 target (e.g. 15L/min via non-rebreather mask)
Immediate needle thoracocentesis or finger thoracostomy (‘decompression’).
Proceed to formal intercostal catheter after needle decompression


Open pneumothorax is essentially a ‘sucking chest wound’

It is thought that once a chest wound is >2/3rds the diameter of the trachea, air will enter wound


Open wound on chest wall

Anxiety and agitation
Respiratory distress
Decreased chest movement ipsilaterally
Hyper-resonance ipsilaterally
Decreased breath sounds ipsilaterally
Bedside ultrasound can rapidly confirm pneumothorax


High flow oxygen to maintain SpO2 target (e.g. 15L/min via non-rebreather mask)
Cover with occlusive 3-sided dressing to form a ‘flutter valve’ that allows the egress of air through
the wound but prevents ‘sucking in’.
Place formal catheter in separate intercostal space
Will need formal exploration prior to closing

Massive hemothorax can result from either blunt or penetrating trauma
The source of bleeding can be from the lungs, major vessels, intercostal vessels or even the heart

Massive hemothorax is defined by the need for thoracotomy — the indications are:

Blood loss > 1,500 mL or 1/3rd of blood volume

Blood loss >200 mL/h (3 mL/kg/h) for 2-4 hours


Anxiety and agitation

Hemorrhagic shock — pallor, tachycardia, hypotension, cool peripheries
External evidence of thoracic injury
Decreased chest movement ipsilaterally
Ipsilateral dullness
Decreased breath sounds ipsilaterally
Persistent blood loss following intercostal catheter insertion
Bedside ultrasound can rapidly confirm the presence of significant pleural fluid — to see on erect
chest requires 250mL of blood


High flow oxygen to maintain SpO2 target (e.g. 15L/min via non-rebreather mask)
Treat with rapid restoration of blood volume combined with concurrent drainage of thorax
Immediate intercostal catheter insertion (re-expanding lung may tamponade the bleeding vessels)
Hemostatic resuscitation — activate massive transfusion protocol, use of an autotransfuser is ideal
If develops from blunt chest trauma may be able to consider embolisation


A flail chest is defined as fractures of 2 or more contiguous ribs in 2 or more locations

This results in a segment of the chest wall (the ‘flail’) that is no longer in continuity with the rest of
the thoracic cage
Paradoxical movement results, the segment moves inwards on inspiration as the rest of the chest
expands and outwards on expiration as the rest of the chest deflates
Rib fractures on opposite sides of the chest can result in a ‘central flail’ involving the sternum


Chest pain
Respiratory distress
Boney crepitus
Paradoxical chest wall movements of the affected segment (not apparent if positive pressure
ventilation applied)

High flow oxygen to maintain SpO2 target (e.g. 15L/min via non-rebreather mask)
paracetamol 1g qid po, NSAIDs if not contraindicated, titrated opiates IV (e.g. fentanyl 25
micrograms q5min prn IV), ketamine infusion
consider adjunctive medications (e.g. pregabalin, tapentadol)
Early use of regional anesthesia (e.g. intercostal nerve blocks, paravertebral block, epidural
anesthesia) due to risk of respiratory depression
Respiratory monitoring and support
close monitoring of SaO2, respiratory effort, and ABGs is important as patients tend to
gradually deteriorate and may require intubation and mechanical ventilation
may benefit from non-invasive ventilation
Surgical intervention
selected patients may benefit from rib fixation (e.g. failure of analgesia and non-surgical
interventions prior to intubation, or failure to wean from mechanical ventilation)


Pericardial tamponade is more common in penetrating thoracic trauma than blunt trauma
As little as 75 mL of blood accumulating in the pericardial space acutely can impair cardiac filling,
resulting in tamponade and obstructive shock


Anxiety and agitation

Obstructive shock — tachycardia, hypotension, cool peripheries
Beck’s triad: muffled heart sounds, hypotension and distended neck veins — not especially in a
noisy trauma bay!
Pulsus paradoxus (drop in systolic blood pressure >10 mmHg on inspiration)
Very hard to differentiate clinically from tension pneumothorax and needs to be actively sought
Mostly diagnosed following identification of a pericardial effusion on bedside ultrasound as part of
the FAST exam leading to formal echocardiography


High flow oxygen to maintain SpO2 target (e.g. 15L/min via non-rebreather mask)
May transiently respond to fluid challenge
Needle pericardiocentesis, preferably ultrasound guided, may be lifesaving may be life-saving but
may fail due to clotted blood
Pericardotomy is definitive treatment
Emergency thoracotomy may be necessary in the event of cardiac arrest

Secondary survey


Aortic disruption in trauma typically involves a tear on the aortic wall due to acceleration-
deceleration forces
May result from penetrating (usually succumb in the field) or blunt injury
Those that make it to hospital may only have the outer aortic wall layer, the adventitia, intact
containing a hematoma


Conscious patients may experience tearing chest and back pain. Neurological deficits may also be
present (e.g. dissection involvement origins of carotid arteries, spinal arteries, etc)
Clinical signs (such as differences in blood pressure and pulses between the upper limbs) are
Suspect based on mechanism and the presence of other injuries (e.g. fractures of the sternum,
upper ribs and scapula)
Look for features of aortic dissection on CXR (especially widened mediastinum) — though these are
often absent
Essential to have a low threshold for definitive test: CT angiogram of the aorta
Pericardial tamponade or an aortic dissection flap may be seen on echocardiography (TOE is more
sensitive than TTE)


High flow oxygen 15L/min via non-rebreather mask

Avoid excessive fluid resuscitation
Lower the pulse rate to decrease aortic shear forces by commencing beta blockade (e.g. titrated
esmolol infusion) then commence GTN infusion to aiming for systolic blood pressure of 90-100
mmHg and adequate tissue perfusion
Definitive treatment is surgery, stenting or both



Evidence of thoracic trauma

Hyper-resonance ipsilaterally
decreased breath sounds ipsilaterally
Bedside ultrasound can rapidly confirm pneumothorax
CT chest may diagnose small pneumothoraces not seen on CXR


High flow oxygen 15L/min via non-rebreather mask

Small traumatic pneumothoraces may only require observation
Significant simple pneumothoraces require intercostal catheter insertion, especially if the patient
require intubation due to the risk of conversion to tension pneumothorax.


Respiratory distress, ipsilateral dullness
On supine CXR films will appear as simply a veiling
Bedside ultrasound can rapidly confirm fluid in the pleural space


High flow oxygen 15L/min via non-rebreather mask

Intercostal catheter insertion (re-expansion of the ipsilateral lung may help tamponade bleeding
vessels and ongoing blood loss can be monitored)


Traumatic esophageal perforation is usually caused by penetrating trauma


Chest or epigastric pain, dysphagia, hematemesis

Neck and/or chest wound
Surgical emphysema
Pleural effusion, especially on left side (CXR or bedside ultrasound)
Drainage of gastrointestinal contents from an intercostal catheter
Shock (sepsis ensues if delayed presentation due to GI contents in the thoracic cavity)


High flow oxygen 15L/min via non-rebreather mask

Fluid resuscitation
Nasogastric tube on free drainage
Broad spectrum antibiotics
Formal surgical repair


Diaphragmatic injuries may occur from either blunt or penetrating trauma (especially on the left side)
and are easily missed.
Blunt injury causes radial tears that tend to allow herniation of abdominal structures into the thoracic
cavity early.
Penetrating injuries can cause small defects that don’t present with herniation until years later.


Suspect with any penetrating injury that could extend to between the T4 and T12 levels
Suspect with severe blunt trauma to the torso, especially if there were compressive or rapid
deceleration forces
May be asymptomatic initially
Abdominal pain, guarding and/or rigidity
Cardiovascular and/or respiratory compromise may occur if abdominal contents herniate into the
thoracic cavity
Herniation may be detected by hearing bowel sounds on chest auscultation, or by CXR (NG tube tip
may extend into the thoracic cavity) or bedside ultrasound
Diagnosis of diaphragmatic rupture is usually on multidetector CT, though even a normal CT does
not rule out the diagnosis
Laparoscopy or open exploration are the gold standard for diagnosis


Laparoscopy or thoracoscopy if suspected

Most require formal surgical repair


Tracheobronchial injury usually occurs close to the carina, and is associated with severe blunt


Hemoptysis, cough and respiratory distress

Subcutaneous emphysema
Pneumothorax with persistent air leak after correct placement of an intercostal catheter (continues
to bubble vigorously with little resolution of pneumothorax)


High flow oxygen 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask

Multiple intercostal catheters may be required
Urgent bronchoscopy and operative intervention


Pulmonary contusion can occur with any significant thoracic injury.

Lung hemorrhage and pulmonary edema leads to impaired gas exchange and respiratory
Lesions may progress over hours to days (e.g. peak at 72 hours then resolve over 7 days) then
gradually improve.


Suspect in any significant thoracic trauma

May occur in small children in the absence of fractures due to the high compliance of the chest wall
Respiratory distress, hemoptysis, cyanosis
Decreased breath sounds and crackles in the affected lung area
Hypoxia and/ or hypercapnia on ABG
Pulmonary contusions are detectable on bedside ultrasound
Alveolar opacities on CXR
MAy be complicated by nosocomial pneumonia


High flow oxygen 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask

‘Fluid restriction’ may reduce size of contusion but may not affect outcomes
Analgesia for pain from associated thoracic injuries, which may impair respiratory function
Respiratory support — severe cases require intubation and mechanical ventilation
Pulmonary lacerations may be managed conservatively with an intercostal catheter, thoracotomy
and lung repair may be required


spectrum of injury from minor enzyme rises to fulminant cardiac failure and lethal cardiac rupture


Suspect if severe blunt trauma with fractures of the sternum, ribs and/ or thoracic vertebrae
Chest pain
Persistent unexplained tachycardia
pericardial injury: can produce herniation and cardiac dysfunction
valvular: aortic > mitral > tricuspid + pulmonary valves; results in murmurs and heart failure
septal injury: loud holosystolic murmur
Suspect cardiac contusion if any underlying ECG abnormality, including any arrhythmia, conduction
defect or ischaemic changes such as ST segment deflections and T wave changes
Troponin doesn’t alter management


Cardiology consult and admission for cardiac monitoring and echocardiogram

medical management/PCI/stent/ CABG for coronary artery injury
cardiac surgery may be required for valvular dysfunction and penetrating injuries
emergency thoracotomy may be required in the event of a cardiac arrest


Rib fractures

multiple rib #’s, 1st and 2nd rib and scapular fractures = high energy -> need good analgesia

Sternal fracture

consider cardiac injury, though rare with isolated sternal fractures

References and Links

Trauma Tribulation 004 — A Fiendish Finding

Journal articles and textbooks

Fildes J, et al. Advanced Trauma Life Support Student Course Manual (8th edition), American
College of Surgeons 2008.
Legome E, Shockley LW. Trauma: A Comprehensive Emergency Medicine Approach, Cambridge
University Press, 2011.
Marx JA, Hockberger R, Walls RM. Rosen’s Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice
(7th edition), Mosby 2009. []

FOAM and web resources

EMCrit — Needle versus Knife II: Needle vs. Finger Thoracostomy

Resus.ME — Inadequate pre-hospital needle thoracostomy

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About Chris Nickson

An oslerphile emergency physician and intensivist suffering from a bad case
of knowledge dipsosis. Key areas of interest include: the ED-ICU interface,
toxicology, simulation and the free open-access meducation (FOAM)
revolution. @Twitter | + Chris Nickson | RAGE | INTENSIVE| SMACC
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