Small Animal Dermatology: November, 21th 2015

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World Small Animal Veterinary Association Montenegro association of small animal practitioners

Montenegro assotiation of small animal practitioners and World Small Animal Veterinary Association

Are inviting you for a

WSAVA seminar

Small animal dermatology

November, 21th

Crnogorskih Serdara br 5,Podgorica

Dr. Chiara Noli

Chiara Noli DVM ,Dip ECVD

Graduated in veterinary medicine at University of Milan in 1990. She is a Specialist in Small

Animal Medicine from 1995. From 1992 – 1995 she completed Residency program in
Dermatology at the Veterinary Faculty, Utrecht University, the Netherlands and six months as
Guest Staff Member at the Pathology Department of the Veterinary Faculty of Berne,
Switzerland, learning dermatopathology with Dr. C. v.Tscharner. In 1996 she became the first
Italian to obtain the European Diploma of Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology from ECVD
(European College of Veterinary Dermatology).She was also the first President of the Italian
Society of Veterinary Dermatology (SIDEV). She is the author of over 100 articles in Italian and
other national veterinary journals and the author of several dermatology books. From Jan. 1996 onwards is working as a private
consultant dermatologist in several veterinary hospitals in Northern Italy among which the Veterinary Hospital “ANUBI” in Moncalieri
(TO) one day a week. January 2003 onwards working at the Veterinary Hospital “Cuneese”, Cuneo, one day a week. Jan. 1996 onwards
working as dermatopathologist for BiEssea Veterinary Laboratory, Milan. March 1999 –June 2002 working in her own dermatology
clinic in Milan.
Full CV available at


08.30-09.00 Registration

09.00-09.45 Demodicosis

09.45-10.30 Dermatophytosis

10.30-11.00 Coffee break

11.00-11.45 Pyoderma

11.45-12.30 Malassezia dermatitis

12.30-13.30 Launch

13.30-14.15 Canine allergy

14.15-15.00 Feline allergy

15.00-15.30 Coffee break

15.30-16.15 Leishmaniasis

16.15-17.00 Otitis

Registration fees

Members MASAP/ WSAVA / FECAVA – 15 euros

Students – 10 euros Best regards,
Others– 30 euros President of MASAP Predrag Stojović DVM

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