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(A Classroom Action Research Conducted at the Seventh Grade in SMP
Negeri 1 Grogol Sukoharjo in the Academic Year 2010/2011)

Written by:




Submitted to Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret

University as Partial fulfillment of requirement for the Undergraduate
Degree of Education


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MASTERY USING CARTOON FILMS (A Classroom Action Research
Conducted at the Seventh Grade in SMP Negeri 1 Grogol Sukoharjo in the
Academic Year 2010/2011). Thesis, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education
Faculty. Sebelas Maret University, 2011.

The objectives of this research are to know whether the use of cartoon
films can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery and to identify what happens
when cartoon films are used as media in teaching vocabulary to the seventh grade
students of SMP Negeri 1 Grogol Sukoharjo.
The method used in this research is action research. In this action research,
the researcher acted as the teacher in teaching learning process. Meanwhile, the
English teacher acted as the observer. The researcher conducted this research from
9th February until 3rd June 2011 at SMP Negeri 1 Grogol Sukoharjo at class VII A.
This class consisted of 40 students. In this research, the researcher taught
vocabulary by using cartoon films. The research was conducted in two cycles, in
each of which there were four meetings. Every cycle consists of four steps:
planning, implementing, evaluation, and reflection. The data were collected
through pre-observation, observations, interviews, questionnaires, and tests. The
tests were conducted before the action (pre-test) and after the action (post-test).
These data were compared and analyzed to get a conclusion as the result of this
The result shows that cartoon films are attractive and effective media to
teach vocabulary. During the action, the researcher found that students had shown
their improvement in pronouncing English words correctly. By repeating after the
narrator saying in the film, the students can minimized their mispronunciation.
Besides, it can build the students’ enthusiasm to learn pronunciation. Moreover,
by using pictures with text line in the film, the students were helped to grasp and
recall the words better. Furthermore, difficulties in the use of vocabulary in
making sentences can be solved by giving correct sentence which is shown by the
text line in the cartoon films. In addition, the students were enthusiastic and
become active in joining the class. The classroom became interactive. It was
proved by the interaction between the researcher and the students. It was indicated
by the students’ questions to the researcher when they found some difficulties. It
was easy for them to answer the researcher’s questions.
From the vocabulary test, the students’ pre-test mean score, which was
5.04, increased to 7.85 in the first post-test, and increased to 8.53 in the final post-
test. Therefore, it can be concluded that by using cartoon films as teaching media,
students’ vocabulary mastery can be improved.

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Whatever you wish for, you keep …

Have faith in your dreams
and someday your rainbow will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true
(Cinderella – pick up from Disney)

Obstacles are placed in our way to see

if what we want is really worth fighting for

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With love, this thesis is dedicated


1. My beloved Mom, and my Dad

in memory, thanks for your
endless love, support, and
prayer for me everywhere and
every time.
2. My dearest who brings love,
pray, happiness and the
sweetest care. Thanks for
always accompanying me and
always making me laugh even
in my difficult times.

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Praise and thanks be to the Lord for His blessing that has given her a spirit
and clear mind to finish her thesis as a partial fulfillment in achieving the
Undergraduate Degree of English Education.

The writer realizes that this thesis could not be achieved without the help
and assistance from others. Therefore, in this occasion the writer would give her
appreciation to the individuals and institutions who have given their help during
the process of writing so that this thesis is finally finished. She would like to
express her deepest gratitude to the following:
1. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret
University for approving this thesis.
2. The Head of the Art and Language Education Department of Sebelas
Maret University who has given his permission to write the thesis.
3. The Head of English Department of Teacher Training and Education
Faculty for giving the writer permission to write the thesis.
4. Drs. M. Asrori, M.Pd, as the first consultant who patiently gave her the
guidance, helpful correction, advice, encouragement and time from
beginning up to the completion of this thesis writing.
5. Teguh Sarosa, S.S., M.Hum, as the second consultant who patiently gave
her his guidance, helpful correction, advice, encouragement and time from
beginning up to the completion of this thesis writing.
6. Drs. Jangkung Hariyanto, M.Pd, the Headmaster of SMP Negeri 1 Grogol
Sukoharjo for facilitating the writer in doing the research.
7. Suparti, S.Pd, the English teacher of SMP Negeri 1 Grogol Sukoharjo who
has helped the writer in doing the research.
8. All of the students in class VIIA SMP Negeri 1 Grogol Sukoharjo for the
participating well in this research.

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9. Her beloved mom, for the everlasting love, care, pray, support,
understandings, and everything that they give to her. Also for her
grandparent, her auntie, and all her cousins for the support, laughing, pray,
and care.
10. Her beloved friends, Widitya Nur Westi, Mbak Cecil, Phidel, and Ayu
Dyasti who always cheer her up when she is down.
11. And also for her dearest, Ayub Setyono, who always gives her spirit, love,
pray and sweetest care. Thanks for always accompanying her in her
difficult times and always gives her endless support to finish her thesis.

The writer realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. Therefore,
she accepts gratefully every suggestions, criticisms and comments from those who
concern to this thesis. Hopefully, this thesis will be able to give contribution and
be useful for the readers especially those who are interested in the similar study.

Surakarta, February 2012

Prima Ardya

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TITLE ..................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................... ii
APPROVAL OF THE CONSULTANTS .............................................. iii
APPROVAL OF THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS .............................. iv
MOTTO ................................................................................................. vi
DEDICATION ....................................................................................... vii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................... viii
TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................... x
LIST OF APPENDICES ........................................................................ xiii
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................. xiv
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................... 1
A. Background of The Study ............................. 1
B. Problems Statement....................................... 5
C. The Objectives of The Study ........................ 5
D. Limitation of The Problem ............................ 5
E. The Benefits of The Study ............................ 6

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW .................................. 7

A. Review on Vocabulary .................................. 7

1. The Definitions of Vocabulary Mastery . 7
2. Types of Vocabulary ............................... 8
3. Teaching Vocabulary .............................. 10
4. Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary....... 14
5. Problems in Learning Vocabulary .......... 17
B. Review on Media in Teaching Learning ....... 18
1. The Definitions of Media ........................ 18
2. The Kinds of Media ................................ 19
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3. The Advantages of Media ....................... 20


4. Selecting the Media ................................. 23

5. Procedures the Use of Media
in Teaching Learning ............................. 24
C. Review on Cartoon Film ............................... 26
1. The Definition of Film ............................ 26
2. The Kinds of Film ................................... 27
3. The Definition of Cartoon Films ............. 28
4. The Advantages of Cartoon Films .......... 29
5. Selecting Cartoon Films .......................... 31
6. The Role of Cartoon Films
In Teaching Vocabulary ......................... 31
7. The Procedures of Teaching using Film . 33
D. Rationale ....................................................... 36
E. Hypothesis ..................................................... 38

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ....................... 39

A. Context of The Research ............................... 39
1. Setting of Time and Place ....................... 39
2. Subject of The Research ......................... 39
B. The Method of Research ............................... 40
1. The Nature of Action Research ............... 40
2. The Characteristics of Action Research .. 41
3. The Model of Action Research ............... 42
4. The Procedure of Action Research ......... 43
C. Techniques of Collecting Data ...................... 46
D. Techniques of Analyzing Data ...................... 48


A. Introduction..................................................... 50
B. Research Implementation ............................... 51
1. Identifying Problem ........................................ 51
2. Researchcommit to user ................................
Implementation 53


a. Cycle One ................................................... 53

1) Planning the Action ............................... 53
2) Action..................................................... 54
3) Observing the Action ............................. 59
4) Reflecting the Action ............................. 60
b. Cycle Two .................................................. 64
1) Revised Plan .......................................... 64
2) Action..................................................... 65
3) Observing the Action ............................. 70
4) Reflecting the Action ............................. 73
C. Research Findings .......................................... 78
D. Discussion ...................................................... 87
E. Hypothesis Testing ......................................... 92
AND SUGGESTION ......................................... 94
A. Conclusion ...................................................... 94
B. Implication ...................................................... 95
C. Suggestion ....................................................... 96
BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................. 99
APPENDICES ........................................................................................ 102

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Appendix 1 Research Schedule…………………………………………………… 102

Appendix 2 Pre-research Observation…………………………………………….. 103
Appendix 3 List of Students’ Name………………………………………………. 116
Appendix 4 Syllabus……………………………………………………………..... 117
Appendix 5 Lesson Plan…………………………………………………………... 121
Appendix 6 Diary of Research…………………………………………………….. 164
Appendix 7 Field Notes…………………………………………………………… 168
Appendix 8 Pre-Test………………………………………………………………. 186
a. Blue-Print of Pre-Test……………………………………………… 186
b. Test items………………………………………………………….. 187
c. AnswerKey………………………………………………………... 189
d. Vocabulary Test Scoring Rubric…………………………………... 191
Appendix 9 Post-Test 1…………………………………………………………… 191
a. Blue-Print of Post-Test 1………………………………………….. 191
b. Test items………………………………………………………….. 192
c. Answer Key……………………………………..……………….... 194
d. Vocabulary Test Scoring Rubric………………………………….. 195
Appendix 10 Post-Test 2…………………………………………………………… 196
a.Blue-Print of Post-Test 2………………………………………….. 196
b. Test items………………………………………………………….. 197
c. Answer Key……………………………………………………….. 199
d. Vocabulary Test Scoring Rubric………………………………….. 200
Appendix 11 Samples of Students’ Worksheet…………………………………….. 201
Appendix 12 Students’ Pre-Test, Post-Test1, and Post-Test 2 Scores……………… 231
Appendix 13 Questionnaire After the Action……………………………………… 239
Appendix 14 Transcripts of Interview……………………………………………… 244
Appendix 15 Photographs……………………………………………………….….. 250
Appendix 16 Permission Letters……………………………………………………. 256

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1. Table 3.1 Table of Collecting Data…………………………………………... 47

2. Table 4.1 The Schedule of the Research……………………………………... 50
3. Table 4.2 The Result of the Vocabulary Pre-Test……………………………. 51
4. Table 4.3 Observation of Teaching and Learning Process in Cycle 59
5. Table 4.4 The Improvement of Students’ Achievement of Cycle 1………….. 61
6. Table 4.5 The Result of Post Test 1………………………………………….. 63
7. Table 4.6 Observation of Teaching and Learning Process in Cycle
2……………………………………………………………………. 72
8. Table 4.7 The improvement of Students’ Achievement and Learning Process
at the End of Cycle 2………………………………………………. 74
9. Table 4.8 The Result of the Post Test 2……………………………………… 77
10. Table 4.9 The Improvement of Students’ Achievement and Learning Process
at the End Cycle 2…………………………………………………. 79
11. Table 4.10 The Comparison of Students’ Score in Pre-Test, Post-Test 1 and
Post Test 2…………………………………………………………. 83
12. Table 4.11 The Average Score of Each Vocabulary Aspect in Pre-Test, Post-
Test 1 and Post Test 2……………………………………………... 83
13. Table 4.12 The Sample of Students’ Achievement……………………………. 84
14. Table 4.13 The Result of Questioner 2………………………………………… 86
15. Table 4.14 Summary of Research Findings…………………………………… 89

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A. Background of the Study

In Indonesia, English is learnt and taught in Junior high school, Senior high
school, and university. Based on ‘Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan’ (KTSP) that
was declined in 2006, teaching and learning English in Junior high school should be
concerned on four language skills. Those are listening, speaking, reading and writing. The
four skills are supported by the learning of language elements, such as: structure,
vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling.

Vocabulary is therefore one of the important elements in language that must be

learned by the students. To master the four language skills, students must have a lot of
vocabulary. If students have mastered vocabulary, they will be able to master the four
skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing. In other words, students will get
difficulties in mastering any language skill without mastering vocabulary first. The
importance of vocabulary is stated by McCarthy (1990: iii):

“No matter how well the students learn grammar, no matter how successfully the
sounds of L2 (i.e. second language) are mastered, without words to express a wider
range of meaning, communication in L2 just cannot happen in any meaningful

In fact, teaching English to Junior high school students is not easy, there are
many problems occurring during the process in teaching. It is because English is a new
language for them. When they are in Elementary school, English belongs to ‘muatan

From the students point of view, learning is often seen as a serious and stressful
activity. It is proved by our often hearing children complaining about boring school
lessons and activities. Many teachers seem to still use the classic method. Teacher usually
gives a text, identifies the difficult words, and asks students to look the words up in their
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1 2

dictionary. However, they are reluctant to open their dictionary. They just waited until the
teacher explained it for them or ask them about the difficult words.

Such problems of teaching English to junior high school students were also
identified by the researcher when she was doing pre-research in the seventh grade of
SMPN 1 Grogol Sukoharjo. The researcher interviewed the English teacher, distributed
the questionnaire to the students, and observed the teaching learning process in the
classroom. The writer found some problems for the students in studying vocabulary, both
of competence and classroom situation.

Reading the questionnaires which had been filled in by the seventh grade
students of SMP Negeri 1 Grogol Sukoharjo, the researcher found some problems dealing
with vocabulary mastery. The indicators of the problems were: (1) The students found it
difficult to pronounce the words correctly; (2) It was difficult for the students to
memorize the meaning of words; (3) The students found it difficult to use vocabulary
words. These indicators were proved by the result of the pretest the researcher did prior to
the research. The result showed that the students’ vocabulary mastery was poor. Their
mean score was only 5.04.

In addition, based on the observation during the teaching and learning activities,
the researcher found the problems of the situation in the classroom, as follows: (1) the
classroom situation was not alive, shown by the students’ feeling bored then being
inactive in the teaching learning process; (2) the students’ attention and motivation was
low; and (3) the students made noise in English class.

Other problems were found dealing with the classroom situation. First, the
teacher did not use various techniques in teaching, the way the teacher delivered the
material was less attractive. As a result, many students did not concentrate at the lesson.
Second, the teacher used traditional method to teach vocabulary. In teaching learning
process, the teacher taught vocabulary mostly by translation at the beginning of the lesson
and then had the students take down some words’ meaning. Furthermore, the teacher did
not use any media in teaching learning process. Meanwhile, Scott and Ytrenberg (1990:
5) define that, words are not enough, most activities for the young learners should include
movement and involve the sense. Therefore, the teacher will need to have plenty of
objects and pictures.
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The problem the junior high school students encountered in mastering

vocabulary surely became the challenge for the teacher to make some changes. There are
many techniques that can be used by the teacher in helping the student to master
vocabulary. To get the best result on teaching vocabulary for junior high school, it is
important to choose appropriate technique for them. This is suggested by Subijakto-
Nababan (1993: 5), saying: “guru yang baik pada umumnya selalu berusaha untuk
menggunakan metode pengajaran yang paling efektif dan memakai alat atau media yang

Thereby, the students need something new to encourage them to study

vocabulary. When the teachers use inappropriate or monotonous techniques in teaching
vocabulary, the students can be bored and unmotivated to learn. Students easily learn
when they comfortable. One of the techniques is using cartoon films as media. Media are
needed to make studying English vocabulary more interesting, it is not enough just to
study from a note and explanation. The students need something real and clear to help
them more easily memorize vocabulary that they are learning. By using cartoon films to
teach vocabulary, teacher can help students to know the meaning of unknown word from
the scene of the films.

According to Salim in Arsanti (2000: 9), “film kartun adalah cerita bergambar
dan bersuara yang ditayangkan melalui televisi maupun layar bioskop yang didalamnya
terdapat kondisi visual melalui tingkah dramatic, gerak ekspresi, dan komunikasi verbal
secara dialog, serta musik yang menggunakan irama yang kompleks dan halus”. Another
definition comes from Wittich and Schuller (1962: 135), who say that cartoon is pictorial
representation or caricature of a person, idea, situation that is designed to influence public
opinion. While, Poulson in Analysis of Cartoons (2008) says that basically a cartoon is a
form of media where, using animation, characters are shown with simplified features, but
still maintaining an ability to recognize. Cartoon films provide colorful and interesting
pictures that can attract students’ attention. It provides so many things that it can entertain
the students, like: the characteristic, the plot, the colorful objects, the theme, the music,
and the story. Besides entertaining, cartoon films can also be used to teach students to
study since children are more likely to imitate what they see. Cartoon films combine
audio and visual materials, the students can see the real objects and hear the correct
English pronunciation. Moreover, with the combination of words and pictures, cartoon
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film can attract students’ attention and interest. 4

Other benefits include the promotion of understanding, motivation towards

learning, improved attitudes, productivity and creativity. Khuan Wai Bing and Chua
Hong Tam (2003) state that cartoon film can be used at any time during the teaching as
long as they are relevant to the point or have been designed with a specific purpose. The
specific purpose can be to start a lesson (for example to lead into the topic matter,
learners often find that the topic matter is made clearer by the use of appropriate cartoon
film). Cartoon films can be used as a useful means of improving the learning atmosphere.

Cartoon films also make students enjoy and motivate them to learn English
vocabulary. The usage of cartoons can reduce boredom and decrease academic stress and
anxiety. Using cartoon films is one solution to make students interested in learning,
including learning vocabulary. It is in line with Wittich and Schuller (1953: 138) who
state that the cartoon has great stimulative benefit, even for students for limited ability.
Cartoon elicits great interest, builds vocabulary and confidence in using it, stimulates
conversation and generally increases pupil participation. Moreover, by using cartoon
films in teaching vocabulary, teachers can get some advantages as stated by Kemp (1963:
3-4), when such audiovisual materials as photographs, slides, filmstrips, overhead
transparencies, and motion pictures are carefully prepared and properly used. Those are:

1. The instruction can be more interesting.

2. Learning becomes more interactive.
3. The quality of learning can be improved.
4. The positive attitudes of students toward what they are learning and to
the learning process itself can be enhanced.
Based on the characteristics of cartoon films mentioned above, the writer
strongly believes that using cartoon films will solve the problems in teaching
vocabulary. By using cartoon films, the writer hopes that students’ vocabulary
mastery will improve. The writer expects a lot in each cycle in interesting
activities which are indicating students’ improvement in vocabulary mastery.

B. Problems Statement

After presenting the background of the study above, the next step was to state
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the problems of the study. The writer formulated what she wanted to do, in order to 5

achieve the target. Based on the background of the study above, the problems of the
research were formulated as follow:

1. Can and to what extent cartoon films improve the student’s vocabulary
mastery at the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 1 Grogol Sukoharjo?
2. What is the situation when cartoon films are implemented to teach vocabulary
at the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 1 Grogol Sukoharjo??

C. The Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this research was to improve the students’ vocabulary
mastery by using cartoon film. Based on the previous problems statement, the specific
objectives of the study were:

1. To find out whether or not cartoon film can improve students’ vocabulary mastery at
the seventh grade of SMP N 1 Grogol Sukoharjo.
2. To describe the situation when cartoon films is implemented to teach vocabulary at
the seventh grade of SMP N 1 Grogol Sukoharjo.

D. Limitation of the Problem

The writer realizes that there are many techniques to teach vocabulary, but in this
research, the writer focuses on improving students’ vocabulary mastery using cartoon
films, the effect of cartoon films on the students’ vocabulary mastery in the teaching-
learning process and the situation when cartoon films are implemented to teach

E. The Benefits of the Study

1. For students

It gives spirit and knowledge for students that learning English can be fun
and interesting. The students will not feel to be forced in learning English but they
will feel happy to learn since they are put in an enjoyable situation.

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2. For the researcher

To know whether cartoon films are suitable to improve the students’s
vocabulary mastery or not. And to give understanding that teaching learning
vocabulary can be done in an interesting and fun way.
3. For other teachers
To give some information about teaching technique to teach
vocabulary, if they face the same problems.
4. For English Department
To give a reference on the teaching and learning technique using
cartoon films to teach vocabulary.
5. For other researchers
To give inspiration to do similar research. And to apply further
research in the same field.

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In this chapter, the writer provides related literature dealing with vocabulary
mastery, media in teaching and learning, cartoon film, and their use in language teaching.

A. Review on Vocabulary
1. The Definitions of Vocabulary Mastery

Many experts have their own definitions about vocabulary. McWhorter (1989:
311) says that vocabulary means the ability to recognize individual words and to associate
meaning with the particular combination of letters that form a word. It means that
vocabulary contains of recognizing word and its meaning as well as its spelling. Other
definitions come from Elliot, Kratochwill, Littlefield, and Travers (1999: 384) who said
that vocabulary refers to the meaning of word and not merely its pronunciation. It means
that the term vocabulary has at least two aspects: pronunciation and meaning.

According to Ur (1996: 60), vocabulary is the words that are taught in foreign
language. The new item of vocabulary may be more than a single word. It is in line with
Purwanto (2002: 1), who states that vocabulary is one of the subjects taught when
students are learning a language.

Meanwhile, Hatch and Brown (1995: 1) state that vocabulary refers to a list or
set of words for a particular language or a list or set of words that individual speaker of a
language might use. It means that vocabulary is defined as words that are used by
individual of a particular language.

Vocabulary is one of the important elements in language to learn by students.

To master the four language skill, students must have any knowledge of words. If
students have mastered vocabulary, they will be able to master the four skills, such as
reading, listening, speaking and writing. In other words, students will get difficulties in
mastering any language skill without mastering vocabulary first.

Mastery is defined as the complete control of knowledge (Oxford Advance

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Dictionary). It is in line with Hornby (1995: 6) who defines mastery as complete

7 8

knowledge or complete skill. It means mastery is the whole power or ability to direct
knowledge. Similarly, Coulson et al (1987: 1050) define mastery as skill, or use of
knowledge. It means mastery is the ability to use one of knowledge. Porter (2001: 953)
adds that mastery is learning or understanding something completely and having no
difficulty in using it.

According to the definitions of vocabulary and mastery above, the researcher

concludes that vocabulary mastery is the ability to use knowledge of words that are taught
when students are learning a foreign language, and it is not only understanding the
meaning of words, but also having no difficulty in pronouncing, spelling and using them.

2. Types of Vocabulary

Pikulski and Templeton (2004: 1) categorize vocabulary into the followings:

a. Expressive Vocabulary, which is used to refer to both since these are the
vocabularies we use to express ourselves.
b. Receptive Vocabulary, which is used to refer to listening and reading
c. Meaning or Oral Vocabulary, which refers to the combination of listening
and speaking vocabularies.
d. Literate Vocabulary, which refers to the combination of our reading and
writing vocabularies.
Figure 2.1 shows the relationship of the eight different terms.

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Taken from Pikulski & Templeton (2004: 2)

Figure 2.1 The Relationship of Vocabulary Categories with Skills

In general, linguists differentiate vocabulary into two: active and passive

vocabulary. Harmer (1991: 150) explains that active vocabulary is the vocabulary
which the students have been taught or learnt and which they are expected to be
able to use. Meanwhile, passive vocabulary is the words which the students
recognize when they meet, but which they will probably not be able to produce. In
other words, active vocabulary is productive learning referring to speaking and
writing, while passive vocabulary is receptive learning referring to reading and
It is in line with the distinctions of vocabulary types suggested by
Haycraft (1997: 44). Active vocabulary, as he defines, is the words which the
students can understand, pronounce correctly, and use constructively in speaking
and writing. While passive vocabulary is those which students recognize and
understand when they occur in context, but which the learners themselves cannot
produce correctly. These categories are called using different terms by Gairns and
Redmand. They call active vocabulary as productive vocabulary the passive one
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as receptive. Receptive vocabulary is used to mean language items which can only 10

be recognized and comprehended in the context of reading and listening material;

while productive vocabulary refers to the language items the learner can recall and
use appropriately in speech and writing Gairns and Redmand (1998: 64).
In addition, Gairns and Redmand say that it is very important to
distinguish the both terms in language learning situation. They emphasize the
importance of decision making by the teacher and the writer of the materials about
which items are worth learning for productive use and which are only useful for
purposes of recognition. It has several implications: the teacher will need to select
what the teacher feels will be the most relevant for students’ productive
vocabulary and this, in turn, will affect the teacher’s treatment of those items in
the classroom. Clearly, because the teacher has superior knowledge of
complexities and usefulness of the item to the students’, teacher has a great
responsibility. However, the learners may be in much stronger position to decide
whether an item is worth acquiring productively; this is particularly true in the
case of ESP students. It is also worthy stating at this point that the learner who
perceives the vital personal relevance of an item may well acquire it whether the
teacher pays great attention to it or not. In contrast, consciously or
subconsciously, the learners may reject items being tried to teach by the teacher.

3. Teaching Vocabulary

There are some reasons why vocabulary is taught. As proposed by Nation

(1990: 2), vocabulary is taught because of: (1) the considerable research about vocabulary
informing that vocabulary related to useful words can give the learners useful skill,
especially speaking; (2) the small vocabulary of the learners; (3) the importance of
vocabulary in language learning, The importance of vocabulary is also stated by
McCarthy (1990: iii):

“No matter how well the students learn grammar, no matter how successfully the
sounds of L2 are mastered, without words to express a wider range of meaning,
communication in L2 just cannot happen in any meaningful way.”

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In teaching vocabulary, it is necessary to consider some elements. Ur (1996: 60-

62) suggests some elements that need to be taught in teaching vocabulary. They are:

a. Form : Pronunciation and Spelling

The learner has to know how a word is pronounced (its pronunciation)
and what it looks like (spelling). These are fairly obvious characteristics, and one
or the other will be perceived by the learner when encountering the item for the
first time. In teaching, the teacher needs to make sure that both these aspects are
accurately presented and learned.
b. Grammar
The grammar of a new item will need to be taught if this is not obviously
covered by general grammatical rules. An item may have an unpredictable change
of form in certain grammatical contexts or may have some idiosyncratic way of
connecting with other words in sentences; it is important to provide learners with
this information at the same time as the teacher teaches the base form. When
teaching a new verb, for example, teacher might give also its past form, if this is
irregular (think, thought), and teacher might note if it is transitive or intransitive.
Similarly, when teaching a noun, the teacher may wish to present its
plural form, if irregular (mouse, mice), or draw learners’ attention to the fact that
is has no plural at all (advice, information). The teacher may present verbs such as
want and enjoy together with the verb form that follows them (want – to infinitive,
enjoy – V ing), or adjectives or verbs together with their following prepositions
(responsible for, remind someone of).
c. Collocation
A collocation is two or more words that often go together. These
combinations just sound “right” to native English speakers, who use them all the
time. On the other hand, other combinations may be unnatural and just sound
“wrong”. This is another piece of information about a new item which may be
worth teaching. Collocations are also often noted in dictionaries, either by
providing the whole collocation under one of the head – words, or by a note in
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d. Aspects of Meaning (1) : denotation, connotation, appropriateness 12

The meaning of a word is primarily what it refers to in the real world, its
denotation; this is often the sort of definition that is given in a dictionary. For
example, dog denotes a kind of animal; more specifically, a common, domestic
carnivorous mammal; and both dank and moist mean slightly wet.
A less obvious component of the meaning of an item is its connotation:
the associations, or positive or negative feelings it evokes, which may or may not
be indicated in a dictionary definition. The word dog, for example, as understood
by most British people, has positive connotations of friendship and loyalty;
whereas the equivalent in the Arabic, as understood by most people in Arab
countries has negative associations of dirt and inferiority. Within the English,
moist has favourable connotations while dank has unfavourable; so that you could
describe something as ‘pleasantly dank’ would sound absurd.
A more subtle aspects of meaning that often needs to be taught is whether
a particular item is the appropriate one to use in a certain context or not. Thus it is
useful for a learner to know that a certain word is very common, or relatively rare,
or ‘taboo’ in polite conversation, or tends to be used in writing but not in speech,
or is more suitable for formal than informal discourse, or belongs to a certain
dialect. For example, you may know that weep is virtually synonymous in
denotation with cry, but it is more formal, tends to be used in writing more than in
speech, and is in general much less common.
e. Aspects of Meaning (2) : meaning relationship
How the meaning of one item relates to the meaning of others can also be
useful in teaching. There are various such relationships: here are some of the main
1) Synonyms: items that mean the same, or nearly the same; for example, bright,
clever, smart may serve as synonyms of intelligent.
2) Antonyms: item that mean the opposite; rich is an antonym of poor.
3) Hyponyms: items that serve as specific examples of a general concept; dog,
lion, mouse, are hyponyms of animal.
4) Co-hyponyms or co-ordinates: other items that are the ‘same kind of thing’;
red, blue, green, and brown are to user
co-ordinates. 13

5) Super ordinates: general concepts that ‘cover’ specific items; animal is the
super ordinates of lion, dog, mouse, etc.
6) Translation: words or expression in the learners’ mother tongue which are
(more or less) equivalent in meaning to be item being taught.

In teaching vocabulary, teachers should not teach every word that they know to
their students, the teachers need to limit the vocabulary that is introduced – if too much is
introduced, the students will be impeded by the need to absorb too many words. Haycraft
(1997: 44 - 47) gives certain guidelines on which the choice of vocabulary can be based,
they are:

a. Commonest word
It is important to choose words that are commonly used. Teacher should
not teach the unusual words for it will take the place of a useful one in the
student’s mind. The teacher is helped here by the textbook where vocabulary is
graded, and lists of the commonest words are also available.
b. Students need
If a student wants to know a special word, it is usually worth teaching it
to him because motivation will ensure him to remember it. We should not teach it
to the whole class unless they will all find it useful.
c. Students’ Language
Words which are similar to the students’ language will be easy to learn.
So, teacher can choose words based on the students’ language.
d. Word Building
Teacher can choose some words to teach because a general rule can be
formed. For instance, teach – teacher, work – worker, etc.
e. Topic Areas
In many ways, it is easier to teach vocabulary which belongs to one area
of sequence, as the students will be able to form a pattern of interrelated words in
his mind.
f. Cross Reference
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A lot of words are applicable to different situations or specializations. If

we teach vocabulary connected with cars, it is worth choosing terms that are also
common to other means of transportation, such as: trains, aero planes, taxis,
g. Related Structures
Many structures ‘demand’ their own vocabulary. Thus, teacher should
choose vocabulary which is synchronized with its structure. For instance, if we
teach ‘have got’ we tend to choose the name personal possession. If we are
teaching ‘going to’ we are likely to introduce a vocabulary connected with plans.

4. Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary

To get the best result on teaching vocabulary, it is important to choose good and
appropriate technique in teaching vocabulary. Gairns and Redman (1986: 76) suggested
techniques of introducing new vocabulary, as follows:

a. Visuals
1) Visuals
Visual techniques can be in the form of flashcards, photographs, blackboard
drawings, wall charts, and realia. All of these techniques are extensively used for
conveying meaning concrete nouns like animals or fruits, and certain areas of vocabulary
such as professions, places and description of people and activities.

2) Mime and Gesture

These are often used to supplement other ways of conveying meaning.
When teaching an item such as to chew, a teacher might build situation to
illustrate it, make use of the blackboard and gesture to reinforce the concept.
b. Verbal Techniques
1) Use of Illustrative Situations (Oral or Written)
This could be the most helpful ways when the items become more abstract. The
teacher often uses more than one situation or context to check that learners have grasped
the concept.
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2) Use of Synonymy and Definition

Teacher often use synonymy with low level students, where inevitably they
have to compromise and restrict the length and complexity of their explanation.

3) Contrasts and Opposites

A new item like big is easily illustrated by contrasting it with small which is
already known by the students. In this case, the teacher must have known exactly which
vocabulary has been mastered by the students and which has not.

4) Scales
After the students have learnt two contrasted or related gradable items, this can
be a useful way of revising and feeding in the new items.

c. Translation
This technique can be a very effective way to convey the meaning because it is
not time consuming that might otherwise be spent on a complicated and largely
unsuccessful explanation in English, and it can be a very quick way to dispose of low
frequency items that may worry the students but do not warrant significant attention. The
teacher give the meaning directly, so the students did not need to get involved in the
process in finding the meaning.

Another technique comes from Brown and Payne (in Hatch and Brown, 1995:
372-391). They divide the technique in learning vocabulary into five essential steps: (1)
having sources for encountering new words; (2) getting a clear image, either visual or
auditory or both, for the forms of the new words; (3) learning the meaning of the words;
(4) making a strong memory connection between the forms and meanings of the words;
and (5) using the words.

5. Problems in Learning Vocabulary

Teaching vocabulary to students is not easy to do, it is clearly more than just
presenting new words. There are many problems occurring during the process in teaching
them. Since English is a new language for students, the students may encounter
difficulties in remembering and grasping them.

Roger (1995: 43) states that the ease

commit to or difficulty of vocabulary items depends
on a number of factors. They are: 16

a. Similarity to L1
The difficulty of vocabulary items often depends on how an item is similar in
form and meaning to the students’ first language. However, words, which are similar in
the first language and English, may be misleading rather than helpful. Some English
words may look similar in spelling to Indonesian words. For example: ‘air’ could be
misled by students as ‘water’, because Indonesian also has the word ‘air’, which means

b. Similarity to English words already known

Once the students have some English words, then a word that is related to an
English word that they are already familiar with will be easier than one which is not. For
example, if students have already met the word friendly, they should be able to guess the
meaning of unfriendly. But this may lead to over, for example: students might guess that
‘unusual’ is the opposite of usual to mean ‘not usual’.

c. Connotation

Connotation of the word is another difficult aspect that the learners have to get
to grip. For example, either skinny or slim could be used to describe someone who is thin.
But these two words have very different in their connotation and by choosing one of them
however; the speaker actually conveys a particular attitude. Skinny is negative
connotation, while slim is positive connotation.

d. Spelling and pronunciation

The spelling of English word can cause problems for students who speak
languages with very regular spelling systems. Particular spelling patterns can also cause
confusion where the pronunciation concerned. For example, there are many students who
confuse the meaning, spelling, and pronunciation of these words: through, though,
thought, tough, thorough.

e. Multi-word items

A lexical item may consist of more than one word, as in a compound like tennis
shoes, or rally car or a phrasal verb such as to put some one up. Phrasal verbs are
notoriously difficult for learners of English because they are made up of simple words
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often prepositions or adverbs that are easily confused. 17

f. Collocation
How a lexical item collocates can also cause difficulty. For example, we
say that people are injured or wounded but things are damaged. When we say
“That is a wounded car”, it looks strange. In short, certain words cannot use both
by for human and non-human agents.
g. Appropriate use
When we use vocabulary appropriately is also problematical. As we
know that some words and expressions are restricted to use in particular contexts.
For example, He is pushing fifty, pushing here means almost. But pushing is only
used this way with older people. We cannot say He is pushing three.

Based on the theories about vocabulary above, it can be inferred that the
definition of vocabulary mastery is the ability to use knowledge of words that are
taught when students are learning a foreign language. It is not only understanding
the meaning of words, but also having no difficulty in pronouncing, spelling and
using them. Students should master not only receptive but also expressive
a. Receptive vocabulary refers to the words the students’ read and listen, while
b. Expressive vocabulary refers to those they speak and write.
Both were taught in the research.

And factors affecting the ease and difficulty of learning vocabulary are
dealing with:
a. Words meaning (similarity to L1, similarity to English words already known,
connotation, and multi-word items),
b. Their use in certain context (collocation, and appropriate use), and
c. Pronunciation (spelling and pronunciation).
In fact, those three were really students’ problems in mastering vocabulary in the

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B. Review on Media in Teaching Learning

1. The Definitions of Media

Sadiman (1993: 6) said that the word media comes from Latin and it is the
plural of the word ‘medium’, which literally means the intermediary or the introductory.
Media is anything used to convey message from the transmitter to the receiver so that it
stimulates mind, feeling, attention and students’ enthusiasm, in order to encourage the
creation of the learning process of self-learners. He adds that teaching media are often
considered as teaching aids which could be defined as any tools that could give concrete
experience and learning motivation, and improve students’ comprehension and learning
retention. Similarly, Gerlach (1980: 241) said that media are any person, material or
events, those establish conditions which enable the learners to acquire knowledge, skills,
and attitudes.

According to Heinich, Molenda, Russel (1996: 8), a medium (plural media) is a

channel of communication, for example include film, television, diagram, printed
material, computers, and instructor. In line with two definitions above, Gagne in Sadiman
et al (2002: 6) states that teaching media is any component in students’ environment that
stimulates them to study, such as book, film, tapes, etc. While Briggs (Sadiman et al,
2002: 6) defines teaching media as all the physical tools that are able to perform the
message and also stimulate the students in learning activity.

National Education Association (NEA) states that media are forms of

communication, print, audio-visual and the equipment. Media should be able to be
manipulation, can be seen, heard and read.

It can be concluded that media are channels of communication used to convey

the information from the transmitter to the receiver. Related to teaching and learning,
media are teaching aids used in the teaching learning process to convey the information
such as teaching materials from the teacher to the students so that the students will be
more interested in taking part in the lesson. The examples include books, films,
television, diagram, printed material, computers, and instructor, etc.

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2. Kinds of Media

In accordance with the development of science and technology, the instructional

media grow in step with the development of science and technology. With the
development of instructional media, Sadiman (1993: 28-77) states that media can be
categorized as follows:

a. Graphic Media
1) Picture/Photograph
2) Sketch
3) Diagram
4) Charts
5) Graphs
6) Cartoon
7) Poster
8) Map or Globe
9) Flannel Board
b. Audio Media
1) Radio
2) Magnetic Tape Recording
3) Language Laboratory
c. Still Projected Media
1) Frame film
2) Chain Film
3) Transparency Media/ OHP
4) Microfiche
5) Film
6) Loop Film
7) Television
8) Video
9) Game and Simulation
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In addition, Gerlach and Elly (1980: 274) classified media into five types: 20

a. Still picture
They form as photograph of any object or events which can be presented in text
book, illustration, bulletin board materials, slides, filmstrips, frames, or overhead

b. Audio recording

Recording are made on magnetic tape, on disc, or on motion picture sound

tracts. These are the actual events or sound effects reproductions.

c. Motion picture/ video tape recording

They are moving images produced in color or black and white from live action
or graphic representation. Objects or events can be in normal, slow, time lapse or stop

d. Real things

They include people, events, objects, and demonstration. Real things are actual
objects or events. Simulation is a copy of real situation designed to be as similar as
possible to the actual events.

e. Programmed and computer-assisted instruction

They are the sequences of information (verbal, visual, or audio) designed to

elicit pre determined responses. The most common examples are programmed textbook
or instructional program prepared for computers.

3. The Advantages of Media

Media in teaching and learning process can create effective communication

between teacher and students. Media, as a tool in teaching learning process, contain the
aspects of learning tools and teacher’s techniques that are very close with teaching
methods. It is used to stimulate the students’ motivation and interest to the lesson.
Furthermore, teacher can apply the media as a strategy to make students’ learning foreign
language easier, more enjoyable, effective, creative and transferrable to the new situation.

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Levie & Lentz (1982) explain four functions of teaching media:

a. Attention
Media are able to attract the students’ attention in learning something in
the class or out of class. Usually, students are more interested to learn something
by real object than theory.
b. Affection
Affection related to students feeling. Using media can come up the
emotion of students. For example, students are more diligent and discipline.
c. Cognitive
Cognitive related to the achievement in catching, memorizing, showing,
sharing everything to the other. Media help the student to be easier in reaching the
target of learning process.
d. Compensatory
Media are used to help the students who gain less achievement in understanding
the lesson verbally or orally. Moreover, Kemp (1963: 3-4) lists the function of media in
general or audio visual aids in particular and their contribution to a language learning as

1) The instruction can be more interesting

Audio visual aid can attract the students’ interest especially those of English
learners. If they are interested, they will give much attention to what is being taught or
discussed. They will be curious to know about the lesson. This can lead to an interesting
language learning processes.

2) Learning becomes more interactive

Many activities can be created through applying visual aids in teaching learning
processes, for example watching English program on television. That activity is relatively
more interesting than the activity of listening or writing the teacher explanation.

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3) The quality of learning can be improved

If there is a good preparation of using preparation of using visual aids, it will be
possible for teacher to create a good language learning process in which the students’
participation is dominant. As a result, the students’ knowledge and skill can be improved.

4) The positive attitudes of students toward what they are learning and to the
learning process itself can be enhanced.
The purpose of aids should mean to simplify instruction. They should not make
the process of teaching and learning more complicated. If aids become unmanageable,
they should not be used.

Furthermore Celce - Murcia (2001:461) give some advantages of media in

language learning:

a. Media serves as an important motivator in the language teaching process.

b. Audiovisual materials provide students with content, meaning, and guidance.
They thus create contextualized situation within which language items are
presented and practiced.
c. Media materials can lend authenticity to the classroom situation, reinforcing
for students the direct relation between the language classroom and the outside
d. Media provides a way of addressing the needs of both visual and auditory
e. By bringing media into the classroom, teachers can expose their students to
multiple input sources.
f. Media helps students call up existing schemata and therefore maximize their
use of prior background knowledge in the language learning process.
g. Media provides a means of presenting material in a time-efficient and compact
manner, and of stimulating students’ senses, thereby helping them to process
information more readily.
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that media plays an important
role as teaching aids in the communication between teacher and students in achieving the

commit to user 23

instructional objective. Besides that, media can stimulate the students’ motivation and
interest to the lesson, so that students will be attracted to join the lesson.

4. Selecting the Media

Media must be selected before they are used in the classroom. According to
Brown et al (1977: 78), there are six principles of media selection:

a. Content
Do the media (i.e. video) have significant selection with the lesson? The
chosen of certain media must be confirmed to the lesson (message) to be given to
the students.
b. Purposes
The use of audio visual aids should contribute to the teaching learning
process significantly. It means that media can facilitate the teaching learning
c. Price

Before buying certain visual aids, a teacher should consider whether the
cost or money is in accordance with the educational result derived from its use.
d. Circumstances of use
In choosing an audio visual aid, a teacher should take into account the
environment (school) where he teaches. He should think whether the aid would
function effectively in that environment.
e. Learners’ verification
A teacher should think whether the aid has been tested to certain
students. He or she should consider if the tested students are similar to the
students who he or she teaches.
f. Validation
A teacher must think whether there are data providing that the students
learn accurately through the use of the aid.
Moreover, Morgan and Bowen (1982: 3) give their opinion that teacher must
consider the following points in deciding aids or media in his lesson plan.
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a. The purpose of the lesson related to the scheme of work and the syllabus.
b. The specific objective of the lesson.
c. The characteristic of the class members (age, sex, educational background,
and the reason of learning the language).
d. The design of the lesson.
e. Communication problems which may affect the lesson (hesitation for
withdrawal caused by shyness, anxiety, or difficulty in relationship within the
f. Available resources.
Those principles of media selection are to choose the appropriate teaching
media. By using an attractive and good teaching media, it is expected that the goal of
teaching English will be achieved and the students are motivated to study English since
they will feel they are learning to do something useful with the language. In other words,
any special factors which help the teacher to select appropriate media should be used.

5. Procedures of Using Media in Teaching Learning

Besides selecting the media, the use of media should be planned systematically,
so that the implementation of the teaching learning runs effectively and efficiently.
Sadiman et al (1993: 197-200) states that there are three main steps of using media that
cover the stages of preparation, implementation and evaluation & follow-up.

a. Preparation Phase
At this stage, what teacher should do are:
1) Preparing the media that will be used carefully, whether they can support the
presentation of the material or not. Teacher may follow the instructions
within a manual guide, if any. Teacher should prepare the equipment needed
to support the media. S/he also needs to specify whether the media should be
used individually or in group. S/he has to adjust the position of the space so
that all students can receive messages properly.
2) Explaining to students anything that must be provided and prepared to learn
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by using the media. 25

b. Implementation Phase
At the implementation stage, teacher should consider the followings:
1) Explaining the objectives to be achieved.
2) Preparing the equipments supporting the media.
3) Setting the atmosphere for pleasant class and adjust the conditions to the
purpose, establishing the use of media on classical, small group, or individual.
4) Facilitating students to learn in comfort. Teachers need to arrange the
students’ seat so that the delivery of messages can be worked well.
5) Informing to students about the relationship of the media used with the subject
6) Explaining to students the main points of the lesson material.
7) Giving the task to the students related to the activities taking place in the class.
8) Providing opportunities for students to question-answer session if there is
something they have not understood yet.
c. Follow-Up
The purpose of this activity is to explore whether the goal has been
achieved and to establish an understanding of instructional material in relevant to
convey through the media. After finishing the explanation with the expository
approach, teacher can do a follow-up by giving test, discuss the material, working
on tasks or talking about things that are less obvious and difficult to understand.
According to Abidin (2003), teacher should make use of media according
to certain steps and systematic plans. The steps are as follow:
1) Formulating the objectives of learning by using media
2) Teacher Preparation
In this phase, teacher selects and determines the media s/he is going to
use to achieve the learning objectives. In this case, teachers have to concern on
some principles and considerations.

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3) Class Preparation
In the phase, the students should be prepared before they join the class using
media. Teacher must be able to motivate them so that they can analyze and comprehend
the materials by using media.

4) Teaching presentation and media use

It concerns on teacher's skill to succeed presenting the materials by using the
media. It is important because the use of media is for the sake of the effectiveness and
efficiency in achieving the learning objectives.

5) Students' learning experience

In this phase, students learn through media.

6) Evaluation
In this phase, learning activities are evaluated, to what extent the objective is
achieved. It will also reflect to what extent the influence of the media is in their role as
an aid to support students' achievement. The result of the evaluation can be used as
means of consideration for the next learning activities.

To conclude, media, of any kind are advantageous to help students

achieve their learning objectives, stimulate their motivation and interest in the
lesson, and attract them to get involved in the lesson. However, teacher needs to
be selective in using media in the classroom. S/he should able to choose the
appropriate media to support his/her teaching by considering several factors, such
as: the content and purposes of the lesson, price and circumstance of use of the
media, characteristics of the class communication problems, learners verification
and validation, and available resources as well. Besides, teacher has to follow a
systematic procedure to use the media in the class through preparation,
implementation, and follow up.

C. Review on Cartoon Film

1. The Definition of Film

Some experts have their own definition of film. Hornby (1995: 434) defines
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films as a story, etc. recorded as a set of moving pictures to be shown on television or the 27

cinema. According to Allen and Gomery (1985: 136), film is an art which portrays man’s
interpretation of life. Basically, film and movie are the same thing. And Unwin and
McAleese (1978: 571) state that movie is originally a slang term for cine film, moving
pictures, now often used to describe equipment and materials used by amateur film
makers. It expresses a certain theme, idea, or story.

From the definitions of film about, it can be concluded that film is an art which
portrays man’s interpretation of life. It expresses a certain theme, idea, or story, to be
shown on television or the cinema.

2. The Kind of Film

According on World Book of Encyclopedia (1996: 86-89). Films are broken

down into:

a. Feature Films
Feature films are entertainment films that usually form the main part of
cinema programme. It deals with such popular subject, as love stories, historical
events, biographies of famous people, science fiction, adventure in exotic setting,
b. Animated Films
They generally consist of drawing and paintings by artist called cartoons.
Others are films recorded by puppets in miniature film sets.
c. Newsreels
Newsreels are short films that report important or interesting events.
d. Documentary Films
Documentary films present information on many subjects. They show
men life and work throughout the world. They explain events in science and
processes in technology, and illustrate various aspects of life in nature.
e. Educational Films
They provide information especially for school and other educational
establishments. They present information in clear and simple way by using
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various techniques, such as: animation, moving diagrams, and changes in speed of
f. Television Films
Television Films are especially made by film and television companies to
provide information and entertainment.
g. Amateur Films
They are made by people not engaged professionally in the film industry.
Many people, including teachers and school children make films as hobby.

3. The Definition of Cartoon Films

According to Salim in Arsanti (2000: 9):

“film kartun adalah cerita bergambar dan bersuara yang ditayangkan melalui
televisi maupun layar bioskop yang didalamnya terdapat kondisi visual melalui
tingkah dramatik, gerak ekspresi, dan komunikasi verbal secara dialog, serta
musik yang menggunakan irama yang kompleks dan halus.”

Another definition comes from Wittich and Schuller (1962: 135), who say that
cartoon is pictorial representation or caricature of a person, idea, situation that is designed
to influence public opinion. While, Poulson in Analysis of Cartoons (2008) says that
basically a cartoon is a form of media where, using animation, characters are shown with
simplified features, but still maintaining an ability to recognize.

Moreover, in Oxford American Word Power Dictionary (1998) cartoon is a

movie or television program that tells a story by using moving drawings instead of real
people and places.

From the definitions above, it can be concluded that cartoon film is a movie or
television program that tells a story by using animation and characters of real people and
places that are shown with simplified features, in which there is a visual condition
through dramatic behavior, the motion expression, and verbal communication in a

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Since cartoon films cannot all be used to teach, the researcher selected the
relevant ones to suit her teaching. In the research, she used those which can be played
with text line (English subtitle) given, which has short duration, and which used
relevant vocabulary degree to SMP students. Besides, the researcher also selected the
films to suit her teaching materials. By selecting the proper cartoon films, it was
expected that the students could be more active and motivated in the class, reduce their
boredom, and help them comprehend and recall the English words as well.

4. The Advantages of Cartoon Films

Champoux (2003: 7) states:

“the different types of movies have several functions in the program of teaching.
One of them is an animated (cartoon) film. Animated (cartoon) film has the
potential of serving these functions more strongly than live-action films, especially
from its extraordinary symbolism and character development”.

Moreover, Run in Champoux (2003: 7) adds that:

“film as a case is using a well-chosen film as a video case helps develop students’
analytical skills and brings life to otherwise abstract concepts. Animated (cartoon)
film fits this function well and can give engaging viewing experience".

Other functions, he added that film can be used as experience. He explained that
film can assist students in framing an experience around the movie scene, replace the
current visual material to a use of printed material. Animated film offers scenes that can
serve as targets use and bring diversity to the classroom experience.

Wittich and Schuller (1962: 137-139) give three advantages of cartoon, as


a. For Motivation
By its nature, an effective cartoon readily attracts attention and arouses
interest. This suggests at once that appropriate cartoon materials can be useful
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motivation devices in the classroom.For one thing, cartoon on current topics, if 30

suited to lesson objectives, are effective discussion starters. For example,

Spongebob Squarepants in the episode of ‘Learning to Drive’ is a good stimulus
to present and explain the students about how to drive a car. For another thing, the
humor in cartoons has great stimulative benefit, even for students with limited
ability. Students do not have to think hard when watching cartoon. Furthermore,
cartoon elicite great interest, build vocabulary and confidence in using it, it
stimulates conversation, and generally increases pupil participation in class.
Besides, cartoons selected for specific purposes and for appropriate
levels of sophistication can at the very least provide a refreshing tie-in with life
outside the classroom, plus a stimulating variety and change of pace in
instructional techniques. At best, cartoons can open up a whole range of
worthwhile learning activities. In other words, cartoons have a wide range of
benefit for learning. At minimum, cartoons can help stimulate students’
motivation and interest, and at most, they can help students’ refresh their mind
about what they have already learnt through such a fun activity.
b. As Illustrations
Cartoons provide teachers with two valuable assets – good illustrations of
significant learning points, and change of pace and variety in presentation of
material to the class. To restate, cartoon helps teachers explain and reinforce
students about certain important points. Besides, it signifies the teachers’
movement from one to another teaching phase and modifies his/her presenting the
material as well.
c. For Pupil Activity
Classroom production of pupil cartoons is likewise a useful activity.
Literature and grammar provide opportunities for cartoons as illustrations of the
knowledge acquired. Through this statement, Wittich and Schuller suggest that
cartoons are suitable illustrations for explaining concepts of literature and
Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that cartoon films gives
several benefit to the students in the teaching learning process. They can be both a good
stimulator and a helpful illustrator. commit to user 31

5. Selecting Cartoon Films

Wittich and Schuller (1962: 137-139) state that there are certain qualities which
are typical of effective cartoons, and knowledge of these qualities is helpful in selecting
cartoons for teaching purposes. To answer “What is good cartoon?” Wittich and Schuller
give some guided for evaluation and selection of cartoons. They are:

a. Appropriateness to Experience Level

The first consideration, of course, is that the meaning of the cartoon be
understandable by the class in which it is to be used.
b. Simplicity
Assuming that the cartoon’s meaning is understandable, there are certain
desirable physical characteristic common to good cartoons. One of these is
simplicity. The better cartoon contains only the essentials.
c. Clear Symbols
A third quality of effective cartoon is clarity of symbolic meanings.
Teachers must be careful to select cartoon whose symbols are not too abstruse for
their pupils.

6. The Role of Cartoon Films in Teaching Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the important elements in a language to learn by students.

To master the four language skill, students must have a lot of knowledge in vocabulary.
In other words, students will get difficulties in mastering any language skill without
mastering vocabulary first.

To get the best result on teaching vocabulary for junior high school, it is
important to choose appropriate technique for them. In finding the best technique,
Subijakto-Nababan (1993: 5) states: “guru yang baik pada umumnya selalu berusaha
untuk menggunakan metode pengajaran yang paling efektif dan memakai alat atau media
yang terbaik”. In this research the role of cartoon film as the media and teaching aids to
teach vocabulary for junior high school students.

The reason why the writer chose cartoon film to teach students’ vocabulary was
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because in their age, they have spent their spare time watching cartoon films. For them it 32

is enjoyable and interesting. They like to see the dynamic moving pictures presented in
cartoon film, in fact they admire the characters from cartoon films, and they easily to
copy what their idol say, and do.

Actually, cartoons are not only entertaining but also used in educational
programmes (Allan, 1985: 26). Cartoon films can be used in children language learning.
Moreover, Stempleski and Tomalin (1999: 3) say that the combination of motion pictures
as visual stimuli and audio stimuli in cartoon films can present language more
comprehensively. Brown et al (1959: 173) said that learning from films showings can be
increased by repeated showings, pre-testing, or post-testing with knowledge of results
given to the students. Films (in this case is cartoon film) have important values for
teachers and students, They added that films have special advantages in learning; films
can help to overcome important intellectual barrier to learning, for example students who
lack interest in a topic may be drawn to it by a moving, dramatic, and colorful film.

Marselli in Arsanti (2000: 19) states that audiovisual media, in this case cartoon
films, conveys the idea by presenting the concrete object. For example, through the
cartoon film children will learn names of object by seeing the object in the film. Thus, it
will help students to memorize the names of object. It is helpful for students to
understand the meaning of the vocabulary presented in the cartoon film.

Pahin and Power in Kasihani (2005: 7) stated that students learn English by
listening, imitating and spelling it. Cartoon films combine audio and visual materials.
They give not only visual stimuli but also audio stimuli to the viewers, so the students can
hear the right pronunciation in English from the characters in cartoon films. It will
stimulate children to learn the right pronunciation. Moreover, students were more
interested in hearing how the correct pronunciation from their favorite cartoon character
(of course, still under controlled and guidance from teachers) than from their teachers
who only give examples.

7. The Procedures of Using Film in Teaching

Hamalik (1962: 106-108) suggests some principles of using film in classroom.

Here are the steps:
commit to user 33

a. Teacher Preparation
1) Teacher prepares the lesson units.
2) Teacher chooses the appropriate film to achieve his/her learning objectives.
3) Teacher integrates the film with his/her lesson plans.
4) Teacher previews the film prior to the class. By doing so, s/he can gain
complete data about the film s/he is going to use.
5) Teacher explicitly maps the correlation between the film and other learning
activities, such as: activities in laboratory, activities in library, class
discussion, creation, and so on.
b. Class Preparation
1) Teacher prepares the classroom and all required equipments.
2) Teacher prepares the students' readiness for learning through film.
c. Presentation
Presenting teaching materials by using film is common. Film should be
learned. Even if it is needed, it may be replayed several times. Teacher has to
make sure that the classroom is dark, who is going to be the operator, and so forth.
S/he should also control the room acoustic, atmosphere, and seats.
d. Follow – up and application
After the film has been played, follow-up activities are necessary to reinforce
students' mastering the skills and knowledge they have already learned. It can be in the
form of test, demonstration, experiments, and project works. After that, field trip and
interview are carried out.

e. Recording
Records in the form of notes, both bibliographic and notes on film's
correlation to the materials contain assessment, students' reaction to the film, and
suggestions of the curriculum than can apply the film.
Using film is particularly useful, not only because students enjoy the medium,
but it also allows them to practice listening comprehension and spoken-language skills.
Part of teaching film involves teaching the vocabulary, whether it is using the moving
pictures themselves or leading discussions about films. At
commit to user 34, there is a
suggested instruction in teaching vocabulary using film:

1) Making a lesson plan and deciding on its focus. For example, whether it is
for conversation fluency, listening comprehension or vocabulary building.
The level of the students, goal of the lesson and possible problems with the
film vocabulary, such as slang or pronunciation, should alse be taken into
2) Organizing materials for film-related vocabulary. There are many resources
for films, ranging from offline printable worksheets to Power Point
Presentations and interactive websites. After that it preparing and testing the
materials to ensure they work and to gauge the length of time the teacher will
3) Having fillers or activities on hand in case the lesson slows down or teacher
has extra time s/he needs to fill. Twenty questions can be modified to consist
of film vocabulary, either by general topic or specific films.
4) Introducing film as a conversation topic. It could be brainstorming film
genres, jobs in film or a discussion of favorite films in small groups.
5) Following teacher’s lesson plan but not being too strict with it. Allowing
slower classes more time and more advanced classes the chance to cover
extra ground. Noting any problems students have with film vocabulary, like
pronunciation or usage.
6) Concluding the lesson with a group feedback or revision and assigning
homework that follows up on the film vocabulary, such as defining film terms
or writing an essay on a favorite or least favorite film.
Based on the procedure of using media in the classroom suggested by
Sadiman (1993: 197-200) and Abidin (2003), and procedure of using film in the
classroom suggested by Hamalik (1962: 106–108) and the one found in, the
researcher has summarized them into and apply the following:
1) Teacher Preparation
commit to user
a) Teacher prepares the course unit. 35

b) Teacher selects and determines the cartoon film she is going to use to
achieve the learning objectives.
c) Teacher integrates the film to her lesson plan.
d) Teacher previews the film prior to the class. By doing so, she can gain
complete data about the film she is going to use.
2) Class Preparation
a) Teacher prepares the classroom and all required equipments.
b) The students should be prepared before they join the class using cartoon
film. Teacher must be able to motivate them so that they can analyze and
comprehend the materials by using media.
3) Presentation the Film
a) Opening :
(1) Teacher greets the students.
(2) Teacher checks the students’ attendants.
(3) Teacher tells the students the topic going to be learnt.
b) Main Activities :
(1) Teacher explains the students what they have to do while watching
the cartoon film, those are: remembering the vocabulary, repeating the
pronunciation, and answering the questions about the vocabulary.
(2) Teacher lets the students watch the cartoon film.
(3) Teacher stops in certain scene then reviews the vocabulary that was
(4) Teacher asks the meaning of the vocabulary in Indonesian language,
and then asks them to remember it.
(5) Teacher checks the students’ understanding of the vocabulary from
the cartoon films, then ask students to note it.
(6) Teacher drills the students’ pronunciation.
(7) Teacher checks and corrects the students’ pronunciation.
(8) Teacher asks students to make sentences using vocabulary that had
been learnt.
commit to user 36

(9) Teacher makes note about any problems students have in vocabulary,
its pronunciation, and its usage.
c) Closing
(1) Teacher gives some task about vocabulary that had been learnt.
(2) Teacher evaluates the students’ answer and gives short explanation
about it.
(3) Teacher reviews the lesson and asks the students’ understanding.
(4) Teacher ends the lesson.
4) Evaluation
a) Teacher gives test.
b) By using the result of the test and the result of teacher’s note, teacher
evaluates the learning activities whether the objective is achieved or not.

D. Rationale

Vocabulary is one of the important elements in language which should be

mastered by the students. But in fact, learning vocabulary for Junior high school students
was not easy. There were many problems occurring during the process in teaching and
learning, since English is a new language for them. Reading the questionnaires which had
been filled in by the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Grogol Sukoharjo, the
researcher found some problems dealing with vocabulary mastery:

1. The students found it difficult to pronounce the words correctly.

2. It was difficult for the students to memorize the meaning of words.
3. The students found it difficult to use vocabulary in four language skills.
In addition, based on the observation during the teaching and learning activities,
the researcher found some problems of the situation in the classroom, as follows:

1. The classroom situation which was not alive, proved by the students’ feeling
bored then being inactive in the teaching learning process.
2. The students ’attention and motivation were low.
3. The students made noise in English class.
commit to user 37

To solve the problem, the teacher can use some media in teaching
vocabulary to help them deliver the materials more easily. One of the media that
can be used in teaching vocabulary is cartoon film. Cartoon film provides colorful
and interesting pictures that can attract studentss’ attention. It provides so many
things that it can entertain the students, like: the characteristic, the plot, the
colorful objects, the theme, the music, and the story. They will enjoy studying
with something that they like. Beside entertaining, cartoon film can also be used
for educational purposes, including to solve the problem in teaching and learning
vocabulary. For example, through the cartoon film children will learn names of
object by seeing the object in the film. Thus, it will help students to memorize the
names of object. It is helpful for students to understand the meaning of the
vocabulary words presented in the cartoon film. The next problem is
pronunciation. To resolve these, cartoon films are combined with audio and visual
materials. They give not only visual stimuli but also audio stimuli to the students,
so the students can hear the right pronunciation in English from the characters in
cartoon films. So, by watching cartoon films, children are encouraged to know a
lot of words and learn the meaning of the words. The use of cartoon films in
learning English vocabulary provides children with pleasure and entertainment.
They can also learn many new vocabularies that they have never learned before. It
can be said that cartoon films are an entertaining and motivating medium for
students. So that the student will be attracted to join the lesson, and the teaching
learning process will not only be learnable but also enjoyable.
Due to the explanation above, the writer applied cartoon films as a teaching aid
in teaching vocabulary to junior high school students. By looking at the theory, the writer
assumed that by using cartoon films, the vocabulary of the students would improve.

E. Hypothesis

Based on the assumption above the hypothesis was formulated as follows: by

using cartoon films in teaching and learning process, the students’ vocabulary mastery
improves. commit to user



A. Context of the Research

1. Setting of Time and Place

This classroom action research was carried out from February 9th to June 3rd,
2011 in SMP Negeri 1 Grogol Sukoharjo, which is located in the east of Perum Telukan,
Grogol, Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah.

This school consists of three grades, they are the seventh grade, the eighth
grade and the ninth grade, in which each grade consists of eight classes. There are 24
classrooms, teacher office, headmaster office, administration room, a computer
laboratory, a counseling room, a health room, a hall, multimedia room, library, science
laboratories, mosque, canteens, OSIS room, basketball yard, and also parking area. Each
classroom is completed with some facilities which are set to support teaching learning
process, such as whiteboard, blackboard, a clock, tables and chairs which are fit with the
number of the students, a teacher’s desk and chair. The members of the students are
around 884 students and the total numbers of teachers are 55 teachers.

2. Subject of the Research

The subjects of this study were the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 1
Grogol Sukoharjo in the academic year of 2010/2011. The classroom of VII A is located
in the back yard of SMP Negeri 1 Grogol Sukoharjo, precisely in the north side of yard.
There are 40 students consisting of 18 boys and 22 girls in class of VII A. This classroom
is wide enough for 40 students. The situation of VII A is comfortable enough to study. It
has good lighting and facilities. Because this class does not have LCD (Liquid Chrystal
Display) yet, the researcher used AVI (Audio Visual) room in this research.

AVI room is a special room for teachers who want to use audio visual media in
their teaching. This room is located between computer laboratory room and counseling
room. It is facilitated with LCD, a setcommit
of computer,
to userand sound system.

38 39

B. The Method of Research

1. The Nature of Action Research

This research is categorized as a classroom action research. Elliot (1991: 54)

states that action research integrates teaching, teaching development, curriculum
development, and evaluation, research reflection into unified conception of a reflective
educational practice.

Similarly, Ebbut in Hopkins (1993: 44) states that action research is about
systematic study of attempts to improve educational practice by groups of participants by
means of their own practical actions and by means of their own reflection upon the effects
of those actions.

Furthermore, Wallace (1999: 4) states that action research is basically a way of

reflecting on a teacher’s teaching (or teacher-training, or management of an English
department, or whatever it is the teacher does in ELT). It is done systematically by
collecting data on teacher’s everyday practice and analyzing it in order to come to some
decisions about what the teacher’s future practice should be.

According to Mason and Bramble (1997: 42), action research is a research

which is designed to uncover effective ways of dealing with real world problems. The
research is not confined to a particular methodology or paradigm. It may utilize
qualitative or quantitative methodology or a mixture of both. Action research is
distinguished more by attention than methodology. Richard and Platt (1992:4) state that
action research is a teacher-initiated classroom research which seeks to increase the
teacher’s understanding of classroom teaching and learning and to bring about
improvement in classroom practice.

From the definition above, it can be concluded that action research is a

systematic study of action to overcome educational problems and to bring about
improvement in classroom practice dealing with real world problems by collecting data
on teacher’s everyday practice and analyzing it by means of their own reflection upon the
effect of these action in order to come some decisions about what the teacher’s future
practice should be.
commit to user 40

This action research was aimed to overcome the students’ problems in

improving their vocabulary mastery by using cartoon films, and develop teacher’s
creativity in teaching vocabulary. It is also expected that the research effects positive
change of the social and educational situation on the seventh grade class.

2. The Characteristics of Action Research

Burns (1999: 30) suggests a number of common features which can be

considered to characterize action research:

a. Action research is contextual, small scale and localized. It identifies and

investigates problems within a specific situation.
b. It is evaluative and reflective as it aims to bring about change and
improvement in practice.
c. It is participatory as it provides for collaborative investigation by teams of
colleagues, practitioners and researchers.
d. Changes in practice are based on the collection of information or data
which provides the impetus for change.

Bramble and Mason (1997: 43) illustrate several points about action research.
The results of the research have direct application to real-world problems. Then, elements
of both quantitative and qualitative approaches can be found in such studies. Finally,
treatments and methods that are investigated are flexible and might be change during the
study in response to the results as they are examined.

The characteristics of action research can be identified as follows: Action

research is carried out by practitioners. The results of the research have direct application
to real-world problems. Action research provides collaborative investigation by teams of
colleagues, practitioners and researchers. The treatments and approach that are
investigated are flexible.

Based on the characteristics of action research above, this research was

appropriately undertaken as classroom action research in order to bring about educational
commit to user 41

change and improvement in vocabulary mastery. The use of cartoon films in this research
is flexible and can be monitored.

3. The Model of Action Research

The model of action research used in this research is the model developed by
Kemmis and Mc Taggart in Burns (1999: 32). According to them, classroom action
research is composed of cycles consisting of four steps namely: planning, action,
observation and reflections. In the implication of action research, those steps make a
spiral. It means that when we do one step, we can come back to previous step to see what
we are already done or we the new cycle not from beginning. Each step is explained as

a. Planning
Before implementing the action, the researcher needed to make general
plan. At this stage the researcher prepared documents and equipments needed in
doing the action in order to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery using
cartoon films.
b. Action
Action is act to implement the plan. The researcher did the planning
which had been made. The researcher carried out the lesson plans which had been
made. In this research, the researcher used cartoon films in teaching and learning
process in order to improve students’ vocabulary mastery.
c. Observation
Observation is a step where the researcher observed the effects of the
critically informed action in the context in which it occurs. The researcher
observed all activities happening in the classroom and made notes related to the
process of teaching and learning. The researcher did observation during teaching
and learning process.

commit to user 42

d. Reflection
Reflection is a step to reflect the effects of the action as the basis for
further planning. Reflecting is needed as the basis for further planning. In this step
the researcher reflected what she had done through a succession of stages.
Visually, the steps in action research by Kemmis and Mc Taggart in Burns
(1999: 32) can be illustrated as follows:

(Adapted from MacIsaac in Varasarin, 2007)

Figure 3.1 Action Research Spiral (Kemmis & McTaggart)

4. The Procedure of the Action Research

This action research used the model developed by Kemmis and McTaggart in
Burns (1999: 32). In this model, the implementation of the action research included four
steps, namely planning, action, observing and reflection. These four steps were included
in part of procedures of action research. The procedures of action research in this research
are as follows:

1. Identifying problem

In this step, the researcher identified the problems occurring in the class. The
problems refer to the factors making to user difficult to master vocabulary. To
the students 43

identify the problems, the researcher observed the teaching learning process, gave
questionnaire, interviewed the teacher and conducted a pre-test.

a. Using Pre-test
The researcher gave vocabulary test to know the students’ competence in
mastery in vocabulary.
b. Observation
The observation was held in order to know the students’ vocabulary
mastery, the students’ behavior during teaching-learning process, teaching method
used by the teacher and to know the class management.
c. Interview
The researcher made an interview to the teacher to know the problems
that they face during the teaching learning process.
d. Questionnaire
The researcher gave questionnaire to the students to know the students’
opinion about their recent English lesson and what problem they face in learning

2. Planning the action

General plan was made before implementing the action. The researcher
prepared everything related to the action as follows:

a. She prepared the materials and sheets for classroom observation (to know the
situation of teaching-learning process when the technique is applied).
b. She made lesson plan and designs the steps in doing the action.
c. She prepared teaching aids (the cartoon films).
d. She prepared exercises and post-test (to know whether students’ vocabulary
mastery improves or not.
e. Then implemented the lesson plans which have been made.
f. The researcher gave post test 1 and evaluates the result to decide on the next
cycle action.

commit to user 44

g. When the teacher had finished applying all the lesson plans, the researcher
gave post test 2 (final test) and evaluated the result.
h. Then, she compared the result of the pre test, the post test 1 and the post test 2
(final test) and identified the scores comparison.

3. Implementing the action

In implementing the action, the researcher did the planning which had been
made. The researcher applied the lesson plans the researcher had made. The researcher
used cartoon films in teaching and learning process in order to improve students’
vocabulary mastery. The real implementation was as follows.

a. The researcher prepared materials containing some exercises and practices

taken and adapted from book and other sources.
b. The researcher gave short explanation and guides the students to understand
the topic.
c. The researcher explained the vocabulary name of object by showing the
object in cartoon films.
d. The researcher played the cartoon films and asked students to listen the right
pronunciation from the characters in the film that would be imitated by the
students in the class.
e. The researcher explained using of vocabulary by showing the text line in
cartoon films.
f. The researcher asked about the students’ feeling and their comment dealing
with cartoon films and the activities done in the classroom.

4. Observing the action

The observation was done during the teaching and learning process. In this step,
the English teacher of SMP N 1 Grogol Sukoharjo acted out as the observer. She
observed all activities happening in the classroom and take notes related to the process of
teaching and learning. There were some aspects observed: class situation, students’
behavior, teacher’s technique in delivering the materials and students’ response when
they were given the materials. The result of the observation was written in field notes as
commit to user
the data, while the researcher wrote her observation result in diaries. The English teacher 45

as the observer gave some input and suggestion to the researcher. The observer also took
some photographs of the teaching and learning process.

5. Reflecting the action

The researcher made an evaluation towards what she had observed to find the
weakness of the teaching activity having been carried out. The weakness was revealed
from whether the students active or passive during the teaching learning process and
whether their scores after pre and post-test increased or decreased. If their scores
increased, it means that the researcher could continue the next cycle with same action.
But, if their scores decreased it means that the researcher had to revise the action with
some advances as needed, so that finally the effectiveness of using cartoon films to
improve students’ vocabulary mastery was determined. The evaluation was taken down
as field notes.

6. Revising the plan

Revising plan is needed when the action cycle does not make any
improvement on the students’ vocabulary mastery. Based on the weaknesses which were
found in reflecting process, the researcher revised the plan for the next cycle.

C. Techniques of Collecting Data

In this research, the writer used techniques of collecting the qualitative and
quantitative data. The techniques of collecting data that used are observation, interview,
record, field note, diaries and tests. In detail, the techniques of collecting data are as

a. Qualitative Data
The qualitative data in this research were collected by using some
techniques including:
1) Observation
The observer observed and took notes of all that happen before and
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during the implementation of cartoon films in the classroom. There were some 46

aspects to be observed, namely: class situation, students’ behavior, teacher

technique in delivering the materials and students response when they were given
the materials. The observation was aimed to know the situation of the teaching
learning process when the media was used.
2) Interview
This technique was held at the beginning and the end of the research to
know the teacher’s view of the teaching-learning process. The interviews was
conducted to teacher.
3) Document analysis
The document in this research consists of lesson plans, students’
worksheet, questionnaire, teacher diaries, and field notes.
4) Photos
In this research, photographs were taken while the actions were
implemented. In this research, photographs were used to record activities
happening in the class as it can give real description about the teaching learning
b. Quantitative Data
The quantitative data were collected by using tests. The tests were given
three times: in the beginning of the research and in the end of each cycle. These
tests were conducted to measure the students’ vocabulary mastery improvement.
Then the post test result were compared to the students’ score before the actions
were implemented.
After the data had been taken from the documents (questionnaires, diaries,
field notes, interview notes, and student worksheets) and they were supported by the
mean score that was found from the tests, the writer could find the improvement of the
students’ vocabulary mastery after they watched cartoon films.

Table 3.1 Table of Collecting Data

Steps of the Techniques of Techniques of

Participants Data
Research Collecting data Analysis

commit to user 47


Pre Researcher Test
Scores Method and
research Students Observation
Field notes
Teacher Interview


Diaries Constant
Students’ Answer
Implement Researcher Observation sheet
ation Students Diary lesson plans, students’
Teachers Document worksheet,
questionnaire, and
field notes.

Teaching and
learning process
Researcher Students’
achievement in
vocabulary mastery

D. Techniques of Analyzing Data

The data collected in this research were qualitative and quantitative data. The
qualitative data were analyzed by using Constant Comparative method, while quantitative
data were analyzed using statistic descriptive technique.

a. Qualitative Data
To analyze qualitative data, the writer used constant comparative method.
Strauss and Glasser in Moleong (2004: 288-289) say that in general, the data
analysis process includes: data reduction, data classified, data synthesis, and
ended by action hypothesis. They are as follows:
1. Data Reduction
a) Unit identification. First, the smallest unit that is found in the data is
identified. It must have close relationship with the research problems.

commit to user 48

b) Having got the unit, the next step is making codification. It means that we
have to code every unit in order to know where the data come from.
2. Categorization

a) Categorization arrangement. It is aimed at choosing every unit that has the

same characteristics.
b) Every category must be labeled.
3. Synthesis

a) To synthesis means that to look for the relationship between one category
to the others.
b) Then related one category to the others must be given a label again.
3. Stating “Action Hypothesis”
Formulate proportional statements that come from the data.
b. Quantitative Data
The quantitative data gained from the tests support the qualitative data.
The results of the tests (pre-test and post-test) were analyzed. The data of the pre-
test and post test from audio recording were replayed to check how the students
pronounce words. It was to ensure the accuracy of the students’ scores. Then, the
students’ pre test and post test scores were presented in the form of mean scores.
The mean of the pre-test scores and post-test scores were used to analyze the
teaching learning process. It was done to compose the students’ vocabulary
mastery before and after the implementation of the research.
The mean of the students’ score in the post test of cycle 1 and the post
test of cycle 2 can be calculated with the formula as follows:

ꢸ = Mean score

∑ꢸ = Total score

n = Total students
commit to user 49

Finally, by analyzing the observation result and test result, the writer can make a
conclusion whether cartoon films can improve students’ vocabulary or not.

commit to user



This chapter describes and discusses the data collected from the research. The
aims of this research are to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery using cartoon films
and to describe the situation when cartoon films are implemented to teach vocabulary.

A. Introduction

This research is about improving students’ vocabulary mastery using cartoon

films. Researcher conducted this research in class VII A of SMP Negeri 1 Grogol
Sukoharjo from February 9, 2011 until June 3, 2011. The actions of this research were
done in AVI (Audio Visual) room. In this research, the researcher became a practitioner,
who implemented the action in teaching learning process in the classroom, and the
researcher was helped by Mrs. SP, the English teacher, who observed the teaching
learning process from the beginning until the end of the research. The schedule of the
research can be seen in table 4.1.

Table 4.1 The Schedule of the Research

Activities Date Purpose

Interviewing the teacher February, 9, 2011 To identify the students’ problem in
learning vocabulary.
Observing teaching learning February, 9, 2011 To identify the problems during
process teaching learning process.
Giving the first questionnaire February, 9, 2011 To identify the students’ problem in
learning vocabulary.
Pre Test May, 4 , 2011 To identify the students’ vocabulary
Cycle 1:
1st meeting May, 6, 2011 To implement the action plan.
2nd meeting May, 9, 2011 To implement the action plan.
3rd meeting May, 11, 2011 To implement the action plan.
4th meeting May, 13, 2011 To implement the action plan.
Post Test 1 May, 16, 2011 To measure the students’ vocabulary
mastery after the action.
Interviewing the students and May, 16, 2011 To know the students’ opinion about
teacher the action.
Cycle 2:
1st meeting May, 25, 2011 To implement the action plan.
2nd meeting May, 27, 2011 To implement the action plan.
3rd meeting May, 30, 2011 To implement the action plan.
4th meeting commit
June, 1, 2011to user To implement the action plan.

50 51

Post Test 2 June, 3, 2011 To measuring the students’ vocabulary

mastery after the action.
Giving the last questioner June, 3, 2011 To know the students’ opinion about
the action.
Interviewing the students June, 3, 2011 To know the students’ opinion about
the action.

B. Research Implementation

1. Identifying the Problem

Before the researcher implemented the research, she had conducted pre research.
In conducting the pre research, she interviewed the English teacher to know the condition
of the students, distributed the questionnaire to the students, observed the teaching
learning process in the classroom, and gave pre-test. Based on the result of pre-
observation, the writer found some problems as follows: 1) students had low vocabulary
mastery. It is proved by: first, the students found it difficult to pronounce the words
correctly. Second, they have difficulty to remember the meaning of words. Third, the
students found it difficult to use vocabulary words. 2) The classroom situation was not
alive. It is proved by: They felt bored and became inactive in the teaching learning
process; second, the student’s attention and motivation was low; third, the students were
noisy in English class.

After finding the problems faced by the students in English class, the researcher
conducted a pre-test. The pre-test was done before doing the teaching learning process.
The test was done in order to know the vocabulary mastery of the students. The mean of
the students’ scores in the pre-test was 5, 04. The more detail of the result of the pre-test
is presented below.

Table 4.2 The Result of the Vocabulary Pre-Test

Students’ Pronun- Meaning Usage Total

ciation Pre-Test
Part I Part Part Part Part V Part

1 18 3 6 2 0 5 5.23
commit to user 52

2 9 1 6 2 4 7 4.46

3 18 1 6 1 4 7 5.69

4 15 2 4 1 0 6 4.30

5 24 3 2 0 0 0 4.46

6 12 2 4 3 0 14 5.38

7 6 1 6 2 4 5 3.69

8 6 2 6 0 0 2 2.46

9 15 2 4 0 4 6 4.76

10 12 1 6 0 1 14 5.23

11 9 1 2 1 2 0 2.30

12 12 1 6 5 4 12 6.15

13 12 0 4 1 2 15 5.23

14 15 4 2 0 0 0 3.23

15 24 1 6 2 4 4 6.30

16 15 3 6 3 1 6 5.23

17 21 0 4 0 1 15 6.30

18 24 3 6 2 2 6 6.61

19 18 5 4 0 1 0 4.30

20 18 3 6 0 2 12 6.30

21 15 1 6 3 1 3 4.46

22 18 1 6 2 0 8 5.38

23 3 1 4 0 1 2 1.69

24 18 3 4 0 0 7 4.92

25 12 0 4 0 2 15 5.07

26 18 0 4 0 1 11 5.23

27 18 1 6 5 4 15 7.53

28 18 4 6 1 1 6 5.53

29 24 3 commit
4 to user
0 0 6 5.69 53

30 12 4 6 0 2 14 5.84

31 21 1 6 5 4 12 7.53

32 21 2 4 2 4 14 7.23

33 15 3 6 2 1 1 4.30

34 18 3 6 2 1 6 5.53

35 15 1 6 0 1 13 5.53

36 15 2 2 2 2 6 4.46

37 12 3 4 0 2 5 4.00

38 21 5 6 0 1 1 5.23

39 24 3 4 0 0 6 5.69

40 12 2 4 2 0 0 3.07

Mean 15.825 2.05 4.85 1.275 1.6 7.175 5.038


Highest 24 5 6 5 4 15 7.53

Lowest 3 0 2 0 0 0 1.69

Based on the pre-observation and pre-test conducted by the researcher, it can be

identified that the vocabulary mastery of the seventh grade students in SMP Negeri 1
Grogol Sukoharjo was still low. It should be improved by implementing a teaching
technique which can overcome the problems. In implementing the teaching learning
process, the researcher used cartoon films to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.

2. Implementing the Action Research

a. Cycle 1

1) Planning

The following are the steps of planning activities.

commit to user
a) Discussing with Observer 54

There were many things that the researcher shared with the observer. They
were about the selection of the topic that would be taught by the researcher in the
classroom which is suitable for the students based on syllabus, and the appropriate
level of vocabulary to the seventh grade students.
Both observer and the researcher came to an agreement that there were
three elements of vocabulary to be scored: pronunciation, covering memorization
of the meaning of vocabulary, and the use of the vocabulary.
To find the accurate data of the classroom situation during the teaching
and learning process, the researcher provided observation note for the observer.
b) Making Lesson Plan

The researcher had to prepare the lesson plan as her guide in teaching before
implementing the action. The researcher also had to prepare the materials; she prepared
materials from internet and some relevant books. The researcher chose materials which
are suitable for the students based on the topic in syllabus. She chose cartoon films that
are appropriate to the topic discussed in the lesson plans which can be easily understood
by the students.

c) Preparing students’ Worksheet

The purpose of preparing worksheet is to provide students with appropriate ways

of directing attention to the lesson, and to focus the students’ mind on the objectives of
learning. In designing the students’ worksheet the researcher adapted some materials by
considering the students’ level of language and activities that were challenging to do.

d) Designing Post-test

Post-test was a means to assess students’ achievement after they had sufficient
opportunities for learning. The result of the post-test was for assessing the success of the
students and making adjustment in the lesson plan for the next cycle. Post-test was held at
the end of each cycle covering three elements: pronunciation, memorization of the
meaning of vocabulary, and use of the vocabulary.

2) Action

In this step the researcher implemented the teaching technique using cartoon
films. In implementing the action, the researcher used the lesson plan that had been
commit to user
prepared before. The first cycle consisted of four meetings and post test. 55

a) First Meeting
The researcher conducted the first meeting on Friday, May, 6 2011 in
Room AVI. The researcher was helped by Mrs. SP, the observer. The students of
7A had just finished doing fun walk, which is held monthly. The researcher
waited for the students in Room AVI. Two days prior to the meeting, when the
pre-test was held, she had informed them to come to the room for English lesson.
After all students had come to the room, the researcher greeted the students and
checked the students’ attendance. She did not introduce herself because she had
done it in the pre-test two days before.
She started teaching by doing some pre-activities; she gave some guided
questions about the student’s favorite characters in cartoon film, and how they
look like. She asked the students orally. Some students participated actively in this
brainstorming section. The researcher then played the cartoon film, Cinderella.
They were so excited with the humor in the film that they forgot their being
exhausted after having fun walk. Having finished playing the film of Cinderella,
researcher asked the students “How does Cinderella look like?” “How is she?”
then they answered “Cantik, Miss”. “What is cantik in English?” and they
answered “Beautiful, Miss”. “Then, what next?”, “Kind, Miss”. “Diligent, Miss”.
They actively participated to answer the questions orally.
After that, the researcher distributed the worksheets and asked students to
pay attention to their worksheet. She explained word by word to describe people’s
appearance and characteristics. She also explained the meaning of those words in
Indonesian and gave example of how to pronounce them. After that, the
researcher read the descriptive text about Cinderella. The researcher asked the
words’ meaning in Indonesian, and the students answered actively because they
had ever watched Cinderella before. This helped them guess the meaning of the
words. However, they had not understood the meaning of some words. The
students actively asked about the words.
After that, the researcher drilled the students on pronouncing the
vocabularies to describe people, while giving some corrections on students’
mispronouncing some words. They found it difficult to pronounce “old”,
“generous”, “fat”. commit to user 56

After she had finished drilling the pronunciation, the researcher asked the
students to answer the questions in the worksheet in five minutes. Then, the
researcher asked them to read their answers and corrected them. After that, she
played a cartoon film entitled Avatar: the Legend of Aang. They were so happy to
see their favorite film. When the film ended, she asked them to write vocabularies
that can describe Aang’s, Katara’s, and Sakka’s (three characters in the film)
appearance and characteristics.
Because they were fans of the characters, they did the task happily. A
moment later, the researcher asked the students if they had finished the task. They
said, “Sudah, Miss”. She then asked “Who can write the answer on the
whiteboard?”. They competed to write their answer. After examining the students’
answers, she asked them to make some sentences using the list of the vocabulary
to describe Aang, Katara, and Sakka. The researcher moved around the class to
examine students’ sentences. In fact, most of them found it difficult to make
sentences. It was shown by their mistakes in writing sentences, for example
“Katara is wavy hair”. The researcher told them that the sentence was incorrect
and it should have been “Katara has wavy hair”. She then asked the students to
read their description. Only a few students had performed when the bell indicating
the end of the English class rang.
The researcher then closed the lesson, gave a home assignment -- to
describe their favorite cartoon character. They were so excited and confirmed the
researcher if they might describe their own favorite cartoon character. Then, she
ended the class by saying goodbye.
b) Second Meeting
The second meeting was conducted on Monday in May, 9, 2011. The
researcher started the lesson by greeting the students and checking the students’
attendance. Then, she reviewed the lesson of the last meeting. Because in the last
meeting the researcher had given homework, the researcher asked them to read
their description.
The researcher asked them whether they knew cartoon film “Mulan”, then she
asked them to pay attention to the character of Mulan. She then played the cartoon film
“Mulan”. The students watched the film attentively, because they were interested in the
commit to user
humor in the film. After that, she pointed some students to describe Mulan (physical and 57

personality). After that, the researcher distributed the worksheet. She read the example of
the descriptive text about “Mulan”. She asked the students the meaning of the words in
Indonesian, and the students answered actively because they had watched Mulan before.
This helped them guess the meaning of the words in the text. The researcher then drilled
the students on pronouncing the words used in the text and pointed some students to
repeat after her until they could pronounce the words correctly. Some of them found it
difficult to pronounce “straight”, “outspoken”, and always pronounced “kind” as “kin”.

Afterward, the researcher asked the students to do Task 2 which is an exercise to

match the words from the meaning and Task 3 which is an exercise to complete sentences
based on the picture description in the worksheet, and then pointed some students to write
their answer on the whiteboard.

After that the researcher divided the students into pairs, and asked them to choose
one of their classmates, and then describe the physical and personality of the student. The
students look interested in doing it. After the students had finished the work, the
researcher pointed some students to read their description in front of class, and asked the
rest to listen to them seriously. They had to make sure if the sentences written by their
classmates were correct. Since the time was up, the researcher ended the lesson and said

c) Third Meeting

The third meeting was conducted on Wednesday in May 11, 2011. The researcher
started the lesson by greeting the students and checking the students’ attendance. Then
she reviewed the lesson of the latest meeting. After that, she started teaching by doing
some pre-activities. She gave some guided questions about whether the students like
cooking or not, what food they usually cook, what they needed to cook (ingredients and
tools) it and what the steps are. She asked the students orally.

The researcher played the cartoon film “Cooking” (Donald cooks Waffle Bread)
and asked them to pay attention to the ingredients, tools, and the steps in the film. Then,
she played the cartoon film “Cooking”. After that, the researcher explained the
vocabulary that was presented in the film, the vocabularies are pour, add, mix, bake,
flour, milk, eggs, bowl, and oven. After that, the researcher distributed the worksheet. She
read the example of the Procedure commit to to
text “How user
Make Cheese Omelet”. She asked the 58

students the meaning of the words in Indonesian, and the students answered actively
because there were some words involved in the film. This helped them guess the meaning
of the words in the text. The researcher then drilled the students on pronouncing the
words in the Box 1 (bake, chop, cut, grill, mix, sauté, boil, combine, fry, heat, etc),
researcher pointed some students to repeat after her until they could pronounce the words
correctly. Some of them found it difficult to pronounce “bake”, “chop”, “combine” and

Then, the researcher asked the students to do Task 2 (matching words with
their synonyms) and Task 3 (rearranging the sentences into a good paragraph) in
the worksheet, then pointed some students to write their answer on the
whiteboard. After that, researcher asked them to do Task 4 (making simple
sentences from the words ‘heat’, ‘grill’, ‘blend’, ‘grate’, ‘stir’). Most of them
found it difficult to make sentences. It was shown by their just rewriting the
sentences in the text. After the bell rang, the researcher ended the teaching

d) Fourth Meeting

The fourth meeting was conducted on Friday, May 13, 2011. The researcher
started the lesson by greeting the students and checking the students’ attendance. Then
she reviewed the lesson of the latest meeting. The researcher asked the students a few
questions that are taught in the previous lesson to find out how well they remembered the

The researcher played the cartoon film “Cooking” (The Cooker, and Guffi) and
asked them to pay attention to the film. The cartoon film was still the same as the film
played in the third meetings, but in different part. After that she pointed some students to
answer the question orally, “Who is in the kitchen?”, “What is he cooking?”, “What are
the tools used by the cooker?”, “What does Guffi do?”, “What does Guffi cook?”, “What
are the tools used by Guffi?”, the students answered actively more easily since the
answers were found in the film. After that, the researcher distributed the worksheet. She
read the example of the Procedure text “How to Make Fried Rice”. She asked the students
the meaning of the words in Indonesian, and the students answered actively because there
were some words having been taught in the previous meeting. This helped them guess the
meaning of the words in the text. commit to user then drilled all of the students to
The researcher 59

pronounce the text “How to Make Fried Rice”. After that, the researcher pointed some
students to repeat after her until they could pronounce the words correctly. Some of them
found it difficult to pronounce “into small pieces”, “break”, “serve”, and “mix”.

Then, the researcher asked the students to do Task 2 (finding the verb used in the
procedure text “How to Make Fried Rice”) and Task 3 (matching each word in column A
with its meaning in column B.) in the worksheet. She then pointed some students to write
their answer on the whiteboard. After that, the researcher asked them to do Task 4
(completing the following sentences with the words in the box). After the bell rang, she
closed her teaching and announced that next meeting there would be a post-test.

3) Observing the Action

When the researcher implemented the vocabulary mastery using cartoon films,
the activities were observed by Mrs. SP as the observer. The researcher prepared an
observation form to be filled by the observer in each meeting. Those observation forms
are very useful as the basic for observing the action and as researcher’s reflection to make
plan for the next steps. There were some aspects which were observed: the development
of teaching and learning activities, teacher’s technique in delivering the materials,
classroom management, the use of media, the use of language, and classroom situation.
The English teacher as the observer gave some input and suggestion to the researcher.
The following is the observer’s comment summarized in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3 Observation of Teaching and Learning Process in Cycle 1

Aspect Comment

1. The activities of Teaching and The teacher had better point a student to answer rather
Learning Process than let them answer all at once. Besides, in the end of
the meeting the researcher often forgot to review the
lesson and let the students asks questions. She should do
the review and let the students ask question.
2. Teacher’s technique in delivering The researcher gives interesting pre-activities to attract
the materials the students’ attention.

The materials taught had fitted the learning objectives.

Please do not speak more slowly in order the students to
understand your explanation easily.
commit to user 60

3. Classroom Management The researcher was less firm in controlling the students.
She should be more firm in giving punishment to the
students who made noise and did not pay attention to the

Give more attention to the boy students who sit in the

back rows.

4. The use of media The use of media was good enough and could help
reinforce the explanation of the materials. The use of
media was good and can help presenting the material
more easily.

But the time allotment was less effective.

5. The use of language The researcher still very often used Indonesian when
giving instruction to the students. Her intonation was
quite clear and loud so the students who sit at the back
could hear her.

5. Classroom Situation The researcher gave a lot of feedback to the students.

The researcher made some exercise about the film played
for the students that made the students attracted and
actively answer the questions.

Students were interested in lesson. Students paid

attention to the cartoon film and to the lesson.

6. Lesson Plan and Teaching The researcher did not include scoring rubric and
Materials instruments by the evaluation stage within her lesson

She should include them in her lesson plan.

The materials were relevant to the syllabus and seventh


In general, using cartoon films made students’ attention focused on the lesson.
Using films made students motivated because the materials were entertaining. The film

commit to user 61

helped students visualize the clues. These clues gave students clearer context to interpret
the meaning of vocabulary.

The eagerness of the students could also be seen when cartoon film was played.
Most of them enjoyed learning the materials.

Nevertheless, the result of Cycle 1 was not satisfactory yet because there were
some weakness during the implementation of the vocabulary mastery using cartoon films.

Based on the observer’s field notes, the researcher realized that she still had many
weaknesses. Although the second meeting was better, there are still some weaknesses that
should be fixed in the next cycle.

4) Reflecting the Action

After analyzing the observation result in the cycle one, the researcher did
reflection in order to evaluate the teaching and learning process she did so far. She found
that there was students’ progression in mastering vocabulary. Observation result showed
that there were some improvements achieved by the students after doing the action.

The researcher noted the students’ improvement in mastering the vocabulary.

First, the students could grasp the vocabulary meaning. In the beginning of the second,
third, and fourth meeting the researcher asked about the vocabulary in the previous
meeting, and they still remembered the meaning of vocabulary that were taught in the
previous meeting. There was an improvement in the pronunciation. Some students could
pronounce the words that they were failed to pronounce when in the pre test or the words
that they were mispronounced before. Second, there was an improvement in the students’
score in the meaning of vocabulary test section. The result of the research can be seen in
the table 4.4.

Table 4.4 The Improvement of Students’ Achievement of Cycle 1

A. Vocabulary Mastery

Problem Before Action Research After the implementation

Treatment in Cycle 1
of cycle 1

commit to user 62

1. Students make so many While watching the Students’ pronunciation was

Difficulty mistakes in pronounced cartoon films, the improved, proved by post-
to the words; In some researcher asks students test result in pronunciation
pronounce words, the students read to repeat the narrator test section. Most of them
the words the English word from the films to could correctly pronounce
correctly. according to the letters, pronounce the words, the words, such as: “old”,
For example, they and the researcher “fat”, and ”kind”, etc. But
pronounced the English correct if there is any some of the students still
word “have” not as mistake. mispronounced them.
(hƏv), but ‘ha-ve’. They
mispronounced ‘dimple’, Researcher played ‘play-
‘bake’, ‘spread’, ‘cook’, time’ of the cartoon film
‘peel’ in the pre-test. inviting to repeat
pronouncing the words
after the narrator.

By using the list of word

in ‘Vocabulary Box’, the
researcher drilled the
students on pronouncing
the words and pointed
some students to repeat
after her until they could
pronounce the words

2. Students could not By using the object and Students memorize the
Difficulty answer the teacher’s the text line given in the meaning of words were
to question related to the cartoon films, researcher improved, proved by post-
memorize lesson about the meaning explained the meaning test result in meaning
the of words/object. They of words. She paused question section. Students
meaning forgot the meaning of the certain scenes which could answer the questions
of words. new word easily that had shown the object, about words’ meaning
already taught. and then explained the correctly.
meaning of those words.
After that, the researcher For example, they knew the
played the scene asking meanings of cut, break,
questions in the cartoon pour, stir, add, mix, short,
film. thin, slim, fat, etc.

Then, the researcher

gave a text containing
words from the film
asked their meaning to
the students.

3. Students could not make By using the text line Students’ vocabulary in use
Difficulty a sentence correctly. given from the films, the the word was improved,
to use They also filled the researcher gives proved by post-test result in
vocabulary blanks of incomplete example in how to make using vocabulary section.
in four sentences with incorrect commit to user
sentences using the Some of the students could 63

language words because they did vocabulary words. By answer the questions about
skills. not know the meaning of doing so, the researcher the use of vocabulary
the words and the could insert some correctly. But most of them
sentences. explanation about made sentences incorrectly
grammar and word in other words cannot use
choice to the students. the words. Many students
made sentences incorrectly.
For examples: “Cinderella is
a slim”, “She is a
outspoken”, “Mrs. sari she
has long hair”.

B. Classroom situation

Problem Before Action Research Treatment in Cycle 1 After the implementation

of cycle 1

1. The Most of the students did Researcher played Students participated in

class was not ask to the teacher cartoon film containing teaching learning process.
not alive; when they faced funny humor; moreover, Some of them were willing
difficulties. Moreover, the researcher gave
They felt to answer questions,
most of the students worksheet and
bored then could not answer homeworks about their voluntarily wrote their
became researcher’s questions. favorite cartoon answers onto the board, and
inactive in They looked sleepy and characters. they actively asked
the yawn, and even some questions if they are asked
teaching students laid their head by the researcher.
learning on their table.

2. The They did not pay Researcher made Students were interested in
student’s attention to the lesson. interesting questions the the materials. They were
attention naswer of which could motivated because in every
and be found in the cartoon beginning of the class, they
motivation film so that the students watched the cartoon film
was low. could focus their which can attract their
attention when watching attention and help them learn
the film and keep their more enjoyably.
mind in the lesson.

3. The They always talked to Researcher pointed Students reduced their noise
students their friends and making some students to answer and paid attention to the
were noisy or doing non- her question or to repeat cartoon films. Students did
noisy. academic activity in pronouncing after her. the exercise related to the
English class. When the researcher cartoon films actively. But
pinted a student to some students could easily
answer her question and give up when they found
pronounce word, the difficulties. They were
researcher always unwilling to try again.
cinfirmed his answer to Instead, they copied their
commit to user
other students to make friends’ answers.
sure if it was correct or 64


Test score The means score of the The means score of the post
pre test : 5. 04 test 1: 7. 85

The problems that had been improved :

1. The students’ difficulties in memorizing the meaning of words.

2. Some students’ mispronounce English words.

3. The classroom situationn which was not alive.

4. The students’ attention and motivation which were low.

5. The students’ always talking to their friends or playing in class.

The problems that still need improvement :

1. The students’ difficulties in the use of vocabulary.

2. Most of the students’ difficulties in pronouncing the words.

In cycle one, the mean score of the students increased. It could be seen by
comparing the result of the pre-test and post-test during the implementation of the action.
The mean score of the post-test result done at the end of the cycle one was 7. 85. It was
better than the mean score of the pre-test which had been done before the action, 5. 04.
The more detail result of post test 1 can be seen in table 4.5. The format of the test was
still the same as the previous one (Pre Test).

Table 4. 5 The Result of Post Test 1

Students’ Pronun- Meaning Usage Total

ciation Post-Test 1
Part I Part II Part Part Part V Part

1 30 5 5 5 4 9 8.92

2 24 5 5 5 2 13 8.30

3 24 5 5 5 3 12 8.30
commit to user 65

4 21 5 5 5 2 6 6.76

5 18 5 5 5 2 14 7.53

6 15 5 5 5 5 6 6.30

7 15 5 5 5 3 10 6.61

8 18 4 5 5 3 10 6.92

9 24 5 5 5 3 15 8.76

10 24 5 5 5 2 12 8.15

11 24 5 5 5 2 14 6.61

12 12 5 5 5 5 5 7.53

13 18 3 5 5 1 8 6.15

14 12 5 5 5 2 14 6.61

15 27 5 5 5 4 11 8.76

16 30 4 5 5 4 6 8.30

17 24 5 5 5 2 9 7.69

18 24 4 5 5 4 6 7.38

19 24 5 5 5 4 8 7.84

20 24 5 5 5 2 14 8.46

21 27 4 5 5 2 9 8.00

22 24 5 5 5 2 13 8.30

23 15 4 5 5 3 10 6.46

24 30 5 5 5 5 11 9.38

25 24 5 5 5 2 9 7.69

26 27 5 5 5 5 8 8.46

27 24 5 5 5 5 15 9.07

28 30 4 5 0 3 14 8.61

29 30 5 5 5 5 15 9.84

30 21 5 5 5 2 15 8.15

31 21 5 commit
5 to user
5 5 15 8.61 66

32 24 5 5 5 5 10 8.30

33 15 5 5 5 2 10 6.46

34 30 5 5 5 4 12 9.38

35 24 5 5 5 2 10 7.84

36 18 5 5 5 2 15 7.69

37 18 5 5 5 3 9 6.92

38 21 5 5 5 2 9 7.23

39 30 5 5 5 5 10 9.23

40 15 5 5 5 2 10 6.46

Mean 22.5 4.8 5 4.875 3.125 10.775 7.849


Highest 30 5 5 5 5 15 9.84

Lowest 12 3 5 0 1 5 6.15

From the reflection of the observation result, the writer concluded that the
implementation of teaching English using cartoon film was able to improve the students’
vocabulary mastery. The teacher however still found several problems about vocabulary
use and pronunciation in the first cycle, so she needed to conduct the second cycle. The
problems in cycle one should be solved. It seemed necessary for her to use the same
method but in different way.

b. Cycle Two

1) Revised Plan

Based on the results of the reflection above, it could be seen that the action
showed both the positive results and weaknesses. Therefore, the researcher thought that it
was necessary to make the next planning and to conduct the next cycle in order to solve
the problems and the weaknesses that appeared in the first cycle. In the next cycle the
researcher made a revised plan to teach vocabulary in Cycle 2 based on the observation
and reflection from teaching learning process in Cycle 1 and she planned to conduct four
commit to user
meetings in Cycle 2. The topic in Cycle 2 is Descriptive text. 67

First of all, the researcher planned to concern more on the vocabulary use by
giving some more exercises on it. To improve students’ vocabulary use in Cycle 2 the
researcher had them make some sentences and to fill incomplete sentences with the words
explained/involved in the film, so that they knew the meaning of the words and they
would feel it easier to make sentences and to fill the incomplete sentences. The researcher
gave more time to practice the use of vocabulary in Cycle 2. In each meeting, there were
2 tasks for practicing the use of vocabulary, in Cycle 1 there was only one task.

Next, the researcher would focus on pronunciation by doing more drilling and
more focus on the students whose pronunciation was still poor. To improve students’
pronunciation, the researcher played some cartoon film of ‘Disney Magic English’ to
teach some words. Then, she did repetition of the words’ pronunciation, drilled the
students, and had them practice pronouncing the words randomly. She then pointed some
students who still got difficulty in pronunciation. The researcher would give more time to
practice pronunciation in Cycle 2, every meeting there was two tasks for pronunciation
practice, unlike in cycle 1 in which there was only one task.

The researcher also planned on giving warning and punishment to the students
who did not pay attention to the lesson by giving some questions dealing with words’
meaning, pronunciation, and use. She would also give the students the equal chance to
ask questions.

2) Action

This second cycle was basically similar to the first cycle. The researcher used the
same technique in teaching vocabulary, by using cartoon films, but with different themes.
In Cycle 2, the themes were Mountain, Sea, City, and Pet. This cycle was conducted in
four meetings.

a) First Meeting

The researcher conducted the first meeting on Wednesday, May, 25, 2011
in Room AVI. The researcher was helped by Mrs. SP, the observer. The
researcher came first to set the LCD projector, and waited for the students in
Room AVI. After all students had come into the room, the researcher greeted the
students and checked the students’ attendance.

commit to user 68

She told the topic they would study, Describing Mountain. She started
teaching by doing some pre-activities; she gave some guided questions about the
mountain, she asked the students orally. “Anybody knows what mountain is?”,
“Class, have you been to a mountain?”, “What can you see in the mountain?”,
“What do usually you do on the mountain?” Some students participated actively
in this brainstorming section although most of them answered the questions by
using Indonesian language.
The researcher then played the cartoon film, Mountain (Disney Magic
English). In the film, there was a text line to explain the picture/scene in the film,
for example when it shows Donald in the mountain, there was a text line “Donald
in the mountain”, “He is camping”. Then, she asked the students to pay attention
to some activities that can be done on a mountain based on the film. After
showing the film, the researcher asked the students to do Task 1 in the worksheet,
in which they had to write the name of the activity that they had found in the film.
After that, she read the descriptive text of “Mount Bromo”, she asked the
students the meaning of the words in Indonesian, and the students answered
actively because some words in the text were explained in the film. This helped
them guess the meaning of the words in the text. After that, the researcher
explained the words in the text and in the Box 1 (which contained vocabulary
about Mountain). Then she pointed some students to ask the meaning of the words
“What is Lake in Indonesian?”, “What is Camping?” “What is ice climbing?”.
Students found it easy to answer the questions, since some words in the text was
explained in the film, although they answered with wrong pronunciation. After
that, she gave example of how to pronounce some words in the film listed in Box
1 and then the researcher drilled the students on pronouncing the words, and
pointed some students who still got difficulty in pronunciation, then she gave
some corrections on students’ mispronouncing some words. They found it
difficult to pronounce “mountain”, “lake”, “edge”, “sunrise”, “ice”, “climbing”.
After finished drilling the pronunciation, the researcher asked the students
to answer the questions in Task 2 and Task 3 in the worksheet in five minutes. But
they were confused of how to answer questions in Task 3 (Circle the word which
haves different rhyme), so she asked to user to answer the question together
the students 69

with her, but she still gave chance to the students to speak their own answer. If it
was wrong, the researcher would ask other students to answer. After giving the
correct answer of Task 3, the teacher asked the students to do Task 4. They had to
complete the text with the words in the box. They got easier to do Task 4 because
they had known the meaning of the chosen word in the box from the film. After
pointing some students to write their answer on the whiteboard and gave the
correct answer, the researcher asked the students to do Task 5 (making sentences
from the words recreation, scenery, camping, mountain, and hiking). She walked
around the class to help the students who find it difficult to make sentences. Since
the bell rang, the researcher told the students that Task 5 was for their homework,
and then she ended the teaching learning.

b) Second Meeting

The researcher conducted the second meeting on Friday, May, 27, 2011 in
Room AVI. As usual, after the researcher greeted the students and checked the
students’ attendance, then she reviewed the lesson of the last meeting. Teacher
pointed some students and asked question to them to check whether they
remembered the previous lesson or not. Most of them still remembered the
vocabulary about Mountain. Because in the last meeting the researcher had given
homework, the researcher asked ten students to write their sentences. Teacher
checked and corrected the students’ sentences.
She told the topic they would study, Describing Sea. She started teaching
by doing some pre-activities; she gave some guided questions about the sea, she
asked the students orally. “Anybody know what sea is?”, “Class, have you been to
a sea?”, “What can you see in the sea?”, “What do usually you do in the sea?”
Some students participated actively in this brainstorming section although most of
them answered using Indonesian language.
The researcher then played the cartoon film, The Sea (Disney Magic
English). In film The Sea there was text line to explain the picture/scene in the
film, for example when it shows Beach, there was text line “It is Beach”, “Guffi
playing in the beach”. She asked students to pay attention to the animals that they
found in the film “The Sea”. Aftercommit
showing the film, teacher asked students to do
to user 70

Task 1 in the worksheet. They had to write the name of animals/things that they
had found in the film.
After that, she read the descriptive text of “Bunaken Sea”, she asked the students
the meaning of the words in Indonesian, and the students answered actively because some
words in the text (seashore, sand, fish, whale, starfish, etc) was explained in the film. This
helped them guess the meaning of the words in the text. After that, the researcher
explained the words in the text and in the Vocabulary Box (which contains of vocabulary
word of Sea). Then she pointed some students to say the meaning of the words “What is
Sand in Indonesian?”, “What is Octopus?” “What is Whale?”. Students answered actively
because they felt it easy to answer since some words in the text was explained in the film,
although they answered with wrong pronunciation. After that, she gave example of how
to pronounce words in the film and in Vocabulary Box, then the researcher drilled the
students on pronouncing the words, and pointed some students who still got difficult in
pronunciation, then gave some corrections on students’ mispronouncing some words.
They found it difficult to pronounce “Octopus”, “Turtle”, “sunbath”, “seashore”,
“sightseeing”. After finished drilling the pronunciation, the researcher asked the students
to answer the questions in Task 3 (Circle the word which haves different rhyme with the
word) in the worksheet in five minutes. After give the correct answer of Task 3, the
teacher ask students to do Task 4, they had to translate the sentences into Indonesian
language, although they used dictionary they still found it difficult to answer Task 4, so
the researcher went around to help the students who find it difficult to do Task 4. After
pointed some students to write their answer in the whiteboard and gave the correct
answer, the researcher asked the students to do Task 5 (make sentences from the words
sea, beach, sand, waves, and fish). First, she wrote some sentences to the whiteboard to
give example. The researcher asked 5 students to write their sentences. Teacher checked
and corrected the students’ sentences. Since the time was up, the researcher ended the
lesson and said goodbye.

c) Third Meeting

The researcher conducted the third meeting on Monday, May, 30, 2011 in
Room AVI. The researcher was helped by Mrs. SP, as the observer. The
researcher came first to set the LCD projector, and waited for the students in
Room AVI. The students had just finished doing ceremony, which is held weekly.

commit to user 71

After all students had come to the room, the researcher greeted the students and
checked the students’ attendance.
She told the topic what they would study, Describing the City. She started
teaching by doing some pre-activities. As soon as possible, she reviewed the last
meeting by gave some guided questions about the mountain, she asked the
students orally. “Anybody know what the city is?”, “Class, can you mention the
names of city that have you been visited?”, “what can you see in the city?”, “what
can you do in the city?”. Most of them answered using Indonesian language. The
researcher told their answer in Indonesia into English.
The researcher then played the cartoon film, Mountain (Disney Magic
English), then she asked students to pay attention to things that they can see in
city in the film “The City”. The researcher explained the meaning of words in the
film, after that, she read the descriptive text of “Jakarta”. She asked the students
the meaning of some words in Indonesian, and the students could answer it
because some words in the text were used in the film and was explained by the
researcher. This helped them guess the meaning of the words in the text. After that
the researcher explained the words in the text and in the Vocabulary Box (which
contains of vocabulary word of City). Then she pointed some students and asked
them the meaning of the words “What is Noisy in Indonesian?”, “What is
Crowded?” “What is traffic light?”. After that, she gave example of how to
pronounce words in the film and in the vocabulary box then the researcher drilled
the students on pronouncing the words, and pointed some students who still got
difficulty in pronunciation, then gave some corrections on students’
mispronouncing some words. They found it difficult to pronounce “busy”,
“crowded”, “skyscraper”, “supermarket”. After finished drilling the
pronunciation, the researcher asked the students to answer the questions in Task 2
(Match the following words of place with their appropriate meanings). After
pointing some students to write their answer in the whiteboard and gave the
correct answer, the researcher asked students to do Task 3 (Complete the text
“Yogyakarta” with the words in the box.)
After pointing some students to read their answer and gave the correct
answer of Task 3. Then, the teacher to user
asked students to do Task 4, they had to 72

translate the sentences in English into Indonesian Language, because they still got
difficulty to do that although they used dictionary, so the researcher asked them to
do Task 4 in pair or in group of three, so they could discuss the answer with their
friend. The researcher went around helping the group of students who found it
difficult to do Task 4. After that, the researcher pointed some students to read
their answer and then she gave the correct answer. After the bell rang, the
researcher ended the teaching learning.
d) Fourth Meeting
The researcher conducted the fourth meeting on Wednesday, June, 1, 2011
in Room AVI. The researcher was helped by Mrs. SP, the observer. The
researcher came first to set the LCD projector, and waited for the students in
Room AVI. After all students had come into to the room, the researcher greeted
the students and checked the students’ attendance.
Then she reviewed the lesson of the latest meeting. Teacher pointed some
students and asked questions to them to check whether they remembered the
previous lesson or not. In fact, most of them still remembered the vocabulary
about The City.
She told the topic they would study, Describing Pet. She started teaching
by doing some pre-activities; she gave some guided questions about the pet, she
asked the students orally. “Anybody knows what pet is?”, “Class, Anybody of you
has pet?”, “what does it look like?”. Some students answered enthusiastically
about their pet. They said that they had pet, such as dog, cat, fish, etc, but they
could not tell how their pet look like.
The researcher then played the cartoon film, “Animal Friends” (Disney
Magic English), then she asked the students to pay attention to the film. After
showing the film, the teacher asked the students what animals they found in the
film “Animal friend”, “Students, can you mention the animal that you can find in
the film?”. After that, she read the descriptive text of “My Pet”, she asked the
students to predict the meaning of the words in Indonesian. After that, the
researcher explained the words in the text and in Vocabulary Box (it’s containing
of vocabulary word of Pet). Then, she pointed some students to ask the meaning
of the words “What is Fur?”, “What is to user “What is Fin?”. After that, she
Claw?” 73

gave example of how to pronounce some words used in the film and in
Vocabulary Box. Then, the researcher drilled the students on pronouncing the
words, and pointed some students who still got difficulty in pronunciation. Then
she gave them some corrections on their mispronouncing some words. They found
it difficult to pronounce “tail”, “fluffy”, “fur”, “ears”, “bark”. After finished
drilling the pronunciation, the researcher asked the students to answer the
questions in Task 2 (Circle the word which haves different rhyme) and Task 3
(Match the following animals with their description) in the worksheet in ten
minutes. They no longer found it difficult to answer Task 3.
After giving correct answer in Task 2 and Task 3, the teacher asked
students to do Task 4 and Task 5. They had to complete the text with the words in
the box in five minutes. They did Task 4 more easily because they had known the
meaning of the chosen words in the box from the film. After she pointed some
students to read their answer, and gave the correct answer, the researcher asked
students to do Task 5 (making sentences from the words dog, fur, tail, cat, and
ears). First, she wrote some sentences to the whiteboard to give example then she
went around helping the students who found it difficult to make sentences. Since
the bell rang, she ended the teaching learning.

3) Observation

In Cycle 2, Mrs. SP still acted as the observer. Just like in Cycle 1, in this cycle
the researcher prepared an observation form to be filled by the observer in each meeting.
Those observation forms are very useful as the basic for observing the action and as
researcher’s materials for reflection. The aspects to observe were also the same: the
development of teaching and learning activity, teacher’s technique in delivering the
materials, classroom management, use of media, language use, and classroom situation.
The English teacher, as the observer, gave some input and suggestion to the researcher.
The following is the summary of the observer’s comment.

commit to user 74

Table 4.6 Observation of Teaching and Learning Process in Cycle 2

Aspect Comment

1. The activities of Teaching and The researcher got better in the time management so
Learning that she could provide enough time let the students
review the lesson and ask questions. Overall, the
teaching learning process was good
2. Teacher’s technique in The researcher gives interesting pre-activities to
delivering the materials attract the students’ attention, just as what she did in
Cycle 1.

The materials taught had fitted the learning objectives.

3.Classroom Management The researcher could manage the students better, and
was firmer when warning those who did not pay
attention to her explanation.

4. The use of media The use of media was good enough and could help
reinforce the explanation of the materials. The use of
media was good and can help presenting the material
more easily.

5. The use of language The researcher had used English in giving instruction
to the students, and when the students were confused
about the researcher’s instruction in English, the
researcher taught bilingually to make the students
understand the researcher’s commands and

5. Classroom Situation The researcher made some interesting exercises about

the film played for the students that made the students
attracted and actively answer the questions. Cartoon
films made the students feel enjoy and no pressure in
doing the exercises. The students were enthusiastic
joining the lesson.

6. Lesson Plan and Teaching The researcher had included scoring rubric and
Materials instruments by the evaluation stage within her lesson
plan. The materials were relevant to the syllabus and
commit to user 75

seventh graders.

From the table above, it can be seen that there was an improvement from Cycle 1
to Cycle 2 from the points of view: classroom activity development, classroom
management, the use of language, classroom situation and lesson plan.

4) Reflecting the Action

After implementing the second cycle, the researcher compared the result of first
cycle and the result of second cycle. There were some improvements between the first
cycle and the second cycle.

In Cycle 2, the researcher found some improvements. The teaching

learning process became more effective than before. The class was also well-
managed. The students were more enthusiastic and become more active in joining
the class because they felt comfortable with the cartoon films. It was proved by
the students reducing their noise and paid attention to the lesson, they were easy
to ask to come in front of the class, and they answered teacher’s questions
actively, the next point was the students’ progress in determining details
information that they can find from the films. When the researcher reviewed what
they had seen in the cartoon film about the topic they were going to learn, most of
the students could mention the details information about the film. It was because
cartoon films stimulated them to be relax to learn vocabulary, it made the students
feel enjoy and no pressure in doing the exercises. Besides, they became more
active because they were able to answer questions and tasks given by the
researcher. It was because all questions and answers could be learnt through the
cartoon films. They paid attention to the cartoon films, so they can easily answer
the questions.
There were also some improvements in students’ vocabulary mastery. The
students were more able to use the vocabulary words. It was shown by the students’
exercises in their worksheet which had only fewer mistakes in make sentences or in
another exercise in using vocabulary words. The students’ pronunciation were also
improved, the quantity of students who can pronounce certain words correctly was
increased. The improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery and classroom situation
commit to user
were summarized in Table 4.7 as follows: 76

Table 4.7 The improvement of Students’ Achievement and Learning Process

at the End of Cycle 2

A. Vocabulary Mastery

Problem After the After the implementation

implementation of cycle Treatment in Cycle 2 of cycle 2

1. Difficult Students’ pronunciation The same as in Cycle 1, The students could

to was improved, proved by while watching the pronounce the words
pronounce post-test result in cartoon films, the correctly. It is proved by
the words pronunciation test researcher asked the increasing the quantity of
correctly. section. Most of them students to repeat the students who can pronounce
could correctly narrator from the films to certain words correctly.
pronounce the words, pronounce the words,
such as: “old”, “fat”, and and the researcher
”kind”, etc. But some of corrected if there was
the students still any mistake.
The researcher played
the ‘play-time’ within the
cartoon film inviting the
students to repeat
pronounce the words
after the narrator.

By using the list of word

in ‘Vocabulary Box’, the
researcher drilled the
students on pronouncing
the words and pointed
some students to repeat
after her until they could
pronounce the words

Only in Cycle 2, the

researcher gave more
time to practice
pronouncing the
vocabulary. In each
meeting, there were 2
tasks for pronouncing the
vocabulary, in Cycle 1
there was only one task.
The researcher focused
on pronunciation by
doing more drilling and
more to user on the
focus 77

students whose
pronunciation was still

2. Difficult Students memorize the As in Cycle 1, by using The students were able to
to meaning of words were the object and the text memorize the meaning of
memorize improved, proved by line given in the cartoon words. It is proved by the
the post-test result in films, researcher students can easily
meaning meaning question explained the meaning of memorizing the meaning of
of words. section. Students could words. She paused the the vocabulary when
answer the questions certain scenes which had answering researcher’s
about words’ meaning shown the object, and question related to the
correctly. For example, then explained the previous lesson about the
they know the meanings meaning of those words. meaning of words/object
of cut, break, pour, stir, And then, the researcher and their ability to complete
add, mix, short, thin, played questions about the task about meaning of
slim, fat, etc. words meaning words.
contained in the film.

Then, the researcher

gave a text containing
sords used in the film
and asked their meaning
to the students.

3. Difficult Students’ vocabulary in In general it was the The students were able to
to use use the word was same as Cycle 1, by use vocabulary.
vocabulary improved, proved by using the text line given
in four post-test result in using from the films, the It was shown by the
language vocabulary section. researcher gave example students’ exercises in their
skills. Some of the students of how to make worksheet which had only
could answer the sentences using the fewer mistakes in make
questions about the use vocabulary words. By sentences or in another
of vocabulary correctly. doing so, the researcher exercise in using vocabulary
But most of them made inserted some words.
sentences incorrectly in explanation about
other words cannot use grammar and word
the words. Many choice to the students.
students made sentences Only the researcher gave
incorrectly. For more time to practice the
examples: “Cinderella is use of vocabulary in
a slim”, “She is a Cycle 2. In each meeting,
outspoken”, “Mrs. sari there were 2 tasks for
she has long hair” practicing the use of
vocabulary, in Cycle 1
there was only one task.

B. Classroom situation

commit to user 78

Problem After the Treatment in Cycle 2 After the implementation

implementation of cycle of cycle 2

1. The Students participate in The researcher played They were easy to ask to
class was teaching learning funny humorous cartoon come in front of the class,
not alive; process. Some of them film, moreover, and they answered
researcher gave the
They felt were willing to answer researcher’s questions
students exercise and
bored then questions, voluntarily tasks about their favorite actively even though they
became wrote their answers onto cartoon characters. She are not pointed by the
inactive in the board, and they also gave the students the researcher, the next point
the actively asked questions equal chance to ask was the students’ activeness
teaching if they are asked by the questions. progress in doing the task
learning researcher. from the researcher. They
process. looked happy doing their

2. The Students were interested The researcher composed The students were
student’s in the materials. They interesting tasks the enthusiastic and become
attention were motivated because answer of which could active in joining the class
and in every beginning of the be found in the cartoon because they feel
motivation class, they watched the film. Therefore, the comfortable with the
was low. cartoon film which can students could focus their cartoon films.
attract their attention and attention when watching
help them learn more the film and keep thier
enjoyably. mind to the lesson. The
researcher moved around
the class to see how the
students worked on the
tasks and to check if
there was a student
copying their mates’

3. The Students reduced their The researcher gave Students paid attention to
students noise and paid attention warning and punishment the lesson and to the cartoon
were to the cartoon films. to the students who did films. The classroom
noisy. Students did the exercise not pay attention to the became interactive. It was
related to the cartoon lesson by giving some proved by the interaction
films actively. But some questions dealing with between the researcher and
students could easily words’ meaning, the researcher. It was
give up when they found pronunciation, and use. indicated by the students
difficulties. They were asked questions to the
unwilling to try again. The reseracher gave her teacher when they faced
Instead, they copied their special attention to those difficulties.
friends’ answers. who easily gave up doing
their task and helped
commit to user 79

Test score The means score of the The means score of the post
post test 1: 7. 85 test 2: 8.53

The problems solved:

1. Students get difficulty to memorize the meaning of words.

2. Students found it difficult to pronounce the words correctly.

3. The students found it difficult to use vocabulary.

4. The class was not alive; They felt bored then became inactive in the teaching learning process.

5. The student’s attention and motivation was low.

6. They always talked to their friends or played in class.

One of the indicators that the action is successful is the improvement of the
students’ mean-score. The mean score of the pre-test was 5. 04. While the mean score of
the post-test in cycle 1 was 7. 85. And the mean score of the post-test in cycle 2 was 8.
53. From the comparison between the mean score of the pre-test and post-test, it can be
identified that the implementation of cartoon films could improve students’ vocabulary
mastery. The more detail result of post test 2 can be seen in Table 4.8. The format of the
test was still the same as the previous one (pre-test and post-test 1).

Table 4. 8 The Result of the Post Test 2

Students’ Pronun- Meaning Usage Total

ciation Post-Test 2
Part I Part II Part Part Part V Part

1 27 5 5 5 5 11 8.92

2 21 5 2 5 3 13 7.53

3 27 5 4 5 2 12 8.46

4 27 4 3 5 4 9 8

5 21 5 3 5 1 14 7.53

6 24 5 5 3 3 14 8.30

7 27 4 4 5 3 15 8.92
commit to user 80

8 27 4 3 5 4 15 8.92

9 24 5 5 5 5 14 8.92

10 24 5 4 5 5 13 8.61

11 30 3 4 0 4 11 8

12 24 5 4 2 3 8 7.07

13 24 2 5 3 4 15 8.15

14 24 5 3 3 4 13 8

15 30 5 5 5 5 13 9.69

16 27 5 5 3 4 14 8.92

17 24 5 4 5 5 13 8.61

18 24 5 5 3 4 14 8.46

19 24 5 5 3 4 13 8.30

20 27 5 3 5 5 14 9.07

21 30 3 3 3 4 10 8.15

22 27 5 2 5 4 14 8.76

23 12 4 5 5 4 14 6.76

24 30 5 2 5 5 12 9.07

25 27 5 4 5 4 12 8.76

26 24 4 5 3 5 14 8.46

27 30 5 5 5 4 10 9.07

28 30 5 4 5 5 12 9.38

29 27 5 5 5 5 14 9.38

30 27 5 3 5 5 13 8.92

31 27 5 5 5 5 15 9.53

32 30 5 5 5 5 14 9.84

33 18 5 5 5 4 11 7.38

34 30 5 5 3 4 14 9.38

35 27 5 commit
4 to user
5 5 10 8.61 81

36 24 5 3 3 4 15 8.30

37 24 5 3 3 2 11 7.38

38 27 5 4 5 4 14 9.07

39 27 5 5 5 5 14 9.38

40 21 5 5 3 4 10 7.38

Mean 25.65 4.7 4.075 4.2 4.1 12.775

Score 8.533

Highest 30 5 5 5 5 15
Score 9.84

Lowest 12 2 2 0 1 8
Score 6.76

5) Revised Plan

The researcher decided to stop the cycle since the result in the last cycle had
shown better improvements of students’ vocabulary mastery. Thus, the researcher did not
revise the plan.

C. Research Findings

The findings of the research were gathered from several sources of data. They
included pre-observation report, field notes, interviews, questionnaires, research diaries,
photograph, lesson plans, and the score of pre-test and post-test. The findings answered
the research questions stated in chapter 1. The research findings were as follows: the
improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery and the improvement of the classroom
situation in the English class when cartoon films were implemented. This section focuses
on answering research questions in Chapter I as well as describing other findings during
the implementation of cartoon films in teaching vocabulary.

The problems identified were the students’ vocabulary mastery which was low
and the classroom situation which was not alive proved by the students’ interest and
motivation are low as well. The researcher proposed a solution to the problems that was
using cartoon films in teaching vocabulary. The implementation of cartoon films in
commit to user
vocabulary class consisted of two cycles; the first cycle consisted of four meetings and 82

the second cycle consisted of two meetings. In each meeting the students’ vocabulary
mastery improved, so did the classroom situation because the students’ motivation and
interest increased. Two major aspects in students’ improvement are: 1) the students’
competence in vocabulary mastery, 2) the classroom situation when cartoon films were
implemented in vocabulary class. The improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery and
classroom situation were summarized in Table 4.9 as follows:

Table 4.9 The Improvement of Students’ Achievement and Learning Process at the
End of Cycle 2

A. Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

Problem Before Action Research After the implementation of cycle


1. Difficult to pronounce Students make so many The students could pronounce the
the words correctly. mistakes in pronounced the words correctly. It is proved by
words; In some words, the increasing the quantity of students
students read the English word who can pronounce certain words
according to the letters, For correctly.
example, they pronounced the
English word “have” not as
(hƏv), but ‘ha-ve’. They
mispronounced ‘dimple’,
‘bake’, ‘spread’, ‘cook’, ‘peel’
in the pre-test.

2. Difficult to memorize Students could not answer the The students were able to memorize
the meaning of words. teacher’s question related to the the meaning of words. It is proved
lesson about the meaning of by the students can easily
words/object. They forget the memorizing the meaning of the
meaning of new word easily vocabulary when answering
that already taught. researcher’s question related to the
previous lesson about the meaning
of words/object and their ability to
complete the task about meaning of
3. Difficult to use Students could not make a The students were able to use
vocabulary in four sentence correctly. They also vocabulary.
language skills. filled the blanks of incomplete
sentences with incorrect words It was shown by the students’
because they did not know the exercises in their worksheet which
meaning of the words and the had only fewer mistakes in make
sentences. sentences or in another exercise in
using vocabulary words.
commit to user 83

B. Classroom situation

Problem Before Action Research After the implementation of cycle


1. The class was not Most of the students did not ask They were easy to ask to come in
alive; They felt bored to the teacher when they faced front of the class, and they answered
then became inactive in difficulties. Moreover, most of researcher’s questions actively even
the students could not answer
the teaching learning though they are not pointed by the
researcher’s questions. They
process. looked sleepy and yawn, and researcher, the next point was the
even some students laid their students’ activeness progress in
head on their table. doing the task from the researcher.
They look happy doing their task.

2. The student’s They did not pay attention to The students were enthusiastic and
attention and motivation the lesson. become active in joining the class
was low. because they feel comfortable with
the cartoon films.

3. The students were They always talked to their Students paid attention to the lesson
noisy. friends and making noisy or and to the cartoon films. The
doing non-academic activity in classroom became interactive. It
English class. was proved by the interaction
between the researcher and the
researcher. It is indicated by the
students asked questions to the
teacher when they faced difficulties.

Test score The means score of the pre test The means score of the post test 2:
: 5. 04
8. 53

The problems solved:

1. Students get difficulty to memorize the meaning of words.

2. Students found it difficult to pronounce the words correctly.

3. The students found it difficult to use vocabulary.

4. The class was not alive; They felt bored then became inactive in the teaching learning process.

5. The student’s attention and motivation was low.

6. They always talked to their friends or played in class.

commit to user 84

1. Improvement of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

Cartoon films improved the students’ vocabulary mastery. The improvement

showed that the students were able to pronounce the word correctly. Before the research,
the students mispronounced words because they had not been familiar with pronouncing
English words, so they read the English word according to the letters. For example, they

pronounced the English word “dimple” not as (d m p l), but as dim-ple.

In teaching pronunciation, the teacher of the class acted as the model

pronouncing words. This technique was less attractive. Besides, there was no guarantee
that the way she pronounced the words was correct, since she is not English native
speaker. Answering to this problem, cartoon films gives not only visual stimuli but also
audio stimuli to the students, and cartoon films give modeling of correct pronunciation as
well. After they had been taught by using cartoon films several times, the researcher
found that the students have fewer mistakes in pronouncing the words. By using the
narrator from the films, it is very useful to emphasize the use of certain scene in cartoon
film. Teacher repeats it continuously so that the students had enough chance to be
familiar with how to pronounce certain words by repeating after it.

The next problem that was improved is the ability of memorizing the
meaning or names of object. After taught using cartoon films several times, we
found that the students have fewer mistakes in answering teacher’s question
related to the lesson about the meaning of words/object. In the beginning of Cycle
1, the students still found it difficult memorize words, but by the guidance from
the researcher using cartoon films, which give a description to help them learn the
meaning vocabulary, they improved. By the final meeting, they could easily
memorize words’ meaning. It was shown by their ability to answer the questions
given by the researcher to let them review what they had learnt the previous
meetings in the beginning stage of each meeting. By this finding, the researcher
concludes that in order to memorize the meaning of words easier, the students
need something real and clear to help them to visualize vocabulary that they are
learning. Then, cartoon films provide picture that represent the meaning of the
object. Prior to the research, the students had difficulties to remembering the
meaning of vocabulary because there were no media which helped them to
commit to user
visualize the meaning of vocabulary. By using the media, the students can easily 85

memorizing the meaning of the vocabulary when answering teacher’s question

related to the lesson about the meaning of words/object.
In addition, the students made fewer mistakes in vocabulary use. Before this
research, the students could not make a sentence correctly. They also filled the blanks of
incomplete sentences with incorrect words because they did not know the meaning of the
words and the sentences. The researcher had them make some sentences and to fill the
incomplete sentences with the words explained/involved in the film, so they knew the
meaning of the words, so they felt it easier to make sentences/to fill the incomplete
sentences. Within the cartoon films of Magic English Disney, used by the researcher,
there were some text lines explaining each scene in the films, such as: “there are many
fish under the sea” and “elephants live in the forest”. Using this, the researcher could
teach them how to make a sentence. In the beginning, many of them still made mistakes,
but by the practice the students became get used to making sentences. After the research,
the students were able to make sentences correctly according to their level.

Before the study, it was found that students had low vocabulary scores. The
improvement of their vocabulary mastery could be seen from the improvement of
students’ scores from cycle to cycle. The mean score in pre test was 5.04, the mean score
in Cycle 1 was 7.85, and the mean score in Cycle 2 was 8.53. The improvement of the
vocabulary scores is illustrated by Graph 4.1.

Pre-Test Post-Test 1 Post-Test 2
Graph 4.1 The Result of Pre-Test, Post-test 1, Post-test 2

commit to user 86

Based on the graph above, it can be concluded that the students had a better
achievement at the test in cycle 2. Their score increased from Cycle 1 to 2.

Next, the researcher made comparison between the students’ score in pre-test,
post-test1, and post-test 2. There were the students’ score that contained of the highest
score, the lowest score, and the mean score. The comparison among the students’ score in
pre-test, post-test1, and post-test 2 are described in Table 4.10 below.

Table 4.10 The Comparison of Students’ Score in Pre-Test, Post-Test 1 and

Post Test 2

No. Kinds of Test Pre Test Post Test 1 Post Test 2

1. Highest Score 7.53 9.84 9.84

2. Lowest Score 1.69 6.15 6.76

3. Average Score 5. 04 7. 85 8. 53

Based on the table above, it can be concluded that there was improvement
between the pre test score, post test 1 score, and post test 2 score. The highest score
increased from 7.53 to 9.84, then 9.84. The lowest score increased from 1.69 to 6.15, then
to 6.76. And the average score increased from 5.04 to 7.85 then to 8.53.

Furthermore, the comparison of average score of each vocabulary aspect scores

between the ones in pre test, post test 1 and post test 2 can be seen in Table 4.11.

Table 4.11 The Average Score of Each Vocabulary Aspect in Pre-Test, Post-
Test 1 and Post Test 2

Vocabulary Pronunciation Meaning The Use

Aspect Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6

Pre Test 15.825 2.05 4.85 1.275 1.6 7.175

Post Test 1 22.5 4.8 5 4.875 3.125 10.775

commit to user 87

Post Test 2 25.65 4.7 4.075 4.2 4.1 12.775

Based on the table above, it can be concluded that there was significant
improvement between the pre test score, post test 1 score, and post test 2 score on the
aspects of Pronunciation and Vocabulary Use. The aspects of Meaning, though the score
seemed to be smaller, increased. In Part 3, students scored 4.85 in average answering 6
items, but in Post Test 1 and 2 they scored 5 and 4.075 in average answering 5 items only.
In percentage, they achieved 80.83% in Pre-Test, 100% in Post-Test 1, and 81.5 in Post-
Test 2. Therefore, their achievement in doing items in Part 3 increased from the Pre-Test
to Post Test 1 and 2. Besides, as the implementation of the research in Cycle 2 was
concerned more on improving students’ achievement on the aspects of Pronunciation and
Use, the portion of exercise given by the researcher to the students in each meeting was
bigger for those two than for the aspect of meaning. This was because students’ mastery
in grasping words’ meaning had got better by the end of Cycle 1. Therefore, it should not
be intolerable to find that there was a small decrease on the students’ achievement in this
aspect from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2. However, it improved when compared to theirs prior to
the research. The decrease from Post Test 1 to Post Test 2 might have been caused by the
more difficult items of Part 2 in Post Test 2.

In conducting the research, the researcher concerned more on three students who
came from different level of intelligence. They were: a student who is clever (student A),
one who is in average (student B), and one who is in the lowest ability (student C). The
researcher concerned with all the students actually, but she gave special attention to these
three students. She gave different attention to them. The improvement of students sample
is summarized as follows.

Table 4.12 The Sample of Students’ Achievement

Students’ initial SY (Student A) UT (Student B) FE (Student C)


Pre-Test 7. 53 5. 53 1. 69

Post-Test 1 8. 61 commit to user 7. 84 6. 46 88

Post Test 2 9. 53 8. 61 6. 76

Mean Score 8.55 7. 32 4. 97

Student A is a clever and active student. She got the best score in pre-test. She
made little mistakes in answering the test. She needed little special treatment from the
researcher. She always takes the most front seat. She actively asked questions to the
researcher and answered the questions given by the researcher. She also easily understood
the researcher’s explanation. After the research, she had better comprehension in
vocabulary than she did before the research.

Student B is a student in average. Her pre-test score is in the middle. She is

actually a smart student, but she was not active in the class. She is so mousy that she
would not ask questions if she did not understand. During the research, researcher guided
her, accosting to her seat and gave her example of how to answer questions. After the
research, she got better score in the post-test.

Student C is a student with low intelligence. She often talked to his friends or did
non-academic activity. She always sits in the back row. She had low motivation towards
English. She made many mistakes in pronouncing words, and in answering questions
dealing with words’ meaning and use. The researcher did special technique to make it
easier for him to answer the questions. The researcher gave more attention to him by
asking him to pronounce more words and answer more questions than other students. She
also accosted to her seat to check if she had answered the questions and corrected them.
The researcher also motivated him in order to be better in master the vocabulary. As the
result, she got better score in the post-test although the improvement was still low.

Overall, the three students whom the researcher concerned more got improved in
their vocabulary master. They showed positive attitude towards vocabulary. During the
teaching learning process, the students followed all activities conducted in the class well.
From the explanation, it can be concluded that the sample students got improved their
competence in vocabulary mastery. It was shown by the score they achieved and they
way they behaved.

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2. Improvement of Classroom Situation

The finding on the teaching and learning process shows that there was a
change of situation before and after the implementation of carton films. First, the
teaching and learning process using cartoon films was more alive; the students
were more enthusiastic and become more active in joining the class because they
felt comfortable with the cartoon films. For example, students are more diligent
and more active. After using this media, the students were easy to ask to come in
front of the class, and they answered teacher’s questions actively. Besides, the
students’ progress in determining details information that they can find from the
films. In addition, the teaching and learning process became more interactive,
proved by the interaction occurred between the researcher and the students in the
classroom. For example, when the researcher asked the students some questions
dealing with the film they had just seen, the students directly raise their hands
meaning that they wanted to answer the questions. Therefore, cartoon films help
stimulate interaction between teacher and students.
The next point is cartoon film increased the students’ motivation and attention
toward the lesson. During the teaching and learning, the students paid attention to the
teacher’s explanation. The students focused on completing their task. In other words, they
were active in teaching learning process. In an interview, student FR said:

“Kegiatan belajarnya jadi menarik, Miss karena ada variasi yang tidak
membuat jenuh. Kartun filmnya lucu,Miss jadi tidak membuat tegang. Saya jadi
mudah menerima pelajaran yang di berikan, mudah mencermatinya, dan mudah
untuk menanggapi.”

After completing the action research, the researcher distributed Questionnaire to

the students. The students’ filling in the questionnaire is summarized in Table 4.13.

Table 4.13 The Result of Questioner 2

No. Statements Students’ Total Total

Response (Students) (%)

1. Whether the students like the English class Yes 40 students 100 %
using Cartoon Films
No 0 students 0%
commit to user 90

2. Whether they find they get improved after Yes 34 students 85 %

learning English through Cartoon Films.
No 6 students 15 %

3. Whether they are helped by Cartoon Films in Yes 38 students 95 %

memorizing words.
No 2 students 5%

4. Whether they are helped by Cartoon Films in Yes 40 students 100 %

pronouncing words.
No 0 students 0%

5. Whether they are helped in using the words by Yes 40 students 100 %
cartoon films
No 0 students 0%

6. Whether they agree if cartoon films are Yes 40 students 100 %

motivating and interesting as well as helpful
to learn vocabulary. No 0 students 0%

From the table above, it can be concluded that cartoon films are motivating and
interesting to the students to learn vocabulary. The teaching and learning process using
cartoon films become more alive and more interactive. The students were more
enthusiastic and become more active in joining the class. Based on the analysis above, it
can be interpreted that using cartoon films can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery
at the seventh grade students of SMP N 1 Grogol Sukoharjo in 2010-2011.

D. Discussions

The research, which applied classroom action research to use cartoon films in
improving students’ vocabulary mastery brought satisfying result both in term of the
improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery and classroom situation. The findings then
can be theorized in two major points as follows: 1) cartoon films can improve students’
vocabulary mastery; 2) cartoon films can improve classroom situation. In this section,
those findings are discussed by justifying them with the theories in Chapter II. In more
detail, each of the findings is described as follows.

1. Cartoon Film Improves Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

a. Cartoon films improve students’ competence in pronouncing the words

Penny Ur (1996: 60-62) mentions that pronunciation is one of elements

that need to be taught in teachingcommit to user
vocabulary. She says “The learner has to know 91

how a word is pronounced (its pronunciation) and what it looks like (spelling)”.
These are fairly obvious characteristics, and one or the other will be perceived by
the learner when encountering the item for the first time. In teaching, the teacher
needs to make sure that both these aspects are accurately presented and learned”.
On the other hand, Roger (1995: 43) says that pronunciation is one of the
difficulties of learning vocabulary.
In this research, cartoon films were used as a model of correct
pronunciation as well. In other words, cartoon film can be an illustration in
teaching learning process. In teaching pronunciation cartoon films were used as a
verbal illustration. It is related with the use of cartoon as stated by Wittich and
Schuller. He says that:

“Cartoons provide teachers with two valuable assets – good illustrations of

significant learning points, and change of pace and variety in presentation of
material to the class. To restate, cartoon helps teachers explain and reinforce
students about certain important points. Besides, it signify the teachers’ movement
from one to another teaching phase and modify his/her presenting the material as
well.” Wittich and Schuller (1962: 137-139).

Cartoon films gave not only visual stimuli but also audio stimuli to the students.
Besides, they gave modeling of correct pronunciation. After they had been taught using
cartoon films several times, the researcher found that the students made fewer mistakes in
pronouncing words. It is very useful to emphasize the use of certain scene in cartoon film.
Teacher can replay the cartoon films continuously so that the students had enough chance
to be familiar with how to pronounce certain words before they repeat after it.

In addition, in improving students’ pronunciation, cartoon films are also

beneficial as a compensatory. As stated by Levie & Lentz (1982), one of the advantages
of media teaching is for compensatory. Compensatory means the media are used to help
the students who have less achievement in understanding the lesson verbally or orally.

b. Cartoon films improve students’ competence in memorizing the meaning of


Penny Ur in (1996: 60-62) also says that meaning is one of elements that need to
be taught in teaching vocabulary. In order to memorize the meaning of words more
commit to user 92

easily, the students need something real and clear to help them to visualize vocabulary
that they are learning.

Similar to the benefits of cartoon films by Wittich and Schuller as a verbal

illustration for the point of pronunciation above, in this point cartoon films also act the
same way, but on the point of memorizing the meaning of words, cartoon films were used
as a visual illustration.

In this research cartoon films helped the students to memorize the meaning
of the words, because cartoon films provide pictures that represent the meaning of
objects. By using cartoon films, the students can easily memorize the meaning of
the vocabulary when answering teacher’s question related to the lesson about the
meaning of words/objects. It is related to the use of media teaching by Levie &
Lentz (1982) that is on the cognitive point. Cognitive is related to the achievement
in catching, memorizing, showing, sharing everything to the other. Media help the
student to be easier in catching the target of learning process.
c. Cartoon films improve the students’ competence in using the vocabulary

Students should acquire an adequate number of words and should know

how to use them accurately. To support the students’ learning how to use
vocabulary accurately, the researcher used cartoon films from ‘Disney Magic
English’. Within the films, there were some text lines explaining each scene in the
film. For example, “there are many fish under the sea” and “elephants live in the
forest”. These can be used to teach the students how to make a sentence. By
doing so, the researcher could insert some explanation about grammar and word
choice to the students. It is more interesting to the students than having them see
their teacher writing a sentence on the board. By using this media, after the
research had been implemented the students were able to make sentences correctly
according to their level. This finding is confirmed by Wittich and Schuller
suggesting that cartoons are suitable to explain the concepts of literature and
grammar (1962: 137-139).
The overall findings were summarized at Table 4.14. They were
compared between before and after the research.

commit to user 93

Table 4.14 Summary of Research Findings

The students’ Before Action After Action Research

indicators Research
After the Action of After the Action of
Cycle 1 Cycle 2

Problems in Vocabulary Mastery

1. Students found Students make so Students’ The students could

difficult to pronounce many mistakes in pronunciation was pronounce the words
the words correctly. pronounced the words; improved, proved by correctly. It is proved
In some words, the post-test result in by increasing the
students read the pronunciation test quantity of students
English word section. Most of them who can pronounce
according to the could correctly certain words
letters, For example, pronounce the words, correctly.
they pronounced the such as: “old”, “fat”,
English word “have” and ”kind”, etc. But
not as (hƏv), but ‘ha- some of the students
ve’. They still mispronounced.
‘dimple’, ‘bake’,
‘spread’, ‘cook’,
‘peel’ in the pre-test.

2. Students get Most of the students Students memorize the The students were
difficulties to could not answer the meaning of words able to memorize the
memorize the teacher’s question were improved, meaning of words. It
meaning of words. related to the lesson proved by post-test is proved by the
about the meaning of result in meaning students can easily
words/object. They question section. memorizing the
forget the meaning of Students could answer meaning of the
new word easily that the questions about vocabulary when
already taught. words’ meaning answering
correctly. researcher’s question
related to the previous
For example, they lesson about the
know the meanings of meaning of
cut, break, pour, stir, words/object and their
add, mix, short, thin, ability to complete the
slim, fat, etc. task about meaning of
3. The students found Students could not Students’ vocabulary The students were
it difficult to use make a sentence in use the word was able to use
vocabulary. correctly. They also improved, proved by vocabulary.
filled the blanks of post-test result in
incomplete sentences using vocabulary It was shown by the
with incorrect commit
words to user Some of the
section. students’ exercises in 94

because they did not students could answer their worksheet which
know the meaning of the questions about the had only fewer
the words and the use of vocabulary mistakes in make
sentences. correctly. But most of sentences or in
them made sentences another exercise in
incorrectly in other using vocabulary
words cannot use the words.
words. Many students
made sentences
incorrectly. For
examples: “Cinderella
is a slim”, “She is a
outspoken”, “Mrs. sari
she has long hair”

Test Score 5.04 7.85 8.53

Classroom Situation

1. The class was not Most of the students Students participate in They were easy to ask
alive; They felt bored did not ask to the teaching learning to come in front of the
then became inactive teacher when they process. Some of them class, and they
faced difficulties.
in the teaching were willing to answer answered researcher’s
Moreover, most of the
learning process. students could not questions, voluntarily questions actively
answer researcher’s wrote their answers even though they are
questions. They onto the board, and not pointed by the
looked sleepy and they actively asked researcher, the next
yawn, and even some questions if they are point was the
students laid their asked by the students’ activeness
head on their table.
researcher. progress in doing the
task from the
researcher. They look
happy doing their

2. The student’s They did not pay Students were The students were
attention and attention to the lesson. interested in the enthusiastic and
motivation was low. materials. They were become active in
motivated because in joining the class
every beginning of the because they feel
class, they watched comfortable with the
the cartoon film which cartoon films.
can attract their
attention and help
them learn more

3. They always talked The students were Students reduced their Students paid
to their friends or
commit to user
noise. Students did the attention to the lesson 95

doing non-academic noisy. exercise related to the and to the cartoon

activity in English materials actively. But films. The classroom
class. some students could became interactive. It
easily give up when was proved by the
they found difficulties. interaction between
They were unwilling the researcher and the
to try again. Instead, researcher. It is
they copied their indicated by the
friends’ answers. students’ questions to
Some students. the teacher when they
faced difficulties.

2. Cartoon Film Improves Classroom Situation

In this research, cartoon films are also able to improve the situation of the
classroom. In the teaching and learning process, the students enthusiastically participated
in implementing cartoon films in learning vocabulary. This shows that students’
motivation improved.

Brown (1994: 33) says that if the learners are motivated, they will learn and if not
they will not. In other words motivation is one of the factors that support the students’
comprehension. Motivation leads the students to join the lesson enthusiastically. Because
of that, a teacher must be able to encourage the students’ motivation, for example by
using interesting techniques or media.

In this research, cartoon films are able to improve students’ motivation. They
were motivated by the cartoon films played, and by the exercises which were still dealt
with the films. They were motivated to answer the questions. This is a proof for what
Wittich and Schuller (1962: 137-139) say, that one of cartoon benefits is as a motivation.
They say that “appropriate cartoon materials can be useful motivation devices in the
classroom”. For example in this research, Donald Duck in the episode of ‘Cooking waffle
bread’ is a good stimulus to present and explain the students about how to cook waffle
bread (in Cycle 1).

As their motivation improved the students became more interested in joining the
teaching and learning process from the beginning until the end of the lesson. It is proved
by during the teaching and learning, the students paid attention to the teacher explanation.
The students focused on their task. In other words, they were active in teaching learning
process. It was related to the use of teaching media (in this case is cartoon films) by Levie
& Lentz (1982) in the point of Attention. to user
Media are able to attract the students’ attention 96

in learning something in the class or out of class. Usually, students are more interested to
learn something by real object than theory. Moreover, Kemp (1963: 3-4) says that one of
the advantages media in language learning is that by using media, the instruction can be
more interesting. Audio visual aid can attract the students’ interest especially those of
English learners. If they are interested, they will give much attention to what is being
taught or discussed. They will be curious to know about the lesson. This can lead to an
interesting language learning processes.

This curiosity had also stimulated the students’ activity. They became more
enthusiastic and become more active in joining the class because they felt comfortable
with the cartoon films. They followed all of activities conducted in the class well. It is in
line with the use of teaching media (in this case is cartoon films) suggested by Levie &
Lentz (1982) in the point of Affection. Affection is related to students’ feeling. Using
media can come up the emotion of students. For example, students are more diligent and
more active. After using this media, the students were easy to ask to come in front of the
class, and they answered teacher’s questions actively. They are not afraid to ask what
they did not understand. The students’ progress in determining details information that
they can find from the films was also revealed. Besides, the class became more
interactive. When the researcher asked the students some questions about the film having
been played, they raised their hands to answer.

E. Hypothesis Testing

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the hypothesis of this
research is accepted. Cartoon films are effective media to improve the students’
vocabulary mastery. The use of cartoon films in teaching vocabulary encourages the
students to learn in interesting way. Analyzing the data collected has supported the
hypothesis. From the observation, it can be revealed that the students become more
enthusiastic, and active than they were before. The teaching and learning process also
became more interactive. This is also supported by the result of post-tests. In the Cycle 1
the mean score of the students’ post test 1 was 7. 85 and in the post test 2 in Cycle 2 was

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This chapter presents the conclusion, implication, and suggestion of the action
research conducted in the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Grogol Sukoharjo
about improving students’ vocabulary mastery using cartoon films.

A. Conclusion

Prior to the research, the researcher found some problems that the students
faced in vocabulary, such as: (1) the students found it difficult to pronounce the words
correctly; (2) they had difficulty to remember the meaning of words; (3) the students
found it difficult to use vocabulary words. Meanwhile, the problems of classroom
situation before the research were: (1) they felt bored then became inactive in the
teaching learning process; (2) the students’ attention and motivation was low; (3) the
students were noisy in English class.

After the researcher had carried out the action research by implementing
cartoon films to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery at SMP Negeri 1 Grogol,
Sukoharjo, the researcher found that there was improvement in the students’ vocabulary
mastery. She also found that the score of the elements of vocabulary covering
pronunciation, memorizing the meaning, and the use of vocabulary increased. For those
reasons, the researcher would like to say that implementing cartoon films in teaching
vocabulary could improve the students’ vocabulary mastery better for the students who
became the object of this research.

The students’ improvement on vocabulary mastery was revealed from the

difference of the students’ mean score before and after the actions. Before the actions, the
students’ mean score was 5.04. After the researcher did the actions to the students, the
students’ mean score improved to 8.53. This improvement was confirmed by the
following indicators. The students could pronounce the words correctly. The quantity of
students who can pronounce certain words correctly increased. Next, the students were
able to memorize the meaning of words. They can easily memorize the meaning of the
vocabulary when answering researcher’s question related to the previous lesson about the
meaning of words/objects and were able to complete the task about meaning of words.
Moreover, the students were able to use vocabulary. It was shown by the students’ works
commit to user

97 98

on exercises in their worksheet which contained only fewer mistakes in making sentences
or in another exercise in using vocabulary words.

Besides, cartoon films improved the classroom situation during teaching and
learning process. Having been taught by using cartoon films, the students showed great
interest to be actively involved in the teaching learning process. In the classroom, they
were eager to join all activities and did their entire task. They looked happy, convenient,
quiet, and relax because of the humor in the cartoon films. Cartoon films gave new
atmosphere in teaching learning process.

In addition, the students were easy to ask to come in front of the class, and they
answered researcher’s questions actively even though they are not pointed by the
researcher, the next point was the students’ activeness progress in doing the task from the
researcher. They looked happy doing their task. Students were enthusiastic and became
active in joining the class because they felt comfortable with the cartoon films. Students
paid attention to the lesson and to the cartoon films. The classroom became interactive. It
was proved by the interaction between the researcher and the researcher. It is indicated by
the students’ questions to the teacher when they faced difficulties.

B. Implication

Based on the research conclusion, it can be inferred that the use of cartoon films
in teaching vocabulary is effective and attractive. There are some strengths of using
cartoon films in teaching vocabulary which can improve the students’ attitude towards
vocabulary in situation during the teaching learning process. By using cartoon films in
teaching vocabulary, the teacher can get the students’ attention, because the humors
contained in the film could attract the students’ attention. This made the relaxed,
convenient, and therefore helped them to maximize their achievement. By the increase of
attention, their motivation also improved. They diligently did the tasks given by the

Besides, having the students pronounce words following the narrator of cartoon
films attracted them to learn pronouncing the words. In addition, through the visualization
of the objects in the cartoon films, students were helped to recall the words. Next, by the
text line appearing in each scene of the cartoon film “Disney Magic English”, the students
were helped to make a sentence, which meanstotouser
commit use the vocabulary. 99

From the explanation, it can be said that cartoon films can be used as an
alternative teaching media to achieve an optimum result in teaching vocabulary.
Therefore, by using cartoon films students’ vocabulary mastery can be improved.

C. Suggestion

The researcher would like to give some suggestions related to this research for
those who are closely related to the use of cartoon films in English teaching and learning.
The researcher hopes that these suggestions will be useful, especially for English
teachers, institutions of education, students, and other researchers.

1. To English Teacher
The English Teacher should be able to make the students feel comfort
and relax in teaching learning process. By doing so, the students will happily
contribute to the class by being active. An alternative to do so is by utilizing
attractive media to interest the students. The teacher needs to provide various
teaching media supporting the teaching learning activity.

The next important point is selecting appropriate teaching media, because

selecting the right media for teaching can help achieve the teaching objective.
Among of those is by using cartoon films:

a. Teacher should find or adjust the cartoon films presented with the text given.
Dealing with it, teacher can use cartoon films from ‘Disney Magic English’.
b. Teacher needs to pause the films to interact with the students to check their
c. Then, the teacher lists some vocabulary used in the cartoon films to learn
d. Give some attractive exercise dealing with the cartoon films, or the answer of
which can be found in the cartoon films.
e. Give them necessary assistance whenever they get difficulties.
2. To the Students
The students should have a will and high motivation from themselves.
Will and high motivation are important key to be successful in studying English.
The students should watch and listen to the cartoon films played in the class
attentively, by doing so, they can gain so many English words as well as, the way
to spell and pronounced them. It is to
commit also suggested that the students learn from
their own collection of cartoon films or learn from those shown on TV. 100

3. To the Institutions
The institutions should motivate their teachers to always learn about how
to teach well and to always learn how to use technology as a teaching media. To
support this, schools or other educational institutions should conduct educational
trainings more often. The trainings should be able to train English teachers to be
more creative in conducting the teaching learning process.

The institution should provide the facilities that support the teaching
learning process in order to improve the educational quality, such as a good
language laboratory, audio visual room, internet, et cetera. Or provide the class
with LCD projector, and speaker. By providing the devices, it is hoped that the
teacher can be more creative in presenting the materials.

Besides, the institutions need to provide some more collections of

cartoon films, for example “Disney Magic English”, so that the students can use
them as learning resources. It would also be helpful to allow the students access
the cartoon films in the language laboratory or library of the institutions.

4. To other Researcher
This research studies the implementation of cartoon films as a teaching
media in improving the students’ vocabulary mastery. Hopefully, for those other
researcher, the result of this study can be used as a starting point for further
research and they will continue this research by exploring cartoon films for
teaching vocabulary in different point of view. Otherwise, the result of the
research is expected to be able to encourage other researchers to conduct research
dealing with the cartoon films in the other subjects, such as speaking, writing,
reading, or listening.

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