Implementing Business Process Management - Phase 3
Implementing Business Process Management - Phase 3
Implementing Business Process Management - Phase 3
Management System
Phase 3
Project Charter
This document is a working document of the BPMS team of the TeleManagement Forum (“TM Forum”)
and is provided to members of the team solely for comment and evaluation. It is not yet a Forum Working
Document nor is it a Forum Approved Document. It is solely circulated to the team for the purpose of
assisting with the preparation of a final Working Document in furtherance of the aims and mission of TM
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Direct inquiries to the TM Forum office:
1 Project Identification................................................................................................. 4
2 Project Overview ...................................................................................................... 4
3 Project Success Criteria........................................................................................... 5
4 The Business Problem ............................................................................................. 5
4.1 Value Contribution Statements ............................................................................. 5
4.2 CUSTOMER BENEFITS....................................................................................................... 6
4.3 SERVICE PROVIDER BENEFITS .......................................................................................... 6
4.4 SUPPLIER BENEFITS ......................................................................................................... 6
5 Project Scope, Objectives and Deliverables ............................................................ 6
5.1 PROJECT SCOPE................................................................................................................ 6
5.2 PROJECT OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................................... 6
5.3 PROJECT DELIVERABLES .................................................................................................. 6
5.4 PROJECT RULES OF ENGAGEMENT ................................................................................... 7
5.5 RISK IDENTIFICATION AND RISK MITIGATION.................................................................. 7
6 Project Support for the TM Forum Strategic Plan..................................................... 7
7 Relationship to Other TM Forum Projects and Industry Groups............................... 8
7.1 RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER TM FORUM PROJECTS ......................................................... 8
7.2 LIAISONS WITH INDUSTRY GROUPS.................................................................................. 8
7.3 INPUT TO TMF INDUSTRY GROUP ADVISORY BOARD (IGAB) ........................................ 8
8 Project Diagrams...................................................................................................... 8
8.1 BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................................. 8
9 References............................................................................................................. 10
10 Document History ............................................................................................... 10
11 Resources and Roles ......................................................................................... 12
11.1 PROJECT TEAM RESOURCES AND ROLES ........................................................................ 12
11.2 COMPANY PRINCIPAL CONTACTS .................................................................................. 14
1 Project Identification
Charter Status: Approved
Open Call Date & Method: Birds of Feather session was held in TMW Dallas 2005. Published in News
Central and the website in the Technical Program zone.
2 Project Overview
Business Process Management is an emerging approach to realising Business Agility. BPM Solutions
involve the management of business processes across the entire Enterprise. Whilst the eTOM framework
is the starting point to implement Business processes, BPM provides the ability to manage changes to
these business processes over time.
The BPM System enables business users to design and implement optimised business processes in a
flexible and adaptable manner. The BPM System supports a business process modelling environment
that can be shared by business analysts, IT architects and programmers. The modelling environment
creates business process that describes how application system functionality, information and human
activities should interact. Complex Business Process can be broken down into simple process
components linked to Business Rules. The Process engines execute the processes and provide ability to
change and redeploy the processes. Changing the business process requires changes to the graphical
model, regeneration of the metadata and redeployment of the process instances. Once the processes are
executed, Business Process Data provides measures to analyse the business process. Business Rules
can be modified and redeployed by Business Users. This faster rate of change to operational processes
and the ability to change activities dynamically make an organisation adaptive.
The response to the Catalyst in TMW was very good – more than 250 attendees and maximum
audience for Deep Dive session. More requirements were fed to address the Process Layer & OSS
integration issues and use of business Rules in iBPM Methodology. Also, We need to address the
use of BPM standards for the iBPM implementation and benefits to operators.
Phase 3 of the Catalyst will address these two areas:
How to manage End to End Processes for Mobile Multimedia Service Management Process
How to manage Business Processes related to Network Surveillance and Alarm Resolution
The Industry will benefit by achieving achieve Lean Operations using Business Process
The End Customer benefits from faster response to their changing requirements.
Implementing Business Process Management will provide business agility to Service Providers.
The time to market for new products will be reduced as business processes are reused and
adaptive to increased demands for services. Implementing BP will provide measurable reduction
in Operational Costs.
This catalyst will provide a holistic approach to Business Process Management to the suppliers
including consultants. They will be able to link the Business benefits of OSS Deployment.
1. All members of the team will abide by TM Forum By-Laws and operating guidelines.
2. Participants are expected to attend all team meetings (including conference calls, face-to-
face meetings at Team Action Weeks and TeleManagement World events, and any other
face-to-face meetings deemed necessary by the team). It is expected that members who
cannot attend a particular meeting will send apologies, and provide any deliverables that may
be due for that meeting, to the team prior to the scheduled meeting time.
3. Meeting notes shall be produced for each meeting and distributed to the team’s exploder list.
The notes serve as the formal record of all decisions and actions agreed by the team. The
taking of meeting notes may be rotated between team members.
4. Team members will attempt to achieve consensus decisions on all aspects of deliverables.
However, where such a consensus is not forthcoming after a reasonable discussion period,
the team may use a simple majority viewpoint.
5. When actions are assigned to team members, a “due date” will be agreed. In the case where
a slippage is likely, the person responsible is expected to let the team know as soon as
possible so that alternative plans can be proposed. It is acceptable, and may be appropriate,
for the team to request another member to take responsibility or to provide assistance in
support of timely completion of the action item.
This catalyst supports the TMF Strategic Plan by detailing and demonstrating how NGOSS can be
realized in the context of both Web Services and OSS/J APIs. The catalyst scenario also contains
services and infrastructure components that are identified as being hot in the current strategic plan.
The following TMF Forum Projects will be extensively used and referenced throughout this
o eTOM: The eTOM Framework will be used to Model Scenario processes;
o SID: The SID will be used as the basis for describing our business environment and
scenario; it will form the basis for the information exchanged across all defined interfaces;
o NGOSS Lifecycle Team: Managing the Life cycle of BPM.
A formal relationship between this project team and the BPMG initiative (or other applicable
industry groups such as OASIS, Rosetta Net), is not required for this catalyst project. However,
the team will work closely on an informal basis with the BPMG group to ensure mutual
consistency of direction. Lessons learned, as well as probable extensions to the work for other
groups, will be coordinated through the IGAB members for handling beyond the lifecycle of this
The IGAB is chartered with establishing liaison relationships with standards bodies that are
strategically important to TMF. These include the ITU-T, OSS/J, DMTF, OMG, Rosetta Net, OMA,
and the IETF.
The following is a partial list of the standards bodies from which this project will draw information:
o OASIS – Web Services (BPEL, UDDI)
o W3C – Web Services (WSDL, SOAP, WSCI, XML Schema)
o WS-I – Web Services (WS interoperability specs)
o Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) – Process Modeling/Execution (XPDL)
The project will report back to the IGAB on gap standards areas that would need to be addressed
by TMF.
8 Project Diagrams
Wireline Scenario:
Wire-line scenario is to manage Network Monitoring and problem resolution across many technologies
from an Operational perspective. The process will be implemented through the various stages of the
BPMS Solution as shown above. The Business Support System needs to demonstrate agility in both
implementing Business Processes and dynamically managing existing processes across the enterprise.
The current scenario includes Provision only.
Business Process Design and translation to executable processes is a challenge. Service Providers
need to deploy new or altered processes rapidly and implement them using their current and evolving
OSS. Business Rules will be used to provide agility to Operational Users. We need to monitor the
business processes during their execution and once executed, detailed process analysis needs to be
carried out to identify bottlenecks and best practices for improvements to the business.
Wireless Scenario:
The current wireless scenario is to translate the Goals and Objectives of a Technical Department and
implement it in Operations. An example of this process is being developed to show the various
organisations involved and the timelines attached to each activity. The current business processes are
implemented without a complete Business Process Management Solution. The processes don’t reflect
completeness and an audit trail for process compliance is complex. The translation of the process from
Process Models to Execution is a challenge. It is important that the measures and metrics are developed
with the process linked to them.
Systems Architecture Diagram is attached for reference. The detail design will be carried out in the first
stage of the Phase 3 Catalyst.
Process Design
Business Factor
Rules Engine
Order Instance
Process Execution Orchestration
Order Injector (IPL) (COM)
Other Licensed 2
Clarify Inventory Activation Billing
Operator B
TIBCO Amdocs
9 References
Reference Description Use by the Project
[Ref 1] Title, revision, date, Describes how the reference was used by the project
10 Document History
Revision Date Author Description
0.1 13/07/2005 Upendra First Draft
0.2 15/07/2005 Upendra Updates from comments and submitted for
Dharmadhikary approval.
3.0 July 20, 2005 Debbie Burkett Updated version number to correspond with
previous charters & current phase of project; also
** For a catalyst project, the following roles must be identified prior to approval: Technical Lead, Marketing Lead, Integration Test Lead and
Showcase Coordinator.
Others to be named
Vodafone D2 GmbH Name: Peter Wischnewski
Title: Head Business Process Management
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +49 211 533 2536/ +491722900207
Fax: +49 211 533 2804