Euler RigidBody
Euler RigidBody
Euler RigidBody
v o l u m i x 2008
Sebastià Xambó Descamps volum ix 2008 Euler and the Dynamics of Rigid Bodies v o l u m i x 2008
tion of t . If (the position vector 1.2.- The centre of mass of Σ is the point G = O + rG with
of P with respect to O' ), then and
hence r = r' + s . In other words, the velocity rG = (m 1 r1 + ... + mN rN ) .
with respect to O is the (vector) sum of the
The point G is also called inertia centre or barycenter. It does not depend on
velocity with respect to O' and the velocity of
the observer O , and hence it is a point intrinsically associated with Σ. Indeed,
O' with respect to O . Taking derivative once
if O' = O + s is another observer, then is the position vector of m k
more, we see that r = r'+s , which means that
with respect to O' , and
the acceleration with respect to O is the (vector) sum of the acceleration with
respect to O' and the acceleration of O' with respect to O . 1 1 1
As a corollary we see that the velocity (acceleration) of P with respect to ∑
m k
mk rk ' = ∑ mk rk − ∑ mk s = rG − s ,
m k m k
O is the same as the velocity (acceleration) of P with respect O' if and only if
which just says that
s = 0 (s = 0) . Note that the condition for O' to be at rest with respect to O for
some temporal interval is that s ≡ 0 in that interval. Similarly, s ≡ 0 for some 1
temporal interval if and only if u = s is constant on that interval, or s = ut + p , O'+ ∑ mk rk ' = O + s + (rG − s) = O + rG = G
m k
where p is also constant. In other words, s ≡ 0 for a temporal interval means
Note that the argument also shows that the position vector of G with
that the movement of O' relative to O is uniform for that interval.
respect to O' is
rG ' = rG − s .
1.- The momentum principle.
The velocity V of G is
Since we refer points to an observer O , velocities, accelerations and other
vector quantities defined using them (like momentum, force and energy) will 1
V = rG = (m1 r1 + ... + mN rN ) .
also be relative to O . Our approach is non-relativistic, as masses are assumed m
to be invariable and speeds are not bounded.
The relation implies that if denotes the velocity of G with
1.1.- Consider a system Σ of point masses m1,...,mN located at the points r1,...,rN . respect to another origin O' , then , with v = s the velocity of O' with
The total mass of Σ is m = m1 + ... + mN . The velocity of mk is rk = drk /dt and respect to O .
its (linear) momentum is pk = mkrk . The acceleration of mk is rk = d2rk /dt2.
The force acting on mk is Fk = mkrk (all observers accept Newton’s second law). 1.3.- The (linear) momentum of Σ is . By §1.2 we can write
In particular we have that Fk ≡ 0 for some temporal interval if and only if P = mrG = mV .
the movement of mk relative to O is uniform on that interval (cf. §0.2). This is
Galileo’s inertia principle, or Newton’s first law, relative to O. Note that if denotes the momentum referred to another observer
The force with respect to the observer O' = P + s is O' = O + s , and v is the velocity of O' with respect to O , then
as . Indeed, .
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1.4.- If Fk denotes the force acting on m k , the total or resultant force acting on the force ms and therefore that O' will experience this force as an external
Σ is defined as force − ms . In particular we see that F ' e = F e at a given instant (or temporal
F = Fk . ∑k
interval) if and only if s = 0 ( s ≡ 0 in that interval, which means that O' is
moving uniformly with respect to O ).
From the definitions it follows immediately that
1.6.- We will say that the system is Eulerian if F i = 0 . It is thus clear that for
P = F . Eulerian systems F = F e , and so they satisfy the law
In fact, . P = F e .
Unfortunately the equation P = F is not very useful, as we do not yet This law is called the momentum principle. In particular we see that for
have information on F other than the formal definition using Newton’s Eulerian systems the momentum P is constant if there are no external forces, and
second law. this is the principle of conservation of momentum. Notice, however, that external
forces may vanish for an observer but not for another (cf. §1.5).
1.5.- In the analysis of the force, it is convenient to set Fk = Fke + Fki , where
Fke and Fki denote the external and internal forces acting on m k , so that 1.7.- We will say that a discrete system is Newtonian if (cf. §1.5)
F = F e + F i , with F e = Fke and F i = Fki .
and , where are real quantities such that for any
The internal force is construed as due to some form of “interaction” k, j . Note that this implies that for all pairs j , k ∈ {1,..., N } , which
between the masses, and is often represented as , with the is what we expect if is thought as the force “produced” by m j on m k and
Newton’s third law is correct.
force “produced” by m j on m k (with the convention ). Here we fur- The main point here is that Newtonian systems are Eulerian, for
ther assume that only depends on rj − rk , which implies that F i does not
depend on the observer. One example of interaction is the given by Newton’s .
law for the gravitation force, for which
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2.- The angular momentum principle. If we choose another observer O' = O + s , then
2.1.- With the same notations as in the Section 1, we define the angular
momentum Lk of m k relative to O by .
L = N .
Indeed, since rk × rk = 0 ,
Summing with respect to k we obtain that
Note also that L ' = L − ms × rG if either O' has a uniform motion with which is called the angular momentum principle.
respect to O or else O' = G (in this case s = rG ). Newtonian systems, hence in particular rigid bodies, are strongly Eulerian.
Indeed, since they are Eulerian, it is enough to see that N i = 0 , and this can
2.2.- The moment or torque N k of the force Fk with respect to O is defined by be shown as follows:
N k = rk × Fk ,
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Remark. If we consider the observer O' = O + s , then of course we have If we define in an analogous way the power Πe of the external forces and the
, and here we point out that this equation is, for an strongly Eulerian power Πi of the internal forces, then the instantaneous variation of T is given
system, consistent with the relations [∗] in §2.1 and §2.2. Since these relations by
are .
The proof is a short computation:
the consistency amounts to the relation ms × rG = s × F e , which is true because
an Eulerian system satisfies mrG = P = F e (momentum principle).
T= ∑ mk rk2 .
2 k
If O' = O + s is another observer, and T ' is the kinetic energy of Σ as mea-
are conservative, with potential
sured by O' , then we have:
1 mk m j mk m j
T' = T +
1 2
ms − P ⋅ s , V= G∑ = G∑ ,
2 2 k< j rj − rk k ≠ j rj − rk
which yields the claim because the first summand is T , the second is 1 2 ms 2 Indeed, (the latter equality is by the
and in the third ∑ m r
k k = mrG = P . chain rule).
For a conservative system Σ, the sum E = T + V is called the energy. As a
The power Π of the forces Fk , as measured by O , is defined as ∑ r
k ⋅ Fk . corollary of §3.1 and §3.2, we have that
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We will let O denote an observer fixed Since u is Cartesian, we have that (the identity matrix of order
in relation to the body (not necessarily 3), and on taking derivatives of both sides we get
a point of the body) and let x = x p be
the position vector with respect to O of u ⋅ u T + u ⋅ u T = 0 .
any moving point P , so that P = O + x .
If we fix a positively oriented orthonor- Thus is a skew-symmetric matrix, because .
mal basis (also called a Cartesian reference) u1 , u 2 , u 3 to the body at O , then Therefore
x = x 1u1 + x 2 u 2 + x 3 u 3
= ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ) u 2 = xu (matrix notation),
u (the signs are chosen for later convenience), where . Since the
3 rows of are the components of u 1 , u 2 , u 3 with respect to u , we can write
and consequently
with x i = x i (t ) , i = 1,2 ,3 . We define the velocity of x (or of P ) with respect to
Σ as the vector
It is easy to see that does not depend on the Cartesian basis u used with . Here we have used that the components of
to define it, or on the observer O fixed with respect to the body. Indeed, with respect to a Cartesian basis are .
let v be another Cartesian reference fixed to the body, and A the matrix The formula [∗] says that the instantaneous variation of x is the sum of
of v with respect to u (defined so that v = Au ). Let be the the instantaneous variation of x with respect to Σ and, assuming , the
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velocity of x under the rotation of angular velocity (the modulus of ) The main reason for introducing the inertia tensor is that it relates the
about the axis (this will be explained later in a different way). The angular momentum relative to O , L , and :
vector is called the rotation velocity of Σ and , if , the rotation
axis relative to O . The points P that are at rest with respect to Σ (i.e. with .
) lie on the rotation axis (i.e. ) if and only if they are at instanta-
neous rest with respect to O , for . Indeed, since x k is fixed with respect to Σ (i.e., ),
If we let r be the position vector of P with respect to an unspecified
observer (you may think about it as a worker in the lab), so that .
I ( y ) = ∑ mk ( x k2 y − ( x k ⋅ y )x k ) . ,
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where v0 = r0 , P = mv0 (the linear momentum of a point mass m moving The axes 0 + u j are then called principal axes (of inertia) relative to O
with O ), and x G is the velocity of G with respect to O . This formula can and the quantities I j , principal moments of inertia (note that I j is the moment
also be established directly, for the kinetic energy in question is of inertia with respect to the corresponding principal axis). The axes are
uniquely determined if the principal moments of inertia are distinct. In case
1 1 1 1
∑ mk rk2 = 2 ∑k mk (v0 + x k )2 = 2 ∑k mk x k2 + 2 mv02 + ∑k mk v0 ⋅ x k ,
2 k
two are equal, but the third is different, say I 1 = I 2 and I 3 ≠ I 1 , then the I 3
axis is uniquely determined but the other two may be any pair of axis through
and the first term of last expression is the kinetic energy relative to O and the O that are orthogonal and orthogonal to u 3 . In this case we say that the solid
third is mv0 ⋅ x G . is a gyroscope with axis 0 + u 3 . Finally, if I 1 = I 2 = I 3 , then any orthonor-
As a corollary we get, taking O = G , that the kinetic energy with respect mal basis gives principal axes through O and we say that Σ is a spherical
to L is, setting V = rG , gyroscope.
. Remark that if in the principal axis, then
In other words, the kinetic energy of a rigid body is, for any observer, the sum ,
of the kinetic energy 1 2 mV 2 of a point particle of mass m moving as the bray-
1 L2 L2 L2
center of the body, and the rotation energy of the rotation about the Trot = ( I 1 w12 + I 2 w22 + I 3 w32 ) = 1 + 2 + 3 .
2 2I1 2I2 2I3
axis with angular velocity .
Let O be an observer that is stationary with respect to the solid Σ. Let u 5.1.- We have established the funda-
be a unit vector. If we let Σ turn with angular velocity about the axis mental equations that rule the dynam-
0 + u , the rotation kinetic energy is ics of a rigid body Σ for any observer
O : the momentum principle and the
, angular momentum principle. If F
and N are the total external force and
where is called the moment of inertia with respect to the axis total external moment of Σ relative to
0+ u . O , and P and L are the linear and
angular moments of Σ relative to O ,
4.5.- Inertia axes. those principles state that
The inertia tensor I is symmetric (i.e., its matrix with respect to a rect- Momentum principle (§1.6)
angular basis is symmetric), and hence there is an Cartesian basis u1 , u 2 , u 3
with respect to which I has a diagonal matrix, say P = F
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[∗ ∗]
where E and Π are the energy of Σ and the power of the external forces act-
ing of Σ. We may call this the “energy principle”.
Let O be an observer that is at rest with respect the solid Σ. Let I and N be Let us indicate how one can proceed to extend the theory to continuous
the inertia tensor and the total external moment of Σ relative to O . Then we systems. Instead of a finite number of masses located at some points, we con-
have sider a mass distribution on a region R in E3 , that is, a positive continuous
function . We will say that is a material system (or a
[∗] . material body).
We know that N = L (§5.1) and (§4.2). Thus we have 6.1.- The total mass of Σ is , where is the volume element of .
More generally, if R' ⊆ R is a subregion of R (usually called a part of R ) we
say that is the mass of, or contained in, R' .
The intuition behind this model is that represents the (infinitesimal)
Since I is independent of the motion, (note that , mass contained in the volume element and so the mass contained in R'
because and ), and this completes the proof. is the “sum” of all the . But the “sum” of infinitesimal terms is just the
5.3.- As a corollary we have that in the absence of external forces the angular
velocity can be constant only if it is parallel to a principal axis. Indeed, if is 6.2.- The center of mass G of Σ is the point O + rG with
constant and there are no external forces, then , and this relation is
equivalent to say that is an eigenvector of I . .
As another corollary we obtain that
The point G does not depend on the observer O used to calculate it. The
, proof is similar to the discrete case.
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The momentum principle states that the instantaneous variation with time 7.- Historical notes.
of P(R' ) , for any part R' , is equal to the external force F (R' ) acting on R' .
The external forces include those that the exterior of R' in R exert on R' 7.1.- Mechanica.
along the boundary of R' .
Euler published his treatise on Mechanics in 1736, in two volumes. They
6.5.- The angular momentum of is and the momentum can be found through, both in the original
of the region R' is Latin and in English (translation by Ian Bruce). For our purposes, it is appeal-
ing to quote a few striking sentences of the translators preface to the English
. version:
The angular momentum principle states that the instantaneous variation “while Newton’s Principia was fundamental in giving us our under-
with time of L(R' ) , for any part R' , is equal to the external torque N (R' ) standing of at least a part of mechanics, it yet lacked in analytical sophis-
acting on R' . The external torque includes that produced by the exterior of tication, so that the mathematics required to explain the physics lagged
R' in R along the boundary of R' . behind and was hidden or obscure, while with the emergence of Euler’s
Mechanica a huge leap forwards was made to the extend that the physics
6.6.- The inertia tensor of a rigid continuous body R with respect to the that could now be understood lagged behind the mathematical apparatus
observer O is defined as available. A short description is set out by Euler of his plans for the future,
which proved to be too optimistic. However, Euler was the person with the
key into the magic garden of modern mathematics, and one can savour a
little of his enthusiasm for the tasks that lay ahead : no one had ever been so
well equipped for such an undertaking. Although the subject is mechanics,
the methods employed are highly mathematical and full of new ideas.”
It is also interesting to reproduce, in Euler’s own words, what “his plans
for the future” in the field of Mechanics were (vid. §98 of EULER (1936)):
“The different kinds of bodies will therefore supply the primary division
Here x is the position vector of a point on the body relative to O , xˆ ⊗ x
of our work. First … we will consider infinitely small bodies... Then we
denotes the linear map y ( x ⋅ y )x and the coordinates x 1 , x 2 , x 3 are
will approach those bodies of finite magnitude which are rigid… Thirdly,
Cartesian coordinates with origin O .
we will consider flexible bodies. Fourthly, … those which allow extension
and contraction. Fifthly, we will examine the motions of several separated
6.7.- Angular velocity is defined as in the discrete case, so that we still have,
bodies, some of which hinder each other from their own motions… Sixthly,
if the principles of momentum and angular momentum are true, all the rela-
at last, the motion of fluids…”
tions that were established for discrete rigid bodies. In particular we have
Euler’s equation These words are preceded, however, by the acknowledgement that
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Daniel Bernoulli states in a letter to Euler dated 12 December 1745 that the
motion of a rigid bodies is “and extremely difficult problem that will not be
easily solved by anybody…” (quotation extracted from TRUESDELL (1975)).
The prediction was not very sharp, as fifteen years later Euler had com-
pleted the masterpiece Euler (1965a) that collects a systematic account of
his findings in the intervening years and which amount to a complete and
detailed solution of the problem.
They can be decoded in terms of our presentation as follows:
Euler’s earliest breakthrough was his landmark paper Euler (1752),
which “has dominated the mechanics of extended bodies ever since”. This
quotation, which is based in TRUESDELL (1954), is from the introduction to
E177 in [1] and it is fitting that we reproduce it here:
“In this paper, Euler begins work on the general motion of a general
rigid body. Among other things, he finds necessary and sufficient condi-
tions for permanent rotation, though he does not look for a solution. He
also argues that a body cannot rotate freely unless the products of the in-
ertias vanish. As a result of his researches in hydraulics during the 1740s,
Euler is able, in this paper, to present a fundamentally different approach
to mechanics, and this paper has dominated the mechanics of extended
and in this way we get equations that are equivalent to Euler’s equation
bodies ever since. It is in this paper that the so-called Newton’s equations
f = ma in rectangular coordinates appear, marking the first appearance
of these equations in a general form since when they are expressed in terms
of volume elements, they can be used for any type of body. Moreover, Euler
discusses how to use this equation to solve the problem of finding dif-
written in a reference tied to the body, but with general axis.
ferential equations for the general motion of a rigid body (in particular,
three-dimensional rigid bodies). For this application, he assumes that any It will also be informative to the reader to summarize here the introduc-
internal forces that may be within the body can be ignored in the deter- tory sections of E177. Rigid bodies are defined in §1, and the problems of
mination of torque since such forces cannot change the shape of the body. their kinematics and dynamics are compared with those of fluid dynamics
Thus, Euler arrives at “the Euler equations” of rigid dynamics, with the and of elasticity. Then in §2 and §3 the two basic sorts of movements of a
angular velocity vector and the tensor of inertia appearing as necessary solid (translations and rotations) are explained. The “mixed” movements are
incidentals.” also mentioned, with the Earth movement as an example. The main problem
to which the memoir is devoted is introduced in §4: up to that time, only
For example, on p. 213 (of the original version, or p. 104 in OO II 1) we rotation axes fixed in direction had been considered, “faute de principles suf-
find the equations fisants”, and Euler suggests that this should be overcome. Then it is stated
(§5) that any movement of a rigid body can be understood as the composition
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of a translation and a rotation. The role of the barycenter is also stressed, and The principle that is missing, and which is established in E177, is the
the fact that the translation movement plays no role in the solution of the angular momentum principle, and with it he can finally arrive at Euler’s
rotation movement. The momentum principle is introduced in §6. It is used equations that give the relation between the instantaneous variation of the
to split the problem in two separate problems: angular velocity and the torque of the external forces. And with regard to the
sustained efforts toward the solution of the problem, there is a case much in
“… on commencera par considérer … comme si toute la masse étoit point, namely, the investigations that led to the two volumes of Scientia navalis
réunie dans son centre de gravité, et alors on déterminera par les principes (published in 1749 in San Petersburg) and in which some special problems of
connues de la Mécanique le mouvement de ce point produit par les forces the dynamics of rigid bodies are solved.
sollicitantes; ce sera le mouvement progressif du corps. Après cela on met- The discovery of the principal axes, that brought much simplification to
tra ce mouvement … à part, et on considérera ce même corps, comme si le the equations, was published in EULER (1765b).
centre de gravité étoit immobile, pour déterminer le mouvement de rotation Of the final treatise EULER (1965a), it is worth reproducing the short
…” assessment at the beginning of Blanc (1946):
The determination of the rotation movement for a rigid body with a fixed “… est un traité de dynamique du solide; il s’agit d’un ouvrage com-
barycenter is outlined in §7. In particular, the instantaneous rotation axis is plet, de caractère didactique, exposant d’une façon systématique ce que
introduced and its key role explained l’auteur avait, dans les années 1740 à 1760, publié dans divers mémoires.
L’établissement des équations différentielles du mouvement d’un solide (ce-
“… quel que soit le mouvement d’un tel corps, ce sera pour chaque lles que l’on appelle aujourd’hui les équations d’Euler) en constitue l’objet
instant non seulement le centre de gravité qui demeure en repos, mais il essentiel.”
y aura aussi toujours une infinité de points situés dans une ligne droite,
qui passe par le centre de gravité, dont tous ce trouveront également sans Let us also say that the words in TRUESDELL (1954) concerning Euler’s
mouvement. C’est à dire, quel que soit le mouvement du corps, il y aura en works in fluid mechanics are also fitting for the case of the rigid body and
chaque instant un mouvement de rotation, qui se fait autour d’un axe, qui for Mechanics in general. The results of Euler are “not forged by a brief and
passe par le centre de gravité, et toute la diversité qui pourra avoir lieu dans isolated intuition” and
ce mouvement, dépendra, outre la diversité de la vitesse, de la variabilité
de cet axe …” “… we shall learn how the most creative of all mathematicians sear-
ched, winnowed, and organized the works of his predecessors and contem-
In §8 the main goal of the memoir is explained in detail: poraries; shaping, polishing, and simplifying his ideas anew after repeated
successes which any other geometer would have let stand as complete; ever
“… je remarque que les principes de la Mécanique, qui ont été établis seeking first principles, generality, order, and, above all, clarity.”
jusqu’à présent, ne sont suffisants, que pour le cas, où le mouvement de
rotation se fait continuellement autour du même axe. … Or dès que l’axe The works of Euler on Mechanics, and on rigid bodies in particular,
de rotation ne demeure plus le même, … alors les principes de Mécanique have been the source of much of the subsequent texts, like the “classics”
connues jusqu’ici ne sont plus suffisants à déterminer ce mouvement. Il GOLDSTEIN (1950) and LANDAU; LIFCHITZ (1966), or in the recent
s’agit donc de trouver et d’établir de nouveaux principes, qui soient propres GREGORY (2006). The latter, however, is (rightly) critical about the sig-
à ce dessin ; et cette recherche sera le sujet de ce Mémoire, dont je suis venu nificance of Euler’s equations and points out two “deficiencies” (p. 548): The
à bout après plusieurs essais inutiles, que j’ai fait depuis longtemps.“ knowledge of the time variation of does not give the position of the body,
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Sebastià Xambó Descamps volum ix 2008 Euler and the Dynamics of Rigid Bodies v o l u m i x 2008
and the knowledge of N e does not yield its principal components, as the XAMBÓ, S. (2007) Models Matemàtics de la Física. Last version of the notes for
orientation of the body is not known. the course on mathematical models for physics taught at the Facultat de
Matemàtiques i Estadística of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
(in Catalan). Sent in pdf if requested. A web version is in preparation at
8.- References.
BLANC, Ch. (1946) “Préface de l’Éditeur” to Euler’s Opera Omnia (II 3, 4).
BLANC, Ch. (1966) “Préface” to Euler’s Opera Omnia (II 8, 9).
EULER, L. (1736) Mechanica sive motus scientia analytice exposita, I, II. E015 and
E016 in Euler’s Opera Omnia (II 1, 2). Originally published by the Acad.
Scient. Imper. Petropoli.
EULER, L. (1752) “Découverte d’un nouveau principe de la mécanique”. E177
in Euler’s Opera Omnia (II 5, 81-108). Presented to the Berlin Academy in
3 Sep 1950 and originally published in Mémoires de l’Académie des Sciences
de Berlin 6, 1752, 185-217.
EULER, L. (1758) “Recherches sur la connoisance mechanique des corps”.
E291 in Euler’s Opera Omnia (II 8, 178-199). Originally published in
Mémoires de l’Académie des Sciences de Berlin 14, 1765, 131-153.
EULER, L. (1765a) Theoria motus corporum solidorum seu rigidorum. E289 in
Euler’s Opera Omnia (II 3). Originally published as a book (finished in
EULER, L. (1765b) “Du mouvement de rotation des corps solides autour d’un
axe variable”. E292 in Euler’s Opera Omnia (II 8, 200-235). Originally pub-
lished in Mémoires de l’Académie des Sciences de Berlin 14, 1765, 154-193.
EULER, L. (1776) “Nova methodus motum corporum rigidorum degermi-
nandi”. E479 in Euler’s Opera Omnia (II 9, 99-125). Originally published
in Novi Commentarii academiae scientiarum Petropolitanae 20, 1776, 208-238.
Presented to the St. Petersburg Academy on October 16, 1775.
GOLDSTEIN, H. (1950) Classical Mechanics, Addison-Wesley. There is recent
third edition.
GREGORY, R. D. (2006) Classical Mechanics, Cambridge University Press.
LANDAU, L.; LIFCHITZ, E. (1966) Mécanique, MIR.
TRUESDELL, C. (1954) “Introduction” to Euler’s Opera Omnia, II 12.
TRUESDELL, C. (1975) Ensayos de Historia de la Mecánica, Tecnos.
XAMBÓ, S. (2001) Geometria (2a edició), Edicions UPC (1a ed. 1996). This
text is written in Catalan. There is a Spanish version, also published by
Edicions UPC.
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