Powerful Spells and Curses of The Javanese

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~11,,-,~aJ~lf:r;t}~,n.~~ "of i:rd~ormatiun was' ::rtom nw father ia tlleai-itm'amd ~ h~le{j 3lna atso (mm QlV ~~tensJve research and e.~iitioil of ja'\'ant;,~~ (& Qil1~ff.l ~Iicl's and:nlilglol practiees, ~-ci#jiy Ihrts!L'!' ,in and 3fG-IDl'dtht fto!rtlllttt, 'are-its in Borneo" This book--wnru:m; of much tn:u,ttmlt;;gHt'"cu~rl and ~perirnen.red ht.m~ tadl~l and my~[f.- lnO~lt 'noubl\" -m~q~icr~1 ~n~'!i WID,ch. .3re l.'fery difficuh- to ubtain.

Tbis: bonk lathes -t~U .,L" riftk't-, i~q'\lt~l':Utl!', that d~

. . _ . y I.fJt,; "O1'~ .y,!A,J,;!i - ~ 0 - - .• -

dilvClI~l with mpernatuml (Wl:C$, 3Jtd t ~h~: ef&Ct§ are front the 'pUre- m-agiC'4.i 'ff',[lHhtids bit whi;th thOSR- .f(iT~es ~n be oonticlled ~d imlu~ttc!.;d . Therefore dli~ imok deid~ wjlh \'l!t'y Ihtlt p~tihi,pb:CJl:{;mena>

'fhe ~ikl' i~ ~'d all kjnd:i utrlte~)[i-es.~ phno.wphit's 'Or fftt-k, .. taieS IMtc~mt~ ~1h}fig ltitb tbem (s~lt$)" and uei!'hcr am E going 10 fee-an Q se histories 'tt"l).Uiylf\!l ttl 111,- faoolous poteru;:y of tbe$:'mag'~1'I1 sretl~~ htCj,u~ I :, e,t$O:uatly be~il'l.'C lhat ill orcltr to pr{}VC ,th~{ 11 works you must 'UY if ",ourself!

In fa,~,~ fneroatc no tiuch things bkc sb'oncnm:g or~ltering_ L.~t? ~dffi. riu,mJs D-ce:remooies (J- [b~-u hoouJd- be .cllft';tenienl .. i~' pe-rfofm'['{j and -Kp.ecting- the ~lm:1! ,ettul •. s. S~Us -an:

, .. -: '.' .. ~ :;.

sV~H"i 'llnd if {dt~f'eiF~h, n -ned, Lhtm h~ orlgi]}3:Lit~( is ~bll~'d~ 11ente, ns 'ene&;li~t~nt)s~ i~ dilrdlllSllitrj ;ll \\'~U." lu. lIll hcx'rk;: :tU ZilptUS .;)ffori~tt{ji 'wIth no all~tali~rn;l£hf,}.r.len~d ur ~in1-pli~ H~d" oold \;ha~ is. the main re:il.jon\vhv I did ~~ ,( ~r~{nsl.iu~ the ~\'ot"ib' anfllc . p~Us.jn Q der t(l preserve it'S e[fL(fi\'enC'~."i The reason t~ e "~I1s, here cunlntin almosl 8(J gr Jl ltllalS Or ceremonies or cumpli, .. ut:a ·prrftJpnef.rullia 1~ hitc:au~ r have' ~~~~d the tlmch~impler 011~ J~t von 1I1:<ih:4 d. in rrlhcf ~lJrd:;~ tbt'!y "a-re"hermnivrs fJ,t t'iJ"1.~ thaJ iur·,.tnllJ;'c grn'lt.~~ liLigWng.,; SJJt'tijltt1Jj1~ ere,

'thls b(YO'k tS :p:rim:attI\' [('It lhk;' pefs-on WIU) Inl~ntis l-(} ~tfiv'e inr ~t aener ftItfiUmenf in life bv the '!;pniruaJ ~':l~"" oS :. pfCprt~ V(ltn "~if for me {fint\!_£tl~ f urnc:f h lh~ tremcndou5. l:fla tfltcfiS)l\'ing exposure n \vt;altn., hct.dhh and sdf .. ~[ista:erlOf1.; J ~jn.aHv !l'tUlrdnl.".'" the spells. . ~iU W("lfk Hk~ mif3(b~s i61 you. 1: ou .., 'ih ""rtf fl..1Jrel bli\'i.u,g tbi~ otlok! lqj·;:t;'{~:- ml:O.lld.~'C:i\N hI: ma~k tt) baJlfK'1:l it Y(1l1 youl<nnw du;:~ rJ~bt Wt~jf' u);coax t h:~tll y~!

L.:\(} S:[\ON \\,-'AH

, .. . .. ,. . ~

Allth(lr .. Rcsc~:r··:iler~(JCtll1hi;iil

~ - . ~ _.


.. - .... ' .

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This is a mmn-r species of lii~:gk. pedtitmeQ :Illilinly hy amateurs, 1 l1v[dving' \\'ay-5 of imprfl.\"lflg tl'ne . ~ persnfJ; S$ fl (n~an~ 14,) Ut;!.'f]tt,>rl eDd~. rhL~ j;~Qn~ls.hor {hc spl!U~ given iv.::io~~ ... ' ~ mn&l {,.~ro:ttJnIjly -If' 11~-P'~'t' ~)Il~~df tn'~l.thl£rl1bl~ ur-roiJir~ rle£1(-ahje H'l fht: dVP0s;)It; ','tX_

l, :l!haU nfi\\' s;h JW \cuu several ptl\I:;'CrfuJ-$~tL'"" \\'hH.::n wUi win dle l{)~re uf th~ pf'ntH't ~'OU -d{!'iire, h' bring h~,k the fmt.: ytfU i(lSt _-nG H'} :iltShlUl ~'()ut pantn.:t';~ lnH:r-eM Ul yutLl,Jet u, pN~t.'ti to the hffll oj- ~mr ItH.(;~pdh,

KIN\]AJAS.\lORO L()V'~- SP£LL~ OnttiUilled (ruin 1 ~W4~- u~~J jJ:ll' Qbt~inmg one's Irwc. 'flds s~:u ts pn-mu{'CiJ in ~t;; ~!rigjna! JfiD1tU~g~ -'Uh.t~ !Ike I have ~id~ '! h:av' UQ ~vhi~R ;~~l_ inl1'~Lat~ it in nn:h::t H) m~lnta'n it:.. i;£i~-~ttVt,·llt"~'<;.... ~rhls'iipd,t 1.\ knfl<'Vtn ss 'PU}ii;~Jl ~ i~, J,a;;;tfli-" whkJl me':.;sn:$:in'~'f<~ulI('m "

\iJ Stand by·thf"trp:fl't door ~f in tnc g3T.d'¢tl"QH a Friday :~igbJ--, -- .

111 ~'~&e a deep hre:a~.h and Ilt""IU 11. In thi! lUe'dJH]m.C~ witb your right ha_nd~ Hdap~~ the Cl"f'Ull<.l7 ~HJ'1f5; :tbi!$ h~ w cd} 'll'pQ11 the ~fJufid,;,daltk fOI'tes,\ lluteflO: -(("!If ~- vou am't 5\t~ them unless vou ap-ph lru: tt~ru"'~tfrom a dog whh.:h.is howling1ont,o VOUt :?)X!". fat) sor !l~":l1nHn~]]d y ,lU to ttyrl '-1fil..:s~ '»'IJ:liJh~~ ~{ l~tf'Y:S(tOH,g h",-an 1 Bin r_heir pres CflC{" win he mnde mt'lown b:.ly:Ou by ill ~m.iJ~n gum of ~ 4,-,ld b[~cl( nt me' fecling of :sutnehoo~~ rig:hi ~hind V(ilt lh.~:H pro:nably makes vour g'(\O~ _pirnpfe<i rise. Youare actually' askm~ [~SC iorces to hetp vou l;tllgio j~)m wi~hes~

1:'3:) Hln,ijill bu~h Up' vour emouens ,300 d{:sirc..;', 5\3'Y the-


Hal. Ram AI3..")MOI(.'

Turunl:m bersama alr It~til Sid FijlirU;lh Knseru munarnll men1hannJ .. ku .Kemwlikan roh . ,._-,. < r. ".~ptJrsoit ~h fiatn~ \ K4.~~ih kefxllU~ku .

Hai inti tHlftl-J

Ku~e:rfl {Uiuh pctala bumi Ku~eru tUtuh ,p,,~rata- lan~t

Kt:mh:J1ikan-~h k.asih ~U~H Hawi1! k;Ctl,lda~ku Bl1f tujuh gUDUJlj mefi~>halan-e

Biar tuiuh bUlflH tn ~n.~ntmlM

,S~ct"an~"&!'» kuman dj,.SCibC':fa.U-g ,I aut l.agi"kl'lU

"il' <1,;' ;.;on'" M",,'l'~ . .t>

$in, .. pu h~lat3~ ~,i.i!.pa hJiPi'\tl

:Si~~ pa datang ';13=ru kr<utH.tan,~

,M:!.1 RaUl AJ.l.lsmf,rn Kern "lallbn-lah ff1h k~~a-fnJ

'\ !;_, k ,('.", f'~ "

,r LI,iiS i~eT~:-~t nar ;,}gl r':ttu.rtl~n

. t.:il hl;tl ,k.a.~~l guru- k,u

Kabul ~at"a r¢n~""*~h;m ka

i\t rhc eud, uf ,me speU ~ ;r~pc-m. the persou. ";)lliUl1.r:: f[!lk~:vJ'ed ~ his/he r mt'fther 's n.-1IDC lX and fillaJJjl a'Sklt1ghin,l' to

tome tn vou/home.. '

'tbe'al'l(","e ~pel1 is cxtn."meh! ~:ff~n\je for dmwi:us 'buck a ~tTIngpann« Of' :Uif3Ct!np one, gut if )'OU wish everebodv 10 turn 'and ha,:e i.i 3eX\ look at von, dun von shaU radtahf tnagnct1cl1UUS tba'\ instantiy draws the an~Dri:On of {nc afJ(po£;i:tesex~ th~n t~ 'hiknnu m~JfKtf'ik "'(Atuai:titjn:iJ-~ll'} ,i'Si li)f vea, Try if and you will be sure l'OauraC'S:r'H!nesc""ty ~lancef, aft~i\If(.ard['.~ m)t forgeHin~ m3n~,; oomp!imcnt~,

, , ~, »c.,

1 j \~fben 'Vt)\,i. 3t'e rearlv to gO' our : anyWhere), bJUl 'bc:fQr~:st~,ppml! O\U t.;f tb~ main doot" recite the speD a!) bdow:-

lJu.;\lk pini1i"!'ig sclera fummg

Atarf d.italtah dtj3;ti n\j,~:ni~

Duduk f£n~dang b~rdiri ren-dang Aku luga ¥:d:ng dipsn ... dang m;'l-nrs {3x

'P\V~.'l ·en1' t': DE· . "LI' :' L::1:. ~ .... t!..,,,.· ";~,, 'Pb . ~'"" .e 'P'i'"'if't:~

J'."i; "':'l< '3-i;,;.,;. ... iJ'* '" I J._UAn:n.i~ lK:r~~.LJ..I,a;.!. t u~ ,hI a "--.11

verv pQ\'iterftd spell thar when r''Gd: \'fill iITifi1edi;ltdy ':ituxn",

•• ''1:.. ~ - . _l • _. 1.. • ..

on . It!~-tJ~,t¢. ~l}J anu- J~ :aj~~J Qne of fHCm\'r~th!~t\ si~U~ tbill

win ia$,tlntiy. 'urge y(utr p~rtn~-r tlt bed Wifh you even if they said '~ro) minutes befoN, ~o ffii,lUer b.o-'" cold Of r:rlt~d }1liH' partn>tr ,i$.{'Jf .u~ {flatter Imw SII'iUlgt lilt Sir-allier is" thiilii spcU -W;{"'ks~ Tbc spell \V'~l'i,~r,:i;,,:relhf obl~iaed lt1Pm~, thj~r{Jt' the Than rribes in U~rnep. The lhing Jl:'~"i,!i\f thaI dais Si~:n '\ Qrks is 1 hat 1 he- cb tel h:H~ 1 ~ 'i\""f\"('f..'tbc youn,gc.M is lS \1f;.>1,ftt bi ~l!l'" 'j and he j.~ well over :so ~"e"J:~ ~~rit - Here is thcs;pe;lb-,..,

"l" ~it -anvwhCft:" vou wi$h wnnout h~~ing det~cted and whhiJUl b~ocking vnuf' ViCIP (l. thererson, Rub your thumh s:l;)'£\-'i\, 'bu~quitt.:' ror-C~{tdiv wiih vuur m d.e.'\ f fn~e:r. mnrn uJTln~,.ofi iy:-,

\l1hm j: :ruh rug Inu.u,h

I;lm in fuel' rub hing the dittl:rit1l fpc-rib:.J

t/ that girt-rho}:) '~ __ ";' .. (bet name Of_ the' ,COit'lUr' (If-dtc-ss--if srraneer ,


;.' \ -:

N2ng pa bllfUuig r:{~l:'t\lru¥fig -ali ulMgaA i !(Ji ~ij pun tun-du k

lL~"li pun Hlll?duk

Dengan Qer,..k_al Jua aku tl1ilahal iUallah

Ktt~p r~ciJ1nttm~5peti over and over ag.alf.~ unu:l y~ll noace 'fnur- pn:tlPJL:I is re~ponding. Tbere are ca~' ~Jib~\i it does ~1~kj! ti l~'ngttf [lfi1t'" tbID1. mual in OHler ill o:b't:ain teSllhs. hl.uidJ_ tn 311" vnil win jtU:-ft'Cil Try It and }/OU will he- 3m~l{,c-d h~f ahi,~Tt,~'jlrs. Otlt O'bVlOU5 ru.nt iharthespell i~wHrkjl:~gis that tnt: pcr$J;H'l """,m :fcc·' Ufi(za~ and keep' shifting t,b.,~: po:~itit)n vf" n€T log, !lfid of ceuese th-rrn.\'1n!; gide .. t\~)~ Imlk>; ,nY'C1:1 {K( .. l"iinnaHy. This ~p~U 15 giy~n tor men bu" If is it:~$l as

~~ppb,,~blt tty'; ,"rumen ,~ htM1',"{,mesJl.g,hl;matlin",'tnkm wHI 'do" ~" e. ~liHjn's, -. pi!~, .her- "'" h i1l1 ,

Su1. 11: yD~ 3US!<1et;t ~~);t youarc (he \'!Io/ti~l c~:f such s;Pt!!~ ~lt £,inln~t'~}:flf~l< i~l~t ""3:~k a\l;~v" fnnn \,I;,llllT ~at a fttl the $pd! 1~', bIT~:k'ill"Sitdn,g'h~s;icl~ so-me ~ barrier', bioeJdllg thil! ·~mritgi .. c:rafjt~"'" vi~t\.' ~uch as ~~ilU$ or pL~pl~ i~ ~ls(t an e'ffc~liv:c w~y ,elf aVl)Mii.ng til:!.:: :$pclt If j't\iM :r,ctJJh: 'Cfiit~/t te.1;'~ '~t}'tlr S\~fllJ Bf14 yon'" re ~1 ~U.~tttti in~n !';~fJ \'i~~ ~wh:h [.be ftN e 1jn~/s[·n~\!' that there are SJlICUS w(1:fking ,nn YfIJd1 hC'f.t", is ;.;n, e,[rectlllre svcU lor; catU1t~rb~uw(kr-

(it"! l.i nl~'t;t"hR~l~d{~~;lgrn.'tlf:t: tir- Sll11t;' lo;ng 'K~endc,t t~dtnjjri~ll fl>htfCt. thQl loo.ks similar m ~he ~ha1-~ of' the ~nis. S'ay

<i):-t:'n .. ·,,,-, .. .:l ..... :r ~

Bi~ilri-al~htr Rt:)hrnarmir R~)him f;;()' I break Yf:'!ut:::peH .

Atie:r S~;rifl81!JUt',,~ ypu t.hen hi'''t:ak rho nl;1b;t1,~~lkk, in two .,.,. hi{ !;.vU; be~1I0ntde'f-b~_vih:ai!t :ma~k lunl '~~JH n"'(lir xtf £uddcnlj'.

( ....


J~V"~~:ese "m,OOkJ$le~ i~ Q)JW\lhl et1th.'eh~,!t'H~gic;;:tl MiJ. ri1ttslltJ'l,'U1W ,curin.g me'~Ilf.d~- !U~i: in IintnelJ :a te !~)rtt~w(.~ c-an'lpl~t~"~l~ Indian,,, (;hlll(.';)~and ,~fl!ibk~JUf\:"CS" H~tt:' arc SUllIe 'If-thi~ "Simpie s;pel1~ that ,~Ut1Z m('ls't 2,Ume1f!lt ~ th~ very ~UnlJl.eyotJ up;p1\i 'fhem;-Tf'n::~t ~",peU$ Wr?'r~ tts~d j:)'IJ.·ct ~nd- (n"cr aGdft:Qm #t;F~ei'ath;m lC gmemlion tl~;- r~H".ui~ m~~kUlllS Cfuk' .l'awaug)

1':; - , J' . It" .,~. ,Ji j' - • n, '"(b.

.wlfing In:a\f1i) ~(i..!,tJrUU'tt3B:tHl~~1~'whi:te sn ,ri(;lr-n{;j!;)._ • i-~it:~

~el!l~ W~1!e sO P{):t~pt.lh'illtn(f,Ii.'l Jlktl1'lj",tt:ip'w""i~frcd ro tml~ldt the whc-ohad@ctot:~r ntd1:e:r ifntJl~.c,fdn~ u,,1! ('ltl :fiOOi;~:Il, '\'\1ay~

-( 1 J l-lu:e -. ii& an'e:[ft.."C11vi;!~v~n tbat eUf~~ l'.te$~'.tath~~ :alnl{"~Sl

i'tlSl'lUJ:d'\': ....


Blswillmlhi J:G:bbul arrlli \vas~um~lf . B:l;5unill:a~hil :y..roz:istilutt\ul t~fof¢;:uu\'!o" w~yiEa;;rJ"( lHsmtdfhiubil ft.·-ubxi biv.:i:di:hl;$.~' sJt;~ra_at ~

.. - - _. : .

BtmnlUaahil htcbti hut v~ld1-u:m~ ,mil~ ~~fdi)li:

. ,... , ....

syru;'l;}}1<tn 'llrdhi<;'\'~dwa ~1i\ ~~,m1'tla, .. ¥ Wd.hU'\i!~'Ji~ sam:ij'~ ur~atkinl<,


\~)For li''imllnl:i e.us s,peU i·:-; 0 be Wr1UCi'l on 31m~' pi.:..l;' of JU,f'(!r. ' ,Ided and ~If-\l in J t1 r.: affi~{t:-d u."Cfh' at d dCl1:~lt d i~hth between ill TtL You will unmediately r",~ 1 he p$H. • ,J.n-t; s:f>JdiHHv. He :f>. the ~r!" II ~-

Lik1dh n<lbi~~ilr~ 1,]lu~~aqo!11 Wt~[I.~j't'i 1~ '''13m,m::Jn.

':~' T':J Lon.; j,:rr~OrrH lit and hnve ~ g(}'(1'lJ fllghts re :I. I he '!dh)Wltl:f! .:peH 'I; ill d\;~ ,11...: iob. 'Tht'·n~ a \" 2' mr->th: s A iw,',hn~ he I~~U tb,'li;stH hy readin .. , Hi'~ '" , U.. (i· 1T a-gb Df wa e llnadt!nk it ~fJS

beiere tt.:tir' ng. The Ri'!:(l id ( -,U IS' uch !Ill 't

(QmpHt.'1~l(~d h~1 t ~ hi; tt.~nl s c hL::n~T" Fhe snell is W([UL'O .m ~t det,'f\ skin and ,lj;d '1J) t.be ~·~i~;t\·~ry mg:ht \ 'hen ~OU1.fh) htd, The Sl '~U 'i-3 ab.o:guud fm: [1\ nidi-n1i:ru hlm~u'e5i~ e 'j,.,

l?fUL'1ad .a iidihdzhulu~n]:ilal' aUm~il' ali.a lU~ jfl:fa -subhaarH, ~ii innil kunru m' 11' dzbrl7bwl'H-mim:

Pastaiaabnm tahu WIiI1;<:iijai l' " 1m rmp~1 gh'Qmmj

~ '/ ,1' "11 if m nfl\' f1:Jn~ of the bi1dy could be r~.:h~\f~d by \-vn imr. the ~;pl""il a.' rnidninht fr.)r ~ conunuous nights


and f~sting li"Ji t1\.c ~e -period ot· davs:. Also· read u J~ limes before relinrij!:~

L.. '.~., ~. ;' .... "'.!"~:" {" ~ .... Ittl/.. /; .. " ,~/. "")Jj.' .... G", .. :6 ..... "'f} .• ~~.~ 1 ~4JJt· . ·~.'".~:!)U~K 1} ~~lr .,

"If , . 'T ~~i:~ ~--; /

.! ",' /"~' 0.71._,\

i.)~ : .... ,I,

.~~~' ~ .r/I~ ~

1 . .nn1lm11J3 ~'9Silltiitbld ladzitna \ia~~~ U1U1:~ w~l rrulU;: ...y;d, .

::us:unu .. muUroohlJ tStlJIUlltl, ih'Mihi yurja' uun.

\51 TIllS "sl:op"'l~icedi.n'S~ KIlen ttr(g:iniltA;.-">{i ·{tolD. Chit'J.Q l1f1lJ. 'was brougbt along in [ht' 151~,cenimY 'ft,'men, the: ch'ln,C:it'mi!rrated to i\{ai3C01~ and tfu1f WB,s "'ihcn rbe SultJln, ott! l_ltda'Cc:~. Suhen "Manstrr Sv~.:b nlurk~d the pril1W ' of{~hina. Prlnces H~1ng Li Po. Wnen tIU,' :part o(UW .. 00)' JS bi~~bng rrnfuseh',- men ibis is the' nly pdl in: fh~ w~rld rhrncm.dd ~(np the' bJ~, ilnmediateh'. I asstt,TC"YuU, [Jitgf ~hi~ <.;re11 will stup the h!~'3d 11u\l<lnJ! ittstant",~. i ~ ~~nectt,

ap:pied·! .

d) \ ij:{~ dL~l. hoiding pie,ccof doth/l~' ,f'ut a~¥ fmlt,u-l:altfu1tb ~\'aib·ble lU' rbat nmmvnt withVour Jet"\- nftoo, I:'uilll vour ti;gltt Jnd~~ QIHi ~ddle 'fmget iOt\\'w in 'dl~ ~pe of a 5W~td and tt~tte; :the fOlw\'\"lt.g \vb:rds:,- {~,dtJu.d)

e'hzc ~b.1.ai1 )11U m1uu '¢:ltU[l;

8ze ng' mhei .. on vaw ~h;1Zt h.boib


Aftctr~-it-~~ th:e,t'Wel'll,twords,flm1<"fi! ~ tl'U;;f1 J:~n;tin:~~ wifl1i m~ ~,)~ing b~l~ (ad_OU(n~-

Thai seonglo'Ww kUafi ,hit knell Ag:JU. ~.u dllu),p phowhkim, cbrunn W{)D~ hhor.

wJ:u~ng llbtn Iauu. '

(il:r .... , ,'make :i drct..tla f~lo:iiQn l~ (clockwis:e) l.Vilh -your l'Oinletifil1tic:r.s on nu: nlfi;{~r:kd and end the SPilU by fIl11kiug il dor -UVet lhe centre of the ma"eria1. Then pah::n the mililcriu! f}~t¢r. lhac bl.ectti:o:g \~'ound -Ml4 b..-1Jtdagt. it dg.htl,}' . The bkroing win 'stop imDIDdiau.; ... h:'!

l"fi-i A.t times wben \'ou t~:nd lo.~~tn!,'rw. 'Vour ftK:)d rather thftR eating iu a pttJper wo.y I OC£:aslo-ullly were may be b~1:!~~(~~tJ. i1sb; bones) gettfllil 's.:tutkrigln in 'V~ur thwJl. The un'sll:eee~f'lll -autmlYttiof :n,tm~v~l'lg it will Wfe,tv give ,,1)11 trome~awful-_mom~nts. R~[~ ~5 ill~ only ~n in the ivoild that J~ 3bl.e (.0- mc:lt tile oone aw~)'t lile' v~ nm:l\n~ ~ou ami _II! Tt~t it: ao4 YO-U\vUt beUeve it.

(il F~(e ,ea&l" stippo-mng··ij; ,~lai!:l~ of w~ter in 'flou-r·left Q;ilM. Wltb: onIy three :f1ngern (t.hum'h:>\ index ami midd1c fmger)~ - ilnd say the f-o:Uowing words (aloud);..-

chz~ cbzau yan :mil u sunn

tl~ mbt.<1 ~fin y~ SUaZl idl(};lli

Affer ~yiog rho, 'W(,rdsa'bo-v{':,y ,c:t.lfi1f1rJUc dw SpttU bt,1GW' j>-)li1J'lld ',;;~


~ .. " ..


.~~·i· ),.

\\:'1ten 9v'in:i'the. [bfee ma:gicalW(lWdis '~bet~e" >-"ou ~ ItC'tluired '{:e dip Hg,htJy t'i'tl rhe sur.fi:l:c-cu.1~the IgiasS nf wat~t wlt'nYGIllf pOinted 'fin!~1:s (_ind.~ &; middle_) f~i rhc ti-ght_lmnd ..

(ii1 Drink I~ ,g:tP.:i.f.i .{~I \V4Stt",!:" and l;\"ttil f~)r ~. luirtlluc h&lU'f\~- f~~Ulllhll er;blt~~ S,L1Otlct lbUill yQ~l :tt!~d" ]~~ me bese in yt1·Ut'tbiWl1 \\-1_U v,mf~h into thin

aid Y-O'll ID1t\' i..~1J lh~[ it ~-mi~"'lf' if ~~rQn wi~~


T,b~e, Jt;\fil_nt"'lcha:~~'9n cID~:r},sive bt1dy of "b!ae,k l'W:if::i~'] ", ,til ~i1e~ii(tn @r,!m~-_O;f tbcil: m~j~1f intf;f--esb. Tbis ·bL'llZkm.agi~~ wurks directly uti the' VI:elIm:'!J sold or- dut)ugh s:pjr-][ in~tm.e" di~n~i£,t5~ :fu.r cnlQple" 'ff&'n1iU~u·~ '$,l'itiw~ The '~'Si gi\fen be lieant- at.'1.uaiJy t:ncrtUe~ ttnd vcrv ddt-d}v" 1"-hceffe::ttS, are so po""vt:dt~ -rhill ttiel nvt on!} p.tu]t yell).,- ;~nt.'1by b$'ttk but. ~]sn "'ccipJ."le-! ,tJ:01:!; r'Ol'u_f~, h~n!l.-'e I aU'IJ,ise ~~o.g not rouse rhem unl~$s reaHyhdngrot(;~d tc.

THE '<4DISTtIR8 ING ~ SilE LL :,= This l :ri,illl31edi frmn a,c ~irua\~ ,,()mmunidea: in the remme meas of K~Lim~nlml ~Jndfine,;'Sia).T~hijop. it i~ not ~I¢rou~ h ,.,y! sun;"b~ ghre '(.jUf' e:ne:my oome hard tfj:rtM" \Vbt:n th~s"eU is a1ili- the tfti~my wiH have sleepless nights, 'f~b(~Ujl'lig IDgbl~~s, ere ~ Here is bow tire S1Jell '"rons:-

~j j 'Gel a pM.."Ce ,of chnb or -S'l1:itt or :any o:thermatetiaJ dlal; {'.!n~~ b~louge_d; to youre,nen1v .Wn,fe the

,51~11 (iO; m me: piltR of doth, Mltr ttutt~facifi~ the direetioXl whe(t your f!-fh1tll1\" is: .. r~~J,~e thii: same speU 3x f;..'1fery .. mgJu:--

Kad2aalika ,nnhba~ ulloohu 'slaa qoinuhtlladziina ,1m! !'a~ lamuun,

Hi) Th:~ tn1lt~~' lfk'~:r:tU break the ~ptU 1'$ fO bl,t(ffi the

~ d~nh f!,\\'a\,'.

"rhrt'~, are:{i):&u otbt:r SlY' lis lh -1 wuld uU1:om,uicdty itffl1 \'UUr t:tlA,."ID,\r "''Chkken 1 • Y on en ,ill,., '"yin fCt!l fri~l'tcned \";rhCUt"\icl' he looksnt vou. Here Is a:peU Qb~u.~· i~o~n the than u1~"1$ in :snbahttbrtt~va;)"(l~.Q_, fh:rtij;" dler~.ioo '; t The lbfllns dw:moo _th,a,t' ~\!en 'tilers dnca'1 a;n~' 'dt~n witeo. l~hp; ::spell-i~·[~d. _This '~peU i:s~"fuaJhl" tasljElAf'olbi~ and n~lW tilt lOOn-se~une 10 knrrw it .. lrH:Y i.1lC-lnselves: _d4Jnfii knO\\\ but an\"W3N here is lh~ spcU:-

n Tilli gpdl is, ttad wh~u your enemy i! -a_ppTtY-¥~hiflg fftl'm 'yoUl- 1i[-r'~ctittO Md'l wb.-en he: looks- al ~fOth -he wlil imm'edmte:Jy ttt1;, fdght~~H%1 an~,~tled .. not knDWing tbt f~~fifi wh t. F,[:Qm thal dav OOMlms~

he \¥ill ~'ev'eI' d3-t~ look.· nUn ~our eVda~~Ut~

, ' oohul.gboohfiuaUo<)hul. :qW1'tH~_U

_il,....:1f~ L,H_H." '!I;..,.. • -. • ... J:

tl!U:l~lll_U, 1\.11, 13w_MJn'MLt\i~

~biJml hatlql h~i'i~U biYJildih~L ba'utu -~j>~l qUW\ilSl11 w-as$_ulthoon.

Fl)rneigiitx}u~~fi are fitllisanc~s,~ '"lVtn' you runs with :their m:idllipt -"_artie$-, '''tlcJting t~ir· noses 1.010 your prlV~'1 theD. tmi ~n oo@ht to 1£ach dlrC"l:'fJ ~ les!ionl It ~rigirune$, front the miMle.oQ~I,:and 'W~~ ~,tlUg:bltb d\c-Itt\fiiS'-i.n the 14tth centUry \\ 'bile thJdiog' ln, -B1:tllWi (lndo-n:es'ia_;,

{i} , ' i-s - ~1X.~1 Sh,Oldd be wrinca ODa piece ot vellow cl-om acnd butte, in your neighlm·· r's premiNcfli'~ Jlre:(emblv A~:ar wher-e their bedrooai i~ 'i(u~tedy

Tbt! resalrIs that you.tnei,b;bt.~Jt1) wjUt.::xpef~~n~c dun tk~ h;(},ll~ i:1 ,~('ns~:attd~~ b.~in~ ~~'£{)Ill"ii ~rirh rc~ks' and ':~d('J.l$;olt<l;1,f}~t cV~4\-!}li~)n:

_ - .

.. ,:,

:Falam}!m~ iiMi':11l1JU11Ul311: 'j,a ~alnag ~a~di)~ h1m ,t~a:nltl~ Ima \!;~a aH'J'that"tm::l ':at~ih(J4' hij~::lrat3n:n'liu sijtiliili foa:ld}uund, ~bj~'t"·Bnlran1.il- 'i'I1ua r':Jjbi~..:..i"v{:i rn::m

11;;-'" " -. , ""t •• :h,';,.'t i c_ ;i.,'h- ,'-"

llj;),l;a iii1.1na!l.~la~~..J;l-fJ{:t1fl:1l:n:ta pi ),'1 _ tld.

... \.~

Fj~l~-dl,r,h~fC' is -th~ ~dli51-£~H dnu: J hnv.e ~'er ~JThmt, 3.:t:hl~: md l·'~tlWmtlt~1 do not fcx:nn-amt1ind, Iftny~y UJ rrylt 'b"~c'rJ:usc if ~·t~· lethal ~nd -merciJ~s. (;-enUlg tt~ kntl'" it '\\Pou idoo jiU~tdl)i%~-, "rtl'i1l1 ~U_ i,'iD ";~!J\:tl·.c:l1t(:hin~ftpeU-\\·.hel'e YiJU u~laalUy \~,~pftb ':t.CUi'5~' yuur l':D{ift~y:~~$(tU'! li')-lh~-~:'Nt:eln t}fbdng~ti2rn~ly dOOlll'eld! 'fike bmr+l th1ti _ bc~,et£t will be de'f~,t~l~titlg, !1:hi$, ~penf.i-r ~ in tbe:ftl'C~ of )'{)t;tr ~m:e1ny~ ,~'i,U Wurredm~(tb" ~~:d trim sln~verifi~.in &ar"m~:kebim stamlfter;! w.j:t,~f~l11l {fr. in ~ 'fe\Ji! day.§: !little" p~lyS-(..~-'t d!tunb (}j 1ft.s;Jif]C' andpl'Qibab!y cl~ad,! AC'f..'iltUJfli_g to: j;;llkli'J~:$ ~ Dtl'Yi.lk bibes)~ iftbt ~pc.n I(i.l read upon ~ :curpse'it ita, mtiil \;vil! nevt;:r e\~:er be rcin~~tht~J Tbi~, ~~J,nn(ilCta:i {~{H:rn ~~,~_'simihr -speU ~hat !be' g:rr-e'Jt'w~iz~:rrl a:nd>\\~Mf'i.t)l (if ]f·bh\ccu,o, Siti.: lift:t(J .. us:ed to rn1"'.S:C 'the, S;i:aw~ CfhiJ.ilallid) ,wrri@r ~ C@ P:a'm!;al~.~ :O-~}tht'tf who:.m: w¢r:~.:tt\l\e~· i'\. 'ib'l.'i:U~d tnHcs 3waV :frmu i:ach -orh~~" durinff tilt' l~l~~nt)·tt\' CauPanilm ~~:m 'bUti&-d "'~)ld d;~d~

, ~" ' . "" .w. . ~ ;u..,... :;.;.to, • , _ ., it - . _ _ , ~ ~_ • .s _ ~

dUi~ d$y~ kil'C'r·'lr'ffl':U'!ll;lmiting hlcOO -nofl\gtop!


\V.tl!n~lflk1a:o fl~l'Hlln":li~ht),' iyo maa n~SJm2a~V'd'lti~.Vll:m~fl fil .. urdlt i1~ man ",vaOl-·alli..ltlhiJ lS;tU'nn:t:t t1\J.fikhA) ,tiihi ukll,trtK' fOHd?~lr.Jnj:lD qlvumuy y-aru,tl-hurun ,.\\." s-asv t(tqOll~ ar-d] u hiutmrir -,hoi· }lUil wi1,w1ildU~ :il -ltitaab.u ~t·aiH .. ~ h'~nn~tb~;vyjm~ 'i\-llsvsyuna0 aa;.,i waquillira l~qift:lJ'flum hiihatl(lj lvahum: Ini1 )'uzhlrunuu n.

-~~ l iim~S'! th~re lt~ ~ tI~p~tr in t:'nding: ~u~h Z1 curse back [6 its~ 6Cndcr-~ Yoer enemv ~nay h~\'f· utkeJ1: tlnhuf1ut, rlrl:C~uor don!, til }it~Wl1ct hirn#eH If his aura 3"d wiU at.\! {un pt"neU"$li!-d hy ym.rr spells. then it 'midlf h~hflnnd JJi'I: vou wirh even f!:l'C'.JH;r- force!, To ~ml:'t1re vour ,O\\-"l} ,$._a~le:h~. 'lOU can hlX:l:

Ihe fL-11I('\,;~n:gp.t~e~'·:n,-ltio-ns;- .

~.-, This ts a n ,~J_nt,ient'_flrt).ti."'Cnt)n '~reU ~nd i~ abo ~krro\Yfi :1. s a lilliMnan aha was. intr();dUt'etl hv Sulsiman (SO.lt)tf~D:"t , :Aft~i' ~in~ WtHh .. '1l on.a:pjt~£;C fjF'_p:ape:r -',01'-. cID.h::~''-pa~le it 0-'1 your from door {lr'k,t:~ it under

-r{)uJ;' piUHW,Il is aI~o .good t-r'i h.HVI:, Jtk~Pf in ytlUX

\vu-llf;1 in order to prt1'tt.,,;r .'';Lilt \llhcrev'er:\rt;U go.

~·lr Vft.U (}r~~w' i(}ved, on~!s. ~lrt' PfM"f~~~~l by dMlt}n~-: \\-Titt the lthove speU on ~ -pif<"'P''; lU yelk~"' ~per wbh foo'ink:ir oorn it: in .~gbl$fi of'\~.~t~r whilst ecfnmting~-..-

llift,miH33rurRotntJ.i,1~ui:r Rlih-irn .~ 3);:rf.:.

;; "-, ' , and, d.rink 'ihc waf;tt from. t~e gi~'!l. Y(lQt b(_)dY'~.,n be tmrii:ied and wh~lnrvc:t t"'vit: i!leril~n!s- llt\: oo~kitl Jr'lUjsl$ili perish lnst~U'l !ly . 1 asssre y{~\~tb:~~l this ,mc:thod isooe IOf the t:~SJ,,4;t and efl'lC¢ih'c tlHitbtxl~ en)l,loyl!d b~l M.cl,hl"·f:l1:.Jgician~ ',Tuk I\ofl1bh.1· to de-.stroy demons. ward off bad luck :and t~h1.l verv effecti.ve I(n' rurin~pur-'Ptl~.

;)- i- '1 ,::, ~.;'Jrcl .. -nff in[rud~f\ nl anv J . .md. • UiJJ:' :2"- dt:mntl~...~1~tfii!, ,pit.it· or 'paS~~itlg' ;.uc-:~ ,t .. " trnrnn:trmmg p:m ming ~ "rlW< slee-pin _ OUf",' •• 'hii:tl !~.- 1 no:; mofit "t:-rl.!nera Ie period) reck, tJu!" spc' - tu-;--m"p jI:»llg to ",le~ which will irnmedierelv Jnrm R strona anru l~

- ~-

Pff)[Ct:t ,(011,. \-\:hh the heip of 3 hoI\' ,,;plnt f~i eourse.

-Sl.f' \\- al~ sir «N~ t'

~ U bJ Rt'_r~iI narns-nv dk Nut ~and1l nama-ava ibu

.i ... :\,",' 1 t~-T._.--I"",,- -,-,. __ 1 k;c,:L 'l.c'>1

oJl.' - 1. .fJ;~_I:~ ~,... !J:J,.a.P:"",~~ ......

;\tal' .ikal iii·kin "lh? i\iuk.tikatt diku13:n ~ku

.'1a1~ikfftituh1h j3(h i'mpH rim-hat t'KH.bn .. ku ;\blaikat 1 ulttb iJtli gurmn_g P~P;,·l-wr.;- ku

-\ -, .,,. ......... mnnikam :\-;1· h ~ __ u "'~'4-!"'- u.iI.llll'..ll ,n .-1..1 -- .'j

A .u dia fi did' hiID bfdq . z.~~t .. tuBa 1 B~rkr rd )(1 aku flliblh~Jll1t;dIML

{iii~ Ifyo-UUll~l1d to leave fhe ht)UE~ far work .. sh(~ppi:JU]:l! erc., ill:' t~1r anv l~frwt reasons and wi&:rl t;<:1' ~v:~}lld ru.':cidftnl~~ troubles ~n(_j d ~h-l\'5; b~te IS ;a s,PI!U that brings y. ,it; -}(1 i-lUCk m.t success Itt whatever you' r ilu en din - ttl a};'H thaT. n rom -·Ill.

---. \!....! •. -

1.;: 5tM t i~lr J mo nen: :n \1' 111 r frn 1 {XlI' J-:'tt,."'t'iTt(: Y(iJ walk o'un~ tr ke a InnE?~r.~p hreath dnd h;mk up ~~t (hi! sky fur .a tew seconds. ~\f~lt.r {h:al~ to(ik h. the gfi1Ilndth~l Y{lU w~l1 ";lH)n 't~!watking PD tor. ". ,:tnij;nth~ ,

2., Slnwly t x:;: to your li:_j.{'~.'f -i;:t and m~ ve up r:~ yo If {;bcttf- as rur~5 yt U..:a.11 g~.- .\ 1 'thing llt-iJl_:- tU migiH I'm - .. ' lirgnt£ft l 'kft behind wlH ilsi1 t(:j; "':( ur miud ;!f Qt.-"'C

\) '! T ke &1ot}tcr d1:cpbrea,rh .. tt.!3Q the .. pdl bt;h~\'r and walk {iUl (if th~ h-(tU~t,; wlthnul turning .. 'otf!' hC"~~-d baek tmti! vou have- hnlSih.t."l1 j Sicp",-

Tnc spen:~

Ja kn-marl \Vi:!la ku~m!u I A J It tiad.a mat I

You wUt be bJJ!Ss;eiJ bv 311\' audt'r!tddtr.~~ VO\f mlt"nd to d,~., ,;tfrcrwar4~ ,


T {j 'ihtoJin ,;;p~",ed~· promotion, h:~:('Ign:ifitm ~ln~J~'ppL"edgttoD {tip' matter \"h'ti~ \,otfr undcHakjll~ j~ 3:1 p1"';.M;,~n.di: thi'i> '~peU li,\7iU auwnu\flcalJy trim 1;klU'J] [Ii-\! odds agruris.t You. ~U1d fip:e:n tbe, t.h:'l It ,If SlJCi.:'~SS fOf,YVU. h is a g"r\J Juck~h:jun '-rUll anracts aU l hC'goodbi,ck- rhal i~ .1'\ aHiJ blc, anu you '1\'itl be on VOl1:r wa.

t~) l'uf1iUm\!flt and ~lr-!:liaUshft':tinn" 'ou Wttl be lOOD,{,

pl_~"tscd at the- 'n.~1Jlts!

Robbau~ a 'alaika ~awakk;)int!a u.r~Fihtik3 an~bnan wll--ilai.k:!l ttl: shir ~

Robbil-fH'la lau mi" alaaa ~if.tllUal Hllni:UJim k.af3nw w.a,hfTf ia"'£j, fuhb-· naa fn'fi;lKa --nl::d j ztl,;iizul haJ;.lim.

"r~ ;'HJ V1+ g Vrhlt:i~ I!" il iJhimh.i hl: kl?pt iH ),um." w" it :,( rc r ·!jn~ . ...:tjen' of li'el'm.:n~j,)u'S~{tod luck \:'lltU VOU \.\ isb to haret: ~trai~t' or :U'fORlPU-'lrt. fad 1 he

~petl 3~~ and gu.!tuJ ~t:t.' \'~)1J~ bJ.:~~-..; Hl JiSA.u;~ "n~'LJr

Irn~:nrit'llls;; Y 0\1 will ~ i: frU.(pri~,0li over tnt; nm'",)l}:t '\ \'~uh i.1U ~mikt~ ''f;[' ('.nUtSt'~ B(: ;f\'~'MHt.~hk'ltJ ~'~cur ~n ~ dQrtt th:.:UlutHt· Ill\" imp·'i.l$~ihlc~ a\. there "'U"t: 114) ~Di",11s in tl} ~<'l~rk ~h.H '.\-'ill Wtlrk if Jon pU1'.·UO: d;H!g~ ri:Uti . re b"~Vtj.nd \~Dur rC!iJ:fl and t3fip$ih~ h t ;1.;:>;,

. ili~ If wrntee tlud hun~ HI the hu:~s{,~ .. h wiH i;lU~~d .JB the g'-tfx1 ~~l~ll.t;;'nt" un(, 1f ) le:ahh. w~l!hh. h3pplni.,~~. ;t,le£.,C' rt.1h.l ttltf!tbh\ - '~':\.lu:m:'1,tCT 'VOL! ; .r.:k~ .'.J'U ..;nl,fj ~din!. T.t!· !'f" ~,nw ~ 1'1 ;'r 49 dc!y~ 'hu"U * ~i-c: til\;.: fl ~,;t~,~ .;Ifhl hjH11ttnV d~, VU1~ til td VoHf hint~.

flt:"fc i~· ;.;it~lnher ~r·~U tha\ g,.nifarH(·i;:;'i.tt~ l~itE!l yi1tJf ,\\,~!ih.:..;;. and

dfJ~in2'\T YUH ate fl"qllired 1('iJ nl\'~~": afrd'~"t:.kHH! ~.in('\-' SPJfJl~

raY(HJt to l'!t ide and ~I'UlH 'nu ~"h~T...:v~r YVUlrJmlX: '~.

j,; \\'rite tb\: spell r~t(·~" ~ j) rR!) ;,~ pi;.,~~ (tt .r1 ':k dur ,eI1;.iiihl_g,~iJll.he:~';~ ,1nd:"ke~~r!l Lu vntllr pt~i'k!i=n Of tie lJultr1 lLr;. ,\:V'~~1

.. fX= _n~..,';1

"""I·· .,. r 1.·,"]' I 'I. ~. , 'I

~'!I.tinaIfim~" ~ .lm:lH u f.('oU" 11f..}l !$fU . "4:(11\,,"' \01,.' ~ au.un >

l .. .a rou '.' ddti ;jkabrr1~;m: h ,

~'~ibu~;:c's 1amii" ul 'ahHn •

•• • ,,' ,h~l$, .:H rnidnicllt, r~~" 'the (~)ihjwing ,r~ fl .'~')f ~ddh ~i.~;J'ud hn{lo,l l' 16o~;-

'f{Jf1; robh', blhlll.{fQI h;1iK.kihit~M~\,li ajib dtf a~~ii '~iH arharnar Ie t.hitn3~:H.

bl'Ul1,cdi;itd,~ J9iftcr r:e.Ifd~fig du: ~~idL VOl! ",,:in ltt:1;:i tl !i-luJd4;:n QIl}ld~ Ot the K~linu ,>r,f so~nC'onL S prl,.~~'C'ncl,';~ 1 ave DO tear, a"&k "'Ilvttung 'yUU wi~h ~ltd it sh,at! be grant~d !0-"9 d J'S tim.e, Bm there ,~ mw -P-;H1f.Ui_g;Jn' r fotbid(b:~n lbing) aad thai t~ von mUSi not ldJ .. ,oyhtJl£h ;.Jjbout WhUl yo,t{re doulg ur.nil 'V't1:tt hHV'.e hl.~'L:"g:r*l'1tf~d yOu: \"isll, i.e, after ohtahHm>! ",'l~u;t\:':r \'nU M'c'k earlier. ifdlilf ~:;';'Yl1nn' I. ruie j it,;, nl,1t hlUU'\'llt:l:L tht.. ... n nut. enly aleC '.:"Ollf \~ish'''~ rd_'~-H.-d ~ln the gil~JU spa'a v. ,11 hXI\"~ for gooo.

May\'asyta" ~vnfa3 ~ aran basafia La\" ylrtkuJ.latttlu na:Juib~lm uIiIibaa. ,Y;1Ula)' ya'~yf,~t ~v;d~ul" ':U-Jn ~;3)VVl .. atBY vakullabuu kitlUIh. minha~ W~ktk'UHl.it~ohll ~:daa kulll svai-nn J;lluqiha~

Here is :another ~pel.f !h3:t'i-\'iH aUlom~t~c~li\' lnrlucn..::-c, ')'(fUr boss orvoor enemv that }"911 seek '[{II brlJ\'cC t~dJl.lfi'}l over , This .MahyspeU- 'llm,u K,a$ih.af.l~ or Svmpatheuc nl3f!;ic "p,,"H - \l~iIt irF'Ullt!cli-J\ld,Y w'llen the heart (:tf vour en -'S~ reverse hi~

,'~ .



l~bS<l!n~lOC behaviour l,m{l iniluenc,\! him to ;gh:c t11 t1~v.tfa.tet'-er "on desire. '1 i~ also verv etlt1tU ft'tf cncnlie..~ ,\l'h.rrdn~"it wiU

~ . _ . - . _.

, .. :onrrol. tni.lr t1nvtion.~~ C1..:"

Lapnr Yu k HI' yu Aku ana·ko· ""Ja~~J;lg .;\Uah

Eng-k&u ·yt .. ng menzatu

:\kH .

Aku '~'~ng efJukau 'lklH

11erkat d'oa,4<u I, d.ililn; j dl~,jtnh.

\ li. Recll-z ~ hv· pen Jx nd hk w:exh~dt vour breath at your m~&{S when r;Jpf1ir~ :a.chmg bjm Or' ~, vour enif3W \!lih('1l l\e I!>; ,ppr\.la~hin:g V!1iU_

Jp. order toaHrn, t :&000 ho~~ness; espe(:laUyl.Of ~op.~ ,ijtid t.c~.t~Urrl'flti5!i dlls. hialay spdI \\Tat) flb~o work iikt"l} 'nlft$l~ ,t,1)1;you, '\Vhen 11th· spell ii'!;.:aiil. ~'oJJ, t\l1t e ~urprjst;d-":at.tbc n umber 'of tllsmmers t:(lming vour wsv ~ and .. more &ur-pi)'C$ stili wheD your ·usb:'U!~eI~ d!;mnnd more frrnu Vullo fhi"i spell l~ lse 'f!ff«·t1\'c for- at rncjog the oppO,.iu~ .SC~ and iflfltH~1l\;1ng .frit:nds- ll\d enemies,

'Ihe s:petE::-

n." 'I h··:i.. "lew

,w,.isuY, Un At:rntii-I!ll:\W]:!' ulrtauUn

Pid~b· -P3n-at tx1tMl simpai

11 ·'(ab. lubuk mcn~ .... haYJ

t1lni pcmE anak Adartt ah ref .;~mpJii

mfi:ti 'dilrunu n me.nang bic~n'a .

Aitdut oorQikmrml1iul h:r..si'mpai L.idah mMg~tlliklid!dl 'lcrite1 u k~id be.t~~ruk b.ki tcrkdu

tfmgt-.'E)l berK~ak fanpo le-r"-srmpa1

Ua~ Betk:ati akum.etnaktu d'fJa Clllltcil hati:runu ~~t~t14Jt;; C'_tfa Allah rna ~'Atlhan:ifm_id


U you ,have ··losr something '\\'al1J1J:h]c t ;!}ucn ~KID{'jln':" {It jewd!)' j ;lr:U;i' ';l'QU ~llSfH;~'i ili~J ~lll~OC1{{", in the beuse migbthave stt)iet\ itll, t~fd; odds spe.U lviU. f:'eU veu who tilt: thief~-.

(1':1 \l;'flte the :fotki\~"in,g '$perJ over the: bft!ad -Oir' f C'K.Id [Q31 is ahnut to bi!Si~ed; The number of tiwe~ in writing thC'- ~11 (W7 t"be !i;wd -~h~uld be equal t~ tbe nUlfd.l\'1]' pi p;'.ople in lhe h.@u~'t

, ';~ftd(-".~o.:O;t}~!S~~ :-.f/'I""~i~:G'P.~r<r'

,-"-'e- . '''~~''~-- -' - ;r'_?...J ."~. --, - -~N

~- -~:, :;:::tl

W:aid:; qo,rolhlrn nalsanfruimun'-Hlm -lihij,~ W~lt3;tibll

mltkh:riit)mal~a KUnil.ntlla'kluMI1iUil,

W~~. du~ ,lrr1;~ 18 Stf'\~~td the CUlpcil \vH-l be- immf:djatelyll('u;_kl1ci 'wlt!!nim, ,~.s difficulty in-:rt~aU(1cwini(, it 'J' and 11~ wiU prebl1bl;-drl!Filk ~ 'hndret t{Jfwa[er jus1: ttt pnsh; d~e' .Ii-ute bn_of breadd.o\\'ll! BIU: if -e'I.tetybo<h' are d~ f l)t,jfl as:' usual_ .. thg~llbe thie,f i~ most p~a;b}.y St)o1t!bod~~ ~i~ or {inc It"ilie'''-eiry mlgibt b;a\:~c~}een mispla~eJ'8e1\~heu . Ri.and-ifig the ipeU ~ve-r the :f(.ifd~"i9:bb applimhl-e~- Iilut thct'{:',Su.lt$ltill figt 'be! ~s",Jbviou$'~' !b:i;t :·abQ~~· memoo~

1t yOU':L 'p:fl;;IDi5~a1C infected Utitb ~J S.f;Jtt~ "Qi'h3mlful tw;d '-PQiWnouSi p~5l'fj 8nch a~ c-eud~d,e~~ ~COtpiOO~lbet-"S, ~pldt~:r~,-~nak"Cs"etc~, tbey $--¢ tr.iJ~- dispo~d of-by Just ti:ciring ~3x'j;-

"';i "".j.

F (ft ZtlJirmd Ievers $ here IS an -\:Jj'(,_ceHeUf 5,peUoh.:ain:ed. j'i'-om 3: ·h~k m1IDoh' in K-chulm (Ptinm~ub l\~ala-¥~iQ\ 111r.: 7~ j'1!M t4d l'IDlgicicrfiS~;Zdhes, in "Cat:~hing 'wnd 'Mim;ij~ and bjfd~~"::lnd i~ ~iro v~rY'gfiod,ln reizovering lost anitnijls~ He-~~jd .tbe :5peO 'ffi;;~' ,firs1 u$Cd by S:ulrutnat1 C$ommuo) HJ IMfl~ ilftl_n8.4lls and 1:0.,j:'f'l.a~tt il !.()flg"';!iUti.ug f t.it:ndship ~Vlrith th~ The; ~l~QU c\v~s h~Uldecl- fr:tJDl' {};IU!' gctlcrm:i£?_it ru anotber ~ uftul tt \'W:A'Sslightl)" nludifi:~d liO Smt- Jhi!' looa;j:s~ Yutl car:!: {ame any ~~WVf}U 1iJi;iani - the w:ild~r ~;h~y are the better lbf ~ptll w~fks. l 'bavf t'l~d i~ O'l~r ~uuJ o\t~r and it ~tiUw{)d~x p(!rf,i!~rty.

(~) AH you - have ll) -do l~ to 'S:Iuwty ~ntnt'r' lhe ~~.rmal an-dC'h.;ui:r Illc :ircU all rbe w;ay nntil ;~l'nu ~\feea-tlgin hold of it


Hat ~u\k t~da'rt g4t,",lomb~ng' ~ranil ' Huldt i et"iliJtdk~lil di.uc}'tlh'1A~:'U

Bertft s:ii!~ni b~'lU

T~r .. b-Mintt dld~p":&P .. ~a4

Akilt~UUttuU nU·Jh barinmli lanum Htdu;b1,ilan~ An~h ditlt~~ duwft lni D¢f:'r~ berks!- d~i aku

La&nal ilhllah-"

. -,~ .

.. : :~~

The animaL'- "!W-ill be tiidm ~ tamed dow.r~ st once ~ bm, (jiU~ W6'rd ;,:;,f :ad~ - WfttJj- oor:n¢t!n~ th1! animal, d;() !tOt fl:XVO~cf o:n~nini~ti~l1md lookjfit~ t'1,;i: 'i;laJ~P$ ·eyes! If ~>t)udtt,. i:~ '.¥tU ,unme-dia!e'Y'f~d j~t1U_f_ '[lund Villi {elC!p.Jlhy er sease _1\f(I\U' nurpQ~ yI c~J,!Gmng h antl, ,it for good, il \.,;-HI t1,'i)f' re~tblt~ ,if ~"'iro; it witt fiJ;lu f(w h~ life! 'l1t(!J'efofe the only 'W3}' 10 bid;t2 jttlUt pur~ ,iroo'\ l'tis NOT to JtJok fi~ln,kn(to -its t:yes~ ·~lh!tllYfiu.ktl¥e·catlght 'the anh:tml" do .n.ot nert}:An!:ji,,. lo!U,cb if.S h\<;ad :bu( ~ndY"Jolldje its llltck alld its t:hnt~ta;ft;3,iUltl it will,



00 'tl'l!i]j~dt3't.~ly W~.4'1i~d<" The $p:tr\~' proii.~cd ll'tc (:()uld b~'t app1ferl U) bjrcl~,. as wfin~

- ~ --'

-\.; ~ , . -; ,. -' .:. -

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