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Introduction to Information

Stephen Roberts
Lecture 1

A gentle introduction
• To provide you with an overview of what B4
and information engineering in general is
concerned with
• To make explicit links between information
engineering and the core syllabus especially
A1, A2 and A3
• To give you some sense of how central
information engineering is to the engineer’s
career and to our every day lives.
Course Outcomes
At the end of this 4 lecture course you should

• be able to deconstruct overall data capture / analysis / control system into

components and understand how they interact
• appreciate the role of the computer as a general purpose information processing
• understand the role of the operating system and how both sensors and actuators
can be interfaced to a computer at the hardware and software level
• understand the role of probability as the mathematical tool for modelling
uncertainty in sensors, and how to use Bayes rule as a means to combine sensor
measurements or prior information
• understand the consequences of sampling and ZOH, and how to discretize
continuous controllers
• be able to analyse the components of a fast-sampled feedback system both in
isolation and in the context of the complete system
The Information Engineering Domain
Inference and Analysis


Data Processing Modelling and Control

Operating System

Data Acquisition Output Hardware

Sensors Actuators

Real World
The Role of Feedback
• Note the presence of a feedback loop in the previous

+ C(s) G(s)

• The control system block diagrams you manipulate in A3 are

powerful mathematical abstractions for devising control
strategies for systems
• To actually instantiate/embed this control system in a real
vehicle, the controller design and analysis, is only part of the
story. Information engineering (inc B4) is much more than
control theory.
What is C(s)
+ C(s) G(s)

C(s) A controller that is implemented in all likelihood on a


•What does the software of the controller look like?
•What speed must it run at?
•Computers are discrete devices but the world is continuous so how does one
link the two?
•Does using a discrete controller have stability implications?
•What design tools are available for the discrete domain?
•Do familiar continuous domain analysis tools have discrete time duals?
What is H?
+ C G

H A transfer function between a sensed plant output and the

quantity we wish to control

•How does one sample the plant output ?
•How does one transmit measurements to the CPU running the controller?
•How does one guarantee that measurements will always be processed ?
•What does one do if the sensed output is not what we wish to control e.g sensing
color but wanting to control flow rate?
•How does one deal with noisy sensor data?
•How does one fuse multiple measurements?
Information Systems Exemplar
• The “Segway” robot shown here is a container of
many of the central concerns of the information
engineer (and as it happens, electrical engineers)
• Sensing (accelerometers, gyro)
• Actuation Control (varying payload)
• Computing
– IO from sensors
– Output to actuators
– Controllers in software
– Estimation of state by processing sensor data

•Duplication of
electronics (safety)
•Requires interfacing of
sensors and motors to
•Requires control to be
implemented on a
•Control laws are non
trivial : to stop you have
to first speed up!
•Requires interpretation
of sensor data
•Requires an internal
Info Eng. Components of the Segway
• Sensors - 5 Corriolis (interesting) gyros

How do you combine the

information from 5 noisy sensors
in a principled way? (B4…)
Computation Hardware
• Data Acquisition : The PIC16F87x Flash
microcontrollers process sensor data from the
inertial monitoring unit and communicate
information to the control module.
• Control Module is a 100 MIPS Digital Signal Processor
TMS320C2000 from Texas Instruments.
• Communication is via CAN and I2C bus
• Two boards acting in duplicate for safety
• Some interesting stories on redundancy
Exemplar II – a 3D laser System

•Issues – synchronisation of disparate data streams

•Estimation of system latencies
3D Reconstruction
Compelling Cross Discipline Problems

Building climate control Engine Management

Abnormality detection Medical imaging
Very uncertain Plant
Machine Learning Imprecise sensor data
Large unknown lags
Deformable structure
Complex 3D reconstruction
Diagnosis from measurements
And Some More

Network analysis
National Grid Car design
Complicated non-linear coupled Complex optimisation task
dynamics Active suspension
Traction control, slip estimation
Plant identification
Lecture II –The Role of the Computer
• IO sensor interfaces
– Serial ports
– Ethernet
– Firewire
• Microcontrollers
– PICs
– embedded systems,
– pic diagram ref segway
• OS
– device drivers
• Processes and IPC (inter process communication)
• If we are to design a complete information
engineering system we may need to consider
of how data is or should be marshalled
• Data transfer technology is ubiquitous and 5*
Engineers should be able to say something
sensible about every day equipment!
Sensor/Actuator Interfacing
• How to get data from sensor to processor? Common choices
– Direct to bus (PCI)
– External serial protocols RS232, firewire, USB
– CAN bus (controller area network)
– All need hardware/software to transport data

Flight surface control and

Vehicle control Seismic sensing networks
anomaly detection
Straight to PC Bus Example Engberg PCI-DAS6035
•16 channels of 16-bit A/D board
Instrumentation Rig •two 12-bit analog outputs
•8 digital I/O lines, two 16-bit counter

Analog/digital data

Control signal

High power amplifier

PCI Bus (Peripheral Component Interface Bus)

•33Mhz Clock
•Generally 32 bits wide (specification allows for 64 bits)
•Allows plug and play – BIOS configures interrupts /address space
•Allows burst mode transfers
Offline analysis and inference
Inter-Device Serial Protocols
Can be very simple to implement
- at its simplest one wire for Tx one for Rx and one for Gnd between two devices
- varying electrical and data protocols dictate complexity and performance

Slow speed RS232, RS485, RS422 – the COM Ports on your PC,
long distance, simple hardware, simple data protocol

USB (universal serial bus) faster now ubiquitous, short distances,

12 Mbits/s or 480Mbits/s (USBII)

Firewire (a.k.a IEEE 1394, iLink) very fast, short distance

800 Mbits/s

CAN bus – very robust, multiple devices, slow, an industrial

favourite. Very common in cars (invented by BMW)
•Very common found on almost every non-laptop PC
(“COM ports”)
•Generally slow data rates <115kBaud. Asynchronous – no
•Sends / receives data in packets serially
•At its most basic, RS232 needs only 3 signal wires Tx/Rx
and Gnd (pins 2,3 and 5 on a 9 pin connector)
•RS422 is a differential signal – instead of raising and lowing
one wire at a time TXA goes up while TXB goes down
•Depending on Baud rate can transmit many 10s of meters
•Data protocol described using a triplet :
•[Data packet size][Parity Bit][NumStopBits]
•8N1 and 8N2is common – 8 data bits, no parity bit
with one or two stop bits.
•Voltage levels for RS232 and RS422 are typically large +/-
12V is common, but you can get away with 0 and 5V much
of the time.
•Note RS232 and RS422 are both electrical specifications of
simple serial protocols
•A special chip called a UART Universal Asynchronous
Receive Transmit is used to manage the serial link
and produce bytes of data from the serial stream

This is 8E1 (even parity s.t #ones is even)

Image from www.best-microcontroller-projects.com
The Microcontroller
• Include hardware for common IO tasks
– PWM (Pulse width modulation)
– A2D D2A
– Serial Ports (TTL not usually RS232 etc)
– Digital IO
• When deployed, typically only runs one program burnt into
EEPROM. (ie no OS just a while(1)…)
• On board RAM
• Self contained – little external interfacing required
• Can sometimes be programmed with high level languages
like C using manufacturer’s compilers
• Very cheap (almost free!)
• PICS (Programmable Intelligent Computers) are very common brand of
microcontrollers and you’ll find them everywhere
• Typically slow clock rates (<40MHz)
• Very cheap (from a few pence)
• Easy to program very few instructions
• small number of pins very easy to interface
• Typically little on board RAM (perhaps a few K of data space)
• Ideal for dedicated processing unit for a single device for example
interpreting keyboard interaction.

Image ex -wikepedia
Example PIC16F87 (used in Segway)

Typical applications of uControllers

•Household appliances (washing machines)
•Engine management systems
•Any application that is IO intensive but requires
little number crunching
Digital Signal Processors (DSP)
• MAC (multiply and accumulate instruction) (recent PICS have MAC)
• Hardware support for looping
• Blindingly fast at common sig-processing operations
• Often not optimised for fast logic operations
• Texas Instruments have a very popular range of DSP’s called the TMS320 series
• DSP’s come in native integer and floating point varieties (in contrast with
uControllers which are almost always just integer based)

Around $8 Billion market for DSPs in 2006

These chips and the algorithms they support are truly important!
•Mobile phones
•Digital TV boxes
•Satellite comms
•CD players/ MP3 players
•(Segway robots…)

The algorithms that support these applications are the domain of the information
Why is MAC so Important?
• In B4 and C4 (if you take it) you’ll learn that the continuous transfer
functions you are now familiar with (e.g C(s)) are in reality almost always
implemented in discrete form on a computing device.
• If C(s) is a continuous function you’ll soon learn how to map this to a
discrete time controller C’(z) where z is the discrete time analogue of s
• The upshot of all of this is that time and time again we’ll come across
expressions like:
Constant “filter” coefficients

Output now Previous outputs Current input Previous inputs

At each cycle a number of multiply and accumulates have to occur

Many DSP can implement the above in a single clock cycle….
Discrete Filter Design
• Digital filters are ubiquitous and many sophisticated tools exist to design
fitlers with required frequency characterstics. For example a notch filter to
remove contamination at a given frequency….



Magnitude (dB)



More on this later in B4 -300

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Fraction of nyquist frequency


Phase (degrees)



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Fraction of nyquist frequency
Micro Processors
• Close approximation to what you’ll find in
your PC – general purpose computation
• No onboard IO like serial ports A2D etc
• Often large word size
• Little speed optimised hardware although
recent x86’s have made in-roads
• Covered in A2
From Hardware to main()
Thread Additional execution

Multiple Running programs written User User User

by users/3rd parties Process Process Process

Complicated program which abstracts

hardware and provides process control Operating System

“firmware” which glues motherboard

BIOS – Basic input / output system
together, sets up interrupts and
eventually loads OS
Hardisk, keyboard, graphics card Hardware

Play with WinXP Profiler….

The Role of the Operating System
• Provides a hardware abstraction layer (HAL)
– Provides an application programmers interface (API) for all kinds of
hardware – e.g all keyboards look the same to programmers, all files
on disk can be accessed in the same way (not a function of
– Vendors of hardware write drivers which plug into one side of the HAL
API and the writers of processes use the HAL API

User Process HAL API is a set of function like

WriteFile(), ReadFile, GetMouse()



Interlude: Units of Execution -
• A process is a fundamental concept
to computing.
• It represents a single instance of a
running computer program – a
sequence of serially executing
• A process is allocated memory
which is not (generally) seen by
other processes
• The times at which processes are
run are scheduled by the operating
Interlude: Units of Execution - Threads
• Threads are independent threads of execution within a
single process.
• Thread scheduling by the OS gives the appearance of
concurrent execution
• All threads within a given process can see (read and
write) the same memory – that owned by the process.
• For example a process might have a user interface
thread (drawing, handling button presses) a
computation thread and a sensor IO thread.
• Operating systems provide system calls that start new
threads from thread[0] (the thread started by the OS
when a process is started.)
The Role of the Operating System

• Provides a mechanism for scheduling /

interleaving the execution of processes
– Gives the appearance of concurrent process
execution on a serial processor
– Manages the context switching between
processes. (switching relevant data in and out of
processor registers)
– Running processes “see” uninterrupted execution
and need not (usually) be written to yield
execution to siblings.
The Role of the Operating System

• Provides Memory Management

– Running processes can request allocation of
memory at run time
– The physical memory is abstracted away from
running processes
– Memory may be a combination of physical RAM
and disk space
Handling Interrupts
• More often than not interrupts are intercepted
by the OS and mapped to calls into a relevant
device driver
• For example a UART may raise an interrupt when
its Rx buffer is 50% full:
– The interrupt calls a function in the serial port driver.
– The driver extracts data from the hardware and places
it a software buffer(array) provided by the OS
– Processes granted access to the serial port read from
this abstracted serial port when “reading” from the
serial port.
Interprocess Communication

Communication mechanism Image

Image Grabbing

Producer Consumer

We need to consider how data could be shared between producer and consumer
Shared Memory
Process A Process B

Shared Memory

•Processes can make special system calls to the operating system which return a chunk
of memory that can be shared between processes.
•The OS also provides a mechanism by which a process can ask to have already
allocated shared memory inserted into its own address space (Process B needs to be
able to ask to see the shared memory segment already created by Process A)

Q: What happens if the producer writes as the consumer tries to read?

The need for Synchronisation

write read
Shared Memory


The consumer was reading as the producer executed the second

write. The result is corrupted data.

We need someway to synchronise the processes to protect resources

Binary Semaphores
Initialise a semaphore (which is a signal
between threads or processes) to the number
of times a protected resource can be shared

Call when access to the resource is

required.This blocks (halts) execution until
completion.When s>0 is detected next line
must complete before thread is rescheduled –
it must be “atomic” (functionality provided by

Call when finished with resource

Binary Semaphore Example
Process A (Producer)

Read and writes are to

Process B (Consumer) shared memory

•Between P & S privacy is guaranteed.

•OS needs to provide Semaphore functionality and a mechanism to allow both
processes to share the semaphore S
Lecture III The role of probability
• Sensor models
• The Role of Bayes’ rule
– Recursive estimation
– Tracking
– Plant models
– Filtering
Revision of Probability
Product Rule


If a & b are continuous

If a & b are discrete

If you can remember and use these two rules then so much is
within your reach….(including exams!)
Probabilistic Models
• We can think of sensor measurements, z, as
samples from a conditional distribution
(conditioned on the state of the world, x)
Laser range finder (theodolite)

True distance x
Measured distance z = x + random noise


Sensor Models Cont – Gaussian Noise


Here we have elected to model noise as samples from a Gaussian which is a

very common practice

p(z|x) explains the measurement in terms of the underlying state

Estimating x from p(z|x)

Data Estimate

Prior Beliefs
Maximum Likelihood

N.B Multivariate Gaussian Understood?

Find a value of x(state) that best explains z (data)

Maximum Likelihood
We are given a value for z and view p(z|x) = f(x,z) as a function of x



ML does not incorporate prior knowledge

C4B Mobile Robots

Incorporating Prior Knowledge
What if we knew something abut the state of the world
before we took the measurement – could we incorporate that
We can use a probability distribution
over x to capture our prior belief in the
p(x) value of x

So how can we combine p(z|x) and p(x) to yield p(x|z) ?

Bayes’ Rule
A “joint distribution”

A A \B B

A “conditional distribution” A “marginal distribution”

Should we bother with Bayes?

Yes, you should be. Bayes’ rule lies at the very heart of
swathes of information engineering:
•Medical imaging
•Sensor processing signal recovery
•Machine learning

Bayes’ Rule lets you invert conditionals expressing

p(a|b) in terms of p(b|a)
Consider Our Laser Example

Apply Bayes’ Rule

The x which maximises p(x|z) is called the “maximum

a posteriori” estimate
Maximum A Posteriori Estimation

Note denominator is not

a function of x – it is a normaliser

M.A.P does incorporate prior knowledge

Example Cont…


How does the mean change?

Old (prior) mean

Difference between measurement and prior


Remember - the variance of posterior is smaller

than the prior – why? because the measurement adds
information. This notion will be formalised later in the course
Discrete Time Recursive Bayesian
Subscript is time

Sequence of data (measurements)

We want the conditional distribution

State at time k Sequence of measurements up

(think position) until time k (think - list of ranges)

Question: Can we iteratively calculate this – ie every time a new

measurement comes in update our estimate? – (Answer :yes, see next slide)

posterior prior measurement

We are looking for a distribution over state at time k given all measurements up until time k
Recursive (online) Bayes’
Key Result

At time k Explains data at time k At time k-1

as function of x at time k

C4B Mobile Robots

Incorporating Plant Models

We should have used a k subscript on x to indicate that we are referring

to x at time k

Now the last term on the numerator looks like a prediction.

Previous state
new state

Uncertain Plant Model

Incorporating Plant Uncertainty

Probabilistic plant model Last estimate

Here we have used the assumptions

•that given the state at k-1 and control at time k, the state at time k is
independent of the observations
•The state at time k-1 is independent of the control at time k (which is
in the future)
The previous few slides have indicated the existence of a probabilistic
framework which can handle uncertainty in measurements and plant models

Note that at no point were we restricted by the form of the p.d.f’s or what
the physical interpretation of x,z or u might be.
•x: rate of inflation, z: the price of a car, u: intervention from the world bank
•x: strain on a beam, z: measured voltage
•x: car velocity, z police radar time of flight
•x: sheet metal thickness, z:X-Ray energy, u: roller pressure
•x: tumour state, z: PET scan, u:motion of patients head during scan

Probabilistic methods are a natural way to handle uncertainty in measurement and state evolution.
The techniques they give rise find application across all domains of engineering
The Role of the Gaussian
It is common to find that the functional form of the pdfs in the previous slides is that of
a Gaussian. Of course we may have distribution over a vector (for example position and
velocity). In which case we shall be dealing with the multidimensional Normal

A “joint” distribution over x and y

The structure of Σ

You can read the marginal distribution variance
off the diagonals of the covariance of the joint
The Gaussian is a common functional
If Gaussians are used in the pdfs of the recursive Bayes
formulation and in the equations we derived for propagating
plant uncertainty one ends up with something called a
Kalman Filter (covered in detail in C4)

The Kalman filter is a very common tool in estimation

applications. For example
• in car navigation systems
• Hawkeye
• Economic models.
• Hospital delivery systems
• Port automation
State Vector

Camera 2 (observer) Hawkeye

Flight Parameters

Camera 1 (observer)

Image coordinates

Sequential Images from a single camera

Extracting the Observations…

Is a hard information engineering problem in


Again it turns out that solutions to this problem are

underpinned by probability theory! More of this kind
of problem (and solutions) in B4 and C4
Lecture IV Computer Based Feedback
Control and Actuation
• You are already familiar with continuous time control systems

controller plant
r(t) e(t) u(t) y(t)
+ D(s) G(s)

In Practice: Using A Digital Computer
• We implement the controller in software running on a digital conputer
• We need to convert twixt digital and analog…

controller plant
r(t) Sample & + e(kt) u(kt) DAC & u(t)
D Hold G(s)
r(kt) -

Sample &

Digital, sampled system
•The signals e(kT) u(kT) and r(kT) are “discrete”
•T is the sample period,k is an integer
•A discrete signal is constant over the sample period

Notation: for a discrete signal y, constant T: y(kT) = y(k) = yk

Discrete Signals

y(t) y(kT)

• The quantity y(kT) is a discrete sampled signal

• T is the sample period (assumed constant)
• k is an integer
• A discrete signal is representative of the continuous signal
over the sample period
• Think of y(kT) as a number. Its precision is dictated by the precision of the
sampling hardware (e.g 8 or 16 bits)
How do we implement a discrete time
Imagine we have been given the desired controller transfer
function D(s) , how might we construct a discrete time

Writing D(s) as a quotient

of two polynomials in s

Last step renormalises by dividing both sides by ao

Approximating the derivative operator
• You know from A1 that

• So we could substitute these discrete derivative approximations


control at time k is function of

previous control and previous and
current input
Example Continued

Note how easy this is to implement.

In general requires variables to be stored
across iterations

Note how the constants are dependent on

sample time. If we keep sample time constant
computation is simplified even further.

Are we free to choose any T (even if we keep it constant)?

We can imagine that the answer is no – why?
The Effect of Sample and Hold

x(t) Zero order hold introduces a lag of T/2


Or equivalently a phase lag of

Impact of sample on Closed Loop

Unit circle


Phase lag can rotate Nyquist diagram to

encircle [-1,0]
Increasing causing instability (from A3)

Example Using Simulink
Continuous Controller

Discrete controller
Simulation Results

80 Hz
Blue: continuous 1

system response 0.5 Good performance

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Red: sampled 1.5

system response
20 Hz
Sample rate


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
10 Hz


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

5 Hz

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
time (s)

As sample rate falls performance degrades – dynamics of plant dictate

sample rate and ultimately speed of controller iteration
• If you sample fast enough a digital controller can be a
fine approximation to continuous system.
• General rule of thumb is to sample at more than 30
times plant band width.
• If you can’t sample this fast then you need to know
more information engineering and come to the
Computer Controlled Systems Lectures….
Course Conclusion
• This was a very brief tour over just some of the areas that concern and
interest information engineers and the domains that information
engineering has a role to play
• In places we have given a few samples of the kind of mathematics you
shall see more of in B4 and if you get hooked C4A and C4B
• Hopefully you’ll now be aware that B4 is not just the “control paper”
although it does contain a wholesome amount of that important
information engineering topic.
• Hopefully you’ll have had your interest piqued and have the sense that if
you are going to a financier or an engineer that at some point needs to
process data (so that’s pretty much all of them) then information
engineering has a great deal to offer you! After all, it brought you Google…

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