Sub: Permission To Operate Waste Gas Heat Recovery Power Plant at SAIL-CFP, Chandrapur. Ref

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Bullet Points

Sub: Permission to operate waste gas heat recovery power plant at SAIL-
CFP, Chandrapur.

Ref: 1. GoM Letter No.MISC-2017/CR289/Energy-5.dt.26.07.2017.

2. Consumer letter to GOM dt.13.07.2017.
3. GoM GR dt.29.06.2016.

 In view of difficulties faced by industries in VDM region in

comparison to other regions, availability of electricity and its tariff,
and in a major boost for industries by comparing the prevailing
tariff in other regions, GoM had issued GR dt. 29.06.2016.
 Reviewing above GR, revised GR is issued by GoM on
 Wherein Point No. 4 is as follows:
The electricity generated from captive power plants RE Only,
Cogeneration plants and an embedded conventional captive power
plant which is exclusively used for self consumption (100% captive
users, such Industrial consumers are eligible for the concession as
per GR dt.29.06.2016. w.e.f 01.11.2016 to the portion/part of the
power drawn from MSEDCL, provided that consumer submits the
Eligibility certificate issued by Chief Electrical Inspector.
The concessional amount is limited to Rs.50Lakhs/per month.

Consumer details:
 Name of Consumer: M/s Steel Authority of India Ltd.
 Consumer No.450019000856.
 Total contract demand 44.24 MVA.
 The consumer before May 2017 was Non embedded Conventional
Captive power plant (drawing power from Waste heat gas power plant +
power from Chhattisgarh + Power from MSEDCL). Hence, not eligible
for concession as per GR dt.29.06.2016.
 The consumer vide letter dt.05.05.2017 has declared that it is going to
draw 100% power from MSEDCL from dt.01.06.2017.
 The consumer is eligible for concession from June 2017 if it is Embedded
conventional CPP (i.e draws power from Waste heat gas power plant +
Power from MSEDCL) subjected to submission of eligibility certificate
from Chief Electrical Inspector.

The details of concessions as per GR dt.24.03.2017 is as follows:

Vidarbha Marathwada D, D+ zone
S.No Type of concession Mah.
(Rs/u) (Rs/u) (Rs/u)

1 Concession in FAC 40 30 20 -


66KV 0-5 % 30 25 10 5

>5%-10% 70 65 15 10

>10%-15% 90 80 15 15

>15%-20% 152 100 25 20

>20% 140 100 25 20

33KV 0-5 % 30 25 10 5

>5%-10% 70 65 15 10
2 based >10%-15% 90 80 15 15
concession >15%-20% 152 100 25 20

>20% 140 100 25 20

0-5 % 65 60 45 40

>5%-10% 102 97 47 42

22KV >10%-15% 118 108 43 43

>15%-20% 176 124 49 44

>20% 160 107 45 40

LT 0-5 % 65 55 25 15
>=5% 95 85 45 30

3 Incentive to New industries 75 75 50 50

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