Overview of Global Fashion Industry THE VICTORIAN ERA 1850-1900
Overview of Global Fashion Industry THE VICTORIAN ERA 1850-1900
Overview of Global Fashion Industry THE VICTORIAN ERA 1850-1900
It was a time of massive social change. Railroads were built across America and Europe, where many
new industries developed. Britain led the way in manufacturing, earning the nickname the “workshop of
the world.”The growth of British industries drew vast numbers of people from the countryside to rapidly
growing towns and cities. Between 1837 and 1901, the population doubled, from 18.5 to 37 million. By
1901, three quarters of British people lived in towns and cities. Clothing was transformed by factory
production, and by new inventions such as the sewing machine. Cheap clothes could now be mass
The period saw the birth of a true fashion industry, with the first department stores, fashion magazines,
and mail-order catalogs, allowing people living in Melbourne and San Francisco to follow the latest
European styles. Just as people have always done, the Victorians used clothes as a type of language,
sending signals to others about their class, status, and attitudes. In the Victorian age, the language of
clothing was understood by everybody, who could instantly place someone’s social position by their
dress. It was also international: in Moscow or New York, a Victorian gentleman could be recognized by
his tall silk hat and gold-topped cane.
Women Clothing
A middle- or upper-class Victorian woman was not expected to do any work, for she had servants to do
everything for her. Her role was to be the “chief ornament” of her husband or of her father’s household.
According to the journal The Saturday Review, “It is the woman’s business to charm and attract and to
be kept from anything that may spoil the bloom of her character and tastes.” woman’s shoulders, now
covered her whole body, from the neck to the feet. Shoulders were only revealed by evening dresses
worn at balls and dinner parties.Wide hats, worn until the late 1830s, went out of fashion, giving way to
narrow bonnets, tied under the chin, which covered the sides of a woman’s face. It was fashionable to
look small like Queen Victoria, who was five feet (1.52 m) tall, so women wore flat shoes, like slippers.
The preferred colors of the 1840s were modest dark greens and browns.
Beneath her dress, a woman wore several layers of petticoats and a tightly laced corset, stiffened with
strips of whalebone, which stretched from her chest down to her hips.This was thought to be medically
beneficial, helping to support a woman’s weak body. A tightly laced corset was also considered a sign of
a good character. A “loose woman” was one who behaved in an immoral way. Tight corsets affected the
way that women moved.
Tight lacing made breathing difficult and led to fainting fits. Such fits were fashionable, for they
demonstrated that a woman was delicate and needed to be looked after.
In 1851, Mrs. Amelia Jenks Bloomer, editor of a New York ladies’ paper, The Lily, promoted a new
costume for ladies combining a jacket and a light, knee-length skirt over baggy trousers, which were
tight at the ankles.
1856 saw the invention of a set of light steel hoops worn under the dress.This was called an artificial
crinoline, originally the name of the stiffened petticoat, from crin (horsehair).The lightness of the
garment was welcomed by women, and all classes quickly took to wearing crinolines.The earlier
stiffened petticoats were forgotten, and the name crinoline now applied only to hoops
Men Clothing
As women’s clothes were growing more impractical to wear, men’s fashions went in the opposite
direction. In the 1840s, men gave up wearing jackets with tiny waists and padded shoulders. Bright
colors and stripes were replaced by dark blues, browns, and blacks.The high cravat, which took so long
to put on, disappeared, replaced by a readymade neckpiece, called a stock, or ties with simple
bows.There was much less variety of headwear, as men took to wearing top hats made of felt and silk.
The Sewing Machine
The first effective machine was the work of three American inventors:Walter Hunt, Elias Howe, and Isaac
Merrit Singer. sewing machine that used thread from two different sources. A curved needle with an eye
at its point passed one thread through a piece of cloth, making a loop on the other side.Then a shuttle
passed a second thread through the loop, making a “lockstitch.” In 1846 Elias Howe patented a machine
which operated in the same.Singer’s first sewing machine was powered by a handcrank, labelled “D”
Effects on Fashion
The sewing machine allowed clothes to be mass produced cheaply in factories. It also changed fashion,
for it made it much easier to add decorative trimmings to dresses. In the 1870s
William Perkin,In 1856 an eighteen-year-old English chemistry student named William Perkin was
attempting to make artificial quinine, a drug to treat malaria ,ended up accidently making artificial dye. .
Perkin had invented the first artificial dye, a bright purple, which he called mauveine. Unlike cloth dyed
naturally, cloth colored with mauveine did not fade over time. Mauveine was also cheap to produce, for
coal tar
Occasional Clothes
A striking feature of the Victorian period was the number of times each day that upper- and middleclass
people changed their clothes. Different dresses and coats were worn in the daytime and in the evening,
and there were also particular outfits for different activities, such as horse riding or playing tennis.
According to The Habits of Good Society (1855), “There are four kinds of coat which a well dressed man
must have; a morning coat, a frockcoat, a dress-coat, and an overcoat.” The frock coat was a jacket with
a long, square front, while the morning coat had swallowtails. Both came in a variety of colors and were
worn during the daytime. In the evening, men dressed for dinner, switching to formal evening dress,
consisting of black trousers and a tailcoat, a low black or white waistcoat, a starched white shirtfront,
and a white bow tie.
Leisure Wear
Upper- and middle-class Victorians enjoyed many different sporting and leisure activities, including
riding, hunting, fishing, boating, cricket, golf, tennis, croquet, archery, ice-skating, and hill walking.
Different leisure activities demanded different sets of clothing. In 1884 The Gentleman’s Fashion
Magazine pronounced, “Every man with a grain of respectability, on the river puts on white trousers,
with white flannel shirt, straw hat, striped flannel coat.”
Working Clothes
The commonest sight in any Victorian town was of men in black suits.This was like a uniform, worn by
businessmen, bank managers, store assistants, railroad station masters, teachers, civil servants, and the
many thousands of office clerks.The black suit was an ideal garment for wearing every day in a town
where the air was smoky from coal fires. Its color also suggested that the wearer was serious and
trustworthy.The dark suit, still worn in offices around the world today, is one legacy of the Victorian era.
In the 1890s, the clothes of both men and women grew simpler, with a greater emphasis on comfort
and freedom.The impractical bustle disappeared from women’s dresses. Men of all classes began to
wear informal straw hats. For formal occasions, comfortable soft shirts replaced the heavily starched
shirtfronts of the previous decade. In 1898 The Tailor and Cutter journal predicted that the starched
shirtfront would be “of considerable interest to the future historian of the sartorial [clothing-related]
instruments of torture of the nineteenth century.”
1851 The Great Exhibition in Britain includes displays of fashion and textiles.
Amelia Bloomer promotes a trouser costume for women.
Isaac Merritt Singer produces an improved sewing machine.
1854–6 The Crimean War, in which Britain,France, and Turkey fight Russia,leads to the introduction
of looser tunics for the military.
1857 Charles Frederick Worth opens the first haute couture business, in Paris.
1861 The death of Prince Albert. Queen Victoria goes into mourning dress.
1861–5 The American Civil War,fought by the North in dark blue and the South in gray uniforms.
1864 The first dresses with bustles are made.
1888 John Dunlop invents inflatable bicycle tires.The resulting cycling craze makes it acceptable for
women to wear knee-breeches.
The first Sears Roebuck mail-order catalog is produced.