Helio Physics
Helio Physics
Helio Physics
Space Administration
Studying the Earth-Sun SystemAt-A-Glance
As humans extend their reach into space, important roles influencing the propagation of
understanding the origin and nature of solar waves and the transport of energy and particles At-A-Glance:
activity and its effect on the space environment through the magnetospheric system. Both of Marshall Space Flight Center consistently
and the Earth becomes critical for the operation these research areas lead to the bridging activity provides high-value heliophysics science to
of both robotic and manned systems. Marshall of space weather where the derived knowledge NASA because of its colocation of engineer-
Space Flight Center has researched this envi- of processes taking place at the Sun and its ing and science resources, and is focused
ronment since the 1970s, creating the Apollo extended plasma environment are needed to on finding and developing affordable
Telescope Mount, an 8-instrument science characterize the climate in space and predict approaches to expanding and delivering
platform on Skylab that performed the earliest its dynamic conditions or weather. new heliophysics research.
space-based heliophysics observations.
Marshall’s heliophysics research is organized
into three primary themes: the Sun and the
heliosphere, the terrestrial magnetosphere and
ionosphere, and space weather. Of primary
interest at the Sun is its internal processing of
magnetic fields that leads to a periodic cycle
of activity and the dynamics of the extended
magnetic field into the corona where energy
is irregularly released in tremendous eruptions
of particle and electromagnetic energy. The
response of the Earth’s magnetic environment
to solar activity is the focus of magnetospheric
research. Thermal plasma in the ionosphere
and its extension into the magnetosphere play
The High-resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) is an extreme ultraviolet
imaging telescope that produced the highest spatially resolved images of
the solar million-degree corona to date during its flight in 2012. Marshall
scientists and engineers designed and built the camera and mirror
systems for the Hi-C telescope. The clarity of the images help scientists
better understand the behavior of the solar atmosphere and its impacts
on Earth’s space environment.
Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) Modeling the Terrestrial
Also building on HERO’s success is the Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager
(FOXSI) mission to study solar nanoflares. Marshall engineers built it with
49 new iridium-coated nickel/cobalt mirror shells using its unique replicated The plasmasphere is a toroidal-shaped region surrounding the Earth that
optics manufacturing capability, saving time and money. is the extension of the ionosphere at sub-auroral latitudes. The region
is characterized by ionized gases, or plasmas, that are of much higher
Solar Probe Plus densities and lower energies than the radiation belts and other plasmas
Marshall scientists are developing instrument prototypes for the Solar in near-Earth space. As a result of its properties, plasmaspheric plasma
Probe Plus (SPP) mission set to launch in 2018 to sample the sun’s exerts a strong influence over the transport of mass and energy through
plasma and magnetic field closer than any previous spacecraft. Marshall space near Earth, consequently its behavior is critical to understand in
instruments will count electrons, protons and helium ions, and measure order to predict and protect people and machines from the damaging
their properties. high-energy particles that permeate this region.
The investigation will catch the solar wind in a Faraday cup, part of the The plasmasphere has been a topic of scientific research and exper-
Solar Wind Electrons, Alphas, and Protons (SWEAP) instrument. It will imental investigation at Marshall for over 35 years. This research has
enable researchers to determine the speed and direction of solar particles. resulted in the development of widely used empirical and dynamic models
SWEAP will be tested for performance and survivability at Marshall. of the plasmasphere. Recent research has focused on the details of
Because the Faraday cup must operate at temperatures exceeding plasmaspheric dynamics as it affects coupling between the Sun’s and
1,500 K, components of it will be fabricated at Marshall, leveraging Earth’s magnetic fields and the coupling between near-Earth space and
technology development in the field of advanced composite materials. the ionosphere.
With the suite of data mining codes available at Marshall, scientists have
the capability to analyze large, complex data sets and quantitatively
identify fundamentally independent effects from consequential or derived
effects. Using these techniques, Marshall’s space weather researchers
have examined the accuracy of ionospheric climate models with respect
to trends in ionospheric parameters and space weather effects.
The team at Marshall has also worked in collaboration with teams at JSC
and UAH to develop a forecast tool called Mag4 for solar flares, coronal
mass ejections, and solar energetic particle events, based on near real-
time measurements of the solar surface magnetic field. Mag4 is a first
of its kind forecasting tool that is able to translate magnetic field patterns
Hi-C launches July 11, 2012 from White Sands Missile Range. on the solar surface into operational probability measures.
Hi-C captured the highest resolution imagery of the corona
ever captured, revealing features as small as 100 miles across.
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George C. Marshall Space Flight Center and more provided by Marshall Space Flight Center:
Huntsville, AL 35812 www.nasa.gov/marshallcapabilities
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