Bremen Town Musicians Answer
Bremen Town Musicians Answer
Bremen Town Musicians Answer
Write the word for each picture. Use the words in the box to help
you. Add -s, -es, change the y to i and add -es, or change the f to
ve and add -s.
bunny bush calf fork fox
house leaf candy shelf spoon
1. 2.
forks houses
3. 4.
bunnies calves
7. 8.
foxes spoons
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9. 10.
leaves shelves
Home Activity Your child formed plural nouns by adding -s, -es, changing the y to i and adding -es, or
changing the f to ve and adding -s. Ask your child to name objects in a room, closet, or drawer and then list
the words. Have your child write the plural form of a word when needed.
probably people
3. afraid 4. words on a wall
scared sign
5. nice 6. will
pleasant shall
7. paid for © Pearson Education, Inc., 2
Home Activity This week your child learned to read the words bought, people, pleasant, probably, scared,
shall, and sign. On small pieces of paper, write each word. Then write clues on other papers. Have your child
match the word with the clue.
Home Activity Your child identified causes and effects in a fairy tale. Read a fairy tale with your child. Have
your child identify the make-believe characters, setting, and series of events using cause and effect.
Spelling Words
note lunch story tune switch baby
notes lunches stories tunes switches babies
1. I will eat my now.
5. Your baby
loves to eat bananas.
6. The babies
can play in the shade.
Write the list word that rhymes. Then write the word
adding -s or -es.
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7. 8.
switch 9. note
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Home Activity Your child learned about words that sound the same but are spelled differently. Have your
child make up silly sentences that have both homophones in the same sentence.
138 Vocabulary
2. The bugs crawl through the (leaves, leafs).
3. All the (children, childs) listen to the music.
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4. The (gooses, geese) are noisy.
Home Activity Your child learned about plural nouns that change spelling. Together, look through several of
your child’s favorite books. Have your child point out plural nouns that change spelling.
Story Chart
Sample responses for modeling:
girl, two elves, troll
A girl and two elves were walking in the forest. A troll took
them and put them in a hole.
The girl and elves had an idea. One elf stood on the other’s
shoulders. Then the girl stood on top of their shoulders and
climbed out.
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End of Story
The girl found a long stick. She used it to pull the elves out.
Then they ran home and lived happily ever after.
Home Activity Your child is learning to write stories, poems, brief reports, nonfiction paragraphs, letters,
and other products this year. Ask what your child is writing this week.
Step 4- What do you want to know about why it is good to work
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Home Activity Your child learned how to generate a list of interests and create questions about topics that
interest them. Discuss with your child your experiences working with others and have your child add new
ideas and questions to the lists.
Read the journal entry. Circle three spelling Spelling Words
mistakes. Circle the word with a capitalization
note tune
mistake. Write the words correctly.
notes tunes
My Journal lunch switch
lunches switches
I ate lunch with my freinds. Then
Mrs. perez read a story about a story baby
mother raccoon and her babys. stories babies
I like storys.
3. stories 4. Perez presents
Fill in the circle to show the correctly spelled word.
bought excitement
pleasant probably
robbers scared sign
C womans
6. Does a rooster have ?
A tooth
B tooths
C teeth
Choose a plural noun. Say a sentence for the noun.
Home Activity Your child prepared for taking tests on plural nouns that change spelling. Have your child
look through a newspaper or magazine article and find plural nouns that change spelling. Ask him or her to
circle the words.