IEC Pub 245-6 Rubber Insulated Cables

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WENO + O25 Publication 245-6 MMC OIL & GAS LIBRARY TS ANt 4992 COMMISSION ELECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE NORME DE LACEI INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION TEC STANDARD Publication 245-6 Pree edn — Fist ein 1980 Conducteurs et cables isolés au caoutchouc, de tension nominale au plus égale 4 450/750 V Sixiéme partie: Cables souples pour électrodes de soudage & I'arc Rubber insulated cables of rated Voltages up to and including 450/750 V Part 6: Arc welding electrode cables SmeRRORE sTEUTE Fy mio ot GAAS WD 06 AUGI981 Nt ECEI\ Droits de reproduction éservés — Copyight ~ al sigs reserved Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale Tn be Genave, Suisse ‘Révision de Ia présente publication Le contenu technique des publications de ia CE est eonstan- ‘ment ev par la Commission afin 'assurer qui refte bien tat sctuel dela technique Les renseignements relatifs &ce travail de révision, & établisse- ‘ment de éitions révisteset aux mises jour peuvent etre obtenus ‘aupits des Comitésnationaux dela CEL eten consultant les docu ments ci-dessous © Bulletin deta CEL © Rapport a’actvité de a CE Publié annuellemeat © Catalogue des publications de In CEL ublié annuellement ‘Terminologie En co qui concerne fa terminologie générale, le lecteur se reporters & la Publication $0 de la CEI: Vocabulaire Electro- technique International (V-E.1), qvi est éablie sous forme de chapitres séparés traitant chacun d'un sujet défini, index ‘énéral Gant publié separément. Des détails complets sur te V.ELL. peuvent dere obtenus sur demande Les termes et défintions Rigurant dans Ia présente publication ‘ont 6:6 soit repris du V-E L, sot spécifiquement approuvés aux fins de cette publication. Symboles graphiques et littéraux Pour tes symboles graphiques, symboles littéraux et signes usage général approuvés par Ia CEL, le lecteur consaltera — la Publication 27 de Ia CEI: Symbotes jittéraux & utiliser en lectrotechnique ; = Ia Publication 117 de la CEI: Symboles graphiques recom: smandés Les symboles et signes contenus dans la présente publication font été soit repris des Publications 27 ou 117 de la CEI, soit spéeifiquement approuvés aux fins de cette publication Autres publications de In CEI établies par te méme Comité d*Etudes [Lattention du lecteur ext attirée sur lt page 3 de la couverture, ‘qui tnumére tes autres publications de tn CEL préparées par le Comite d'Ewudes qui a Siabli Ia présente publication Revision of this publication ox is kept Unde 1 technical content of TFC publictios ot “The technical conte: Brie constant review by the LEC, thus ensuring iat 1 feflects cureat technology. cof revised EC Information on the work of revision, the Ue OF ditions and amendment sheets may be obnined HOM ‘National Committees and from the following TEC #0 © TEC Buletin (@ Report on HEC Activities Published yearly © Catalogue of TEC Publications Published yearly ‘Terminology For general terminology, readers are referred to TPS cation $0: International Electrotechnical Voeabulary, Which Is issued in the form of separate chePter® 0 oy as a With a specine field, the General Index being PUP Lg on. separate booklet. Full details of the 1.E,V. will Be request. 1 pubieation “The ets and defnions contalued inthe PPEEERY Pee aty nave ster been ten from the 1 EV. or nave Bee {pproved for the purpose of this publication Graphical and letter symbols wed signs appro” For graphical symbols, and letter symbols See ee by te TEC for gern ener ate FOTO OF = TEC Publication 27: Leter symbots to be BEES technology eu ical sym = IEC Publication 117: Recommended graph resent publicatior “The symbols and signs contained in the PFeSeDY PL 7, o hhave either been taken from IEC Publications 27 hi. publ! have boen specifially approved for the pUrPOs® the saP Other TEC publications prepared bY Technical Committee ‘The attention of readers is drawn to ENE ee cover. which lists other [EC publications 18544 OY on, Committee which has prepared the present PU ©.D.U./U.D.6.2 621315 2012..538.557 027 475181100) 200140027 621.5 616 B21 191 782/750, co : "MISsign ELECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE NORME DE LA CEL IN TERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION TEC STANDARD Publication 245-6 Pramiee don — Fest eon 1980 EERE ETE EEEPEEE Cr ere eee d Conducteurs et cables isolés au caoutchouc, : i tension nominale au plus égale a 450/750 V Sixiéme partie: Cables souples pour dlectrodes de soudage & are nn Rubber insulated cables of rated Voltages up to and including 450/750 V Part 6: Arc welding electrode cables exigonces: essais; g eNIONS; nae = 780'V #8 cimansions ieolont: caoutenoug estruction requirements; testing: construction; Soudage a er élaca, Stectrodes de Inaulane rubber are woldng ec rodos rhque foc oe cam pe Dots reraducin iss — Copigh — al gts ested ‘arse pcan mene eee, UE Mpa sit ss gas est ap a hs en a ed dy fe ‘les mesine srs an tow ge OO) Ace ot mou CaM apap thoone wmacent mig pwr a MeN wo gem m ‘ies eng te ah 8 “T© Sau Comal de la Commission Electatechnique Internationale 1 ve de Verembé Ganéve, Suisse Prix Price Fr 16— CONTENTS Foreword . 4 ‘ _ PREFACE eae a Clause 1. Scope 7 1 2. Are welding electrode cable eae INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION RUBBER INSULATED CABLES OF RATED VOLTAGES UP TO AND INCLUDING 450-750 V Part 6: Are welding electrode cables FOREWORD |) The formal decisions or agreements of the [EC on technical matters prepared by Tecnica Committees on which all the National Commits having a special interest thersim are represented express as nearly a possible an international consensus of opinion on the subjeuis dealt with 2) They have the form of rscommendations for intermtiona use and they are accepted by the National Committees i thst 3) In order to promote international unification. che TEC expresses the wish that all National Committees should adopt the 1eXt of the TEC recommendation for thir national rules in 30 far as national conditions will permit Any divergence betwoun the TEC recommendation and the corresponding national roles should as far 4s possible he cleuly inditted in the later 4) The TEC has not laid dows any procedure concerning marking as an indication of approval and has no resporsiiiy when an item of equipment is declied to comply with one of is recommendations PREFACE ‘This standard has been prepared by Sub-Committe 208: Low-voltage Cables, of IEC Technical Commitee No 20 lecweie Cables ‘This publication forms Part 4: Ace Welding Electrode Cables. of IEC Publication 248: Rubber Insulated Cubles of Ratee Volges up to and including 450 7250.V ‘The other paris of the complete standard are: Part General Requirements issued as (EC Publication 245-1 Pare Test Methods issued as IEC Publication 245. Part 3: Heat Resistant Siticone Insulated Cables issued as 1EC Publication 2453 = Part 4: Cords and Flesible Cab ~ Part 5: Lift Cables issted ay TEC Publication 24565 This part in conjunction with Parts 1 and 2 forms the complete standard lor are welding electrode cubes ‘ssued a8 TEC Pubvication 2 ‘The complete standard. comprising all the parts ceplaces the previous TEC Publication 245 and its amendments ‘The complete standard contains considerable additions in comparison withthe previous [EC Publication 245 in particular Pact 3 which is completely new and in Part 4 which now also specifies ordinary poyehloroprene or other equivalent srnetic slastomer sheathed cords A draft was discussed at the meeting held in Oslo in 1976 As. result ofthis meeting a draft. which contained the Fist six pucts of this standard. was submitted as Document 206(Cental Offiey?] to the National Committees for approval under the Six Months Rule in December 1977 The National Committes of the folowing countries voted explicily in favour of publisation Austia Iseuet South Acca (Republic of Belgium lay Spain Canada Japan Sweden Czechoslovakia Netherlands Tarkey Exypt Norway Union of Soviet Finland Poland Socialist Republics Germany Romania Other FEC publications quoted in thir wandard Publication No M0: Test Methods for Insulations and Sheaths of Electric Cables and Cords (Elastomerie and ‘Thermoplastic Compounds) ee RUBBER INSULATED CABLES OF RATED VOLTAGES UP TO AND iNCLUDING 450/756 V Part 6: Arc welding electrode cables 1. Scope This part of TEC Publication 245 details the particular specifications for rubber ii are welding electrode cables. Fach cable shall comply with the appropriate requirements given in IEC Publication 245 and the particular requirements of this part, 2. Are welding electrode cable 21 Code designation ~ for rubber sheathed arc welding electrode cable: 245 IEC 81 nsulated 1 — for polychloroprene or other equivalent synthetic elastomer sheathed arc welding electrode cable: 245 IEC 82 22 Rated voltage As this cable type is intended exclusively for welding purposes no rated voltage is give? 23° Construction 231 Conduetors Number of conductors: 1 wires ‘The conductor shall comply with the requirements given in Table{, columa2, The may be plain or tinned. 232 Separator ‘A separator of suitable material shall be applied around the conductor, 233. Covering Conductor and separator shall be protected by a covering having one of the fol compositions: 2331 ~ a covering of rubber compound of Type SE 3 but having # minimum tensile > of 12 N/mm?, constituting the insulation as well as the sheath; the thickness of © shall comply with the specified value given in Table 1, column 3; vering rene or equival st Oren 2332 —a covering of polychlorop other equivalent synthetic elastomer com> OO ceing ‘Type SE 4, constituting the insulation as well as the sheath; the thickness © shall comply with the specified value given in Table I, column 3; 1owing txength lovering und of toes 2333 - ac -Omposite an covering comprising an insulation of eabber compound of wpe LE Spud texte tape anda sheath of poljehloroprene or ote equivalent spike comply we mPound of type SE 4: the total thickness of the composite covering shail sheath iy the specified value given in Table I, column 3: the thickness of the shal eclall comply withthe specied value given in Table I, column 4: the insulation ist of at least two layets unless it is applied by extrusion. 234 Overall dante The mean over Yerall diameter shall be within the timits given in TableT, columns 5 and 6 24 Tests Compliance with ‘th the requirements of Sub-clause 23 shall be checked by inspection and by the tests given in the, feawiements of Sub-lause 23 shal be checked by inspection and 25° Guide 10 use Under consideration Taate | Genereal ctata for Ts pes 45 IEC 81 and 245 TEC 82 SHE eee | seen : : ieee | ee ee I Nominat | stoximum cross | “Game Torat | thicknes Maan over Maximum condvcto scion | SP | ahickmess | of sheath iamer vesstance at 20 are of i: of | of composite conductor | conduige | Covering | coverme | Lover Unper | Tinned Uovinned i ‘ent ‘ir wir Specitied | specitee value ale tommy} ex a fmm) | tammy teomy (mm ‘ohm kom 16 om t fo 3 20 3 9 us | 1p 116 35 20 a 105 bo | om | one Fa 20 B M5 185, o32 | ose » 22 15 Bs 70 om | oss 93 24 6 13s Bs | ome | a36e 26 13 | eo no 0204 ois aes ree | Taste Hl Tests for Types 245 LEC 81 and 245 IEC 82 1 2 ae 4 Ret ie caesory Test ned No - of test described n u Elec tests EC Publication 2452 Lr | Resse of condustos a5 | Subctue2) 1.2] Voltage test on completed cable at 1600 V 1.5 | Subelawie?? 2 rosin covering constrtonal ae dimesioncl EC Publications 45-1 and characters 152, 2.1 | Checking of compliance with consretionsl provisions 1.8 | HEC Publication 251 Inspection and mais cess EC Publication 452 2.2 | Measurement of thisknes of covering ss | Subciause 19 2.3, | Measurement of overt dameter 231 | Mean value ns | Subsuwe 1 232 | ovaliy S| Sobetase 111 3 Mechanical properties of isan" EC Publication 2452 3.1] Tensile test before ageing 7 Subsiaue4 2 3.2. | Tensile test afer ageing in the air oven 1 Sub-lause 44 3.3. | Tensile ex afer ageing in the oxygen bomb 1 Subsclazats) 45 andor 4.6 34 | Horse es t 4 | Mechanical properties of covering, or sheath of composite LEC Publication 590 4.1 | Tense cst before and ater aging in the air oven 1 Sub-claue $2 and 61 42 | Tensile test after immersion in oll ® T Clause 15 und Sub- laws $2 43 | tear tet 1 Under consieration 4a | Hot set tt? 5 | echnical srengih of complered cable LEC Publication 265-2 51 | Stati Hest test 1 Sublause 32 D Oni appiable to the cables Having a composite covering with a separate Isulason consisting of rubber compound of |, Type EL 2) No test conditions and test requirements at present 3) Only applicable to Type 245 1EC 82 ‘Autres publications de In CEI préparées par le Comité d'Etudes N° 20 55: ~ Ces isos au paper imprignt sus gaine métlique pour Ges tension enesinercrs on ules 18304 {ave ime condues en ue miu 3 Texcsion ger ste 3 prosion de goes ule ‘flvide) ts f 55:1 1978) Prone panic: Ess 41: = Ess de bes § hl Nude & pression de gare de as isons sesesies S41 (1976) Premiere paris: CAbLs au papier & hile Mud & fine metliqu et atesoie pou Js Hons ternaies infeiures ou aes 4-004 141-2 (1963) Deunéme pure! Cable 4 prion de gz interne ov epses 4 SLY Medison #11367) 1513 (965) Troisme parte: Cabs psion de ater (8 Internal gas-pressure cables and accesories for alternating vatages up to 275 kV Amendment No (1967) 141-3 (1968) Part3: External yasipressure (gas omy ‘les and accessories for alternating voltages tp (9 Tsk ‘Amendment No 1 (1967) 173 (1¥64) Colours of the cores of exible cables and cords 183 (1965) Gilde to the selection of high-voltage cables 17; ~ Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of raved voltages up to ‘nd including 450 750 V "1 (1979) Part t: Genera requirements 1-2 (1979). Part 2: Test methods 227-3 (1979) Part 3: Non-sheathed eables For fixed wiring (979) Pure a; Sheathed cables for Fited wisi 17-5 1979) Part S: Flexible cubles (cords) 38 (1978) Conductors of insulated cables 229 (1966) Tests on unti-corroion protective coverings of mal lie cable sheaths Amendment No 1 (1970) 230.1965) Impulse tests on cables and their accessories 245; ~ Rubber insulated cables of rated vollages up to and including 450 750 245.1 (1980) Part: General requirements 248-2 (1980) Paxt 2: Test methods 2453 (1980) Part 3: Heat esistant silicone insulted cables 245.4 (1980) Part Cords and flexible eables 245.5 (1980) Part 5: Lift cables 287 (1969) Calculation ofthe continuous curtent rating of cables (ons toad factor) First edition (1969) incorporating Amendments No | 97H) and No 2 (1978) ‘Amendment No 3 (1977) ‘Amendment No 4 (1978) 2878 (1998) First supplement: Appendix C: Digits caleulaion of ‘quantities given graphically Firetesiting characters of electric ables 331 (197) 392: — Tests on electri cables under fie conditions 332-1 (1979) Pact 1: Test ona single vertical insulated wite or cable 502 (1578) Extruded sold diclevti insulated power cables for rated voltages from | kV up to 30V 540 (1976) Test methods for insulation and sheaths of eletre cables and cord elastomeric and thermoplastic eom- pounds) ‘Amendment No 1 (1979) S40A (1979). First supplement 541 (1976) Comparative infor can fexible cord type. jon on {EC and North-Ameri- PRINTED IN SWITZERLAND Computer typeseiting and printing by Suempfli& Cie Lid. Berne COMMISSION ELECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE NORME DE LA CEI INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION 1EC STANDARD Modification n° 1 Amendment No. 1 Jur 1985 Jy 1985 a3 © Publication 245-6 1980 Conducteurs et cables isolés au caoutchouc, de tension nominale au plus égale 4 450/750 V Sixiéme partie : Cables souples pour électrades de soudage a I'arc Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V Part 6 : Arc welding electrode cables © cet 1985, [Doi de reproduction réservés — Copyright — al rights reserved Bureau Central de fa Commission Electratechnique Internationale 3, rue oe Varenibs Gendve, Suisse i te 7. 245-6 Amend. 1 © IEC 1985 -3- PREFACE, This amendment has been prepared by Sub-Committee 20B : Low-voltage Cables, of 1EC Technical Committee No. 20: Electric Cables. The text of this amendment is based upon the following documents: Sevoaus mae | Repcavoume | mncont 2ancos Further information can be found in the Report on Voting indicated in the table above, Page 11 ‘TaBLe I Tests for Types 245 1EC 81 and 245 IEC 82 te ‘Replace, in this table, the tex for Reference Nos. 34 and 4.4 by the following and delete the S001" to the table. 1 2 3 4 Ref. cae Category ‘Test method No. o of test described in 34 | Hot set test | 16 Publication 540 ‘Clause 14 44 | Horsetest T Clause 14

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