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Topographic maps show

the shape of the land.
Sunshine State BEFORE, you learned NOW, you will learn
STANDARDS • Different maps provide • How contour lines show
SC.D.2.3.2: The student information about natural elevation, slope, and relief
knows the positive and and human-made features • What rules contour lines follow
negative consequences
• Latitude and longitude are • What common symbols are
of human action on
used to find places on Earth used on topographic maps
the Earth’s systems.
• All flat maps distort Earth’s


topography p. 212
How can you map your knuckles?
contour line p. 213
washable colored
elevation p. 213 1 Hold your fist closed, knuckles up, as shown pen
slope p. 213 in the photo.
relief p. 213
2 Draw circles around the first knuckle. Make
contour interval p. 214
sure the circles are the same distance from
each other.
3 Flatten out your hand. Observe what
happens. Write down your observations.


• How does the height of your knuckles change
when you clench your fist, then
flatten out your hand?
• What do you think the circles represent?

Topographic maps use contour lines to

show features.
VOCABULARY Imagine you are on vacation with your family in a national park. You
Add a word triangle have a simple trail map that shows you where to hike. But the map
for topography to your
does not tell you anything about what the land looks like. Will you
have to cross any rivers or valleys? How far uphill or downhill will
you have to hike?
To answer these questions, you need to know something about
the topography of the area. Topography is the shape, or features, of
the land. These features can be natural—such as mountains, plateaus,
and plains—or human-made—such as dams and roads. To show the
topography of an area, mapmakers draw a topographic map.

212 Unit 2: Earth’s Surface

A topographic map is a flat map that uses lines to show Earth’s
surface features. Distance and elevation can be given in feet or meters.
Take a look at the topographic map of Mount Hood on this page. The
wiggly lines on the map are called contour lines, and they show an
area’s elevation, slope, and relief.
1 The elevation of a place is how high above
sea level it is. An area can range from a few 2
meters to several thousand meters above
sea level. The numbers on the contour
lines show the elevations of different
points in the Mount Hood area.
2 The slope of a landform or area is how relief
steep it is. The more gradual the slope, the
farther apart the contour lines on the map. elevation
The steeper the slope, the closer together
the contour lines.
3 The relief of an area is the difference between its high and low
points. For example, subtracting the lowest elevation on the map
from the highest gives you a measure of the area’s relief.

check your reading What is the difference between elevation and slope?

Mount Hood Topographic Map

A topographic map shows the land as if you were above the land
looking down on it.

Contour lines show the
mountain’s peak as seen from
above. The elevation here
is given in meters.

Contour lines close together
show a steep slope. Lines
farther apart show a more
gentle slope.
The different elevations
on a map indicate an
area’s relief.

What is the elevation of the top of Mount Hood?

Chapter 6: Views of Earth Today 213

Contour lines follow certain rules.
MAIN IDEA AND DETAILS Contour lines on topographic maps can help you visualize
Use your main idea and landforms. Think of the following statements as rules for reading
details chart to take notes
on the rules for reading a such maps:
topographic map.
• Lines never cross. Contour lines never cross, because each line
represents an exact elevation.
• Circles show highest and lowest points. Contour lines form
closed circles around mountaintops, hilltops, and the centers of
depressions, which are sunken areas in the ground. Sometimes,
the elevation of a mountain or hill is written in meters or feet
in the middle of the circle.
• Contour interval is always the same on a map. The contour
interval is the difference in elevation from one contour line to
the next. For example, the contour interval on the map below is
10 feet. This means that the change in elevation between contour
lines is always 10 feet. The contour interval can differ from map
to map, but it is always the same on a particular map.

Ely, Minnesota, Topographic Map

These index contour

lines mark an elevation
of 1400 feet. Notice that The contour interval
index lines are darker than on this map is 10 feet.
the other contour lines.

Closed circles
indicate the tops of
land features. One
circle includes the
elevation (1427 feet).

Study the hill with the number 29 on it. Use the contour interval and
index contour lines to calculate the highest point of this hill.

214 Unit 2: Earth’s Surface

• Index contour lines mark elevations. The darker contour lines SIMULATION
on a map are called index contour lines. Numbers that indicate CLASSZONE.COM
elevations are often written on these lines. To calculate higher or Discover the relationship
between topographic
lower elevations, simply count the number of lines above or
maps and surface
below an index line. Then multiply that number by the contour features.
interval. For instance, on the Ely map, one index line marks 1400
feet. To find the elevation of a point three lines up from this
index line, you would multiply 10 feet (the contour interval) by
3. Add the result, 30, to 1400. The point’s elevation is 1430 feet.

check your reading What information do index contour lines provide?

Besides contour lines, topographic maps also contain symbols

for natural and human-made features. Below are some common map
symbols that the United States Geological Survey (USGS) uses on its
topographic maps.

Topographic Map Symbols

Marsh or swamp Hiking trail

Vegetation Stream

Lake or pond Railroad tracks

The USGS provides topographic maps for nearly every part of the
United States. These maps cover urban, rural, and wilderness areas.
Hikers and campers are not the only ones who use topographic maps.
Engineers, archaeologists, forest rangers, biologists, and others rely on
them as well.


1. How do contour lines show 4. Apply For an area with gently 6. Synthesize Work with a
elevation, slope, and relief? sloping hills and little relief, group to make a topographic
2. Why do contour lines never would you draw contour lines map of the area around your
cross on a topographic map? close together or far apart? school. First decide how big
Explain why. an area you will include. Then
3. How would you show the top
5. Compare and Contrast choose a contour interval, a
of a hill, an area of vegetation,
How would a road map and a map scale, and symbols for
or a hiking trail on a topo-
topographic map of the same buildings, sports fields, and
graphic map?
area differ? What information other features. Let other stu-
would each provide? dents test the map’s accuracy.

Chapter 6: Views of Earth Today 215

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