Bilateral Trade Between Pakistan and China
Bilateral Trade Between Pakistan and China
Bilateral Trade Between Pakistan and China
(US$ Millions)
1960 14.80 4.00 18.80
1961 10.20 3.50 13.70
1962 1.60 4.20 5.80
1963 12.80 5.90 18.70
1964 40.30 16.30 56.60
1965 43.30 18.50 61.80
1966 43.30 28.30 71.60
1967 30.10 33.70 63.80
1968 25.50 29.30 54.80
1969 29.00 26.30 55.30
1970 39.20 27.70 66.90
1971 30.10 34.20 64.30
1972 17.50 24.00 41.50
1973 13.10 48.20 61.30
1974 11.30 54.30 65.60
1975 13.50 53.70 67.20
1976 17.00 64.10 81.10
1977 17.40 54.30 71.70
1978 30.70 83.40 114.10
1979 25.00 123.20 148.20
1980 221.30 167.80 389.10
1981 271.90 180.30 452.20
1982 146.60 149.30 295.90
1983 145.90 146.80 292.70
1984 40.20 143.60 183.80
1985 57.60 144.50 202.10
1986 14.20 162.00 176.20
1987 24.30 232.10 256.40
1988 51.80 248.10 299.90
1989 169.40 321.80 491.20
1990 67.20 337.50 404.70
1991 60.90 357.40 418.30
1992 53.70 421.10 474.80
1993 58.00 423.00 481.00
1994 54.00 421.00 475.00
1995 119.00 506.00 625.00
1996 119.00 576.00 695.00
1997 147.00 586.00 733.00
1998 152.00 422.00 574.00
1999 179.00 451.00 630.00
2000 237.20 537.80 775.00
2001 289.30 484.90 774.20
2002 235.60 699.60 935.20
2003 259.70 957.60 1217.30
2004 299.70 1,499.1 1798.80
2005 435.50 2,348.7 2784.20
2006 506.60 2914.90 3421.50
2007 613.67 4164.20 4777.87
2008 726.71 4738.00 5464.71
2009 973.80 3774.00 4747.80
2010 1435.90 5247.00 6682.90
2011 1678.90 6470.00 8148.90
2012 2619.90 6687.00 9306.90
2013 2652.20 6626.00 9278.20
2014 2252.90 9588.42 11841.32
1934.90 11019.01 -9084.11
2015 12953.91
1865.80 11064.67 -9198.87
2016 12930.47
Sources: Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, (Various years) and IMF, Direction of Trade
Statistics, (1996-2016) Compiled by Neelum Nigar, Research Fellow, CPSC, ISSI