Wallstreetjournal 20171130 TheWallStreetJournal
Wallstreetjournal 20171130 TheWallStreetJournal
Wallstreetjournal 20171130 TheWallStreetJournal
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* * * * * THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2017 ~ VOL. CCLXX NO. 128 WSJ.com HHHH $4.00
DJIA 23940.68 À 103.97 0.4% NASDAQ 6824.39 g 1.3% STOXX 600 387.96 À 0.2% 10-YR. TREAS. g 11/32 , yield 2.376% OIL $57.30 g $0.69 GOLD $1,282.10 g $12.80 EURO $1.1850 YEN 111.93
plans bitcoin derivatives. B7
Wells Fargo may face
1,000% Bitcoin's rise this year dwarfs other major episodes Bitcoin
an OCC enforcement ac- of market fervor in recent decades.
tion over improprieties in
Bitcoin Total value: $171 billion
in 2017
its auto-insurance and +955% End of 2016
mortgage operations. B1
Puts NBC
$16 billion
Trump nominated econ-
omist Marvin Goodfriend U.S. currency in circulation
In Turmoil
to fill one of three vacan-
cies on the Fed board. A2 $1.6 trillion
The U.S. economy is Nasdaq Composite Gold prices U.S. home prices†
running at its full poten- 600 BY JOE FLINT
1994-2004 2001-11 2001-11
tial for the first time in a Dot-com bubble bursts
decade, a report said. A2 Matt Lauer’s abrupt exit
from NBC News after an accu-
The S&P 500 eased as fi-
Japanese stocks* sation of inappropriate sexual
nancial shares gained and
400 1983-93 behavior ends a storied tenure
tech stocks slid. The Dow rose Japan’s ‘lost decade’ begins Nasdaq, dot-com boom that made him the face of
103.97 to 23940.68. B13, B14
1999 morning television, leaving the
Chipotle’s founder is step- $3.2 trillion network with a huge hole to
ping down as CEO as the fill and its most important
restaurant chain struggles franchise in crisis.
to win back customers. B1 200 NBC said Wednesday Mr.
$1.6 trillion Lauer was fired after a staffer
BuzzFeed is laying off
filed a complaint alleging he
about 100 employees and
engaged in misconduct during
reorganizing its ad sales
the network’s coverage of the
and business operations. B1
2014 Winter Olympics in
China’s HNA is prepar- Sochi, Russia.
ing to sell some foreign as- Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 The co-anchor of “Today”
sets to help service its debt *Tokyo Stock Price Index †Case-Shiller Home Price Index for 20 years, Mr. Lauer was
and satisfy regulators. B3 Sources: CoinDesk (bitcoin price and value); FactSet (Nasdaq performance, Japanese stocks, gold); Thomson Reuters (home prices, Nasdaq total value); Federal Reserve (currency in circulation) one of the last of the network
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. news stars who came of age
Britain’s Cineworld is
when the face in front of the
in advanced talks to buy
global trading rules. A8
Beijing is evicting migrant
ing poison in front of a U.N.
tribunal in The Hague. A18 National Debt Clock was re- himself the ‘King of Debt.’ ”
mounted in New York City Over the summer and fall,
near Times Square. Last the sign got an overhaul at
CONTENTS Opinion.............. A15-17 week’s grim message: The U.S. National Debt Clock Spectrum Signs in Old Beth-
Business News...... B3 Sports....................... A14
Crossword.............. A14 Streetwise................. B1 owes its creditors page on New York’s Long Is-
Heard on Street. B14 Technology............... B4 $20,546,926,554,467.78. cade. land. The billboard stood gut- No Human Labor – Half the Cost
Life & Arts....... A11-13 U.S. News............. A2-6 And in case that number Chairman Douglas Durst ted and forlorn in the vast
Management.......... B6 Weather................... A14
doesn’t hit home, the digital said the family decided workshop, its display dark, No Human Error – 100x More Reliable
Markets............. B13-14 World News. A7-9,18
tracker breaks it down: “Your against modernizing the wires spilling from the inte-
Family Share: $172,560.” “slightly dated” look of the rior.
> The 20-foot wide billboard sign because it “reminds peo- Spectrum has fabricated
owned by the Durst Organiza- ple that this has been a prob- and installed signs all over
tion, a family-owned real-es- lem for a while.” Times Square in Midtown oracle.com/selfdrivingdb
tate empire based in Manhat- “It is a silent vigil that re- Manhattan, including for the
s Copyright 2017 Dow Jones &
tan, just got a $160,000 rehab minds people that the govern- Broadway show “The “Lion Human labor refers to tuning, patching, updating, and maintenance of database.
Company. All Rights Reserved to replace the digital display ment needs to live within its King” and the restaurant chain Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
and wiring, and freshen the fa- means,” he said. Please see CLOCK page A10
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A2 | Thursday, November 30, 2017 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Goodfriend Is Tapped
To Fill Fed Board Seat
BY NICK TIMIRAOS rities except in limited circum-
Unintended Effects Buried in Tax Bills
stances when it has been given In their through changes will lose $71
President Donald Trump explicit permission by Con- rush to pass a Winners and Losers billion to $94 billion more
nominated Marvin Goodfriend, gress. sweeping tax The tax bills will reward businesses organized as ‘pass-through’ than JCT estimates.
a former Federal Reserve econo- In a March appearance be- overhaul, Re- while punishing high-income residents of high-tax states. There is precedent: After
mist and current Carnegie Mel- fore the House Financial Ser- publicans and Kansas eliminated state in-
lon University professor, for a vices Committee, Mr. Good- the Trump ad- Forgone revenue under proposed House Senate come taxes on pass-throughs
spot on the central bank’s board friend said the Fed should ministration may be headed House of Representatives and JCT JCT in 2012 it suffered a huge hit
of governors on Wednesday. welcome more oversight from for a reckoning with the law Senate pass-through tax rates to revenue and finally re-
If confirmed by the Senate, Congress to enhance its credi- of unintended consequences. versed course this year. The
$0 billion
Mr. Goodfriend would fill one of bility. He also recommended The U.S. tax system is a federal tax reform in 1986 re-
three vacancies on the Fed’s that Fed officials compare their complex, jury-rigged contrap- duced personal rates below
powerful seven-member board. policy decisions against a math- tion. At the best of times, –20 corporate rates, so many busi-
Mr. Trump has also nomi- ematical rule such as the so- tampering with any part in- nesses became pass-throughs
nated Fed governor Jerome called Taylor rule. variably triggers collateral –40 and corporate tax revenue fell
Powell to succeed Fed Chair- Mr. Trump has an unusual consequences. Those risks are short of expectations.
woman Janet Yellen when her opportunity to put his stamp on magnified by Republicans’ de- –60 To pay for lower corporate
term expires next February, and the U.S. central bank early in termination to pass the plan and pass-through rates, legis-
Ms. Yellen said last week she his presidency. The position of with minimal hearings on –80 lators will eliminate several
will resign her seat as a gover- the Fed’s vice chairman is va- party lines by Christmas. deductions, the largest of
nor when Mr. Powell is sworn cant after Stanley Fischer re- Gary Cohn, President Don- 2018 ’19 ’20 ’21 ’22 ’23 ’24 ’25 ’26 ’27 which is for state and local
into office. That could give Mr. signed last month citing per- ald Trump’s chief economic State and local tax rates, with and without the federal deduction, taxes (although the House
Trump a fourth vacancy on the sonal reasons. adviser, touched on this in an would preserve a $10,000
for several high-tax jurisdictions and their neighbors
Fed’s board. Mr. Goodfriend remains pop- interview on CNBC: “We not break for property tax). The
Mr. Goodfriend, a widely re- ular with conservative econo- only have to think about what With federal deduction Without federal deduction rationale: the deduction
spected monetary economist, mists, including many who have the objective is with taxes, serves no economic purpose
New York City 8.0%
would provide academic heft on been critical of the Fed in re- and tax reform. We have to 12.7 and subsidizes state and local
a board that now has just two cent years, as well as influential think how do we get 218 votes Connecticut 4.4 government spending.
economists, including Ms. Yel- Republican lawmakers. His [in the House], and how do New Jersey 6.0 The same is true for the
len. He has criticized the Fed’s nomination has taken on extra we get 51 votes [in the Sen- federal break for municipal
buying of mortgage-backed se- urgency because once Ms. Yel- ate] on top of understanding 6.5 bond interest, yet its benefits
District of Columbia 9.0
curities as part of its postcrisis len retires from the Fed, the the intended consequences 4.2 are more evenly shared by Re-
asset purchases aimed at lower- board will operate with only [and] the unintended conse- Virginia 5.8 publican and Democratic
Maryland 6.3
ing long-term interest rates. He three members if no new nomi- quences.” 8.7 states and thus it hasn’t been
has said the Fed should limit its nees have been confirmed and touched. The state and local
bond-buying to Treasury secu- seated. he bills, as they stand, California 13.3 deduction benefits mainly af-
contain countless in- Washington 0 fluent residents of Democratic
centives for gamesman- Texas 0 states like California, New
ship: differing tax rates for 0 York and Maryland—states
different types of foreign Note: JCT=Joint Committee on Taxation; PWBM=Penn Wharton Budget Model that rely on hefty taxes paid
property and profits, arbi- Sources: Joint Committee on Taxation, Penn Wharton by their wealthiest residents
trary expiration and imple- Budget Model (revenue); Goldman Sachs (rates) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. to finance extensive and
mentation dates to hold the costly public services.
10-year deficit impact below Those complaints have lit- nearly $600 billion in revenue Losing the federal deduc-
$1.5 trillion, and changes to tle economic foundation: 86% over the coming decade and tion will raise effective tax
the Affordable Care Act to of pass-throughs are so small the Senate provision $225 bil- rates on wealthy residents of
free up government dollars they pay a personal rate of lion. Yet the loss could easily states such as California, New
that could roil private insur- 25% or less, according to the be more. Legions of attorneys, York, and Connecticut by 2 to
ance markets. “There are Tax Policy Center, a think accountants and consultants 5 percentage points, according
more ticking time bombs in tank. Moreover, pass-through will work over time to help to Goldman Sachs economists.
this bill than a Road Runner income is taxed once whereas high-income clients reclassify Some residents will move;
cartoon,” says Martin Sulli- corporate income is com- themselves as a pass-through. others will never come. The
van, chief economist for the monly taxed twice: at the cor- If you’re a doctor or law- erosion of their tax base could
nonprofit group Tax Analysts. porate level, then on divi- yer, says Daniel Shaviro, a law imperil those states’ fiscal
Two components in partic- dends and capital gains to professor at New York Uni- health and force them to slash
ular could have significant, shareholders. versity: “Not to worry. Some public services.
unintended consequences: the Nonetheless, to appease law partnerships or doctors For some conservative law-
treatment of pass-throughs— business owners the House own their buildings, so you makers that may be an in-
businesses such as partner- bill taxes 30% of pass-through form two pass-throughs, one tended consequence. But it’s
ships that pay taxes as indi- income at just 25%. The Sen- is the service business and also why no Democrats back
viduals rather than ate bill would let them deduct the other owns the building, the plan and will likely try to
corporations—and of state 17.4% of their income. Profes- rents it out to the first and undo it if they retake Con-
and local taxes. sionals like doctors and law- gets the low rate.” gress, much as Republicans
Historically, pass-throughs yers above a certain income Treasury may struggle to have tried to undo the Afford-
paid the same rate as individ- level would be prohibited craft guardrails against such able Care Act ever since Dem-
uals. Small businesses often from paying that lower rate. maneuvers, says Kent Smet- ocrats enacted it on party
say this is unfair because the This change doesn’t come ters, director of the Penn lines. That sort of instability
top individual rate, now cheap: the nonpartisan Joint Wharton Budget Model, which is yet another unintended
39.6%, is above the corporate Committee on Taxation says simulates fiscal policy effects. consequence of the nation’s
tax rate, now 35%. the House provision will lose His team estimates the pass- increasingly polarized politics.
BY BEN LEUBSDORF fourth quarter of 2007. An ac- Wednesday’s report from the
celeration in growth at this Commerce Department showed
WASHINGTON—The U.S. point could generate overheat- GDP, a broad measure of the
economy is running at its full ing that produces financial ex- goods and services produced in
potential for the first time in a cess or long-elusive consumer- the U.S., expanded at a 3.3% an-
decade, a new milestone for an price pressures. nual rate in the third quarter,
expansion now in its ninth year. “It’s the sweet spot,” said adjusted for inflation and sea-
Total economic output in the Beth Ann Bovino, chief U.S. sonality. It was the strongest
third quarter was slightly above economist at S&P Global Rat- quarter in three years, and an
the maximum sustainable level ings. “We’d like to be there for upward revision from the gov-
as estimated by the nonpartisan some time, but let’s see how ernment’s initial estimate of
Congressional Budget Office. long it lasts.” 3.0% growth.
This is a measure of the When the recession that be- A key measure of business
economy’s potential to produce gan in December 2007 reached earnings strengthened last
goods and services based on its nadir in mid-2009, GDP was quarter as well. The Commerce
the supply of people working more than 6% below its maxi- Department said after-tax cor-
and how productive they are. In mum sustainable level as esti- porate profits, without inven-
downturns actual output drops mated by the CBO. Revised GDP tory valuation and capital con-
below potential and slows infla- data released Wednesday by sumption adjustments, rose
tion. In advanced stages of ex- the Commerce Department con- 4.9% in the third quarter from
pansions output can exceed po- firmed the so-called output gap the prior period after falling
tential and cause the economy turned positive this summer, 2.0% in the second quarter.
to overheat. joining the lowest unemploy- Compared with a year ear-
It was the first time actual ment rate in nearly 17 years as lier, profits were up 10.0% in economy operating beyond its
gross domestic product had ex- evidence of renewed health in the third quarter. potential will experience stron-
ceeded potential GDP since the the economy. Looking ahead, economists ger price and wage increases as
expect the year will end on a workers and resources become
solid footing. Forecasters at increasingly scarce.
Macroeconomic Advisers on That could be welcome news
Wednesday projected a 2.5% for the Federal Reserve, which
GDP growth rate for the fourth has worried in recent years
Guangdong Bo Yu Informa- artificial intelligence incor- quarter. about persistently sluggish in-
tion Technology Co. was rectly gave his title as chief Many economists believe an flation.
deregistered on Nov. 17. In data science officer for the
some editions Wednesday, a American College of Radiology.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Thursday, November 30, 2017 | A3
F O R I N S I D E R A C C E S S : T H E W I N D O W. B A R N E Y S . C O M
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A4 | Thursday, November 30, 2017 P W L C 10 11 12 H T G K B F A M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O I X X ***** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Health Care Hangs Over Congress
the activities of former national 2017 legislative calendar, Re- week patch that would ex-
security adviser Mike Flynn, publicans hope to push pire before Christmas.
the person said, as it probes through a tax overhaul, reach Lawmakers hoped that
Mr. Flynn’s ties to Turkey and a two-year budget agreement, would give them enough
Russia. The meeting—Mr. Kush- enact a spending bill for the time to write and approve a
ner’s first known interview remainder of the 2018 fiscal more detailed spending bill
with the special counsel’s year and potentially find a fix for the remainder of the fis-
team—lasted less than an hour, for the so-called Dreamers, un- cal year, which ends Sept. 30
the person said. documented immigrants who of 2018.
Abbe Lowell, a lawyer for entered the U.S. as children. Children at a recent press conference held by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.). —Kristina Peterson
Mr. Kushner, said in a state- Congress has been strug- Congress is dealing with health-care issues including funding for a children’s health program.
ment, “Mr. Kushner has volun- gling to resolve an array of
tarily cooperated with all rele- health-care issues since the reduce premiums next year as ular ACA taxes. A sales tax on surers use to provide subsi- move by GOP senators to re-
vant inquiries and will continue Republicans’ failed effort to originally intended. And Con- health insurance that largely dies for low-income consum- peal the ACA’s so-called indi-
to do so.” repeal the Affordable Care gress’s inability to reauthorize hits small and midsize busi- ers. President Donald Trump vidual mandate has spurred
The Kushner interview Act. Democrats emboldened money for the Children’s nesses has been suspended for cut the funds in October. The more Republicans to support
marks the closest point Mr. by the repeal’s collapse are Health Insurance Program, or this year, for example, but it Alexander-Murray deal also the Alexander-Murray deal, in
Mueller has reached within the balking at making conces- CHIP, is putting enormous is scheduled to return in 2018. would allow states more say hopes it would help offset
president’s orbit, said people sions, while Republicans have pressure on states. Funding A bipartisan push to bol- in implementing the ACA. premium increases prompted
familiar with the matter. The been leery of adding health- for the program expired Sept. ster the insurance markets Sens. Murray and Alexan- by repealing the mandate.
special counsel has already in- policy matters to other bills. 30 and many states are close under the ACA faces a more der’s efforts have been ham- Sen. Susan Collins (R.,
terviewed current and former That backlog has had con- to exhausting their reserves. uncertain fate. The package, pered in recent weeks by a Maine) said Wednesday she
top White House officials, in- sequences. Even quick passage Lawmakers from the two crafted by Sens. Lamar Alex- lack of support from some had an agreement to pass the
cluding former chief of staff of the bipartisan plan to bol- parties are close to agreeing ander (R., Tenn.) and Patty conservative Republicans and bipartisan bill, likely with a
Reince Priebus, and is expected ster insurance markets, for ex- on some issues, including a Murray (D., Wash.), would Mr. Trump, but the legislation short-term spending bill ex-
to interview others, including ample, would come too late to desire to further delay partic- temporarily restore funds in- is now gaining traction. A pected next week.
Communications Director Hope
Hicks, in the coming weeks. The
meddling in the election. retweeted videos posted on- “British people overwhelm- said. The president was scroll-
The short duration of the line by a British far-right na- ingly reject the prejudiced ing through social media and
meeting, and its exclusive focus tionalist that purport to show rhetoric of the far-right.” didn’t click on the original
on Mr. Flynn, could mean Mr. violent acts carried out by Mr. Trump fired back at the post to see who wrote it.
Mueller will want to interview prime minister Wednesday “He just hit the retweet
Mr. Kushner again. The special By Peter Nicholas in night, tweeting: “@The- button,” the official said.
counsel is probing a series of Washington and Jason resa_May, don’t focus on me, Mr. Trump didn’t attach any
events that involve Mr. Kush- Douglas in London focus on the destructive Radi- comments to the tweets. In
ner, including the president’s cal Islamic Terrorism that is the past, he has said that the
decision to fire former FBI Di- Muslim men, drawing rebukes taking place within the United U.S. needs to take a tougher
rector James Comey—which from U.S. allies and civil-rights Kingdom. We are doing just stand against what he calls
four people said Mr. Kushner advocates in the U.S. fine!” “radical Islamic terrorism.”
pushed for, the Journal has re- Mr. Trump used the social- Ibrahim Hooper, a spokes- As a presidential candi-
ported—and a June 2016 meet- media platform on Wednesday man for the Council on Ameri- date, Mr. Trump called for “a
ing at Trump Tower with a to circulate a trio of tweets can-Islamic Relations, said in total and complete shutdown
Russian lawyer linked to the posted by Jayda Fransen, the an interview: “It’s really unbe- of Muslims entering the
Kremlin. deputy leader of Britain First, lievable that the president of Jayda Fransen, deputy leader of Britain First, an anti-Islam group. United States until our coun-
a small anti-Islam group in the the United States would issue try’s representatives can fig-
U.K. that describes itself as a materials that basically say, Washington-based think tank. wasn’t concerned with ure out what is going on.”
political party and a street ‘Hate Muslims. I want you to “Tweeting out anti-Muslim whether the videos Mr. Trump The comments drew criticism
The interview is the movement. She was convicted hate Muslims.’ This is some- propaganda videos is also retweeted were real. “I’m not that he was singling out peo-
closest Mr. Mueller in 2016 for religiously aggra- thing you expect from the harmful to 26,000 U.S. troops talking about the nature of the ple based on their religion
vated harassment. worst anti-Muslim hate sites in harm’s way in Iraq, Syria video. The threat is real,” she and needlessly raising reli-
has reached within A spokesman for U.K. on the internet.” and Afghanistan, as well as said. “That’s what the presi- gious tensions.
Mr. Trump’s orbit Prime Minister Theresa May Promoting the videos also others stationed in Muslim-ma- dent is talking about—the need Mr. Trump’s retweets to his
said in a statement that it could inflame anti-U.S. feel- jority countries,” Ms. Hurlburt for national security, the need 44 million followers on
was wrong for Mr. Trump to ings among Muslims in coun- said in her own Twitter mes- for military spending. Those Wednesday left Britain First ex-
have shared Britain First’s tries where the U.S. military sage. “Their lives depend on are very real things. There’s ultant. In a tweet later in the
Mr. Mueller’s team is also videos. “Britain First seeks to must operate, potentially en- [the] trust of Muslim allies.” nothing fake about that.” morning, the group wrote:
probing a December 2016 meet- divide communities by their dangering American troops, White House press secre- Mr. Trump’s Twitter posts “DONALD TRUMP HIMSELF
ing between Mr. Kushner use of hateful narratives that said Heather Hurlburt, a tary Sarah Huckabee Sanders Wednesday morning caught HAS RETWEETED THESE VID-
and the head of a Russian bank peddle lies and stoke ten- scholar with New America, a said that the administration much of the White House off EOS…GOD BLESS YOU TRUMP!”
that was placed on a U.S. sanc-
tions list following Russia’s an-
nexation of Crimea in 2014, the
Journal has reported.
Mr. Mueller’s investigators
have also been asking witnesses
TAXES earlier this month that “it’s
not going up” because “this is
one of the things that the
president feels very strongly
questions about Mr. Kushner’s Continued from Page One about. Twenty percent.”
interactions with foreign lead- version, a Republican senator Republicans don’t have 50
ers during the presidential said. More than half of business votes locked down yet for the
transition, including his in- income goes to pass-throughs final vote, and they were still
volvement in a dispute at the and more than half of pass- working Wednesday to win
United Nations in December, through income goes to the top support from lawmakers in-
the Journal has reported. 1% of households, according to cluding Mr. Corker, Ron John-
In December 2016, about a the Tax Policy Center. son (R., Wis.), Steve Daines (R.,
month after Mr. Trump won the Republicans are using a Mont.), Jeff Flake (R., Ariz.),
election, Messrs. Kushner and fast-track procedure that lets John McCain (R., Ariz.) and
Flynn both attended a meeting them avoid a Democratic fili- Susan Collins (R., Maine). Sen.
with then-Russian Ambassador buster, but it comes with Lisa Murkowski (R., Alaska),
Sergey Kislyak, Mr. Kushner strings attached, including the backed the bill Wednesday.
said in a statement to Congress ability for senators to offer an As of Wednesday evening,
in July. The participants in that unlimited number of amend- they didn’t yet have the final
meeting discussed setting up a ments. The debate will end in text of a bill, an agreement to
secret communications line a so-called vote-a-rama as appease deficit concerns, a
with Russia to discuss the Democrats try to make Repub- path around some parliamen-
country’s military operations in licans take politically difficult tary challenges or an eco-
Syria and other issues, the positions and Republicans nomic-growth estimate from
Journal has reported. But it make their final adjustments. their own scorekeepers.
was never set up. Sen. Chuck Schumer, the Sen. Bob Corker, a Republican from Tennessee, spoke with the media after a GOP luncheon this week. Mr. Johnson wants to make
In his statement to Congress, chamber’s Democratic leader, the deduction for pass-
Mr. Kushner said he wanted to said Wednesday that corpora- tary hurdles and objections taxes, repeal the alternative change a bill they won’t ulti- throughs even bigger, as high
establish a line of communica- tions and the wealthy don’t from conservatives who don’t minimum tax and shrink the mately support. as 25%, which would push the
tion because he believed “a need a tax cut. want automatic tax increases estate tax. It would increase Sen Bob Casey (D., Pa.) said top effective tax rate for pass-
thoughtful approach on Syria “To lavish them with huge baked into the plan, beyond budget deficits, repeal the he was unlikely to support throughs below 30%. He said
was a very high priority given tax breaks and ask the middle the expiration of individual tax mandate for individuals to that amendment, instead pre- he and Mr. Graham would pro-
the continuing humanitarian class to bear the cost—that’s cuts in 2025. have health insurance and ferring a larger version backed pose paying for that change
crisis,” but said he did not “sug- about as backward as it gets,” “Anything you’ve heard you open the Arctic National Wild- by Democrats. with an amendment repealing
gest a ‘secret back channel.’” Mr. Schumer said. can take off the table because life Refuge to oil drilling. “It’s not where we ulti- corporations’ ability to deduct
Republican senators, eager it’s evolving,” Mr. Corker said The idea of setting the cor- mately want to go,” said Sen. state income taxes.
to vote this week and resolve late Wednesday. A few hours porate tax rate above 20% was Sherrod Brown (D., Ohio). “I Republicans are discussing
differences with the House by later, as he was exiting the emerging Wednesday as an very much appreciate what whether to automatically in-
Order by Christmas, are still trying to Capitol, Mr. Corker said there option. Sens. Marco Rubio (R., Marco’s done on this…We can crease the corporate-tax rate
12 /20 figure out what their tax bill were “difficulties” in designing Fla.) and Mike Lee (R., Utah), do something bipartisan on from 20% if the bill’s support-
for the
Holidays will ultimately look like. The the trigger provision. proposed a 22% tax rate to pay this and make this bill signifi- ers’ assumption that tax cuts
knottiest Senate problem right Sen. Dean Heller (R., Nev.) for expanding the child tax cantly better.” will pay for themselves by gen-
now is how to design a trigger said he didn’t like the trigger credit to more low-income Any effort to set the corpo- erating more economic growth
that would lead to automatic but that one wouldn’t remove families and tying the credit to rate rate higher than 20% proves inaccurate. Republicans
spending cuts or tax increases his support for the tax bill. inflation. could run into resistance from are also debating whether that
if revenue doesn’t come in as “At the end of the day, I Refundable tax credits go to the White House, where the trigger should cause spending
projected. want Bob Corker’s vote, so households that don’t pay in- insistence on a 20% rate has cuts instead of tax increases.
That could be crucial to we’ll do what we can do to get come taxes. It isn’t clear yet shaped the whole bill. Trea- —Joshua Jamerson,
Your Children’s Names hand-crafted in getting support from senators Bob Corker’s vote,” he said. how much support they have sury Secretary Steven Kristina Peterson
sterling silver with brilliant Swarovski crystals
set in solid gold - $390 such as Bob Corker (R., Tenn.). Overall, the tax bill would among Republicans or if Dem- Mnuchin told The Wall Street and Rebecca Ballhaus
JOHN-CHRISTIAN.COM 888.646.6466 The trigger faces parliamen- cut corporate and individual ocrats would help them Journal CEO Council gathering contributed to this article.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, November 30, 2017 | A5
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A6 | Thursday, November 30, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
ferent approach, likening an
Rare Sea Turtles Rescued in Cape Cod individual’s location data to
personal property or papers
that the Fourth Amendment
WEST VIRGINIA FLORIDA also protects. “The property-
based approach to privacy also
Convicted Coal Chief Police Say Gun Led has to be considered, not just
Runs for U.S. Senate Them to Serial Killer the reasonable-expectation ap-
proach,” he said.
Don Blankenship, a former A recent college graduate The case involves loot alleg-
coal executive who served a who was charged in four slay- edly taken by suspect Timothy
year in prison for conspiring to ings that terrorized a Tampa Carpenter and his associates in
violate mine-safety laws before neighborhood over the past 51 a string of RadioShack and T-
a 2010 mine disaster, said he days used the same gun in all of Mobile store robberies in 2010.
would run for a U.S. Senate seat the shootings and targeted peo- Federal agents subpoenaed
in West Virginia, adding another ple near bus stops with “no ap- from carriers 127 days of cell-
candidate to the field of Republi- parent motive,” a police chief tower location data revealing
cans hoping to challenge Demo- said Wednesday. the whereabouts of Mr. Car-
cratic Sen. Joe Manchin in 2018. The crack in the case came penter’s cellphone, thereby ty-
Mr. Blankenship, who was Tuesday when Howell Emanuel ing him to the spree.
chief executive officer of Massey Donaldson, 24 years old, brought In the 1970s, Supreme Court
Energy Co. during the 2010 mine a bag with a loaded handgun in opinions held that police could
explosion that killed 29 people, it to his job at a McDonald’s and obtain records that businesses
has maintained his innocence on asked a co-worker to hold it maintain about their custom-
charges that he conspired to vi- while he went across the street, ers—deposit registers at a
olate safety laws in the run-up authorities said. Workers bank, for instance, or the tele-
to the accident. He was released thought that was odd and they phone company’s list of calls
from prison in May. reported the gun to a police offi- placed from a household line—
Since then, even before for- cer who was doing paperwork without a search warrant. The
mally announcing a Senate cam- there, setting off an investiga- court reasoned that customers
paign against Mr. Manchin, he tion that linked Mr. Donaldson to waived their privacy interests
has been airing ads that try to the shootings. Authorities said by voluntarily disclosing such
shift the blame for the mine di- location data from Mr. Donald- information to the company.
WARM WELCOME: New England Aquarium workers check on a Kemp’s ridley sea turtle, one of the saster to Mr. Manchin, who was son’s cellphone put him at the Deputy Solicitor General
most-endangered sea-turtle species. The facility has rescued and warmed up more than 180 sea governor at the time, and the scene of at least three of the Michael Dreeben, representing
turtles stunned and stranded by the cold recently. Pilots with Turtles Fly Too in the past few years federal Mine Safety and Health killings. Arrest records didn’t list the government, described
have flown more than 500 of the reptiles to other sites for more rehab and release into the wild. Administration. a lawyer for Mr. Donaldson. that “third-party doctrine” as
—Janet Hook —Associated Press an ironclad principle.
to Monday night, current NBC program among the coveted tions of sexual misconduct, familiar with the plan. was seen as somewhat aloof,
News management was never demographic of adults 25 to part of a torrent of accusa- One high-profile figure who Mr. Lauer initially brought
made aware of any complaints 54. It trails ABC’s “Good Morn- tions that have prompted com- could be a candidate to take more of an everyman ap-
about Matt Lauer’s conduct.” ing America” in total viewers. panies to scrutinize dynamics Mr. Lauer’s spot is Megyn proach and ease to anchoring
The New York Times and Now NBC has to determine in the workplace. Others, from Kelly, the former Fox News “Today.” He quickly developed
NBC News reported two addi- how to proceed without its on- movie mogul Harvey Wein- host who joined NBC in Janu- a huge following among fe-
tional accusations were made air leader, and look to its stein to Fox News’s Bill ary and anchors the third hour male viewers, and he and Ka-
against Mr. Lauer on Wednes- bench of talent to see who can O’Reilly, also have left their of “Today.” tie Couric dominated the
day. step in. It isn’t the only net- positions or been fired after Although Ms. Kelly’s show morning news race for years.
Mr. Lauer’s spokesperson work in that position: CBS accusations of harassment. has posted disappointing rat- Mr. Lauer’s image took a hit
didn’t respond to a request for News fired star morning host On Wednesday, “Today” co- ings, she is a known entity to NBC fired Matt Lauer after an when some critics blamed him
comment. Charlie Rose last week after anchor Savannah Guthrie was television viewers. If NBC de- accusation of sexual misconduct. for the messy departure of
“Today” is a financial jug- reports surfaced of sexual ha- joined behind the desk by cides to jettison the tradi- Ann Curry as co-anchor of
gernaut for NBC, a unit of rassment allegations against Hoda Kotb, who is an anchor tional man-woman co-anchor NBC has had to replace a “Today” in 2012.
approach to morning televi- beloved on-air talent before. Partly because of his impor-
sion in favor of two women, In 2015, Brian Williams was tance to the network’s busi-
Public Radio Fires behavior with an individual who name of Mr. Thile’s show and she could be a natural choice. dropped as anchor of “NBC ness and longevity there, Mr.
had worked with him on “A has ended its contracts with Another possibility for Mr. Nightly News” after it was re- Lauer developed close ties to
Garrison Keillor Prairie Home Companion.” Mr. Keillor, who still hosted Lauer’s chair is Carl Quinta- vealed that he had embellished corporate leaders at the com-
Mr. Keillor, who couldn’t be “The Writer’s Almanac,” a daily nilla, a reporter on CNBC who his experiences covering the pany, including Mr. Lack and
reached to comment, said in a poetry and writing feature. The has often appeared on “To- Iraq war in 2003. He was suc- NBCUniversal Chief Executive
Garrison Keillor, creator and statement posted Wednesday station will also end its re- day.” Mr. Quintanilla declined ceeded by Lester Holt and Steve Burke.
former host of the radio show to his website that he was broadcasts of old episodes of to comment. while the program now trails Some industry observers
“A Prairie Home Companion,” fired over “a story that I think “A Prairie Home Companion.” Over the years, others who ABC’s “World News Tonight” think “Today” will be able to
was fired from Minnesota Pub- is more interesting and more Minnesota Public Radio said were seen as potential succes- in viewers, it remains first in survive without Mr. Lauer.
lic Radio over allegations of in- complicated than the version it notified its board immedi- sors for Mr. Lauer have come the key demographic. Mr. Wil- “This isn’t a nuclear apoca-
appropriate behavior. MPR heard.” ately after learning of the alle- and gone including Josh Elliott, liams now hosts an hourlong lypse for NBC News,” said An-
Minnesota Public Radio said Mr. Keillor retired from the gations and retained a law firm who was wooed from “Good news program at MSNBC. drew Tyndall, a television con-
in a statement Wednesday it is music-and-variety show last to conduct an independent in- Morning America” but only Mr. Lauer joined “Today” in sultant, who noted that for
terminating its business ties year after creating it and host- vestigation. “Based on what we lasted a short while at NBC. the early 1990s after several much of his time on “Today,”
with Mr. Keillor and his private ing since 1974, and Chris Thile currently know, there are no Willie Geist, a former anchor on years in local news. He came Mr. Lauer was the No. 2
media companies immediately replaced him as host. Minne- similar allegations involving the third hour of “Today,” also to the attention of NBC while player, first behind Ms. Couric
after learning in October of al- sota Public Radio said Wednes- other staff,” Minnesota Public was seen as an heir apparent. hosting a three-hour news and then Meredith Vieira.
legations of his inappropriate day it plans to change the Radio said. —Cara Lombardo He now anchors the Sunday program on the New York City —Allison Prang
morning version of “Today.” television station WWOR-TV. contributed to this article.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Thursday, November 30, 2017 | A7
Pyongyang Set Up Test to Avoid U.S. Action
Missile’s course selected ing on China to work to per- Kim declared that Pyongyang
suade North Korea to end the had “finally realized the great
the phone call, Mr. Trump said cording to the state-run Ko-
a military response “additional major sanctions rean Central News Agency.
will be imposed on North Ko- North Korea said the missile
BY ANDREW JEONG rea today.” Shortly afterward, was fired from a mobile launch
AND JONATHAN CHENG Secretary of State Rex Tiller- system and that Mr. Kim per-
son said the U.S. has “a long sonally oversaw the test.
SEOUL—North Korea’s lat- list of additional potential It wasn’t immediately clear
est ballistic-missile test sanctions,” some possibly in- how the Hwasong-15, or
Wednesday appeared calcu- volving financial institutions, Mars-15, differed from the
lated to avoid crossing red but added the Treasury De- two Hwasong-14 missiles that
lines that could provoke mili- partment would announce Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, left, and South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Wednesday Pyongyang launched in July.
tary action by Washington them when they were ready. The latest missile reached a
while demonstrating an ad- At a campaign-style rally in Longer Reach higher maximum altitude, or
vance in the country’s cam- St. Charles, Mo., on Wednes- (tested Wedne apogee, than its predeces-
Experts say the range of s on g - 1 5 sday
paign to build nuclear weap- day, Mr. Trump appeared to Hwa ) sor—about 2,800 miles, ver-
ons capable of striking the U.S. refer to North Korea’s Kim the missile North Korea R an ge : 8 , 1 00 mi l e s sus 1,740 miles. That gives it
Pyongyang said the test of Jong Un as “little rocket man,” tested Wednesday a longer theoretical range
extends to the song-14 (tested in July
its longest-range missile yet a frequent insult, and told a
entire U.S.
Hwa 6 , 50 0 ) and the ability to reach
showed it could target the en- cheering crowd: “He’s a sick R a n ge : mil es Washington, independent ex-
tire U.S. But the latest launch puppy.” perts said.
wasn’t as provocative as other The launch, the first since MEXICO North Korea offered few
steps it has threatened, in- September, marks a logical U.S. clues on the differences, say-
cluding firing missiles at progression in North Korean CANADA ing only that the Hwasong-15
Guam, shooting down U.S. air- efforts to secure an effective EU RO PE “has much greater advan-
craft in international airspace, nuclear deterrent, and more tages in its tactical and tech-
or exploding a thermonuclear tests are likely in the months nological specifications and
device over the Pacific. ahead, said Yang Xiyu, a Ko- AF
ICA technical characteristics.”
Analysts weren’t ruling out rean affairs expert and senior RUSSIA It would take a bigger step
such actions down the road. fellow at the China Institute of from Pyongyang or an attack
But for now, close observers of International Studies, a think on U.S. forces to goad Wash-
the regime say the test of tank affiliated with the Chi- ington into a military re-
what Pyongyang described as nese Foreign Ministry. sponse, security analysts said.
a new Hwasong-15 missile “North Korea’s missile Pacific There are about 28,500 U.S.
O ce a n
with a “super-large heavy war- launches enjoy diminishing troops in South Korea and
head” was calibrated to dem- marginal utility in terms of 54,000 in Japan.
onstrate North Korea’s status political impact and shock Indian
“An open-air test over the
as a nuclear-weapons state value,” Mr. Yang said. “The O ce a n Pacific would be a big game
without following through on latest test doesn’t really affect changer—that would precipi-
more extreme threats that the options that China and the tate a U.S. action,” said Gor-
could lead to war. U.S. have in dealing with don Flake, a Korea specialist
North Korea also chose not North Korea.” AUSTRALIA at the Perth USAsia Centre in
to launch the missile over The launch drew condemna- Australia. “Right now, I’m not
Japan, as the regime has done tions from the U.S., South Ko- so sure the difference between
with two missile tests this rea and the U.N. secretary- apogees is fundamentally a
year. Instead, the Hwasong-15 general and triggered calls for game changer.”
splashed down between Korea fresh sanctions. At an emer- At the U.N. Security Council
and Japan after flying on a gency U.N. Security Council meeting, U.S. Ambassador
lofted trajectory that took it meeting Wednesday evening, Nikki Haley said Pyongyang’s
deep into space before re-en- the U.S. called on all countries action “brings the world
tering the earth’s atmosphere. to suspend diplomatic ties Source: Union of Concerned Scientists THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. closer to war, not further from
U.S. President Donald with North Korea and asked it.” She said that Washington
Trump spoke to Chinese Presi- that China stop crude oil trade to measures such as blocking issuing a stock criticism of evant launching activity,” For- didn’t seek war, but added: “If
dent Xi Jinping on Wednesday, with Pyongyang. oil trade because of the poten- Pyongyang while calling on eign Ministry spokesman Geng war comes, make no mistake,
the White House said, under- No action was taken, but tial impact on North Korea’s other governments to refrain Shuang told reporters. He the North Korean regime will
scoring “the determination of Washington’s list of demands economy and consumers, par- from measures that would ex- urged North Korea to “stop ac- be utterly destroyed.”
the United States to defend could be a hard sell to the coun- ticularly in winter months. acerbate tensions. tions that heighten tensions —Chun Han Wong
ourselves and our allies from cil and many member states. Earlier Wednesday, China “China expresses grave con- on the Korean Peninsula.” and Farnaz Fassihi
the growing threat” and call- China and Russia are opposed struck a measured response, cern and opposition to the rel- Hours after the launch, Mr. contributed to this article.
DEFY I El Primero 21
1/100 of a second chronograph
U.S.: China Is No ‘Market Economy’ MEXICO expect an interest-rate increase
BY JACOB M. SCHLESINGER EU date to December. Beijing after inflation accelerated in
argued in Geneva that the Central Banker Vows mid-November to 6.6% from
WASHINGTON—The Trump 2001 agreement granting its To Subdue Inflation 6.4% in October.
administration formally re- WTO membership required —Anthony Harrup
jected China’s demand that it other members automatically The incoming governor of the
be treated as a “market econ- treat China as a market econ- Bank of Mexico reaffirmed the EL SALVADOR
omy” under global trading omy by the 15th anniversary of bank’s commitment to tackling
rules, a move likely to its joining the organization. inflation, which has accelerated Suspect Extradited
heighten tensions between the The U.S., Europe, and others to more than double the central To Spain From U.S.
world’s two largest economies. say their promise to grant bank’s 3% target this year.
The U.S. submitted its deci- China that status was contin- “We need to adopt a mone- A former Salvadoran colonel
sion to the World Trade Or- gent on Beijing implementing tary-policy stance that leads in- was extradited to Spain to face
ganization in Geneva in mid- market liberalization measures flation as soon as possible onto charges that he helped plot the
November and made it public that have yet to be carried out. a downward track toward the 1989 massacre of six Jesuit
Thursday. Trump aides have China filed complaints late target,” Alejandro Díaz de León priests and two other people in
long signaled their stance on last year against both the U.S. said Wednesday in an interview El Salvador, Spanish authorities
the issue, but the filing marks and the EU with the WTO with Mexico’s Imagen Radio. said Wednesday.
the first time the U.S. govern- trade court demanding that “The central bank will take the The National Court in Madrid
ment has publicly declared its the U.S. and EU grant it market necessary actions for that track said Inocente Orlando Montano
position and explained its rea- status. The U.S. case has since to materialize,” he said. Morales, 76 years old, arrived in
soning. stalled, but the complaint Mr. Díaz de León, a deputy Madrid on Wednesday and was
The fight’s stakes are high. against Europe is moving for- governor at the central bank, to appear in court on Thursday.
The trading partners of a ward toward hearings. What was appointed Tuesday by Presi- Mr. Montano faces charges of
country branded a “nonmarket the U.S. revealed Thursday was dent Enrique Peña Nieto to take terrorist murder in the attack on
economy” have wider discre- a brief supporting Europe in over on Dec. 1 from Agustín the Jesuit priests—five of whom
tion to impose higher duties its case. That, officials say, Carstens, who is leaving to head were Spaniards—and two female
on its exports on the theory shows Washington will take a the Switzerland-based Bank for employees. He has denied in-
that distortions from state in- similar stance when its own International Settlements. volvement in the killings.
tervention give its producers Workers toiled recently at an aluminum plant in Huaibei, China. case proceeds. Mr. Díaz de León is “very U.S. court documents said Mr.
unfair advantages. “The evidence is over- much a continuity appointment,” Montano was part of a group of
Economists have estimated ing tariffs well above 100%. and authority of multilateral whelming that WTO members Neil Shearing, chief emerging- military officers accused of con-
that the decisions by the U.S. In a recent speech, Wang rules.” He said Beijing “will have not surrendered their markets economist at Capital spiring to kill the priests, who
and European Union to treat Hejun from China’s Ministry of take will take necessary mea- longstanding rights…to reject Economics said in a report. were helping to organize peace
China as a nonmarket economy Commerce said the continuing sures to protect legitimate ben- prices or costs that are not de- The Bank of Mexico’s first talks during El Salvador’s
have cost Chinese producers refusal by the U.S. to grant efits of Chinese enterprises.” termined under market econ- monetary-policy meeting under 1980-92 civil war. The killings
billions of dollars in exports, China market-economy status The disputes pitting China omy conditions,” the U.S. brief Mr. Díaz de León is scheduled sparked international outrage.
with some of their goods fac- “undermines the seriousness against both the U.S. and the concludes. for Dec. 14, and some analysts —Associated Press
Pope Appeals
For Tolerance
In Myanmar
BY FRANCIS X. ROCCA scribed the campaign as “eth-
AND BEN OTTO nic cleansing” and called for
independent inquiries into al-
YANGON, Myanmar—Pope leged abuses by security forces
Francis appealed to Myanmar’s and others.
Buddhist majority to promote Leaders of the small Catho-
social tolerance, implicitly lic population in this poor but
calling on them to shun the ex- fast-growing Southeast Asian
treme Buddhist nationalism nation have advised the pope
that has contributed to the re- to steer clear of directly con-
cent flight of more than fronting the issue for fear of a
600,000 minority Muslims into backlash against Christians
neighboring Bangladesh. here.
Religious leaders must Cardinal Charles Bo of Yan-
“speak with one voice in af- gon, the country’s senior Cath-
firming the timeless values of olic cleric, has warned that
justice, peace and the funda- comments by the pope on the
mental dignity of each human Rohingya could provoke dem-
person,” the pope told the Su- onstrations led by the “ex-
preme Sangha Council, the tremist monks” who are an in-
country’s highest Buddhist au- creasingly influential factor in
thority. “It is the particular re- the country’s politics. “They’re Pope Francis, right, and Bhaddanta Kumarabhivamsa, head of Myanmar’s Supreme Sangha Council, after a meeting in Yangon.
sponsibility of civil and reli- so strong, that could be un-
gious leaders to ensure that controllable,” the cardinal said Pope Francis urged the Bud- that “we must all denounce Wimala Biwuntha, a leader of monk who has become the
every voice be heard.” in an interview this month. dhist leaders in general terms any expressions that incite ha- the Buddhist organization Ma country’s most prominent
The pope is making his first As in his speech to Myan- to support reconciliation tred, false propaganda, conflict Ba Tha, which was banned this anti-Muslim voice.
visit to Myanmar when its au- mar’s political leaders the pre- among “people of different and war on religious pretexts.” year for hate speech, referring The pope was to move on to
thorities are under intense in- vious evening, Pope Francis’ cultures, ethnicities and reli- Hard-line monks have been to the 57-member Organiza- Bangladesh on Thursday,
ternational pressure over a remarks to the Buddhists gious convictions” in Myan- more skeptical of the pope’s tion of Islamic Cooperation. where he was scheduled to
military campaign against in- didn’t directly address the mil- mar. visit to Myanmar, whose offi- “There’s no need to bring love meet a delegation of Rohingya
surgents in western Rakhine itary’s treatment of the Roh- His host, Bhaddanta Ku- cial slogan is “love and peace.” and peace to Myanmar.” the next day in the capital,
state, home of the Muslim Ro- ingya, which the pope himself marabhivamsa, head of the “He should take love and The Venerable Wimala is a Dhaka.
hingya minority. The United has denounced as religious Buddhist council, voiced peace to the terrorist group close associate of the Venera- —Myo Myo
Nations and the U.S. have de- persecution. matching sentiments, saying ISIS and to the OIC,“ said ble Wirathu, a controversial contributed to this article.
Bali Ngurah Rai Interna- planned four flights to Jakarta second-highest, from red, al-
tional Airport opened Wednes- from Bali on Wednesday. though authorities can’t predict
day afternoon, after authori- AirAsia, the region’s largest how long the safer conditions
ties determined that the low-cost carrier, took 73 passen- will last, said Gede Suantika of
column of ash from Mount gers to Jakarta about two hours the Center for Volcanology and
Agung, which once reached after the airport reopened. Geological Hazard Mitigation.
12,000 feet, had fallen to 5,000 The airport, which normally Separately, the threat of erup-
feet, low enough to make the handles some 400 flights a tion by Mount Agung remained
airspace safe. Volcanic ash can day, has been crowded since at 4, the highest level. Travelers lined up for document checks at Ngurah Rai international Airport after it reopened Wednesday.
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A10 | Thursday, November 30, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Agriculture is playing a jured by anhydrous ammonia, a ings and rallied support on pumpkins near Humboldt, said
smaller economic role as farms chemical used in meat plant re- Facebook. he anticipated some criticism
consolidate and technology re- frigeration systems, including Tyson aimed to move fast in from locals worried about odors
duces labor needs. In 2012, 444 an incident in June at a Tyson building the company’s first and other aspects of Tyson’s
U.S. counties depended on farm- facility in Hutchinson, Kan., new plant in 20 years. Tom plant. But he said that probably
ing as a principal source of in- about three hours away. Sepa- Hayes, Tyson’s chief executive, wouldn’t derail the plan. “Jobs
come and employment, down rately, in late September, Tyson said on the company’s Aug. 7 are hard to come by,” he said.
from 511 in 2001, according to pleaded guilty to violations of earnings call that demand for “Really, the county needs this.”
the USDA’s Economic Research the Clean Water Act at a Mis- chicken was “busting at the On Tuesday, Tyson said it re-
Service. souri chicken facility. seams.” U.S. consumers this mained interested in Kansas and
The number of farms in “It’s always in the back of year are projected to consume a would consider potential sites
Leavenworth County declined your mind, what can be in your record 91.3 pounds of chicken there in the future, although it
Ken McCauley thought the plant would help by boosting grain prices. by 8.4% from 1982 to 2012, ac- water,” said Ms. Oelschlaeger, each—the fifth consecutive year said it had no specific timeline.
was in the shop, Spectrum and the clock ran out of digits, work,” he said.
President Harvey Brooks said its dollar sign was replaced Crane operator Dris Davis
the rehab included new cir- with a “1.” Since then, the was accompanied by Deacon,
cuitry and LEDs. “They start debt has doubled. his oversize Belgian Malinois
to dim down a little bit,” he The Durst debt clock has pup, who was barking non-
said. “We’ll replace them and spawned several copycats. The stop. He said Deacon was ex-
bring it back to its original Republican Party erected one cited about the clock, not the
brilliance—give it a life again.” at its 2012 convention in debt. “He’s only four months
He declined to predict how Tampa, Fla. Clocks have hung old,” Mr. Davis said. “He
long the clock would be in German cities to track the doesn’t know too much about
needed. “I’m sure it will out- debt in Germany. There are it. He will soon.”
live me,” he said. many debt clocks online, in- Electrician Larry Pfleiderer
The counter was created by cluding a site that displays the wasn’t sure the repair was After nearly six months in the repair shop, the National Debt Clock has returned to New York City.
Douglas Durst’s father, Sey- national debt of 49 countries. complete. “I think we should
mour Durst, who made the na- Some mistake the clock have added an extra digit on As the crew prepared to “Oh, my God,” said Mr. “I want to move to a differ-
tional debt a pet issue. Before overlooking Manhattan’s that thing,” he said. hoist and affix the clock to the Dano. ent country,” Curt Swanton
erecting the clock in 1989, he Union Square for a debt clock, The clock can only run up building facade, he was asked By the next day, the clock said.
had taken to sending holiday but “Metronome” is actually to $99 trillion. to guess how much the debt was lighted and the digital His brother displayed a flair
cards to senators with the just an art installation that Rocky Dano, an installer rose while the sign was in the tally had resumed its climb. for the sarcastic: “We’ll just
cheerful greeting: “Happy New tells the time in a confusing and fabricator, said he didn’t repair shop. Curt and Nathan Swanton, pass it on to our kids!”
Year. Your share of the na- way. pay much attention to the “My God,” he said. “I’m go- young brothers visiting from By the time they moved on,
tional debt is $35,000.” Last week, the actual Na- debt. “We just work, and pay ing to say close to $2 billion.” Amherst, N.Y., stopped to the debt had risen another
At the time, the debt stood tional Debt Clock was ferried it,” he said. The reality: $687 billion. gawk. $16.4 million.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * NY Thursday, November 30, 2017 | A10A
Rockefeller Tree
Gets New Life
After Christmas
BY KATE KING “The significance is around
really the awareness that get-
David Gavasheli’s garage ting the lumber brings to the
has a secret. need for affordable home-
One of the walls contains ownership opportunities,” she
lumber from the 2012 Rocke- said. “The spirit of Christmas
feller Center Christmas tree. A is about bringing families to-
Wright said Monday as he pre- tive,” said Mr. Prendergast, Connecticut, New Jersey and
viewed his group’s proposals. who recently joined the RPA Pennsylvania.
Commuter frustration in Lauren Lebeouf, actress board. “The concept and un- Cathy Collins, executive di-
New York City reached a cre- derlying premise is a good one rector of Habitat for Humanity
scendo this year as subway rid- prove the tri-state region and Cuomo, who controls the MTA, that should be looked at.” of Greater Newburgh, in New
ers endured frequent delays its $1.8 trillion economy. declared a state of emergency Austin Finan, a spokesman York, said the organization
caused by track and signal prob- Previous RPA plans, pub- for the agency in June because for Mayor Bill de Blasio, said the has received lumber from the
lems, fires and faulty equipment lished in the 1920s, 1960s and of the subway disruptions. A administration is reviewing the 2010, 2015 and 2016 trees,
that could have been reduced if 1990s, have included such cru- spokesman for Mr. Cuomo re- proposals. “Around-the-clock which has been used in five
the system were properly main- cial recommendations as build- ferred questions about the mass transit is a jewel of the homes. The wood is too soft
tained, Mr. Wright said. ing the George Washington overnight-shutdown proposal city that separates New York for load-bearing walls, and is
Although the RPA has no Bridge at 178th Street in Man- to the MTA. from its peers and provides a mostly used as blocking built
formal authority, its ambitious hattan rather than at a pro- In a statement, MTA Chair- huge boon to workers and the into the walls of houses, she
plans, published every few de- posed location at 57th Street, man Joe Lhota said: “We all economy,” Mr. Finan said. said.
cades, often are embraced by and expanding Midtown’s busi- agree that the subways must The Fourth Regional Plan The lumber from the
state and local agencies when ness district on the far west side be stabilized and modernized, contains dozens of recommen- Rockefeller Center tree isn’t
they embark upon major infra- in a similar fashion to what is and advancing the conversa- dations, including an overhaul financially significant in terms Wood from a Rockefeller
structure projects or when taking shape at Hudson Yards. tion on how to do so is pro- of the governance and powers of the overall building cost, Christmas tree was used in
they think about how to im- New York Gov. Andrew ductive and worth having.” Please see PLAN page A10C Ms. Collins said. David Gavasheli’s garage.
$50 Two neighbors hope a buyer would recapture the 19th century glory of their co-ops by combining them.
Code VOC50
Wanted: Buyer to Restore
Grandeur to the Dakota
In the Footsteps of building, really” she said.
Virginia Dwan, an art dealer After moving into the Da-
and philanthropist, and her Bogie and Bacall kota that year, Ms. Dwan ran
next door neighbor John Ry- into Ms. Bacall at the Bergdorf
dzewski, an investment banker, Goodman department store on
hold two pieces of a puzzle at For Virginia Dwan, an avant- Fifth Avenue. Ms. Dwan told
the Dakota, the 19th century garde art dealer, the glamour her about the photo that in-
edifice that all but invented of the Dakota apart- spired her to move into
luxury apartment living in New ment building on the building. Ms. Ba-
York City. Central Park West, call, who resided in
PROPERTY Now they are was epitomized the Dakota before
looking for by a photograph she died in 2014,
someone inter- she had seen of explained that the
ested in putting the pieces actress Lauren photo was taken
back together. Bacall in front of at a country house
When the Dakota opened in an ornate fireplace. before Mr. Bogart
1884, their separate living It was 1964, and died in 1957.
quarters were a single, sprawl- Ms. Dwan was looking for At the time, Ms. Dwan
ing 4,800-square-foot apart- a Manhattan apartment. The said she was bemused. More
ment with a living room facing photo showing Ms. Bacall with than half a century later she
the corner of Central Park husband Humphrey Bogart said she is glad she moved
“Anyone who flies frequently will see why this new West and West 72nd Street. convinced her “it was the best into the fabled building.
After living side by side for
carry-on is a sensation” decades, the two are looking
for a single buyer to combine the sixth floor in 2014. But the New Yorkers, who previously
the two spaces into a gracious purchaser would have to carry had resided primarily in town-
Jury German Design Award 19th century layout. out renovations costing mil- houses. Until then, apartment
The idea is to realize some lions to combine the units, re- living was limited to walk-ups
of the original intentions of move a kitchen and reconfig- for the lower and middle classes.
VOCIER.com the architect, Henry J. Harden-
bergh, and celebrate the huge
ure some interior walls.
Sharon Walker Flynn, a bro-
“It was an era when New
Yorkers had to be convinced to
proportions of the rooms, with ker at Stribling & Associates leave a townhouse,” said John
13½-foot-high ceilings, over- who represents Ms. Dwan, said Burger, a broker at Brown
size windows and mahogany the board at the Dakota has a Harris Stevens who represents
trim. record of encouraging the res- Mr. Rydzewski. “They wanted
At the same time, they hope toration of original apartment something that had the feel of
to get a higher price than they layouts, and is likely to sup- a house.”
would by selling each apart- port the combination. There originally were about
ment separately. It would re- The plan is part of a trend 65 apartment suites at the Da-
create a rare five-bedroom be- during the past few decades in kota, and now there are about
hemoth, and revive some long- luxury co-ops on Park and 85 co-op units.
lost grandeur. Fifth avenues to undo damage The original design in-
The combined asking price created when large apartments cluded six floors with large
for both units is $20.5 million. were chopped into smaller apartments facing south and
Jonathan Miller, an appraiser pieces. Much of the apartment- west. Three have the original
Join The Wall Street Journal’s editors at our and president of Miller Samuel splitting in luxury buildings oc- layouts, including the one
Inc., said combinations can add curred in the years after World owned by Yoko Ono, the
Future Of series to discuss the future with value, especially when the com- War II, at a time of an acute widow of John Lennon, who
the leaders who are shaping it. bined apartment revives a gra- housing shortage, when rent- was fatally shot outside the
cious layout that had been lost. control laws limited how much Dakota in 1980.
“Sometimes, one plus one can landlords could charge, Mr. Another floor was recom-
equal 2½,” Mr. Miller said. Miller said. The Dakota was bined a decade ago by the late
The asking price is below converted to a co-op in 1961. John Angelo, the investment
the record set at the Dakota, a At nine stories, the Dakota manager. It includes a unit
$27.5 million sale of a restored was the first elevator building once owned by the late ballet
three-bedroom apartment on designed to appeal to affluent dancer Rudolf Nureyev.
Future Of: Innovation
Plan for
Joanna Stern and Christopher Mims will discuss the tech
innovations to look forward to in 2018 and beyond.
Armory Is
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory continues to transform the way basic science research is done, search for answers to science’s
most challenging questions and positively change the lives of children and adults suffering from diseases such as cancer and autism.
CSHL Trustees Jamie Nicholls, James Simons, George Yancopoulos Master of Ceremonies Lesley Stahl, Honoree Tom Brokaw Majority Owners of NY Islanders Scott Malkin and Jon Ledecky,
Commissioner of NBA Adam Silver
The non-profit Laboratory is home to 8 Nobel Prize winners and is consistently ranked by Thomson Reuters
as one of the world’s top research institutions. g i v e . c s h l . e d u | 5 1 6 . 3 6 7 . 8 8 4 0
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A10D | Thursday, November 30, 2017 NY * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, November 30, 2017 | A11
Mark Tobey’s
Expressionism Exception
From left: Mark Tobey in his studio (1949); his 'Threading Light' (1942)
1962 that Pollock had “capitulated Palestine, Japan, Israel and Mex- was to generate an overall, organi- of its beautiful catalog, cites a
to my style.” ico. Back in Seattle in 1951, he was cally wiry calligraphic approach “conformity to lingering Renais-
“Mark Tobey: Threading Light,” ambivalent in the extreme about that exuded a gauzy poetry. Unlike sance norms” (i.e., the portrayal of
Andover, Mass at Phillips Academy’s Addison Gal- being labeled part of a Pacific Pollock’s more stentorian all-over volume with light and shadow) as
‘I BELIEVE that painting should lery of American Art, offers quiet Northwest “school” of abstraction, paintings, Tobey’s quietly beckon the obstacle. For Tobey, real mys-
come through the avenues of med- testimony both to the artist’s am- and he told his longtime New York the viewer to come in. tery in art eventually required
itation rather than the canals of bition and his contemplation. It dealer, Marian Willard, that be- Tobey manages a remarkable some abstraction.
action,” said artist Mark Tobey contains 67 paintings installed in cause of the isolation he couldn’t amount of difference among Yet he was not just another Pa-
(1890-1976). Generally remem- rooms whose walls have been paint there much longer. In 1960, “white writing” paintings of simi- cific Northwest artist masquerad-
bered as a Pacific Northwest painted what one might call Tobey Tobey moved to Basel, Switzer- larly modest size and mutedness. ing as an Eastern mystic. He said
painter closely identified with Se- gray. (The exhibition appeared land, where he died 16 years later. “Threading Light” (1942)—possi- his subject matter was actually
attle, Tobey chafed at art reviews earlier at the Peggy Guggenheim bly the best work in the show—is “the restless pulse of our cities
in the 1940s that constantly paired Collection in Venice.) under 30 inches tall, with a space- today,” and at least a couple of
him with the “action painter” Tobey came from the Midwest age flow to it. “Crystallizations” paintings—“Broadway” (1935) and
Jackson Pollock. Compared with (one of the earliest paintings in
Unlike his East Coast from two years later is less than “Fog in the Market” (1943)—af-
the Abstract Expressionists, Tobey the show, “Middle West [American contemporaries, the 20 inches high, and dense as a firm Ms. Balken’s point that To-
painted small, and his favorite me- Landscape],” 1929, is a veritable rain cloud but as lacy as a veil. bey’s “white writing” was “a
dium was tempera on panel or pa- portrait of dreariness), had no for-
artist favored small scale “Window” (1953), large for a ca- means to move progressive art
per. His color was subdued— mal art education save for some and a meditative mood. sein-on-board picture at 44 by 28 beyond the entrenched languages
mostly grays—and he developed a Saturday classes at the Art Insti- inches, uses the suggestion of part of Cubism.” Still, while Tobey’s
“white writing” approach to paint- tute of Chicago, and admitted that of a window frame to bring in ar- usual painting scale was modest,
ing, in which he pondered “micro- his “eyes weren’t prepared” for chitecture. Late in his career, To- his philosophical reach was ex-
scopic worlds” instead of the the famous Armory Show when he The “white writing” technique bey turned to oil on canvas, work- pansive. “Why don’t art schools,”
atomic explosions in the minds of saw it in 1913. He cited 1918 as the began in 1935, and was first dis- ing in a scale of up to more than he once asked, “have a class on
Abstract Expressionists. Having beginning of a “dark period,” and played in his paintings in a 1944 seven feet in one direction, but how to remain aware?” This exhi-
converted to the Bahá’i faith in his very little of his art from the ’20s exhibition in New York. Some of those oils seem forced into large bition could well be a pleasurable
late 20s, his outlook was a far cry still exists, but Tobey learned Chi- these works preceded Pollock’s scale by the art world’s appetite first session.
from the existentialism that fueled nese brushwork in 1924 and made “drip” paintings by five years. for size.
the postwar New York art world. a trip to Paris, then the center of While other artists—notably Janet Tobey came late to his signa- Mark Tobey: Threading Light
Still, he was a modern American modern art, the following year. Sobel in New York and the Danish ture style; he was in his mid-40s Addison Gallery of American Art, An-
painter concerned with fame and In fact, Tobey was a ceaseless émigré Knud Merrild in Los Ange- when he discovered it, and 50 by dover, Mass., through March 11, 2018
his place in history. He won the traveler, visiting (in no particular les—beat Pollock to the line in the time it blossomed fully within
City of Venice prize for painting at order) England (where he taught terms of the linear pouring of him. Debra Bricker Balken. the ex- Mr. Plagens is an artist and writer
the 1958 Biennale, and boasted in for a few years), Turkey, China, paint, Tobey’s accomplishment hibition’s curator and sole author in New York.
"!# expanding to airports after luggage, look inside bags what contractors develop and was well-staffed for the
$ &
! (
# ) the summer rush. The roll- from all angles, much like a and then goes to Congress rush. The agency offered
out likely will continue hospital CT scan, and pro- to get funding for pur- lots of overtime to officers,
through March and April. duce a clean 3-D image. chases, a multiyear process. he says.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, November 30, 2017 | A13
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A14 | Thursday, November 30, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
BY ANDREW BEATON NFL became an Eagle, when the team
started crafting one of the NFL’s
best offensive lines. In an age when
CARSON WENTZ’S professional
career couldn’t have started much
better. The tall quarterback from
the low-level football program led
The Gunslinger pundits have decried the poor state
of blocking, some teams simply
can’t afford to wait for deep routes
to develop.
It also helps that Wentz moves
boys fan—LeBron James—says that throws have been into tight cover-
Wentz is his favorite player. age—the most of any quarterback.
The three quarterbacks with a For most quarterbacks, throw-
higher passer rating than Wentz ing into small windows isn’t a par-
this season—Tom Brady, Alex Smith ticularly good idea. The two quar-
and Drew Brees—have combined to terbacks who have done it the
complete 69.5% of their passes. second and third most frequently
Wentz has completed only 60.2%. this year are Brock Osweiler and
That’s actually one of the worst Tom Savage. They aren’t exactly
marks in the league, but it doesn’t Eagles quarterback Carson Wentz has transformed into an MVP contender and leads the NFL’s highest-scoring offense. the company most quarterbacks
matter because he throws the ball would like to keep.
farther than almost anyone else. league’s best quarterback, Aaron Last year, league-wide comple- among the shortest—his average But there’s a big difference.
Wentz’s completed passes this Rodgers, averaged one of the tion percentage reached an all- completed pass went only six Wentz is good enough to take the
season have traveled 7.8 yards down shortest attempted distances, 5.4 time high at 63%, but yards per at- yards down field, or nearly 25% risks these other quarterbacks fail
the field on average, which is sec- yards, before he got hurt. Which is tempt has trended downwards too. shorter than this year. at—so even though Wentz has
ond highest among quarterbacks exactly where quarterback play Also in the last five seasons, 50.5% But the Eagles built the perfect thrown the ball more than Os-
who have started at least eight has gone in recent years. of passes have gone five yards or team to defy this new norm. And weiler and Savage combined, he’s
games. That’s a full half yard farther Teams are passing more, but fewer yards downfield, versus only part of it had to do with thrown four fewer picks.
than Brady, and nearly two yards shorter, and at a higher clip—the 47.1% from 2000 through 2004, ac- Wentz’s other-worldly arm “He just makes some throws in
longer than Brees and Smith, ac- last five seasons are also the five cording to Stats LLC. strength that allows him to make games and you go, ‘Wow,’” says of-
cording to the NFL’s NextGen Stats. with the highest completion per- Wentz slipped into this mold throws other quarterbacks can’t. fensive tackle Lane Johnson. “And
The player often considered the centages in NFL history. last season. His passes were It really began before Wentz ever he’s been doing it every week.”
Taxes: What Would Jesus Do? BOOKSHELF | By William Anthony Hay
Jesus Christ
could count
himself lucky
pools for endangered Chris-
tians, she’s withdrawing her
how, year after year, the an-
nual pay raise didn’t amount
to squat, so the budget belt
require paying higher wages to
attract workers.
Democrats who know bet-
The Ties
that for the
completion of
his earthly
mission he
Defeated by a determined
minority of his apostles, Jesus
abruptly announces his retire-
ment and returns home to the
had to be tightened again.
Or they wondered through
the second Obama term who
would hire them out of college.
ter, such as Chuck Schumer,
and newspaper pundits in the
progressive resistance dismiss
this as “tax cuts for corpora-
That Bind
LAND had the 12
apostles and
family carpentry business in
It is no surprise—though it is a tions and the wealthy.” Not
even Elizabeth Warren be-
Queen Victoria’s Matchmaking
By Daniel
not the 52 i i i lieves this hooey. By Deborah Cadbury
Republican We won’t know anytime The Senate’s six Procter & Gamble, the very (PublicAffairs, 382 pages, $27)
members of soon what Jesus would think model of a U.S. corporation,
the U.S. Senate. of the Republicans’ tax bill, so apostles can choose employs about 95,000 people. family on the throne is an interesting idea,” said
Imagine: The Lord tells we’ll default to guessing at the between Caesar and I’m going to guess that maybe Walter Bagehot, the Victorian editor and polymath,
Lazarus to walk from his second-best opinion: the 90,000 of them support mid- because “it brings down the pride of sovereignty to
tomb, and the apostle Bob, the American people’s. economic opportunity dle-class families, directly or the level of petty life.” There was one aspect of ordinary
first fiscal hawk, objects that Watching the current de- indirectly, with what P&G pays life, petty or otherwise, that deeply concerned Victoria
if Jesus continues raising peo- bate, what many of them think them. herself: the marital fate of her children and grandchildren.
ple from the dead, the un- is that the Republican tax bill stunning and pathetic indict- This reality of sustaining The House of Hanover’s marriages could affect
planned population growth is about the swamp, because ment of the U.S. economy in the American middle class is international politics, as Deborah Cadbury shows in “Queen
will blow out Judea’s deficit. this is what the swamp does— our time—that so many of repeated with all the U.S. cor- Victoria’s Matchmaking,” and gave the queen’s aspirations a
Apostle Bob says he won’t go bog down in Washington’s un- these millennials concluded porations everyone knows, the broader scope than “merely” her empire.
along without a hard cap on fathomable arcana and pro- that batty Bernie Sanders’s so- companies no one’s ever heard In Europe, marriages had long been a diplomatic tool.
resurrections. duce clouds of gas. cialism made sense. of, and the new companies en- The Habsburgs routinely used judicious matches to build
The Lord reminds the apos- The Senate Republicans, to Why shouldn’t they? trepreneurs will create to sup- their domains into a great power. As a phrase went: “Let
tles of how he fed the multi- the last man and woman, say They’ve never lived inside the port more families if six sena- others wage war; you, happy Austria, wed.” In the 18th
tudes with the miracle of the they are doing this tax reform sort of exciting, upward-mov- tors let this tax bill pass. century, a connection through marriage placed a Bourbon
loaves and the fishes. Forget it, to “lift the economy,” but ing economy their elders en- What would Jesus do? He on the Spanish throne, allying France and Spain against
says the apostle Jeff. Uncon- when is the last time one joyed in the 1960s, ’80s or had a thought: “Render to Cae- their rival, England. Of course ties forged between royal
strained loaf-and-fish division heard any of them, especially ’90s. Absent real economic op- sar the things that are Cae- families could also act as a
will create a culture of entitle- the six doubters, explain what portunity for eight years, the sar’s, and to God the things form of soft power, exerting
ment. Apostle Jeff says he’s that means in the real world default option has skipped that are God’s.” My biblical influence beyond official
leaving. most voters inhabit? past Democratic liberalism to translation is that Jesus set channels. British prestige
Angered, Jesus threatens to The swath of the electorate socialism. the terms of the debate be- thus made Victoria’s
drive the money changers whose view of the Republican If it’s OK with six Republi- tween the claims of the state numerous children (nine) and
from the temple. You’re wast- tax effort intrigues me the can senators, the tax bill and the spiritual and daily life grandchildren (42) attractive
ing your energy, says the most is the group that has the would attempt an alternative of the people. candidates in what Ms.
apostle Ron, an accountant least experience with the tax to that. It will drop the corpo- The Democratic Party re- Cadbury calls “the world’s
before joining the disciple- system but a lot to gain from a rate tax rate to 20% from 35%, fuses to participate in legislat- most exclusive dating agency.”
ship. Ron explains to the Lord new one—millennials. allow immediate expensing ing the bill because its tax col- Victoria (1819-1901) had come
that the money changers are Wind the clock back to for new capital investments, lections for the state are of age in an era of reform during
pass-through entities who are 2008, when Barack Obama was and return to the U.S. several insufficient. That is who they which high-minded leaders
withholding their support un- elected and when people now trillion dollars in profits held are and will be, permanently. sought to reconcile traditional
til Jesus extracts equal tax in their 20s were between 10 overseas to avoid that 35% tax The Republicans are set to institutions with the social
treatment for them from King and 18 years old. rate. choose: Become Caesar’s foot- change that the French Revolution
Herod. The only economy they’ve The purpose of these reduc- men if they fail, or creators of had set into motion. Her own marriage
Susan of Magdalen says lived with is the weak one the tions in taxation is to create opportunity—if the six doubt- had solidified this mission: Prince Albert, her
she’s having doubts about the Obama years produced. Many incentives for companies or in- ing apostles don’t flee into the beloved husband and consort, was shaped by German
entire messianic enterprise. Un- of them overheard parents or dividuals to invest in business Beltway desert. pietism, a religious movement emphasizing duty and moral
less the Lord creates high-risk grandparents talking about expansions, which in time will Write [email protected]. purposefulness. He believed that promoting a shared liberal
vision between England and Germany would build European
stability, sustain the post-Napoleonic peace and foster
The Debt Is No Reason to Kill Tax Reform progress. Victoria also saw Germany as a natural ally, given
her family’s roots there.
The marriage of their eldest daughter, Vicky, to
By Karl Rove overall economy that will add to get worse: The Congressio- CBO projects. To begin with, Frederick, the heir to the Prussian throne, seemed to
jobs and demonstrate greater nal Budget Office forecasts congressional Republicans further the reformist idea, but the liberal-leaning couple
ax reform is not polling strength next year. that the public debt will rise should ignore Mr. Trump’s de- had to struggle against currents within German politics.
well. In a mid-October Still, passing tax reform from 75.5% of gross domestic sire for a $1 trillion infrastruc- Bismarck’s program to unite Germany under Prussian
CNN survey, only 34% of through the Senate won’t be product in fiscal 2017 to 85.6% ture bill. If President Obama’s leadership had an authoritarian cast at odds with the
Americans favored “the tax re- easy. Republican skeptics fall in 2026. $800 billion stimulus in 2009 enlightened constitutional monarchy they preferred.
form proposals made by the into three main camps. First, But keeping the tax code’s didn’t produce robust eco- Frederick’s death from cancer in 1888, after only a few
Trump administration.” A some senators want “pass- status quo—unfair, costly to nomic growth, why assume a months as emperor, dashed liberal hopes and brought his
week later, a poll by The Wall throughs,” the small busi- comply with, detrimental to better outcome today? son William II to power. Handicapped from a difficult birth,
Street Journal and NBC News nesses that are taxed under economic growth and Ameri- Passing major legislation William had been a willful child who rejected his parents’
found only 25% thought “Pres- the personal code, to have par- can competitiveness—won’t like a tax bill is inherently dif- values and showed increasing jealousy toward Britain.
ident Trump’s tax plan is a ity with corporations. Al- make the debt problem go ficult, even when the presi- Adding to the problem, the future Edward VII, Victoria’s
good idea,” compared with though the Senate bill gets away. The CBO estimates that, dent’s bully pulpit is properly eldest son, disliked his nephew and preferred France to
35% who said it was a bad close to that, true equality of without tax reform, Washing- deployed. In this case, Mr. Germany. William II came to resent what he considered a
idea. rates would be expensive and ton will collect $42.1 trillion Trump has yet to make a con- cabal of relations treating him with disdain. Royal ties
Around the same time, CBS difficult to achieve. over the next decade. Outlays vincing and consistent case became a source of friction rather than harmony.
News found that just 38% ap- will reach $51.4 trillion, mean- for tax reform. He has held oc-
proved of “the way Donald ing another $9.3 trillion added casional rallies to rev up true
Trump is handling tax policy.” That problem has one to the debt. The only way to believers, but calling for a Britain’s power made Victoria’s many children
That’s roughly the president’s mitigate the problem is to con- “big, beautiful tax cut” won’t and grandchildren attractive candidates in
job-performance rating in the answer: less spending. strain federal spending. persuade skeptics and fence
Real Clear Politics average, In the meantime, fix This will require congres- sitters. Then there are the ‘the world’s most exclusive dating agency.’
which was 39.5% Wednesday. sional Republicans to tackle president’s Twitter attacks on
Still, public opinion on tax re- the broken tax code. mandatory spending, which is senators whose votes he
form is fluid and will be af- made up mostly of Social Se- needs. On Nov. 19 he called Victoria, who had known the assassinated Czar
fected by what happens if the curity and Medicare. The CBO Sen. Jeff Flake “unelectable” Alexander II in her youth, disliked Russia’s political and
bill passes. Other senators are uncom- says mandatory spending will and “toast,” and on Oct. 25 he social order, the most reactionary in Europe. As it
The saving grace for Repub- fortable using the tax bill to rise from 70% of all outlays in launched on Sen. Bob Corker happened, two of her granddaughters married Romanov
licans is that voters trust the repeal ObamaCare’s individual fiscal 2017 to 78% in 2026. (“zero chance of being princes, one of whom became the ill-fated Nicholas II.
GOP more on these issues. A mandate. Yet killing the man- That will squeeze the discre- elected”). This is political Nicholas’s princess consort, Alexandra—whose mother was
late October survey from Polit- date is tax relief for families tionary portion of the budget, malpractice. Alice, Victoria’s second daughter—came to embrace the
ico and Morning Consult found with modest incomes: Among which includes defense, educa- Republicans are counting on Orthodox Church and the autocratic imperatives of the
that 42% of voters trusted con- those who pay ObamaCare’s tion, transportation and every- a few wavering senators to put czarist regime. Meanwhile, a Russian daughter-in-law,
gressional Republicans on the tax on being uninsured, more thing else. country, prosperity and their Maria Alexandrovna—the wife of Victoria’s second son,
economy, compared with 38% than a third make $25,000 or As a candidate, Mr. Trump party above the understand- Alfred—sided with William II in the family quarrels of the
for congressional Democrats. less annually, and 80% make opposed restraints on manda- able desire for personal pay- 1880s and ’90s. “Grandmamma Queen” was not amused.
The numbers on jobs were the $50,000 or less. tory spending. But if Republi- back against Mr. Trump. The Other challenges lay closer to home. Victoria and
same—42% for Republicans, The third group of GOP cans are serious about fiscal president often makes things Albert’s unhappiness with Edward, a dissolute figure, is an
38% for Democrats. holdouts is the deficit hawks. responsibility, they must deal harder than they need to be. oft-told tale. Ms. Cadbury focuses on troubles in the next
Polls aside, the GOP is bet- Ignore for a moment the hypo- with entitlements. To keep the generation, particularly the hapless Prince Eddy, Edward’s
ting that Americans will see critical squawking of Demo- debt from rising above 75% of Mr. Rove helped organize eldest son, who was believed to lack the manly bearing or
the results of tax reform in crats, who supported President GDP, Congress would have to the political-action committee intellectual grasp that a king required. Victoria agreed with
two important ways: larger Obama in adding $9.3 trillion prune outlays over the next American Crossroads and is her son that “a good sensible wife” might compensate for
paychecks in January, when to the national debt over eight decade by $2.9 trillion—or the author of “The Triumph of her grandson’s deficiencies. Princess Alix of Hesse seemed
the reduced withholding will years. Yes, America’s deficit somewhat less if growth is William McKinley” (Simon & the answer, but she rejected Eddy for a Russian prince.
go into effect, and a better problem is troubling and about above the anemic 1.9% that the Schuster, 2015). Eddy had some success wooing the French princess
Hélène of Orléans, but Hélène’s Catholicism became a
sticking point. Perhaps taken with the romance of it all,
Leave College Endowments Alone Victoria supported the match, but her ministers did not.
Hélène broke things off in a letter that left Eddy
despondent. Victoria, after writing to her grandson urging
By Harry McMahon dowments, almost all the tar- cutting-edge research is not three of the schools targeted that he “have the courage to renounce the idea for ever,”
geted schools employ an egali- close to being covered by tu- for an excise tax, I would decided on May of Teck as his future bride, a princess from
o help pay for tax cuts, tarian “need blind” admissions ition at any of the targeted likely revisit my giving inten- the Upper Rhine. Princess May accepted Eddy’s proposal,
congressional Republi- policy, meaning that they ac- schools. They are fortunately tions if I knew a portion was but he died of a sudden illness before the wedding. She
cans are suggesting a 1.4% cept students regardless of able to cover 25% to 50% of being diverted to the federal ended up marrying Eddy’s younger brother, George, a
excise tax on the net investment their ability to pay. This is an their operating costs from the government. taciturn sailor interested more in his stamp collection than
income of certain private col- expensive and risky policy, as cash generated by endowment America’s exceptional cul- in continental relations. His first choice of mate (Marie of
lege and university endow- financial aid budgets are not set funds. ture of gratitude allows its uni- Edinburgh, a cousin and childhood friend) had been mar-
ments. The proposal—which until after acceptance letters If endowment income is versities to offer education and ried off, not long before, to the king of Romania, infuriating
would apply to endowments taxed, schools would need to research unrivaled anywhere Victoria. But George’s union with Princess May turned out
valued at $250,000 or more look at alternative revenue else in the world. While several to be a happy one. Queen Mary, as she became, served as a
per full-time student—would A tax proposal would sources, including higher tu- countries—China in particu- pillar of the British monarchy well into the 20th century.
affect some 70 schools, includ- raise little revenue ition, program reductions or lar—are becoming ever more Ms. Cadbury stresses the human element of her story, not
ing my alma mater, Claremont various forms of government competitive in higher educa- least the wayward personalities and unforeseen family rivalries
McKenna College. But the tax, but harm higher ed. assistance. In some cases, these tion, there are still dozens of that thwarted Victoria’s designs as monarch and matriarch.
if established, could eventually contingencies could increase U.S. schools that are matched Marie of Edinburgh, the author says in one of her many vivid
expand to cover hundreds of taxpayer burdens as student in caliber by only a handful in pen-portraits, had “an impulsive spirit” that inspired “a
institutions. are sent out. When endow- populations migrate to subsi- our peer countries. This excel- number of followers, including a young Winston Churchill.”
America’s higher education ments shrank dramatically dized public institutions. lence is sustained by a special William II, once a “bonny little boy who had adored his
system is the envy of the world. during the recession, many of • Less giving. Endowments tradition of alumni philan- grandmother,” became on the throne “an intimidating bully,
In addition to attracting the these schools had to suspend are created mostly by dona- thropy that should be encour- beyond control, bloated with aggressive ambitions.”
best minds to our country and or amend these generous poli- tions from individuals. These aged, not penalized. Tragedy runs through “Queen Victoria’s Matchmaking.”
nourishing the ones we already cies—confirming the direct are usually earmarked for spe- The list of our competitive Many of Victoria’s grandchildren lost their thrones after
have, it fosters a unique culture correlation between healthy cific uses, such as financial aid competencies as a nation isn’t World War I. Alexandra, with her husband and children,
of gratitude—one that this tax endowment levels and the or faculty salaries. The notion as long as it used to be. Let’s was murdered by the Bolsheviks—an especially cruel irony,
would undermine while produc- ability to provide robust finan- that the growth on such contri- preserve this one. given Victoria’s liberal, reformist hopes for both her
ing only a trivial amount of rev- cial aid to students admitted butions will be subject to extra progeny and the continent. Like the aristocratic world that
enue. Consider three unin- purely on the merits. tax—one not applicable to phil- Mr. McMahon is a trustee of Ms. Cadbury describes, the long 19th-century peace turned
tended consequences if this • Tuition hikes. The high anthropic entities like libraries Claremont McKenna College out to be more fragile than anyone realized at the time.
provision goes into law: cost of running a university or opera houses—will discour- and former executive vice
• Restricted financial aid. with a low faculty-to-student age future contributions. As a chairman at Bank of America Mr. Hay is the author of a forthcoming biography of Lord
Thanks to their healthy en- ratio, a broad curriculum and donor to the endowments of Merrill Lynch. Liverpool, Britain’s prime minister during the Napoleonic Wars.
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A16 | Thursday, November 30, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Maximum Pressure on North Korea One-and-a-Half Cheers for GOP Tax Proposal
im Jong Un tested a new intercontinen- trade in North Korean coal. The Trump Admin- “How Tax Reform prices she must pay
tal ballistic missile in the early hours istration can make an example of these firms Will Lift the Econ- for milk, bread, cloth-
omy” (op-ed, Nov. 27) ing, housing and gaso-
of Wednesday, and the data suggest it and expose Beijing’s failure to honor its sanc-
is on target in every line? For starters, cor-
could hit all of the continental tions promises. way but one: 10-year porate taxes are
United States. If North Korea China and the U.S. still The U.S. response to projections. The inan- embedded in the
is allowed to perfect its war- haven’t imposed the Wednesday’s missile tests ity of the Congressio- prices the single
head technology, it will be should also include security nal Budget Office and mother must pay for
able to hold the U.S. hostage toughest sanctions. measures. The redeployment
the Joint Committee daily essentials. If
to nuclear ransom. The Trump of tactical nuclear weapons on Taxation making these taxes are re-
Administration is right that to South Korea is needed to stochastic financial duced, in time compe-
the U.S. can’t live with this threat, so what more deter a nuclear attack from the North. Show- projections based on tition will reduce the
should it do to prevent it? ing Pyongyang that American forces would decade-long assump- prices.
Conventional wisdom says that Pyongyang retaliate overwhelmingly to an attack on a tions is at best guess- This is the funda-
work, and at worst bi- mental problem with
already faces extreme economic and diplomatic U.S. ally, even at the risk of an ICBM attack
ased balderdash. most GOP legislative proposals. Re-
pressure. But in reality the United Nations and on the U.S. mainland, would help prevent Kim There is no investment bank, ven- publicans couch their proposals’ bene-
U.S. only began to impose broad sanctions last miscalculating. ture capitalist or family office that fits in abstract language rather than
year, and even U.S. allies such as Singapore and The deployment of more Thaad missile-de- would spend five minutes reviewing a in aiming at the one target that
Thailand have been slow to enforce them. China fense radars and launchers to South Korea business plan based on 10 years of un- counts at the cash register and in the
and Russia continue to support the Kim re- would send a strong signal to China that its sup- known variables. When have any of voting booth: how the changes will af-
gime—China through oil exports and other port for Pyongyang has consequences. At the the government’s prognosticating fect the average American.
commerce, and Russia through payments for end of last month Beijing bullied South Korean green-shade agencies ever been accu- GEORGE C. CHRISTY
North Korean slave labor. President Moon Jae-in into freezing deploy- rate in any of their long-term predic- Pasadena, Calif.
Shutting down those lifelines should be a top ment of the Terminal High-Altitude Air Defense tions? They have not and they cannot
priority. After the North’s intermediate-range system. But the U.S. should insist it needs new because the American and world Unlike the Tax Reform Act of 1986,
economies are too intertwined, com- Republicans are pursuing the current
missile launch in September, the U.S. circulated Thaad units to defend its own forces and deter plex and subject to limitless surprises tax debate without support from
a draft resolution at the United Nations Secu- attacks from the North. and disasters. Democrats. That doesn’t provide
rity Council to do just that. But Russia and The U.S. and South Korea can also expand It is time that the 10-year tax-and- much confidence in the longevity of
China resisted and the U.S. caved; Resolution their programs to encourage North Koreans to spend budgeting charade ends. whatever legislation comes out of the
2375 only capped oil exports and labor con- defect. The Kim regime’s former Deputy Ambas- GEOFF FICKE current debate. President Reagan em-
tracts. The Trump Administration portrayed sador to the U.K. Thae Yong-ho has good ideas Dallasphasized revenue neutrality and the
the unanimous vote at the U.N. as a victory, but on how to do this. Mr. Thae, who fled to free- important reform principle of taxing
the resolution kept open many of Pyongyang’s dom in the South last year, testified to Congress My concern isn’t that the GDP is all income alike in 1986. The current
cash lifelines. last month on human-rights messages that will likely to grow, but whether growth in marketing emphasizes a tax cut, espe-
The U.S. even rewarded Beijing for the vote resonate in the North. GDP is the right measure. Assuming cially for the “middle class.”
that tax relief for corporate America The word “deficit” appears once, in
by pausing the process of sanctioning Chinese The soldier who defected across the Demili-
increases GDP as predicted, the ques- the ninth paragraph. Even accepting
companies that violate sanctions. That pause tarized Zone on Nov. 13 seems to have been in- tion is how that increase will affect the writers arguments about the poten-
ended last week when the Treasury Department spired by watching and listening to South Ko- the lives of middle-class and poor tial for enhancing growth, new tax leg-
put four companies based in the Chinese city rean media. If China accepted refugees across Americans. If increased profits are islation cannot have much permanence
of Dandong on its financial blacklist. Treasury its North Korean border and sent them to the used only for stock buybacks and in- because deficits will become more seri-
is playing catch-up with a June report on sanc- South, word would spread in the North and in- creased executive compensation and ous before the revenue benefits of
tions-busting firms by the private research ternal instability might grow. Regime change dividends, but not for increased em- higher growth have a material impact.
group C4ADS. The U.S. government continues assisted by China is the best way to end the ployment, wages and job training, will It appears that Congress will employ
to hold back on other “secondary sanctions,” es- North Korean threat short of war. an increased GDP really matter to the various accounting gimmicks to under-
pecially against Chinese banks, for fear of losing The Trump Administration has done more vast majority of Americans? state deficit projections. Even accept-
Beijing’s cooperation. than its predecessors to thwart North Korea’s RONALD L. ROSE ing the letter’s growth projections, fi-
Birmingham, Mich. nancing the deficit by increased
But China’s internal enforcement of sanc- nuclear progress, but it is still far from using
borrowing abroad will mean that some
tions is patchy. Chinese banks froze the ac- maximum pressure. It may not work in the end, If the nine GOP economists wish to of the income from higher growth will
counts of some North Korean customers while but the alternatives are terrible: acquiescence convince wavering GOP politicians to go to foreign lenders. Gross national in-
continuing to finance Chinese companies that or war. Wednesday’s ICBM test shows Kim is climb aboard, instead of focusing end- come will grow more slowly than GDP.
are breaking sanctions rules. Imports of coal getting close to his goal of threatening Ameri- lessly about the beneficial effects of The U.S. desperately needs genuine
from North Korea have continued in violation can cities, so why is the U.S. not using all the the tax changes on the cost of capital, tax reform. The current debate is un-
of a U.N. resolution in August that banned all tools it has to stop him? they should also emphasize the tax likely to yield that outcome.
changes’ net impact on the single WILLIAM POOLE
mother with two young children. Cato Institute
The Law Is What It Says What will the GOP plan do to the Washington
he spirit of Antonin Scalia infused the The SEC reinterpreted the law to protect em-
Supreme Court’s oral arguments in Digi- ployees who file internal complaints, but Digital
tal Realty Trust, Inc. v. Somers on Tues- Realty contends that Dodd-Frank unambigu- George Soros Is Generous, Not a Tax Dodger
day as Justices battered the ously protects only whistle- Stephen Moore’s Nov. 23 op-ed looked by those in power.
government’s lawyer with Supreme Court Justices blowers who report miscon- “George Soros’s $18 Billion Tax Shel- To suggest this giving is motivated
questions about the Securities are skeptical of a duct to the SEC. ter” builds on a misguided and trou- by a desire to cheat the tax man is
and Exchange Commission’s The government, which in- bling view of what philanthropy is. As truly absurd. Mr. Soros recently signed
reinterpretation of Dodd- whistleblower rewrite. tervened in the case, argued a senior adviser to the Trump cam- a letter, along with more than 400
Frank. that executive agencies can ig- paign, Mr. Moore’s attitudes may have other affluent Americans, encouraging
Real-estate portfolio man- nore the text of laws if their been shaped by Donald Trump’s own Congress to raise his taxes rather than
foundation, which recently announced cut revenue desperately needed to sup-
ager Paul Somers sued his former employer Dig- provisions produce an outcome anomalous or
plans to dissolve following revelations port critical public services.
ital Realty Trust for allegedly firing him in retal- contrary to Congress’s putative purpose. But as that it had violated rules against “self- LAURA SILBER
iation for filing an internal complaint about a Justice Neil Gorsuch noted, “we don’t follow dealing.” Open Society Foundations
securities violation. The 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley what [lawmakers are] trying to do. We follow Mr. Soros, and the many other phi- New York
law protects internal “whistleblowers” like Mr. what they do do, right?” lanthropists across the ideological
Somers from retaliation if they file complaints Justice Elena Kagan chimed in that “you have spectrum who give generously of their Mr. Moore gives away his agenda by
with the Labor Department within 180 days. this definitional provision, and it says what it own wealth, are not, however, moti- stating: “What message does it send
But Mr. Somers ignored Sarbanes and sued says. And it says that it applies to this section. vated by self-dealing, as Mr. Moore that the Republican tax-reform bills re-
in federal court under Dodd-Frank, which lets . . . It’s odd; it’s peculiar; it’s probably not what suggests, but rather by a desire to sup- tain this trillion-dollar loophole for the
whistleblowers who are retaliated against sue Congress meant. But what makes it the kind of port organizations and individuals super rich, at the same time as the
and receive double back pay. One problem: thing where we can just say we’re going to ig- who work to improve governance, ac- House plan eliminates the adoption
cess to justice and human rights. In credit for middle-class families who
Dodd-Frank defines a whistleblower as “any in- nore it?”
Mr. Soros’s case, that has long meant want to help children?”
dividual who provides, or 2 or more individuals Such a ruling would give executive agencies making substantial investments over That Mr. Moore would propose a
acting jointly who provide, information relating free rein to rewrite laws based on what they many years in promoting governments cap on assets which can be given away
to a violation of the securities laws to the [Secu- claim is Congressional intent. Even liberal Jus- that are transparent and accountable without capital-gains tax completely
rities and Exchange] Commission.” In other tices can understand that this poses a threat to to the people they serve—particularly defeats his argument. Either the tax
words, the law doesn’t shield Mr. Somers. democracy and the separation of powers. those whose voices are too often over- deduction is wholly wrong, or it should
be left in place as is.
Private foundations are also under
The Rubio-Schumer Amendment Mindful Method in Making detailed restrictions which public char-
ities don’t have, such as a requirement
Mario a Multimedia Star to spend 5% of assets each year.
he GOP is pushing forward on tax re- for investment is Ireland’s 12.5% rate.
Regarding “Nintendo to Bring Ma- WINSTON WEINMANN
form, though a receiving line of Repub- Mr. Rubio knows this, or ought to, yet his rio to Big Screen” (Business & Fi- Atlanta
lican holdouts are slow-rolling prog- press release could have been written by Dem- nance, Nov. 15): Movies are part of
ress. One who deserves ocratic leader Chuck Schumer. larger transmedia brand strategies The tax bill passed by the House not
special mention is Marco Ru- Florida’s Republican “Right now, 70 percent of the that often have little to do with box- only repeals the estate tax by retaining
bio, who contributed nothing tries to blow up the tax cuts we’re considering office numbers. Many cartoons and the step-up basis for inherited assets,
to ObamaCare repeal and now would go to businesses,” the movies are functionally long-form it allows generations of dynasts to
aspires to dilute the tax bill. Senate tax reform. Rubio-Lee dispatch says, “and commercials for both videogames and avoid paying any capital-gains taxes at
Voters ought to remember only 30 percent to individu- toys, driving people from the screen all on the fortunes they inherit. If these
this when he’s next pitching als.” This is a false choice—in- to objects of interaction. The con- provisions are enacted, then under Mr.
himself for President. dividuals earn income at businesses—and apes straints of the Pokémon game (origi- Moore’s proposal the wealthy could
nally for the Nintendo Game Boy) pass along their appreciated assets to
On Wednesday Mr. Rubio and his political the left’s class-war politics.
made narrative engagement almost their scions tax-free, but would be
sidecar, Mike Lee of Utah, announced that Senate tax writers have already indulged the impossible. Within a very short time, taxed if they chose to donate those as-
they’ll file an amendment to the tax bill to Rubio-Lee caucus beyond what any two Sena- the television anime was released to sets to charitable foundations instead.
change the $2,000 child tax credit. They want tors deserve. The original proposal increased give fans of the game a story about DAN PETEGORSKY
to make the credit refundable up to a person’s the credit to $1,650 from the current $1,000. the deep friendship between Ash and Portland, Ore.
payroll tax liability, among other expensive The pair demanded more. So when Republicans his pocket monster Pikachu. It pro-
tweaks. To pay for the changes, Messrs. Rubio received a revenue windfall from repealing the vides the relational structure that
and Lee would increase the corporate tax rate ObamaCare coverage mandate, they raised the players are then meant to emulate Pepper ...
to 22% from the bill’s 20%. credit to $2,000. Now that also isn’t enough. when they play with their Pokémon
games. So, too, can we look to this
And Salt
If Mr. Rubio thinks payroll taxes are too Senators who demand ransom should at least
high, he can propose a payroll tax cut. But stay bought. potential Mario movie, which isn’t THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
just capitalizing on a brand. It is po-
then he’d have to weather the political fight Messrs. Rubio and Lee are inviting Demo-
tentially deepening the brand, provid-
of going after funding for Medicare and Social crats to join them to pass the amendment on ing viewers a narrative structure for
Security. So instead his back-door plan is to the Senate floor, though Democrats will oppose a game that is really about having fun
expand a refundable credit, which delivers the final bill. Republicans will have to hang to- on a playground. Nintendo probably
checks to folks who owe no federal income gether to defeat Rubio-Lee, which creates a sees the opportunity to create a type
tax. This is a disincentive to work and we tough vote for incumbents running in 2018. of emotional engagement that is
would have thought antithetical to conserva- This could also pick a fight with the White unique to the movie medium.
tive principles. House, which has laid down a marker on the JENNIFER DEWINTER
More destructive is his increase in the cor- 20% corporate rate. Worcester, Mass.
porate tax rate, which is the most pro-growth Mr. Rubio may be setting himself up to run
plank in the bill and could significantly in- as a social conservative hero in 2024, or even Letters intended for publication should
crease what Americans earn since much of the 2020 if President Trump declines to run, and be addressed to: The Editor, 1211 Avenue
of the Americas, New York, NY 10036,
tax falls on labor. A point or two more may the child credit obsession is a down payment or emailed to [email protected]. Please
seem like no big deal but it might be the differ- on that brand. Yet voters looking for a candi- include your city and state. All letters
ence between making the U.S. more competi- date who understands what makes America— are subject to editing, and unpublished “You’re probably wondering why
tive than the OECD’s roughly 24% average—or and American families—prosper will have to letters can be neither acknowledged nor there’s a Greek Chorus here for
not. And that’s a mere average. One competitor look elsewhere. your performance evaluation?”
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, November 30, 2017 | A17
exploded its balance sheet, to ing for more yield. But she
ow is a good time for $4.5 trillion today from $870 also emphasized her skepti-
those who hope to see billion in 2007. Low interest cism of monetary policy’s
new thinking at the Fed- rates have caused investors ability to deal with financial
eral Reserve. There will and lenders to reach for vulnerabilities. She added
soon be a new Fed yield, pushing up asset prices “the potential cost, in terms
chairman and vice chairman. The and making high-risk invest- of diminished macroeconomic
president of the Federal Reserve ments and loans. performance, is likely to be
Bank of New York, who serves as The most obvious increase too great to give financial
vice chairman of the Federal Open in financial risk has been the stability risks a central role
Market Committee, will also be re- rapid rise in share prices. The in monetary policy decisions,
placed in the coming months. And price/earnings ratio of the at least most of the time.”
a majority of the Fed’s Board of S&P 500 index rose from an Looking at the conditions in
Governors will be new next year. average of 18.5 in the three mid-2014, she concluded that
What should this leadership years before the downturn of there was then no need “for
emphasize? 2007 to 25.2 now, an increase monetary policy to deviate
of 37%. The current P/E ratio from a primary focus on at-
is 63% higher than its his- taining price stability and
Incoming leadership toric average and higher than maximum employment in or-
all but three years in the der to address financial sta-
should make maintaining 20th century. bility concerns.”
financial stability one of If the P/E ratio declines She concluded her speech
to its historic average, the stressing the importance of
the central bank’s goals. implied fall would reduce the about 2.5%. If the yield on long- has so far chosen not to address considering “adjustments in the
value of household equities by term bonds returns to normal his- this fragility. stance of monetary policy, as condi-
$9.5 trillion. If every dollar of de- toric levels, there will be substan- Fed Chair Janet Yellen, during a tions change in potentially unex-
Financial stability must become cline in wealth reduces spending tial losses of value for current July 2014 speech, acknowledged pected ways.” Yet the departing
one of the leading objectives of by the historic average of 4 cents, bondholders. that certain conditions could Fed chair clearly prefers regulatory
monetary policy. The Fed now uses the level of household spending Commercial real estate is over- prompt the Fed to deal with the and supervisory policies that focus
monetary policy to achieve its con- would fall by $475 billion, or priced because investors compare risks of overpriced assets. Since on banks over monetary policy
gressionally mandated goals of more than 2% of gross domestic the yield on real estate with the in- 2014, the S&P 500 P/E ratio has when dealing with the risks of fi-
price stability and maximum em- product. The lower equity prices terest rate on long-term bonds. risen to 25.17 from 18.96—more nancial instability. Let’s hope her
ployment. Although it relies on reg- and the decline in household Since real estate is often held in than 30%. Yet at no time in the past successor disagrees and incorpo-
ulation and supervision to reduce spending would also cause busi- highly leveraged investments, fall- four years has the Fed explicitly al- rates financial stability as a key
the risks to the banking sector, the ness investment to fall, further re- ing prices could lead to an even lowed the increasing asset prices goal of monetary policy.
broader risks to the financial sector ducing economic activity. greater decline in the net value of and resulting financial sector risks
reflect the effects of monetary pol- Bond prices are also out of line real-estate assets. to influence monetary policy. Mr. Feldstein, chairman of the
icy on asset prices. with historic experience. With in- The combination of overpriced Ms. Yellen noted in her 2014 Council of Economic Advisers under
The Fed has kept the short-term flation at around 2%, the long-term real estate and equities has left the remarks that low interest rates President Reagan, is a professor at
federal-funds interest rate at less 10-year Treasury yield should be at financial sector fragile and has put can create incentives for partici- Harvard and a member of the Jour-
than the rate of inflation for nearly about 4.5%. Instead it is only the entire economy at risk. The Fed pants in financial markets to take nal’s board of contributors.
the unedified masses, the soil in plained, one of the “main points” of and influence-peddling. The king cumventing the law.
t is curious how certain words ac- which populism takes root. Anyone his argument concerned “the psy- and his courtiers maintained the At the same time, a growing rec-
cumulate a nimbus of positive as- who watched the commentary on chological change,” the “alteration appearance of parliamentary su- ognition of the administrative
sociations, while others, semanti- Brexit, Donald Trump’s campaign, of the character of the people,” cre- premacy. But a closer look showed state’s undemocratic nature has fed
cally just as innocuous, wind up the early months of his administra- ated by extensive government con- that the system was corrupt. a popular uprising. “Populist” is one
shrouded in bad feelings. Consider tion, or the recent French election trol. It is a process of softening, en- “It was soon discovered,” Burke word for the phenomenon. An affir-
the different careers of the terms will have noted this. ervation, infantilization even: an wrote with sly understatement, mation of sovereignty, underwritten
“democracy” and “populism.” Taken together, the populist politi- exchange of the challenges of liberty “that the forms of a free, and the by a passion for freedom, is another,
To modern ears, “democracy” is a cian is said to forsake reason and and self-reliance for the coddling ends of an arbitrary Government, possibly more accurate, phrase.
eulogistic word. It produces pleas- moderation so as to stir the dark, pleasures of dependence. were things not altogether incom-
ant vibrations. People feel good chthonic passions of a semiliterate In his 1770 essay “Thoughts on patible.” That same discovery stands Mr. Kimball is editor of the New
about themselves when they use it. and spiritually unelevated populace. the Cause of the Present Discon- behind the growth of America’s ad- Criterion and president of Encoun-
“Populism,” just the opposite. “Populism,” that is to say, is wielded tents,” Edmund Burke criticized ministrative state. Under the cloak ter Books. This essay is adapted
At first blush, this seems odd be- less as a descriptive term than as a the court of George III for circum- of democratic institutions, govern- from “Vox Populii: The Perils and
cause the two words occupy adjacent delegitimizing one. Successfully venting Parliament and establish- ment pursues an expansionist Promises of Populism,” just out
semantic space. “Democracy” means charge someone with populist sympa- ing by stealth what amounted to a agenda that threatens liberty in the from Encounter.
“rule by the demos,” the people. thies and you get, free and for noth-
“Populism,” my 1982 American Heri- ing, both the imputation of dema-
tage Dictionary explains, is “a politi- goguery and the depreciation of his
cal philosophy directed to the needs supporters as, to pick two words, “de-
of the common people and advancing plorable” and “irredeemable.”
a more equitable distribution of I think I first became aware that
wealth and power”—that is, just the the charge of “populism” could have
sorts of things that the people, were this powerful delegitimizing effect
they to rule, would seek. when I was in London last year to
cover the Brexit vote. Most of the
people I met were Remainers. The
It carries overtones higher up the income and class scale
your interlocutor went, the more
of demagoguery, but the likely he would be to favor Britain’s
Greek demagogos simply staying in the European Union—and
the more pointed would be his dis-
meant a popular leader. paragement of those arguing for
Brexit. The Brexiteers were said to
be angry, ignorant, fearful, xenopho-
But the term “populism” is am- bic and racist.
bivalent at best. Sometimes a char- Except that they weren’t—not the
ismatic figure can survive and even ones I met, anyway. For them, Brexit
illuminate the label “populist” like turned on a simple question: Who
a personal halo. Bernie Sanders rules? Is Parliament the ultimate
managed this trick among the eco- source of British sovereignty, as had
conscious, racially sensitive, non- been the case for centuries? Or is it
gender-stereotyping, anticapitalist Brussels, seat of the EU?
beneficiaries of capitalism who I am convinced that a similar
made up his core constituency. question has played a large role in
Still, it was always my impression the rise of what we call “populism”
that in this case the term “populist” in the U.S. The question of who gov-
was less claimed by Mr. Sanders or erns stands behind the rebellion
his followers than bestowed by his against the political correctness and
rivals and the media in an effort to moral meddlesomeness that are
fix him in the public’s mind as one such conspicuous and disfiguring
of the many lamentable examples of features of our increasingly bureau-
not-Hillary. Mrs. Clinton, by con- cratic society. The smothering blan-
trast, was presumed to be popular ket of regulatory excess has had a
though not populist. wide range of practical and eco-
There are at least two sides to nomic effects, stifling entrepreneur-
the negative association under ship and making any sort of produc-
which the term “populist” strug- tive innovation difficult.
gles. On the one hand, some com- But perhaps the deepest effects
mentators insist that “populist” and of this dictatorship of political cor-
“demagogue” are essentially syn- rectness are spiritual or psychologi-
onyms (though they rarely point cal, such as the demand for “safe
out that the Greek demagogos sim- spaces” on college campuses and the
ply meant a popular leader, such as many assaults on free speech we
Pericles). have witnessed lately. In “The Road
Turkish Businessman Testifies He Bribed Government Official down and continued reading
the verdict for another convict.
Once the interpreter and Mr.
BY NICOLE HONG U.S. dollars and to the global Zarrab. He said he then reached Caglayan €45 million to €50 Praljak’s lawyers said in Eng-
financial system. out to Mehmet Zafer Caglayan, million, $7 million and 2.4 mil- lish that he said he drank poi-
Reza Zarrab, a Turkish busi- Mr. Zarrab was supposed to
Reza Zarrab says who was the economy minister lion Turkish liras in bribes. son, the judge, visibly shocked,
nessman, began his highly antic- appear alongside Mr. Atilla. But Turkish minister took in Turkey at the time. Mr. Mr. Caglayan is the person suspended the proceedings. A
ipated testimony in Manhattan prosecutors said Tuesday that Caglayan said he would broker closest to the Turkish govern- spokeswoman for the court
federal court Wednesday, telling Mr. Zarrab had pleaded guilty
millions to help Iran an agreement with Halkbank in ment charged in the case, said proceedings resumed in
jurors he paid more than $50 to seven charges, including evade sanctions. exchange for half the profits, which has exacerbated rela- the afternoon and all verdicts
million in bribes to the former sanctions evasion and money Mr. Zarrab testified. tions between the U.S. and were read out. The court said
economy minister of Turkey to laundering, and would testify Messrs. Caglayan and Turkey. Officials, including Dutch authorities have
facilitate a scheme to help Iran against Mr. Atilla, who has Aslan, who have not been ar- President Recep Tayyip Erdo- launched an investigation.
circumvent U.S. sanctions. pleaded not guilty. Turkey where Mr. Atilla worked. rested, were charged in absen- gan, have called the prosecu- Croatian Prime Minister
Mr. Zarrab took the stand On Wednesday, Mr. Zarrab The funds were inaccessible to tia as co-conspirators of tions an attempt to force Mr. Andrej Plenkovic criticized the
in the trial of Mehmet Hakan said in 2012 that he wanted to Iran because of U.S. sanctions. Messrs. Zarrab and Atilla. Erdogan from office. court for the “deep moral in-
Atilla, a Turkish banker ac- devise a way to help Iran get Mr. Zarrab said he ap- Lawyers for Messrs. Caglayan Mr. Zarrab was arrested in justice” of having upheld his
cused of participating in an access to its oil and gas pro- proached Suleyman Aslan, a and Aslan couldn’t be reached March 2016, when he landed sentence. “We voice dissatis-
operation to help Iranian busi- ceeds deposited at Halkbank, general manager at Halkbank, to comment on Wednesday. in Miami with his family for faction and regret about the
nesses obtain illegal access to the large state-owned bank in who declined to help Mr. Mr. Zarrab said he paid Mr. vacation. verdict,” Mr. Plenkovic said.
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irregularities in auto
insurance and
fice of the Comptroller of the
Currency, one of the bank’s
chief regulators, said Wells
bank said there “is still work to
be done,” and that it “is dedi-
cated to making things right,
ance and mortgage lending—
both of which have emerged
this year.
ments totaling about $100 mil-
lion to customers and make
$30 million in account adjust-
Cuts, New
mortgage lending
Fargo had willingly harmed its
customers in those two busi-
ness lines and had until Nov.
fixing the problems, and build-
ing a better bank.”
The bank said it is making
This summer, the bank con-
ceded in a news release that
for years it had forced nearly
ments related to the insurance
The bank has also said it
Ad Model
BY GRETCHEN MORGENSON 24 to respond, according to changes “across our risk man- 600,000 customers who fi- charged some customers im- BY LUKAS I. ALPERT
AND EMILY GLAZER people familiar with the mat- agement functions and line of nanced their car purchases proper fees to extend the inter-
ter. The letter said the bank re- business operations to rebuild with Wells Fargo to pay for col- est-rate commitments they re- Facing a significant revenue
A federal regulator has ad- peatedly failed to correct prob- the trust of our customers and lision coverage they didn’t ceived from Wells Fargo on shortfall this year, BuzzFeed
vised Wells Fargo & Co.’s lems in a broad range of areas, team members.” need. The bank said about their mortgage applications. In is laying off about 100 employ-
board of directors that it is not just the auto-insurance and An OCC spokesman declined 20,000 customers had their October the bank said it is ees and reorganizing its ad-
weighing a formal enforcement mortgage-lending units, the to comment on a continuing cars wrongly repossessed. reaching out to around 110,000 vertising sales and business
action against the bank over people said. regulatory matter. Those customers failed to pay customers who paid a total of operations as it moves away
improprieties in its auto-insur- Wells Fargo declined to ac- The OCC’s letter to the Wells the improper insurance $98 million in such fees, and from relying purely on native
ance and mortgage operations. knowledge the letter or com- Fargo directors centers on ir- charges. expects refunds to be lower advertising.
In a harshly worded letter ment on its response. More regularities in two of the Wells Fargo has said it Please see WELLS page B2 BuzzFeed plans to reduce
its U.S. staff by 8%, with all of
the cuts coming from the busi-
STREETWISE Rather Than Add More Blades to Its Razors, Gillette Trims Prices ness and sales side of the or-
ganization, the company said
James Mackintosh
Wednesday. Some editorial
staffers and business-side em-
Eli Lilly........................B3
Exxon Mobil..............B14
AirAsia Bhd ................ A9 F Procter & Gamble.......B3
Alibaba Group...........B13 Facebook....................B14 R
Alphabet .............. B2,B14 Fidelity Investments..B7 Regal Entertainment
Amazon.com........B4,B14 Foot Locker ............... B14
AMC Entertainment Group.........................B2
G Royal Bank of Canada
AMC Entertainment Garuda Indonesia........A9 ...................................B12
Holdings ........................ Gategroup Holding......B3 Royal Dutch Shell.......B4
Amgen.........................B3 Gemini.........................B7 S
Anschutz.....................B2 Glint.............................B6 Salesforce ................... B6
Apple.........................B14 Guangzhou Automobile Snap.............................B4
B Group.......................B14 Spencer Stuart............B1 BY GREG BENSINGER
Bed, Bath & Beyond.B14 H-I T
BuzzFeed ............... A2,B1 HNA Group..................B3 TCI Fund Management
Demands by a former Uber
array of formal enforcement third-quarter net income of duopoly of Facebook and But attorneys for Alphabet’s
proceedings the OCC can take $4.6 billion, even after higher Google are projected by eMar- Waymo didn’t see the letter
when it determines that defi- legal and other costs from its keter to command more than until this month, when the U.S.
ciencies in a bank’s operations sales-practice scandal. 63% of U.S. digital-ad spending attorney’s office supplied it
are severe, uncorrected, unsafe In a sign last month that a in 2017, digital-media compa- to U.S. District Judge William
or unsound. The issuance of a regulatory action against the nies are finding that things Alsup of San Francisco, who is
consent order typically in- bank might be imminent, the like creating custom content presiding over the case.
cludes steps the bank’s board OCC issued a confidential re- for brands that jump-started Ms. Padilla said she had
or management must take to port to Wells Fargo criticizing their businesses early on have Actress Evan Rachel Wood at a Los Angeles BuzzFeed event. only “skimmed” the letter pre-
correct the deficiencies and a its auto-insurance practices become harder to scale. pared by Mr. Jacobs’s attorney,
time period for doing so. and its handling of the prob- In its early years, BuzzFeed prevailing online advertising accelerate this evolution in saying the 37-page document
The OCC’s letter under- lems after they had been iden- found great success through landscape. A pioneer of the 2018.” was “very dense” but con-
scores the continuing chal- tified. its innovative use of “native” digital media world, Mr. Cole- With that in mind, Buzz- tained serious allegations.
lenges faced by Wells Fargo as That report, reviewed by the advertising—a high-cost, la- man helped to drive sales at Feed is moving to create a Mr. Jacobs would have to
it seeks to emerge from a wide- Journal, gave the bank credit bor-intensive marketing for- some of the earliest online number of new lifestyle verti- pay his money back for disclo-
spread scandal that came to a for identifying the irregulari- mat in which advertising is success stories with stints at cals modeled after its food sure of his letter or for making
head last year. It involved dis- ties in its insurance operations custom-made for brands to re- Yahoo, AOL, the Huffington product, Tasty, which has disparaging remarks about
closures that Wells Fargo had but characterized Wells Fargo’s semble editorial content. Post and ad tech firm Criteo. found success with lower-cost Uber, according to terms of his
created as many as 3.5 million management of compliance risk That success attracted ma- BuzzFeed’s chief revenue and simpler-to-produce adver- agreement read aloud by a
accounts using fictitious or un- as “weak.” The report also said jor investment, including $400 officer, Lee Brown, will be- tising models such as product Waymo attorney to the court.
authorized customer informa- the bank had underestimated million from Comcast Corp.’s come part of the company’s placement and sponsored con- The letter’s existence sur-
tion. Any new sanction by reg- the amount of restitution it NBCUniversal, whose latest in- senior management team, re- tent. faced days before the sched-
ulators could further dent the owed to wronged customers. fusion about a year ago valued porting directly to Mr. Peretti. BuzzFeed will also put in- uled start of Uber’s block-
bank’s reputation and could Wells Fargo has been re- the web business at about $1.7 “Our business is more di- creased resources into its e- buster trial with Alphabet’s
provide ammunition for private shaping its board, which share- billion. verse and balanced than it was commerce business and re- Waymo and threw it into tur-
lawsuits against the company. holders have criticized for its But more recently, Buzz- a year ago and, very impor- brand its Los Angeles-based moil, causing Judge Alsup to
Last year’s disclosure about handling of a string of scandals Feed has pursued additional tantly, for the first time a film and television business, delay the case for a second
the unauthorized accounts led involving the company’s busi- revenue streams, branching quarter of our annual revenue BuzzFeed Motion Pictures, as time, to Feb. 5. He said Uber
the OCC to issue Wells Fargo a ness practices. into digital video licensing, will come from sources other BuzzFeed Studio, which will hasn’t been forthright in its
cease-and-desist order. The The company on Wednesday television and film develop- than direct sold advertising,” focus more on outside devel- disclosure, including the letter
regulator levied penalties of said it will add three new inde- ment, e-commerce and pro- Mr. Peretti said in the memo. opment deals, like one it itself, and he needed to grant
$35 million in that September pendent directors Jan. 1, in- grammatic advertising. “We’re going to continue to signed with the Oxygen net- Waymo more time to prepare.
2016 action, stipulating that cluding Celeste Clark, Kellogg Mr. Coleman’s departure aggressively build out our ad- work this year for an investi- —Jack Nicas
Wells Fargo’s board “achieves Co.’s former chief sustainability signifies the changes in the vertising capabilities, but also gative news series. contributed to this article.
and maintains an enter- officer and public policy and
prisewide risk-management external relations officer,
program designed to prevent
and detect unsafe or unsound
whom the company said will
bring needed expertise on so- ESPN to Cut 150 Jobs ADVERTISEMENT
HNA, in a Switch, to Sell Assets
Chinese company pany is that many of its over- Deutsche Bank AG, Midtown
AND ANJANI TRIVEDI Tuesday, Chief Executive Adam pany has had to resort to ex-
Gillette is launching a lineup Tan acknowledged that HNA is pensive forms of financing and
of razors that will be missing Chinese conglomerate HNA considering asset sales in sec- is facing rising scrutiny from
something notable: a higher Group Co. is laying the tors over which the Chinese lenders and regulators around
price tag. groundwork for a series of as- government has expressed con- the world.
The Procter & Gamble Co. set sales, marking a significant cern, such as real estate, ac- On Wednesday, S&P Global
brand, battling critics and new shift in strategy as pressure cording to transcripts pub- Ratings lowered its assessment
rivals, on Wednesday announced builds on its finances following lished by the Chinese magazine Gategroup Holding, a Swiss air-travel logistics company and HNA of the group’s credit profile,
a product overhaul that will in- an overseas acquisition spree. Caijing. subsidiary, says it is considering an initial public offering. due to the company’s “aggres-
clude Fusion blades with new In recent weeks, Hainan- HNA is discussing setting up sive financial policy and risks
technology at no added cost as based HNA has been talking to investment funds with the help said on Tuesday that it is con- seas acquisitions, but those over tightening liquidity,” as
well as lower-end options priced bankers about disposing or ex- of capital from outside inves- sidering an initial public offer- must comply with national pol- well as higher funding costs.
in line with online upstarts such iting some foreign assets, ac- tors, to which it can sell some ing and could list on the SIX icies, and that is a red line,” he HNA was able to refinance
as Dollar Shave Club. cording to people familiar with of its assets, according to peo- Swiss Exchange in Zurich. Mr. said. only part of a roughly $450
It is a reversal of a decades- the matter. The goal would be ple familiar with the situation. Tan in his remarks earlier that Mr. Tan’s statements mark a million loan that matured last
long strategy of churning out in- twofold: to raise cash to service The company would then look day had mentioned the poten- retreat from his previous rhet- week. This month, an HNA unit
creasingly complex razors at the group’s more than $100 bil- to shed the assets completely tial IPO. oric about HNA’s global ambi- paid 8.875% in interest to bor-
higher prices. lion of debt, while paring its later on. Mr. Tan said on Tuesday tions. HNA has rapidly climbed row $300 million for less than
“Historically there has been a ownership in investments that One asset sale is already in that HNA’s future overseas the ranks of the Fortune 500 a year, a far higher rate than
bias toward the high end,” P&G Chinese regulators could con- the offing: HNA subsidiary Gat- deals would toe the party line. over the past few years, scoop- the 5.5% paid recently by a
Chief Executive David Taylor sider speculative. egroup Holding AG, a Swiss “Private enterprises still have ing up stakes in the Hilton ho- junk-rated Chinese property
said in an interview. “The risk A big hurdle for the com- air-travel logistics company, room for development in over- tel chain, German bank developer on similar bonds.
with that is you can still grow,
but you have a smaller group of
Micro Trends,
Macro Context.
In Minutes.
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For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
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B4 | Thursday, November 30, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
tomers—what one startup tion and shop and buy other races against rivals to make workplace. In addition, compa-
calls an “unstationed” busi- stuff,” Mr. Mycroft said. the office the next significant nies might not want workers
ness model. Booster joined with eBay inroad for voice-recognition talking to devices in crowded
The mobile fuel services, this spring, gaining access to devices. offices. As for company se-
which typically charge a little the company’s San Jose cam- Amazon has built a wide crets, Amazon has said its
more than a gas station for puses. It has agreements lead in the field with its popu- Echo devices don’t send any-
the convenience, are catching with more than 300 other em- lar at-home Echo speaker, thing to the cloud until users
on with some consumers, par- ployers to supply gas from its which was launched in late wake the devices with its
ticularly in Silicon Valley, custom fuel trucks, which it is 2014. The company is now name, typically “Alexa.”
where companies including Booster Fuels delivers gasoline to cars at workplaces and malls. attempting to patent. counting on its new service, The effort to expand Alexa’s
eBay Inc., Facebook Inc. and “EBay invests in services dubbed Alexa for Business and reach into the workplace
Oracle Corp. have hosted pro- workplaces and homes. just being lazy. After parking that best support our employ- available immediately, to spark comes as the service faces in-
viders on their campuses as Tonmoy Ghosh, a problem at work, Mr. Ghosh schedules ees and make eBay a great, in- a surge in voice computing in creased competition from vir-
the latest corporate perk. manager at eBay, is an early a delivery time and pays for novative place to work,” the workplace. The online re- tual assistants created by Al-
The concept has in- adopter of fueling up at work. the fuel, all through Booster’s spokeswoman Penny Bruce tail giant plans to announce phabet Inc.’s Google, Apple
trigued Royal Dutch Shell Mr. Ghosh, 34 years old, who app. He leaves the top to his said in an email. the initiative here Thursday at Inc.’s Siri, and Microsoft
PLC, which this spring began works at one of the company’s fuel tank open and departs Booster Fuels, which is its annual conference for its Corp.’s Cortana. Windows 10
testing a fuel-delivery service San Jose, Calif., campuses and work with a full tank. “I live based in Burlingame, Calif., Amazon Web Services cloud- computers, increasingly rolling
in the Netherlands. Using an commutes 20 minutes each and work in Silicon Valley. If delivers only to cars parked at computing unit. out into workplaces, include
app the company designed, way, uses Booster Fuels to fill there’s an app to deliver some- places such as workplaces, Even before Amazon made the ability to speak to Cortana
customers can request that up his car while it is parked in thing, we’re usually the first malls and college campuses a push into business, RBC Cap- and get audio responses, for
Shell come refill their cars the company lot. ones to jump on it,” he said. because of some regulatory ital Markets predicted that by example. That competitive
while they shop, eat or sleep. For Mr. Ghosh, cutting a 15- Booster Fuels’ founder and uncertainty about delivering 2020, Alexa device installa- pressure, in part, has led Ama-
But the startups face regu- minute trip to the gas station chief executive, Frank Mycroft, to neighborhoods. Filld and tions could reach 128 million. zon to add hundreds of engi-
latory scrutiny from fire chiefs out of a 14-hour workday is said by cutting out the over- some others will do residential Over that same period, the neers to the Alexa program
and others as they seek to enough to ignore his East head of a traditional gas sta- deliveries. Most services won’t voice-activated internet could and give it hiring preference
take gasoline directly to more Coast relatives’ claims he is tion and buying fuel directly deliver to garages. result in more than $10 billion over other company divisions.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, November 30, 2017 | B5
B6 | Thursday, November 30, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Forget Robots:
productivity. Like Mr. Goings, cades. “It wasn’t seen as the Officer Jim Bell and five fellow
some meditate at the office. normal thing to do,” he says. executives to join him in a
The burgeoning trend isn’t At Ultimate Fitness Group
‘When you meditate practice that would clear their
without its critics, who say it LLC, a global chain of fitness together, there’s a heads. “There’s absolutely no
might cause workplace prob-
lems. With many more CEOs
meditating than 10 years ago,
the practice can be seen as
studios, CEO David Long says
his executive assistant unex-
pectedly walked into his cor-
ner office as he commenced a
sense of connection,’
one executive says.
obligation,” the CEO assured
“Are we really going to all
close our eyes here? Is it a
Bad Public Policies
self-indulgent, says David
Brendel, a psychiatrist and ex-
ecutive coach. “Most employ-
ees don’t have time to do it.”
morning meditation there two
years ago. “Leave me alone in
the very beginning of the day,”
he recalls chiding her.
plane’s problems shook him up
so much that “I didn’t medi-
test?” Mr. Bell remembers
thinking at that time. “What
happens if I peek?”
The marketing chief did
Can Kill More Jobs
Several top bosses encour- Mr. Long now often joins tate that afternoon.” participate. But “I was uncom- BY LAUREN WEBER Finland and Ontario, are ex-
age workers to take time for associates in the company’s Certain CEOs encounter re- fortable with it,” he says. “It perimenting with cash grants
meditation on the job. Sales- meditation room, which sistance when they promote feels weird to be in a room Automation could be a known as universal basic in-
force, a software company run opened this summer at its meditation in the workplace, [meditating] with your col- huge boon to the world’s come, Ms. Lund notes that
by veteran meditator Marc Be- Boca Raton, Fla., headquarters. however. That happened to leagues.” Nevertheless, Mr. workers—but only if govern- support for displaced workers
nioff, offers “mindfulness But he still finds it chal- Jim Barnett, leader and co- Bell recently started meditat- ments and businesses pru- can include guidance and ca-
zones” in 14 of its office build- lenging to meditate during founder of Glint Inc. in Red- ing on his own. dently manage the disruption reer coaching as well as ser-
ings world-wide. Staffers can work. “Once I’m at the office, wood City, Calif. The four- Mr. Barnett sought feed- it creates. vices such as transportation
“pause to invite calmness and I’m bombarded with internal year-old technology company back from his lieutenants last As many as 375 million and child care during job in-
balance” in the gadget-free pressures,” Mr. Long says. helps businesses react to its month after guiding their workers around the world will terviews.
spaces, a Salesforce spokes- Tupperware’s Mr. Goings quick, confidential polls of em- meditation during the latest need to find new occupations About 15% of all hours
woman says. says he hardly ever skips his ployees, dubbed pulse surveys. management-team meeting at or lose their livelihood to au- worked globally could be auto-
Meditation makes CEOs afternoon meditation because Mr. Barnett, who has medi- a local country club. “Six peo- tomation by 2030, the McKin- mated by 2030 using technol-
more effective, “and CEOs set “I have to be in good shape so tated for nearly 28 years, of- ple really liked it,” he says. sey Global Institute estimates ogy that is currently available,
the standard for everyone else I don’t make bad decisions.” ten offers his deputies 10 min- Though the remaining two re- in a new report. It isn’t impos- McKinsey estimates. The new
in the company,” says Bill An unexpected mishap 15 utes of guided meditation acted neutrally, they say “we sible for up to 14% of the report builds on McKinsey’s
George, who led medical-de- years ago tested his commit- during quarterly management should keep doing it,” he adds. global workforce to retrain earlier research, published in
and refocus, but it requires January, that found that 60%
planning and the investment of all occupations could be at
of will and resources, says Su- least partially automated with
san Lund, a principal at the In- current tools, though less than
stitute. 5% are at risk of total automa-
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To advertise: 800-366-3975 or WSJ.com/classifieds
“ ‘Will there be enough
jobs?’ is not the right ques-
Like prior waves of techno-
tion,” she says. “The question logical change, the adoption of
is, what are we going to do to new tools like machine learn-
INTERNATIONAL NOTICES manage the transition for ing and artificial intelligence
people who do lose their will likely create more jobs
jobs?” The choices that pol- than it destroys, says the In-
icy makers and business lead- stitute, the think-tank arm of
ers make about how to sup-
port displaced workers,
consulting firm McKinsey &
invest in education and train- The new jobs that emerge
' (
) ing, and fund job-creating may be the indirect result of
projects in areas such as in- technology’s contribution to
frastructure and energy will higher productivity and rising
! !"
all affect the labor market, incomes, especially in develop-
! # !$! " ! %&&& she says. ing countries with expanding
' '
'( "()&
* If governments and busi- middle classes. Higher in-
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"#$% '**+()&
/ 0 & + +'!
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nesses choose wisely, global comes will lead to more
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job displacement could affect spending on leisure activities,
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+ +1
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as few as 3% of workers, but education, health care and
+ that depends on how quickly other goods and services, re-
5 ' '
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companies adopt automation sulting in 300 million to 365
& )
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1 : +; tools, reconcile regulatory is- million new jobs, the authors
. 9
: +; sues, and adjust wage rates estimate.
. 9
1 : +;
. 9 ': +; for workers, among other fac- More jobs will also be
5 < 5
tors. Higher wages, for in- created to help care for ag-
6 /0 7
/0 stance, mean companies have ing populations, to develop
6 /0 , 7
/0 8&; more incentive to automate and maintain future technol-
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tasks. ogy, to build new infrastruc-
=& +6
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8&; The transition for workers ture and housing, and to
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creates the potential for so- staff energy-efficiency ini-
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McKinsey warns. Countries Also, as more women enter
8&; and companies must take the labor force, families will
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$$"$&& ,4 *
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nomic growth to creating dy- such as child care or cooking
4& /0)
; namic retraining programs— or governments will provide
to help workers transition services like universal prekin-
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quickly to new jobs. dergarten, leading to more
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Nasdaq aims to launch bit- this year with a sales pitch tility from the perspective of
coin futures in the first half of that this makes it easy for in- bitcoin, as 1 bitcoin is still
2018, according to people fa- vestors to get into bitcoin. If it worth 1 bitcoin. Yet, the base
miliar with the situation. is easier to get bitcoins by price of almost everything is
Separately, Cantor said it is buying a listed company than set in traditional currencies,
seeking to launch bitcoin de- just buying bitcoins, it is un- so the bitcoin price of pizzas
rivatives on an exchange it likely to become widely used and other stuff fluctuates
owns, also in the first half of anytime soon. wildly as the bitcoin exchange
next year. The moves come af- Bitcoin is pretty poor as a rate swings about.
ter two major Chicago ex- store of value, too. An investor But for the moment, bit-
change operators announced who put in $1,000 at the start coin’s best hope looks like at-
similar plans for bitcoin. of the year might not agree, tracting more buyers who
Investor interest has grown because the bitcoins are now want to shift their savings
as the digital currency has ex- worth over $10,000. But the onto the blockchain—and
ploded in value. Bitcoin is up Investor interest in bitcoin is growing as the cryptocurrency powered above $11,000 on Wednesday. point of storing value is to be speculators willing to bet that
more than 10-fold since the fairly confident of what it those savers will arrive. The
start of the year. It was trad- Inc. and Cboe Global Markets bitcoin prices up to three mission, meaning it would be might be worth in the future. soaring price of bitcoin alone
ing at $10,214.22 late Wednes- Inc.—the two Chicago ex- months out, with built-in pro- easier to launch bitcoin fu- The value of the dollar is shows that expectations are
day afternoon after hitting a change groups that have an- tections to limit their losses if tures on Cantor’s exchange eroded by inflation, but when high. But as currency historian
record of $11,377.33 earlier in nounced plans to launch bit- bitcoin prices swing above than to create a new futures the Federal Reserve is doing and Berkeley economics pro-
the day, according to Coin- coin futures—by designing a $15,000 or below $5,000. exchange from scratch. its job properly that should fessor Barry Eichengreen said:
Desk. futures contract that better The firm expects retail Separately, Nodal Exchange erode slowly and fairly pre- “Expectations can change.”
The emergence of bitcoin tracks the world-wide price of traders to be the initial adopt- LLC, a decade-old U.S. futures
futures would be a big step to- bitcoin. Nasdaq has briefed ers of the new contract, but it exchange specializing in elec-
ward maturity for the crypto- market participants on its is targeting institutional play- tricity and natural-gas trading, Bitcoin Takes Off
currency, which is less than a plans, this person added. ers, too, executives said. is exploring whether to launch Price of one bitcoin
decade old. By letting traders Nasdaq isn’t completely “The asset class is not go- cryptocurrency futures, a per- Wednesday
bet on whether bitcoin rises or new to bitcoin. It lists an ex- ing away,” said Shawn Mat- son familiar with the matter $10,214.22
falls, a futures market would change-traded note linked to thews, chief executive of Can- said. Nodal’s parent company (as of 5 p.m. ET)
make it easier for both big the digital currency on one of tor Fitzgerald & Co., the firm’s is majority-owned by German 8,000
banks and retail investors to its European exchanges. brokerage arm. “If you look at exchange Deutsche Börse AG.
trade bitcoin. Cantor, a global financial the next level, it will be the in- Such upstarts could face
Nasdaq’s bitcoin contract firm founded in 1945 whose stitutions coming in and being tough competition from more 6,000
would debut on Nasdaq Fu- businesses range from bond larger participants in the mar- established futures exchanges.
tures, or NFX, a marketplace brokerage to investment bank- ketplace, especially as liquid- CME, the world’s biggest ex-
that the New York-based ex- ing to real estate, unveiled its ity gets better.” change group, is seeking to 4,000
change group launched in 2015 bitcoin-derivatives plans in an Cantor’s exchange is a back- launch bitcoin futures as soon
that until now has mainly fo- interview with The Wall Street water of futures markets, with as the second week of Decem-
cused on energy trading, ac- Journal. a few thinly traded contracts ber. Cboe is aiming to launch 2,000
cording to the people familiar The firm aims to launch a tied to weather events, for- its bitcoin futures by early
with the situation. bitcoin swap—a type of deriv- eign-exchange rates and gold. 2018, the company has said. 0
One of the people said Nas- ative—on Cantor Futures Ex- But it does have a valuable as- CME’s and Cboe’s planned
daq is trying to differentiate change LP. Cantor’s swap set: a license from the Com- contracts are under review by 2010 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17
itself from rivals CME Group would allow traders to bet on modity Futures Trading Com- the CFTC. Source: CoinDesk THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, November 30, 2017 | B9
Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago Last Year ago
23940.68 s 103.97, or 0.44% Trailing P/E ratio 21.19 20.86 2626.07 t 0.97, or 0.04% Trailing P/E ratio 24.49 24.35 6824.39 t 87.97, or 1.27% Trailing P/E ratio * 26.45 24.02
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 19.35 17.86 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 19.50 18.45 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 21.39 19.50
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.17 2.53 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 1.92 2.12 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 1.04 1.24
All-time high 23940.68, 11/29/17 All-time high: 2627.04, 11/28/17 All-time high: 6912.36, 11/28/17
Close Open
3.00 Canada dollar .7773 1.2866 –4.3 Euro area euro 1.1850 .8439 –11.2
American Express Bank, FSB 1.25% 5
Chile peso .001553 644.10 –3.8 Hungary forint .003797 263.39 –10.5
1.00% Yen
New York, NY 866-215-8754 2.25 Ecuador US dollar 1 1 unch Iceland krona .009671 103.40 –8.5
Federal-funds 0
.0539 18.5661 –10.5 .1211 8.2562 –4.5
0.75 1.50 Uruguay peso .03445 29.0300 –1.1 Poland zloty .2818 3.5485 –15.2
Glen Allen, VA 877-464-0333 –5
Venezuela b. fuerte .097263 10.2815 2.9 Russia ruble .01707 58.579 –4.4
Money market 0.50 UFB Direct 1.41% One year ago 0.75
TR/CC CRB Index -0.31 166.50
stocks, new highs/lows and mutual funds. Plus, Compare the performance of selected global stock Crude oil, $ per barrel 57.30 -0.69 -1.19 58.95 42.53 15.90 6.66
deeper money-flows data and email delivery of key indexes, bond ETFs, currencies and commodities at Natural gas, $/MMBtu 3.179 0.051 1.63 3.93 2.56 -5.16 -14.63
.COM WSJ.com/TrackTheMarkets
stock-market data. Available free at WSJMarkets.com Gold, $ per troy oz. 1282.10 -12.80 -0.99 1346.00 1127.80 9.51 11.49
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B10 | Thursday, November 30, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
COMMODITIES WSJ.com/commodities
Amount Royal Bank of Canada
at the beginning of 2018, Mr.
McKay said. Some customers
pulled their borrowing ahead
to avoid the new rules, which
dation that the SALT deduc-
tion is “propping up profli-
gate big-government states.”
spent on technology on year may have helped boost the pponents of SALT re- *Based on federal fiscal 2015 data †Based on a 2016 study
mortgage business during the peal said the change Sources: Rockefeller Institute of Government (balance); Tax Policy Center (benefit of deduction) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
quarter, he said. would add to a burden
Net income from wealth that is already distributed fiscal 2015, concluded that 13 labor and shareholders, or Uncle Sam about $2,763
spending on technology, more management was up 24% to unevenly among states. “donor” states sent more how to reconcile differing more per resident than it re-
than 7% of revenue. The tech C$491 million. Net income for The change would “cut money to Washington per federal data sources. Mr. ceived.
spending, which included insurance and capital markets taxes for everybody else and resident than they received Boyd explained his method- Other states where resi-
opening a new AI lab in Mon- rose 16% and 21%, respec- send my constituents the in federal spending, while ology in the study. dents would be hit hardest
treal, tempered growth in tively. Investor and treasury bill,” said Rep. Dan Donovan the remaining states got “It’s a valid exercise, and by a SALT repeal are among
units like wealth management services reported a 10% de- (R., N.Y.), who represents more than they gave. it’s relatively accurate. New the largest donors, including
and personal and commercial cline in net income compared Staten Island and part of The top donor states were York and California are send- New Jersey, New York, Mas-
banking. with a year ago. Loans rose Brooklyn and voted against New Jersey, Connecticut and ing far more to Washington sachusetts, Illinois and Cali-
David McKay, the bank’s 4% to C$542.62 billion. In the House’s tax bill. “For ev- New York, while the top re- than they’re getting back,” fornia.
chief executive, who has a September, the bank increased ery dollar New York sends to cipient states were New said Stan Collender, a budget The 2016 Tax Policy Cen-
bachelor of mathematics and its prime lending rate to 3.2%, Washington, we get 81 cents Mexico, West Virginia and specialist with MSL Group in ter study took into account
computer science degree, said up one-quarter percentage back.” Rep. Donovan was re- Mississippi. Washington. the fact that the alternative
the spending is higher than point. ferring to a study unfamiliar Mr. Boyd and his staff ex- minimum tax limited the
the bank’s Canadian peers but The bank also announced to many. amined federal data to deter- he study’s results also benefits of SALT deductions
in line with U.S. banks such as Wednesday that group chief Originally sponsored by mine how much each state provide context for the for some filers.
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and risk officer Mark Hughes then-Sen. Daniel Patrick received per resident from idea that SALT deduc- Rep. Donovan and law-
Bank of America Corp. Royal would retire April 9 and would Moynihan, (D., N.Y.), the spending on everything from tions are subsidies to high- makers from donor states
Bank is unlikely to keep up be succeeded by Graeme Hep- study examines the balance federal salaries to military tax states. “What the donor don’t think this outcome is
that pace of spending, he said. worth. Mr. Hepworth will be- of payments between each contracts to Social Security states give to Washington fair and are fighting the leg-
“I think it’s at an elevated come deputy chief risk officer state and the federal govern- to Medicaid payments. Then, swamps the benefits they get islation.
level, so you will not see the Feb. 1. Mr. Hughes, who has ment. they compared that with from state and local tax de- Scott Greenberg, an ana-
same type of growth in that as held his position since 2013, The research is overseen what each state sent to ductions,” Mr. Boyd said. lyst with the nonpartisan
our revenues grow,” he said, has worked for the bank for 37 by economist Don Boyd and Washington in taxes, per res- For example, SALT deduc- Tax Foundation, disagreed.
during a conference call with years. published by the Rockefeller ident, and determined a net tions provided a benefit of He said donor states are the
analysts. During the quarter, Royal Institute of Government at positive or negative number. $802 per resident in Con- richest ones, and by design
Royal Bank has been cutting Bank completed a share-buy- the State University of New The apportionment in- necticut in 2016, according the income tax imposes
costs to help pay for invest- back program and bought back York in Albany. volved messy calls, such as to a study by the nonparti- higher marginal rates on
ments in digital technology, five million shares for C$462.8 The most recent update of deciding how corporate taxes san Tax Policy Center. The their residents who have
which have been translating million. the study, based on federal should be divided between year before, the state sent higher incomes.
Dollar Finds Footing, but Gains Are Tempered agreed it was in shareholders’
interest for a change in chair-
man to steer the company’s
BY DANIEL KRUGER On Wednesday, the WSJ estimated by the nonpartisan faster expansion could boost future performance.
Dollar Index, which tracks the Congressional Budget Office. pressure for higher wages and Mr. Hohn couldn’t be
The dollar edged up against currency against 16 others, The dollar was also sup- lead the Fed to raise interest reached to comment.
a basket of currencies as data rose less than 0.1%, to 86.72. ported by optimism for a Re- rates at a faster pace, he said. The LSE faced pressure to
showed the U.S. economy is The U.S. currency gained publican tax-overhaul bill, “If you run the economy resolve the conflict as it tries
running at 0.4% against the yen to which will be voted on by the hot, you’re going to get some to navigate the uncertain fall-
CURRENCIES its full po- ¥111.93 from ¥111.48 on Tues- full Senate after passing inflation pressure,” Mr. Katz- out of Britain’s exit from the
tential for day. through the Budget Commit- ive said. European Union and seeks to
the first The U.S. economy expanded tee Tuesday. Higher interest rates typi- ensure the stability of the ex-
time in a decade. at 3.3% in the third quarter, The bill could boost growth cally attract yield-seeking in- change operator’s global de-
The gains were muted as according to a revised assess- by about 0.5%, said Daniel vestors to a currency in rivatives-clearing operations.
investors look for signs the ment by the Commerce De- Katzive, a currency strategist search of higher returns. The LSE said last month
Federal Reserve will follow its partment released Wednesday, at BNP Paribas SA. Against other major cur- that Mr. Rolet, 57 years old,
projected course of interest- slightly above the maximum With unemployment al- rencies, the dollar fell against would leave the company at Xavier Rolet exits the exchange
rate increases. sustainable level of output as ready at a 17-year low of 4.1%, the euro and British pound. the end of next year, bringing operator ahead of schedule.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Thursday, November 30, 2017 | B13
COMMODITIES after OPEC Prices and positioning al-
reached a ready reflect a high probability
historic of a nine-month extension, the
agreement with other major analysts said.
oil producers to limit oil pro- Even if investors are en-
duction, the market is showing couraged by OPEC’s announce-
signs of recovery. Oil prices ment on Thursday, prices
have surged to the highest lev- could still retreat. On May 25, Russia Energy Minister Alexander Novak, left, and Saudi Arabia’s Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih are seen at OPEC’s May meeting.
els in more than two years. OPEC agreed to continue cut-
And traders and investors are ting back supply. Yet oil prices Banks Project Rise ber survey. The banks expect The deal, clinched late last oversupply and low prices. Ac-
wagering that prices could fell almost 5% that day. West Texas Intermediate, the year and currently set to expire cording to Société Générale, de-
climb further if the deal is ex- Oil prices have advanced in In Prices for 2018 U.S. oil gauge, to average $53 a in March, has helped drain mand for crude is expected to
tended when the group meets the past year, and bullish spec- barrel in 2018, also up $2 from bloated stockpiles of crude run above historical averages,
this week in Vienna. ulative bets have reached re- the previous survey. around the world. growing by 1.5 million barrels a
Since right before the No- cords in both the U.S. and LONDON—Banks raised their Further out, the banks in This, along with strong de- day this year and next, as both
vember 2016 agreement to cut Brent markets. oil-price forecasts for the sec- the survey predict Brent will mand for crude from an ex- developed and emerging mar-
supply by 1.8 million barrels Futures positions indicate ond month in a row in Novem- average $58 a barrel in 2019 panding global economy, has kets register strong economic
from peak October levels, Brent, speculators see oil prices ris- ber amid mounting expecta- and $60 a barrel in 2020. helped fuel a price rally in re- growth.
the global benchmark for oil, ing after the meeting. Net long tions that OPEC and other big The Organization of the Pe- cent months. But with prices having re-
has jumped 36% to $63.11 a bar- positions—or bets that crude producers will reach a deal to troleum Exporting Countries’ 14 “The fundamental starting cently rallied to their highest
rel through Wednesday. West prices will rise—held by spec- support the market. members and other major sup- point for the 2018 outlook has level since 2015, OPEC’s output-
Texas Intermediate, the U.S. ulative investors recently A poll of 14 investment pliers including Russia are ex- become more bullish,” said Mi- cutting coalition has come un-
reference price, has increased reached a record for Brent, banks surveyed by The Wall pected to extend their agree- chael Wittner, chief oil analyst der pressure to deliver.
more than 26% to $57.30 in the data from Intercontinental Ex- Street Journal near the end of ment to withhold about 2% of at Société Générale. “Market expectations have
same period. change show. Net bullish bets November predicted that Brent global oil supply from the mar- OPEC’s deliberations come given OPEC and its allies little
But prices have retreated on U.S. oil also hovered near crude, the international bench- ket by nine months. The pro- at a pivotal moment for the oil choice but to extend the deal,”
this week as doubts emerge highs. mark, will average $56 a barrel ducers meet in Vienna on market, which has started to said Hamza Khan, head of com-
over whether the agreement Should OPEC disappoint next year, up $2 from the Octo- Thursday. rebalance after three years of modities strategy at ING Bank.
will come together on Thurs- and prices slump, the unwind-
day. Analysts have said contin- ing of such positions could add
ued cuts are necessary to help to volatility in the oil market. to WTI are more heavily
the Organization of the Petro- Since last November, a traded than Brent on the ex- Optimism Before OPEC
leum Exporting Countries closely watched indicator has change. Oil prices have been rising as OPEC prepares to meet, reflecting expectations producers will extend output
achieve its goal in bringing in- flipped to signal the supply Traders also have been tar- cuts. Some traders say prices could fall if there is no such agreement.
ventories back to the five-year glut may be easing. In 2016, geting options that pay out if Net bullish bets by speculators
average. Stockpiles have fallen prices for oil delivered in the Brent prices hit anywhere from Brent crude prices in the run-up to OPEC meeting have climbed.
closer to that level since the future were higher than spot $70 to $80, with expirations on
initial decision to cut supply. prices. But this year, oil for the contracts spanning be- $70 a barrel 600 thousand contracts
Several members of the immediate delivery has be- tween June and December of 2016 2017
original agreement have indi- come more expensive than for next year, said Thomas Reilly, a 65 2017 500
cated their intentions to stick delivery in the future—a rela- broker at New Jersey-based
with the deal. tionship that signals high de- SCS Commodities Corp. 60 400
Saudi Arabia, OPEC’s largest mand and discourages traders Still, interest in bullish op-
oil producer, has spoken out from keeping crude in storage. tions tied to the $100 mark 55 300
strongly in favor of extending Bullish options positions isn’t anywhere near where it
the cuts past the current expi- have ramped up. The number was in past years, he said. 50 200
ration in March 2018. But Rus- of bullish bets that pay out if But anticipation is high this
sia remains the biggest con- Brent hits $100 a barrel next year that OPEC will extend 45 100
cern for investors. On year—roughly 60% above its cuts, Mr. Reilly said. “If we 2016
Wednesday, Russia’s energy current price—have jumped don’t get that, you’ll see this
40 0
minister said the agreement ahead of the OPEC meeting, market drop a few dollars.”
should be extended but de- according to data from CME —Christopher Alessi September October November Sept. Oct. Nov.
clined to say for how long. Group, though contracts tied contributed to this article Source: WSJ Market Data Group (prices); Intercontinental Exchange (futures) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
Treasurys Alibaba’s
Fall After Debt Sale:
Strong Data
$7 Billion
U.S. Treasurys pulled back AND JULIE WERNAU
Wednesday, weighed down by
a fresh batch of solid eco- Chinese e-commerce com-
nomic data and signs of prog- pany Alibaba Group Holding
ress on a tax-overhaul bill. Ltd. sold $7 billion in U.S.-dol-
The yield on lar bonds, its second visit to
CREDIT the benchmark the debt markets in three
MARKETS 10-year U.S. years.
Treasury note The company on Wednes-
settled at day sold bonds with maturi-
Surging Tech Stocks Are Knocked Back
Strong earnings growth at U.S. technology companies has helped support the stock market. But a decline in tech
Sector’s shares slide well as a weaker U.S. dollar,
have helped lift profits at
as investors turn wary shares Wednesday highlighted how popular trades can be susceptible to sharp pullbacks. many multinationals this year,
S&P 500 earnings,
and seek to lock in S&P 500 technology sector, daily percentage change change from year earlier
both in the technology sector
and elsewhere.
the year’s huge gains 3% 15% The global economy is on
course for its best year since
BY AKANE OTANI 2 10 2010, the Organization for
Economic Cooperation and
Investors abruptly dumped 1 5 Development said Tuesday.
technology and internet stocks The gains have helped U.S.
Wednesday, a sign of vulnera- 0 0 stock indexes continue climb-
bility in a sector that has en- ing to records, with the S&P
joyed a steep rise this year. –1 –5
500 jumping Tuesday to its
The S&P 500 tech sector 56th record close of the year.
shed 2.6%, posting its third- Even after a batch of solid
–2 –10
biggest one-day decline of the earnings reports, some inves-
year. Facebook Inc. dropped tors worry that wagers on
4%, Apple Inc. fell 2.1% and –3 –15 Quarterly technology stocks may have
chip maker Nvidia Corp.— J F M A M J J A S O N 2016 ’17* been overdone, as indicated by
which was up 97% for the year Wednesday’s selloff.
heading into Wednesday’s ses- The S&P 500 technology
sion—slid 6.8%. Year-to-date performance Third-quarter earnings sector had risen 36% this year,
Some investors had ex- 60%
Facebook Apple Alphabet S&P 500 for S&P 500 sectors, jumping past the broader in-
pressed concerns that the change from year earlier† dex’s 17% gain. That would
sector looked overvalued, Technology mark tech’s best annual perfor-
and Wednesday’s selling bore 40 19.9% mance since 2009.
the hallmarks of investors 30 Materials For the sixth time in 2017,
eager to lock in gains from a 10.6 fund managers said betting
group that has led the stock- Real estate that the Nasdaq Composite—
market rally this year. Still, 10 which is weighted heavily to-
technology shares have been 0 ward technology stocks—
Health care
volatile in the past, and ana- J F M A M J J A S O N would rise was the most
lysts and traders said it crowded trade out there, ac-
wasn’t surprising that a sec- Consumer staples cording to a Bank of America
tor that has doubled the per- 2.5 Merrill Lynch survey con-
Nasdaq Composite's 12-month trailing price/earnings ratio
formance of the S&P 500 in Consumer discretionary ducted Nov. 3 to Nov. 9. Some
2017 would be prone to occa- 0.3 investors worry that popular
sional swings. Telecom trades are prone to sharp re-
“Is there panic? Absolutely 0.2 versals if sentiment shifts.
not,” said Jonathan Corpina, Valuations also have ticked
40 Industrials
senior managing director at 0 up, making the tech-heavy
Meridian Equity Partners, of Nasdaq Composite look pricier
Wednesday’s selling. “To have 20 Utilities than it did in years past.
any real conviction, we’re go- –4.0 Wednesday isn’t the first
ing to need to have to see if 0 Financials time that tech and internet
there’s any follow-through.” 1997 2000 2010 –8.3 stocks suddenly tumbled. In
One factor that has contin- June, Apple shed 3.9% in a day,
ued to give investors confi- *3Q figure is a blend of reported results and analyst estimates; 4Q figures are based on estimates. †Excludes energy, which has a growth rate of more than 100% as it rebounds from a contraction. and Nvidia fell 6.5% in a broad
dence in technology stocks: Sources: FactSet (S&P 500 and stocks); Thomson DataStream (Nasdaq) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. tech selloff. The same trend
The group is driving the S&P materialized in September.
500 toward its fifth consecu- 500 companies having re- on track to post the fastest quarter, thanks in part to us- the latest quarter as its grow- “These things kind of just
tive quarter of earnings ported their results for the pace of earnings growth of the ers clicking on more ads on ing cloud-computing business tend to feed on themselves,”
growth. latest quarter, the technology 11 sectors in the S&P 500—be- smartphones, its search-en- helped offset a slowdown in said Ian Winer, head of equi-
Third-quarter profit gains sector is expected to post 20% sides energy, where earnings gine results and at the begin- its Windows PC operating-sys- ties trading at Wedbush Secu-
have been broad, spanning growth in earnings from the have rebounded with oil prices ning of YouTube videos. tem franchise, while chip rities. “It feeds on itself on the
companies from industrial year-earlier period, according in 2017. Results at older companies maker Intel Corp. posted earn- way up, it feeds on itself on
stalwarts such as Caterpillar to FactSet, trouncing the Google parent Alphabet have encouraged investors, ings and revenue that beat an- the way down.”
Inc. to oil-and-gas giant broader index’s expected Inc., shares of which are up too. alysts’ expectations. —Chris Dieterich
Exxon Mobil Corp. earnings-growth rate of 6.4%. 31% in 2017, reported that Microsoft Corp. reported A pickup in economic and Amrith Ramkumar
But with all but a few S&P The results have put tech profit surged 33% in the third that revenue jumped 12% for growth around the world, as contributed to this article.
Email: [email protected]
Will a Shortage of Cobalt Kill Electric-Vehicle Makers? the rise of Amazon.com. For
example, retailer Bed, Bath
& Beyond rallied by as much
Wedged between iron and cit in supply that will worsen, els—about as much as that of pigments industry, are as 8.5% after being down by
nickel on the periodic table, Pedal to the Metal is up 162% this year. aluminum or plastic per ve- searching for alternatives. 46% year to date through
cobalt has suddenly emerged Price of cobalt US 99.8% “I don’t think automobile hicle—mother necessity is Meanwhile, some batteries, Tuesday and sporting-goods
as the electric-car killer. manufacturers are as con- calling. such as a design by Tesla, chain Foot Locker rallied as
The once-obscure metal, a $30 a pound cerned about price as avail- Like cobalt, rare earths use less of the metal. Lower- much as 7% after having
critical part of batteries, has ability,” says George Heppel, aren’t so rare. China’s move performing batteries use been down by 42%.
nearly tripled in price since 25 a consultant at materials re- to restrict exports in 2010 none at all, and those batter- Amazon was down nearly
last summer as concerns search firm CRU Interna- exacerbated the perceived ies’ capabilities may improve 3% by the afternoon even as
grow about whether there tional who says the shortage shortage, sending the prices with technological tweaks. the company was unveiling
will be enough cobalt to 15
could peak in 2021. of some varieties up 10-fold. Supply will react, too. the latest additions to its
meet demand. But the dreaded shortage Companies such as Moly- Companies that operate cop- rapidly growing cloud service
The ingredients for a 10 of cobalt is a bit more com- corp, Rare Element Re- per and nickel mines, where and boasting of record sales
shortage are there: Output is plicated than industry pro- sources and Quest Rare cobalt is co-produced, are during Cyber Monday.
concentrated in the politi- 2016 ’17 jections would suggest. As Mineral, which all had some targeting expansion, and The Nasdaq Composite is
cally unstable Democratic Source: CRU International anyone who remembers the connection to reserves, saw there are some pure-play co- now averaging 23 times for-
Republic of Congo and refin- fears around rare earth met- their shares surge based on balt mines being planned ward earnings—its highest
ing is dominated by China. hitting $30 a pound, investors als will agree, high prices supposedly rosy prospects. that could start producing multiple in at least 10 years.
Demand is set to soar as have poured into shares of have a way of boosting sup- Since then, all have lost shortly after the projected That isn’t a reason to flee
companies from Tesla to companies that mine or own ply and reducing demand. nearly all of their value. shortage hits. For electric ve- the sector, but investors
Volkswagen ramp up produc- rights to the metal. Canada’s With the cost of cobalt alone Already, Mr. Heppel ex- hicles, this looks more like a looking to lock in some prof-
tion of electric vehicles. Cobalt27 Capital, which be- having risen to over $800 for plains, other users of the speed bump than a cliff. its clearly didn’t need much
With the price of cobalt lieves there is already a defi- some leading electric mod- metal, for example in the —Spencer Jakab of a push. —Dan Gallagher