Who Hse Gar Dce 2010 6 Eng
Who Hse Gar Dce 2010 6 Eng
Who Hse Gar Dce 2010 6 Eng
Communicable diseases
and severe food shortage
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Acknowledgements 3
Preface 4
Clinical considerations 7
References 12
Further reading 13
Communicable disease and severe food shortage.
WHO Technical Note, October 2010
Communicable disease and severe food shortage.
WHO Technical Note, October 2010
This document was compiled by the unit on Disease Control in Humanitarian Emergencies (DCE), part of
the Global Alert and Response Department (GAR) in the Health Security and Environment cluster (HSE), in
collaboration with the Health Action in Crises (HAC) cluster at World Health Organization (WHO)
This technical note is a product of Disease Control in Humanitarian Emergencies (DCE) and the
Communicable Diseases-Working Group on Emergencies (CD-WGE), a standing technical working group
at WHO coordinated by DCE since 2001. The CD-WGE consists of 30 disease focal points from different
departments and clusters at WHO-HQ, including experts on diarrhoeal diseases, malaria, acute respiratory
infections, nutrition, tuberculosis, HIV, immunization, water and sanitation, child health and
surveillance/early warning and outbreak response. The CD-WGE provides technical and operational support
on communicable disease issues to WHO regional and country offices, ministries of health, other United
Nations agencies, and nongovernmental and international organizations.
This technical note is a compilation of existing WHO guidelines. Each disease focal point in the CD-WGE
has reviewed the adapted guidance and has verified that the original published guidelines are current. The
focal points have also, according to their expert opinion, provided comment on whether the published
guidelines have been adapted appropriately for emergency settings. A CD-WGE meeting was held to review
the document collectively and ensure the adapted guidance has been prioritized to reflect the needs during
acute humanitarian emergencies. Contributions have been edited by DCE staff to ensure concise and
practical information for use by public health practitioners in emergency settings.
The CD-WGE includes the departments of Global Alert and Response (GAR), Food Safety, Zoonoses and
Foodborne Diseases (FOS), Public Health and Environment (PHE) in the Health Security and Environment
(HSE) cluster; the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR); the Global
Malaria Programme (GMP), Stop TB (STB), HIV/AIDS and Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases in the
HTM cluster; Health Statistics and Informatics (HIS) in the Information, Evidence and Research (IER)
Cluster; the departments of Child and Adolescent Health and Development (CAH), Making Pregnancy Safer
(MPS), the department of Country Focus (CCO) in the Partnerships and UN Reform (PUN) cluster;
Reproductive Health and Research (RHR), Immunizations, Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB) in the Family
and Community Health (FCH) cluster; Violence and Injuries Prevention (VIP) and Nutrition for Health and
Development (NHD) and Chronic Diseases Prevention and Management (CHP) in the Noncommunicable
Diseases and Mental Health (NMH) cluster; Clinical Procedures unit of Essential Health Technologies,
(CPR/EHT) in HSS cluster, Health and Medical Services (HMS) and Security Services (SEC) in the General
Management (GMG) cluster, and the cluster of Health Action in Crises (HAC) and the Polio Eradication
Initiative (POL) and as a Special Programme in the Office of the Director General.
DCE gratefully acknowledges the current and previous collaboration and input of the disease-specific focal
points of the CD-WGE, which have made the production of this risk assessment possible.
WHO would also like to thank the Government of Ireland (Irish Aid), the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID), and the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) of USAID for
their continued support in the development of this document.
Communicable disease and severe food shortage.
WHO Technical Note, October 2010
The purpose of this document is to provide health professionals in United Nations agencies,
nongovernmental organizations, Red Cross/Red Crescent societies, donor agencies and local authorities with
up-to-date technical guidance on communicable disease control in populations affected by severe food
shortages. They are intended to support a common strategy consistent with current WHO guidance.
The objective of the document is to provide, in a format which is more accessible for field use, a summary of
existing WHO information regarding the principles of identification and management of communicable
diseases in malnourished populations. It addresses synergistic risk factors for communicable disease
transmission and malnutrition, the prevention of morbidity and mortality due to communicable diseases in
malnourished populations, and clinical considerations for the diagnosis and treatment of specific
communicable diseases in malnourished patients.
The topic areas addressed have been selected on the basis of the burden of morbidity and mortality, as well
as the potential for an increase in severity in situations of severe food shortages.
Communicable diseases represent a significant challenge to those providing health-care services in severe
food shortage situations. It is hoped that this document will facilitate the control of communicable diseases
in populations currently affected by severe food shortage situations.
These guidelines may need to be updated in 18 months–2 years as the epidemiological information evolves
or as new guidance become available.
Communicable disease and severe food shortage.
WHO Technical Note, October 2010
Communicable disease and severe food shortage.
WHO Technical Note, October 2010
Figure 1. Prevalence of stunting in children under 5 years. WHO Global Database on Child Growth and
Malnutrition, 2009. ©World Health Organization
Disclaimer: The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply the expression of an opinion
whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its
authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Communicable disease and severe food shortage.
WHO Technical Note, October 2010
malnourished children in countries with emergencies such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
Ethiopia, Malawi and Niger (7).
Food aid – made available via adequate and appropriate general food distributions – may be
necessary. Programmes should target severely malnourished children for therapeutic feeding, and
moderately malnourished children and pregnant and lactating women for supplementary feeding.
Community education to increase awareness among populations of services available and to
facilitate access to these services should be a priority.
In emergency settings, regular assessments of the nutritional status of vulnerable population groups
are critical. In addition, assessments of household access to food (including costs in the market),
food hygiene and safety practices during preparation, food intake/feeding habits and agricultural
practices are important to ensure that ongoing nutritional needs are being met.
Although the risk of death is higher in those with severe acute malnutrition, most malnutrition-
related deaths occur in those with mild-moderate acute malnutrition due to the higher number of
mild-moderate acute cases. To increase child survival, food aid interventions must include improved
targeting and appropriate supplementary feeding programmes for moderately malnourished
Helminth and schistosome infections are common in malnourished persons, contributing to reduced
food intake and/or increased nutrient wastage via vomiting, diarrhoea, or blood loss. These effects
aggravate malnutrition, anaemia and stunting levels and retard both physical and cognitive
development. Management of malnutrition should include deworming.
To prevent deaths from epidemic-prone diseases among malnourished populations, CD surveillance
should be instituted to monitor disease trends and allow early warning of outbreaks.
Clinical considerations
Nearly all severely malnourished children have bacterial infections when first admitted to
therapeutic feeding programmes. Many have multiple infections, with infection of the lower
respiratory tract occurring very commonly. A high proportion of deaths often occur within 24 hours
of admission for treatment. Institution of efficient emergency assessment and treatment should
therefore be systematic.
Children with severe malnutrition can be promptly identified in the communities and health
facilities by using the priority signs described in the integrated management of childhood illness
(IMCI) guidelines (8). The priority signs are visible severe wasting, MUAC < 115mm of infants 6
months to 5 years of age, or bilateral pedal oedema (9). They should then be referred for further
assessment and treatment
Common problems encountered in severe acute malnutrition include hypothermia, hypoglycaemia,
severe dehydration and electrolyte disturbances, septic shock, severe anaemia and severe vitamin A
deficiency. Nonspecific signs include severe palmar pallor, lethargy, drowsiness, unconsciousness,
and continual irritability and restlessness. Clinical management, particularly fluid management,
must be thorough, carefully monitored and supervised (10). Table 1 summarizes common symptoms,
signs, and interventions in children with severe malnutrition.
Table 2 summarizes some useful laboratory tests for CD management in malnutrition. It is important
that the phases and principles of management of severely malnourished children are followed as
outlined in the Management of the child with a serious infection or severe malnutrition guidelines
Communicable disease and severe food shortage.
WHO Technical Note, October 2010
Table 1: Summary of common symptoms, signs, and interventions in children with severe acute
malnutrition (adapted from Management of severe malnutrition: a manual for physicians and other
health workers, WHO, 1999) (11)
Communicable disease and severe food shortage.
WHO Technical Note, October 2010
Useful tests
Communicable disease and severe food shortage.
WHO Technical Note, October 2010
In undernourished or malnourished populations, the presence of the most prevalent CDs necessitates
key priority health interventions, as follows.
Measles: Malnourished children are at particularly high risk of complications and death following an
attack of measles. The disease can trigger acute protein-energy malnutrition and worsen vitamin
A deficiency. Measles morbidity and mortality in malnourished populations is easily preventable
with vaccination targeting those aged 6 months through 14 years. Vitamin A supplementation is
necessary in those under 5 years of age as it minimizes the complications of measles such as
blindness, pneumonia and diarrhoea. Systematic measles vaccination and vitamin A should be
routinely administered on admission to the therapeutic feeding programme.
Acute respiratory infection/pneumonia: Malnutrition is associated with increased incidence, severity
and mortality from acute respiratory infections, particularly in children. Early, empiric, broad-
spectrum antibiotic treatment of children clinically diagnosed with pneumonia is critical to reduce
morbidity and mortality.
Malaria: Severely malnourished children with malaria may have no fever, or be hypothermic.
Symptoms of malaria usually only show up once the child regains weight. All severely
malnourished children must be screened routinely for the presence of malaria parasites on
admission, and weekly thereafter until discharge. The decision to treat a severely malnourished
child for malaria is usually based on a positive laboratory test only. Initial diagnosis can be made
using either a rapid diagnostic test (RDT) or microscopy. RDTs are based on detection of HRP-II
antigens and can remain positive for 2–3 weeks after parasites have been cleared from the
patient's bloodstream, follow-up screening of treated patients must therefore be done with
microscopy. Malnourished populations are at high risk of complications from malaria and should
be prioritized to receive LLINs (long-lasting insecticide-impregnated nets) approved by
WHOPES* to protect against mosquito bites. The risk of further infections should be reduced by
protecting all patients in health facilities from dusk till dawn with LLINs, and making LLINs
available to take home on discharge (and for children treated at home). Children with moderate
malnutrition will have symptoms of malaria in the same way as patients whose nutritional status
is normal; therefore screening for malaria should be based on the presence of symptoms and
confirmation by RDT or microscopy. Supplementary feeding programmes should distribute
LLINs to every child on enrolment. Indoor residual spraying (IRS), a vector control intervention
which can interrupt or reduce malaria transmission in certain settings, may be useful when
applied (with entomological guidance) in therapeutic feeding centres.
Diarrhoeal diseases: Diarrhoeal illness is both a cause and an effect of malnutrition; in children,
malnutrition is associated with the majority of diarrhoeal deaths. Malnutrition compromises
natural immunity to food- and water-borne pathogens, leading to increased susceptibility to
infection, which in turn can aggravate or precipitate malnutrition. Prompt rehydration can be
lifesaving but requires a much slower rate of infusion in severely malnourished patients (10, 11).
In addition to rehydration which must be cautiously monitored, the most important measure in the
treatment of diarrhoeal diseases in children under five is to ensure continued feeding, including
breastfeeding, during and after the diarrhoeal episode. Zinc supplementation (which is included in
the mineral and vitamin mix added to therapeutic milk) can reduce the severity of the diarrhoeal
episode and prevent further occurrences over the next 2–3 months.
WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme http://www.who.int/whopes/en/
Communicable disease and severe food shortage.
WHO Technical Note, October 2010
Tuberculosis: Although not a leading cause of mortality during the emergency phase, tuberculosis
often emerges as a critical problem once measles and diarrhoeal diseases have been adequately
controlled. Tuberculosis, often in combination with HIV/AIDS, is common in malnourished
populations. If tuberculosis is strongly suspected (recent contact with a known tuberculosis case,
the presence of chronic cough, or a chest infection not responding to antibiotics), the
management of the patient, in diagnosis and in treatment, must be in line with the national
tuberculosis guidelines.
HIV: People with HIV have increased energy and micronutrient requirements, and are particularly
susceptible to malnutrition. If malnourished, HIV-infected individuals have an increased risk of
opportunistic infections and death. Feeding programmes must take into account the increased
nutritional requirements of malnourished individuals with HIV. Nutritional care and support
(including individual nutrition counselling), combined with Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is key.
HIV-infected children with severe malnutrition should not be given ART during the initial, or
stabilization phase, but should be given ART during and after the subsequent rehabilitation phase.
Communicable disease and severe food shortage.
WHO Technical Note, October 2010
1. The state of food insecurity in the world. Economic crises - impacts and lessons learned. Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome, 2009
3. Black RE, et al, for the Child Health Epidemiology Reference Group of WHO and UNICEF. Global,
regional, and national causes of child mortality in 2008: a systematic analysis. The Lancet, 2010,
4. Bryce J et al, and the WHO Child Health Epidemiology Reference Group. WHO estimates of the
causes of death in children. Lancet, 2005, 365:1147–1152
5. Caulfield LE et al. Undernutrition as an underlying cause of child deaths associated with diarrhea,
pneumonia, malaria, and measles. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2004, 80:193–198
6. Infant and young child feeding in emergencies. Operational guidance for emergency relief staff and
programme managers. Developed by the IFE Core Group. Version2.1, February 2007. Oxford,
Emergency Nutrition Network, 2007 (http://www.ennonline.net/pool/files/ife/ops-guidance-2-1-
english-010307.pdf )
9. WHO child growth standards and the identification of severe acute malnutrition in infants and
children. A joint statement by the World health organization and the United Nations Children Fund,
2009. http://www.unicef.org/nutrition/files/stmt_child_growth_sam_final.pdf
10. Management of the child with a serious infection or severe malnutrition: guidelines for care at the
first-referral level in developing countries. WHO 2000
11. Management of severe malnutrition: a manual for physicians and other health workers. WHO, 1999
Communicable disease and severe food shortage.
WHO Technical Note, October 2010
Further reading
Communicable disease control in emergencies – A field manual (WHO 2005)
Communicable diseases in complex emergencies
Ensuring optimal feeding for infants and children during emergencies (WHO 1999)
Food and nutrition needs in emergencies (WHO/UNICEF/FAO/WFP 2003)
Mental Health and Psychosocial Well–Being among Children in Severe Food Shortage Situations
Pellagra and its prevention and control in major emergencies (WHO 2000)
Scurvy prevention and its prevention and control in major emergencies (WHO 1999)
The management of nutrition in major emergencies (WHO 2000)
Thiamine deficiency and its prevention and control in major emergencies (WHO 1999)
World Health Organization: Diarrhoea
WHO/UNICEF joint statement on clinical management of acute diarrhoea 2004
WHO Five Keys to Safer Food
WHO, UNICEF, and SCF informal consultation on community-based management of severe
malnutrition in children
WHO child growth standards and the identification of severe acute malnutrition in infants and children
WHO, UNICEF, WFP and UNHCR Consultation on the Dietary Management of Moderate Malnutrition
in Under-5 Children
For more information please contact the Disease Control in Humanitarian Emergencies Unit, Department
of Global Alert and Response, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia 1211 Geneva-27,
Switzerland, E-mail: [email protected]