S.No. Base Form Past Form Past Participle Form S / Es/ Ies Ing' Form
S.No. Base Form Past Form Past Participle Form S / Es/ Ies Ing' Form
S.No. Base Form Past Form Past Participle Form S / Es/ Ies Ing' Form
Base Form Past Form Past Participle Form s / es/ ies ‘ing’ form
1 abash abashed abashed abashes abashing
2 abate abated abated abates abating
3 abide abode abode abides abiding
4 absorb absorbed absorbed absorbs absorbing
5 accept accepted accepted accepts accepting
6 accompany accompanied accompanied accompanies accompanying
7 ache ached ached aches aching
8 achieve achieved achieved achieves achieving
9 acquire acquired acquired acquires acquiring
10 act acted acted acts acting
. Because / As / Since / Seeing that Introduce a sentence. Subordinate sentences introduced by because always appear in final position.
. Because of / On account of / Owing to / Due to. Introduce a noun phrase.
. Moreover / Furthermore / In addition / Besides / What's more Used after a strong pause and separated from the sentences. They are
introduced by a comma.
. As well as / In addition to / Besides Used to add one more piece of information. Followed by a noun phrase.
. Exemplification
For example / For instance Introduces an example referring to previously stated ideas.
. Such as Introduces an example referring to the last idea.
although / though/ even though / in spite of the fact that: followed by a complete sentence. They can be placed at the beginning or in the
middle of the sentence. If it is placed at the beginning we need to use a comma after the clause.
‘Although / though / even though / in spite of the fact that the pupils had not studied, they all passed their exams’.
. however, nevertheless, even so, on the one hand, on the other hand, on the contrary:
‘He was quite ill however/ nevertheless/ even so, he went to school’
. while, whereas
‘This film is very interesting, while/whereas that one is quite boring’
. As a result of:
‘As a result of his brave action, he was awarded a military medal.
First parragraph
Second parragraph
Adding information
that is (to say): es decir
in other words: en otras palabras
in short: en resumen
above all: sobre todo
all in all: en general
at least: al menos
basically: básicamente, fundamentalmente
especially: especialmente, sobre todo
essentially: esencialmente
in general: en general
in particular: en particular
more or less: más o menos
on the whole: en general
to a certain extent: hasta cierto punto
and so on: etcétera
for example: por ejemplo
for instance: por ejemplo
such: as tal(es)como
all in all: en suma
in brief: en resumen
in conclusion: Para concluir
in short: en resumen
on the whole: en general
to sum up: Para resumir
after that: después de eso
all of a sudden: de repente
Finally: Finalmente
First of all: En primer lugar
in the end: al final
in the meantime: mientras tanto
meanwhile: mientras tanto
next: luego
suddenly: de repente
then: entonces, después
while: mientras